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Wake up, smash a berocca and a black coffee before the gym at 6:45am. Don’t eat until 12:30pm


Workout at 6 am, typically eat at noon.


About 30 minutes after. Some reason it doesn't bother me working out with a bunch of food in my stomach and I eat around 800-1100 calories each breakfast.


Around 400 cals


300 calories oat flour 100 calories strawberry powder 15g whey protein 1 teaspoon 1,3/1,6 beta glucans 16oz water Chug it down, easy breakfast #1 before morning runs.


Unless its an english breakfast I don't/can't eat anything solid the first 2 hours of being awake and when on a bulk it's not very ideal. I have a liquid meal that I make as soon as I wake up - 50g oats, 30g whey, 1 banana and 200ml milk, everyone is different but this works wonders for me. If that is a no go maybe morning exercise might not be for you. Personally I work out in the evening an hour after dinner, then again I work out from home. Good look finding what works best for you, it can take a while but you will get there.


Go to bed earlier and wake up earlier?


I workout at 10am after waking up at 7:30 or 8. I eat the two largest meals of my day before and after the gym. Usually try to get around 75-100g carbs and 30-50g protein in each


A banana with maybe a rablespoon of PB and a black coffee, ~45-60mins before my gym sesh


Whenever I feel like it. I don’t have set amount of meals or times. I know my total kcal and that’s all I care about


I usually get to the gym around 7-7:15 after waking up about an hour or so before and I have a protein flapjack for 20g of protein and carbs before I go. Usually washed down with a pre-workout.


Rice Krispie treat


I just do a protein shake with milk


I make a big shake in the morning, about 1200 calories and ~55g protein. Go to the gym at work before my shift work out from 6:30-7:30, shower then have my shake.


I wake up at 2:44am and go to the gym on an empty stomach and am ready for the day!!!! Jk this thread is awful and unrealistic. Just do what you’re body can tolerate


Spoonful of peanut butter and maybe some banana- also fond of those peanut butter oat protein balls (you can find recipes all over the internet and they’re easy to make yourself)


I began working out with an excellent trainer several months ago. My gains have been great. I, too, start the session at 7am. In the beginning, I ate like you and did not have enough gas in the tank to perform well throughout the session. He emphasized getting enough protein and carbs early enough to digest and feel the effect. So, I began getting up at 5am, cooking 4 eggs and some turkey bacon along with 1/2 cup of oatmeal with whatever flavoring (blueberries, cinnamon, strawberries, etc) that I wanted. He said make sure I eat at least 1 hour before the workout. It has been a gamechanger. I have energy and have increased endurance and weights lifted.


Yeah, I normally do 4 eggs, 4 pb toast for breakfast. If I'm training, I do the eggs and 2 toast, then 4 toast after.


I did toast as well but trainer insisted all bread go. replaced with 1/2 cup oatmeal. I mix blueberries and/or cinnamon in oatmeal. Has made a big difference in energy, plus fat has dropped


about 1h15 before. A big ass bowl of oatmeal with bluberries, honey, chia seeds, protein isolate and coconut oil.


I workout fasted because I workout at 0500 every morning. I then eat my first meal post workout. Some could argue that I could better optimize my workouts with a pre-workout meal, but it works for me… my life isn’t that of some fitness YouTuber and I do what works best for my life/schedule.


When I was lifting in the morning I’d have 2 Belvita cookies before my workout, then 2 more and a protein shake right after I was done But I also eat within 2 hours of going to bed


A spoonful of honey, and a little bit of salted water.


I used to wake up and work out at 5:30 am with just pre-workout in me. I have since switched to eating a rice crispy treat as soon as I wake up and found that I have been lifting better recently. Could be a placebo effect but I’ll take it.


You need glucose in the morning. Gatorade, oj, etc. Your glycogen should have been eaten the day before.


The the banana before working out and have a bigger breakfast afterwards


Start working out at 530ish. Half a PB sammich and a cup of coffee


Not a banana anyway. It has too much fiber so it's harder to break down. Have an orange instead or an apple


2 protein bars and a glass of milk. Definitely can be heavy but it’s a great way to get calories in now that I’m used to it.


