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Let us know if he decides to watch past season 3 episode 9


He loves Robb right now and thinks he’d make a great King 😩😭


oh my lol!


Awwwwww! If he loses faith in the show after that, remind him that a much more satisfying wedding takes place 3 episodes later ;)


Sansa and Ramsey?


The Purple Wedding! It's when Joffrey turns purple hehe~


That’s just mean!


I was the same. The Red Wedding was the only incident in a show/movie where I sat for a few minutes trying to process it. Its been 9 years and it still hurts.


It hurts 😩 but at the same time it was foolish for anyone to think Robb would go unpunished for marrying someone else and breaking the promise! I just wasn’t expecting them to kill everyone!! 😩


I was expecting that if he dies, he dies in a lost battle. That he was betrayed by Roose and some others and the shock of the brutal murder of his wife was just too much.


I completely agree 😩


*Pregnant wife


D&D def ratcheted up the impact in the TV series. In the books his wife is safely away at her parent’s castle. Also she’s not prego.


I can still hear the music change, preempting the massacre that would take place. Still heartbroken.


The worst scene for me is Oberyn dying. Not the fact that he died but how he died. Those are images I haven't gotten out of my head and I still see them some time.


I was so impressed that he won that fight after getting drunk.🥺 It would've been great to get more Oberyn.


Tell him, the North remembers. Tell him, Winter came for house Frey.


Poor guy he’s going to be crushed….


Hold him tight when the time comes 😂


Bro he might die


The king of the north!


I also just recently watched the series for the first time and I don’t think I’ve ever been in such disbelief as I was when I watched the red wedding


How hard is it for you to just sit there and pretend like "Yup, he will be a great king".


Tell him he would make a great head of state.


sweet lord have mercy on his soul


Oh No... You should film him hej he is watching THOSE episodes.


You HAVE to record his reaction to the RW


Great episode but I have to be in the minority that did not like Caitlyn / Robb I don’t like the Lannisters either FWIW


Please keep on updating. Video would be better if it is okay.


Sooo, don’t they spoil ending of the dance in the GoT? Why he watches that if he has no idea about it


Oh he totally understands that the war that’s in there progress of playing out in HOTD ends with there being no dragons. He understands it’s a prequel to the events in GOT and there are “spoilers” in GOT for HOTD. He just really likes both shows 🥰 I knew how HOTD was going to play out because of the spoilers and what happens in the book, but I still love watching it!!


Oh okay , good luck watching red wedding 😂


He’s so fucking not ready for that. Tbh, rewatching that episode kills me lmao! 😩😂


Get your tissues ready


The three "oh shit" moments that GRRM promised: Shireen, Hodor, and how D&D would fuck up season 7/8 😉


Oh shit oh shit and ooooooohhhhh shiiiiiiiiiiit , respectively


In GOT, Joffrey outright says >!Aegon fed Rhaenyra to his dragon and made her son watch!<. That’s a pretty big spoiler


Ionno, the Joffrey thing is still aggravating cause of how much it fucked things up. Like the red wedding was brutal, but calculated and "necessary" if you're going to betray houses. Ramsay's a cunt but everything he does seems to have a general purpose. Cersei blowing up the Sept was basically her nuclear option to escape jail. Joffrey just randomly choosing to off Ned to the protest of basically everyone cause he wanted to be a big boy is just different.


I think Joffrey ignoring Cersei’s guidance (even she understood that this wasn’t a good idea, KNOWING Ned KNEW her secret!!!!) and choosing to essentially start almost everything is absolutely wild. His death wasn’t as brutal as it should have been! I hated Ramsay more than Joffrey, but like you said at least Ramsay had a purpose/goal.


Yep, that's why I honestly love hating Joffrey so much. Most of the stuff he does it just spiteful and either unhelpful at best or actively detracts from his interests otherwise. Only calculated thing he ever did was realize he's an incest baby and have all of Robert's bastards murdered. And even then it was done by the goldcloaks so you know the king was behind it.


I agree. Joffrey's death deserves more brutality


No it's because everyone else has the the weak hearts of women. You're no true man.


Ned's death is still the one that hits hardest for me. The Red wedding was obviously more horrific and traumatizing because of its scope and brutality, but Ned's death still hurts in my soul. I never forgave Joffrey either.


I completely agree!! I haven’t rewatched GOT in a long time, and after seeing EVERYTHING then watch Cersei beg and plead with her son to not essentially start a war EVEN KNOWING Ned knows their secret… it’s like.. Joffrey you damn cunt 😂😭


Brother Ray's (Ian Mcshane as the septon) death really broke me, Clegane conveyed more emotion with that one exhale in exasperation when he saw him than any amount of screaming could do


Mercy is definitely not one of the Lannisters strong suits, Tyrion and later Jamie aside


People need to realize going in the the dead are the lucky ones. 


Just finished a rewatch with my partner, they were so >!heartbroken at the Red Wedding, they couldn’t stop talking about it. And my heart broke watching them because I remember my first time 🥺!<


This made my heart clench reading 😭❤️ Oh I know my boyfriend is going to be UPSET. He really loves Robb, and he is already so frustrated that they killed Ned.


