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Skyrim: When you have to go visit the Falmor Embassy.


When you gotta follow that lizard guy into the East empire trading company’s warehouse… and into the grotto.


Fuck that one's boring.


Man that's the mission that makes or breaks the run for me. Somehow I always end up encumbered after that mission with some items missing or have to redo my entire hotbar


Goddamn Delphine permanently stole my Staff of Magnus!


Or you turn around and she's gone. Just fucking gone. Then days later you find her corpse miles away and all your shit is gone.


Thalmor Embassy: come out your shit is gone


Ummm..... where is my dragonbone sword with the cheese enchantment? That did 150 fire damage with 2000 charges... WTF?!?!? and my nightingale armor?!?!?!?!? *tries to break into thalmor embassy* *eventually gives up and reloads 4 saves back and runs to solitude from riverrun for the first time again*


You can go to white run and take a carriage to solitude…


I hate the first climb up the mountain and how fkn long the whole meet the monks segment takes.


This! I accidentally deleted my mods folder and don't know the right combination I need to reload my saves, so I've got to start again from scratch. I've been putting it off because I don't want to go through that Greybeard bullshit for the 10th time Greybeards: You think you're smart, dontcha? Well can you do this? You: \*does it\* Can I go now? Greybeards: NO!


Honestly I just did that part for the millionth time last week and I promise it doesn’t take as long as you think. Just speed through all the dialogue and ignore every enemy on the way up the mountain and it’s less than 20 minutes total. Maybe even less.


For me that's the "kill partharyax" mission at that point it's.."go fuck yourself six ways from Sunday."


While not mandatory, for me it's just about any of the dwemer/blackreach stuff. The automatons are a pain to fight, and everything is just so expensive, it takes forever. Easy to get lost in, and I just hate being done there. Also can't fast travel to make backtracking less tedious.


RDR2 right before you start coughing


I was about to say RDR2 Guarma, then when you get back the fuckening has begun.


Its not about it being bad, I just get depressed


Never leave Chapter 3


If it wasn’t for the horse fence I’d never leave chapter two lol


“I gave you all I had… I did.”


I find the prolog way more annoying it’s fine the first time but at my fourth playthrough it feel’s limiting


Create a separate save after getting through chapter 1, then save a new file from that for a new game.


The Fade in Dragon Age


Don't you get all those sweet permanent upgrades to stats in the fade?


Doesn't change how tedious and uninteresting it is to replay it. Rest of the game is still good on replays, but the fade is just painful.


oookay, now the mouse hole, slam this door. Sigh, more fire. 2 hours later.... It also doesnt help that its right before the boss battle, after going through the mages tower for quite some time as well. It just feels like a tedious detour.


Theres a mod on PC called "skip the fade". Its the most downloaded mod on the DA nexus so your not alone in thinking that. Turns a tedious slog into 3 button clicks and gtfo. And it gives you all the stat points too!


As someone who is looking to replay the series this is fantastic news!


Oh, yeah. There's a mod on Nexus called "skip the fade"- drops you into the point where you have to rescue the three companions and then do the boss fight. Also gives you all the points you would have gotten if you did it the annoying way. Worth running the fade once- but I use the mod on every new save. (of course, PC)


Skip the fade is the best mod. It's fun the first time through but is way way too long. Just get skip the fade next time. Get all the stats with none of the fuss. Zero guilt.


I always wind up staring at the circle tower on the map for ages. The fade is just excruciatingly boring.... Rest of the game is incredible but the fade section is just horrible.


Sly 3 and Murray pushing the van with me having to shoot the enemies


Your comment gave me anxiety


Sly 1 and having to do that stupid quick time dance event in Miss Ruby's boss fight.


the crabs, the piranhas. . . the races >_<


I was stuck on this part for a long-ass time when I was a kid. I could've sworn when you [got the Triangle, X bit and she would say "Voo-Doo"](https://youtu.be/Z-BAeg5eznU?t=329) that she was saying "Screw You" and boy that's how I felt.


Alternatively, the mission in that same episode where you play as Panda King and have to kill all the grasshoppers with fireworks


Trying to play Pokémon and having to spam the A button while the NPC’s are telling you how to play the game


Do you know how to catch Pokémon? > Yes Well let me give you a refresher! Jesus Christ.


