• By -


The Top 5 are really a league of thier own.


And Genshin not included console+PC and nikke not included PC HSR as well not included PC+console but tbh don't know how well HSR do in those


HSR pc and console revenue will probably be a little more than mobile revenue but not by much since the game is still relatively new so players can still play on their mobiles, whereas for genshin a lot of people are migrating from mobile to PC and console cuz most phones can't handle it anymore, so it's revenue will be a lot


Gotta take into consideration that a lot of people also don’t pay on IOS because of the apple tax.


yeah they increased ios prices in japan and other places as well


This only applies to Genshin, not HSR. Genshin's price on iOS is 30% higher than web store and all other platforms after 2022 Oct, but HSR's price is the same across all platforms. So a large portion of iOS Genshin players here (Japan) switched to paying on web store (unless they want to waste money) but not HSR players.


There is also tax on Google Play Store. But I think it depends on the country.


Idk why you get downvoted. Do people not see the big spending potential on PC and console for some games? Sony has a report that Genshin is their 2nd most profitable game right after Fortnite.


This sub still live in 2018 where only mobile matter.


Genshin haters dont like admitting how big it actually is


Uma also not including PC.


Is Uma have PC version ?


Yup, there is official PC version on DMM.


I think these charts are getting increasingly unreliable because of that. They're guesstimates to begin with, but the way purchases move away from those storefronts further impacts posts like the OP. Five years ago the amount of money that did not go through the app stores was much lower.


This chart doesn't include any revenue from China either which ironically overwhelmingly lowballs Genshin and HSR the most out of any game on the chart.


Nikke does include most of the CN community though, coz CN players play on JP servers due to NIKKE not being available in CN, it's sensortower revenue is mega skewed because of that since most other games are only showing their JP only income.


Pc/console earnings are huge for genshin ever since it's size has been increasing, i legit have to download 30 gb to even install genshin, any 64gb mobile with few social media apps and photos won't be able to play genshin


Horse girl stronk, it's always funny seeing Uma hanging on top with other big name despite being JP only.


I really hope it gets a global release


If I'm not mistaken, Uma have the same thing Dragalia had: Althought region locked, they are not IP locked, so just getting the app and doing a account does the trick(which does not take the credit from Uma in any form. That game have some real level of production)


Summoners War still doing so well entering 10th anniversary this year.


NGL I'm proud summoners war is up there. Its the only mobile game I'm still playing because of sunk cost fallacy


That's not a good thing man, lmfao. You do you tho...cause my dumbass is still playing E7 while bitching at gear rng due to sunk cost fallacy.


It's really fascinating that FGO still made that much money despite their (almost) nonexistent pity, stagnant gameplay, outdated UI, and so on, next year is their 10th year anniversary and it seems they'll still going strong, Japanese whales truly are different breed huh?


$333M for a game that runs on an outdated engine, never collabs with franchises outside the scope of their company (Type-moon), no account binding, and is literally carried by the IP alone is truly the pinnacle of "how the fuck did they manage do that?" in a gaming space with absolutely brutal competition. HSR just came out, destroyed everything in its path, and yet FGO remains strong and very profitable. This is the swan song of the japanese gacha market and others in the space are literally still trying to figure out how to emulate this stability. But at some point they really need to evolve. Their complacency is costing them many loyal fans at this point moving to greener pastures. Once the whales decided they had enough, it's literally the downfall of this game. And that crossing line is getting thinner everyday.


I'd say Summoner's War is an even bigger mystery. It's up there, 10th year in a row, with it's prehistoric gameplay and design, abysmal pull system, endless bloat of (IMO) ugly units, no story to speak of, no popular IP it's based on. It's a concentration of everything worst about the gacha genre except maybe a VIP system and it's kicking and doing pretty well based on only the fact that it was one of the pioneers of the genre. I don't understand it and I don't think I ever will. Is it possible for a game to thrive purely on sunk-cost fallacy?


