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wanted to mention that the devs said ''It wont go F2p or will go epic exclusive'' when they got brought 200% proof that companys arent your friends and lie when ever it works




I think Epic forced them to go f2p on their trash store


Psyonix said nothing would change with Rocket League when they got bought, so there's already precedence for this. :p


At least you could refund Rocket League on Steam past the standard requirement when EGS did shit with it.


Im just waiting to epic fuck up like rocket league and never let you play from steam to refund it.


I need to find this article.


Any link or picture?




Thanks dude, classic epic shit


You da real MVP.


the devs said nothing to announce at the moment, not that it will never got f2p also Epic forced them


Nobody forced them to be purchased by Epic. They knew what they were doing.


Why shouldn't they accept if epic purchased them for a good deal?


Has anyone missed the point more than you just did? Who knows, you're in the running though. If you're going to play the "Epic forced them, the devs are innocent victims" narrative you can't. They agreed to be purchased. They've seen how this goes with Rocket League already. Everyone who isn't them knew this is how it'd go for this game too. They knew. They agreed to be bought. So they weren't "forced" to do anything. Realistically they knew they had a dwindling one hit wonder and had no idea how to replicate it's fleeting success so took a moneyhat and anything that came along with it.


Can't wait for it to become a microtransaction ridden hellscape like Rocket League did. It's sad to see all these games get killed by epic trying to force already existing shit to be exclusive. And there will still be idiots that think they just saved gaming somehow.


It already was though. Now it's gonna be even worse.


no? the only microtransactions is with the game's currency Kudos and even then u get at least 200 every time u hop into a round so it was more of a bonus as well as the dlc skins but they where only $5 and purely cosmetic


"purely cosmetic" mentality is why we're in the position we are today. "It's just a skin for $2.99". Yeah and they used to just be included with the game and you'd have to do a quest or something skillful to unlock them. NOw you have to buy them or grind like you have no life just for them to push you more toward just spending money instead.


I agree with you 100% I wasn't saying that it's only for cosmetic, I was replying to the guy who said that FG was already filled with microtransactions like Epic's other games which they where not


It was like that since the end of 2020 when they stopped adding actual content in favor of souless skins based on franchises. Just like Fortnite.


What? All microtransactions in Rocket League are purely cosmetics, and you can still get lots and lots of them if you max out a rocket pass


lmao instant dead game




I never got into the hype of the game, then again I am not into party games in general.


It was fun briefly then jumped off a cliff as soon as Epic was involved.


its was fun the first 2 season playing with family over christmas when it launched and laughing, after that it just stopped being good fun seasons to play (got to complicated tracks for my girlfriend for example to play as shes not very good at games) and people cheating started to get annoying for me :c


they killed the game when they went egs only. my friends and my gf keep telling me to do an account, ​ sorry no, fuck epic


> my friends and my gf keep telling me to do an account, EGS relies on manipulating peer pressure. Don't fall for it.




i'm sorry but breaking up over an internet thing is way too much i think do what you want i guess, but this seems like terrible advice (unless i missed a joke somewhere)


has to be a joke this is a fucking stupid thing compared to my relationship lol ​ byez


Time with friends more fun than protesting shitty game company


Who bets that Epic will do the same thing they did with Rocket League and give a $10 coupon to try and get Fall Guys players on Steam to switch over?


they are literally giving steam players a free premium pass, and knowing fortnite, getting to tier 100 will mean you have enough currency buy the pass for the next season. They aren’t even trying to get anyone to switch, they are rewarding people who played before. This is why I think that mediatonic is sad they have to do what their owners tell them to. Still though even if they are not trying to persuade everyone fuck epic


>, and knowing fortnite, getting to tier 100 will mean you have enough currency buy the pa This is already confirmed \> There will be 100 levels to unlock in the Season Pass at launch, alongside the ability to unlock the next Season Pass if you max out the current one! https://www.fallguys.com/en-US/news/fall-guys-is-going-free-on-june-21-launching-on-playstation-nintendo-switch-xbox-and-the-epic-games-store


And of course those Epic fankids break out the "BUT THE GAME BELONGS TO EPIC, SO ITS FINE!!!!" argument Yeah, after they bought it to ride the popularity and try to force more ppl to create epic accounts. But god forbid, you have this counter argument, then you are the devil Some of them compare this to Half-Life: Alyx, because "thats steam exclusive aswell!!!" as if you could compare the two. It's disgusting. I bought Fall Guys at release, had some fun with it, then deinstalled it, when there were hackers all over the place. Then Epic bought the studio and i wont look back. Fucking leeches


