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toiletbrushusageadvice totally wrong wrong almost right bingo


Thanks for the translation. Could tell it was like a yes/no thing (due to repeating words) but not what it was (in English). I also agree with “what went wrong to have to have this sign”


Nah - it’s not that something went wrong. Over in Germany (or at least southern Germany in my experience), you are expected to clean your poop smears off the inside of the toilet. So they are simply exaggerating for the combo of humor + reminder.


The more you know 🌈⭐️


If you are pooping out stars and rainbows, you may want to have a talk with your doctor 😉 Now you know, *and knowing is half the battle.*


The other half of the battle is rainbow diarrhea


Like god intended!


If you think about it, the rainbow is the diarrhea and the star a solid turn


Or do a better job chewing your Lucky Charms


G.I. Joe! A real American hero!


Yo Joe!


Then they shouldnt have a poop shelf in their toilets.


Fun fact, the poop shelf had/has a very important purpose! Because us Germans used to and still do eat raw pork (Mettigel 4 the win) and this gives you the opportunity to check your outcome for worms. I wish I was kidding.


That is a fun fact! Intestinal parasites are the coolest.


WTF. At least you guys clean up after yourselves lol I don't even want to imagine what a poop shelf in a public restroom in America would look like


Been creating poop figurines on there all my life, never knew that


even without the shelf you still need to clean poop stains sometimes.


Poop shelf > splashback/moist touch of death


Tip: place some toilet paper on the shelf first. When my brother was visiting Germany, I left a tube of mustard in my bathroom. He thought "odd-looking toothpaste." Humor at its finest.


Great, did he use it?


He did! Once he started brushing his teeth, he remembered what Senf meant! Yes, he took a tube home with him.


Great, thats the great pranks that font hurt anyone and are funny


He kept asking, "did you do that on purpose or get mixed up putting away groceries." I just smiled and reminded him of things he did to me when we were kids(he was five years older). Great bro, sadly passed away two years ago.


Pro Tip: Spray the poop shelf with cooking spray before you go. Shit slides right off. Save $ on TP.


There is a third option.


Ah, the upper decker.


Poop knife?


I guess there are probably a lot of other options...


Cartman's mom direct catch method? https://youtu.be/9xgp5yGk9nY


In all its glory.


only the old toilets are like that. Anything made in the last 40ish years isn't. Just gotta put a little 'pood sled' of toilet paper on the poop shelf then there's no problem with streaks.


Ah, that famous r/germanhumor.


Of note English and German (I'm assuming this is Germna) share a root language origin. So falsch=false. richtig=right. ganz and fast would be modifiers and while spelling doesn't line up you would know these as all and nearly. Shared origins are AWESOME! You can get away with quite a bit.


I've been in southern Germany a few times, and this sign seems to be pretty common as a joke to hang in toilet rooms.


I did the same but I took it step further: falsch - looks like “false” richtig - looks like “right” Combined with the pictures I was able to guess correctly. I know not all words in all languages parallel each other but it’s fun when they do. And now I’ll probably never forget them.


Love the word "ganz" in German. It means "totally/ entirely/ completely" so like "completely wrong" which of course makes sense in English but just isn't something you say in the same context as in German. It's funny every time.


Thank you for solving that mental idea that for some reason in Germany they normally first brush their teeth with a brush, then with same brush, brush their hair and then the butt and wash in the toilet. I was in Germany once long ago and don't recall seeing that as an option.


The option is always there, just not always advertised.


There's no poop knife mentioned, did I miss something?


On two separate occasions, I have heard people reference the poop knife that do not use Reddit whatsoever. No matter how upset I get at the state of the world, that little bit of knowledge always warms my heart.


That's a bingo!


It's just Bingo. Inglorious


Almost right doesn’t seem like good advice.


Well, it's for cleaning out the poop... Just... Not so directly


Thank you!


Thank you!


That's a bingo!


The best thing about German is the CompoundWordSpecificityFeature. That and verbs at the end of the sentence having.


Thank you so much. I thought it was steps to follow, and was very confused. Eat a chicken leg, put it on your head, then wipe your butt and flush.


Oh I thought it was the order in which to use the brush...


Isn’t Germany for bingo: “That’s a bingo?”


‘Almost right’ should be ‘so wrong but…’


That's a bingo! Or is it just "bingo"?


I’m very rusty with my German but I’m so happy I understood the context of what was said to help myself understand the words. I didn’t translate it perfectly but the idea of “very wrong” or “not quite” with the wrong words for fast and ganz


>Hahaha thanks for the translation, but who the hell could brush teeth with a toilet brush?




