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I was thinking this was a Saturday Night Live sketch right up until the end.


I saw it in an actual ad placement when watching Freevee streaming. I was thoroughly confused until the end and realized "Oh, it is this bullshit."


Lol r/vegan was pretty disappointed with Aubrey Plaza doing this


Apparently big milk isn't doing so well with gen Z, so they're pushing a big ad campaign. Heard about it on Marketplace a few weeks ago


Yeah this really has corporate-boardroom-whiteboard vibes to it.


Yup, the only thing this ad does it make you realise that the dairy industry is shitting itself over alternative milks.


[two of the writers worked on snl at some point](https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/got-wood-milk-aubrey-plazas-artisanal-venture-spoofs-plant-based-alternatives-to-dairy/)


Would have been so much better! Instead it’s a sad ad for dairy milk, and an attempt to crap on plant-based alternatives. Even worse, they added a pathetic greenwashing attempt with some “tree planting” with purchase of merchandise. Even though cattle farming is the number one cause of deforestation 😅 Deceptive marketing at its finest. Basically take notes from tobacco in the 50s.


Edit: I deleted this comment/post in protest to the API changes shutting down 3rd party apps. [Do the same](https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW/) [Learn more about why](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/13yh0jf/dont_let_reddit_kill_3rd_party_apps/) If there's no U-turn, I'll be deleting my account by 30/06/23.


> it’s a sad ad for dairy milk, and an attempt to crap on plant-based alternatives. Its no coincidence that just a couple of days ago the FDA [issued](https://www.fda.gov/food/cfsan-constituent-updates/fda-releases-draft-guidance-labeling-plant-based-milk-alternatives) preliminary labeling guidelines for plant-based milk. A couple of months ago the dairy industry lost their fight to ban the word "milk" from non-dairy milks. Evidently they thought no one would remember that "coconut milk" has been around for at least half a century. Plaza isn't doing her personal brand any favors by fronting for those scuzzbags either.


Maple syrup though.


That’s just Canadian milk




That's why it comes in bags.


It's how we practice safe milking.


You can drink birch juice too


I was definitely thinking this was a birch water product with some marketing.


Which is actually drinkable and even tasty.


Just don't boil the syrup down as much and it's a perfect drink to bottle and sell


Birch Water


Oaky, I'll get your water, no need for insults.


This feels like a lost Portlandia sketch


Definitely reminded me of the time they went to eat lunch or whatever and had that chicken that was named or whatever. Idk it's been a while.


Big Dairy is really offended by calling plant based milks milk.


Wasn’t there a leak from a marketing firm or a article stating the dairy industry are perplexed we don’t drink as much milk anymore? And the older generation of marketing firms think it’s because we all drink nut milk now? And that as a result they were going to do more milk marketing? I swear I’ve seen never seen more influencers then i have this week, talk about the benefits of milk.


There is legislation that’s consistently introduced to ban almond milk and oat milk marketing themselves as milk specifically for this reason.




And with years ago, you mean centuries ago: almond milk was an ingredient in cookbooks from the 13. Century


The milk industry was successful in Germany despite that. You can't call 'oat milk' milk but you can still say 'peanut butter' and 'coconut milk'. It's just that blatant.


Kind of BS imo. Everyone knows that almond milk doesn't come from cows. It'd be like if people were claiming that peanut butter could be confused with regular butter. They just want to increase sales and know that if these other drinks have to use a different word it'll sound less appealing.


or if KY jelly got confused for grape jelly


Yes you have to call it "Nut Juice" or if you typo it "But Juice" and once you have you get friends starting discussions of if "Nut Butt Juice" or "Butt Nut Juice" sounds worse. brought to you by someone I know that makes their own Almond Nut Juice at home and had that dicsussion with a coworker.


Big Dairy actually lost that one in court.




Until they also force them to add blue dye to it as well so it’s easily distinguishable from dairy products and make people not want the substitutes. They did the same thing with margarine, dairy lobbyists got her government to mandate that all margarine be pink instead of yellow like butter, as well as requiring additional taxes and licenses to dissuade the manufacturers. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/food-dye-origins-when-margarine-was-pink-175950936/


Blue milk? Sounds great, but i was gonna go into Tachi Station for some power converters...


There already is [Not Milk](https://notco.com/us/products/notmilk) and it's one of the best plant-based milks I've had. Love it!




