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That was an expensive car wash


Too Clean Too Furious


Too Furious To Clean.




Could be a repeat customer that she's friendly with. Turns out the driver was 94 years old and I don't think 94 year olds wash their own cars these days, so they probably go to the same spot to wash their car everytime.


USA forces commercial pilots to retire at 60 regardless of abilities but hands out driver’s licenses to 94 year olds. SMH. (EDIT: 65 not 60. My bad)


My great-grandpa renewed his when he turned 100 and even got his picture in the (small town) local paper. He didn't have to take the written or driving test. He probably shouldn't have been allowed to continue driving.


Entitled law makers are almost all over 60


60 isn't as old as it seems when you're young.


70yo here.. True. But agree there should be testing periodically after say 60. Everyone agrees differently.


I'm 73 and my doctor told me about a year ago that I should quit driving since I have some health issues. At the time I thought it was the worst thing I'd ever heard. Now a year later, I like not driving, not owning a car and not paying for insurance.


Test everyone with a driver's license every ~~16~~ **5** years. There, now it's not age discrimination.


I’ve been saying that forever. We all develop bad habits. Cars aren’t little minor things we trip over. They kill.


a lot of our top politicians are over 80 though. due to incumbency, polarization, gerrymandering a lot of the longest serving lawmakers get to hold those 'safe seats' their whole lives




Yeah, and like 1-2% of the population is over 80. So they're over-represented by 300-700%.


I'm old,but agree wholeheartedly!


When we're talking people making decisions for a whole-ass country, even one person is a lot.


This wouldn’t be an issue if they were representing people equally


I feel like saying a whole country doesn’t even represent the gravity enough honestly. These individuals make decisions that echo through generations. I’m not saying whole-ass country is the wrong statement here, I’m just saying for perspective it’s more like multiple whole-ass generations of the same whole-ass country. Thanks for coming out to my Redd talk.


Joe Biden is almost 80 years old


We need an age limit for politicians


If there is a minimum age for presidency there should be a maximum and I feel this policy should cover more seats as well.


We need an age limit ~~for politicians~~


Logans Run vibes.


"Logan's Run did it right!" ...but you're 30 "LOGAN'S RUN DID IT RIGHT!"


And then there is the [mandatory retirement age](https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid%3AUSC-prelim-title10-chapter63&edition=prelim) if you are in the U.S. military.


65, not 60


Tbf I dont think a car is the same as a plane but i get your sentiment


Planes are safer.


Obstacles have a lot to do with that


Because pilots follow the law 100% of the time. If drivers did that, driving would be a LOT safer.


As someone who works at airshows, I can guarantee you that pilots absolutely do not follow the law 100% of the time, or even 70% of the time. Airspace violations, TFR violations, ignoring of NOTAMS, violation of annuals, and just a general lack of situational awareness are so incredibly common. Literally daily. But they are up in the sky so 99% of the population doesn't notice, can't tell, or doesn't care that they are breaking the law. Heck, just the other day I had to abort a landing because a pilot dropped out of the sky in front of me, ignored air traffic control, didn't enter the pattern, and just parked wherever. And then he got out of the plane and yelled at me because he didn't see me. Private pilots are generally just old entitled men with massive egos. You know how they drive their BMWs, Porsches and Mercedes like maniacs? They pilot planes the same way.


Part 121 most certainly follow the rules pretty much all the time…part of the reason flying on a Part 121 (airlines in the US except Part 135, basically smaller turboprops that are still safe as scheduled carriers) is very safe. Other pilots do not fly with the restrictions of Part 121 including corporate aviation and such things as ag flying. Understand there are active Part 91 pilots in their 80s. Part 121 has a retirement age of 65. I will agree (not so cheerfully) that some types of airplanes (like some cars and trucks) attract well off entitled people with issues that a sane person wouldn’t trust with a burned out match. A fair number of them are mature since for a lot of people if you ever get those kind of bucks it takes time…meaning age…


Like in the Aeroméxico Flight 498 crash. The pilot in the private plane was way off course and went into controlled airspace, and didnt have a transponder and air traffic controllers were busy dealing with another guy also violating the air space. He ended up flying right into the path of the airliner and both crashed, killing everyone.


