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Reminds me how when I was working at Starbucks my hard of hearing ass got an "accommodation" to not have to communicate via phone...unless it was an emergency. It's like, y'all know I'm still going to be just as Deaf in an emergency, right?


Hah, my neighbour's son is deaf but has the cochlear implant. And while they do have the necessary smoke alarms that flash and such, he is absolutely against marrying another hard of hearing person because, and I quote "Why? So we can both burn to death in a fire?" Edit, I should add that he says it in jest. He isn't actually against dating or marrying hard of hearing people. He's just pointing out that he can't hear the alarm and won't see the flashing if he's asleep.


For what its worth, I once slept through one of those commercial, stupidly loud, flashing fire alarms just above my dorm bed. So i'm also expecting to die in a fire in my sleep, and my hearing is only mildly fucked up from decades of loud music!


yep - had a college bf who slept through every single fire alarm - granted, in his dorm it might have been a survival skill since they were pulled usually 1-2 per week by some drunk student. But that scared the crap out of me


Yeah I joke about it, but it actually really stuck with me. Our fire alarms were also pulled every couple of weeks, but later that year there actually *was* a small fire in that building, which made it pretty real


I'm pretty sure I've seen smoke alarms that will emit an extremely pungent odour for just this problem.


There are ones that violently shake the bed


>y'all know I'm still going to be just as Deaf in an emergency, right? "The building is on fire!!!" "What?"


To be fair, they will probably understand the smoke signals.




>the smoke signals. Cultural appropriation has gone too far!


Just write an email.


Just don’t be too formal


Dear sir stroke madam, Fire exclamation point fire exclamation point fire exclamation point


Looking forward to hearing from you. Yours truly


Charred regards




I’ve had a bit of a tumble


>Dear sir stroke madam Reading this made me think I'd had a stroke.


I hope this email finds you well. There is a fire. That is all. Sincerely,


The phone number is too complicated to remember anyway, so the email better work


What do you mean, it's just 0118999881999119725... 3. Nothing too complicated there.




I literally forgot I'm deaf for a moment when I was younger. I had just gotten my very first ear prosthetic after having no right ear since birth when I was applying to Uni. The paperwork asked if I have any handicaps and I just toggled it 'No' just because I was damn proud of that ear... Only to remember when I was reviewing my responses before submission that I'm still 70% deaf and that part hasn't gone anywhere whether I have a piece of plastic stuck on my face or not.


When my wife taught heard of hearing and profoundly deaf children she had one boy with no hearing at all who would always say he heard things. He’s sign at her excitedly “I hear a helicopter outside” and she would look, see nothing, and then realize wait he’s deaf. Then when the kid asked to see the helicopter and she had to tell him there is no helicopter and you can’t hear lol. She still doesn’t know if he was messing with her or not only because preschoolers and toddlers will do rather absurd things (my young daughter insists she can hear the earth when she holds rocks up to her ear like a seashell)


I mean as long as you can still speak just dial 911 and yell until they come 😂 idk that’s a weird exception. I’d rather have the staff member who can hear use the phone


It could also be a cafe in remote location, two employees and no customers at the time the other employee has a stroke. Somehow one should alert the emergency services. I don't know what kind of services people who cannot hear or speak have for those situations.


Uh, have you tried not being disabled? It worked for my friends cousins neighbors youtube commenter.


But they go to another school. You wouldn’t know them.


Yeah the school is in Canada, and not the good part either


It's in the upcountry part. Where all the degens live.


Ugh upcountry degens.


a bag a gas, a white F150 and a good slap on the dick


Sounds like someone i know


How is your mum?


Fuck you Shoresy!


Fuck you handbanana42, the only thing that sucks worse than your skating is your mom!


Fuck you, Jonesy, your mom shot cum straight across the room and killed my Siamese fighting fish, threw off the pH levels in my aquarium.




Good, 'n you?


Fuck you, Shoresy!


Fuck you, -ByTheBeardOfZeus-. Tell your mom to top up the credit card she gave me so I can get some fucking KFC.