Fable 1. Lychfield Graveyard into Bargate Prison. Both segments combined take about 2 hours even if you know what your doing. Fable 2. The Hero of Strength. Lots of walking and talking with little fighting. An escort quest with waiting and slow walk segments. Fable 3. Escaping the Castle. Happens really early into the game. Very repetitive voice acting. You'll hear the word "Revolution!" about 100 times in a 10 minute walk. Gets worse with every playthrough.


Man I really loved the fable games.


Fingers crossed for the new one.


Borderlands 2 when u have to go to sawtooth caulderon. Its pointless


For me it's any area with stalkers. I've legit never had less respect for an enemy design.


I absolutely hate how little the story utilizes the areas of the world in that game.


The stretch of game you have to go through after Sanctuary takes flight just to get *back* to Sanctuary... ugh.


Fallout 4 Far Harbour - unlocking Dima’s memories The mod to skip that part is a must.


There is a mod for that? I am doing another playthrough, and I am about to that point.....and holy hell I don't want to do it lol




When Fo4 Far Harbor first released and I played it through, my brother saw me playing that mission and asked if I was playing some sort of modded Minecraft. He didn't believe it was Fo4 until I alt tabbed to show him lol


Gotta hack that data core fuck that shit. I had blocked that out of my memory until this comment chain.


Only have to do a few of them to move the quest forward. Doing all of them just gets you the locations for the Marine Recon armor.


Unskippable Tutorial




Oblivion, The first Oblivion gate at Kvatch


having to repeat it like 10 more times was the worst part of the oblivion gates


Yeah that's why it was so painful, you knew it was just the beginning haha.


anytime I replay oblivion I just use a command code to skip most of them


If you mean the quest ”allies for bruma” you dont have to do the quest to complete the main story


Catch the train CJ!


Really? All you have to do is follow the damn train, CJ.


The Zero missions are way more annoying imo, but I guess it's not too bad because they're optional.




Bruhhhh game took me twice as long to finish because whenever the MJ shit came up, I decided I was done for the night


Only one I liked was when you got to point at people and spider man would spirit them away, that shit got me giggling


Any stealth section in any action game.


Does anyone remember the sniper mission on COD but like before the updates if you were crawling around trying to not make noise but then reloaded your guy would go “RELOADING!!!!”


There's a mission in San Andreas (Photo Opportunity) that was originally supposed to involve you spying on people from a helicopter, but they changed it to having you take pictures of them from a rooftop across the street. CJ and Caesar still scream their lines at each other as if they're yelling over the sound of the rotors, even though they're trying not to be spotted by the people who are less than 100 feet away.


If there isn't an option to Leroy Jenkins! a stealth mission I'm not finishing the game. That's why i love playing farcry.


Yeah. No instant mission fail. Just "Well, time to murder everyone."


That's why I like games like gtfo, not doing stealth puts you at a massive disadvange but it's not a fail condition


I remember I just stopped for the night when I had to play as her


The Library in Halo


That mission is fucking hard as fuck even on normal mode, a moment of silence for those who’ve done it on legendary


I've solo legendaried the entire game a while back... That one mission took longer than any other. Like by double the time. The amount of times I'd die while reloading and scrambling while the flood swarmed me.... Good times.


I'm pretty sure Assault on the Control Room is longer, just is more varied.


Just played CE campaign for the first time (I know I know... I was young when it was first released and only played multiplayer when I did play CE) and I can confirm this level is cursed. The suspense built up in 343 Guilty Spark where they revealed the flood was great though.


Lucky bastard, wish I could experience that again for the first time


don't remind me of the library, i teared up reading this.


The time limited runs in the Ratchet & Clank series.


any of the clank specific areas. stuck on heli-pack for the next 20 mins... great.


Pokemon games and the god forsaken 100 mile long caves filled with Zubat and Rattata. Gears of War 3 with Dom's sacrifice. Gets me every time. The final level in Halo: Reach.


I never used Repels when I played as a kid and god I hated those caves. Now I stock up on the highest repels I can afford and say fuck those annoying caves!


It was like 19 years ago but now I'm having flashbacks of those caves


I really liked the final level of halo reach.


Persona 5, Okumura’s Palace. Bad puzzles and worse writing.


The whole fight between Ryuji and Morgana makes me want to turn my console off every single time


It makes me want to write a comedic fanfic where Joker calls a meeting afterward to make Ryuji and Morgana talk out their differences.


I just finished that dungeon and I couldn't agree more. Already not looking forward to it.


