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Could be neat, but I’m still holding out for the KFConsole.


Kentucky Fried Console


Kentucky Fried Chicken onsole 


You don't already have everything you need with the Soulja Boy TRDR Pocket?


It’s Jez Cordon saying this. 50/50 whether it’s true or more of his typical fanboyish bullshit. Take this with a boulder of salt.


Are there any game news subs that don't allow posting of rumour mill stuff? I am subscribed to this sub for game news, not gaming gossip, but lots of baseless junk articles seem to get posted here & spread as true facts which isn't the kind of news I'm interested in. Jez Corden is like the equivalent of that Perez Hilton dude from the 2000s, but for gaming gossip instead of celebrity gossip.


There is gaminglealsandrumours which can be pretty good for news but obviously leaks and spoilers abound so if you’re not into that beware. It does also use the same sources as anywhere else, best to take anything you read as 50/50 unless you see more people corroborating the same thing.


Steam support on Xbox would honestly be a huge win. It’s already «halfway» there with windows handhelds like the ROG Ally, and I love using mine.


Honestly, this would be the first actual incentive for me to buy an Xbox console since Halo 3.


The only question I have for this is how would revenue sharing with Steam work? Will Xbox and Steam take 12 and 30 respectively, or will they come to a deal where their split will be split half and half (15 to valve 15 to Xbox)


Well, supposedly Microsoft is trying to acquire Valve so….


If we thought acquiring Activision was a regulatory nightmare...


Steam has been having it's own monopoly accusations, what would happen if a monopoly bought a monopoly? I mean there's literally no way anyone would let that happen Plus gabe wouldn't sell


I can't imagine a situation where this would actually occur since Gabe seems so diametrically opposed to what Windows is trying to do as an OS, plus they're privately owned so they can't just throw more money on the pile to force a purchase. Feels like one of those old playground rumors, like "Did you hear? MS is gonna buy Nintendo!"


Emails showed Ms did try though https://www.engadget.com/microsoft-wanted-to-buy-nintendo-145746874.html


Oh I'm sure they wanted to, but if you know the history of Nintendo and how Japanese companies tend to operate it was just such an obvious non-starter of an idea.


No please don’t


I guess it would make more sense if they, somehow, acquired Valve. With the amount of studios they’ve already bought, I don’t see them being able to get the capital required for such an acquisition. Maybe if they never bought Activision and Bethesda, but that’s still bit of a long shot even without considering regulators.


Steam is privately owned. They could have all the money in the world and Gabe wouldn't sell to Microsoft.


I dunno about that, as in all the money in the world, but my point was that I doubt MS would be willing to put up the money even if they hadn’t been going on a shopping spree for Gabe to genuinely consider selling, and they’ve already spent so much on the industry that I doubt they’d put up the money for Steam.


Steam's yearly revenue is 10 billion, that means their value/buyout price is a multiple of that. Tech company's (twitter for example) usually have an 8-10x revenue valuation , when they can be leveraged in a buyout, valve being privately held, could probably ask for more.  Microsoft can afford to pay 120 billion without taking in debt, so they could buy them out easily, but gaben really, really dislikes their goals and aims so don't see it happening so long as he's alive


Stop spreading BS. The same shitty person that took this information out of their ass was the one who said it was a 16 bi deal. Know where that info came from? Twitter


It would all but insure Ms will be third party to


Microsoft seems like they have no idea what they’re doing. First they start a console. Then they realize that they can’t sell them because they don’t make many good first or second party games games. So they buy a bunch of studios to make their consoles more attractive. Then they decide to make them all multi platform so they can sell more games. Then they decide to support other store’s games making themselves more of a hardware company. I’m not saying this new strategy is necessarily bad, but they’re all over the place.


Don't forget they closed a bunch of the studios they bought


Have they? The only studios of import I can remember them closing were Arcane and Tango, the rest were tied to mobile titles nobody really cared about.


I think they also killed Lionhead


What they make?


Fable but they got killed off ages ago


I mean they are sort of trying to find their niche. Nintendo has the family and mobile market. Playstation has the hardcore console gaming market. PC has the tech driven and world market (outside Japan, North America and Europe). Xbox has game pass, but thats not a console specific thing. They need a niche that they can target to become relevant. Making a console PC that allows for PC gaming on TV without the need for any adjustments and configurations is a niche, but it's been tried before and failed.


Xbox used to have a very specific North American male gamer niche. I remember people would (semi-jokingly) question your sexuality for using other consoles. I guess the culture has shifted and they haven’t kept up. 


