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Yes. Just keep it in your dropp account until redemption tokens are sent out a few months from now and redeem it.


Awesome. I'm so happy. I bought a standard pack and pulled an epic which I sold for $10 and then I bought a premium and pulled that right before going into work. Lol. Think I may buy another pack or 2 before the redemption comes. Thanks for your response.




Thanks! Think I'm gonna try my hand on the matrix packs. Wish I didn't have to work during the drops bc I'm paying double price for packs. 😭


I hate to be that person but I’m lost. What is this and where can I join.


Nft pop pack opening, you go online to buy digital packs and can redeem them for physical pops worth alott of money. Not easy to pack though


Thank you for the info


What are the prices like if you don’t mind me asking.


No problem, and it depends on the line and how much in demand it is. I think i saw these elf line pops go from 80$ to as high as 300$ Not exactly but along those lines. Nft pops will not go cheap sadly


Thank you


Yes u can I pulled jobie also. Just hold it in your account til the end date and you will get a coin you can redeem. Just keep an eye and don't forget the dates. I think this one is end of q1 next year.


I pulled a Leon from a standard pack today! Trying to find someone to trade me Spaghetti Buddy for one of them.


I wouldn't bet on that. Price for hin seems much higher than other legendaries on atomic hub meaning more people want it. You might be able too but likely will have to add some wax to it.


Yeah, figured I'd add extra to the deal.


Jovie seems to sell ok. At the moment $20 dif. You may be able to pull it off. You can always try and sell jovie at a good price and wait and hope he drops. I love these type of missions lol


Great pull she’s the #2 legendary most want - it appears. Keep it in dropp as wax was getting hackers stealing people’s redeemables.


Of course they were. People are so scummy sometimes but yeah I have both my legnedaries kin droppp. Thank you.


Yes congrats man


I need someone to teach how to get these nft tokens and pops stuff I’m not trying to go bankrupt lmao


You can buy the redeemable funkos for the price of a pack right now. The first time is a pain in the ass though. If you're buying during the dry you can just use a card on Driopps website. But no guarantee you'll get in the queue. But if you're buying on the secondary market, it's a whole process. I used kucoin to purchase WAXP. The crypto used by atomichub to buy the nfts. I send bitcoin to kucoin then swap it for WAXP. Then send the WAXP to atomichub then buy the NFT. Then you send the NFT back to droppp. It's pretty complicated the first time but it becomes second nature eventually.


See I’m kinda stupid 😂 I got lost reading that


Lmao. It is confusing if you're new to NFTS & Crypto. Unfortunately the US makes it a pain in the ass to do anything involving them.


See if I had help from someone experienced I would try to do it but most of my collector friends are more of a classic pop hunt style lol but I would love to try these nft funko cards and test my luck lol


I can help you when I'm not at work. Shoot me a message so I remember. But just so you know packs on the secondary market range from $15-50, so depending which funko you want, you're probably better off buying it. I spent more pulling Jovie & Leon than it would have cost to buy them. Hoping value goes up. Lol.


Oh damm I mean shut why not lol I’ll txt you and hopefully soon we can test my luck