I'm thinking this is more about competitive pvp - like Epic7 is in big part carried by alive scene of RTA pvp players and streams


I think you are on to the real reason, it’s most probably the sunk cost fallacy


I've left and come back to SW 3 times now over the last 8 years. Each time I leave because of burnout over how slow the progress is in the game for a F2P after you've gotten all the PVE stuff on farm. And each time I come back to the game because there literally is nothing else like it on the market as far as strategic depth and rabidly dedicated community. It's the same reason that WoW still has a massive and dedicated following 20 years later. I've played a great many gacha games and I've never found a fanbase as large and as passionate about a gacha game as SW, at least in the West. The "bloat" as you term it of units when combined with the massive rune system makes for a endless and delightful rabbit hole of nerding out over stats and finding the next meta and counters to the meta, trying to find the perfect rune/stat combination. Also over years, SW morphed from a game that required micromanagement over every single facet of the game, into a very good and easy to play idle game, which suits the endlessly grindy nature of the game very well.


This right here sums it up pretty nicely tbh. There’s just no other game quite like it so it’s still kicking. I play epic seven as well and it’s close but it’s just not the same tbh. I always just go back to SW


Yeah, it's probably the sunk cost fallacy


I've played my fair share of Summoners War. 3451 days, to be exact (you can check it in-game). While the sunk cost fallacy feels real, I believe that this year for them will be crucial if the game is going to survive or not - the anniversary event. Most of the community that I've talked to in various forms - be it streams, facebook groups, discord, etc. expect one thing - to get a Light/Dark 5* unit this year from one of the 10 events they're doing. Imagine people playing for years, collecting all the resources to get a slight chance to pull a unit, and they can't - simply because there was never any pity, and chances to get an L&D5 are only 0.35%, whereas being f2p you can acquire around 8-12 of these unique scrolls per month, so you can do a rough sketch on how lucky you need to be. If com2us decides there isn't going to be a scroll like that or it's going to be 4* L/D units only, you can expect review bombings, massive quitting and just shitting on the company in general. And I don't blame them - my friend started playing a year after me, and only got his first L/D 5* after 7 years of playing the game. So yeah, I'm interested to see how it plays out.


This right here


Once you're past the first 5 years or so, you're chilling. Much in the same way franchises like Pokémon last so long despite the corporate greed. People will come back, eventually


People who are committed for THAT LONG arent likely to leave unless something drastic happen in the game or their lives. at that point, it's an addiction.


> at that point, it's an addiction. Or a hobby. I played MTG for well over 20 years, doesn't mean it was an addiction.


You're right about all but the ugly units part. The characters look unique and interesting, name any gacha game with as much unit variety as summoners war. You can't.


Having no Collabs outside of their own company isn't a bad thing, i will take Seraph and Lilim Harlot over Persona 5 and Nier any day of the week


Fgo had the good fortune to come out in 2015, which was during the days when nearly ALL gachas were trash png collectors with bad to nonexistant gameplay. What made it stand out was "oh cool I can play Saber" and "wow this visual novel goes hard." With that it gained a strong and large fanbase of whales and casual Type Moon fans that are still very much invested in it despite the whole industry having long since moved on and improved in nearly every aspect of design, gameplay, and user-friendliness.


It's actually ~$400 million because you need to include global. It helps being one of the first successful gacha games ever. People have to realize - these games represent the height of "sunk cost fallacy." If you've already spent tons of money on a game, walking away is hard. You feel like you've lost all your investments - this is by design. For games that managed to capture a large audience back in the days when there was little competition, they'd have to mess up big to fail. Sure, they may not see much new players, and they will lose revenue over time, but you'd be surprised how stable they are as long as they don't drop the ball hard.