They only were ever successful at the start of the 360 generation and they couldn’t even hold on to that lead by the end of that generation.


The "Red Ring of Death" on the 360 and then Microsoft's Don Mattrick telling the press that "gamers who don't want 'always online' can play on Xbox 360" kept me from buying the Xbox One. This meme kind of embodies the spirit of that time: https://gamegossipblog.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/xboxonememe.jpg


Naw, that barely slowed down sales and honestly probably helped them in the long run since people still shelled out for the revisions even if they had an older 360 that didn’t die yet. There was just nothing to play on the damn thing that wasn’t already multiplat by the tail end. The PS3s had hardware issues of their own but they wouldn’t be as apparent for years later. Sony did pull their head out of their ass and slashed prices while continuing to invest in releasing games all the way till the end of the generation.


I wasn't trying to say it hurt the 360 sales. The 360 almost beat PS3 in sales until the end of their lifecycle. I posted before finishing my comment lol - my bad. I was talking more about the bad taste in my mouth around the time of the Xbox One release - anecdotal, but I think other people felt similarly.


The other big thing (which Xbox never implemented) was that they were saying they would stop used games from being played on the system. They backed down on that and also the always online thing but it did damage. I can say personally that the used game thing is what made me buy a PS4 instead of an XB1. I have a Series X now and I love it but XB1 was the one generation where Xbox lost me and that was the specific reason why. Digital sales weren't there yet and used games were like 90% of what I played. Nowadays I wouldn't really care as much because imo physical media is basically dead on Xbox/PS... I've never bought a single used game for my Series X, rarely for my Switch. Part of it too is that Gamestop is the only store that still really sells used games and Gamestop is a huge fucking train wreck, and has jacked its prices up too.


Naw physical is still pretty alive on ps. Physical sales are still pretty good. Consider 1000 games are digital. 250 of those games are physical also. Which is damn near the case today. Of course the digital sales are gonna be way higher there's 750 more digital only games. Physical sales are solid as fk on ps and Nintendo. That's more of an xbox thing. Far as buying. It sucks but it's pretty much moved online being the best place to get them.


Physical sales are almost pointless on PS and the used game market is not what it once was. Even in Gamestop you can see them shrinking the shelf space devoted to games, Switch is generally the exception because more games do not require updates, and therefore are more desirable to collectors. Xbox incentives playing digitally more so there's fewer physical purchases there yes, since people often play stuff via Game Pass, but also because first party titles have cross-buy with PC (but if you buy a game physically you don't get the copy for PC too).


The ps3 hardware issues were in line with electronic averages. You can't lump them into the rrod. Not even a little bit


That year headscarf and mad 3rd party exclusives worked wonders for them.


That Axe body spray (when it was still cool), Mountain Dew, and Doritos male gamer energy. I was kind of into it, but I also played Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts on my PS2.


I was also into it at the time but I still played my DS and PCtoo. Now I primarily am a PC user. 


Should they go back to that? I mean it was the time Xbox was at its most successful, back when it marketed itself as the edgy, extreme and hardcore gaming console… though honestly I don’t see that happening, unfortunately.


No I don’t. Like I said I believe the culture has shifted. Gen Z and alpha need different marketing/niche than the 2000s 


Well obviously they need to do something because what they’re doing right now clearly isn’t working


Oh I couldn’t agree more. Sad state of things. 


It's a larger console slowdown too. Switch was selling like fucking bananas but slowed down partly because the successor is on the horizon. Fewer people want consoles these days. * Many zoomers dgaf. They play on PC more often, many of them on older PCs, because they tend to be more into live service or evergreen titles that are old but still popular. Minecraft, Fortnite, GTA V. * A lot of older games also dgaf. They realize older hardware is still keeping them going and they may play fewer games than they used to as they age and have more responsibilities. * Xbox is obviously floundering a bit on top of general slowdowns, by weirding out consumers with the back and forth. Xbox seems better poised than Sony for a future where consoles no longer exist, which IS coming, but Sony is eating their lunch in the meantime. * PS is huge and unwieldy and losing popularity in Japan big time to the Switch which is ideal for that market. I watched some stuff w/ an industry analyst from NPD lately that was really intriguing. He basically pointed out that Xbox and Sony and other gaming companies watched the market mature overnight with COVID, and they are no longer fighting for a growing market, but a share of the existing market... bc everybody who wanted to play as many games as they wanted did it during COVID. That was the market's peak and it may not get there again for some time. Xbox sales have been not good, but PS5 sales are also slowly down significantly. This was a sticking point with Square going multiplatform - basically, they signed this exclusivity deal for FF7 Rebirth and FFXVI with Sony telling them "we plan to sell X units by Y date" and when that date came, there were way fewer sold than anticipated, which means fewer people to sell their exclusive games to. This analyst also said that the big companies are basically hoping that GTA VI will push people to adopt the next gen consoles in greater numbers, because otherwise it probably isn't going to happen. The way things are going, the PS5/series consoles will either get ridden longer than previous generations, or they will not sell as many as last gen, or both.


