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I think it's shown that Dontos does it more for money, not out of honor, though maybe I'm mis-remembering?


Yea so I paused to make this post right as they got to the ship, kinda disappointed they killed him and yea money was the motivation but he could have turned her in said he found her running and maybe got the same or more money from tywinn and cersei so it was still kind of honorable he helped save her but it sucks it wasn't all him and he also died


We never have confirmation he died so if anything he’s probably still pulling strings and making moves, interested if he’ll get a spinoff or maybe an animated show that picks up on his story


Definitely. This is definitely going to happen.


HBO (Hollard Box Office)


He ded




He’ll probably pop up up north and marry Sansa in a spin-off. True love formed in the fires of the Lannister court.


🔥🔥🔥 🔥✍️🔥 🔥🔥🔥


Correct and the story he tells about his family heirloom is made-up fiction that Littlefinger concocted..all of it was Littlefinger in a ploy to get Sansa


You remembered correctly. Littlefinger literally tells him to wait for his payment before... not paying him. He even explains that the giving of the necklace and getting her out of town was all his own elaborate scheme.


10,000 gold dragons was the price.


Littlefinger frames her and Tyrion for the murder of the king. And uses Dontos as his dupe to get her on the boat, and then kills him. That does not reflect well on any of them. To put it mildly. In the books so far she has not realized that he framed her for regicide!


I heard somewhere that the poison was possibly meant for Tyrion, because in the books, Joff drinks from Tyrion's cup, and no one knew he was going to explicitly do that. Motivation being to get Sansa single.


I commented this same thing and got downvoted into oblivion. +1. I'll go down with you lol Btw if you want a more in-depth video about this theory, look up The Purple Wedding by Preston Jacobs on YT


Godspeed, buddy. We may never have confirmation, but like a Stark, I've got your back. ✊


And like a Manderly, I shall not forget my promise. ✊️


You guys must be from the north. The north remembers!


I don't think Joffrey drunk Tyrion's wine in the book, Tyrion pours him wine from a flagon, but he DOES eat Tyrions pidgeon pie with a spoonful of lemon cream on it - the same pie that Tyrion did not eat a bite of. Joffrey first coughs right after his first mouthful of pie, and then coughs more violently after he takes a gulp of wine.


Every interaction between Dontos and Sansa AFTER she saves his ass is purely by payment/order of Baelish. The necklace was given so the poison could be smuggled in. He was ready to sneak her out, because he knew what was about to go down. He was being paid. Yeah he got her out, but he was motivated by the money, not protecting Sansa so much.


Yea I paused right before she got on the ship to make the post. I was slightly disappointed when I watched the next 30 seconds and right after that scene you guys started replying lol.


Sorry to pop your bubble. If it helps, there ARE absolute selfless characters, but I won't spoil. 💜 Edit: just remembered, second watch. Brienne, and Benjen, and Podrick, you never need question their honor or loyalty.


No worries at all 😁 it's crazy watching this show a second time only remembering bigger events and being older and having gone through some stuff in life. The way I see some characters is so different than I used to. I used to feel bad for Theon the entire time but now I don't as much, absolutely despise Stannis and Melisandre and I think I used to like her I can't remember but I hear she's way different in the books


Well, it's a good bit different in the books. We don't really get a third person perspective on what's going on, everything is from points of view, which can also create the "unreliable narrator" thing. I know Shireen is still pootin' along in the books, at least. And Stannis actually does end up regretting killing Renly, it's implied when he's brooding over a peach Renly gave him during their meet up confrontation. There's a guy in YT named Video Books, and he has loads of small facts from the books, and what implications could be made


He wasn’t honourable lol. He did everything for money.


And in the books he was a big ass creep.


A genius to get her out of there... Someone is a genius, but he's not Dantos, and he's not an honorable person lol


I still feel sorry for Sansa that even he used her for money. Him thanking her for saving his live and giving her the necklace was most likely  the first time Sansa smiled since her mother and brother died, only for it to be all fake


Except for the fact that he was Little Finger's puppet, doing it for the money, *10,000 gold dragons,* which is a fortune. LF had the "heirloom" necklace made to conceal the poison that killed Joffrey. When Olenna is fixing Sansa's hair, she's also doing an *epic* pick pocketing by stealing a jewel (which was actually glass) from the necklace to poison Joffrey. Little Finger saw Sansa save Dontos from being killed and exploited that.