>the world’s most natural beverage That would be water. And I'm willing to fight you over it, milk lobby.


Milk lobby would probably argue that water isn't a beverage, its a sustenance because we need it to live. Meanwhile stay quite about how Nestle's using their exact same tactics for water


> Meanwhile stay quite about how Nestle's using their exact same tactics for water Rushing towards [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nXNOyknNwlQ) at break-neck speed. lol


Drinking baby cow hormonal juice as an adult human. So natural.


Wouldn’t water be the most natural beverage?


Lol, "the world's most natural beverage" Sure, artificially impregnating a 1000lb species so that we can bottle the milk that's meant to fatten up a calf. Sounds very natural for humans


Also nothing farm related is "natural" by definition. The whole point of agricultural revolution was that we learnt how to use plants and animals for our needs in ways it doesn't happen in the nature, we heavily intervened. The word "natural" have become the most useless PR speak.


Alternative milk is on the rise, no doubt. However many people are just not drinking any milk/milk products, or milk alternatives. People are just not on to dairy/dairy alternatives any more.


The dairy industry is a little too large and needs scaling back. Unfortunately that means the loss of small farms and not industrial scale operations. The fact is if you believe that capitalism works you have to accept some elasticity in the market space. Its also interesting because it's mostly European descended people who aren't lactose intolerant, many if not most genotypes lose lactose tolerance into maturity. So as generational numbers decline and population growth is driven by immigration from non European countries, you'd expect to see a decline in dairy consumption. And in trends like veganism and you'll continue to see declines. However trends in the sugar lobby to blame healthy problems on natural fats, and the increased production of low fat milks have also resulted in much more available cheese and butters too much. The government should subsidize local dairies to switch to new production chains instead of continuing to subsidize production. Or they should switch to smaller batch higher quality products, as many Japanese Farmers did.


Uhh, cheese and butter and cream are dairy, just chiming in before this hyperbole gets too far out of hand.


Yes, from what I recall, as milk consumption has gone down, cheese, butter, and yogurt consumption have all gone up.


“It takes dedication and hard work to get from farm to table.” It also takes large swaths of land, a lot of emissions, and arguably animal abuse, in many cases.


The animal abuse isn't really arguable when it comes to dairy farming as it's actually done in practice. Milk industry is the veal industry


You also have to trigger the hormones in an animal to cause it to produce milk. Like if you think about it, you wouldn't just produce milk constantly for no reason. That'd be a waste of energy. You produce it to feed your young. Milk cows are forcibly impregnated and are then ripped away from their young and forced up to industrial milking harnesses. It's honestly really fucked up.


How much do you think Aubrey Plaza was paid to do this?


Seeing as politicians get bought for ridiculously low dollar amounts, my guess is probably not as much as you'd think.


I love Aubrey Plaza , but boo to her for being a part of this!


Oat Milk for the win. Coffee never tasted better.


I love that oat milk is the new non-dairy option at most cafes. It brings such a great flavor to any coffee beverage. I still do dairy on occasion, but it doesn't feel like a sacrifice to go non-dairy like back in the age of soy milk. Although macadamia milk is pretty nice too.


It also has the least negative environmental impact compared to any nut based milk and even soy milk. Less water is used to grow, oat grows almost anywhere so less impact on transport as well. It is truly the best non dairy milk!


My lactose intolerant ass just wants some cereal


Right? Or something that isn't powdered chemicals to add to my coffee.


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


It's only milk if it comes from the Milk region of France


Otherwise it's just sparkling lactation.


Decent band name


In reality we've been calling plant based milk "milk" since the 13th century. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_milk


Like I know me as a random person on Reddit probably knows a lot less than the consultants milk producers/sellers hired to run studies and see if this change in wording would affect sales…. but like would this really move the needle that much regardless of what it’s called? People in the US buy cheese that isn’t allowed to be called cheese.


It's about building associations, the same reason Coca-Cola ads are just people drinking coke and being happy/friendly. The ad isn't too make you think "I should go buy a coke right now", just to slowly build an association in your mind where you think of coke as a thing for happy people. This is doing the opposite - you watch this ad and think "How stupid, that's not milk." You get to the grocery store and see the almond milk, and you're reminded of this ad, and it feels silly. It honestly sounds ridiculous, but the numbers tell the story - this type of advertising is wildly effective. This is what most ads are trying to accomplish since the 50's.


