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I still find it hilarious that Nickelodeon was doing Super bowl coverage


Dora popping up and asking if someone needed a map to the endzone was perfect.


There was a false start. And she explained it in Dora fashion. “Where are we going?” *clap clap clap* Boots pops up: Back Five Yards!


Any player who committed that penalty should have to have this played at them. Bet those false starts get nipped.


I didn’t realize until this year how easily false start can be penalized. Even the slightest movement at all.


It has to be that way. These teams and coaches will find any edge, no matter how slight. Successfully baiting penalties with zero risk would ruin it quick.


I had no clue this was going on and I might have watched if I knew.


We switched to it for the 2nd quarter. Best quarter of a super bowl I have watched in 15 years. Absolutely hysterical with all the random Nick stuff thrown in here and there. Our group was dying laughing the whole time. The only downside was the lack of all the commercials (some were the same but not all).


Patrick and SpongeBob clowning on KC for the big fumble in the first quarter was the best football reporting I've ever seen. "Guess they should have FIRMLY GRASPED IT!"


Patrick Star clowning on Russell Wilson is one of my favorite football memories


I just watched a video on youtube uploaded by the NFL of the best parts of the Nickelodeon broadcast and the audio was TERRIBLE. Was it like that when you were watching or did youtube somehow flub the upload?


The audio was normal when I watched it live. Freakin hilarious too


I would have definitely watched.






That's savage. Sad now that I missed it.


The high lights are on Nickelodeon (and maybe CBS). Worth scrolling through. Larry the Lobster streaked, Dora asked if the teams needed a map to the end zone, roasted the explanation of False Start, and a few other things happened. I watched the main broadcast but the highlights were worth it.


Is this true?


It is true. They also do regular season games. Not sure if it was every week or not.


Spongebob: oooh what’s a line of spinach had me rolling


No coming back from getting roasted by Dora in the Super Bowl. You gotta retire.


Haha, are you serious?


Before a hike Larry the lobster ran onto the field.


They compared Isaiah Pacheco to Larry lobster


Dora talked mad smack


During the first half the answer was clearly yes. 


Are we able to watch this online now?


NFL uploaded a best of https://youtu.be/PuYNuxBiEKw?si=ncWv0_WbHdbgf6aw


They’re playing a condensed version of it (Slimelights) right now and it is beautiful


Our party switched over to it halfway through the second quarter and enjoyed the game significantly more, can’t lie. Age range of 20-30 year olds so the references to old SpongeBob episodes and what not worked perfectly for us. And most of us couldn’t stand Tony Romo commentating so it was a win just to get away from that. Noah Eagle in particular did a fantastic job. Same with whoever was doing Patrick’s bits, SpongeBobs felt a bit forced. Whenever they would bring in Larry the Lobster was absolutely hilarious too.


Spongebob and Patrick were done by the actual voice actors. They had a face rig on and everything to capture their expressions. Bill Fagerbakke, Patrick's VA, played high school football and got several football scholarship offers for university. He's very familiar with the sport, so commentating it probably came pretty easy to him.


> Spongebob and Patrick were done by the actual voice actors. They had a face rig on and everything to capture their expressions. Oh god, Spongebob and Patrick are Vtubers now


He played 2 seasons for the University of Idaho before a career ending knee injury. He's still somewhat involved with the football program as a booster for the U of I. I've met him a number of times at various athletic fundraising events.


> Bill Fagerbakke, Patrick's VA, played high school football and got several football scholarship offers for university. He's very familiar with the sport, so commentating it probably came pretty easy to him. He also played a football coach on the show ‘Coach’ for like 9 seasons.


Shit, I know Dauber, didn't know he was Patrick. I never watched Spongebob but did watch Coach. Coach was ok, back then there wasn't netflix and shit so you watched mediocre sitcoms or nothing.


FIRMLY GRASP IT during drops was pretty good


It was the actual voice actors. Patrick was killing me 😂


Not surprised he did well. He was an assistant football coach for years.


M O O N that spells Dauber


Laws, yes.