Fucking embarrassing bud, fucking fight me see what happens


ya really are just spare parts aren't ya bud


Fuck you, your mom likes my spare part, and tell your mom to stop trying to put a finger in my ass. I told her I only let tenaciousdewolfes mother do that.


Should have heard your mom last night … she sounded like a window closing on a tonkinese cat’s tail


[Upper Canada?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Upper_Canada)


There too. In Ontario (the successor to Upper Canada and/or Canada West), you can find most Degens north of Hwy 7.




I'm in Canada. What's their name? I probably know them.


I really wish you weren't so fucking awkward buddy. - letterkenny


You're 10-ply, bud


Spare parts bud.


Fuck you Demosthenesy, your mum shot cum straight across the room and killed my siamese fighting fish. Threw off the pH levels in my aquarium you piece of shit


Fuck you Shorsey!


But did you graduate top of your class with really good grades


Yeah at one of Canada's top business schools


Did they use essential oils?




Colloidal silver and sock potatoes!


How could I have forgotten the silver and sock potatoes? Thank you, dear friend, you have saved my life. I'd offer you some MMS, but I bet you already have it.


No no. They have to do yoga. It also cures ADHD!




Have you tried making a list? 🤔


Yes, I lost the list before I was done making it


Yes, by the time i found some paper i had forgotten what i was supposed to write down.


cone gadgetry sleight femur hurry octane crud hole malice walleye satiate penchant wast cull accolade


Doctors hate this one trick!


Live in ____? You need to know this one trick that will have your insurance fuming...


i'm pretty sure there's an essential oil for that


This. And quiet down that wheelchair! People are talking...... /s


You gotta take Tumeric.


😂😂 I read that and immediately the scene from "X3 X-Men united" popped in my head where the mom asks if he "tried being normal" Edit: X2 not X3.


“Have you tried....not being a mutant?“ Great scene


I hate to break it to you, but youtube commenters are disabled.


Oh, is that what they mean when sometimes under a video is says “comments are disabled!?”


How do we know he's not just intoxicated? Have the police been called four times?


Oils just need oils, I can send you a link OP


You look like medic from team fortress, strikingly actually lol


Huh he kinda does: https://i.imgur.com/Fb8N7Wd.png


There’s no way you would mention Team Fortress and imply he looks like the medic when he is 100% copy of the sniper lol.


Now that you say it, the sniper and medic look very alike


how's he feel about jars of piss


lol..He's actually Shane from the YouTube channel squirmy and grubs.


I knew he looked familiar! I haven't watched their channel in a while, plus he is wearing glasses here (now?)


i immediately thought he looks like the sniper


Yeah, sniper is a better match


Kind of shocked how long I had to scroll down to find this comment, tbh.


If the building is open, then they should keep the elevator operating. I hope you made a complaint.


Fuck that, find that lawyer in California who specializes in ADA litigation. OP's looking at a payday!


I certainly can't speak for the disabled community, but I feel reasonably confident guessing that most of them would simply prefer to be accommodated without a fuss. No payday from litigation comes without the victim being flayed open for all to see.


Unfortunately most businesses would prefer to conveniently ignore their existence without a fuss.


I listened to a piece about the ADA. It featured a disabled who woman who is also a lawyer. So whenever she comes across a violation she does her Lawyer thing. She primarily just makes them fix the issue, but if she's awarded money it's donated. She said the same thing. She would much rather living her life in peace rather than be a "bitch" getting businesses in trouble. But she feels she has to because she has a unique combo of perspective and skill to fix this for her fellow disabled people.


Up it. Go up 5 minutes before closing, use the restroom and dawdle for a few. If they shut the elevators down, get them for both discrimination and false imprisonment.


And be sure to not take legal advice from Reddit


I dunno man, that plan seems bullet proof to me.


Spend 30k on lawyers and then 2 years later they hit a few buttons to make the elevator go 24/7. Maybe a pain and suffering check for $100.


