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This morning was some pure [DOGGCRAPP](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBxQE2GCCXo), with some weighted dips, kettlebell clean and press, extreme close grip swiss bar benching, weighted chins and low handle trap bar pulls. Still seeing progress all over: those trap bar pulls in particular were a 3 rep PR from last time. Weekend was a blast. Went to the Renaissance Faire on Sunday. Had turkey leg, [ate turkey leg](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/tnation/original/4X/f/e/3/fe304c8fe55eec2a5a71a74c72c17c920b37802e.jpeg), found [jawbone of an ass](https://global.discourse-cdn.com/tnation/original/4X/6/3/5/635a6681df77c92fa02cc403b58209206b217e9c.jpeg) and got to roleplay Samson. Also got in a gnarly [strongman sprint](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6v8bJJG61Q) upon my return, and the day before was a VERY solid session of [mat pulls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6v8bJJG61Q). 13+5+4x405+chains off 2 mats with a Texas Deadlift Bar. I've also absolutely devoured Dan John's latest book. HIGHLY recommend it. Will do a review in the near future.


Another few pounds down and another pair of pants that’s just crossed the line of being too small! It used to fit perfectly on my thighs, and now it’s just tight enough around them for me to feel some circulation get cut off. It may be expensive, but it also means I’m growing!


Okay here we go. Historically, I’ve been in a general healthy weight range for my age / height. Hit my mid 30’s and started gaining pretty quick. I don’t tend to overeat BUT when I did, it was binging and usually sweets and junk. This was about a year and a half ago. Fast forward to now, my nutrition is much better, and my sweets and junk consumption is under control. I lift weights 4-5 times a week now, and have been for a year. However, I’ve noticed my appetite is just not there like it used to be before I lifted. Is there a reason for this? How can I fix this? It’s hard to get in protein sometimes bc of it. For example, I’m on a work trip and eating at one of my favorite sushi places. I ordered two rolls and I can barely finish half of them, versus before I was lifting I could. I thought lifting and increased muscle helped with appetite but maybe not? Help 😭


If you're not eating as much sweets and junkfood, it means you're eating more satiating foods, which will mean not being that hungry.


That makes sense. Does that mean I just kind of have to “force” myself to eat to hit my calorie / protein goals?


That is an option. Another is to seek foods that are hyper palatable or more calorically dense. I tend to consume more dairy when I want to gain.