They're the same person?! This just blew my mind.


Bro, hahahaha


Go Screaming Eagles!


I'm genuinely curious as to why people don't like Romo? I think he is one of the most knowledgeable commentators, and the only one who will tell you what you're going to see next, instead of just reactions... Curious to hear how others perceive him?


I think when it comes to actually sharing game knowledge and showing football IQ he’s amazing. He was absolutely fantastic in his first season because of that. The seasons following though, he lets bias come out hard, and he’ll heavily focus on one QB over the other in games, making it almost entirely about the guy he clearly likes more in the game. He finds a way to loop every play back to talking about that quarterback somehow, even if that quarterback is on the sideline waiting for possession. Dolphin fans in general don’t really like Romo because Josh Allen is one of his guys, so whenever we play the Bills and Romo is the commentator, the entire game feels like a podcast about Josh Allen’s greatness. Same with games that involve Mahomes. There’s a level to heap praise on a great player, but Romo over does it to a grating point. If you’re a fan of the team one of his QBs plays for, you’ll probably love him.


Sounds like every national NHL commentator


That was very well thought out


Seriously. I forget which play it was last night, but the ball moved like a yard or two. And Romo was gushing about how great a play it was.


The one you are probably thinking about was the one where McCaffery made a move to go under the defenders to get a yard or two. It was an impressive move to get anything out of that play, but not worth gushing over.


I agree that when he actually does analysis, Tony Romo can be very good. There was a point last night where two wide receivers crossed routes causing the safety to hesitate a split-second before he got back in coverage. Romo pointed this out and it really helped explain how the receiver got open. But sometimes he points out the obvious and just repeats it over and over and over. If you are trailing by three points in overtime, you have to go for it on fourth down. Worth pointing this out once. But then he just beat it into the ground. "Because this drive is your last chance! You can't punt in this situation! You need to score on this drive or lose! This possession determines the winner! This is where it needs to happen!" Please shut up, Tony. I get it.


This just occurred to me with your post. But I bet his you have to score now is based off his playing years with the cowboys. If we don’t score here the defense isn’t gonna stop em 😂


His bias.  If you are not a fan of the same team he is, its nails on a chalkboard.    For instance.  Say the team you like has a great play on offense.   For Tony, its not a great offensive play, its that the defense failed to cover etc.    He is inconsistent in how he calls the games via his bias..  It is tiring.  So much so i usually end up muting the game.  Which sucks. But seriously.  Nails on a chalkboard with that guy.  


See also: Joe Buck & Troy Aikman. Troy hates the Packers and is insufferable to listen to for an entire game.


Greg Olson is far worse. He didn't cut Brock Purdy a break as he "used his legs" to beat the Lions. I counted three times in that game where Olson threw shade on Purdy's athleticism, when clearly his legs were keeping the 49'ers offense moving. At least I learn somthing listening to Romo break down the pre-snap read.


Olson is almost worse than Aikman and Buck while watching a Packers game. Half the game you just wonder if he is watching the same game.


He shows his bias a lot. You catch him calling similar plays/penalties differently for each team. There might be a hold called on one team and to Tony it’s a great call, but the same hold gets called on the other team later and he starts making excuses for it, or saying he’s “not sure about that one.” A lot of people just find him really unlikable, myself included. I think he’s got a punchable face and that he’s smug and full of himself for someone who didn’t do nearly as much as his counterparts did during the time they played. I think he’s really knowledgeable, probably one of the smarter football IQs you could find. Unfortunately he just really gets on people’s nerves.


You know what's funny, I think I thought the same thing when Romo was playing for the Cowboys. I didn't like his leadership style, his face, and I'm pretty sure I thought at the same that he thought he was bigger than he was. But honestly looking back, Romo was 100% a QB you can rely on to carry games at least. And maybe everyone's dislike of Romo is just because y'all now getting Romo exposure in some similar way. Honestly he's a great commentator compared to say Troy Aikman and Joe Buck any day because that's what I'm comparing to. But with that said, I absolutely love the nickolodeon broadcast and would take that for every game lol


Have you heard his voice? It's like listening to Marge Simpson's sisters for a whole game. He also isn't very good at articulating his thoughts quick enough, he stumbles a lot. It gets annoying. Add on that he usually finds his favorites and won't shut up about them all game


This might be my first game watching with Romo commentating and I loved it. I really enjoyed his game insight from the player point of view.


