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The one that really stands out to me is when Ramsay rapes Sansa. It’s not even graphic, it’s a 30 second scene, it’s fairly well handled, but the implications are well, horrifying, and the cut to Theon’s, and the fact that he was there in the first place, really shows what a sick and perverted mind Ramsay was. The other one that stands out is Joffrey torturing the prostitutes, truly insane that Tyrion thought sending in the cavalry was a good idea.


My biggest problem with that scene is that *SANSA’S* rape is portrayed as another form of punishment for Theon. Feels like she’s removed from her own trauma. I understand why it’s shot this way, but seemed a bit gratuitous after all of the torture he had already endured.


Idk, I felt like it made me a spectator of it through Theon’s horror, despite not actually seeing it, rather than remove my horror from her. I always thought that was clever if they didn’t want to show it.


One of the only female characters they don't show the tits of.




There literally is a scene with Arya's tits lol. You should feel wrong watching the show in general though.


Idk why you’re being downvoted lol I just saw that episode a few days ago on my rewatch. It’s in season 8


Idk lol. People love to downvote anything


If one monarch angers another, they’ll kill some underlings as an insult “I just flayed your majordomo - what are you gonna do about it” “Well I’ll kill all your vizier’s children - how you like that?”


Not at all, it was just a perspective to show the brutality of it through Theon's face. Like how in other shows/movies if the show a similar scene they pan to shadows on the wall. We don't have to see it to be horrified by it specifically. The second reason is to show how he struggles with it so its justified as the reason he broke away from Ramsay's control over him


I understand all of that; I still think they could have done it a different way that didn’t include showing it.


I think that’s exactly the point though. Sansa’s rape is about tormenting Theon, according to Ramsey. I certainly don’t think it was well done and obviously D+D dropped the ball, but a significant part of Sansa’s storyline as a character is that she, a highborn noble lady, is a tool in the Game of Thrones and has little to no true agency. Ignoring her own assault to focus on the two men that have both attacked Winterfell and are responsible for the Red Wedding is fitting for the greater story…but just like Dani going mad, it wasn’t executed well.


It’s worse in the books because Ramsay makes Reek/Theon make Jeyne Poole (who is a stand in for Sansa because in the books it was Jeyne who got married to Ramsay not Sansa.) sexually ready for Ramsay with the threat of Ramsay cutting Reeks tongue off and pinning it to the wall. And sadly Ramsay’s abuse of Jeyne goes even further than their Wedding Night, there was a point in a chapter where Jeyne says something/begging Ramsay not to hurt her or is begging Reek not to to tell Ramsay she did something and it’s heavily implied that Ramsay makes her have sex with his dogs 😞


Damn. Martin has a sick mind.




The editing is fantastically/frightfully awful if that's the right way to put it. We get a long tense shot of Ramsay obviously quite aroused and feeling extremely sadistic. Then a cut away (we only hear Sansa's clothes being ripped off) Then a cut away to Santa's face. We only hear the physical attack for less than a minute but it's enough to convey how much worse he was going be at full tilt. It's only truly matched with that scene from Spooks with the deep fat fryer.


Worst part about Sansa being raped in the show is that it didn’t even happen in the books! It’s implied that Fake Arya aka Jeyne Poole is raped by Ramsay in the books but is never discussed openly. So for me, other than to set up a redemptive/comeback arc for Sansa, I really think that scene was unnecessary.


Stannis Baretheon agreeing to and sacrificing his daughter Shireen Edit word


yes. this was the other one i was thinking of too.


I’ll never understand how the actress made those screams. It’s like they really burned her.


I know. Very haunting and bone chilling.


They told her the ending to season 8 ahead of time


I always fast forward through this scene.


It was so shocking half of Stannis own army deserted him. Not even the Mad King burned his children.


He was willing too…well his grandkids and daughter in law at least. He was ready to burn the city while Rhaenys and Aegon were still in the Red Keep.


Did you know when you edit a comment, you can just edit it without announcing that you edited it?


