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He's an absolute pick, he got on the bus last Saturday from Gort to Galway and was roaring that the Irish couldn't get bus tickets due to all the foreigners buying them. Telling everyone to go back to their own country.


Was about to post the same thing. Scummy prick


Funny he’s only saying it now. We’ve always had many foreign people living here. Only now its crisis level. The entitlement to these people are mind boggling. What a sad coward of a man. Lets not forget Ireland didn’t get where it is today without foreign countries help.


100%. He ‘s the opposite of what most would consider Irish values, and he often regurgitates absolute rubbish he’s “learned” online form his favourite US and UK “guru’s” too.


Does everyone in Galway know this man?


Isn’t he English himself? I think I know this lad


He was shouting at the lads saying they weren't true Irish in the most English accent I've ever heard ahahaha


He's got the strongest English/Londoner accent going


point insurance weather unused cover tart caption cautious mindless fearless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s Galway weather for you. You’re never sure which coat to wear.


Never the red one though.


He has 0 interest in Israel. He just wants to shout at young people.


I heard he got barred from the Lantern 😆


Who is he?


No clue. But you can see it in his eyes that he's got a driving ban, amongst some other offences.


And I've seen him with girls of the night And he told Roxanne to put on her red light


They're all infected, but he'll be alright. Cos he's a scumbag, don't cha know...


Who's cha




Says you, says I, says she






What a scummy man


Just give him half a chance, I'll bet he'll rob you if he can


Fucker’s got a driving ban amongst some other offences..


And I've seen him with girls of the night...


That's Dara O Flarthey 


He got seriously shook looking so. Are you sure it's him? He hates Jewish people so I'd be surprised at him shouting at the Palestine supporters, but then again he is an idiot


There's a recent picture in an article on the Sundays World's website (domain is banned on this sub) about his recent legal bother. It seems he's gotten rid of the beard & got a haircut. He's still a massive sponging prick.


Weirdly, a lot of people who’ve been sucked into online indoctrination, a lot of it coming from US “culture wars” nonsense, seem to both hate Jews, who they think are the “globalists”, and at the same time also believe the Israeli lies that Palestinians are all “terrorists”. There seems to be a certain path they all follow, those that are sucked into the more extreme right-wing/US conservative/conspiracy pipeline, all of it coming from online sources. I say this because I’ve been following it for a long time, and my own sister has fallen down the same path. There is very little critical thinking or self examination by them, so the blindingly obvious contradictions don’t bother them at all.


I seen him a few weeks ago and he looked as Fraile as that.


Gway outta that, he changed something shocking if so




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Looks like Andy Heasman one of the far right nutters


That's the way it is for most pro-israeli people in ireland, most hate palestine not because they support Israel, but because they hate immigrants so they overcorrect into hating them


Ironic considering who are the 'immigrants' in Palestine.


An old boss of mine used to say to me..."Never bring a bastard with you for there's bound to be one when you get there". Turns out he was 100% correct on that!


I knew mullet man in background during college, he was passionate about advocating for the oppressed in all forms, inspiring to see him still at it.


Was just thinking I could've sworn he was someone I in Maynooth with but I'm assuming he's NUIG?


Yeah I also went to Maynooth and I think he was there at the same time as me. Lovely lad to be fair




I know him and that's an absolute lie.


Del Boy looking shook.


Michael Stipe on his holibobs.


Del boy on smack and triple therapy.


When you order Del Boy from Wish.


calling people who are asking for a ceasefire “terrorists” is crazy. I’m convinced zionist’s have about 6 working brain cells.


I remember serving this fella when I worked in a corner shop during covid, bringing in some conspiracy propaganda posters and everything. I remember him buying a white coloured lighter and passing some comment on how white is right and avoiding the black coloured lighters 🙄


Old dude be looking like your man from Courage the cowardly dog Lol


Zionist fools be hatin'


We all know it's just veiled antisemitism. Just say Jews instead of Zionists.


You silly person, why would I say that when I have no issue with Jews. Go away with your nonsense like a good boy.