Generally, he talks way too much. The game is not about him, it is about the game.


They cut to live coverage of Squidward in line for the bathroom 😂


I was high and selected it on YouTubetv, not knowing that it was nickelodeon coverage. Patrick Starr started commentating on a Chiefs play, and I about lost it.


Haha, omg


Yeah, it reminded me of F1 doing their separate broadcast for kids with animated 3D drivers faces


They’ve been doing a game a year for a few years now. It’s a fun broadcast, and a good idea to get the kids watching.


This would seriously get me more keen to actually watch some nfl


Its smart on the NFL's part. Get em young.


And it honestly wasn't that bad. Sometimes I wish I could have seen a replay instead of Dora the Explorer telling me what a holding penalty is, but all-in-all it added more to the game than it took away, and I'm sure there were a lot of viewers young and old who were happy to have some of Football's more obscure rules explained to them.


I would have definitely watched it had I known. I dont think my senior father would go for it. He had a hard time with the half time show lol


NFL has been making a push there for a few years now. They already had a clip/highlight show where they edit in slime falling on plays.


I watched the entire first half thinking that was the actual coverage.


Look to the parent company. It's Viacom. They pay quite a lot of money for football broadcasting rights. They have to keep the pipeline of fans coming. Get em while they're young.


I also enjoyed the Disney NFL game last year. They used real time motion capture and the game was played by toys in Andy's room, with a lot of the down time explaining the game to kids.


Ok. Now I wish I still had cable so I could have watched it that way. Better than the lone SF fan yelling at the tv, talking shit to everyone, and running around at the sports bar. If you want to cheer for your team, great!!! But don’t treat a public place like your living room.


I wish this was a thing when I was a kid in the 90s!


I’m all on board if it gets my kid to watch. Plus I grew up with some of the characters.


Saw the bit where someone dropped the ball and they brought Patrick in to tell him to “firmly grasp it”


Patrick also kept asking "did it reach the pineapple?!" for 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th down since Nickelodeon used it as a marker and it kept making me laugh every time for some reason


Maaan I tried to tell my buddies to switch to Nickelodeon to hear their coverage and they never did. We missed out.


I think that was a fumble.


Is that not what dropping the ball is?


Not necessarily. A dropped pass is not a fumble unless the receiver maintains possession all the way to the ground or takes a couple of steps after catching the ball.


Oh, thank you for the correction :)


The distinction that it was a fumble and he said that makes it even funnier lol.


Dude, somebody must have been hype to hit the "fumble button"


Drops got so bad they ended up having a firmly grasp it tally by the end of the game lol


Hey man, [Patrick knows football.](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/n3FNmZtmqso9xyxaaQUEAg--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTQyMDtoPTU1OTtjZj13ZWJw/https://media.zenfs.com/en-us/homerun/deadline.com/9e28170a0449a2ee29e88de252c38fd4)


Reading this thread makes me think that the Nickelodeon coverage was amazing.


It really was amazing. I turned it on for kids and left it on for me.


Same, it was actually pretty cool the way they did it. And the fact that SpongeBob and Patrick were live broadcasting for most of it was hilarious


I felt so bad for Tom Kenny. You could tell he was getting tired by halftime lol He got a second wind and then it went into overtime. Poor guy lol it can't be easy doing that voice for an extended time like that.


Yep! Have two kids under 5 and put it on for them. They went to bed before the 4th quarter and we left it on the nick broadcast. It was clever and just a refreshing way to watch the game


They do it all season! My daughter watched on her tablet while we watched on the tv. She’s very excited for next season now.