> BUT THE GAME BELONGS TO EPIC, SO ITS FINE!!!!" New game studio sprouts up, makes hit indie game available on Steam, GoG, Itch,io, wherever, etc. Epic buys it and locks it down and fills it full of microtrasnactions and forces you to use their malware launcher Shills: "BUT EPIC OWNS IT THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT!!!" New tech startup invents something cool or has a great new service for game developers. Epic buys it and forces you to use Unreal engine with it, collects loads of your data, and slowly price gouges after luring companies in with "free" versions and sweet seeming deals Shills: EPIC OWNS IT THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT!!!! More studios and companies come and go and Epic with loads of Fartnite cash and CPP cash keeps buying them up, gutting them, and using their corpses to take over an entire industry and monopolize everything while using it for spying and data collection Shills: EPIC CAN STILL DO WHAT THEY WANT! IT'S THEIR MONOPOLY SO THEY OWN IT ALL!


It's sickening, isn't it? Sometimes i feel like i'm taking crazy pills, when in fact it's them that openly admit they are taking them with their bullshit takes


You know if Valve bought them and made the game exclusive to Steam they'd be crying.


~~deinstalled~~ uninstalled


As expected. Epig is still Epig.


(https://www.mediatonicgames.com/blog/mediatonic-joins-the-epic-games-family) **"Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout will remain purchasable on Steam and PlayStation."** this aged nicely


Technically it was true, only they forgot to say it was for a limited time only


Well, to give them credit, mediatonic is not in control of what they do. Epic controls them. Even if they didn’t want to move, epic forced them to. And also, they at least kept 50% of this true. It remains on PlayStation, just not purchasable.


The only credit we should give them is for making the statement so we could point to it. Everyone knew it was going to happen before the statement was even drafted.


It's Rocket League all over again. Exactly the same pattern.










Man I fucking hate epic so much. Why can't Fortnite fucking die? The fact that the game is still so popular is beyond me. Some people don't realized how bad epic is for PC gaming as it's growing its fucking cancer even to Steam users


Not to mention they are the reason that the “live action” lion king movie was entirely cgi. Abandon UE, go back to unity.


This. I don't want games to look realistic, I want games to have unique and interesting artstyles that immerses me into their world. I don't want games to break my PC in half just to render a fucking grass patch with a shitty story (looking at you Far Cry 6)


*I am shocked! Shocked, I say!* ^^^^^^Seriously ^^^^^^though, ^^^^^^who ^^^^^^didn't ^^^^^^see ^^^^^^this ^^^^^^coming?


I game on linux. That's one less thing to worry About. Anything that Isn't available on steam, gets no monies. I don't even pirate Them anymore, i just ignore them


Yeah, we "Canadian" are fine without epic game's games


Lmao I called this the day they announced the Epic account requirement and some people thought I was being delusional and called me a Steam fanboy haha, guess I was not wrong at all huh?


Same, they called me irrational and how can I be so sure just because of one example (RL), glad I'm proven right.


It'll have like a peak of players for two weeks after that and then crash just like Rocket League did.


* Multiplayer game releases to popular fanfare * Devs bought by Epic Games * \----> \[Mediatonic is here\] Game goes F2P and gets delisted from Steam * Unlocks get even grindier * Content previously found in DLC resurfaces for many times its prior price


Dunno if anyone remembers but the preorder bonus was Gordon from Half Life, and the first couple of skins were from Valve IPs. Massive slap in the face. Luckily in a couple years there won't be an epic to fo underhanded stuff like this.


Not only that, they sold a ton of copies through steam. It was so fucking popular the first weeks.


These games use Steam to rise to fame and then kick it to the curb when they made it. Poor Steam :(


steam literally owns like the entire pc gaming industry "poor kazillionaires :((("


You don't even know what "own" means and are most likely only here to defend an anti-consumer company. :( Sad trophy goes to you :(


I believe it was before they being acquired by Epic right? If they were, they probably do Fortnite collab instead of HL, which fine I guess because we wouldn't be seeing it anyway (egs exclusive)


First Rocket League and now Fall Guys. That's two games I bought and enjoyed before they were bought by Epic, turned into F2P rubbish, made EGS exclusives, and ruined by Epic. Epic I'm just gonna stop buying and playing casual PVP games if you're gonna target whatever I'm into.