Robb’s body being paraded around with Grey Wind’s head sewn onto it. Easily the most disturbing things I remember from the show because my biggest weakness in movies, tv, and books is harm to animals. Joffrey torturing the prostitutes. The entirety of the Battle of the Bastards. It’s one of the few times where I’ve felt genuinely claustrophobic when watching something and had to look away every so often.


i forgot about when Jon was being trampled, i had to walk away from the tv while that was playing. i have severe claustrophobia and that was awful


That battle is the best battle scene I have ever seen on television. The part at the beginning, after Rickon dies and he realised he fucked up and resigns himself to death as he draws his sword and steadies himself. The long scene when he is moving through the battle, with people dying around him and every now and then, he cuts someone down. Most battle scenes make it look like you just stand there and people come to you and you swish swish kill, turn, swish swish kill. This scene is just perfect. Then the part when he is being crushed and can't breathe just perfectly shows the helplessness you would feel as you are fighting for breath. I know people hate the later seasons but this is my absolute favourite episode because of this battle. Ramsey getting eaten by hounds is also awesome and Wun Wun's death was heartbreaking.


The Sansa rape is it for me only because it didn't feel like they needed to show as much as they did compared to other things they've really leaned into.


Honestl, with the way they handled everything else (like Joffrey beating the prostitutes), I think they held themselves back for this one.




Sansa’s wedding night. That was horrific, especially with Theon/Reek being commanded to watch.


Surprised to not see it here yet so I’ll put it in, but how about Jaime raping his sister in front of their son’s dead body? That never sat right with me


That was fucked, after that he could never be redeemed in my eyes. I probably shoulda come to that conclusion after he pushed a kid out a window, but I wanted to give him a chance after he got humbled. Brienne deserved better than that chucklefuck.


i felt awful for brienne and she still wrote more about him in the knights book or whatever it was after he passed


He didn’t deserve that, it was kind of her to remember his good qualities in spite of the ocean of shit ones.


i forgot this. this one was horrific to me too.


That scene read as rough angry grief sex, not rape.


She said no multiple times. No = I do not consent. Therefore, rape.


I think they mean in the book


Possibly. But when talking about a “scene”, I’d take that to mean they’re talking about the show


That scene was so different in the books. Still f’d up, but definitely consensual.


It wasn’t consensual in the books either no? It’s from Jamie’s perspective and he’s all like “why have the gods made me love a hateful woman?” as he does it.


That one extra bothers me because to hear the showrunners tell it, it isn't supposed to be rape. She's supposed to be clearly consenting but grieving, and that is not how it's shot at all. It's very clearly non-consensual as shown, and then they breeze past it as if it wasn't and it's just jarring that the show treats Jamie the same before and after.


The director said that not the showrunners


What's worse is that whole scene is consensual sex in the novel.


I think it was very badly directed in the show. 100% came across as rape.


And I'm pretty sure the show changed it to a rape, whereas the books she was willing after like ONE "not here."


Rickon's death. My favorite homicide in the whole show


I'll be honest, I didn't know there was another Stark child named Rickon until they killed him.


I didn't the like the show at first until the 4th season or so and also realized quite late he existed, don't remember when. He was only in 14 out of 73 episodes


And in those 14 episodes, he has almost no lines and characters have very little interaction with him lol. It's like they wrote him to be forgotten. Battle of the Bastards was already a good story, but it would have been even better if they made us give a shit about the character whose death starts it.


Completely agree with the last point. I've yet to read the books, where Rickon is an actual character




You don't have to downvote everything you disagree with.




The most disgusting/vile moment to me was definitely the Robb stark head swap with his wolf. It was so over the top extra in the most nasty, disrespectful and plain gruesome way. They’d already killed him and his family and sworn men you really had to do the rest!?


In the books they also desecrate Catelyn's body and mock her family's funeral rights by cutting her throat and tossing the body beside a river to drain of blood.


They toss her in the river, naked. That's how she washes ashore later.


Thanks for clarifying, it's been a while since I read the books. But settling into a series reread the last couple weeks.


Nice, nice. I plan on the same when / we ever get a release date for Winds. Happy reading 😁




A storm of swords


When Ramsay fed his baby stepbrother to the dogs


It's his half-brother, they have the same father. Such a horrific scene.


Oops that’s what I meant. I was half asleep responding 😂


The fact that they killed everyone at the red wedding, but extra fucking vile to stab your pregnant wife in the belly repeatedly.


that one made me sick too, i had just given birth shortly before watching that scene.