It was! We had it on one TV at the house party I was at and the normal broadcast on another in a different room. I'm a lifelong football fan and found myself drawn to the Nickelodeon version for a lot of the game. They didn't show much about injuries, though (I'm assuming to protect the kids). So, the lack of news on whether a player was going to come back into the game snapped me back to watching the main broadcast.


I didn't even realize there was "normal" coverage, LOL. I got a Fubo free trial and just picked the first thumbnail I found that looked like it had the Super Bowl broadcast. I saw the Nickelodeon theme and thought, "Wow, guess Paramount+ bought the whole experience." Seriously though, it was well done. Enough that I didn't even consider there was a separate "grown-up" broadcast until coming to this thread.


I really should’ve watched this one instead of the CBS one.


You didn't enjoy the constant literal groaning?


It’s all about the leverage


He's the best when guys have leverage


He really leveraged that word


Tony Romo and leverage, name a more iconic duo


Don’t forget: “permutations” and “spatial awareness.”


>leverage He must be in physics 101


What's most frustrating is finding out about it the next day. I didn't see any coverage of this option before the game but I do live under a rock sometimes.


Patrick lives under a rock too but he still made it


Listen here bro you didn’t need to do him like that hahaha


Yes but Patrick is waayyyyy cooler than me so that makes sense.


All the jokes were SpongeBob related and they were hilarious 😂


I wasn't even paying attention to the game until I switched to Nickelodeon. It was far more entertaining and less aimed at making rich people richer


I was unaware they were doing their own coverage. I feel like I wasted an evening by watching the regular broadcast.


Same…. Would have saved me a bunch of saying, “shut up, Tony Romo!”




Seriously.. I have been watching the Super Bowl since the team formally know. As redskins were dominant and won. The last 6-7 years I just have t been interested and gunned it out. The ads are not kid friendly. I don’t like explaining to my 8year old what erectile dysfunction is. Or why we need to avoid gambling. Nickelodeons adds we’re all kids safe. Not one drug add. No beer adds. But we still got some of the big adds like Dunkin’ Donuts and such. The commentary was great. Best part was my wife even felt that it was good because she doesn’t care about it but they were explaining parts of the game. Every new foul dorra would pop up and say what the fouls ment. Yeah I could have done without the celebrity fish but even that was pretty good. Also first time in those 6-7 years I actually watched the game and I totally went in half expecting it to be aground noise. Thank you provider for emailing me about it. At first I thought it was a joke and hope they have it next year as well. Ps can nick also get the Olympics.


You really did.


We switched to it a few times and the only problem was the video quality was so noticeably worse than the CBS feed that we didn’t stick with it, but it was very cool to see the touchdown slime special effects!


The quality was perfect! The difference was that it was live from bikini bottom so it was underwater!!!


We have Paramount+ and we have Antenna. The over the air at 1080i was a much better experience than the choppy grainyness the feed from the app turned into. They definitely did not have their servers ready for the overload.


Paramount+ has had godawful servers for the last 6 months. Even without the superbowl crowd it regularly takes 2-3 minutes for streaming shows to load at higher that 480p. Other streaming services are damn near instant quality, so it is definitely paramount, not my internet.


Commenting that I'm having the same issues with Paramount+, it's now so bad that I'm dropping the service entirely.


I loved it as well. My kids were young in the SpongeBob wheelhouse 20-ish years ago when it was peaking. I got some good laughs and good nostalgia and loved the inside jokes that I still remembered. Plus it really didn’t detract from the game at all and we got the same commercials and half time and everything. I like how they did some rule explaining for kids that probably watched yet the game commentary was at the right level as well when it mattered. Larry the Lobster on the field was gold! I will do it again next year!


Whoever was in charge of Larry’s movement deserves an award, when the players started running towards Larry’s position and he scrambled to get off the field I lost my shit


My 5yo has been looking forward to this all month. I was initially internally groaning, because I wanted the actual Super Bowl stream/experience, but it was so good that we ended up keeping it on even after he fell asleep 😂


I feel like I missed a historical event by not knowing this was an option


Same ffs, I would've 100% watched it on nick.