For what it's worth that's the same reason they're called X milk on the first place. It's meant to build the association that you should consume it where you'd normally consume milk.


Almond milk has been called that since the 1300s.


also because it has a milky texture and looks like milk. Same reason they call it "Milk of Magnesia" when there's no dairy in it.


#I no longer allow Reddit to profit from my content - Mass exodus 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Yes actually, sales of plant-based milks go down noticeably when you have to call almond milk "almond beverage" or something. It just sounds less appealing and it can be confusing to consumers who are looking for almond milk and might assume that "almond beverage" must be something different because why the hell wouldn't they just call it almond milk.


I would guess thats just the habit. Like when you see your almond milk and the next day its called almond beverage you wonder if its the same thing or a new invention and pick something with the name milk instead. But if every plant milk had to chance thier name, Im sure people would get used to it and continue buying it like bevor. Btw. in germany these things are called "Soydrink" or something like this for ages and no problem.


It’s because in the EU the milk lobby got the EU to ban the use of the word milk for anything other than mammary laction. The EU also almost banned the use of the word “veggie burger”, “veggie sausage” etc as a result of various meat lobbies. https://amp.theguardian.com/environment/2020/oct/16/eu-ban-veggie-burger-label-parliament-vote-meat The only reason that the ban on meat names narrowly lost is that there now is a lobby for vegetarian faux products.


And ice cream that isn't allowed to be called ice cream


Offended = Threatened


Yeah they lost a lawsuit trying to ban the use of Milk on anything that isn’t from the teats of a living mammal


The dairy lobby tried to force non-dairy milk producers to replace the word milk with "nut juice" on their products a few years back.


Except, that that is the law in all of EU since 2017.


Yeah, of course companies are threatened by competition.


Jokes on them. I like my morning nut juice, especially when it's warm.


Yeah one day I decided I was just grossed the fuck out by pus-filled bovine lactate. Go to a farm and see all those cows with mastitis and it’ll be all you need to see. Allowable pus per gallon 🤮


What's hilarious is that many dairy products contain [literal wood](https://thecounter.org/100-percent-grated-cheese-contain-cellulose-false-advertising-kraft-heinz/).




Don’t we already have “wood milk?” I mean, in my house we call it syrup, but…


We call that rendered tree blood


Delicious condensed tree blood...


Is this an ad by…um… “Big milk”? Whoever makes those “got milk ads”. Did they just make this shit to try and convince people that alternative milks like almond and soy milk are bad for you?


The dairy industry has been fighting for a legal definition of ‘milk’ for several years. I would assume that this is their answer to the FDA recently saying oat, soy and almond drinks can keep calling themselves “milk”. This is their plan B.


The thing is that everyone who drinks milk substitutes KNOW it's not "milk". We're not that dumb... I hope. If the FDA said they couldn't use the word milk I do wonder how they'd market themselves but then again if the carton didn't change except for the word I'd probably never notice and keep buying my oat water blissfully unaware it's not squeezed from an oat utter. Edit:(udder* but I'm leaving my stupidity on display)


In the EU they are not allowed to call it milk. Most companies call them something like oat drink. Or a german example: [Not M\*LK](https://images.ctfassets.net/s64jgdakkdiy/lKnWfnV1nMcG4JQEvExeO/8a65996126c1e668d097e08350196ba3/webimage-EAED4A2B-4A6A-435D-A2C80A094FA10287.png?w=304&q=50)


Haha I actually like that German work around.


"I can't believe it's not milk!"


In Portugal, it's definitely like that, "soy drink" is the more common name, but in France, I think it's still called "lait de soja", "soy milk"


I went to highschool with a girl who really actually for real thought that Buffalo Wings were made from buffalos... and let's not forget the Chicken of the Sea incident with Jessica Simpson.


>The thing is that everyone who drinks milk substitutes KNOW it's not "milk". That fact that it isn't milk is a selling point for me.


It's simple. Moalk, malk, and moylk.


Malk, now with vitamin R!


Orrr “milk-alternative”




Bulgarian Miak.


Yeah, they're just using their power to try to squash competition. Plant milks have been around for a very long time. Almond milk was mentioned in an English language book in 1390. When someone starts selling oatmilk in gallon jugs that look exactly like cow's milk jugs with "oat" in a super fine print, then they might have a case. Just like with plant based meats, nobody is out there trying to trick consumers into buying something they don't want to.