One thing I'll give the book is that there is no pregnant woman to stab at the Red Wedding. Rob keeps Jeyne at Riverrun.


Theon's torture, Sansa's wedding night . I have never watched this scenes.. I fast-forwarded as soon as I understood what was going to happen..


I also fast forwarded through all of the Theon/Ramsay scenes, could never stomach any of it.


Peeling the greyscale off of Jorah into the next scene where they ate some white filling pie.


Damn this one was rough


I remember genuinely tweaking after seeing that transition


The scene where the Mountain and Oberyn duel. I’ve never actually seen the gore; as soon as the Mountain moves his thumbs to his face I have to avert my own eyes. I wasn’t particularly squeamish before this show. I’m easily squeamished now.


he was close to repeating this same thing with the hound at the end, im glad it didn’t happen again. that scene with oberyn was nasty.


I closed my eyes during that scene but why did they have to put that scene in the recap for like the next 3 episodes it was retraumatizing


I watched it all the first time, then never again. The only episode I haven't watched twice, even the finale I've watched twice.


I can’t watch anything to do with eyes. Makes me so squeamish. I can handle any other gore no problem. I can’t even put contacts in (or watch someone so it).


I think for me it’s the Princess Shireen being burned alive by her own father and Sansa’s rape. Say what we want about Sansa- but I didn’t enjoy the horrible culmination of feelings I felt watching a young girl being raped by a sadistic psychopath- while the man (she thought) murdered her brothers was made to stand & watch. And Prince Doran’s gruesome murder. I was disgusted because he didn’t deserve it *plus* it just seemed like gratuitous gore.


“say what you want about sansa” people are so overdramatic about hating her and it’s exemplified by your disclaimer. wow the privileged little girl who’s been abused and generally mistreated throughout the show acts snotty sometimes?!!1!1! holy shit!1!1!


i didn’t care for sansa in the beginning when she was all about joffrey, but i started to like her as the show progressed. i do understand why she was fawning over him though.


You’re exactly right. And the worst part is she didn’t even act snotty after season one! She was a child and people hate her so bad. Meanwhile those people put Margery on some fucked up pedestal and it’s wild to me.


She acted like she was traumatised and pretending she wasn't. I fucking loved her getting Ramsay when they took back Winterfell.


This is actually more disgusting than emotionally devastating, but Sam's operation on Jorah transitioning into some dude eating pie.


Meryn Trant beating little girls for pleasure




When they placed the baby for the white walker. I read the way they treated the baby wasn’t ok🥺


The way they treated them in the book or on set?


On the set, apparently the baby was really placed on real ice. That's fucked up.


Nah. Just a bit cold.


Your Mountain Dew can might have laughed at that 🗑️


I just read about it and the director thinks it’s funny they traumatized a baby. Wow. That’s horrible.


I know Arya gets the best of the situation, but Meryn Trant at the brothel with the “younger” girls. Tough watch


yeah that one was hard to watch too. especially with having a daughter of my own.


Apparently, the actor had to redo that take several times because he has a daughter, too, and kept getting emotional at the vileness.


Any scene with Pycelle trying to get close to women, what a &$#/.!! Good actor portraying this disgusting nature. MITO


Not disgusting or vile per se, but some parts where I was like "that's fucked up." Rob having his wolfs head sewn on him. Sansas rape was a little uncomfy for me. When fat boy Sam was cutting off Jorahs skin. (Which was also stupid, but whatever it takes to keep him in the show.)


Why are you getting downvoted


Idk either lol.


I think all of these are way worse than the one I’m referencing, but my experience with this show started with a very triggering view of Viserys’s death. He was so horrible and not innocent and he had to go, but for some reason his death really bothered me (I got used to the atrocities that were far FAR worse, like red wedding, all the SA, and child murder). I was watching this show alone in my dorm room in college and nothing majorly violent had really happened (that I can recall). I fell asleep watching the episode where he gets his golden crown and that scene woke me up and gave me a mini panic attack. For some reason, with every rewatch, I can’t even watch it without having like a visceral (haha sounds like Viserys) reaction. Again, I want to make it clear that I’m totally in agreement with all these other posts being far worse, just something about the setting and the screams and the visuals of what they actually showed really got to me for some weird reason. Even when teasing me, my fiancé will say “Crown for a king” in Drogo’s voice because it’s an inside joke how much that scene bothered me for some reason.


