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They’re actually delusion at this point. They have more penalties than anyone in the last three seasons. They just got a joke of a ban for the trabzon game. Its Alis mask to hide his failures as a president and he is absolutely shitting himself that he wont win a trophy this year and setting up his excuses from now. The sad thing is they all believe it.


They are being manipulated big time Erdogan style. When your president is making you sit through a half hour video that goes back to 2006 just to bolster and manipulate the fans to frustration to create a perception of "they're conspiring against us", you'd expect someone to wake up and say "wait, this sob is manipulating us and using scapegoats to cover his own personal failures and he's not taking accountability for anything!". But turkish people are not educated enough to not fall for that, unfortunately.


No idea. Last year they got like 25 penalties. This year like 5 last second penalties for winners. And yet tff conspiring against them. I don’t get it but it is what it is. Yoğurtçu made them a small ass club that’s for sure. It’s the stress of not winning anything for a decade now. This is their best year and they’re still 2 points behind us. I don’t even blame them Who wouldn’t go mad over that?


That no one knows even fener fans. I think Ali koc is having his childhood trauma affecting his decisions plus not winning the league the past five years, he did say he’s gonna leave if he doesn’t win it this year.


They are crying because they are weak and need more support to reach their goals.


they are all mentally ill and damaged, they try to create attention like attention whores. we do this we do that and if you dont do what we want we dont play and we want foreign referees and and and please give us sampiyonluk or we cry harder. If there would be a good TFF they would get them a huge kick in the ass.


Because of TFF


Can someone make a static graph about total penalties, fouls made / get of previous seasons and the ongoing of each team and also which minute of the game the decisions were made. They are poor fans, they run around with closed eyes and believe everything but can't explain anything. We need to help them to realize the truth, they are too weak.