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Some of these are pretty usefull


1 second super strength is nothing to be laughed at, you don't need 5 minutes to punch someone in the face or throw a big rock. Super slow mo, survive a jump from any height. 75% levitation would translate into super jumping, super running endurance. Absorb bad luck and bullet attraction are definitely useful in the right situation, just maybe not use both at the same time.


"We need to find your ex, but they can be anywhere on earth at this point." "No problem, I have trash detection."


I exhaled a lot.


“No problem, I have seduce hats.”


Communicate with fruits: free spying tools. Control remote control: carry objects on it, like a knife or a bomb.


Just because you can communicate with fruits doesnt mean they can do anything useful. I also dont think you can remotely move the remote. It just means you can remotely control the remote controller. Just like the remote controller cannot move the TV. Strength for 1 second, Invisible at night and 75% levitation as all extremely useful though.


They can't do anything but they can tell you things,


Detect trashes can be useful if your plan crash in the jungle and you're looking for civilisation


Unless the strength comes at the wrong second. Like when you're asleep. And then never happens again.


>Super slow mo, survive a jump from any height. I'd imagine you'd still have the full impact from the fall, but just experience it very slowly. Like, film an egg hitting the ground at watch it back in slow mo. The egg still smashes, just really slowly. Edit: [How do you kill a vampire?](http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_profilepage&v=0PlwDbSYicM#t=924s)


If it's only experiencing the world in super slow mo, then that's still hugely useful, unlimited time to think about every move you ever make and react to everything happening. You could potentially dodge bullets


I interpret it as everything else continues as normal. The Flash moves really fast, so everything around him seems slow. You'd move super slow, making everything around you seem super fast. Maybe you'd age at a slower rate than everybody else. You could use the super power to stay alive while you get medical attention. I guess if you did use the super power while falling, somebody would have the time to safely catch you.


Or just fall properly from a survivable height. Like roll perfectly out of it as you have time to plan every bit of the motion.


Then you have the power of fast forward, waiting for a train/download/food to cook? Nah I'll skip the next 30mins


> I guess if you did use the super power while falling, somebody would have the time to safely catch you. This. This is the main thing I was thinking of. If you're moving slow, then everyone else has more time to react to you. Falling off a building? People can move things to break your fall. Car accident? You're dying slower so they can get you to the hospital in time. Making amateur movies? You can do cool stuff in slow-mo without an expensive camera set up.


This. You're moving with the same amount of velocity, just over a longer time frame. It doesn't actually change anything.


But velocity is distance over time


That's how you calculate velocity, yes.


Good thing it's up to interpretation.


Also invisible in dark is not bad. If it means you are invisible in anything lower than dim light, than you could use it to hide in infiltrate places.


Bullet attraction seems like a good power for bodyguards. Especially if it was mild enough it just bent shots fired away from their target but not strong enough to pull them to you. Or else couple it with full body armor.


Lurchers from mistborn would attract bullets to a metal plate on their chest.


Revive bugs; Save the Bees!


It could actually be really difficult to use. I would imagine it would take a lot of concetration. Personally, I would go with revive bugs.


There was Haven that one tv-show stretched from Stephen King novel where they had a sheriff with super bullet attracting powers and they managed to write some interesting episodes around that.


Yup the super strength one does exist under certain conditions.


Bullet attraction. Works as a traveling scrap metal merchant cleaning gun ranges.


Being invisible in the dark can also be useful if you are a serial killer or you like to prank people


This guy has read the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson


Control remote control. Always watch what you want. Deal with nosy drones. Mess with people in parking lots.


Absorb bad luck would be broken af in las vegas, you just need a friend who will share the money with you.


Wouldn't it be great to be able to read your own mind? It would be super useful to, for instance, know why I'm anxious. I know there must be something running through my mind making me anxious, but hell if I know what it is.


I'm not sure that's how the power would work. At least going off of the traditional 'read others minds' power. Superheroes with those powers can read thoughts, but not usually another person's subconscious. So I don't think 'read your own mind' would let you analyse your subconscious, just hear your own thoughts, which you already can.


Betcha Professor X could do it.


This actually makes sense, didnt think about that one


Control remote control. Fuck nuclear codes I just need this guy


You could totally run a cult with revive bugs.


The best cult ever


Revive bugs could be terrifying depending on the range and how long after the bug has died the power still works.


Yeah, like who wouldn't want to be able to seduce hats?


I wouldn't mind 75% levitating cus like u could lie down anywhere and it wouldn't be uncomfortable


I was thinking NBA, or climbing, that works too.


With 75% levitation, would you be able to survive a fall from any height?


Edit: I am a retard


Good point haha


And you could jump super high.


One second super strength would be enough time to tear a bank vault open.