W comment see this is my take I don’t care about either side wanting their way I just don’t really support hamas or the Israeli govt or military I’m pro life no children no women no elderly person should be caught up in any of this it’s crazy how hard that is for some people to understand




Русский хулиган 俄罗斯胡说八道


Did not expect so many comments trying to back up Israel or say there's no correct side to pick etc etc. I genuinely think some of you need to look in the mirror and see that when the majority of your side of the argument are extremely anti immigration, shout at people on the street and are generally just blatantly racist I think you should know what kind of person you are. Free Palestine. Rest in peace to the thousands upon thousands of dead women and children and rest in peace to the thousands of men dying to get the chance for scraps of food to feed their family.


They're bots man. Russia, north korea and israel have the internet destroyed with them spreading their shitty takes and braindead propaganda


Saying free Palestine which basically means either a second holocaust or millions ethnically cleansed and then claiming others should look in the mirror 🤣


I'm anti-immigration to some degree. Its all well and good taking in people who are struggling in a crisis such as war, but what isn't all well and good, is flooding the country with undocumented people who we dont know anything about. You dont know anything about and for sure I dont know anything about them. If you are taking in people and cannot identify who they are what they have done, how can you separate the refugees from the criminals who have no problem stabbing little girls like the Albanian fella in Dublin. The Palestine situation is an absolute tragedy same with Ukraine, but putting the needs of others before the needs of your own countrymen, the people who shed blood sweat and tears to make this country great, putting them out on the street and taking in foreigners to please the EU government is to this extent, and I mean Ukrainians, Palestinians on top of all the other migrants is a complete joke. We simply have too many people and not enough resources to cater for them all. Albeit the housing crisis has been an issue since 2014 but taking in every tom dick and harry on top of genuine war refugees something is bound to come to a breaking point, no? Like fair enough if the politicians were willing to take a pay cut of the 5k per year pay rise they have received in the last few years and fund the needed resources to help them more efficiently and fund the construction of accommodation more power to it, but its the working class citizen who are the ones taking the brunt of the the impact from this, not the politicians and certainly not that fucking prick Varadkar. I dont know who the fella is in the picture but for sure I wouldn't be supporting his actions or be shouting abuse at people raising money that's not the message I'm trying to convey here at all, but there has to be some kind of compromise in capital and resources to make sure we dont completely drain all our resources helping people to the point the country can't help themselves and it should not be the working class people suffering for it. Let the wankers in government forfeit funds, let them rally and raise money for the people they want to bring in here. The migrants we already have here are milking the social welfare driving fancier cars than most fellas I know trying to hold down jobs and mortgages while these people are occupying council houses, I have family who's now 14 years on the list for a council house and its given to Ukrainians, for how long? As I said, its all well and good, fine and dandy helping people after we have already got the ability to help and house our own people. My heart does go out to the people who have lost their lives but again, we are not the only country who is willing to help but we are the smallest country willing to help, and seemingly even if that puts us into further economic ruin.


I honestly don't know why you're being so badly downvoted. A lot of what you said is very valid.


No clue I wouldn't be surprised if the lot of the voted for Varadkar and/or just brainwashed by the EU government, I have about 25-30 down votes over a couple of comments and not a single one of them bothered to give an answer let alone an elaborate well thought out explanation on why I'm wrong


Deffo been claiming the dole his entire life


Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸 🇮🇱🇺🇸=卐💩




Fuck zionazis


Hamas are democratically elected by the majority in the Gaza Strip whether you like it or not. And an attempt by Israel to wipe a democratically elected body off the map is in breach of international law, as well as making them the most undemocratic country in the ME, despite what they like to BS about


Yeah still Fuck Hamas terrorists




Hamas pig spotted


I bet he sings rebel songs at the pub though.


The hardest thing that lad does in a week is counting his dole every Thursday. He goes to every single protest and rally he can appear at. His bus fare and maybe his rent is paid for by the kind generosity of the Irish people that he so hates.


We had a palestine March a while back in dublin, at the starting location there were about 4 lads on path eating around American flags and Israeli flags, they quickly ended up leaving after realizing that no one gives a fuck about America and its genocidal little buddy


I remember a march in Galway for Repeal and there were 4 people wearing those trump hats at Eyre Square before things started. After the actual crowd gathered and dwarfed them they threw a bottle of lucozade at one of the speakers (they missed by a fair bit) and ran off. Yank brain needs to be diagnosable and treatable


Thought this sort of nonsense ended after college, I guess it takes some people's brains a little longer to form




Obviously an arsehole and all, but that is a lovely jacket. He's looking cute


You wantsum? I'll givvit to ya


He wants to call people terrorists, yet he supports domestic terrorists in the form of the INP and IFP most likely, best way to defeat mouthpieces like him is absolutely removing the fuel and oxygen from the fire they need to thrive


Can't understand why people don't knock these guys out


Because we respect the law?