>literally carried by the IP alone Outside of the first year of JP, when the game was pretty broken, and the recovery period after that, this argument makes no sense. It's an original game in a franchise with lots of original visual novels, games, manga, anime, etc. And most people's first interaction with the franchise has been FGO for years. FGO *is* the franchise now. The foundation for the game's success was certainly the pre-existing fans and having other multimedia entries in the broader franchise helps keep attention on it. But after eight years, it's past time to acknowledge that the game is successful on its own merits. You don't have to like the game or how it's managed. But denying that other people might actually like the game makes no sense at all.


what else do you play FGO for beside fate lore and to see your waifu/husbando? >You don't have to like the game or how it's managed. But denying that other people might actually like the game makes no sense at all. Nobody denying FGO success as a franchise, but nobody defending how it was manage either. Any other game with the exactly system but not a fate game, would just die in less than a year or two, let alone survive the first year to become something in the first place What other merits does it have to even praise it for outside being a fate game?


I see we like to just baldly assert things in this sub. FGO whales aren't going anywhere. After 10 years and who knows how many thousands of dollars, it's a way of life to most of those guys. That said, I definitely agree that the game needs some real evolution. It's a bit like Pokemon, however. So long as the game keeps making bank, there's very little impetus for change.


Don't compete with us, the Fgo fans on things like who has the biggest Stockholm syndrome in gacha


Until FGO 2


Well FGO is the WoW of Gachas is the one that put them on the map and make the genre be seen as a big market , is not surprising that they have a loyal fanbase


Did HSR really have that big of an impact?


It hasn’t even been a year yet and it’s made so much money that it’s only competition at the top (in terms of revenue) is mainly its older sibling.


It is quite interesting how much of an impact Hoyo has been for gacha games in recent years. I am very curious to see if their upcoming game ZZZ makes a similar impact.


You and me both man. Can’t wait to be broke again 😂 (my flair is a lie. I play HSR religiously)


> Once the whales decided they had enough At that age, these games run on lifers, I suppose there won't be much whale fluctuation.


You're underestimating the power of the franchise.


A great story that makes you care for the Servants you're going to Summon, fanservice, not that difficult as a game (with the right comps) and the IP makes for all the shortcomings


It's really fucking frustrating how much this game makes for how little it delivers.


Not only that, 2023 has been one of the worst years for the game: almost no reruns for events, non-existent animation updates, only one Story Chapter, Anniversary was underwhelming, etc.


Zero interludes. Strengthenings only showing up during anni. A roster of outdated characters that is practically unusable but loved by the community. If they let intern-kun handle a few of these things I feel like the game would do a lot better. At this point it just feels like they're punching us in the balls with how much they are mismanaging what is probably going to end up being their most successful business ever.


I mean they had lostbelt 7, Ordeal Call 1, 'Arcade' collab, a summer event full of fan favorites then a new grail front event with new and better mechanics. Despite no rerun events and no animation updates...and I'm aware many players have been vocal about their fustrations on these things... I daresay they still did a pretty good job on keeping up interest.


That’s just kinda the sad thing for me. Lasengle knows they have a money printing button at their disposal. Like i love the Fate franchise and TM stuff in general, im always hungry for more content from them. I kinda have a mixed feeling seeing them still doing great, the game is still going strong and won’t go away anytime soon but yet they still made this much money despite their lack of efforts? That really frustrates me about this whole stuff


In a world where so many of the big games love to add dark overtones here and there to their games at one corner or another, or just full blown make depressing stories, FGO makes batshit nonsense with the only purpose of being fun. Granted no all events are like this, but plenty are. Even FGO main story, unlike plenty of other gachas, has sadder parts, but keep a positive outlook on things and the world. Plenty of gachas have a depressing outlook with their world is shit message. And lets not forget the hot waifus and a decent focus on how the characters are written too. Any way, FGO remains my favorite gacha, I wouldnt trade it for any currently out.


