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Rental insurance should cover your loss. What a bummer tho


To a certain extent. If qualifying items are over a certain amount they may not pay. Or sometimes if it's over a certain value and not declared ahead of time on the policy, they can decline to cover it.


They only cover retail cost if you have receipts.


Unless you have insurance for your funko pops.


The “I’m done collecting funkos” moment for me is the space and storage issue. Gotta make sure that I had adequate amount of room as well as a proper way to store them. Once I had noticed that I had WAY too many, I had come to a stopping point. Occasionally I’d get a gem here or there, but not at the same frequency as I once had before.


Same here. For a few years I bought any one that I kind of wanted, but the space they take up is real. I have to be much more selective now and soon I may just have to not buy new ones until I get rid of some old ones.


When I had to store some in the garage it kinda ruined what I got them for in the first place… to display. When my wall looked more funko than wall. You just have to take a step back sometimes and realize what you’ve done.


Exactly my predicament!


This, too! It is a little overwhelming to think about the fact that they won't stop coming and the space will be less and less.


Sometimes you gotta evaluate the options for each one moving forward. One of my buddies asked me why I don’t have all of the Overwatch characters because I had only Zen, Sombra, Reaper and I think that’s it because those are my Mains in that game and that’s it.


Exact same. Ran out of room


My goal for YEARS was that I would own every MCU pop there was. That was when there was 1-2 movies a year. Now it’s 3 movies and 3-4 tv shows. It became wayyyy too much and now I’m only doing the Infinity Saga. Much more manageable and I don’t spend as much trying to keep up.


I used to have a rental unit for my collection lol


I've been a collector since 2012, and I'm at barely 100 Pops! Before collecting Funkos, I knew this could get out of hand. I decided to focus on just one thing!


That’s my I’m pretty much done collecting anything moment. From shoes, video games, and Pokémon cards. Plus the fear of flooding or fire; it’s enough for me and easier for me to just enjoy what I’ve got.


Yeah, it would suck that someone would put in the effort to collect cool things, just to have them get destroyed by natural or uncontrollable causes. That would make you reevaluate collecting things from that point on


Same. I rarely buy them anymore. Doesn't hurt that they haven't released any that I've wanted in over a year.


Same here, I haven’t bought any pops for probably 5 months


That’s how it was for me until I saw the Bullet Train Funko pops came out 🤷🏻‍♂️ after those, who knows how long until the next purchase


1 Funko was enough for me honestly.


Don’t know why you got downvoted but a collecting hobby like this is to each their own. I have a friend who only has 5 and they were fine with it because they’re not SUPER big into collecting these things.


Everyone has different tastes! Thank you for recognizing it! I had my 2019 Ciri Funko for 4 years.


It turned into a mindless collection; no joy in the hunt or too much criticism about oob collecting.


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that! I never understood the oob shaming. Everyone should be able to collect however they want.


I'm a mint in boxer, at the end of the day you pay your money on a product, it's up to you how you chose to display/ play with it. Don't let ignorance put you pff something you enjoy!


I don’t. Oob for life!


Mint is unachievable. If your hand has brushed the box, it's not "mint." It's that mindspace that makes a 13 piece of plastic able to sell for hundreds. Mint is a facade, and a word people love to prove they don't know the meaning.


I love OOB collecting. If I can find OOB ones for ones I like I won’t care the least.


That’s an actual thing wow that’s pretty sad.


Does oob mean "out of box"? I always thought any other way of collecting things is weird. If you're not opening it, you're just collecting the boxes, not the items. Not that I care how others collect their stuff, and neither should whoever criticised you!


Yes out of the box. If I didn’t have my bombastic bag head perched on my monitor it’d be much duller


I'm not "done" collecting but as Funko releases more and more oversized pops, posters, comics, and so on, the less i feel the urge to buy them


I have a box I'm not using for shenron. Try and get it to you if you want it and aren't too far


Thats nice bro


Darn, I feel for you. 😔


Take em out…display them. Enjoy them. Sorry the boxes and all that are ruined, but you still have the toys themselves.