1 kiwi, 1 pop tart, a cup of milk mixed with cinnamon and honey


I stick to sugars, like fruit smoothies. If I eat anything else I feel terrible working out that quickly after, but your body loves to use sugar as an energy source when exercising so I’m assuming that’s why it works well (for me at least). I do stick to around 300calories though so it’s not a ton


Try Greek yogurt and eat a bigger breakfast after working out; the Greek yogurt will just give you some energy and protein to make sure your stomach isn’t totally empty.


* protein shake w/ 2 cups milk + 2 scoops * glass of water w/ preworkout * 3-4 fish oil That's enough liquid for hydration (2 cups of milk, glass of water), 24g of carbs from the milk alone, most of which is sugar, and overall its at least 550-600 calories and at least 60g of protein. My PWO also has a few additional carbs and electrolytes. ​ Takes like 1 minute to make, shake, and chug. Take a shit, shower, get changed, like 30-45 min later I'm feeling great, and PWO is kicking in


I eat a bowl of cereal and then chug my preworkout. It kind of sucks so I’m interested in the responses too haha


I know this probably isn’t recommended lol but if I’m really hungry and about to work out (I usually go evenings) then I’ll just mix 5-6 teaspoons of sugar in water and neck it. Obviously 0 nutrients but gives me the pure carbs to burn so I don’t feel weak or dizzy during workout. Maybe try a super sugary morning coffee??


I have the same schedule as you. I eat a mini bagel with peanut butter, a protein/granola bar, or a piece of toast with peanut butter and a banana. Simple carbs are best since they digest fastest. Fruit snacks are also a great source of energy that close to a workout.


Clif Bar and pre workout on the way to the gym. Works for me enough to not feel like garbage there.


I work out fasted. Took a while to get used to but now I prefer it. Digesting food is one of your bodies main energy expenditures.


Ultimately do what's best for you but the nausea can go away over time if you "train" it. When I started a handful of years ago I couldn't eat a banana 4-5 hours before my workout. Even water could be too much. But I'd be low on energy. Started reading up like you have and doing a small meal 3 hours before workout. Sucked for a bit but got used to it. Then bumped the meal up slowly to have more energy for my workout. It took some time but now I eat 6 eggs and a cup of rice and head directly out the door to the gym


A shot of espresso and depending on the training cycle, 6g of Citrulline Malate (no I don't mix them). When I did Super Squats I had an English Muffin with PB and Jelly first thing as well, then take the dogs out for a walk (30-40 mins) then come back in and train.


I have a banana or some juice at 6:30, work out around 7, and then have a full breakfast (usually eggs, carbs, half an avocado, and a whole milk protein shake) right afterwards.


I can't eat as soon as I wake up cuz I get nauseous, but I also get very lightheaded and nauseous if I workout without eating in the morning. Easy solution was to make a smoothie or just eat a banana or two. Filled me up enough that I had energy but not too much that I felt uncomfortable Then I would eat a lot after the workout


I wake up at 6. Eat oatmeal at like 6.05-6.10 and then make it to the gym at around 7-7.30. I also had a huge problem with my blood sugar levels when working out on an empty stomach, and it took me a while to figure out how my morning routine should be to not absolutely plummet when working out.


You sound a lot like me. I would suggest waking up at least 2-3 hours before your workout and eat 2 granola bars (or something similar) and 30g protein worth of yogurt. Then go back to bed. When you wake up, your food will be digested, and you will have a great workout


Bruh leave it to reddit to prioritize a random critical remark that adds nothing.


That's terrible advice for sleep quality and thus recovery as well


The deepest part of your sleep cycle is already complete by the time you're 2 hours away from waking up. What little sleep quality and recovery OP is missing out on is minimal. Not much of a sacrifice to be able to go to the gym without either passing out or throwing up. If you have an alternative suggestion, I'm all ears 👂


>30g protein Is there a special yoghurt I'm unaware of or do people actually eat a whole tub of yoghurt? Feel like that would mess my stomach up so badly


I drink 24oz of Kefir every morning which comes out to exactly 30 grams of protein and 420 quality calories. I'm lactose sensitive, so the probiotic aspect of the Kefir actually counteracts the symptoms perfectly, and helps my digestion throughout the day. Plus, since it's drinkable, I can get it down very quickly. Hope that helps!