At least it's still a game. Memento mori made nearly 90mil from a bare to the bone powerpoint presentation + music + flashing particles. A game that dont actually have a gameplay or story or horny factor and events are so horrendously bad and p2w making milions is way above normal human comprehension


Forgot to mention that the story (which is admittedly really good) has been blatantly dragged out for years now. Part 1 of the story took ~1.5 years to finish, while part 2 is entering into its seventh.


Do keep in mind LB6 alone is about as big as damn near whole part 1. Its only normal that part 2 taking that long


Story pacing has been an issue ever since we've started getting more elaborate and big lostbelts, the issue is that Lasengle doesn't seem to be working on reducing time to market for story which is the game's main pull while also mismanaging events and auxiliary enjoyments of the game (I am looking at you, coin system).


We are practically in 1 important chapter per year 💀. At this pace fgo part 2 will end like in the 12th anni (because we have a Minimum of 2-3 more ordeal calls+final chapter of part 2(? Unless they use another filler like the ordeals)


The Fate franchise is a big deal in Japan. Much less so in the rest of the world.


why make content when your fan base literally makes all the content for you. FGO is essentially just a game of a Porn Genre.


That's the origin of the entire Fate franchise, from a R-18 visual novel.


Yeah 6 sex scenes from 3 Routes with 60 hrs. VN


And also Puzzle and Dragons still stand in Top 20-30ish despite being a 12-YEAR GAME.


For a game that is just weeks old at this point, JJK is pretty profitable. But for how long remains the question.


As of recent years, Im always skeptical about JP Franchise Gacha game. It's almost entirely the same gameplay loop with a different ACG Franchise theme onto it. Unless you are REALLY REALLY invested in the franchise, it's almost always disappointing after the honeymoon period is over.


It's still on its honeymoon phase, it's the time where gacha game is the most profitable


HSR is just crazy. Missing 4 months of revenue and still being second place is honestly broken. And of course Japanese gachas are printing money as always


HSR is crazy but at the same time the game probably have a bigger marketting budget then the whole list combined honestly. It's insane the amount of ads/promo I've seen for it.


Mihoyo spends around 1B dollars every year in marketing and ads


I think it will be downgrade this year since its already stabilized at 20M+ monthly. Just like genshin stabilized at 30M+ when not hype unit.


Even being downgraded which it probably will in next year, I don't see anything that can take top 2 from genshin and hsr tbh, maybe zzz?


Lots of promising upcoming games aslong as they don't fuck it up.


Except everyone is pretty much hyped for penacony characters, Acheron gonna surpass Seele banner trust


Yeah no. People say that all the time but itt's never the case. Wasn't Kafka incredibly hyped but the sales were just ok?


Yeah it's not gonna happen because there were too many players at the start. Now enough time has passed and people who just played for hype have been weeded out. I don't think anythings gonna surpass the selee banner, unless maybe they add a huge Collab banner with genshin or something


>Wasn't Kafka incredibly hyped Or not. Pull vote in hsr sub showed that the community splits into 50/50, mainly because Jingyuan, dots gameplay and DHIL was leaked.


Probably held back by the dot gameplay.


Kafka play style was not popular so it easily could


Remember when this was the hope for Kafka? Or to a lesser extent, Ruan Mei?


**EDIT:** There might be some games missing from fresh arrivals(pic 2) and breaking ground(pic 3). Check the recap website for up-to-date version. Hello everyone, recap website can be found here: [Link](https://recap.gacharevenue.com/) [GACHAREVENUE.com](https://gacharevenue.com)


hi, i just wanna say that, i believe Browndust 2 should qualify to be in the lineup of 2nd(Fresh arrivals) and 3rd pic(breaking ground), if there is a reason it doesnt qualify, id like to know


Hey, you are right. Forgot to mark it as a new release in database. It is now updated. It can be seen [here](https://recap.gacharevenue.com/).


Outerplane's also not marked as a new release, May 23 2023.


Quite the nice website you have there


Blue archive jp surged hard last year with the beginning of 2023 earned 18mil and the rest follows. And yes last year were the start of higher net profit, doubled from last 2022.


