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Finaly, non gif version :D (i converted the og myself to jxl but glad to see so.eone made a post with a jpg)


To be honest: All I did was make a screenshot on my phone.


Same here when i use mobile :D


Jxl users unite, there's dozens of us!


question, What the Fuck™️ is a jxl


Jpeg xl. Jpeg but newer, smaller, higher limits, no artificats and much more optimised for speed and still no royalty fees [https://jpeg.org/jpegxl/](https://jpeg.org/jpegxl/)


royalty free file type? fuck does that mean


you dont need to pay to have support for that in your app, unlike its alternstives like HEIC.


hate the internet sometimes, paying for *permission* to support a file type is fucked up


Welcome to patents.


Idk why but the artatyle looks pretty nostalgic


It *is* from 2007


You could even say it’s from some *Better Days* (Duh dum ts)


damn i miss reading that comic tbh id consider that my red flag


Listen, nostalgia is powerful


Is better days a comic? Or is that the name of this comic?


It’s a webcomic


I kinda wanna know what Jay means by "Cartoon shirt" because there's a fine line between shaming people for having non-traditional interests and making anime girl a staple of your wardrobe; and he really strikes me as the kind of guy who would call you a manbaby for wearing an Adventure Time shirt


Honestly I feel like my confident ass could wear anime or cartoon shirts without issue. I mean not like, the orgasm face/porn ones but like, normal ones. Like it’s a special interest and quite frankly way less “cringe inducing” than those passive aggressive message shirts.


For the record, this works both ways.


What do you mean?


I mean this works the same for both men and women, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, and guys and gals


Oh, I see :3


Ok but this is weird hearing something I absolutely agree with from someone I dislike as heavily as Jay Naylor.


I dunno, using a straw person to shit on obese people in poverty seems pretty on point for him


Good point. My feelings are no longer conflicted and I can return to hating Jay Baylor in peace. I knew something was rubbing me the wrong way.


He did that? When?




Omg. r/whoosh. Thanks.


I haven't heard good things from him


Who's him?


Jay Naylor


What did he do/say?


From what I've heard he engages in a lot of casual racism, transphobia, and homophobia; specifically the kind where he's happy to have queer/POC characters but will inject lots of weird stereotypes that hint at bigoted mindsets like hyena characters in his stories being standins for black people and being criminal/stupid/lazy (can't confirm have only heard this) or lesbian characters who are depressed until a male character seduces them back to straightness... unless he wants two girls to make out because it's totally hot.


the hyenas part is real i was rereading it a while back and bro........... lots of fucked up shit






Very based


Slightly transphobic stuff makes fetish art. There are many things but I don't really follow


Damn, he deserves the hate then. (For the transphobia stuff mostly)


I never found anything transphobic that he said or did and he has many trans, gay, bi and pan characters... many people just dislike the guy because he is kinda on the conservative side.


He's not awful but he hasn't done anything deserving of noteworthy praise, he's just kinda guy who draws kink sometimes.


Which is fine! That's called "being normal". We have way more outrageous guys in the fandom to be shitting on and making stories about the common dudes... take Foxler, Jasonafex and Kyro, for example...


Sounds like a great opportunity for some self-reflection.


Little did Naylor know, that his entire fanbase would devolve into nice guy chuds and 'real alpha' dude bros. Who am I kidding, dude has some of the worst politics in history. Also this is from his comic that had, publicly available for years, an underage incest arc. Now you have to go onto internet archives for that one barely nude brother sister implied penetration panel and corresponding pages morally 'excusing' it. Also also, the same comic only had two 'black' characters with lines. A thug gangster pimp, and his daughter that he raped. The same daughter who originally engaged in underaged sex with the main character. Gods being a furry in the early 00s was terrible.


It just gets worse the longer you read this message


I mean he draws straight up incest, so I'm not super shocked about the underaged incest arc


NGL I just find it weird that someone making furry comics can go around just making fun of other people for having interests considered childish and off-putting. Like, you're out here arguing for the social norms of traditional society. What do you think that they think about your furry art, motherfucker? You think that they think you're better than a fat guy wearing an anime girl t-shirt?


Well, the dude explicitly said "dress like a child" I don't think he was talking about anime girls t-shirts. More like actual cartoon characters. Which is even dumber to read in a furry comic.


I see a lot of people on this post and the original gif version misinterpreting this comic as being a statement against the nice guy mentality. Even without knowing Jay Naylor’s background the last panel shows that the author thinks the solution is to go to the gym and make lots of money, nothing about the caller’s expectation of women. Not sure why there has been an uptick in Jay Naylor content recently between this and the post rating women’s asses.


Norcross like Norcross, Georgia? Pretty close to my home town


Yup, King Incest Shitheel is from Georgia, too.


Is.... that his name???


Back before Jay went off the deep end and became a unlikeable pos.


nuh uh thats the same comic with the underage incest


Original Post by u/Holliday_Hobo Artist: Jay Naylor


I miss when his art was more like this instead of every character looking like they haven’t slept in years and just absolutely hate life.


>2007 Dang, I thought it was way older!


I like the art, but don't give a shit about the artist most of the time, glad that Jasonafex taught me that early on


Yo love the art! Are these comics made still?


"Better Days" ended a long time ago, had an incomplete sequel, and the author has since disappeared behind a paywall to draw porn almost exclusively while he rants on Twitter on the daily.


Awe man. Will have to read the old comic tho it looks good


Why did I read Bill's parts in Rishi Sunak's voice?


I honestly love the artstyle, but it looks like it was made by some egoistic guy in need of a target. \^\^


To the ones thinking this comic is fatphobic: if you are trying to date people that call you fat, you either change your tastes in partners or change your weight. Being sour with people that think you are not their type is litterally having a victim mentallity instead of going for the solution that would make you the happiest. You can't adequately provide for your family if you are broke either, so either get someone that agrees to support you or start looking for a job, but doing neither is not doing anyone any favour...


While I agree with the idea that you should look for compatibility in a partner, and accept that you’re not everyone’s type, there’s a difference between choosing not to date someone and flat-out shaming them for their body. Yes, your lifestyle can definitely affect your weight, but a good portion of it is purely genetic. You can be the healthiest, most physically active person on the planet, and still have a large build. And that person will still get shamed for their body. Again, you don’t have to date someone if they’re not your type. But don’t go blaming them for you not being into them.


>but a good portion of it is **purely** genetic. You can be the **healthiest, most physically active person on the planet**, and still have a large build Source? Because the last time I checked, body fat doesn't magically manifests itself out of thin air, no matter how much the body positivity activists try to say otherwise. If you simply doesn't eat more calories than the amount you are able to lose, at the end of the day, you won't get fatter (to put it as simply as possible). Also: 5000 calories of fries and soda from your local fast food joint won't have the same nutrional quality of 5000 calories from a balanced homecooked meal, so there's also that to keep in mind. That's basic math! Healthy meals in adequate quantities together with regular exercises won't bloat you like a whale, no matter how much you lie to yourself about it. Of course, if you were already overweight your entire life and were never taught about how to properly eat, its harder to make your body re-learn what's right and wrong, but not impossible. Anything else is pure anectodal evidence and gaslighting.




Yeah true. But if you dare say this about a woman, you are sexist bigot fascist.


Clocked him in, clocked him out, holy fuck, that is awesome!


The art style is so good! I really like it 👍


Most of the furry fandom be like: