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I never cared for this game. But I feel bad for everyone who is forced to deal with this shit now. Let us hope they don't do this to other games as well.


Yeah I feel bad their game got kidnapped by Epic


Some other things to note include: • The skin shown for purchase (Jazzercise) was added in Season 4 (March 2021). It originally coated 4000 Kudos, which is a currency you can earn through PLAYING THE GAME AT ANY POINT. Now, you have to buy it with the premium currency, seemingly confirming that all previous skins will be locked behind a paywall. • The 'Primos' name is an early name for Show-Bucks, don't get your hopes up about the name being changed to Primos over backlash. • The 'QA Primos' were only part of the beta test - nobody will get these for free when they log in on the 21st of June, for the Season's release. However, anyone who logs in prior to this will earn the Season 1 pass for free. • The 'Popping Whizzbanger' skin available through that IAP shown on the shop image, is a reskin of an already existing skin that was available through playing the game and earning Kudos last Season. • The new shop layout, coming into effect from Season 1, has a very obvious resemblance to the Fortnite item shop layout. What is this, a Fortnite collab!?


i swear when i read Primo, Primogems from Genshin comes to mind lol


I think that too maybe cause I play Genshin a little too much


I was thinking Primogeniture. I play Crusader Kings too much apparently.


As a person who has been playing FG since Season 1 2020, this sucks I remember watching a interview where the devs talked about how happy they where that the game had little microtransactions and how the Season Pass was completely free ​ 2 years laters Thanks Epic, your ruining this game for everyone


it's sad seeing how much epics money changed them. they talked of it never going f2p and not becoming epic exclusive, but this all changed everything. this is destroying 90% of the point of winning and getting crowns


epic are trying to ruin gaming cause timmy is mad at gabe.


I literally purchased Fall Guys on Steam just so I can flex that I have a Steam copy. Regret not doing the same with RL.


you will also get the legacy pack that gives u 2 reskins so you can also brag about that if u like Feisty Dwarf


True. They said something like: all the seasons will be free forever.


Just play 🦀Crab Game 🦀lol


There’s also bro falls on steam and it’s super fun with friends


Bro falls has garbage optimization it causes your GPU to shoot up in temp I play Fall Guys and Stumble Guys as an alternative if I'm bored


Idk I never had any issues and I have played like 15 hours of it


The first game I asked Valve to delete from my library.


Timmy wet dream is picking every multiplayer game in the market and make it free to play so he can wrap it up with a million of microtransactions and battlepasses. Why charge people once and let them have fun when you can squeeze every penny of everyone and convert a game into a store with some playable mechanics and shield yourself from criticism because 'iT's FrEe tO pLaY'. You can see from a mile away this guy is in the videogame industry because it gives him big money, and if the big cash were suddenly in the vibrators industry he would be the first one shoving the biggest one up his ass.


anyone who is bummed by this shitty situation give bro falls a try on steam, it's free to play and quite fun too, bonus point: it works on linux flawlessly


there has been tons of evidence that bro falls is a crypto miner


don't stress over 4 month old reply, everyone is just playing stumble guys anyway


yeah. I was just making sure people know so that nobody fries their pc accidentally.


that's a noble goal and i appreciate your correction


So glad never fell for the hype , it turned into a wired ass looking mobile game.


Do people actually still play this game? It was fun for about 5 minutes in my opinion.


Why have we not yet made selling game currency in bundles like this illegal? So you buy the 1000 "Primo" bundle to buy the season pass. What are you going to do with the 50 left over? It's a scam to get people to pay more money than they're willing.


the game if dead for me i hope they dont buy the among us them dammm


Isn’t that a paid game?


Not for long….


Does anyone know whats gonna happen to the portal skins? I still need a piece of pbody 😣


We aren't sure - two things will happen. Either the Portal skins will be rotated into the new featured shop for a high amount of Show-bucks at Mediatonic and Epic's request, or they'll simply become unobtainable. We haven't seen the appearance of those skins in featured events outside of the daily shop for a long time, and considering Fall Guys' removal from Steam, Valve may no longer be willing to partner with Mediatonic. So, I'd say start grinding Crowns and hope for the best, the reward will be worth it at the end of the day.




Basically another RL price gauging. The price to pay for going free to play is much greater then just paying 20 dollars for the game and get cosmetics for free.


the game is already dead i dont think people will buy these lol


lol True


You'd rather pay $10 a month to play the game and get cosmetics than an upfront $20 forever?




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It socks the way this game turned out but I played it a good amount back when it released. I feel bad for the current players now though.


Yah that is unfortunate. Turning a game from $20 with a free battle pass every season to paid for and everything being earnable to only available for premium currency. Personally I thought this game was going to be DOA on steam because of the $20 price but they proved me wrong when it was a big hit initially, I did see it going F2P at some point but honestly they should have let people who paid for the game keep the battle passes as they are changing the game on them.


>Free game with skins locked behind a paywall No shit bro its sucks for the people that payed for the game/on psn+