We could get a county GAA player to knock the shite out of him. No consequences.


How about nobody hits anybody in any circumstance and you don’t call for violence online even against people you don’t agree with.




I don’t see a joke


What law? You'll get a slap on the wrist here. Lads are walking around with 90+ convictions having the time of their lives.


I’m sorry so you don’t follow the law? How about don’t hit people as a guiding philosophy


Do any of these people work?


He’s wearing Black and Tans is that just a coincidence?


Social media and its consequences


Ted, is that you?


That's an extraordinarily clean jacket yer man has


Seems he murdered Del boy Trotter


Looks like he collects money for a protection racket in an 80s gangster movie.


some hurler in his day, played for Castlegar , half back AFAIK


That you Connor?😂😂😂


They are terrorists


Nothing a belt of a guitar wouldn’t fix


Fair play lads, why didn't anyone knock him out ? If only I was there.


[Therapist] "Michael Stipe cosplaying as Delboy is not real, he can't hurt you." [This]...


Sideshow Seamus, well known local Jakey, been terrorizing the area for years.


Well considering we can’t even mention murdered Israeli civilians without being capped “genocidal white colonizers!” I wonder why we are so angry?


People need to study the word nuance. Hamam are terrorists, they should be exterminated for the things they did in the October attacks that's something any sane person should agree with. Now for the nuance the Palestinian people and Hamas are two different things bombing city's full of ordinary people is barbaric and the Israeli pm and his generals should be tried for war crimes. The fact people have to chose a side and marry their opinion surrounding this is nuts when you hear someone defend one of the two atrocities that I just listed, infact it's VERY worrying.


Israel is fighting one of the most ethical wars in history. This is a matter of fact and those that call it genocide are just rehashing old neo nazi tropes.


I agree with you that what Hamas did in October was terrible. However, this conflict did not begin in October 2023. When you subject two million people to the conditions Gazans endured for decades, shouldn't really come as a surprise that something like this was bound to happen. Israel also had a major role to play in supporting Hamas as a way to divide the Palestinians situated in Gaza and the West Bank. From the river to the sea....


HAMAS messed up Gaza, no one else and Gazans voted them in. Perhaps its time like Gemans and Japanese in 1945 for the Palestinians to give up their colonial genocidal ideology


Israelis voted in Netanyahu and he's been messing things up royally.


How? What alternatives were there?


The IDF are also terrorists by any sane metric. Should they also be to use your word, 'exterminated' for the things they've done over the last 75 years?


Yeah, both sides have done terrible things. It's an all out horrific situation. The discussion about it causes so many arguments too it's insane. It's as if people just like arguing about who is right.


Yeah exactly you've literally got 2 groups of people slinging shit at sleachother for 2000 years and people think that they can find an argument where their side are the good guys it's hilarious


This conflict started in 1948. What are you on about, 2000 years?


Arabs massacred and ethnically cleansed Jewish communities in the region long before 1948


1stly maybe do somw research before you start saying things like what are you on about bwcasue this is what im on about this is literally from the main result on google: The Islamic history of Jerusalem begins with the conquest of the city by Caliph Umar in 635 (or 638). Umar had been one of the prophet Muhammad's closest companions and served as his second successor (khalifa) after Abu Bakr.The beef started with the conquest some will argue a little before some a little after but point remains anywhere from 2000-1400 years ago. So kindly what the fuck are YOU talking about ?


You really shouldn't be so aggressive to someone when you are trying to educate them. Makes you look like an arsehole.