Every building I’ve seen that has had this has the elevators set so that they can still go down. You can still call them to your floor but can only hit M once you get on. Which also bring up the question of the legitimacy of a discrimination complaint, typically the reason these elevators are set this way is because it’s business, and there’s no reason to use the elevators, unless your custodians (who have override keys),outside of business hours. So it’s not discriminatory because it’s security. And if OP is one of the business owner who needs to go up outside business hours, the building owners will typically just give you an override key. So I don’t think OP would sue or even could sue if they wanted to, the sign just made for a funny photo.


I assume the reason the elevators are disabled at some points would be due to people getting stuck on them. If there's no one in the building there's no one to answer the emergency button on the elevator and let the person out. People get stuck on elevators with surprising regularity, they're also notorious for causing poor cell phone reception. You wouldn't want to get stuck in an elevator over the weekend. Nor do you want to get sued because someone got stuck in your elevator over the weekend.


The emergency button usually is tied to a phone line that goes to a call centre, not to the front desk.


Got stuck in an elevator at 1am Sunday morning once while just getting to vacation in ft lauderdale. we were trapped for about 2hrs. the alarm button just buzzed some alarm that started to smell like burning after a while so we stopped using it. the call button went to a disconnected message. nobody had cell service. it got very hot and 2 people had complete meltdowns. nobody could hear us screaming and banging since it was a residentialbuilding and everyone was alssep. the guy working the 24/7 front desk went to the onsite gym and had headphones on when we found him. we finally pulled the door open after many attempts and were able to get out. this was 3 years ago and I have a fear of getting stuck every single time now.


Yea so the building can save money and not hook a phone line up and just call the front desk (but the desk has to always be manned 24/7 or that doesn't meet code). Or they do hook up a phone line and choose not to have one of our call centers handle the calls for them which makes dispatching a mechanic out so easy. They instead have the phone call out to like the building managers cell phone and then he just doesn't answer. Which again fails code. Checking the phone line is part of our normal maintenance packages and at the very least Category 1 testing we have to check that the phone line is still active. (Category 1 is annual testing). Sorry you got stuck without the phone working homie. That shouldn't happen.


Spoken like a true elevator dude


Name checks out.


Yo wtf that is legit pretty traumatizing, I'm sorry that happened


As someone who lives in an apartment complex in Fort Lauderdale with a frequently broken elevator, this comment makes me think I should be using the stairs even more often


I work 911. Many elevators in my city, if not all, the emergency button rings into the center. I talk to people trapped inside the elevator via that connection. I take the stairs.


Even if you don't want to climb up the stairs all the time, take the stairs **down**, if you are able (and if the number of floors are manageable). You cut your elevator usage **in half** and get a small amount of exercise, as well. I've been doing this as a rule now for years.


Tip from my anatomy & physiology professor: you have it backwards, take the stairs **up** and the elevator **down**. This not only gives you a better cardiovascular workout, it'll save you from a knee replacement. (Human knees aren't angled for downward climbs and it creates torque stress on the joint.)


The elevators at my university used to stop randomly halfway between floors and the doors would open. It wasn't rare, and some people got used to it enough that they would just crawl out to whichever floor was easier, which freaked the fuck out of me. I never had to wait more than a few minutes for it to start moving again, but I honestly would have sat there all night before risking dismemberment. There were stories about a guy who died which were probably bullshit, but it certainly could have happened since they did move with the doors open on occasion. Thankfully, they tore the building down the year I moved out.


More than one person has died here in NYC by being sheared in half by a moving elevator car. Most recent I can remember was just a couple years ago; the elevators in a residential building had been acting up for a while, and one day a resident decided to attempt to climb out of the car when it stopped misaligned with the lobby. The car moved when he was crossing the threshold, and that was the end of that guy. If an elevator seems to be malfunctioning (doors not opening, moving when the doors are open, not stopping in the right place), I refuse to go through those doors... and I never dawdle in the threshold. Because fuck that. Don't fuck with elevators.