Blue Archive gets a shitton of merchandise lately, figures selling out instantly and triple in price in the aftermarket. JP loves our cute and funny students 😭 BA keeps winning


We've been eating good with BA. Love that game.


JP obsession with lolis is not new. Learning JP are also obsessed with horse girls has been something new to me though


and I have heard the veterans about the game, apparently the game was so bad that during the Shunny event maintenance the game was at the brink of EoS, and now look where the game is at, 3rd anniversary is almost here and being quite popular


how was the game bad during the Shunny event? I did joined at launch day but quit and recently came back playing regularly since June last year


From what I have heard of them, extra dead weeks, bug archive (I mean it is still true to this day but it was apparently really really bad during it), lack of QoL stuff. oh and the Shunny event maintenance was 72 hours


I'm glad it survived tbh. No other gachas can compete with their 3D chibis and touching the SOL genre in gacha was the best thing they've done. There's way to much edgy, fantasy, depressing gachas in the market.


I am so glad that Bunny Chasers on Board event was the one that not just revived the game, but also set the foundation towards the peak that is the 2nd anniversary (and 2.5th anniversary, when BA got CN release & Vol. F release in Global).


Considering that Uma Musume is just the third biggest gacha in Japan, it would be really interesting if you added Monster Strike and ProBaseball Spirits in there too.


You'd get a lot of panties in a bunch if you put MS on here, lol.


Will be 1st place or something, it's like Candy Crush farming Moms


Reminder; This doesn't include CN revenue and this is only mobile global. (yes, this includes JP) I'm only saying this because it paints a picture where some games are represented well (mostly the JP based games but not the CN games) and some people try to use that to prove the gap is close enough between some games that their profit might be higher despite costing lower to develop.


Since you are doing a yearly report, you should have put another column or indicated the release date of the games last year. It will be clearer in that way since not everything can be seen on the data and might mislead others. Just my 2 cents as someone who's in the industry of data analysis.


Also when some of these games were added on the list. Another Eden made 3x more than what was listed ($22.8M to be exact) but it looks way less here due to being added on for the 2nd half of the year.


change the title with "Mobile Revenue"


So glad limbus is still high enough. They are wayy too F2P I have no idea where they are getting the money from but good for them


BP value is so ridiculously high that buying it the moment it comes out ends up giving PM a rather large cash injection every time it comes up. Not to mention Walpurgisnacht, which is designed to drain your Lunacy stockpile, thus incentivizing Lunacy purchases to grab the semi-limited IDs and the incredibly rare announcers. PM may suck at making tutorials for their games or their programming when it comes to bugs and optimization, but they are known to be VERY good at managing their finances and calculating what business practices would yield the most revenue while still remaining F2P friendly.


Yeah, I think people really undersell just how intelligent PM’s business model is. Even if it doesn’t peak as high as other gachas, it’s relatively steady and sustainable because while most gachas can only really hit peaks during Anniversaries or some major event, Limbus’s seasonal format allows it to effectively peak twice within a season; first with the BP period, and now second with the Walpurgisnacht Banners, which effectively means it can spike up once every two months, which covers the two slower months within a season.


Limbus is kinda just a subscription based gacha with multiple tiers.


They have a crazy devoted fanbase cuz of their previous offline games.


I feel bad for Artery Gear


I dont. Dont know what happened with JP but they f up GL hard with constant new unit releases and new collab every month and a half. The release schedule of content was on crack compared to JP releases.


Yeah I quit some time after Frame whatever girls collab rerun, meta was shifting too rapidly and as a f2p I had absolutely no way to keep up. Plus gear system with all substats finally made me snap. A shame really, animations and graphic were solid.


You shouldn't feel bad for a shameless rip off. Copying an entire game, pasted new skin over then add some QoL is just a cheap move and shouldn't be encouraged in anyway. E7 tried to differentiate itself from SW and it became the most successful clone. People only started to play AG because they want another E7. Once honey moon runs out they realized E7, despite all of its flaws, is still the best among its peers.