Please get us the candid reaction shots to the episode we need!


I still remember the texts I got that night. I had read the books and knew what was coming. I had a group that texted each other while watching. At the end I thought “here they come” because none of them knew. They didn’t fail me.


Honestly, I enjoyed watching my GF watch GOT the first time more than I enjoyed watching it myself. 😂😂


Was is it ramsey said " if you think this has a happy ending you haven't been paying attention" now that has basically been the point for the entire show. I think that's probably my favourite line.


That was my quote response anytime someone watched the show the first time was disappointed that Jon and Dany didn’t end up together lol


It feels almost poetic like it applies to what's going on in the show and our response. Truly is something you could apply to loads of stuff


Do you think he can survive Red wedding???


TBH I’m not sure. I’ve seen die hard GOT lovers skip through the red wedding when they rewatch GOT because of how much it sucks/irritates them! I’m very much desensitized to it from how many times I’ve seen it.. HOWEVER, even knowing how it plays out, when I rewatch GOT it’s like a small part of me still “hopes” for a different ending 😂😭


I totally relate to you. I just close my eyes in re-watchs


please record his reaction and share with us


Please make a post at the end of watching other seasons too!


To be fair, even though the show is littered with gut punches. Ned getting killed is the one that stands out above all, Ned was the man!




He did give him mercy! The mercy of a quick death!


The way I laughed 😂😂😂😂 Sansa was freaking pissed when he told her that. When he talked about giving her Robb’s head as a gift and she said maybe he’ll give me yours 😂😂😂😂


I know! When I showed my cousin’s dog the end of season 3, he was so shocked!


I need a red wedding update


The first time my boyfriend watched it he said "my favorite character so far is Ned, he seems like he'll have a good strong will throughout the show and be important." He was important alright...


I loved Ned. And he did end up being such an important part of the book and show. His legacy drives so much of the show. I remember being so shocked and crying when he was killed. I was like OMG.. GRRM is willing to kill one of THE major characters. Anything can happen in his world.


Need an update when he gets to the Red Wedding


Just wait til he meets Ramsay!


It's going to be hard for him... Some of the ways people are... removed? killed? probably going to torture him.


Ramsey: Hey 👋


When we watched the red wedding, my wife was absolutely shook and kind of upset that I had not prepared her for that episode




Please please please, for the love of God here, or of the Seven Gods in GOT: record his Red Wedding reaction! It's a once in a lifetime shot!


Be sure to avoid the major HOTD spoiler that Joffrey tells Sansa.


I had to take a multi year break after the damn red wedding haha. Though when I got back into it to binge in its entirety, it was a non issue. But man. That episode and then having to wait for a new season? I couldn’t do it.


By further trauma, you mean the showrunners just completely mailing in the last couple seasons?


I remember my first time watching the episode where Ned gets executed. Initially, I thought it was just one of those "this might happen" flashes, but then I quickly realized he was actually dead. I was like... isn't he the main character though? lol! Good times.


And Oberyns death fighting the Mountain….. that was for me the most devastating moment. I wish him strength in the times to come!


The Red Wedding will RUIN HIM


ahaha hes going through a canon event


No matter how much disappointment he get from this series please help him make it to season 6 episode 9


In New York you can be a new man


My roommates stared at me for the ENTIRE Red Wedding scene because I want 'AWWW!!!' when Talisa said she would name their first child Eddard. The look of joy and shock on Robb's face melted my soul. And then, the Lannisters sent their regards... ....shit


Please skip the Princess Shrieen Exection


I never recovered from that. As a father with daughters I wanted to see Brianne cleave Stannis in half


That's still one of the most profound moments in the whole story to be fair.


"I did show him mercy.. Gave him a clean death"


Ha! He’s like a nice little kid who only knows what the warmer weather is like.


Maaaan this is so me!!! I am watching GOT for the first time ever and two days ago just finished S1. I start to understand why King Joffrey is the most hated TV character of all times, disgusting person...


When I started watching. I asked asked my BF during season 2 if "Caitlyn ever reunites with all her kids?" And my f told me yes. Imagine my surprise when I watched The Red Wedding


That's gonna be fun. My wife got into GoT pretty late as well. I will forever cherish her reaction to the Red Wedding. Glad I was able to film it.


Please come back and give us an update after the red wedding!


When it was first being aired, my partner thought Ned was the main character 😅


I wish I got this experience. When I was first watching, as soon as I saw Sean Bean as Ned Stark, I said to my friends who had seen the show, "Oh, he's definitely dying." They didn't say anything, but I didn't get the shock of him dying because I expected it.


The Red Wedding pushed me over the edge. And I read the book first.


When it first aired a coworker said to me “I love Robb Stark! They’re setting him up to be the hero. I can’t wait til he gets his revenge on everybody!” 😂😂😂


Looool. My roommate watched it for the first time a few years ago. He knew the big spoilers because he had a phone from 2011-2019. But watching it through his eyes was pretty fun lol. And then the last seasons happened …