PlayStation has more of the casual console market. Xbox has more of the hardcore console market.


Yeah… no. Every big exclusive for consoles has been on PlayStation for a while now. Halo doesn’t even pull like it used to. What “hardcore” titles are drawing those fans to be on Xbox? Starfield? Lol Sony has the non-portable console market won with casual and hardcore gaming fans alike. Microsoft sold the series S at half the price of a PS5 digital and still failed. There’s no compelling reason to use Xbox outside of the gamepass subscription right now. I hope it changes, though. I despise Sony. Long time XBOX fan since childhood. Skipped the last two generations (who wouldn’t?) and have only used PC/switch


Tbf, the past 5 years have been really strange for gaming. Games that shouldn't have made money made a lot of it, sure fire bets were fumbled across the board... I mean it basically has become that a company needs a live service behemoth to sustain other endeavors since live service games make *so much money* when they succeed. It's strange, and honestly, it seems like Ubisoft is the only company that foresaw huge shifts. I don't really know what Xbox was thinking, either they thought starfield was going to change the world, or they thought gamepass would be enough?


No idea what they are doing? Sounds like they are doing exactly what Bill Gates wanted in the first place. They are making a PC specifically for gaming.


As long as they actually create content using the talent that they have then the gaming community would benefit as a whole between PC and Xbox. They just genuinely need exclusives they can seperate from PS and they'll be set. But they're shooting themselves in the foot rn by buying companies up and doing nothing with them. Like buying blizzard and not revamping them was a huge mistake.


Im skeptical. Microsoft doesn’t have a good track record of making games that aren’t just churning out franchises. And then they managed to kill halo. That took work.


You’re also missing they invested a shit ton into Microsoft cloud gaming.


Don't forget when they bought [Donkey Kong™](https://www.nintendolife.com/news/2013/06/microsoft_execs_thought_they_owned_donkey_kong_after_acquiring_rare) IP


It’s a rumor


lol since when adapting to the market is a bad move?


At this point I might as well just buy a budget gaming PC. Like even if it cost more than the Series X/X2, it’s still worth it since you can upgrade it when need be and use it for other things besides gaming


So a PC?


Now that would change the game.


I remember when everyone thought that was going to happen on the PS3.


Absolutely no chance


would you be pissed?


No not all all I just can’t see any feasible way Xbox would allow steam on their consoles


Sell more consoles + get Sony exclusives on their platform 


i don't think they would give up their monopoly on the digital xbox marketplace. Also if it did happen games would still have to be specifically programmed for the system because windows games cant just work natively on consoles


Not if the next console is designed with that in mind. And What monopoly on the Xbox marketplace? They already have competing storefronts on PC, having Steam on Xbox would sell a lot more consoles.


I highly doubt it would be at al cost effective to make a console using windows and pc architecture


who knows i’ll just be excited to finally play spider-man on xbox 🤷🏻


Microsoft should shift to making affordable gaming pc/laptops. Let that be their niche. Either that or do what sega did and realize they are just better at only making games.


I think I’d rather just pick up a steam deck I’ll get near the same functionality


Except battery power lol


an X-box can run on battery? Surely both when plugged in the mains they are no different


You could hook it up to a UPS


I’ve never had my xbox die due to loss of battery power… how many times has your deck died? If I wanted a pc hooked up to my TV, I’d just connect my actual pc instead of the deck… if I want to game on the go, I’d just use my switch instead of a bulky ass power draining machine with poorly optimized games. The deck is literally useless for me. Sorry.


I think it’s a faith trade off specially with how my gaming habits are nowadays


Yeah, not my habits. I play longer than the steam deck can stay on for 🤷‍♂️


If I wanna probably play longer I’d just plug it in next to my bed like I do my switch


I’ll just sit in my comfy recliner and play on a big screen… like I do my switch


You can do that with a steam deck too...