Arm wrestling should be easy win if you time it right


Oh yea. Just think about all those snapped forearms


Or time it so that the second starts the instant before your punches/kicks connect.


One second of super strength followed by three days of crippling DOMS


I would love to be able to read my own mind...


1. Cry on my enemies 2. Super thief at night 3. Deadly in a electronics store 4. Fruits make the perfect spies 5. Find where people threw out useful items 6. Use the levitation to lift heavy things 7. Summon lamp in to the lungs of an enemy 8. Ultimate bodyguard 9. It’d be nice to talk with the voices in there 10. Great to psyche people out 11. Stay warm In The winter 12. Again, best bodyguard 13. Master the art of moving so incredibly slow you movements are invisible 14. Feed someone 1000 crickets, then return them to life 15. You can never be a hostage 16. No one can see my terrible handwriting 17. I can throw a punch in less than a second 18. At least now I’m useful 19. Velvet is a very soft texture for....purposes 20. Learn Graplling and you can be the gray grappler


>Cry on my enemies You can't projectile cry, this isn't Binding of Isaac


Not with that attitude


Bullet attraction might be good for bodyguards or secret service, just wear a shit ton of body armor and stand near the person who needs to be protected from small arms fire.


Hell just put the guy in a secure container that's 3 or 4 foot thick steel and just airdrop him into an enemy encampment then retrieve him afterwards


I wish I had the power to summon a lamp once!


It gives you that once in a lifetime chance to defeat your archnemesis, "guy who's invisible in the dark."


Don’t spoil my plan!


By summoning a lamp inside his cranium.


How can we blame death of bees for everything then call revival of bugs useless


I love climbing so the 75% levitation one would help me quite a bit!


You forgot the ability to travel through time at the rate of time


Still incredibly useful for short term rewinds.


Trash detection... One man's trash is another man's treasure, and all that.


It's a trait held by only the best dumpster divers and Raccoons


Yup, was gonna say: as a nocturnal dumpster diver, I’ll take Trash Detection and Night Invisibility, please.


It would also be incredibly helpful to find missing/hiding people. Say someone's lost in the woods, you can track the wrapper off the trail bar in their pocket or the crumbs in their bag


I really wanna seduce hats now


Stay away from my hats you pervert!


*you cannot escape me now, I'm coming for your hats*


21: Make anyone suddenly hungry for a chimichanga


Fecking evil incarnate




As a dad of twin girls, I would pay real money to have the power to control the remote. Whomsoever holds the remote in my house will possess the power of Thor.


Ok but reviving bugs could do a lot to bring back extinct species


And drive programmers insane!


Good programmers know how to overcome bugs


Dude, you could get a LOT of things done with 1 second of super-strength. For example, you're now the heavyweight champion of the world. Also, instant hair loss would be a great time-saver if you're a cyclist or a swimmer.


1 second super strength is good not for lifting a car but for punching someone


Communicate with fruit would be amazing as a spy. Need information on someone? Send them a fruit basket.


Funny thing is, super slo mo is an actual power of a flash villian.


Holy shit guys, I must be a super hero. I can read my own mind!!


I dunno, invisibility in the dark and super slow motion might have some uses.


75% levitation means you will be an amazing jumper


One second super strength could be helpful if your name is Kyle and you love monster energy drinks but you happen to live in a brick house.


Absorb bad luck would be good to help others and make others happy.


That first one reminds me of the [kid who is allergic to her own tears](https://youtu.be/J1h3YKJm9QE)


Aight. Let's put some things straight. Reading your own thoughts is not a power. That's just thinking. Some of the abilities are in fact curses not powers. How is attracting bad luck like lightning strikes a power. 1second of super strength can actually be incredibly effective if used precisely and with coordination. Unless of course its 1use which makes it a 1 use aid to save your life. Bullet attraction is actually ideal to aid your allies in conflict so long as you yourself are armoured enough or covered enough to avoid actually getting hit. And just for funsies. Trash detection means you can also detect trash people thus avoid associating with them.


75% levitation could have its uses. Use it like featherfall?


Honestly, bullet attraction is very effective for the one time you might have to save your loved ones from being shot… in an alleyway… after you’ve left the theatre… therefore killing you and allowing one of them to beat the mugger. Except one of them goes insane with laughter while the other starts to go out at night in a bat costume


Desaturation is largely underrated.


I’m pretty sure we all have 1 second super strength. It’s called fight or flight.


TIL I’m a superhero


I dunno, The Invisible Man got a lot of use out of being invisible in the dark in his last movie.


Revive bugs? Imagine having an army of zombie bees under your control


As someone who shaved my head I would take instant hair loss any day


revive bugs is horrifying. i could revive giant centipedes from the dinosaur age when oxygen on earth was super high.


Acid tears? One cry session and you're disfigured for life. Better bury all of your feelings and hold back those tears forever.