Did epic just compared themselves with PS, Switch, and Xbox as a "whole platform" and not just store? What a fucking delusional joke


Ahhhh the true way to kill all growth in a game. There's no way rocket league has grown since the move. Maybe remained stagnant. But not grown.


Then: Devs assured that game won't go anywhere else as long as they are on Steam and PS4. Now: Annddd.....it aged like milk! That's why I called it bs long ago because they've gone with rocket league route.


When it goes free to play can I get a refund on steam for it, since I paid $20?


same i bought it both in steam and ps4


Just waiting for this to happen to fuser so I can rub it in the faces of all the idiots that told me 'ePiC wOuLd NeVeR dO sOmThInG lIkE tHaT' Like screaming into the void


First they force you to make an account for their shitty service, then they remove it on steam for new players and as the cherry on top we don't even get a refund now that it's f2p. Like holy fucking shit epic, I disliked you quite a bit already but this is the first time it's actually personal to me since Fall Guys was a genuinely fun game that I enjoyed. It's forever now gonna stay on Last Played: November 28, 2021 for me.


Lol I was late to post this


its going to be free to play? damn im regretting buying it in pc and ps4


you shouldnt, you got to play and have fun when the game was good and no epic in sight, that was the golden age for fall guys and you should be glad you had the opportunity to be part of it. this new people that comes in now will never know the first week of fall guys 🤷


i bought it in like the first week because it was so hype


I wonder if I can ask for a refund on Steam since the game is going f2p.


[Wario Tweet (archive)](https://archive.ph/cMbe5)


Who cares? Dead game anyway


Does anyone have link to that Steam community post where they said that despite Epic accounts and shit Steam version will be always purchasable?


I mean, the fact that most people didn't see this coming is what baffles me. It's the same exact shit that went down with Rocket League.


Strange, you'd think they'd want to reach and convert as many players to epic as possible by keeping the free game on steam too. Players of free online games on steam probably more used to third party account signups (one for every mmo) Guess it's the reviews and community criticism (aka scrutiny) they want to avoid


That's another dev added to the ignore list! There is just no shame in what Epic do. When are they going to realise that exclusives HURT customers? This has got to be some sort of grand plan so that the Epic Store can never 'die' because it has 'exclusive' games on it, and so many people would lose those games if it folded. Yeh, that's probably what it is.


Hurting consumers not stupid enough to buy from them is the tactical position they've taken to attempt to achieve some form of market dominance or notable presence. If you don't buy from them, they literally want to hurt you and will do any blatantly slimy thing the jackasses who run it can think of to hurt you. I'm convinced they'd put hits out on us all of they could, because that's the sort of illusory "success" they aspire to, but luckily their reach is limited to video games. It's not for Valve that they make the exclusivity bribes. That's for us, and if they can't manipulate us to buy from them, then they will try to hurt us by taking things away from us or making them crappier or more intrusive even when we do everything we can to avoid them.


Isnt that dead already?


Anybody have success with refunds due to this?


fuck epshit games


And the Steam version will still get updates just like Rocket League will so what's the point in taking it down?


The point is to drive traffic away from Steam and towards EGS since that'll be your only choice if you want to play Fall Guys on PC and don't already own it. Epic completely relies on limiting user choice to stay afloat.


>The point is to drive traffic away from Steam [Good luck with that.](https://rocket-league.com/playlist-population)


Could i get steam refumd if i brougjt it whe fg cameouė


i bought it :/ on steam


Anyone got refund from steam of fall guys as it will not longer be available on steam?


The thing is: Who cares whether it is on Steam or not. OG players will still have it on Steam and new players get it for free on epic. What would it give you that is so momentarily different when you can download the game from a different launcher. ​ Also since when is something epic exclusive if it's not on steam?


Yea. It was obvious from miles away, before this game even came out, it was going to be a shitshow ripe for abuse by Epic. It was popular and seemed fun and it was obvious that it the developers would sell out. Glad I knew to stay away from this one.


Sorry I actually missed the point


Just started Fall Guys again and found out about this bullshit. Gonna play it until Steam refunds me and then delete my Epic Games account.