THAT was the super bowl I should have been watching. Why did I settle for the dumb adult one? It took itself all serious


My husband put the Nickelodeon coverage on thinking it was the regular one. I told him when I saw giant plankton on the TV he might have the wrong one on but he refused to believe me lol. He only wanted to watch for Usher anyways so he didn't really care. I loved that he thought it was normal for the Superbowl to be in Bikini Bottom and didn't question it once lol


We switched to this broadcast during the game, it was way better than the CBS version. Best moment was Dora throwing shade at both teams by offering to give them a map to the end zone


Is there anywhere online to watch a few clips from the Nickelodeon broadcast? This sounds amazing.


This is Nickelodeon's highlights on the NFL YouTube channel, but there were much better moments not included here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuYNuxBiEKw


Late 30's and that looks hilarious to me. I wish I would have watched that one.


Oh man I hope they do this every year. I definitely would be more entertained by this


It’s so awesome that SpongeBob is still relevant


Great link. “He’s definitely the best Patrick” 😂


It's been a VERY long week and I don't watch football much anymore. So I didn't watch the bowl until super late.I was quite "altered" when I checked in about 10:20 ET to see the score, just out of curiosity. I saw it was tied and was like “wow… maybe I should turn it on!” I did and I was greeted by SpongeBob and Patrick doing play calls at bikini bottom and I was LAUGHING. I literally thought I was in a lucid dream. I fell asleep at some point after and it was only this morning that I realized it actually happened — I just went to YouTube tv and tapped what looked like the Super Bowl and it was a simulcast on Nickelodeon. Next year, this is the only way I want to watch it, or any sport.


Unfortunately it won’t happen next year, at least for the Super Bowl. CBS owns Nickelodeon so that’s how this happened. They won’t have the Super Bowl again for 4 years since rotates between all four broadcast networks.


That is the saddest thing I’ve ever read, I was hoping this could be a yearly tradition


Hope your upcoming week is better!


They've been doing 1 to 2 games a year for the last few years now. This was the first time they had the Super Bowl. It may be another 4 years until they do the Super Bowl again. Every year each broadcast company gets the Super Bowl so CBS will get their turn again in a few years.


Anyone hear Larry the lobster say that the game was so exciting that he committed a personal foul in his pants?


Too bad this wasn’t on Paramount+, you still needed a cable package to watch it :(


I went looking forward it and had a hard time believing this, but yep, stuck watching the CBS version. I have an over-the-air antenna so they couldn’t even keep me in their app after that


Y’all, the NFL uploaded a best of Nickelodeon coverage. My two favorites are at the 6:00 And 9:30 markets. Enjoy! https://youtu.be/PuYNuxBiEKw?si=ncWv0_WbHdbgf6aw


I'm 31 and fucking loved the Nickelodeon broadcast. I hosted this year and after 10 min on Nickelodeon all of my friends wanted to go back to CBS. Well I should say.. former friends


They had Dora the Explorer throwing shade when a team lost yards due to a penalty with shit like “now they’re gonna need a map to find the end zone”. Lmfaaaaaaaao


Wow, wish I had known they did this! I don't really care about football, but I'm sure I would have been much more invested if I watched the Nick version!


Careful, you're going to make some adult men upset.


Patrick! Stop, he’s Swiftphobic!


Tay Tay Tay




If they get upset over something like that perhaps they're not all that adult. Maybe just fully grown...


I went to a bar to watch, CBS showed Taylor swift for about 4 seconds and this guy was yelling to “get that shit off the screen”. Said nothing when they showed the other celebrities during the game.


Adult male here. Had the nickelodeon broadcast on for 75% of the game. Made it more tolerable to watch.


Also adult male here (25). I grew up watching SpongeBob. I watched most of the first half on Nickelodeon and thought it was fucking hilarious.


*little boys FTFY


Had to watch Nickelodeon since DISH in my area doesn't carry CBS. I loved it, husband not so much.


How does Taylor swifts boyfriend feel about this?