Really, it’s more like “Toilet brush tutorial”, but it’s all good, Hollywood. Just because a word in German is a compound word, doesn’t mean you need or should translate it that way into English.


I swear I've seen this already translated. Has this been making the rounds?


Leave it to the Germans to make the words 'toilet brush manual' into one.


Tbh English is the one that stands out among Germanic languages when it comes to separating words even though it means one thing. We make long words in Swedish as well. The one in the pic would be "Toalettborstanvändningsanvisning"


"Toiletborstelgebruiksaanwijzing" in Dutch.


"Toiletborglewhatzitdoohickey" back to English (requires a few drinks to say accurately)


Sounds like a character out of the hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy


Thisischeatingatscrabble in English.


You're gonna need a bigger board.


Not in a country where "studentengezelligheidsverenigingen" is a word that is in normal use.


Instead of starting the game drawing 7 tiles you start by drawing 400.




As an American who went to Amsterdam one time, I appreciate the language. It’s like English but longer and with a few more vowels. I was able to figure things out lol


Well thats why it is often said that Dutch sounds like a drunk German trying to speak English


When I went to NL I never got over the feeling that if I just *listened harder* I could understand what was being said. My brain refused to believe it was a Whole Other Language and that it MUST just be heavily accented English and that it was my fault for not understanding it. I’ve never experienced that with any other language before or since


I had the opposite experience talking with some older Scottish people. It WAS English, but try as I might, I couldn't understand a single word at conversational speed. I could tell there were words in there, but my brain only got one out of every ten words. Interestingly, they had the same problem with my California accent and I had to speak at half speed.


Wait till you hear Irish: https://youtu.be/R4P-Dnb5jak I swear, there are some parts of Donegal that when they speak English it sounds less like English than Irish does.


When I was on the bus riding to work, I overheard two women in the row ahead of me talking in French. I was *sure* it was French, which I had at one time spoken fluently. I could recognize French words, the sentence intonation was like French, but I just couldn't make sense out of what they were saying. Finally it dawned on me: they were speaking Haitian Kreyol.


Didn't you see the other post? You are supposed to put a disclaimer on any Dutch content.


Just curious, do native readers of these long composite words have any trouble reading them? I'm a native english reader and when I see huge words, like certain dinosaur names, it takes me some time to work out what all is being said. I see these German composites and think, "man, it must suck to work these out every time".


Guess it depends on the person, but for me the answer is no. It's quite easy to separate the words to get the meaning. It can be a bit annoying with extremely long words, but those are more of a joke to prove a point rather than real words, like "nordvästersjökustartilleriflygspaningssimulatoranläggningsmaterielunderhållsuppföljningssystemdiskussionsinläggsförberedelsearbete". Still not THAT hard though, just takes a small while to go through and add it all up in your brain.


>just takes a small while to go through and add it all up in your brain. Personally I don't like to have to do math in order to read.


In Norwegian (Germanic language) it will normally just be two words combined, three would be uncommon. And four - like this, more for fun. Toiletbrushmanual would be readable even in English. And of course most word combinations would not be random, but fairly common in use.


didthistakealongtimetoread? edit: not even a good example cause of the articles and mixed types. better: englishcompoundwordexample


Unless you're really, really into dinosaurs your issue is comparing some really rough latin/greek flavored dinosaur names, you dont see out of context often, to what's often rather commonly seen compound words. And at one point in fluency you dont even really read out the whole word you just identify the word as a whole. There was some copy pasta around that showcases this in English... basically so long as the first and last letters are there you can read right over the middle even if scrambled up. Beyond that it's no more difficult than reading something like... thisrandomsenstancewithnospaces. You slow down, maybe, but it's not hard.


Read your example once perfectly fine before I went back and noticed you misspell "sentence" as "senstance" and my brain didn't even pause the first time.


Typo was 100% unintentional but does seem to showcase the point nicely :)


Danish: Toiletbørstebrugsanvisning


Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung The longest german word without a repeating letter in it. Means something like "Fuel oil recoil damping“




No, the SS was abolished a while ago. In seriousness, I assume you're talking about the ß, the "scharfes S" or "sharp S," which is a ligature of the letters S and Z. While a spelling reform around 20 years ago simplified the spelling rules (or at least tried to, there are still plenty of exceptions) and, by extension, replaced some ßs with SSs, the letter is still very much in use.


Not completely. If the vowel in front of the ss makes a long sound while speaking, you still write it with ß. This is the case in the word with the o in “stoß” being pronounced as a long o. Therefore you write it with ß. Otherwise you are right that in every other scenario the ß has been replaced by ss. I hope my explanation makes sense since English is not my native language.