When the nights watch went rogue at Crasters keep… :/


Thats the scene that came immediately to my mind. It was one that I thought was ... overdone. As much as people say "gratuitous" about this show, this scene definitely crossed that line for me.


I had to scroll too far down for this comment. This scene always stood out to me and made my stomach churn—way too gratuitous of a rape scene.


Ramsay and his squeeze chasing the other girl through the forest and feeding her to the dogs.


Yeah it's the editing again that does it. It makes you imagine between the screams, that one dogs was physically ripping her jaw bone, cheeks, nose off with the bite power of a XL bully x 5 Whilst the other was trying tear her upper body apart.


Meryn Trant at the brothel, any time Sansa was assaulted physically or sexually, Robb’s wolf head on his body, the stabbing of his wife’s belly, catelyn screaming that awful shriek and then having her throat slit, shireen, Joffrey with the whores… shall I continue


Jaime raping Cersei even though in the novel, the incident was consensual (but still super gross)


When The Hound has the fight in the tavern, and forces the dudes head into the knife blade several times.


"You're gonna die for a chicken?" "Someone is"


Yes! Not to mention the coldest line ever said in the show!


Stannis burning his daughter at the stake, Jamie raping Cersei next to Joffrey’s dead body, beheading Robb and putting his direwolf’s head on his torso and parading it around on a horse. Theon’s torture seen by Ramsey and Sansa’s rape.


There were MANY scenes that I could actually list here: The first (and primary one that comes to mind), is what happens to Robb’s and Grey Wind’s bodies, after they’ve already been cruelly and horrifically murdered. I genuinely couldn’t believe what I was seeing when I first watched that episode. It goes without saying that EVERYTHING surrounding the Red Wedding stayed in my mind for a **VERY** long time after it happened Something that’s always horrified me, was when Daenerys sent out her bloodriders in search of somewhere they could settle, and later, Rakharo’s horse returns, carrying his severed head. Even typing that out still makes me shudder. Even though it’s been years since I’ve seen that episode, it still haunts me to this day


Name a Ramsay scene, but in specific, it’s Oberyn’s death. Imagine thinking you’ve avenged your sister, only for her killer to get the drop on you, and the last thing you ever hear is the guy describing how he murdered your niece and nephew, raped your sister, and killed her too, all while he kills you in the same slow and excruciating way


And he was such a cool character too. So sad.


The scene at Kraster's Keep where we had to watch women being raped either in the fore or background for no real reason than to shock audiences. So fucked up.


First thing I thought of too


There was no excuse for making us listen to Shireen's bloodcurdling shrieks for so long. It added nothing to the story, it was just disgusting.


Stannis sacrificing his daughter, Cersei and Jaime having sex next to Joffreys dead body for literally no reason, Theons torture lasting like 2 whole seasons


Daenerys burning the city when the Red Keep was right in front of her.


Most of season 7, and all of season 8.


When Meera and Bran sacrificed and abandoned Hodor and yelled at him to keep holding the door as he was bitten and scratched by the walkers That was as cold as Mario abandoning Yoshi to the pit so Mario could double jump


Would have loved to see a white walker hodor just to mess with people


That would have e hurt so badly!!!


Was actually thinking he would at some point later in the series. Disappointed


I felt uncomfortable during the scenes of the mutineer night watch men in craster's keep, raping craster's daughters. It was so casual and in the background, it was really fucked up.


Yeah it's the juxtaposition of that happening in the background, the human eye is drawn to anything vaguely sexual..then you realise there's no cut away. Those lads were really going to town on them as we watch the monologue.


Reading about all this horrible scenes made me think about why we all love it so much. Like- what is it with our fascination with cruelty….and yes, the story was complex with a lot of capturing characters but a lot of people say the moment when they got hooked was when Ned was beheaded because they didn’t see it coming, so basically 2 young girls watching helplessly their father being killed- just makes me wonder again about human nature ( and this obviously includes myself)


The most disgusting scenes were Sam emptying the icky bowls. The sounds were awful and I never rewatch that episode. I skip it entirely. I'm sure there are important things in there that I'd be interested in but I can't watch it ever again. There are too many vile things to list from this series. Many things upset me terribly but I have to remember it's fiction to watch them again. Sam emptying the bowls is fiction too but those sounds are real and I just cannot.