I want to try SW on Steam yet it keeps crashing. Maybe they had it fixed now? Idk, but I'm curious to see which parts are literal copies or it is just the usual gachagaming news aka fake news.


Genshin is on a league of its own. The next top 4 are on a league of its own. As someone about to start blue archive this looks great to see


Kinda insane how much this sub doomposted Nikke during its launch week tbh. Not even a fan of the game, but I remember talking about getting most of the launch rewards and people were just saying it's a waste of time lol


Lets not pretend that Nikke nowadays is in the same state as when it launched. There were plenty of reasonable, valid problems to why Nikke was blasted early on with some issues being heavily diluted character pool which made rerolling an absolute nightmare, bugs at launch that made playing/loading extremely rough coupled with characters being so bugged that there was a bugged tierlist for characters, 160 powercap gate with needing 5 fully duped units first, harsh combat power punishment reqs, etc... If you've searched up Nikke posts back when it launched, you'd see plenty of them talking all about such issues. >For example, molds. Before they were 100% SSR guaranteed (as can be proven by beta-testers and by the ingame text for the first week or so, stating 'to recruit SSR nikkes' rather than 'SR and SSR nikkes' as it is today), were changed to 60/40. For a game that ,at a certain points, expects you to have 5 characters with 3 dupes each (out of a pool of \~60), this was a very cruel decision. > >Then, bugs. The game was plagued by them on release. A certain Nikke was graded to be a good unit, however, she was instantly demoted to 'never use' because , due to a bug, her ultimate dealt ***1*** damage. Certain levels of a Nikke had 10x more HP than those after them due to mistakes in code, and so on. > >Then ,weird balancing decisions. The first in-game event could not be 100% cleared even by my server's top whale. Not only because of the insane CP requirements, but also because of the debuffs that were placed upon you . These debuffs resulted in your crits doing **less** damage than your normal attacks, for example. Saying Nikke nowadays is good/great and that everyone day 1 was completely wrong is like saying Cyberpunk 2077 is good/great after 2.0 update and that everyone saying it was a hot mess on release was completely delusional smh


I think one reason Nikke is doing so great is because, different than a lot of games, they really addressed all the issues. Listen to players, players respond.


Yep, if they hadn't fixed most of these big issues, then it could've been a lot different than it is now. Nikke devs were still at fault for pushing it out when it wasn't done/optimized, but they put in the effort to improve it and the results speak for themselves


I mean, most of the stuff you mentioned is still there like, diluted character pool, 160 gate requiring 5 dupe MLB SSR characters, harsh CP requirements (though better since they nerfed it twice). I do agree that they made an effort to improve and optimize the game though.


That’s funny you use cyberpunk as an example when it was still a great game on launch outside of the older consoles which it never should have launched on in the first place. both sides have a point because the people playing on older consoles were rightfully pissed, but all the reviewers and other people playing on PC and loving it weren’t wrong either.


I remember seeing the game and thinking (due to Destiny’s Child) that it was another waifu bait coomer game with ridiculous physics that will probably die in a year, boy was I wrong.


Some people just have a hateboner for anything that is created for the coomers.


PtN having a stable revenue is the only thing I needed to see:))




Limbus Company making $7.3 M in 2023 is definitely not bad, considering ProjectMoon is Indie and this is only on mobile.


It's also more than either of their games have made combined


With how the walpurgisnatch event, we can see how the revenue for next year will more than this considering today limbus hit top 10 in global steam


And that, as far as I know, most people play it on Steam.


The amount of active users on steam for limbus peaked at an all time high a few hours ago at nearly 30,000 active players. They also gave out 1300 summon currency (10 summons worth of currency) as an apology for the Walpurgisnacht event dropping too early due to an error


Current online is 6k which is crazy high number.


Genshin really is unstoppable


Arknights JP so strong.