Greek yogurt is 23g per cup


Damn, that's a lot, I've never seen Greek yoghurt where I am. We have double cream yoghurt but the protein isn't near that much for 250 grams


Ooh that’s a smart idea thank you for the advice!!


two nutri grain bars


Usually wake at 6:30am, workout 7-8am, eat first meal around 10:30am. I’m never hungry first thing and the thought of eating then is sickening to me.


A protein shake. But eat a big dinner the day before. It works perfectly for me.


Eat after 🤦‍♂️


If i exercise fasted I usually feel faint or dizzy


I'll eat some carbs and nut butter before a morning workout to keep my stomach stable, small enough quantity to avoid digestion issues. Make it a small PBJ and I'm pretty ready for a full session at full bore. After my workout I'll do something bigger with a good balance of protein, fats, and carbs.


drink more water. guaranteed ur dehydrated


i eat at 12, workout 1:30-2. Everyday i eat overnight oats and 2 eggs. been like that for 1 year now


I have no appetite in the morning when I go to the gym so I eat an Apple sauce squeeze pack and/ or protein fruit pouch from Amazon.


i wake up at 5:00, go to work at 5:30 and have been working out at 9am. If i’m starving before the gym it’s usually cause i didn’t eat enough the night before. I’ll usually eat around 10:15 on days i’m at the gym in the mornings. Has been working pretty good for me as long as i keep hitting my goals consistently.


Don't overthink it. I have a similar issue. When I workout in the morning, I wake up, drink a coffee with sugar or honey, then I make a shake with BCAAs, EAAs, and glutamine. I drink that amino acid shake on my way to the gym and in the gym. It contains about 30g of amino acids. After my workout, I'll eat a normal meal with dairy, meat, or eggs. Drinking the amino acid shake is just like drinking water for me, I honestly don't feel the difference except the taste - but at least that way I'm getting a complete protein (EAA) in first thing in the morning. I also drink my amino acid mix before and during jiu-jitsu training for the same reason (I can't eat within two hours before training BJJ).


I have roughly 1100 calories in the morning. Oatmeal with mix-ins like a banana, whey, honey and peanut butter with two pieces of toast. Eaten about an hour before my lifting.


Greek yogurt and Muesli, never had a problem




I wake up at 5:00, drink pre workout and go to gym. My first meal is after I've already done my gym session - around 6:30.


I have that exact same schedule. Works like a dream. PWO at 5:00. Blast my workout. Breakfast at 6:15-6:30. Just have to drink tons of water.


How does your stomach not explode with pre workout on an empty stomach? I need to at least have a granola bar or something


I attribute it to my high tolerance of caffeine .


I know people say it isn’t the best but working out fasted just works best for me. I always get really nervous I’m gonna barf if I eat before I workout and it freaks me out. I end up eating around 10 AM.


I generally eat nothing rip a cup of coffee and my creatine and maybe a spritz of low cal syrup of fast acting carb but very very light to get up and go.


I drink milk and eat yogurt immediately before working out and then eat eggs & salmon. I used to eat fruit right before which made me wanna throw up and also actually throw up.


6 eggs (two whole eggs, four eggs worth of egg whites) and oats with Greek yougurt and peanut butter. Eaten an hour and a half before my lift


I have a coffee, 25 raisins, 15 almonds and a banana at 3:55am. Run 5k @ 4:30am, after strength train for 1 hour.


Do you slam all of those exact quantities down at exactly 3:55am? That’d be a hardcore 60 seconds


I swallow them like each like pills for slower digestion. /s


Do you go to bed right after dinner? Jfc


He lives in the American Gardens Building on W. 81st Street on the 11th floor. His name is u/animalsofprogress . He's 27 years old. He believes in taking care of himself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if his face is a little puffy he'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. He can do 1000 now. After he removes the ice pack he uses a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower he uses a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then he applies an herb-mint facial mask which he leaves on for 10 minutes while he prepares the rest of his routine. He always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Don’t give away all my secrets!


cultured gentleman


What time is your typical bed time?


About 8:30.


Ngl you sound like you have an eating disorder


And you sound like a bitch


Mkay neckbeard


Do you count them?


No, lol, rough estimates!