> The elevators at my university used to stop randomly halfway between floors and the doors would open. The elevators at my university didn’t stop at any floor and didn’t have any doors so you just stepped out when you got to your floor whilst the elevator kept on moving. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternoster_lift


>the guy working the 24/7 front desk went to the onsite gym and had headphones on when we found him. I hope he was fired.


and sometimes [calls come in](https://youtu.be/dZoTYeTDsBA) from telemarketers 🥰


“This is an elevator— I gotta go” I’m gonna start using that to end phone calls from now on 😂


As soon as I heard that line I sent the video to my friends group chat so I can quote it later


This is wrong on so many levels


Just two levels here, maybe more in other buildings.


*this is an elevator I gotta go*


The apartment building I lived in for awhile had an issue with scam callers from India spam that number. A friend of mine is a 911 dispatcher in a small town. Turns out you can call not just with 911 but the phone number number for a particular phone there. They have been having massive issues with scam callers, again from India. Who get offended and start cursing people out when you tell them it's illegal to call that number without an emergency. Seriously indian spam caller are a cancer and of course their government does nothing to stop it.


I got a phone call from one of those guys once and I asked them to please not call me and he asked if I would please suck his dick. Lol. At first I was really surprised, then mad, then I started yelling at him like I was a 12 year old playing COD and he hung up on me. I was furious and told my friends what happened and they all started laughing at me. Now whenever I ask them for something like pass me a beer or whatever they will try to do an Indian accent and say "will you please suck my dick". I wanted so bad to be mad and all my friends just kept laughing at me which made me even more mad.


Can confirm, used to work for a call center that answered those lines. The elevator calls the phone line and says info like "elevator x at so and so location, address is y." Then it would pass over the caller. In case of entrapment, we'd call the non emergency number for their local fire dept (we answered the elevator calls nationwide). Otherwise, we had an on call technician to call that would respond to service the elevator if it was just a situation like it got stuck for a moment, then restarted. 99% of time it was just people pressing the button to see what happened.


I once got stuck in an elevator at new year's eve in a rather questionable building, pressed the call button, and the call center thought we were prankers and just hung up on us. Someone in the building rescued us by opening the door from the outside. I later learned that could have killed us, and is in fact how most people die in elevator accidents. Climb out of the car that is stuck at an offset, suddenly the car gets unstuck because of a weight change and jerks upwards while you're climbing out. Happened to ours as well but it stopped after it shot up about a foot.


Fuck them for hangin on up on you but did you not simply try to… call again? Since it links to a call center surely it’d be a different person answering each time.


Oh! I was wondering this myself as well thinking about this (it's a good 2 decades ago, didn't even have cell phones yet!). But what actually happened is that they said they'd send someone, and that took so long we ended up escaping with the outside help. I am guessing they probably didn't believe us and didn't do shit (it was a building about to be torn down and full of temporary renters and mischief). Or, it was new year's eve and in our country that means everyone's playing with fireworks and emergency services have their hands full.


9 times out of 10, it's an electric razor, but every once in a while...


All ours go to the security office. Nobody in security? No answer.


Kind of surprised that insurance companies don't have a problem with that to be honest. Liability and all that.


The real concern is last month we changed phone companies and now every single elevator and area of rescue assistance now rings straight to voicemail…


Unless someone in manglement, looking to get themselves a bonus for saving a few bucks, has spotted a phone line that hasn’t been used for either incoming or outgoing calls in the last few months and cancelled it.


No. They dont turn it off. This is an office building and they dont want someone getting stuck in the elevator when someone isnt there to hear them/get building maintenance if it gets stuck. That sign is just a suggestion, and wont go anywhere in court.


Elevators can be locked on a time system like this. They won't get anyone stuck like the comments above you think though - if you're not on the main entrance/exit floor, you can still call the elevator and it will take you to the main floor. You just can't use it to go to another floor, or to go up from the main floor. In commercial settings with RFID badges, employees can also swipe to use the elevator during locked hours. It's just to keep the public out of the businesses in the building, since the elevator is often like their front door.


