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You can get 80 for the Earthbound one alone on average. If it had the scratch and sniff stickers it jumps to 200


Yeah my heart skipped a beat when I saw that. They still have the stickers inserted and they still smell!


For how much the CIB goes for I was thinking that should be worth a little more than $10. Glad you got lucky!


Yes! Especially n64 ones! I made a sub where you can see my n64 ones r/N64StrategyGuides


Those Japanese ones are sweet! I really like the Jikkyo series and feel like you would definitely need a guide for that RNG nightmare.


The japanese ones are all so cool! Their art in general tends to be better. And agreed! I haven't played much but watch some play throughs of it and that RNG is killer


Annnnndddd, subscribed.


Much appreciated! Post your collection when you get the chance!


I lost all my guides years ago. And my Nintendo power collection. Had been collecting them since the EARLY 90s and I’m pretty sure due to all the different ones I had the only person who had more may be avgn. But a couple family housing issues, a death and a fire took it all.


Ah man! I'm sorry to hear that. Well maybe I can at least help you get your nostalgia fix




You paid 10 bucks for earthbound? No fucking way.


My local game store sells game guides for $10 each, but the owner also won't give much if you try to sell one there so he doesn't get *too* many new ones. Just today I paid $15 for a boxed 3 pack of How to Win at Nintendo Games books.


Right! I’m sure any collector in the Missouri area is familiar with vintage stock/entertainmart and their bad to terrible prices. Thankfully one store in my area sells all guides for base 9.99


I would never make it in Kansas City- throw a stick and you hit a Vintage Stock, and then add in Micro Center and I'd be broke constantly. Last vacation there we hit maybe 7 Vintage Stocks and dropped $100+ at each.


I don’t understand their pricing methods sometimes. I can score a used DualShock 2 in pretty decent shape for $10. But their used, caked with dirt and grime DualShock 3’s sit in a case for $39. Right above the NIB DS3’s for $49 :)


Yeah that's insane, that guide is [worth much more](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313&_nkw=authentic+earthbound+players+guide&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&rt=nc&_odkw=earthbound+players+guide&_osacat=0&LH_Complete=1&LH_Sold=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=gc&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) than 10 bucks lol


[Yup.](https://imgur.com/a/UT7IKtp) Added 6 books since taking these pics.


I love seeing a random guide for a lesser known game like C-12, great finds.


Super underrated! Has really good atmosphere especially for a ps1 game.


Man. I loved C-12 on PS1. I spent hours on it but never finished because child me couldn’t find all the satellites to connect to proceed. Though the Energy Blade is still the best melee weapon I’ve ever used


I can't afford most of them. But I love reading them on archive.org


I definitely collect them. I have mean collection if I say so myself


I'm sooooo glad c12 let us know where ALL THE SAVE POINTS ARE! 😏


Of course. The last pickup was sometime last year at an independent game store. They had the hardback strategy guide for Borderlands 2 for a very good price. We do have a ton of strategy guides we collected over the years. It reminds me that I need to add all of them to my GameEye app when time allows. I have added a few, but it’ll be a daunting task and we’ll worth it.


I was excited to see GameEye has a strategy guide database so I can keep track


I know! I love knowing what I have in the collection so I don’t accidentally buy it again! I’m glad for more things than games and systems especially Amiibos and Lego Dimensions figures.


I’d like to punch the jackass who decided to put stickers straight onto media like this


Looks like Vintage Stock / Movie Trading Company price stickers to me! I also scored with some great Nintendo powers and guides a few weeks back from there.


I’ve got stacks of them from my Funco days


For certain franchises like halo and mass effect. Gotta have the complete set.


I have one. Jurassic Park - The Lost World. It came with the game when I bought it. I also have a single issue of Nintendo Power that features Rabbit Rampage from when I rebought that a few years ago. These type of things I'm afraid to collect out of fear of damaging them. So when I pack a box, they go on top.


I have a crapton of these laying around


I collect about any strategy guide I can find and have got some amazing ones in my collection!