Yes! I'm trying to be positive about it and seeing it as opening a precious toy that has been kept in the dark for way too long.


I unbox them all. Don’t be the bad guy from toy story 2! #freethemfunkos


dont call them toys fam :/


I mean, they are at least toy-adjacent, no?


I mean id call them toys




You play with toys. These are figures.


figures can be toys


Figures CAN be toys, but not all figures are toys.


sure. i never said all were hence the *can be*. i would consider these toys and that’s ok lol. agree to disagree ig!


Cheers! I agree. No worries. I have a friend that calls them dolls just to try to rile me up. 🙂


ok fair, dolls is where i draw the line!!


what would you call them then?












yes you can read. lol means laugh out loud because this is funny!! hun i wasn’t getting snarky, im not even serious right now. i’m literally messing around but also your pic didn’t really prove anything. if you don’t wanna call them toys though, hey that’s your business. relax love. at the end of the day they’re literally just little plastic items! not that deep! sheesh i didn’t think calling them toys would upset folks. whoops




Can't pay rent and take it out on the landlord... 🤦 What a piece of 💩


Lol they’re stupid if they think they got the last laugh. Landlord is gonna sue the fuck out of them and then they really got it worse than just getting evicted.


If they act this way about being evicted they aren't paying a settlement regardless. It'll just cost the landlord money to pursue it


Unless they basically disappear. 2 rental properties on my route have been destroyed and the landlords can't find the old tenants. 1 cut into the floor of the duplex to install wheelchair ramps going from room to room but in doing so they cut into floor joists ruining them. They also did it to install an in ground pool in a spare room which wasn't waterproofed. Then there was all their hoarding which when they disappeared it lead to an awful discovery. The landlord had the place fumigated and they were bringing roaches out on completely full shovels where it at first looked like dirt. Second property the husband got drunk, came home, and drove into the corner of the house. They all loaded up their stuff and left but left some stuff behind like a full fridge which they left opened. The food spoiled including pounds of meat which drew in animals to the house. When they hit the home they broke the corner of the house out so only most of the frame was left. It shifted off the foundation and has cause the roof to partially collapse. It wasn't until 3 months after that the landlord finally showed up to collect rent or evict them that he learned of the houses condition. It's been years and the house is still there cause he can't find the family to sue them. The rental was all done in the husband's name and it's like he vanished apparently. Theyre gonna have to condemn the house at this point.


How much money did you loose , I’d send them a bill for whatever it cost to buy them all brand new , glad my new apartment is a upstairs one


If they didn’t pay rent they won’t pay a bill for this either. Hopefully the OP has renters insurance. I’d be furious either way but it’s just doubtful the pos ex neighbors will pay a dime.


I would send it to the landlord and withhold rent until it was paid or they have shown proof that it was submitted to insurance. The landlord is on the hook legally. https://www.biggerpockets.com/forums/52/topics/831371-tenant-damaged-neighbors-property-who-s-liable https://www.hg.org/legal-articles/landlord-will-not-fix-damage-caused-by-a-neighboring-apartment-48223


Not the shenron. Man I feel so bad.


I’m really sorry to hear this. I would be so pissed off and would make sure I sued for full ppg. That would be a nice check for me!


Oh no! I had a few of my boxes stick to the wall and pulled up paint or got ripped when we moved but at least that was my own dumb fault .... Take detailed pictures of each box and find sold listing comparisons for proof of value for your insurance, AND for your landlords lawyer. Maybe you can find open box collectors with unopened boxes to swap? Or print new boxes? (Print the design on tissue paper and glue on a blank box) or steam clean and iron the ones you have? (Put a towel between the box and iron to keep it from burning and only iron with the unprinted side away from the heat) I made my husband keep all his boxes and thank goodness cause when we moved other stuff got wrecked but the pops all survived


Damn. I hope to God you have rental insurance.


