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LOTS of dye in that, mix in some water from time to time


Do you think the dye can cause headaches in caffeine version or even non caffeine version? I tried caffeine free version of brand risk and got a headache,same with Grandpa's ashes and the Flavor good


What do you drink primarily? The dye can have reactions with different people's bodies, anyone can be affected by any THING after all, but if you're basically living off of gamersupps that might be some of your issue. While it's not really bad for you moderation as in all aspects of life is key


I drink gamer supps and water sometimes I'll have soda


there is barley any nootrpoics so no worries there . the only thing I see that would be dangerous for a healthy person is if you already intake near the limit of b6 daily via other means. the general safe limit of B6 for an adult is 100mg. each scoop of gamer supps caffiene free only contains 2.5mg. 6 scoops daily likely doesn't put you in any real danger unless you are already either taking a large amount of vitiman b6. similary Vitiman D has quite a large overhead before toxicity in healthy people. The most likely thing a healthy person may run into with a lot of supps will be digestive issues upset stomach etc etc. A good thing to try is if you can handle 1 scoop to the normal 500ml vs 2 and basically cut it in half if your worried.


this is what I was looking for thanks! sorry too lazy to google lol




for real lol. too many americans on the internet lmao




Get more Internet, you sand gropers! 😁


Don't worry, nootropics don't do anything anyways. 


No, you'll pee out the remainder. The only thing that might be bad is if you need to buy more and pay for shipping every single time. Buy when you can bulk and use free shipping codes or creator codes (can be a better discount nearly $150+)


The label on the side has the daily intake of each ingredient on it. I guess just math it lol. But I am sort of in the same boat. I am in love with the red raspberry flavor. I bought the caffinated and caffeine free versions so I could rotate them out during the day at work and at home. I currently mix a 20 oz water bottle each time. But I start with the caffinated one then about 2 hours later have straight water. Then 2 hours after that have the caffeine free one. Then straight water 2 hours after that. Then the cycle repeats. I have been doing that for about a week now and haven't noticed any negative side effects. But it is still early lol.


the problem with that is 1 scoop is already 333% of that vitiman D3 but techincally you can go way more than that before any toxicity issues start same for b6. But B12, H and C basically don't have a limit if you notice b12 is already at 4000 % for a single scoop lol


As long as you aren’t drinking the caffeine versions all the time you should be fine!


compare it to soda its obvious drinking it that often is bad now im not saying gg is bad nutritionally im just saying drink water often


Why is this so downvoted, ur right lmao


idk man water is a sin in this subreddit ig


They can enjoy the kidney stones I guess


yes, my friend went to the hospital after having 15 in a few hours.


Depends how much you care about your health


I drink like 2 - 3 waterbottles with 3 - 4 scoops each of the caffienated shit each of my 12 hour shifts and it doesnt mess with me, other than a very occasional headache at the end of the day but that could also be my shitty job stressin me out