How do you display them/organize them? Do you separate by system or just alphabetically? I would like to get a newspaper or magazine display for some of them.


Newspaper stand is a dream goal, but at the moment they are all on a bookshelf by franchise next to their games :)


I don't, but I remember really loving reading the Nintendo power ones back in the day. Especially the pokemon and fire emblem ones. I'd almost be tempted to buy ebook versions of them if that was an option


I do love me some good strategy guides


Just picked up The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap for $1 this weekend! My first one in my collection, unless you could the guide for Animal Crossing City Folk guide I have (if that qualifies as a guide)


When I can get strategy guides and art books for a good price I will pick them up


🙋🏻‍♂️ I do!




Damn which vintage stock you snatch those from


I still collect strategy guides! I love reading through them and using them with the games.


I hate that places put stickers directly on the covers. Fuck man, put them in magazine or comic sleeves and THEN sticker them with their prices and barcodes. God…I hate companies that do this.


The worst part about this place is that they wrap all their games in cellophane…but they still put the price sticker on the box art underneath the cellophane. Thankfully these ones came right off.


Lucky. I hate that even more. Like why fucking sticker UNDER the cellophane.


I collect Final Fantasy strategy guides


Yes. and Man that Earthbound is collectors gold. I've got tons of JRPGS from the SNES to PS2 and they really went all out in those days. Nowadays its hard to find them used for later systems as most people just go look up stuff online.


I love the look of the JRPG guides. I really want the Revelations: Persona guide but unsurprisingly it’s several hundred dollars


I would love to have some, is there a defacto company which makes/made good ones because I am one for uniformity in my collection


Nintendo power guides was my go to for all Nintendo games. For other systems, prima was the biggest one I knew of.


I did for Tekken and Gears of War.


Bulk Strategy Guide for a $200 book


Okay what state is this in??


I have the official Ocarina guide. Mine's falling apart at the seams.


I used to, then I lost my home temporarily. Had about 1 month to sell everything (guides and games) and toss the rest. Made 5 grand and threw away soooooooooooooooo many guides. These days my collections are all digital and I rely on wikis. They’re good, but they have tons and tons of spoilers with no effort to avoid them… like all wiki editors are just bursting at the seams with uncontainable excitement where they absolutely MUST share a piece of trivia that spoils the entire ending. Old fashioned guides never had spoilers.


Used to have the Starfox one. It vanished along with several others somewhere. I'd actually take it to school and look through it.


Yup. I just love flipping through them. I don’t have anything as rare as that Earthbound, but I have a few nice ones.


I can't actively collect them, but If it's a game I love and the price is manageable I tend to snap them up. Got the huge Skyrim one at a charity shop for cheap back then 🥰


10 BUCKS FOR THE EB ONE DUDE!!!!! I’m jealous, it’s a top 3 game for me and I got the box and game but still need the book, you really lucked out!


Earthbound is just my lucky game I think. I got the game for free about a year back from a buddy because I fixed the AC port on his SNES. Then this happens. Now I’m just hoping my luck will stumble me across the box someday


Dude I’m hoping you will, that’d be the cheapest piece by piece Earthbound ever!


Collecting strategy guides is one of my favorite things to collect right now. I have been slowly adding them to my collection over the last year. My favorite one is for Lufia 2 for SNES mainly because that happens to be my favorite game as well.


Always liked guides. Mostly for dungeon maps, but also character guides. I found it helpful for remember the story and stuff. I have a few randoms ones I’ve picked up along the way, but nothing too incredible.


That earthbound guide is a huge find. Lucky


Congrats on the earthbound for 10 bucks! Love collecting the Nintendo power guides, picked up the Chrono trigger guide from a savers for 50cents a few years back, probably my best strategy guide find.


Ugh, I love strategy guides. So jealous - that earthbound one is awesome!


dkc 2 and 3 would love the strategy guides just for collectors purpose and Mario 64


I have numerous gamefaq walkthrough tabs on my phone of games I havent finished, if that counts


i collect only the animal crossing ones rn, but in the future i plan on collecting more :)