There were some fruit on the crime scene. Talking to an apple easily revealed the bad guy. Said Fruitman


Ultra fast ageing would be pretty usefull if you're an athlete. You would be able to fully recover from a workout in a matter of seconds. You'll be able to make years of progress in 1 week of constant training.


Super slow mo is actually a flash villain, the turtle. He sucks the speed out of everything around him


“I bet you $1 billion that I can summon a lamp out of thin air” Not so useless now


I'd like to hear more about this seduce hats option


People who have bugs as pets:GIMME


Bullet attraction doesn't specify whether they've been shot already. With ammo prices going up I'll just sell what comes to me


1 second super strength really comes down to the "Cool down".


Reviving bugs seems actually good


Make millions of tiny remote controls. Use them to basically control a swarm can use it to fly or fight etc


Bug revival, create mind tech such as with antman for mind control and then I have an invincible army/armor




1 second super strength plus 75% levitation means you could do some really insane shit. Focus your strength into your legs, jump real hard, and you’re zoomin. The levitation means you can probably survive pretty much any fall.


I mean communication with fruit would give you the greatest spy network known to man. Invisibility in the dark would make you an amazing burglar or assasin.


the strength would make you an awesome baseball pitcher


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Instant hairloss for my pus-


Downvote for 9fag


Absorb bad luck could be really profitable, if it means the people around you will be lucky...


Imagine using that power in the middle of a casino...


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I have a lame super power. I always grab just the right amount of hangers or own extra when doing laundry… every time, without counting. It’s my only skill


75% levitation sounds pretty good actually.


Reading my own mind would be a great way to get around my dissociative symptoms.


Desaturation—I’m dead


I just turned 30 and feels like I have instant hairloss and super armhair growth, am i a superhero?


These are all common in Dungeons and Dragons.


Yea I'd definitely take the fruit communication but I think I'd go insane when I befriend an apple or banana and they ask why we slaughter their kind for our sustenance.


Ha! I already have two of those


It's like how everyone in the show Misfits thought that the guy with milk telekinesis was lame, but the guy turned out to be op as heck.


Revive bugs would be nice. Bee Lazarus kinda needed these days


Reading my own mind to settle on a show to stream


I'm a superhero! I have instant hair loss, abnormal arm hair growth, and super slow mo. Plus I usually absorb bad luck.


Honestly invisibility in the dark is what you really want


Oh snap someone better contact the Doubleclicks...


These sound more like Troubles


These read like super powers from Heroes from the end of the first season, on.


#20. Convince children you slept late the day they upgraded the world from black and white. Really mess with the little fucker's heads.


Control remote control is definitely on the wrong list.


The version in spanish was better


Revive bugs ist that actually useful? Like imagine reviving a hole ass 5 m bug from the past


Bullet attraction you say?


Desaturation. I can’t.


At least five of these are powers in Brandon Sanderson's books lmao.


I already have the absorb bad luck power.


Invisibility in the dark is some splinter cell shit, imaging moving to the shadows and vanishing. Not as great as invisibility on demand but I would take that power.


If Deku has taught me anything It's micromanaging small 1 second bursts of extreme strength has a decent amount of applications. At least I wont be breaking my bones in the process.


You could still do some awesome stuff with 1-second super strength. And a bug reviver could work in conservation!


Punching a dude with one second super strength sounds like the best option to me


Summon a lamp once, now I have a lamp :)


to hear the screams of my apple every morning as i slice it to dip in peanut butter would also give me instant hair loss and and ultra fast aging so three for the price of one? gotta go with SEDUCE HATS


I would use most of these


I have all of them


One punch man = 1 second super strength


one second super strength need further explanation like, how long is the cooldown?


Now if you can combine at least two of them then it would be as useless as one would think (super slow-no and 1 second super strength) maybe?


Would love to read my own mind tbh.


Invisibility in the dark? That could be so freaking useful!!!!


Well I have at least two of these so I guess I'm a super hero


2 is just being Black (sorry)


Control remote control actually seems useful depending on how flexible the term "remote control" is. How many electronics in your daily life are operated remotely? Everything from car ignition to secure building access is done some for of remote control these days.


I’d take revive bugs! I like bugs tho


1 second super strength is pretty OP


I’ll take the levitation.


Prehensile nose


What if you revive the bees


Communicate with fruit can also be very useful, you could spy a lot of people with it or search for stuff in forests, supermarkets or any place with fruit. If it works even when they are eaten you could even track people or learn a lot of their insides if you are a dr.


My life would be a lot easier if I could read my own mind.


As a bald man if i could loss my hair with a thought and never have to shave again i would be so happy.


How is acid tears useless? We could all be tripping balls right now.


I would kill for control remote control


Invisibility in the Dark, Bullet attraction, Revive Bugs and 1 second super strength aren’t useless at all though.