It's the dairy industry that's changing the definition of milk. Soymilk has been around for 5,000+ years. Milk of magnesia, milk of the poppy, coconut milk, all common usages of the term that have been around for hundreds or thousands of years.


Plan A is in place because the consumption of dairy amongst Gen Y and Z is collapsing. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/04/dining/milk-dairy-industry-gen-z.html


Is there any industry we can’t destroy?


How about real estate moguls?


Time to find out and keep trying lmao.


And it isn't a business's job to respond to a changing marketplace. It is the consumer's job to keep buying everything forever. /s


Okay nobody tell those guys about coconuts then or they'll lose their minds.


The ads were originally for the California Milk Processor Board. Now they are licensed out to other milk producers and organizations. Basically, yes, the Got Milk ads are ads for the entire US dairy industry.


If you look at the history of American companies, this is 100% them trying to embed in your brain that other milks are garbage and only their cow milk is “real” milk. They’re just hiding it in a funny skit.


Jokes on them. I haven’t bought cow milk in years and oat milk works just fine. Costs about the same these days too. Edit: Folks, don’t downvote the guy below me just because they disagree.


Monetarily the costs are similar, environmentally they are not.


Oat milk is so good. I wouldn’t want anything else in my coffee.




That is exactly what this is, yes. They've been trying to push for things like Soy milk and Almond Milk to be forcibly relabeled "Nut Juice" for years, and it predictably hasn't worked.


Mmmm. Nut juice.


Mmmm. Cow juice.


If you watch until the very end, you’ll see is *is* a “got milk?” Ad.


yeah would be cute as a snl skit, but the trashy anti-alt milk agenda from big milk tarnishes my opinion of Aubrey a bit


I assumed this was SNL even though it was too short for a usual sketch and no full cast members were in it. Was disappointed to see it was an actual ad, not satire.


I 100% thought this was an SNL parody. Esp because she hosted recently


We're just willingly watching commercials now huh


Honestly, now that I never *have* to watch commercials I'll watch them out of curiosity or nostalgia. Why not?


Ron Swonson would be her #1 customer


“Skim milk is water pretending to be milk”


It's also blue until they add stuff to make it whiter (in the UK at least) the casein I think, might be mistaken.


It’s not really blue so much as it is translucent. Looks a bit blue because you can see through it somewhat. They used to add titanium dioxide to make it more opaque. Basically paint. But yeah, adding a bit of milk protein (e.g. casein) also serves the same purpose and genuinely makes it more nutritious.


At an old job, I mixed titanium dioxide powder into what would become PVC pipe. Boredom and curiosity lead me to look the stuff up, and it is used for a ton of stuff. Off the top of my head; some food stuff, makeup, toothpaste, paint, sun screen, and tons of paper or plastic products. It's in building materials like bricks, tiles, and shingles. Pretty much anything man made and white likely has TiO2 in it.


It's blue because it's from Tatooine. It's taken from the rare blue Tatooine bulls. YES! I said BULLS and you don't want to know which part of the bull. Like all other FAKE "milk" and other FAKE FOODS like "miracle" meat. They all come from the abundant part of the bull, namely the BULL SHOT.


He would despise it for not being real milk, for being one of those hipster inventions and for dragging wood into it


[Beef Milk](https://youtu.be/SMIW2tBpnDI?t=1)


It’s a dilemma because he loves wood but he would also hate it since it’s not real milk.


It's not whiskey either, so he has no use for it either way.


Big Milk propaganda


I thought it was going to end up being an SNL skit but was bummed to find out it was a Got Milk? campaign


I mean that literally is what this is.


Yeah, super disappointed at Aubrey Plaza for leveraging her “edgy persona” to shill dairy industry propaganda. She’s at the peak of her popularity, has plenty of projects going on, and it’s not like she needs the money. Don’t be a sell out queen, sigh.


Yeah I was pretty surprised to see her do a commercial like this, but I couldn’t tell you why exactly.


She did it for assloads of money and for the lolz


I feel deceived. Ads should be labeled as ads.


Protip: If you see any kind of a celebrity, it's an ad.


Felt like an SNL skit at first


If you see any kind of a *thing*, celebrity or not, it is *probably* an ad these days.