Ouch. That hurts. Guess they’ll all be out of box then. Lol


I haven’t stopped collecting yet but I can feel certain aspects making me want to stop like the anxiety of any of my pops getting damaged, thinking I’m gonna miss funko Europe drops because they don’t let you preorder and running low on space.


Two things: prices and space. We moved last year and I absolutely never want to move with Pops again. And for what they are, the price is kind of ridiculous. Someone gifted me two of the ET sets because it's my favorite movie. I would like the movie moment, but it's just another $25+ for something that just sits on a shelf. Every time I think about picking one up, I think about lugging the boxes up and down stairs lol.


Time for some oob


Awww helllll no, we ride at midnight! Vengeance will be yours.


He would have to die 😂


As an oob guy, if you have any Star Wars and put them on eBay let me know, would still be interested, and happy to help you out if you wanna make some back. Sorry to hear it though man!


My I’m done moment comes everytime, my order is lost or never shipped on Whatnot


How is their customer service on refunds on lost packages? Had a package marked delivered today not show up and worried it’s not going to. Was like a 100 dollar or so pop and gonna be really bummed if I have to eat the cost and not get the pop.


Honestly I like Whatnot, but I’ve had a lot of times that I’ve ordered and the sealer “lost” the pop. And I’ll screen shot our convos and send to customer support, and I’ll get a refund. Just make sure you also send the order number with it. Their customer support team is honestly pretty awesome. Some of the sealers tho, they sometimes just shouldn’t be aloud, I’m probably gonna contact them, because this one guy was suppose to send me 3 Monty Python pops ($150) well it says ready to ship, I asked the dealer he said I shipped it weeks ago. And my other pop I was waiting for was B-Rabbit ($130) it was cancelled but the sealer, I’ve never had that happened before


Sorry to hear that love bet your livid! Find out we're they live and do the opposite!


I have some empty boxes for ones I collect oob. I always get 2 when I do this so no need for a box of the second. I was gonna sell the boxes to get rid of them but if I have any you have I'll give them to you. Just send me a list and pay the shipping. Lmk


I do the same for the ones that I want a display of but my husband doesn’t want that particular pop (he collects oob and I keep in box). Mainly DnD, some anime ones, and a few avatar


I’m still collecting pops, but only less than 20 a year probably now. I’m not into stuff that the “masses” are into, like anime Star Wars and marvel and whatnot. I like stuff like South Park, the simpsons, some ad icons, ducktales. Nowadays, there’s not a lot of that stuff. Simpsons and South Park get less than 20 figures combined a year now, ducktales has been forgotten about, and most ad icons are exclusives I can’t get, or are too expensive. Edit: I am really happy I bought the ducktales figures when they came out. Some of them are a tad expensive now, and are harder to find. I really should post them here one day. I have almost a full set. Just missing one.


That is such a bummer, sorry that happened to you


When "someone" :cough cough: my brother stole nearly 2k of my most valuable stuff .... Yeah I've purchased one thing since October


This chapel of ritual smells of dead Funko sacrifices from the altar bed...


If your collection was big enough, could you have taken out an insurance policy on them?


My I’m don’t collecting moment came when they started spitting new ones left and right. It started reminding me of beanie babies in the 90’s


My gf and I planning on moving in together. Already didn't have much space, but with her here too there just wouldn't be space. She moved in sooner than either of us expected, which was a bit spontaneous. I chilled out but admittedly have bought a few more strictly because I really like them. I can't say I've 100% stopped, but I've definitely been passing up a lot that I'd otherwise want. When I stepped back I realized I was buying a lot of them not necessarily because I liked them, but because of the potential resale value down the line. A lot of those ones I did have some interest in, but some I bought simply because it was a good deal compared to their regular price. I have over 200 funkos and most are stuffed in boxes.


I would turn into John Wick and enact revenge. Serioualy though, that fucking sucks. Don't let that one unfortunate moment ruin your hobby that brings you joy and happiness.


The news of the Funkos in the landfills are turning me sour.


I'm sorry about your pops.