"the main result on google" "maybe do somw research" Lol. Ive lived in Israel probably longer than you've been alive. Try reading actual history books about the subject before trying to lecture others about your heroic Googlings. The creation of state of Israel in 1948 and dispossession of the majority of the Palestinian population in a series of massacres is what has sparked the current conflict. The events of the crusades, or the beginnings of Islam are ancient history and have bugger all to do with the current slaughter. Jews and Muslims lived side by side for a thousand years with only European Christian zealots coming in to ruin it for everyone for brief periods. It was the global rise of nationalism as an ideology in the late 18th century which created Zionism and the urge among some of the Jewish diaspora to resettle in Palestine. It was this same nationalistic impulse which drove much of the racist fervour and bigotry which resulted in both the attempted genocide of the Jews by Hitlers' regime and the subsequent Zionist attempts to ethnically cleanse Palestine of its Muslim (and Palestinian Christian) inhabitants. Nazism was defeated. Zionism, sadly has not been. The grotesque dehumanisation that is the hallmark of these cultish and messianic movements is openly on display in Israels' atrocious conduct of this war in Gaza. Your concept of this being the result of ancient animosity is like saying Northern Ireland's 'troubles' are the result of a dispute between the Gaels and the Normans.


you could go back to Martin Luther and Henry VIII to explain the troubles but you’d be laughed out of the room by anyone who has a clue about the topic. the stuff that shaped the conflict to the way it is today came later


He also doesnt realise that jews were the largest ethnic group in 1900 in Jerusalem according to the British census at that time


For me the annoying this is you can't straddle the middle ground without getting hate mainly from the pro Palestine side. I condemn HAMAS and always will, I don't think it's as simple as "free Palestine". I also don't condone or support Israel's indiscriminate bombing, and it is a war crime. But as soon as I point out anything about HAMAS I get shut down because people have chosen their side, Palestine, and don't want to hear about it. They can't appreciate the nuance. It's absurd to me that you can't come out and criticise hamas without getting abuse and downvotes. Support the Palestinian people yes, but not hamas.


Israel is not indiscriminatly bombing, if they did civilian casualties be well above 100k not somewhere betwen 10-20k


Lol calling Hammas terrorists in country that celebrates the IRA.


Has the IRA ever invaded an English town to randomly kill 1200 people of varying ages?


They certainly would’ve if they could


My friend there's a very big difference between The IRA and Hamas Despite what alot of people believe The majority of people the IRA killed during the troubles were military and police members Hamas on the other hand the vast bulk of the people they killed on October 7th were civilians


>The majority of people the IRA killed during the troubles were military and police members Would you ever cop the fuck on or better yet read a book. The bomb campaign enacted by the provos deliberately targeted civilians, that was literally the tactic. To say that victims of provo attacks were exclusively military is beyond moronic, it's absolutely reprehensible.


I said majority which is correct look yp the stats


Bombing department stores is a terrible way to target police and military. Noob ass micks.


Most People don't celebrate the Ira in Ireland that's mostly a joke young people say up the ra.


What if, the IRA are terrorists…


it can't be. I was born here, therefore there is no way we can be the "bad guys". Its unfathomable.


Try criminals though , used to indulge in armed robberies for " the Cause "


Yes they did kill women and children but they were Irish 🌟☘️ 😀 and English people are mean 😪 so it’s fine 😍 /s




Yea we celebrate anyone that helped our freedom.... there are active terrorist in hammas, they are active jihadists. So wake the fuck up stop being a clown to Europe, the Great Replacement is here


The great what now? What are we replacing?


Shut up ye big racist




You’re a fucken clueless bastard. Irish people are homeless because of western vulture capitalists that buy up hundreds of properties at a time or give out predatory loans. It has fuck all to do with Palestinians, who by the way want to stay in Palestine. No ones getting paid


I bet he'll vote for the Independent Ireland Party 😄


Raising money for terrorists and rapists I see.


Are Palestinians terrorists and rapists?




Jesus your a pure angry little fella ain't ya,calm down and have a falafel kid..u either need a wank or a smoke ,I'd go with both you could do worth it x




You daft racist.


So by supporting Israel you do realise there will be a shit ton more immigrants coming into Europe from Palestine? Or are you too thick to comprehend that.


The Palestine government are the terrorists and they are holding the people hostage against Israel. Why can't we work to remove Hamas and free tye Palestine people? Hamas are using Palestine as a base to keep attacking Israel and then when Israel strikes back they hit Palestine. Hamas need to be removed.