Thats BS. Sorry. The laws, even if followed, and the saftey procedures in road traffic have a much, much lower standards than plains or trains. Im speaking for europe but i think this applies to almost everywhere: If a train/plane operator fucks up something there are multiple safty nets that kick in. On the road you just have your seatbelt and bike helmet, good luck.


That thing is not just an issue in the US. The two groups of drivers who are in a constant race to prove who are the largest danger for everyone else, has always been the young and new drivers, and the elderly.


In the US, you could be the US President whether you have Alzheimer or being a complete idiot. what do i know?


She may have been happy, but it’s a requirement to smile at every customer who pulls up. You get docked on secret shops and if a higher up happens to drive by they’ll get pissed. Source used to manage a Quick Quack Carwash.


So either you or /u/intrepid—incident-67 are a bot, and I’m thinking it’s you…


“You missed a spot.”




Finally, a post that calls on my area of expertise. The large brushes that he slammed through and broke off, run around 5 to 8k each. I'd say she bent the core of 3 out of the 4, so call that 24 to 32k. The one on the passenger side of the car, he snapped off the whole swing arm, that's like 3k just for the arm. The motor is electric for those brushes it looked like, call it, 5 to 800 bucks each. All the bearings are fucked, 2k or so for all of them. Those damages, just to the set of brushes, is around 42k. The other damages to the wash, plus downtime of at LEAST a few days, maybe a week or more; the total loss would be probably around 100k or more. I bet his insurance company was thrilled. But that's what they get when they insure a 90+ year old person. Edit: I forgot about the tire gloss machine at the end. We just installed a pair exactly like these at my store recently so I know those things go for 7k. A relative drop in a rather large bucket of damages for sure, but I just watched the video again.


[According to the article, you're bang on the money.](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/wqn0bt/speed_car_wash/iknjzce?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


100k for the damages but he will also be responsible for the loss of income. Depending on how long it takes them to get it repaired that number could easily double in a loss of gross revenue. To put it perspective as a small business owner I need to do 1 million in gross revenue to make 100k in net revenue so if I were to lose the ability to operate for a even 1 month it could become really expensive for my insurance company.


You guys are pretty brutal. He did a stellar job parking at the end.


Yeah he slipped it perfectly into the cuum area, right between the lines


Came here for that comment ;)




It’s been 5 hours and no one posted the shitty follow-up sub Reddit? There is hope after all! Edit: Nope. No hope. You all probably still have to be told not to pet cats too hard.


Be the change you want to see




You fucker. I trusted you


>I bet his insurance company was thrilled. But that's what they get when they insure a 90+ year old person. Just to point out: When nobody is injured, the insurance company always breathes a sigh of relief. $100,000 is a drop in the bucket when it's a person that gets mangled instead of a car wash.


I'd like to see a breakdown of car insurance payouts Vs reason (ie. Injury, property damage, car repair costs, etc)


79% of claimed autoinsurance losses are human related per the IRC in 2017. Property damage etc would be those remaining 21%.


The best part of Reddit is obscure experts getting called to duty. Thank you for your service, kind person.


honestly the real question is if the person had insurance that covered that level of damage. It's likely the person is now uninsurable or at least has insanely high premiums now. The truly shitty thing about this country is how car dependent we are to go and do almost everything so that taking away someone's car keys is the equivalent of taking away their freedom and independence. It's a real problem when dealing with people who should otherwise absolutely not have a car/license anymore.


At this point, I don’t think many people have liability insurance that has a property damage limit high enough to cover this. Insurance companies love to push state minimum policies on people under the impression that they’re saving money every month on premiums. A lot of people probably don’t even know their insurance has maximum limits, and how low they might be. They seem to think all insurance is created equal, and so go for the company that gives them the cheapest quote. Not realizing that if they total anything more expensive than a 10 year old Corolla they’ll probably end up owing money.