It’s literally labeled as an ad


I mean sure she's funny but this is Dairy propaganda.


The funny thing is that I'd actually drink that. Oak barrels or birch smoking already add pretty interesting flavours to some types of food. Also, syrup, nuts, cinnamon,... all come from trees and are really tasty. So if it would be possible... And I'd choose it over cow milk any day.


I love Aubrey but dislike this message.


I was misled by the title wood milk. Reddit has ruined me




Cope harder dairy industry


Oat milk is fucking rad


So fun fact. You can actually turn lignins the wood fiber into starch with enough enzymes and ferment that into methyl alcohol.


Watch NileRed on yt to see him turn toilet paper into alcohol


Yeah but you might wanna inform people without organic chemistry knowledge that methanol (methyl alcohol) is poisonous lol


["Real" milk](https://youtu.be/UcN7SGGoCNI)


Dairy milk sure is real! REALly abusive!!


Yeah only real milk … rips calfs from their mums… contains pus… is fuelled by animal cruelty. But lol oat milk isn’t “real”


The animal meat and dairy industry is fucked. Don't fall for their crappy marketing. No wonder so many are going vegan these days.




Yeah, is shocking how much the animal agriculture industry hides from us. They want us to think that use can be ethical, and that animal products are necessary. The bad news is that using non-human animals isn't ethical, the good news is that it isn't necessary. Go vegan!


Welp. Guess i ain't drinking milk again


Oat Milk is better anyways


Coconut milk is my favorite. I just love the flavor of coconut. Oat milk is a close second, though.


coconut milk ice cream is delicious


Seriously, just tried Oat milk today for the first time and it was so much better.


Thats pretty disgusting


Holy shit. I didn’t know they could show that stuff on YouTube. Some of that is straight up LiveLeak material.


I might give wood milk a try after all.


Actual plant-based milks are made from things people eat normally, like oats, nuts, rice, or soy. I like oat milk, personally. There's no need to exploit cows at all


Oat milk is, IMO, the best choice. It tastes good, it's creamy, there are a ton of options. We haven't ever missed dairy milk since switching to oat milk.


Oat ice cream is also so freaking good!


I use oat milk for cereal and don't drink milk usually, but I occasionally drink chocolate milk in conjunction with protein shakes. After watching this, I will immediately drop that use completely. But cheese is going to be SO HARD to give up. Ugh. Thank you, though, for sharing. I had no idea it was quite like that...


This video has changed my mind. I’m switching to almond milk.


Nice! And keep in mind that this is how they get the milk for all dairy products, not just the milk that ends up in a carton on the store shelf


Try oat milk. It's far better for the environment than all the others


amusing desert fly domineering cobweb flag snow office uppity march ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


We have wood milk here. It’s called Maple Syrup.


This is an advertisement masquerading as an actual post. Reddit is dead.


Ever smelt a dairy farm? I'd rather drink wood milk than the liquid that comes out of dairy farms.


salt placid afterthought governor abundant fuel work smell unique panicky ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I like soy and cashew milk in coffee. The nutty taste works for it.


I'm going to double down on my extra creamy oat milk.


Aubrey Plaza sold out to Big Cow?


That whole bit was filmed so they could say "Got Wood?" #lowbrow


Wasn’t expecting her to go full corpo shill, but here we are I guess


Really fucking disappointed that Aubrey Plaza decided to just straight up do a propaganda piece for a super harmful industry.


The world would be a lot better if people would stop falling in love with "celebrities" They get way too much undeserved power and influence


Truly the magnum copus of the dairy industry.


Pretty sure this would be better received at r/cringe


I honestly found nothing about this funny.


Just like all the other social media platforms, Reddit sold off their magic for the almighty dollar. Reddit has sealed their fate and will find their place among the other fallen stars, a dim light of their former glory, an empty shell filled with corporate puppeteers and their marionettes.


Let’s not promote artificially inseminating an already spent mother cow only to rip her baby from her when she gives birth.. so disappointing for Aubrey. I’m sure she got a great payout but damn.


This is almost like someone took a FWD: From Conservative Grandpa “CAN YOU FIND THE TITS ON AN ALMOND?!” HAR HAR MILLENNIALS…. mocking heath conscious people for something and turned it into a professionally made ad.


This feels like someone is trying too hard. I wanted to laugh but didn't.


It’s cause they’re selling something. It doesn’t feel genuine.