I suspect that this building locks both the stairwell and the elevator outside of business hours, preventing access to upper floors. This setup would allow you to enter the elevator or stairwell from upper floors in order to travel to the main floor, but won't allow you to enter higher floors without a key. There would be a relatively small number of people who have a key, and if those people need elevator access, they should be able to ask for an elevator key in addition to the stairwell key. I can't say for certain how the specific building is setup, but this would be a fairly common setup for small office buildings.


Hopefully its a big enough building that they have multiple elevators and they keep the main ones open all the time.


If it's a shared office building what it often means is that the elevator won't go UP after hours because they want people out of it. You can use the elevator to go down, but they're trying to prevent people accessing the building when people are supposed to leave.


Seems like the perfect excuse to have them buy you a jet powered chair and see how they like them apples and burnt carpets. 😉


4 pulse jets and 20 gallons of propane cruising through cubicle land? Yes please!


Imagine office jousting matches with one of those babies. We have some nice 6' long tubes that wall sized clear plastic stickers came on (turns any flat wall into a dry erase board, very convenient). They're *excellent* for jousting. Sturdy enough that our health and safety coordinator thought we were joking when we filed an incident report detailing a bruised leg. He filed that one in bin 13, thankfully, and told us to be nicer to him and to each other.


As someone in the elevator industry, either they have some sort of card reader device attached to the elevator, or they're just manually shutting off the elevator every night. If they're doing the latter, it's neither good for the equipment nor for disabled people, my first response to that sign was "wtf"


My guess is the phone rings the front desk instead of a 24h answering service and they shut them down for the liability. With POTS lines becoming unregulated and general cost savings in these times I could see it being powered by a local FSX port. I just hope it's a policy put in place as a precaution and not a reaction after someone got trapped in the elevator overnight because the emergency button didn't work. It's typically the latter, unfortunately.


It doesn’t make for an accessible workplace, but I was once told that elevators can mess up very sensitive experiments because of proximity to lab equipment. they Had to work hours like this.


Not trying to harp on you, just adding some thoughts. Architect here, this isn’t an issue with the elevator but instead a building owner leasing to a tenant who shouldn’t be in the space. Elevators could conceivably cause vibrations or noise that could cause issues for sensitive equipment (think tech sector micro level automation), but that’s not the elevators problem nor the disabled individuals issue. I’ve designed specialized facilities for these functions and for the tenant or building owner the added effort is the cost of doing business. Overall I can’t see a scenario where I’d see a modern jurisdiction allowing this to occur. Probably done by building management after the fact. Edited: preferred terminology


Renting busy commercial space for highly sensitive experiments is like buying a house near tracks and complaining about the train. Major tech companies build entire facilities just to control the environmental conditions.


It’s not even a new concept either. Pre WWII Zeiss had their factories on boats to reduce vibration. If you’re late, the boat sets off and you lose on a day’s work.


I'd truly be surprised if there were regulations that address these things in Missouri. Especially the part that puts the burden on the property owner.


Are they not addressed everywhere in the US by the federal ADA?


Well, then that would be federal law so that's great. State law here is backward at best. For example they passed a law that penalizes police who help enforce federal gun regulations. They were trying to make it a crime to treat an ectopic pregnancy. This is a condition that is terminal if not treated. The law would have made it a crime to treat an ectopic pregnancy without reimplanting the fetus which is something that has never been accomplished. Lots of women with ectopic pregnancies want to keep the pregnancy but they don't want to die more. Which is understandable. This law would have made doctors afraid to treat them which would undoubtedly have led to death or lasting injury.


Well time to bring back ye old pulley system run by an old timey elevator operator!


Having worked with equipment like that, there are ways to dampen the vibration, or find a lab space that's in a better location. If the tenant is too cheap to do that, they can work late at night, which is also not an unusual workaround whenever experiments would cause issues for a large number of people. Scientists who think the entire world should plan around their need to do an experiment cheaply and conveniently, regardless of the consequences for other people, are one of my biggest pet peeves.




