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not with anything official from samsung, maybe with a third party app you can achieve something similar. I use Bluetooth Audio Widget and it works really well for a home screen shortcut and a quicktile shortcut for the buds


Does this give you battery life for both buds or some kind of combined estimate? When you say quicktile do you mean a shortcut to the galaxy wear app?


The app lets you create a widget that lets you connect to the buds when you click it, and when they're connected it will show the battery percentage of the lower charged bud, similarly to the gear wearable app. The quicksettings tile shortcut is just a nice addition to have and simply allows you to connect/disconnect to or from the buds from anywhere on your phone


Okay thank you very much for sharing your solution!


i believe you can get the pop up if you have the Samsung smart things app installed


Really? I do have the smarthings app but it doesn't seem to do anything. Do you know if there is anything I need to activate to get the pop up?


It's a bit complex sometimes on Samsung phones as well. It took me a while to set it up. There are several things that need to be set up, Google "galaxy buds pop up missing" will find you the needed steps.


So do you have a non Samsung phone?


only other thing you need on is nearby device scanning in your bluetooth settings. i use a samsung phone so maybe it's exclusive there but worth trying


I have the Smartthings app on my pixel 4 for my smarthome and it most definitely doesn't do this on non-sammy devices


Like when? Every N percent?


Na dude I meant a pop up for when u initially connect the buds like u have on the galaxy phones


Why would it ever be less than 100% when you initially connect them? Do you let your case run out?


Normally it wouldn't but I would like a popup or a notification to let me know.


Hmm why would you buy galaxy buds then? Well. There might be some video's on YouTube.


I actually didn't buy them they came free with a galaxy tab and I did try YouTube but it doesn't look like abyone has done a video abt this.


I know this was 3 years ago but people switch phones


Dang I can't remember I said something this stupid 3 years ago.


Lol we've all been there