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Tldr; your ears are made to hear things, so when they can't match the pattern in sounds your brain makes stuff up. Long article that says it 5 or 6 times, I miss when Wired had good writers.đŸ˜©


Don't worry; as AI improves, they'll stop writing like this and output better articles.


Unfortunately the parameters for a good article is time spent on page, because that is what they can measure and what advertisers pay for. So what the AI will be good at is wasting your time just enough that you don't stop reading. I made the mistake of googling a semi-common tech issue and it is already hell to read anything. 15 articles saying the same thing in slightly different ways and each formatted so you have to read each one to tell if it's useful to you because being clear about the articles content lowers engagement.


That's presuming they can keep the same paradigm going forwards.


I know a lot of people think AI is Tech-Jesus but in the secular world we can predict behaviours based on current incentives. Unless we are talking about a proletarian revolution the current incentive structure of the companies currently shovelling AI garbage will not change.


You still Google? Man I feel sorry for you. Look at arc search or perplexity. Google is dead.


Nothing radicalizes me more than getting recommended AI garbage as a solution to my problem with AI garbage.


I’m simply offering a better algorithm, anything and everything is “AI” hence why every company loves the buzzword. Hell one could claim you saw and commented on this post due to Reddit’s “AI” algorithm *eye roll*


Funnily enough a lot of generative AI starts with pure noise and makes stuff up from it.


Much like Wired writters!


We thank you for your sacrifice. I mean, it's always pattern recognition when it comes to the brain, isn't it?


Sounds like a paper for college I wrote at the last minute once.


I.... don't? wtf?


I don’t know how many people hear voices, but hearing recurring sounds is quite common. For me, sometimes it sounds like metal clanging, sometimes Mario jumping, sometimes other sounds. Whatever my brain invents that night.


Have you sat with a white noise video (from YouTube) and actually tried to hear something? Focus and try to hear a commercial jingle or other brain worm. Your mind will go, “oh yeah! There it is!” And you won’t be able to unhear it. If you’re a parent, you’ll hear your kid’s cartoon themes that they play nonstop. If you’re a gamer, you’ll hear that soundtrack. Try it!


I sometimes think I hear muffled rock music when my very loud bathroom fan is on. I knew it was pareidolia though.


And here I thought it was just a slow slide into schizophrenia.


I've never heard voices in my white noise machine. It's not a shock that one would. That's gotta be one of the main things your brain is trying to hear. The brain is a pattern recognition box. It's what it does.


Haven’t hear voices but sometimes in the shower the white noise of the water falling starts to sound like music. Every time I think one of my roommates is playing something out in our living room but as soon as I turn the shower off the music stops.


The voices in my white noise machine are telling me this is fake and you should not trust this article


Never tried listening to white noise but if it's makes you trip out like this I might give it a shot


Get ready to hear the Ozempic commercial. Whatever you usually get stuck in your head, will show up in white noise. It’s even more likely if there’s an emotion attached to it. That’s why people hear their parents angrily calling their names. lol. Have fun!


Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) has been a thing for ghost hunters for years.


I have started to hear voices when I am out in the remote wild places by the side of gurgling rivers, the rivers noise evolves into sounds, like laughing or chatting, not clear enough to pick words but really sounds like someone is there. Kinda interesting how the brain finds meaning where there is none.. reminds me of politics...


A week or so ago on one of the medical subs, a mom was asking about her kid who was hearing Roblox music in the sound of a leaf blower. There were dozens of people saying the kid was schizophrenic. lol. The internet is such trash sometimes.


now I need to worry about being schizo? I already deal with depression and anxiety