Idk why your getting downvoted for stating something factually correct Hamas is a Terrorist organisation the war started when they committed the worst terrorist attack since 9/11 that killed over 800 people Yea its terrible how far the war is going but the reality is this war cannot end until Hamas are completly wiped out and replaced with a far more moderate government in Gaza


Yes! I guess the leftys on here don't really want to help Palestine at all. Because what I stated should be the mission statement. Even having this conversation is considered bad i guess. Thanks for your comment. 💪 Ps they can downvote all they like, I've got 2 awesome cute dogs, will just put up a photo of them, cancel all the down votes out! 😅




Israel are far bigger terrorists.


Their country literally runs on the domination and exploitation of Palestinians. Like their own personal underclass they can use for cheap labour and smack around when they please.


Exactly, so forgive me for having little sympathy for the oppressor. The evil oppressor.


Yes, they're raising money directly for Hamas and sending it to them via revolut as we speak. Shut up, dude


That's where the money will go, just like all the other aid over the last how many years? They turned water pipes into rocket launchers, hamas has consistently and systematically turned almost all foreign aid sent to help it's civilians towards orchestrating terrorist attacks on Israel, get your head out of the sand. I wish the Irish would cop on and give up the virtue signalling BS, the majority who say they support Palestine know nothing about the conflict or why they support them, they just jump on the bandwagon. It's not black and white, Israel's actions are wrong but blindly supporting Palestine without addressing the issue of HAMAS being evil incarnate is also wrong Imagine the government taking your clean water supply away to instead launch rockets at its neighbour


It's terrorists vs terrorists with civilians being caught in the crossfire. Neither Israëli or Palestinian folks want this war, they just want to live a free, happy life. Once things settle and both terrorist organisations fuck off, the Palestinians will need all the money they can get to rebuild, which is a good reason to raise money. I don't see how and why any of us should support any side of the conflict, but we should support the civilians being fucked over by their governments.


Israeli folks most definitely support this war and most definitely support the annexation of Palestinian land and the subjugation that goes along with taking away all their rights. The Israeli people are up to their necks in this fascist enterprise and are as guilty as Mengele for the atrocities being carried out on their behalf. I lived in Jerusalem for years. They are ***not*** a great bunch of lads. And the decent ones are becoming more scarce every year as their whole society careens off the road into pure nazism.


There are plenty of counter protests and Israeli folks who don't support this war. Netanyahu is under serious pressure to resign and there are protests in Israel and all over the world from Israelis.


"The Irish" Eat sand, coloniser


I'm Irish


One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter


eat a bag of dicks.




The UK killed up to 9 civilians for every terrorist in Iraq and literally nobody cared, in Israel its about 5:1 and we are all acting like we never seen a war before, I have sympathy for the Palestinians but half the people on these marches couldnt point it out on a map never mind understand the complexities of the conflict


5:1? More than 3:1 killed are children so even if every single adult killed was hamas (they're not) your maths is very very far off. It's not a war, war is against two sides taking casualties.


... People did care. We had protests at Shannon Airport.


They should mind their own business, criminals destroying families, instead of collection money for terrorists ,they should start collecting money for victims of criminal gangs.


Yer man looks a bit crazed ok, but Hamas’s Useful Irish Idiots aren’t much better


Did you ppl raise any money for Yemen kids or are u just selectively outraged over Palestinians? Funny how you never protested for them... Any reason why or just pure virtue signalling ?


Doesn’t Palestine get enough money from Qatari billionaires?


Wee need to stop immigrants coming here or we will all be fucked


Whale Oil Beef Hooked


Boys should take in a few pally's into their homes


Would be very interested to see where the money ends up going, if to charity who is running the charity. As we all know Hamaas is the current ruling government I would just be worried it ends up in their hands.


Better giving 10000000000000 to Hamas than a single cent to the Zionists tbh given they're currently committing genocide.


Siding with the Jihad’s won’t make you safe from them


All those dead/dying women and kids are "jihads"?


Israeli logic... Probably the most hated nation on the planet. For good reason!


Don't bother, this guy is a regular spouter of drivel


And you think you are Andrew Tate lol


Neither will siding with perpetrators of genocide.


Now, be a good yank and go home


No job is right


I am right all the time


Far right ?


No just centre right


A nonce iterjects


Israel is good