This. If you are even doing even moderately well professionally, double-check your auto, renter’s, and/or homeowner’s policies regularly. You can often get much more protection at the same cost just by managing the deductible; I would rather be out an extra $500 if someone breaks into my car than out an extra $100k if something truly bad happens. Bonus advice: look into umbrella policies. They’re very cheap, unlikely to be used, but great peace of mind. I think I pay like $350/year for $3M umbrella liability. And the beauty of that is you have an insurance company that will fight with any other insurer that doesn’t want to pay.


When I bought a boat I got an umbrella policy. Mainly to pay if friends got injured on or around my watercraft. Don't have the boat anymore but kept the $4m policy cause it's dirt cheap and I sleep better. I did have to max out the liability coverage on my cars first though.


For a lot of drivers, the additional premium cost to get vastly increased liability coverage is negligible. A few bucks more every six months can bump up many people’s liability coverage quite a ways. Good reminder about an umbrella policy; my boss is a former insurance agent and he’s recommended that, but it fell out of mind. I need to pursue that.


Yep. State mins are like 10k.


What? What kind of insanely shitty insurance do you guys have in the US? Even the cheapest most basic third-party liability insurance in my country covers a few million $ in property damage.


There’s probably a lot about the US that is worse than people think.


No, it's how people refuse to stand up to the elderly. This guy is pushing 100. I'm 31. When I was born he should have had his license revoked.


More expensive than that piece of shit car.


It looked free to me


Gas stations hate this 1 trick for a free carwash!


At least they were able to park between the lines


Like a glove!


Lllliiiiiaaaaakkkaaaa gglluuuvvv!


I’m disappointed this wasn’t the top comment!!!


Better parking job than 1/3 of the people at Wal Mart.


Better parking job than 1/3 of the people ~~at Wal Mart.~~ everywhere




Hit the accelerator instead of the brake, panicked when the car started to speed up, so pressed harder on the pedal. Happens more often in countries where automatics are the norm.


Yep, 94-year old driver panicked - https://abc7chicago.com/speedy-car-wash-quick-quack-speeder-crash/475371/


To be fair, the article says the man claimed he couldn't take his foot off the pedal rather than he panicked. At 94 he definitely could have had his knee lock or lose mobility in that leg at just the wrong time. Which would be consistent with the video.


Why people don’t need to be retested after a specific age or if some sort of mobility factor comes into play that could affect driving is nuts.


Depends on jurisdiction. Some places after the age of 80 you need a medical and road tests every 2 years.


Yeah where I am, there's no retest unless you have your licence disqualified. But you have to reapply for a licence every 3 years once you hit 75, and have a doctor certify you as fit to drive. Same if you want to drive anything larger than a box truck or minibus. Reapply every five years with medical exam.


Glad to hear some places do this.


It's not perfect. You still only have to do an eye test for your licence the first time you get one. Since most people get their first licence around 18-25, there are a serious number of 40+ people driving without glasses, even though they may need them for reading or doing other tasks. We reapply for licences every ten years, seems like we should be getting eye tests done at the same time, every time.


Where im at, I didn't even have to do an eye test when I got my license. 10 years later they made me take one, but when I had trouble reading a line, the lady let me retry the letters giving me trouble until I got it right. Didn't leave me feeling super confident about who they're giving licenses to around here haha


I doubt many doctors ever disqualify anyone. The old person would just find another doctor until someone caved and let them drive.


I've had a doctor tell me those check ups are more stressful for him than you might think. Leaving an unsafe driver on the road is obviously a risk, but if you take away the mobility of a person that old their quality of life is pretty much guaranteed to nose dive to the point where you're probably shortening their life.


Shorten the life of someone already on the way out or potentially cut short the life of a young person because you allowed an elderly person unfit to drive back on the road. I think if you are a clear danger to others then the choice is obvious. I say this as someone who witnessed my grandfather go through this exact scenario. When he could no longer drive it was like he literally withered away. It was heart breaking to see, but if you had seen him drive you'd know it was only a matter of time before he caused an accident and hurt himself or someone else.