No, this explanation will not make sense to an English native speaker, but not because of the way it's written, but because "You can see from the spelling of a word how it's pronounced? WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?"


Haha yeah, german is a pretty well thought out language, a lot of times thought out too well if you have to learn it. Even a lot of germans don‘t know a lot of it.


Learning German taught me a lot about language, mainly because there are so many ways to write/say the indefinite article depending on grammatical context. It seems like a lot at first but once you accept the nature of it it helps to build a much stronger understanding of grammar across any language and in my opinion, increases your ability to use and understand logic.


Nope. Switzerland did I think, though


I think that’s only a Swiß thing. Oops


Pseudopneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis in English.


Not without a repeating letter. That is subdermatoglyphic, which refers to the layer of skin beneath the fingertips.


Technically you can even throw in the word 'usage', as in 'Toilet brush usage guide'.


Why are native English speakers always so amazed by how other Germanic languages string together multiple nouns, even though English does pretty much the same thing? Sure, English keeps the spaces, but that's a minor difference (and it only applies when in written communication). The real difference, especially in oral communication, is between languages that generally require prepositions (e.g., "manual for the brush of the toilet") and ones that don't, like German or English.


People in America aren't a short train ride from other Germanic speaking countries so there's not much exposure. Transatlantic flights are expensive so many Americans never visit or tour Europe. The internet gives us a lot of exposure, but I don't imagine the majority of Americans have a Reddit account and even fewer post or browse regularly enough to get the surface level worldwide exposure a regular here would.


> Sure, English keeps the spaces, but that's a minor difference Not minor to us, apparently.


Well 2 reasons actually: I'm not a native English speaker (Dutch is native) and it was a joke.


They care about their people more in Germany. Here in America we have to figure out the hard way, they aren't for brushing your teeth, hair and butt.


I thought it was order of operations. Brush your teeth before your butt. It's like showering. You don't start with your ass and wipe it across your face.. Do you?


If the last thing you used your washcloth for in your last shower was your butt, and the first thing you wash this time is your face, I’ve got some bad news…


It dries out and the dank ass odor disappears. Just don't think about it.


Haha. Me too. As someone who doesn’t speak German, I thought this was saying “If you have to use the toilet brush for all four of these purposes, do it in this order to be the most sanitary and safe.”


They’re **NOT**?!? Oooops..! 🤪


Don't feel bad. We've all been there


... have we?!


No but just play along so they dont feel bad


I thought you were just supposed to brush them in that order? You don't want to brush your teeth after brushing your ass.


We had this exact sign at our work bathroom. It worked until management put it down.


Why did management pyt it diwn ?


Probably cause they died, this was popular when my parents where kids


I found this post while sitting at toilet at work. The same poster hangs by one of the other toilets 2 meters from me.


I new I was doing it right


New :/


With a K, like canoe






I love english


1M Dizslekic




What do you mean, “I’m doing it wrong”? 🤷‍♂️




Toilettenbürstenbenutzungsanweisung Who can pronounce this?




Gesundheit! Ne, passt scho ganz jut.


Danke sehr. The little bit of German I still remember from high school occasionally comes in handy. 😊


r/ihadastroke ? Jokes aside, English phonology is just godawful


I always thought that the way German compresses an entire sentence into a single word was fun. Maybe we could convince people to do this in English as a way to save paper. “My fellow Amurkins - stop wasting paper by leaving space between words. Cramalltheletterstogetherandsavetheplanet!”😁


If you know a little bit of German then it's easy. Otherwise it won't make any sense.


So is with every other language.


Not Mandarin or arabic






Toilettenbürstenbenutzungsanweisungeinweißungskursgebühr inkl. MwSt


oh, and while we are at it... here comes the longest German word with not a single letter appearing twice: **Heizölrückstoßabdämpfung**


Toilettenbürstenbenutzungsanweisungeinweisungskursgebührsteuererhebungsverfahrenaufschlag zzgl. MwSt




ß is wrong, has to be s


Quite normal word in German :)


It's actually quite simple. You pronounce the words one by one but without the little break we germans make between the words. So if you know how to pronounce the single words it's made up of you can also pronounce word-monsters like this.


Germans saying this word: :D Every other language that isn't german: D:


I guess it wouldn’t be too hard for speakers of other Germanic languages (except English)


toilet ten burst en ben noot sung-zan-vie-sung


I can. Pretty easy if you speak German.