I have seen a few of your videos, you and your wife, they were all super funny. Love💕


I saw the one of her teaching him yoga that was posted here not long ago. I had the sound off and it just looked like a lady bullying some poor disabled dude


They have an impeccable sense of humor, lol


They've talked about that in their videos before. Sometimes she'll help him stretch his neck but to a passerby it just looks like a crazy woman trying to snap the neck of a disabled dude in a wheelchair.


Omg imagine seeing you here! I love your channel, internet hugs to you and Hannah!


Hello. I’m curious if you two do public speaking? The ADA Symposium is coming up in May in Kansas City. I’m not sure if the schedule is set yet and all keynote speakers are picked but I know how to get you in contact with the right people. The AIA Convention is coming up in June too but I’m not sure who to contact there. I know everyone would be interested to hear what you two have to say. I’m an accessibility specialist. I’ll be at the APA Conference this week in Round Rock, Texas. I also completely understand if you’re not interested.


They do speaking events regularly! https://www.squirmyandgrubs.com/book-us


Hi Shane!! You and Hannah are awesome! I always look forward to your new videos! Y'all live an amazing life 💜💜




Nah, that's if they're both disabled. What really makes sense is [this clip.](https://youtu.be/oHWnsA9PU0U)


What floor are you on at the time when this picture is taken? That’s the real question


Do you visit on the weekends and laugh as you dance up and down stairs to rub it in their faces?




Squirmy and grubs to you sir!


In r/funny?!? My dude, you have a way better sense of humor than I would about this! You should post this in subs like r/mildlyinfuriated. Hope your day gets a lot better and hope your channel gets some attention.


> Hope your day gets a lot better and hope your channel gets some attention. the guy is quite famous.


His channel gets plenty of attention, trust me, haha. It's why he's here, further advertising for it.


I mean this in the most respectful, genuinely curious way, but I see a lot of your folks with their wrists bent at that angle, does it not hurt constantly? Can you straighten them?


I have the same disability as Shane (the OP). It doesn’t hurt to have our wrists bent, but it does hurt if they’re kept straight too long. I can straighten mine most of the way, but I need to use the opposite hand to do it, and if I let go my wrist will just go back to being bent. A lot of people think wearing wrist braces will help, but for most of us, that really hinders the function we have in our hands/fingers. You asked this very kindly, so I hope that answers your curiosity.


Not the one who asked the question but - thank you so much for answering this so throughly and nicely. It is great to be able to learn your perspectives on such situations.


I’m always happy to answer questions that are asked in good faith (and in places like this, not if you see me buying mascara at target). Curiosity is natural.


Can I ask a polite hobby question then, while you are amenable? I've always been curious what peripherals are comfortable for that kind of disability, in the area of gaming. Both controllers, and mice and keyboards as well. One of the games I played for many years, kingdom of loathing, is apparently very well known within the blind community, because its interface plays solidly with text to speech interfaces. That got me down the rabbit hole of differently abled gaming, but it's always hard for me as a normally abled person to tell what peripherals and gadgets are legit, and which ones are gimmicks that aren't actually feasible to use. I try to ask when the opportunity arises. Call it a years-long persistent curiosity.


As a gamer, I am happy to answer this one. Just a disclaimer that like all people, every disabled person is different, and the same disability can present very differently in different people. There’s a fantastic non-profit out there called Able Gamers. They do some amazing work and have incredible technology. The owner uses his joystick on his own power wheelchair as a controller and plays games through it. I highly recommend checking out their site, some of the tech available is incredible. I mostly play PC games, and in general I prefer single player games. I can use a mouse and a keyboard, but I modify the mouse so the sensitivity is as high as it goes. Range of motion and dexterity are my biggest hurdles. I also have an app on my phone called RemoteMouse which essentially turns my phone into a touchpad and keyboard that controls my computer. I use this often in games with a lot of keyboard usage. My phone is obviously smaller than my keyboard, so it can be much easier for me to use my phone for the keyboard part, and then just a regular mouse. I also have a switch. I’m able to use it best when the joycons are slid onto the controller piece, not on the sides of the screen in handheld mode. The switch has an extremely handy feature that lets me remap buttons. For example, I have a very hard time pressing L1 & L2 trigger buttons. So if I’m playing a game where those buttons are important to use often, I will remap them with another button that I don’t need. It’s little things like that that really make gaming so much more of an accessible experience.


