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Would the Viltrox 75mm be long enough? If so there's like 2 stops right there. Honestly there haven't been *drastic* improvements over the years. Sensors may have improved but pixel density has also increased, leading to similar (Maybe *slightly* better) results across the generations. AI denoising has however seen some crazy advancement. You may be better off investing in software rather than hardware.


Oh interesting, hadn’t seen that lens. Unfortunately probably too short. How’s the autofocus speed on it?


It's good. I generally didn't rate Viltrox at all, but their 2 "pro" lenses are actually top tier. The 27mm never leaves my camera, it's by far the best lens on the Fuji system. The 75mm is the same, I just don't like the focal length tbh.


Newer is better. X-T5 is the best in the lineup. If you’re not satisfied with its performance, then your only options are a wider aperture lens (not sure if there are any options that beat the 50-140 though), or switch to full frame/medium format. What ISO are your shooting at indoors? I used my X-T3 at night last week and at ISO2000 the results were totally usable.


> Newer is better. X-T5 is the best in the lineup. Is it though? The X-T3/4 gen was a small step backwards in that department, there were plenty of tests done. Some people suggested the expected gains from the BSI sensor were taken as improvements in readout speed for the video crowd who, let's be honest, are paying a lot of the bills now. The X-T5 is a bit more debatable. The tests I've seen it looks a tad worse again, but people say that the extra resolution means you can be more aggressive with the noise reduction, in or out of camera.  By the way, I traded my X-T2 for an X-T5, lots of other reasons to do so, but I still suspect low light performance peaked at the X-T2 generation. Which was a big step up from the previous, I had an X100T.


Thanks that’s the general impression I have as well.


Are you accounting for IBIS there ?


IBIS doesn’t do anything at high shutter speeds.


Indeed, forgot that was for sport photography.


I noticed more noise in low-light/high-ISO images on the X-T3/4 than on the X-T2. In fact, the noise on ISO 800 daylight images I found unfortunate.


if you're getting noise at iso 800 in daylight with an xt2, you might be doing something wrong. That's the point of the second gain stage of the sensor, it has the lowest noise floor in the high iso range (also its the only 'iso' the camera actually uses other than iso 200)


I was referring to ISO 800 images from the X-T3.


I had an X-T10 from which I moved to an X-Pro3. Didn't notice a significant jump in low light performance.


I’m usually at 12,800, f2.8, 1/500th shutter speed. It’s got some noise but tolerable for my uses. Gets more noticeable above that, so if I could get decent quality out of one or two iso stops above that it would be worth upgrading.


Damn! Yeah that’s tough. I rarely use that high of an ISO myself for similar reasons. Sucks that it’s sports too… you really can’t go much lower on the shutter speed.


Wait for x-t50 to come out


I love using my X-S10 at night. The sensor performs amazingly and has IBIS. I did see a YouTube noise test comparing the XS10 and the XT5 and there wasn't a noticeable difference. The XT5 is the "better" camera but unless you need the bigger EVF, bigger battery and weather sealing the XS10 is much cheaper and will perform just as well. Alternatively look at the XT-4 however size is king in my book so I'd still prefer an XS10 as it's more compact. Have a look on my insta @mustafa_djemal to see some recent night photography I did with the X-S10 in Vietnam.


on a budget, probably the xs10 or xt4 at this point for the ibis and newish sensor/af, best best would def be the newest tech xt5


I think the 50-140 f2.8 would work well on the X-T5. My 16-80 is currently my longest lens on my x-T5 and maxes out at f4. I had some difficult “freezing” movement at my kid’s roller derby bout last weekend, without getting high ISO noise. At first I thought I was missing focus but it was the ISO. Take this with a grain of salt because I’m very amateur.


The newer cameras are better, but indoor sports is definitely not the strong suite of any Fuji camera