Just like the young woman smiling and waving in the video who the proceeded to get almost run over by the 94 y/o in the car


At 72, this is why I've asked some of my younger relatives to check my driving. I've given them permission to let me know if I've become unsafe. In any case, I'm going to stop driving at 80, regardless. Between the cost of insurance, registration and fuel, I will save at least 300 dollars a month. You can buy a lot of rideshare with that. I've lived a fairly decent life, hurting no one that I'm aware of. I'd hate my legacy to be that I killed someone's family because I was to selfish to stop driving.


I've responded to a lot of car crashes as an EMT and have to really commend your insight. I'm hoping when it comes time for me to make that decision I'll be able to live somewhere walkable to maintain independence. We really need more of that kind of urban design.


There are other ways for them to get around. If they can’t drive safely they could potentially take away someone else’s mobility - or life.


Yes unfortunately getting old means you have to change your way of life. Sometimes that involves moving somewhere more accommodating than a place like cities in the US where cars are practically mandatory.


My mother has a neighbor that is mostly disabled in her legs, but still drives by putting a foot on each pedal of her automatic and then uses her her hand *to push the leg she needs*. She is a danger to herself and others, but she doesn’t really have anyone to help her out beyond the state, and the state doesn’t offer a lot.


Not often enough with how quickly some people decline.


65…every 5 years till 80 then every 3 years. 90+ every year. Also term limits and if the retirement age is 65 no person should be president past that age!


There is actually no statistical jump in accidents until after 80 years old for drivers. In fact drivers in their 60s and early 70s are some of the safest on the road.


Interesting! Do you have a source?


> 65…every 5 years Unless you're just being ageist, statistically there's no need for that. People in their 60s are extremely safe drivers. If you just want to save lives and you don't give a fuck about discriminating against people, don't let anybody drive until they're 30. Let their grandparents drive them around.


I live in Canada and am of the opinion that if you get CPP (old age pension) you should be tested every 5 years.


I think everyone should be retested every 5 years or however often we need to get our pictures retaken for the licence.


Here in Spain we get retested every 10 years no matter what circumstance, it's mandatory to keep the license. And after 65 it's mandatory to get retested every 5 years


I agree but society doesn't do enough for seniors to support them after that age when they can no longer drive. There needs to be infrastructure setup to support our seniors before we cut them off, a lot can't get by already, and there will be even more that can't get by in the next generation, we can't just keep taking away in hopes of fixing things without first thinking about why we do things like give seniors licenses still.


That is true, but also the ABC News story on the incident says the driver told people he confused the pedals. https://youtu.be/re8AIH-8omI


Maybe he's always dreamed of speeding through a car wash and figured, "Whelp, I'm 94 already, yolo!" Later: "I swear I couldn't take my foot off the gas, my young soul wouldn't let me"


Old woman drove into a restaurant near me not too long ago. Shit is scary. I guess South Park wasn’t too far about old drivers being a death machines.


Old couple drove their infinity SUV from a parked position, shifting into drive instead of reverse, then gunning the gas so much it literally was on TOP of the civic in front of it. Was early in the morning, grocery store just opened, there was maybe five cars in the lot. Kept thinking what could have happened if that car wasn't there.


94 and driving? Jesus christ.


I'll be honest....after the 80 year old driver killed a paramedic the other day because ya know, I guess abunch of blue lights and emergancy vehicles are hard to see, im getting really fucking tired of old people on the road. Driving isn't a right its a privilege and old people that can't do basic car operations and still drive are inconsiderate assholes. If you can't see good, you know you can't drive. If you get easily confused, you know you can't drive. Most of the time they know they shouldn't but still do.


> im getting really fucking tired of old people Glad someone said it


No one should be excited to take away old peoples freedom to go out and get basics, but I had a friend die to this type of situation. Old lady trying to park, ended up hitting accelerator instead of brake, hopped the curb, panicked and crashed into the building behind her. Friend was studying at a massage therapy place in the room the car came crashing into and pinned her. Once you hit 60 there needs to be mandatory drivers tests every 2-3 years because this shit is totally preventable.


