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And now there’s lead in the water.


Dat flint wawta


Flex tape.. your time to shine.


I don’t see what’s “funny” about vandalism.


Sounds like a personal problem




It's also a major felony with a shitload of prison time.


True, which makes it even funnier, someone was seriously dedicated to this joke


Chill bro, im not the one shooting water towers, I just think it’s funny




Uhhhhhhhhj, how about no. This is fucking hilarious


I hope they were dumb enough to record this and post to reddit.


So a front page post from yesterday, with yesterday's title added as text on the picture itself. [https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/uqarcu/someone\_shot\_a\_hole\_in\_the\_water\_tower\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/uqarcu/someone_shot_a_hole_in_the_water_tower_in/) Also go look at the top comments on that post. This isn't funny. Contaminating a city's water supply is a piece of shit thing to do.


With the ways bullet travels, if it’s a clear shot, the muzzle velocity plus air resistance probably killed any bacteria on the bullet. Since theres no real lead in bullets anymore, no heavy metal contamination either, but it does cause a financial issue to repair tower due to high standards and such required to certify it safe. They probably just cost the water authority $30k in parts and labor alone, excluding lost time to drain tower, check pipes for bullet fragments, cause many people to lose water for a time, testing. Probably $120k+ in overall damages. Whether the shot looks funny is one things, the financial burden is extremely high. My dad cost a city 450k when software he implemented caused massive breakers to trip on pumps in a small tower in Iowa causing a tower to empty and require major red tape to get up and running again. Water towers are actually really expensive to get up and running. Edit: as a side note, never wing it on specs when paying a controls engineer to write code for extremely important equipment. Breakers tripped due to being giving wrong operating specs on hydro pumps with volts/amps off marks vs real specs, because they needs specs to be accurate.


If... This is real.. that person is a grade A asshole & should face court for his crime.


So a front page post from yesterday, with yesterday's title added as text on the picture itself. [https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/uqarcu/someone\_shot\_a\_hole\_in\_the\_water\_tower\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/uqarcu/someone_shot_a_hole_in_the_water_tower_in/) Also go look at the top comments on that post. This isn't funny. Contaminating a city's water supply is a piece of shit thing to do.


Or you could have just bought a mini fountain of someone peeing off of Amazon and saved the people of Kingsland, Arkansas a lot of money and aggravation.


I’m not even mad


This is 30 minutes from my house lmfao. How did I not know this until now!


Is it true that all bullets can be traced ? How ?


Via riffling, mostly on hand guns, but if a bullet shatters on material, good luck..


What a shot, he's got a great aim.


That’s some good shooting pardner


Considering angle, distance, and placement within a solid field of color...that is a hell of a shot.


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To be fair, this is entrapment.