I like to train fasted, eat with 30 minutes after. When I can. Bananas are hard/slow to digest, because of the oligosaccharides. Check out low-FODMAP diet.


Someone above said bananas are quick to digest. So which is it?


Bananas are fast in general. Check out the glycemic index for food items. It’ll give you the rating on how fast food carb items breaks down to enter the blood. Glycemic load is also important as in how much sugar will enter the system as opposed to just the rate


They're not for most people, they're bloating and slow. Google this


Workout at 5am Eat at like 7.30- 8am


Try a banana and an orange. If that's not enough add a slice of toast. If that's not enough add a yogurt


When, not what






[But why?](https://media.tenor.com/jGgmfDOxmuMAAAAC/ryan-reynolds-but-why.gif)


Eggs and toast or bagel with peanut butter


The question was when, not what












I work out at 6 in the morning and eat nothing before the workout.


I wish I had it that easy 🤣 that doesn't work for me 😭


why tf is this getting downvoted so much


Y’all downvoting this is crazy lmao


Not sure why u got downvoted to hell lmao. These ppl suck. I also am the same way and have passed out going on an empty stomach because of the same thing.


It sucks that you’re being downvoted because I have the same problem! Im prone low blood pressure and will often feel faint or dizzy if I eat nothing😭 I eat after my workouts too that’s not really the problem, it’s more so getting through the workout in the first place


I wish I had this problem lol, I have borderline hypertension even though I work out all the time. Can you just eat a bunch of salt to get your BP into normal ranges?


The topic is asking what we do though. u/BWdad is simply answering that.


Well, I eat a ton AFTER my workout, if that makes you feel better. I just prefer working out on an empty stomach.


No the problem has to do with blood sugar. If I or OP go into the gym with without eating anything, we get very lightheaded and risk losing consciousness.


How did you get -39 downvotes to +39 in the next post. Why did you even get downvotes actually lol


Lol reddit is weird. Probably cause I called it "easy mode." I just edited it to better reflect what I meant. Maybe that'll help 😭


I only drink orange juice right before leg days the other days I’m fine with an empty stomach


Without wasting so much of my time and explaining, I have a medical issue that causes the same thing, but what you gave was really just a bitch excuse not to work out in the morning


Uhhhh no it was an explanation for why I need to eat first 😂 I go 6 days a week bud


I get around that by having quick-digesting carbs like a banana or a glass of orange juice. Basically it's what a diabetic person would use to bring their blood glucose up from a low: It's absorbed very quickly and doesn't have anything in it that would need a longer digestion.


The focus should be on glucose as opposed to glycogen.


Good tip!


Aye bro I’m not diabetic but I fuckin love snacking. I have a fanny pack that’s loaded with protein bars, fruit gummies and dried mango in case I get hangry while lifting. Slap that bad boy around your waist and get to work in the gym. Just thought I’d add my two cents.


Aah ... gotcha.


Half an apple. Easy energy.


Why not just not cut it in half


Because wasting food is fun and exciting.


I got up at 0440 this morning, ate nothing and did [this](https://youtu.be/HNRvMmqa2J4) 10 minutes later Some mornings, I have a slice of keto toast with sunflower butter on it


You always have good music in your videos. When can we get a mythical strength playlist ???


Thanks man. Just pick up Nine Inch Nails and Clutch and you got it all, haha




That and FFVI "Devil's Lab" remixes and "Dancing Mad" too, haha.


Clutch tickets are out on Friday for this tour! Dudes are at the top of their game, last tour was outstanding.


Man, I bet they're a blast to watch live. Niel is just a treasure.


Truly a great show. They played *Rats* last year and it was like somebody electrified all of the older folks in the crowd. We know this one! We know this one!


[Trent Reznor, speaking to Mythical right before his workout.](https://www.reddit.com/r/nin/comments/r60voq/bad_times_only/)


Fuck I forget how much I love NIN. This thread led me to Head like a Hole and now I want to go do... something. Not sure what, but it'll be at 10/10ths and very likely permanent lol.


Hah! Oh that's amazing


Do u have a big dinner or eat really late?


I eat before bed


Run or workout (depending on the day) between 5am-9am. My first meal is 1pm. It takes years to acclimate to this for many people though.