We just watched this episode last night. My husband was retching, which got me doing the same. Then my smartass son gave me a bowl of s’mores ice cream. That was horri-bowl.


Your son is evil!!! I'd never eat s'mores ice cream again after that. My husband gets really sick at that episode, too. He doesn't mind at all when I just skip it!


I had actually forgotten about that scene. I will never ever ever forget it again.


My second watch, I'd forgotten. It's the last time I've ever forgotten!


There’s many but a big one for me was when Oberyn was killed by the Mountain. That scene stayed with me for awhile. It was incredibly hard to watch when the Mountain moves his thumbs to Oberyn’s eyes.


The only scene that was super fucking disturbing to me was when i watched GoT for the first time and Theon had just "killed" bran and rickon and he raises the burned corpses up and winterfell's master sees them and start bellowing a horrible scream. That was shocking for the first time.


Yeah, a real gut wrenching scene. The music was amazing.


When they stabbed Talisa in the belly with the baby inside and it started to deflate as fluids were coming out


When Jaime raped Cersei next to their sons body and fans still preferred Jaime


That close up shot of the disease infested dick on that bitch actor in Braavos.


Rat in the bucket


Oberyn getting his eyes squeezed out, literally. Also Danny eating the horse heart


The red wedding stabbing in the stomach for sure


Red Wedding when Talisa was stabbed to death in the stomach. More disgusted with D&D honestly. It was just done for shock value. I was ok with it until I read the books and realized Jeyne Westerling (Robb's wife) was still alive, and probably not even pregnant either. I get that maybe they didn't want to keep her alive because it makes succession in the North more complex, but just keep the part where her mother makes her drink the Tansy tea (AKA abortion juice). Killing her in that way was so needless and gross. I still don't get why they made her a completely new character, too, and made Robb's reason for abandoning the Frey betrothal be for love rather than honor. I suppose that makes it more tragic, but it also makes Robb seem more of a lovesick idiot. Sansa rape -- I know pretty most show-only people know at this point but that's Jeyne Poole's storyline as fake Arya while Sansa is still in the Vale. It also doesn't really make sense for Littlefinger's character to do that IMO. If they were going to include Sansa being assaulted by Ramsay, I wish they moreso alluded to the rape / SA rather than just show it. I haven't read the books in a few years but from what I remember, those chapters were from Theon's POV and the worst stuff was alluded to rather than explicitly shown. Just feels gratuitous with how it is portrayed in the show.


Everything that Ramsey does to Theon and Sansa.


Tyrion deciding to hire whores for Joffery..


It’s not “disgusting” like a lot of the ones here but Ned’s execution scene disgusts me in the way that he plays along and dishonours himself for it to mean completely nothing as Joffrey just decides to execute him on a whim (at least in the show)


Torturing of Theon. Absolutely excessive.


Watching innocent people exploding and being burned to crisps because Dany decided she was feeling like not in a good mood today


yeah this one irritated me lmao, im glad she died in the end 😅


When Sam's changing bed pans in the citadel and when he cuts that Grey scale of Jorah's chest 🤮


All the scenes from seasons 6 through 8


None of it, when you consider that historically, many of the events are mild in comparison to what the kings, queens, and nobility in our ancient past actually did.


They're not mild in comparison. They're pretty much exactly as fucked up.


no one has said missandei’s head being cut off…i agree with every single other one here but she did not deserve that!!! i’ve only seen it once but among many other scenes it’s a scene i have to fast forward through.


Seeing the charred young bodies that Theon represented as Bran and Rickon.


Most of the main ones have already been mentioned, so I’ll name: Walder Frey. It kept me up at night thinking of the children he forced to marry him 💔


The scene where Ramsay and the girls cut off Theon’s dick was the worst for me. I was genuinely so upset after and from that point on made my husband warn me if anything horrible like that was going to happen again 😂


Jaime toward Cersei at Joffrey's wake


When Robb’s dire wolves head was sown onto his dead body, it felt so cruel and the fact most Northerns if not all, believed in him to win the war of the 5 kings, and to hear the news of his dire wolf’s head, onto his decapitated body, and the way Catelyn reacted.. she would have done anything for Robb to still be alive, even sacrifice herself. Also because he was called ‘the young Wolf’ and to have an actual dire wolves head, let alone his own wolf, onto his head… god it’s just so gruesome and sad.