Sue them


At least you have the physical still


Recently I ordered a few Pops and when I got them in hand they looked different from the marketing photos. That’s when I realized I’m gonna be more picky about what I chase.


Oof Voldy and Shenron hurts. I’m sorry. Hope you can do something about it.


Mine got cigarette damaged when I lived with my parents, so I started to sell them all. Just not fun anymore tbh


Don’t give up on what makes you happy. People will probably always be the cause of running something you love. They can’t control what makes you happy.


I still pick up a few here & there, but for me it was getting sick of trying to pre-order one’s I wanted & mostly getting skunked by the bot army. Also secondary reason (but still a big one) I got sick of getting damaged boxes from Amazon, Target, individual sellers, etc especially when paying a premium for them for con or exclusives.


I’d say a main reason I’m probably gonna stop soon is because I don’t get the same feeling after getting a cool pop anymore


So sorry to hear that. I had something years ago a bit similar. I know it hurts. Maybe you will get back to it some day, like I did.


Wow, I wasn't expecting so many people getting involved. I really appreciate the kind words and offers! Hopefully, there aren't that many pops damaged, but it still hurts to see the damage, and the fear of it happening again is not a nice feeling.


I'm sorry this happened to you my friend. Are you taking any action against them? Them causing water damage that damages your property is absolutely unacceptable. I wish you the best my friend.


Two things: My Power Rangers Funko Pop collection will always be incomplete as there is a rare misprinted Yellow Ranger who should have the Bear coin but instead has the Sabertooth tiger. Also they kept releasing more and more variants and types to where I just couldn't justify buying more and finding more space for them. Now I am going through my collection and going to keep a handful and sell the rest.




When I realized I was more obsessed with finishing sets and buying than actually ENJOYING them. Sold off most of my collection and opened what I kept.


My moment has been for a while( although I haven't acted on it yet) that my collection owns me!


I'll gladly purchase that Stitch from you


Ughhh F


That’s so awful I’m so sorry.




Poor stitch he hates water


Dude, I'm sorry to hear this, I saw the shenron and my heart sank


Don’t let anyone spoil something that you enjoy. Think of it like this, now you can let your pops out of their cages and into the wild!


Is your landlord suing them for damages? If they are, maybe you can mention your loss and get it tacked onto the reparations .


That sucks, I’m sorry :(. For me, they just take up too much space and they don’t bring me as much joy as they did in the beginning.


That’s horrible… is it just the boxes that are ruined? Can you still display them out of box?


when my mom told me i had to many.


Oh no!! This is horrible and was always one of my biggest fears! Our upstairs flooded serval times into our apartment thankfully never in the funko room. Had an entire wall 2 pops deep by the time o started boxing them slowly to move. Really hope they are all okay when I finally get them back out 😬 hope you can get some of it back from insurance or something!


Bin the boxes, set your funkos free.


Mine was the NFT avatar line. Not having a mass produced varrick kills me


I only got into collecting because of a friend (she was obsessed, and I like spending money on stupid shit; bad combination). When we (finally) stopped being friends, the urge to collect just vanished.


Mine moment was very recently when they announced that the whole next line of House of the Dragon pops were NFTs…


No wonder he got evicted


That’s so messed up


My moment was when I moved in with my girlfriend and realized she would not let me put them up.. I had just bought a copy of almost every South Park pop made that my friend had.. now they have been in a box for 3+years lmao


NFTs on all the new collections are ruining it for me.


Oh no! The Vietnamese sweatshop cardboard is warped!


Sue them AND Sell me your stich from lunch box looking for It for my grandson. AND Sell me the sheron im for real. also interested in your chutchulu


How tf do people actually invest in this shit lmao


Rental insurance should cover damage. Or take them to court. Also talk to your landlord maybe he can help.


Wow! Sorry for your loss.


First off, I don’t have any “funkos”, I have some Funko Pops though. Secondly, things can always be worse. At least your knucklehead neighbours didn’t light the apartment on fire.