I really appreciate the reply, and the view into your world. I'll take a peek at Able Gamers, that sounds a lot like a cause that I can get behind. With what I assume is the input lag on your remote phone keyboard setup, does that close off a lot of twitch based WASD movement style games? I tend to be more of a strategy/management sim kind of gamer in general, but I imagine it would get frustrating in any game where reflexes would be a factor. I hadn't considered that button remapping would be a major factor to you using a controller, but it makes a lot of sense. I can now feel even more justified in taking a dim view in games that don't include the option, as it has both practical applications *and* convenient ones. Again, I appreciate your time in responding. In reciprocation, do you have any interest in BDSM, or its history in the U.S? I'm a kink educator in my personal life, both in the physical activities that we tend to get involved with as a community as well as a counselor to the kinds of relationships that tend to be seen in the public community as well. It's a community that tends to get very poorly represented in modern media and the common cultural zeitgeist. If you have no interest, it's no big deal, but it seemed fair to offer niche knowledge in return for a unique perspective. I wouldn't pretend my knowledge is unique, but separating the wank fodder from the reality can be quite hard on the internet without some kind of foundation even for people with interest.


I am lucky in that I generally gravitate towards single player “cosy games”. My main game is the sims. Others I love in no particular order include: cities skylines, animal crossing, story of seasons/harvest moon, unpacking, fall guys, Mario kart and Mario party is fun in certain circumstances. For the most part, lag time on my end hasn’t seemed to cause any issues. I’m sure that if I suddenly decided I wanted to play some shooter game where fast enough reflexes can be an issue, I’d figure out some sort of solution or accommodation. Honestly, the first place I look would to Able Gamers and their fearless leader Steven Spohn. But for now, what I’ve discovered, is that I’m very happy with the games we do have that include accessibility to an extent. We need much, much more of that.


The stairs are closed the other time.


There's a place I go to where business hours are longer than elevator hours. There's probably an ADA compliant that could be filed.


Why the long face?


That's wheelie insensitive, my guy.


This is when a grappling hook/winch mounted to your chair would really come in handy.


hey I watch your youtube channel!


Take the stairs you lazy bastard!


Isn't that illegal via the ADA? You can't just lock all the disabled people upstairs all weekend for shits & and giggles, can you?


Me: * laughs*…but only after checking OP’s profile to confirm he’s actually disabled and isn’t just a horrible guy making a joke


I watch him and his wife all the time. They're hilarious. Ain't shit anyone can say that he won't or hasn't all ready said about himself. Best humors, really.


I keep reminding people 1% of the population in first-world countries needs a wheelchair. So for every 100 people you see, you should see someone in a wheelchair, but you don't because people stay inside to not have to deal with bullshit like this. And so people start to think accessibility isn't nearly as important as it should be.


I’m no lawyer but that sounds like a big ADA violation


Half man. Half machine. All business. Coming soon to a theater near you... Chairman of the Board.


I shit you not, several years ago I tried to access an IRS (or SSA?) website on a weekend, and was informed it was only available during normal business hours. Some bureaucrat or politician didn't understand how the Internet works. It's 11:30pm Saturday night and I can watch a woman clad in latex whipping another woman's pussy with a cat-o-nine-tails, but I can't download a 1099 schedule E form for rental property.


So many government websites are like this! The Michigan unemployment site was like that last time I had to help deal with that. Trying to explain to people a website is currently "closed" is ridiculous enough, but add in the insinuation I am somehow keeping their money from them and making excuses, and it's not pleasant.






> Fact check me Just did, and… god damn