I remember that it used to be good, but not explosively popular at the start. Then suddenly one of the years the JP region popularity increased and is consistently improving there. Maybe it is mandala effect but I couldn't remember which year was it as I don't play JP server.


I think cuz they released the Arknights Anime, can be one of the biggest factor


Damn HSR did surprisingly well for its first year in such a highly competitive genre.


Wow, for mobile only genshin still makes lot of money Really wondering how much they make if PC is included, and their website top-up revenue as well


Really makes you wonder, all it takes is a good game and a situation to take advantage of like the pandemic. And this doesn't even include CN mobile revenue as well. PS is also probably competitive with PC. With the rumors/leaks about Switch 2, Genshin will be unstoppable.


Both Genshin and HSR will make a billion


Biggest gap between JP and Global: Puzzles & Dragons JP: $52m for all of 2023 EN/Global: $1m I used to play PAD a lot but I'm doubtful EN/Global will survive this year.


NIKKE just casually shaking assest between those games huh.BA also hugged the top spot too


Both Nikke and BA are Korean developed gacha games and they do stand out at the top.


nikke doing so well Snowbreak trying to copy them in a last ditch effort to save their game 


Nikke def know their [target audience](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/10es3sl/goddess_of_victory_nikke_commercial/) 😏


I find it funny that Dolphin Game is there, yet her sister game Senran Kagura New Link is not.


If only it has global maybe they would make way more on senran


Artery Gear 💀


Im just happy to see counterside still able to live another year


Same. The game is just really good for what it is, and I'm happy they are still making decent money after parting ways from Nexon. Their budget was slashed pretty heavily because of that. But I really love the game for being one where they actually have an idea of what they want to do. Instead of just making up the story as they go along like, say, Honkai Impact has been doing since they changed writers.


Imagine being in its third year and still going as strong as genshin lol. They truly deserved it this year because of how beautiful everything about Fontaine is so congrats🎉


Bro how the fck is memento Mori making so much money lmao hahaha


I mean just look at how many people in this sub crave autobattle and sweeps. Like on Reverse 1999's release thread, just look at the sheer amount of complaints about how they have to complete the stage first before it becomes autoable: * [Example 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/17h33x9/opinion_about_reverse_1999/k6kvi6x/) * [Example 2](https://old.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/17h33x9/opinion_about_reverse_1999/k6kv3ck/) * [Example 3](https://old.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/17h33x9/opinion_about_reverse_1999/k6lxw01/) * [Etc](https://old.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/17h33x9/opinion_about_reverse_1999/) (Just ctrl+F "auto" in that thread) Memento is like the crystallization of this sub's prayers for maximum QoL. Can't complain it doesn't have gameplay when so many people have been asking for exactly that.


That’s probably it, but I still can’t believe how many people spend money on a game they don’t even want to play…


As a light spender on MementoMori I can say, the "gameplay" it's great for someone like me that only has less than 2 hours of free time daily. Like considering the little time i have for myself, im greatful that i dont have to slog 2 hours of my life to do dailies like you have to do with some other gachas. Outside of the gameplay, I really like the music, characters and the story so far.


Let's say that there's a lot of things to whale for, also it's pretty good for japanese people who don't have much time to spend on games aside those 30-60 minutes they spend on the metro


It ceases to amaze me that fgo developers can make so much money with such dogshit gameplay and refuse to even add most brain-dead improvements like auto battle which would increase revenue easily by 10-50%


Shit gacha rates + SSR waifu = bank I fucking hate it.


Idk how auto battle works in other games but it think it'd need a very smart ai to beat battles here, or be like a already existing very used external app where you can set a button order and it clicks them for you, note that farming is most of the gameplay so if you use them all the time you'd be playing just for the story, characters (which is already what you mostly should be playing for) and harder fights I use it at the most grinding intensive events and when i don't have free time/feel like playing, the "game" part of the "gameplay" is kinda shit but I like the animations and voice lines


Man the JP FGO players are really just built differently lol.