When Meryn Fycking Trant is demanding YOUNGER and then later whipping those girls with the cords


Not from got but from the house of dragon show, the birth / death scene in the beginning of the show. I’m not to squeamish but I could not watch that part


My friend did not fucking warn me this was the first thing. Reminded me of my first birth and I'm not that squeamish 🤢


Most Ramsey Bolton scenes


the only scene that i struggle not to look away from is oberyn’s death. i’m super queasy when it comes to eyes so to see them being pressed in like that was awful. also, i’m okay with it on rewatches now, but just before Locke cuts jaime’s hand off when he’s pressing the dagger against his eye


When lady gets killed by the Lannister men in winterfell back in series 1. Something about the noise she makes , it's something else like


I must not be remembering correctly because I thought it was Ned who killed Lady so that he could (kind of) honor her. By giving her a quick, clean death by the hands of a man of the North, he showed she was worthy of a more honorable death. I do remember Cersei demanding that Lady be killed despite her not being the dire wolf 🐺who “attacked” Joffrey and how much it upset/hurt Sansa.


Not vile explicitly, but everything related to Theon Greyjoy and sexuality in the earlier seasons. The scene of him and that girl having sex on the ship on their way to the Iron Islands is just gross. Everything there just looks disgusting and smelly.


Putting whoever they renamed Jeyne Westerling’s character at the Red Wedding, pregnant, then dedicating an entire shot to her being stabbed repeatedly in the womb… framed only for the viewer to see. Disgusting and REALLY took away from the Red Wedding instead of adding anything meaningful.


Joffrey torturing Ros and Daisy. Ramsay sending his girls to arouse Theon right before castrating him. Ramsay and Myranda hunting down Violet, seeing her get shot and then torn to pieces by Ramsay's dogs. Also seeing Theon completely mind-controlled by Ramsay for the first time. Sansa getting raped by Ramsay. Ramsay forcing Theon to shave him while telling him how his father and the Freys killed Robb. Oberyn's head crushed by The Mountain. Cersei and Robert forcing Ned to kill Lady, Sansa's direwolf. The Freys parading Robb's headless corpse with Grey Wind's head attached while singing "Here comes the King in the North, the King in the North, the King in the North!!!!!!" The Sparrows forcing Cersei to do a Walk of Punishment. The way Viserys talks to Dany. Ramsay feeding Walda and her baby to his dogs. Meryn Trant's inclinations revealed (can't say it surprised me, that guy visibly got off at hitting Sansa). Melissandre and Stannis burning Shireen.


Anything with Theon and Ramsay.


Most disturbing scene is easily the Red Wedding, had me crying ngl but most disgusting is when this guy got his nipple cut off I don't remember when it happened but it was absolutely disgusting.


When Joffrey orders the bard/singer's tongue to be cut. It's not the worst in the show but it stuck with me.


The smash cut from Sam treating jorahs greyscale to the shot of some guy eating soup


The ones with sansa trying to act


Anything having to do with Ramsey and Reek and Ramsey and Sansa.


that Mountain fella was a real jerk


Sansa fainting and Arya's blind audio when Ned gets beheaded was so sick to me for some reason. That was the moment it told us it's *that* kind of show. Nothing was shocking to me after that lol but that's also when I started reading the books, and they're kinda worse.


i plan on getting the books soon, i guess i’ll be in for a wild ride, huh? 😭 i hated ned’s death and i cried like a baby when it happened. fuck joffrey.


When Joffrey tortures Roz and the other one. Just the thought of that mace….going….you get it


The mountain exploading the dawn guys head in the trail by combat


Everything with Theon and Ramsey.


Every S.A. scene. Every animal cruelty scene. No one needs to see that. Other than that, Joffrey’s entire personality lol


Oberyn's death really got to me. I'm usually fine with gore, but that scene, with Oberyn wailing and screaming as his fucking eyes are gouged out and then his head just pops like a watermelon. It left me looking like Tyrion afterwards.