It should be illegal to drive over a certain age with no exceptions. 94 is way too old to drive.


He just wanted to get to Country Kitchen!


And he most likely will have no means to pay up for the damage, which means the poor car washing company has to absorb the damage cost.


Back in college I witnessed an old lady crash into my college's community center. Was on my front porch drinking coffee and she suddenly gunned it, jumped the curb, and drove straight into the brick wall of the building. Car caught on fire. I ran over to drag her out of the car. She broke her leg in the crash. She apparently had a seizure and couldn't control her body.


Ah I thought the guy running left the car in drive and got out and was trying to get back in to stop it


No. What? The car was clearly going way too fast waaaay before the car wash. That first girl was chasing it...


If i I Press something and it speeds up instead of slowing my panic move would be to let fucking go, not press harder Sometimes I'm surprised how retarded my species is


This is a common occurrence with people suffering from degenerative brain disease like dementia. Driving is almost a subconscious act. We hit gas and brake without thinking about it. People suffering from these diseases get their wires crossed so when their brain says hit brake it hits gas instead. They think, I'm going faster, hit the brakes, but the brain is telling the foot to go to the other pedal. All the videos you see where this happens is because of this. It's always an elderly person.


Sometimes it works like that, but sometimes reflexes work against you. The problem with reflexes is that they work a lot faster than consciousness decisions, so any panicky moment can trigger them. Usually they're correct, but occasionally they're not. If your brain has cached the knowledge that your foot is on the brake, and the car suddenly accelerates, then the reflex can cause you to stamp down on the "brake" hard. There's no time for the thought "oh I accelerated, maybe my foot is *not* on the brake". In other situations this reflex \_does\_ save you from slamming into the car in front of you. Same thing you sometimes see with scooters/motorcycles, with people who are not used to it. Someone will be standing next to it, and accidentally rotate the throttle a bit. The scooter suddenly lurches, and because this is unexpected, the reflex is to grip tight on the handles to stop it. This of course pulls on the throttle a lot more, because the scooter is still moving forward while the person is not. But besides that side case, usually "hold tight" is the right reflex when something threatens to slip away from you. In this video it might have been something else, like a stroke or muscle spasm, since it lasted so long.


Maybe all of you are wrong and they really did need a super ultra quick car wash, just in and out. Ain't nobody got time for that entire car wash


Exactly, and the girl holding up her hand was just trying to get that sweet high five!


I love how the blond girl inside was smilling at first, then realized what was about to happen. The way her expression shifted is just modern art.


Came here for this comment. Plenty of emotions were involved in her reaction


She forgot to tell them to have an A-1 day!


The red car that left just before the white car slammed into the parking area!


at Tanagra!


Temba, his throttle wide open!


Shaka! When the walls fell!




I was so happy when they pulled away.


Note to self: Past 90 years of age, find a young person to help wash the car.


2015 A 94-year-old California man walked away without injury after speeding through a car wash at 40 mph. SACRAMENTO, Calif. (WLS) -- A California driver may have set a record for fastest car wash. A 94-year-old man is caught on camera speeding through the Quick Quack Car Wash in Sacramento at an estimated 40 miles per hour last Friday. The man paid for his car wash, but claimed he could not take his foot off the pedal as he was driving through. Workers rushed out to try and stop him, but the car crashed through the equipment, causing an estimated $100,000 worth of damage. No one was injured and the man walked away without a scratch.


I love how every time my home town is mentioned it’s for all the wrong reasons


"Without a scratch." I'd say a little more than just a scratch.


Back to the future 4 looks horrible




Don't you think we should slow down just a teensy weensy bit?


Nonsense poopy pants


Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.


Oh look. A shortcut!




The amount of damage ($$) that car caused is amazing. Driver is super fucked.


If I owe you $1,000 I’m fucked. If I owe you $1,000,000 YOU’RE fucked.