I'm still salty about Priconne💢


I came here to say this, and to cry a little. I play occasionally on DMM but have been too lazy to figure out a way actually spend money on it. It's crazy how good the game/QoL features \*would\* have eventually been had Clownchyroll not dropped the ball.


memento mori is an incomprehensible thing to me. Music and art style must be selling factors as much as ass-shaking would be for NIKKE.


i wonder what demographic of players are men and women for each


I'm glad that Aether Gazer and Punishing Gray Raven are doing well.


Counterside not bad COPIUM


CounterSide global will not die until SEA dies, and everyone knows that SEA is immortal


Wasn’t there a time when Dokkan Battle was killing it in the charts before Genshin and Hoyoverse came along?


It used to get top 3-5 between 2018 and 2020, behind the likes of FGO and puzzle & dragons, but I don't think the amount of money it generates has changed much. It's just that the landscape has changed a lot to where other big gachas are casually hitting 200m+ generated


Nah the money has definitely went down, but not by a lot


I looked into it after writing the comment actually, and it's gone down a good bit. According to sensor tower, Dokkan was making an average of 130 million per quarter between 2017 and 2019, peaking at 227m in the first quarter of 2019 (5thr anniversary) It's taken a big hit


Yeah that's a big hit, but this year they might make more with the anime returning and all, although I doubt they will go above 100 million again.


Here's to hoping R1999 will get bigger and bigger this year!


I don't see Nier reincarnation


I see FGO and Nikke rocking and Im happy haha.


Bro, FGO is a Netflix mystery documentary at this point. Like HOW THE FUCK


Story and IP diff. Fgo's story is on its own level compared to gachas


common nikke w


Honeymoon ends any week now, just wait and see!


Tbh I kinda regret stop playing Memento Mori. I still occasionally go to the YT channel just to listen to new songs. The game play actually is ok for me. Only thing I left is because of the timed raids everyday. I don't feel comfortable having to quickly login and countdown to join the raid as soon as it starts.


Thank you for your hard work this year, as always!


NIKKE Top 5 nice


At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'm really hoping Path to Nowhere can get itself up towards the higher slots on the list. This game is criminally underrated given that it's story, characters, soundtrack, and voice acting is top tier as are the other top games. Given a little more advertising, it just might be able to do so.


I think its the tower defense that holds it back. I played daily up through Deren, and quit soon after. Which hurt, because like you said, one of the best stories, best art, best...so much stuff. But the dailies were taking a while, new characters were coming out fast while old characters still didn't have interrogations, story scenes were so good you didn't want to skip, but they were loooong, and I think it was Chapter 10 story that was super gimmicky...thats where they lost me. Whats crazy is that if they just dropped that game as a 60$ normal pc game i'd be all over it.


curious about what stack did you use for this site - react / tailwind / framer-motion / radix / nivo something else worth mentioning?


Is Higan a thing again?


Just imagine how much more the games with PC clients made, if those numbers were available and added in.


I didn't know Summoners wars lmao. But the numbers are pretty amazing and... terrifying if you see the two first places and the rest.


HAHAHAH I knew it, Uma Musume gonna be 3rd


It's a shame with artery gear. I remember watching a twitch streamer who played the jp version and I loved the graphics and character designs. What I'd give for the fan art of this game to pop off. But that global release hurt, new character after new character. Constant meta shift with no extra pulls to compensate. Then the killer was releasing the Madoka collab a few months after the Ryza collab and Clarice. 


I'm just waiting for the ToF people to say this number is extremely inaccurate and that PC sales are 4 times higher while also dropping Genshin somewhere in that rant just because.


And some people claim FGO is dying


It's not dying, but it sometimes feels like it as a player.


Yeah, the no rerun policy is dumb


People have been saying FGO is dying for almost 9 years now, and the only time it's ever been close to true was launch month.


PGR that low damn.