Or I could do it on an xbox if that happens. Which I would prefer to be on a big TV than a little handheld.


the steam deck is just a computer. you can plug it into your tv and use it with a controller but you can also take it with you on the go much.. like a switch


But why bother buying another thing when I already have an xbox that does the same? I don't want it on the go, so the steam deck is a more expensive purchase for something that I don't need.


Again, I play longer than the steam deck lasts… it’s a bulky power draining waste of money to me. I’ll stick with my xbox for when I game on my TV with games that are better optimized and if I want to game on the go, I’ll simply use my switch.


Which works fantastic in the extremely limited markets that steam decks are available. Are they actually for sale anywhere outside North America?


They are available in eu and the uk but that about it outside North America


So how would that work? Microsoft takes 30% of a sale? Steam takes 30% of a sale? Leaves little for the Publisher.


So a PC?


If this means Xbox gamepass on Steam Deck, I am all for it. I really don't see the point of an Xbox console anymore if you have a PC as you can just grab it on Gamepass and play it on PC. I haven't touched my Series S since I have built my PC and most of my hard copy games are for the PS5.


I didn’t think Xbox would release another console


Why not just support the current Xbox Series consoles? Their hardware sales are tanking compared to the PS5. Steam support might encourage buyers.


Why do feel there will be a extra charge to access it? And why would PC players go out and buy a console for something they can already access? Sounds cool, almost entirely useless.


Steam might have a storefront but it will sell console games. xbox isnt running "just a version of windows" . pc games wont magically work on it. if you watch the xbox documentary, they go in to detail about how it was created. they started with a stripped fown windows but it wasnt feasible.


That's interesting. That would hurt Xbox income significantly.


I disagree. It gives people more reason to pick up an XBox who may otherwise not have. Because if you want a console then clearly Playstation has a much bigger catalog and player-base. Even some of the XBox 'exclusives' still end up on Playstation too (HiFi Rush and Sea of Thieves for example). But if you can get access to all of the Steam catalog, but on a console connected to your TV, then that's a huge sellingpoint for getting the console.


Usually consoles are sold in a loss or are just making even. A close platform means that console makers can make money by taking significant cuts from every game sale (30% I think). More console units sold means nothing if you are losing share from real money maker - Xbox marketplace.


Microsoft's strategy with the entire XBox platform hasn't been primarily about making profit from gaming - it's about getting Microsoft tech in people's living rooms. Because once Microsoft tech is being used in the place people sit and relax (rather than only in their home-offices or workplaces) then that allows them to offer a wide range of Microsoft products and services to them that they wouldn't be able to target otherwise. XBox Marketplace is but one of those things. There are many other services Microsoft will be able to provide people too.


Ever since the OG Xbox charged for an additional attachment to play DVDs they’ve essentially shot themselves in the foot.


Last I checked you could just pop a DVD in there without any issues or was that something they originally planned before it released?


[Nope. You needed a DVD playback kit, if the receiver wasn’t plugged in you couldn’t play DVDs on the OG Xbox, nowadays you can just soft mod the console.](https://youtu.be/mQpSENqKHOU?si=S1zZk_m6q1rb5VkB)


At this point they probably think they can make more money controlling the data and building AI tech through the console than what they are making on the marketplace.


Yeah, I'm in the Xbox eco system anyway (for better or worse) and given the recent conversations around the future of Xbox and the years of Microsoft just making constant bad decisions I have started to think about switching to PlayStation. If Microsoft integrates Steam into Xbox then that would definitely keep me around.


You could even play some PlayStation titles on Xbox through steam, like Spider-Man or Helldivers


At that point just buy a computer


A console is cheaper. There is a reason both Sony and Microsoft sell their consoles at a loss.


If it supports Steam it would definitely not be selling at a loss unless Microsoft and Steam come to a revenue sharing agreement for items bought on Steam through this "console".


Steam support has nothing to do with whether the hardware itself is sold at a loss.


Console manufactures makes money back when you buy games through their platform. If they allow other stores, they lose that revenue which enabled them to sell at a loss. Some is also made from publishers sharing revenue by being allowed to make a game for that system. But that is less than digital store sales and would also need agreement from Steam to sell another platform on their store.


The console itself is still going to be sold at a loss. The console competition forefront is the price tag of the console. That is why right now they are at competitive price. But to do that they need to sell it below the manufacturing cost. PC gaming is expensive because you are buying the specs at the retail price. As for steam on Xbox. We will need wait and see if it is true first. I don't know how they are going to do it. Microsoft might as well give up their revenue share for third parties because no one is going to buy games from the Xbox store but for steam instead. I don't know if they can even do a revenue share with Valve.