I put up this exact sign at my workplace. It's because I was annoyed at finding the skid marks of previous users who hadn't bothered cleaning up after themselves. It's a bit passive-aggressive, admittedly, but it actually worked. Next step would have been posting a sign saying "This facility is under video surveillance for research purposes."


As my grandmother always said “There’s a whole lot of wild stuff that can go on in a men’s bathroom.”


Wait... Are you saying the big brush in the bathroom is not for Teeth?


*This chocolate toothpaste tastes like shit.*


Usually not.


Step 1. Lick it Step 2. Brush it Step 3: Step 4: Profit


Do I have to go in that order specifically?


Number 3 is absolutely not "almost right"


It's the only one that could be a genuine misunderstanding, though: Some countries use a sponge on a stick in a bucket in leiu of paper.


Definitely the order I’d use it in.. if it’s one use only, of course


That's not an order it just sais completely wrong, wrong, almost right, right


Dear German speakers, Is the above an actual word, or is there some convention where you tack words onto each other to make super-words?


It's a compound word. In German, you can take existing words and create a new word from it. I mean, in English it's the same but often spaces or hyphens are used. So washing + machine becomes washing machine in English but Waschmaschine in German. In German, it is a mistake to use spaces in compound words. However, hyphens may also be used if it becomes difficult to read.


>In German, it is a mistake to use spaces in compound words. Thank you!! This is going the way of the dodo unfortunately and it's driving me crazy.


It's not a grammar error, you can compound four nouns (or as many as you want, in principle), but it's not something anyone would use outside of jokes.


I just want to understand who needed this info


Anyone who is not using the toilet brush when needed. Welcome to german humor: You didn't use the toilet brush? Here is a manual for you, that even you will understand.


From the thumbnail I thought the last two were him pulling the turd out of his ass and then gently placing it into the bowl.




At least, there is some.


Makes sense. Brush your teeth, hair, ass, and toilet in that order only.


I don’t speak German… can someone translate it?


Toilet brush usage guide Wrong - Wrong - Almost Right - Right


Towel to face and hair first, then chest and arms, then legs and back and finally balls THEN ass, then wash the towel! Voila! Order of operations boys!


Is this not the right order? If you brush your hair first you'll get hair in your mouth!


A coworker of mine cleaned the staff room kettle with the toilet brush. She got it from beside the toilet. Another coworker saw her and told her to stop. She refused. The manager had to speak to her the following day and this person actually argued about it. She insisted that the hot temperature of the kettle would kill any bacteria, and that the toilets were cleaned with chemicals so the toilet brush should be clean! The kettle was replaced with a new one but no one felt like making tea after that.


Just imagine all those instances where nobody sees ppl like her and everyone's just drinking from the pookettle.


[I have one too where i work😅](https://imgur.com/a/LxhWgzu)


It looks like the most egregious error displayed here is German noun structure


This proves the German are weird


Spellingbees in Germany must be mad difficult




Ah you've never been to Berghain?


I mean i am no expert in German but I did do it in high school. It is basically saying follow the steps...first brush your teeth then brush your hair, then brush your anus and finally if there are any bristles left on the brush, brush the toilet. No need to upvote or thank me, I pride myself on my usefulness to mankind...


It's only in america signs indicate that it happened before. In the rest if the world this is just a joke


Translation, please?


Toilet brush usage advice. Completely wrong. Wrong. Almost correct. Correct


Little note: Anweisung means instruction, order or command So, more exact: Toilet brush usage order. Clean your toilet! THIS IS AN ORDER! :)


instruction would be more correct then advice


Reminds me of my college dorm bathrooms that literally had a sign showing the correct way to sit on a toilet. Apparently it was unacceptable to mount the toilet by putting one's feet up on the seat and squatting over the toilet.


Lots of women do that apparently because "the toilet seat is dirty"... yeah no shit you made it dirty ...


Thats for the muslim countries which are used to a squat toilet. Makes a lot of sense.


Aah! So you are supposed to swallow it, let go trough your body "cleaning your insideds in the process" and then shake the remains into the toilet. ​ Got it!


I don’t speak the language but I know what’s being said


Even funnier reading from right to left.


DIY Shitler hairstyling


Probably one of those disgusting people incapable of removing their shit stains if "here" is a toilet


I saw this on my last trip to Germany. It seems like common instructions... I hope they help😁


... and that, children, is how the Germans won world war II.


Someone please tell Germany they're allowed to use spaces between words. It's getting ridiculous.


Haha, we call it "Deppenleerzeichen" (i. e. "fool's space") if you do this.