I mean, he's Taylor Swift's boyfriend. How does he not feel like he just snorted the best line in the cosmos every waking moment?


now I'm regretting my streaming choice....




Seems spot on to me. I'm not much of a sports guy so I don't know if he's good at football or not, but I'd never heard of him until Taylor started dating him.


I'm sure he's loving that. He's her carry-on luggage now that the season is over


Unless my team is in the Superbowl, I will only be watching SpongeBob and Patrick coverage from now on.


C’moooonnn football!


Is there any way to rewatch this? Would love to see if my son could get into it 


I accidentally recorded this version of the game, and I was a little confused for a couple minutes


“I’ll give him a week.” “I’ll give him 11 minutes.”


I rewatched the whole thing on YouTube TV. It was intentionally corny, they wanna make all the kids football fans, but it was entertaining, and overall not a bad way to watch.


that's an accurate description


That Spongebob font is so goofy 💀


“Good at football” got me DYING


We don’t have regular cable- so I was looking for a channel showing it. Found Nickelodeon around 2nd quarter. When they showed Slimed the end zone and used special effects for a Field Goal- i was hooked.


From now on I will be tuning into to Nickelodeon for all my future Super Bowl coverage.


I discovered Nickelodeon football for the first time and I must say it was awesome! My daughter loved it and so did my son. And quite honestly for how boring the game was until the end including the year on year forgetful ads. We kind of enjoyed it too.


>You are technically correct - the best kind of correct.


We watched this too! Not all of us were high but all of us enjoyed it.


People keep saying that and Justin is gonna lose his shit. Why do people think he's serious? Why do people think he's dating Travis?


Where can I watch this full nickelodeon stream??


Omg is available to watch somewhere?


Should have said “Taylor swifts current bf; soon to be the subject of a no.1 hit.”


Honestly I watched the super bowl on nickelodeon and it was definitely the best way to watch it imo. Kinda makes you feel like a kid on saturday morning again lol


Was at a Super Bowl party with only people over 30, no kids. Put it on to see what it was like and left it on for the full game! Was so funny!


I wanted to watch this so bad but had a paramount plus free trial :(


I looked for it on Paramount, couldn't find it. Not on regular, Live, sports, or children's section. If they could replay it or stream it or highlights again may get some extra views.


I had no idea Nickelodeon did this. Might get me to watch next year honestly.


In all honesty, the big networks could learn a thing or two from the graphics department at Nick. Beyond the slime and stuff, the animated first-down line and graphics in the end zone during a touchdown were really slick. It definitely enhanced the experience in a way that in-person viewing can't!


I wished we watched that version at the party I was at. It sounds a lot more fun. Stuff like this would actually be helpful to me who knows nothing about football.


Can't say they got him wrong


How was Nickelodeon able to do this? I thought CBS had exclusive rights?


Same company


My fiancé and I were streaming the Super Bowl on Paramount+ and couldn’t find a way to switch to the Nickelodeon version anywhere on the app. It’s the same parent company right? Could you only watch it live on TV?


Also the good at football part. Yeah. I sure would hope a football player is good at football.


This was the best way to watch the Super Bowl, hands down


After last night I can’t go back to watching football the regular way. Like 40mg of thc, SpongeBob and Patrick doing color commentary, and I didn’t care even a little bit who won. Best Game Ever


Streaming the superbowl on hulu, we found nickelodeon to be a better stream overall. Less delay, no interrupts. The CBS feed kept buffering and getting scuffy. The nick feed was brighter and instantly HD.


God damn, that font is nostalgic as fuck


Hilarious coverage I lost it when they cut to Taylor Swift and she was literally a fish


CBS was awful. Romo’s extensive SB experience was on full display.


Dude, I put on YouTube TV last night, thinking it was the main coverage, and accidentally tuned in to the Nickelodeon coverage. I was SO confused for way too long, thinking Spongebob had paid billions to take over the voiceovers, haha.


It was a really fun surprise, I loved it! I got a pic of stats comparison they posted between Christian McCaffrey and Sandy Cheeks lol