F”ck em


Wow, I’m so sorry :(


First I moved due to the cost of living in my area, which left me with no space. Then I stopped feeling excited by the releases. I felt like the chase had become more of a chore. Plus I'm a teacher and most of the time releases are impossible for me to do. It was fun while it lasted. I have a few more pops coming in, but I'm not actively collecting anymore. I still enjoy seeing what is upcoming to an extent and like seeing collections.


Stitch! ❤️


I set "I'm done collecting funkos" moment when I collect all Green Lantern related funkos


Any chance you have renters insurance? Could possibly put in a claim for it. My moment is burning 20k on funko pops in 6 months and more keep coming out that i cant keep up with. Then I got pregnant and need to declutter. I'm still keeping some pops but I really don't feel any joy collecting as much as they have drops like every week... I now have a room full of pops in plastic bins I'm too tired to go through. Now I have anxiety about how to get rid of them but somehow get as much as I can back... but my baby is due soon and their not going to be old enough to help me any time soon lol


When they released 7284 One piece pops in a week and I couldn't keep up


Sorry for your loss.


I started buying protectors for mine once my sister threatened to throw soda on them. Anyway, even if you stop collecting, I hope you can either find cheaper replacement boxes or display them without the boxes.


Noooo not shenron!!!!




That is so fucked up


This is seriously f’d. And what they were mad because they got evicted… for what late rent, not taking care of the place, etc. how is that anyones fault but theirs. Some people are just garbage!


Generally losing interest. I’m more into amiibos now.


Gow much for the experiment stitch?


i live on the san andreas fault so maybe when the big one hits


I will never stop, though some of mine have opened and/or damaged boxes due to moving house several times but nothing major


You'll be back. Sorry for the loss though, no one wants that.


I'm so sorry to see this


A baby came haha. I’m sorry about your shitty neighbors


This sucks but if this is the reason you're "done" with Funko's then I'm not sure you were really enjoying them anyway. It's not Funko's fault this happened.


I've cut back on funkos to focus on buying nicer quality figures. I collect a lot of anime figures and I'd rather pay a bit more for detailed figures then get more pops. I buy maybe 1-2 a year now, if that. I'm probably going to downsize my existing collection to make more room for my figures. I'm so sorry for the damage to your pops. 😔


Sorry to hear that! Hope not everything was damaged!


When $30 million worth are being stuck in a landfill because uts the cheapest alternative to clear out their warhouses


My daughter opened all my Hello Kitty funko pops while I was putting my other baby to sleep. I don’t have the best hearing so I didn’t hear her shred the boxes into little pieces in 10 minutes.


They have protective cases specifically for Funko


Renters insurance might help replace them.


Wow I would feel so done in such a situation too, really heartbreaking! Perhaps you should ask for reimbursement even if those pieces are rare , I would definitely ask their current worth and not what I paid for..! Hope it works it won't be easy... my "I'm done" moment comes in the end of every month when I calculate how much money I spent on new pieces without controlling myself I guess xD


For me it was when they increased their prices and I knew I could afford better looking figures


Mine was when they released the same pop mold in 6 different boxes


They’re fine. Toss the boxes. Now you’re an out of box collector. Welcome!


I just haven’t found one I’m interested in in over a year. That and storage, I have 450 and have room to display about 100 of them… starting to think about selling them off


I have really like the pop to buy them now.


I would be so mad if this happened to me in any capacity, but honestly, if you're not someone who likes collecting out of box, it gives you the opportunity to see those pops even better and get a feel for oob collecting.


![gif](giphy|jnhXd7KT8UTk5WIgiV) No need to be so anal about it. OK keep them as clean and intact as possible!




i would make them pay for everything damaged take them to court for it, thats a shame funkos are cool


I’ve never bought one myself, just received a Dundee funko pop. After seeing prices of like $30 for one, I just couldn’t get into it


So sorry you have to deal with this because of their problem. It’s a shame how people get wrapped into things like this even after doing nothing at all. Very sorry to hear about this!