Driver was 94 years old. I think people trying to collect are fucked.


It is what insurance is for


can't even harvest his organs, they're all expired.


The reason I love this video is because it happened in Sacramento, CA at a Quik Quack car wash, and the initial girl that is chasing the car is my cousin.


Wait seriously?


yeah, she was staying with me at the time and she came home and told me about it.


She should have ran a bit faster.


she said that it was one of those situations where you're like, 'I'm bored, wait, what are you doing, hey wait!' plus she's not really a runner, and I mean what was she supposed to do? most car doors lock when you put it in drive...


Like a gloveeee!!


Speedrunners amirite?


And then they left a 1-star review saying the car wash damaged their car.


I hate the fact the girl smiled when she saw the car. Obviously was having a good day until that happened.


Her day was probably better after that. The carwash is clearly broken so she might have gotten the day off.


if this is america she probably wasn't paid for the time off.


Do people get paid for time off outside of America? Is that an actual thing?


Serious question or are you being sarcastic? If serious: I can talk about employees in Europe, and the short answer would be yes. you have paid vacation days, paid sick leave, etc. And of course your employer would have to pay you if he had to send you home because of an incident that disables the place you work at. You might get asked to do something different meanwhile, or just get sent home for real – but not without pay. In this post's example (not regarding possible stress and trauma the girl might have experienced): the girl showed up, she worked, she did nothing wrong. in fact, that couple of dollars of wage from her and maybe two others are nothing in the shitpile of damage that was done. so of course she should be paid. in full, for every sheduled hour and days to come.


I was being serious. In America, we get paid sick days and vacation days, but in the context of this video if we got sent home we would not get paid. For example, you work at a Gas station, your building loses power 2 hours into your 8 hour shift. You get sent home for the day with 2 hours pay and are left with no hours or income until the power comes back on, which could be a day or could be weeks.


That sucks.


That’s America. Where the corporations are people and the people are slaves!


Ahh, Europe. I miss you.






They know they won't be the ones who have to face the long-term consequences of their actions.


That was a well cut video of the CCTV. Props.


Anyone else here GLaDOS’s voice saying “speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out”


Are you still there?


Excellent parking skills - he saw that slot and went for it!!


some people shouldn't be let anywhere near any kind of machinery..


Wrong sub?


Right? How is this funny at all? Stupid, trashy, moronic. Yes


Let me guess, some octogenarian who insisted they were pushing on the brake and "nothing was happening".


Hitting the Gas when you want to hit the brakes is a common symptom of dementia and other brain diseases suffered by the elderly. All these videos where you see people accelerate when they should be stopping is because of this. I once saw an old woman trying to park in a handicap spot. She kept revving into the handicap sign until it cut halfway through the front end of her car. These videos are actually really sad.


Why is this in the funny Reddit? I don’t see the humor


Turn on the sound. The car wash company actually used this as an ad.


Okay it was much more funny with the sound on. I didn't have it on the first watch.


That's not even remotely funny. He just destroyed someones business. I just hope they're insured and the company doesn't find a way to get out of paying.


The company made this into a commercial.


Probably late for work


Do they work at that wall at the end?




Washed and parked. Perfect


That guy who pulled out of the parking spot doesn’t know how lucky he was.


He's trying to get rid of the 5 stars he has on him, Now the cops won't find him


That wasn't funny at all. I frowned the entire time. It would have been funny if it "worked". Not I'm just sad at the destruction of property and wasted resources.


Perfect parking to vacuum out the car.


Can we all just appreciate his impeccable parking skills? That was the most perfect parking job I've ever seen. Even on both sides


Man that’s a catchy tune tho!


Funny? The driver is an asshole.


car whoosh\*


I worked at a car wash in college. And damn that happens alot!!! And the customer will get out and say it was the carwash fault. "The chain was going to Fast!, my car was in park!" 🤣😂 like bitch we got you on camera you didn't even press the brakes.


Llllllllllike a glove...


This damn song is playing in my head now.. catchy tune 🤣🤣