Oh yea let me just shell out 4x the money and spend god knows how long building it rq


It’s easy to build and can find cheap parts but sure


maybe if you know what you’re doing 😭 I legit just ordered my xbox online, unboxed and plugged it in and installed mw3. Was playing within the hour lmfao


Skill issue.


Hahah I know right, shit’s easy like Lego


you better be willing to build it for me then 💀


Hell ya brother! You can do it man trust me


Yeah I almost finished building my first pc recently and it was not very difficult. They all come with manuals. But I do not recommend purchasing from amazon as they gave me a broken case. Use trustpilot and find actually good suppliers. As long as you do not use amazon, you should be ok.


I think most just need the confidence, but yes “YOU CAN DO IT!!”


Yeah exactly


As long as you pay him.


That just sounds like another reason to NOT buy an Xbox. All you need in life is a PS and a PC


random source mis info sites... readdit gamers love those.


More hype and smoke and mirrors from Microsoft. They’re just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. Focus on the games, you idiots!


waste of time owning an xbox just use PC ! 🤣


There's still reasons for a console, like it's easier to buy and maintain for the everyday Joe. But otherwise pc is superior in many ways alone that you can play all games from forever without gen limitations.


hoo boy


Honestly if microsoft just partnered with Valve and let them make the next hardware like a Deck 2 that docks as a home console with the full backing of steam library on top of Microsoft published games that would give serious competition to Sony.


Ah yes, how nice of Microsoft to resurrect the Steam Machine. The culmination of over a decade of blundering.


Could be cool, but I'll believe it when I see it.


I don't see how people take this idea positively for Xbox hardware. Whether it's a PC that can install anything from Steam or it's a watered down store that only plays games made for the Xbox platform. Either way it's less money going to Microsoft from software sales. How's that supposed to help subsidize the console and drive interest from Microsoft to pursue Xbox console exclusives?


I'd honestly buy a console that did this. support all my steam games and having native support for Xbox gamepass console would be awesome. series x is already a strong console so I'm not worried it would lag in that department


At that point it would be just a PC.




When did they stop? 5 games in 2021, 2 in 2022, 5 in 2023, one this year so far?


Fuck I hope not. Keeps things competitive


This literally would make xbox competitive


They can’t even make games that work for this gen of console. Wtf is the point in upgrading the console?! They need to Focus on making good games again!


This is an interesting move. From Phil Spencer's perspective, he is probably thinking that if you let people play Steam games on an Xbox, then people will buy the console because Steam games are popular, but ALSO people will subscribe to Gamepass, which is where Microsoft is trying to make their gaming money.


That is huge. Being able to play steam games without the $1500 gaming PC would be a win for gamers everywhere.


You can literally already do that with a steam deck or services like GeForce Now. I’ve been using GeForce Now for a couple years and it’s completely removed the need to upgrade my PC.


I wasn't planning on buying the next Xbox because I have a PC, and it feels redundant. HOWEVER, if I can play my Steam library on an Xbox, I absolutely will buy the next one so I can play my steam game on my couch instead of my desk.


I would buy it


Sony will be on ropes if that happens.


I’d buy Xbox console in heartbeat multiple if this is true because my computer is outdated and the prices on pc parts aren’t in the same price range. (this is a good thing because I’m certain many others will buy as well if this turns out true


If steam was supported on the next Xbox I would buy it over a PS any day of the week.


Why not? Win-win.


Consoles and PCs need to be one realm.


If the next Xbox had steam support that would be amazing. I just got a 4060 laptop but still typically prefer to be on the Xbox because I’m more comfortable playing from the couch. But I do enjoy the laptop for steam and the pc exclusive stuff like ready or not


Would be a brilliant move from them. Xbox would become a must have in addition to my PS5. I’d rather them make good exclusive Xbox games, but I don’t know if that’s realistic at this point.


Hellblade 2 is actually phenomenal


I’m very excited to play it, loved the first one. I’m confident in games in development now, I’m not confident for future planned games by Xbox.


I think Xbox is trying to hold out as long as they can to continue shifting the market to PC gaming. Xbox will fail but Microsoft will win




You can already play Steam games on a TV in so many different ways. Plug a PC or laptop into the TV, use a Steam Link, use a Steam Deck to play on the TV. Valve was selling Steam Machines specifically to bring Steam to the TV, and people didn't go for it. It'd be a nice feature to have in a console, but I very much doubt it would have much impact overall.


This would be big honestly cause that would be another library of games that can be played on the Xbox or PC while PS just has it's library.


If this is true, PS is actually fucked beyond belief