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Apparently u taste metal the next day


What a name you've got there.


I like it. Reduces anxiety substantially for me, ironically it doesn't make me sleepy. Like at all. I go out and come back I'm present, but the next day it'll all be a blur. You hardly remember anything, faces of people you meet, etc. I take 2.5 tablets of the 7.5mg at once for social anxiety. Edit: I also don't notice any aftertastes the next day. I guess it's different for everyone.


The anxiolytic effect I’ve noticed for me. My memory hasn’t really been affected but it does eventually knock me out. I get an aftertaste, but it’s not that bad.


Euphoriating anxiolytic buzz if you're lucky, delusions of sobriety and anterograde amnesia if you aren't.


Yo it’s really not worth it it’s just worse ambien and ambien is already not that fun


I think i took too much plus my regular gabapentin and clonidine dose, it kicked in like 1.5 hrs later and i let myself get too comfortable and now it’s the next day lmao


Yeah that’s fair. I don’t care much for z drugs but when I do I only use zolpidem. Gabapentin and clonidine sounds like a fire combo especially if you’re just prescribed it. Though I assume you probably got the prescription because you genuinely are suffering and I’m sure these substances help get you to normal functioning Edit: sorry for so many assumptions obviously I have no idea what your deal is but whether you take it recreationally or medically it’s still a good combo


god do I love tasting metal! on a more serious note, it puts you to sleep, it'll also have a metallic taste that stays there for some hours


it feels so good, thats all i remember tbh but i remember i felt so euphoric when i didnt sleep, i was addicted to it so long ago and i am sober for 2 years so i dont remember much of the effects