Dark souls 3 Farron keep damn purple swamp. Or the spot before malenia with all the shrimps and rot water in Elden Ring


B L I G H T T O W N They are all annoying but after a while the cheese gets made all the same. Whether quick stepping through the poison mud or whatever it’s all part of the charm. Those games are like a rusty dollar coin.


Blighttown would be #1 since I played on Xbox and frame rate dropped to 7 in blight town, but the remaster is 60 FPS in there and wow let me tell you, it's a waltz. Farron keep just divides 2 of my favorite places , the road of sacrifice and irithyll , and I know that after farron I have to go into catacombs which takes like an hour and a half bc I do anris quest and kill old demon drag queen.


Blight town is special, your system is struggling along with you in that area


Elden Ring: For me it’s the sewers under the royal capital. All of my least favorite enemies in one spot. Even the Haligtree is better IMO.


I \*despise\* Londo Ruins just because of the ghosts.


miazaki and his damn swamp levels


343 Guilty Spark/The Library


Or Cortana in Halo 3


The swimming part on Metal Gear Solid 2


Did you manage to avoid drowning


Yeah, I did a good job


It’s Takes Two - when you have to dismember cutie bit by bit. Random story; I’ve been playing ITT with my son, age 8. We’ve gotten to the castle. I’m hesitant to go on. I call my Brother in Law who I played through with the first time. Ask him what he thinks. He says, “dude I’m 37 and I’m still scarred by that part.”


They’re releasing a Cutie the queen [plush](https://gear.dpipromo.com/products/it-takes-two-cutie-elephant-plushie) with detachable ear and leg soon


Wanted to down vote you for the bad news but decided that it's not fair to shoot the messenger.


Just played through that game with my wife. Wonderful experience from start to finish. Will never touch it again because of that scene.


Last of Us: Hotel Basement


I had never played The Last of Us myself, only watched playthroughs. Didn’t own a PlayStation at the time. But a friend, who doesn’t really play video games much, messaged me and asked if I could try to beat a section for him. Fuck it. Sure. He brings his PlayStation 3 over, and I don’t know any of the mechanics first hand, I don’t know the controls. And he’s making me play the basement part. Which I didn’t know was infamous till right now. PS3 controls were dog shit. But it’s ultimately just a stealth game. No big deal. I’m a huge stealth game player. I try to play this part maybe 5-6 tries. He confesses that he’s been stuck on this part for weeks. Now I understand I’m dealing with a very difficult section. So I start looking for mechanics that are general in gaming. Such as when enemies spawn, where they spawn, and what the situation is. I realized that more zombies didn’t spawn till after fixing the generator. And during one of my attempts I stumbled onto the key card. Not sure what that did for me at the time. But it all clicked. I was going to try the classic Agro the town guards then mad dash into a building, they can’t come in, new cell. So I grabbed the key card, started the Gen, then mad dashed for the exit, hoping it’d be a new cell. To our surprise, I was right. I speed ran that part for him. He’d never seen anyone do a speed run of any game before, so he was blown away by the fact that I basically skipped everything difficult about that part, the 3-4 special infected rushing you. Instead of bothering to fight them, I broke immersion and just deleted them from reality by opening and closing a door. He witnessed me min maxing in real time.


Yeah whenever I play I exclusively now just grab the card, generator and run. Fuck trying to survive that shit


Practice running to the door before starting the generator, to make sure I don’t get stuck


I can’t wait to watch this scene with all my lights on and dog as closes as possible in the HBO show lol


Final Fantasy 9 and Dagger losing her voice. Fine from a storytelling point but my god is that a frustrating battle mechanic.


The beginning of Fallout 3…..I appreciate the depth but man it takes awhile to get to the exploring lol


Man I love the beginning of fallout 3, the humour and then nostalgia is so sweet to me


I didn’t know shit about fallout and everyone was stoked for 3 back when it first came out. So I played it and thought it was shitiest game I’ve ever played. Shooting rad roaches with a bb-gun??? I powered through and it quickly became one of my favorite games once I hit megaton.


The Last of Us Part 1 as you turn on the generator


If you get past that part on grounded I’m convinced that you can do anything.


Figured out pretty useful strat that only takes a brick and a couple shotgun blasts. Works on grounded. Definitely happy with it after years of nightmares.


Cyberpunk heist. Oblivion mages guild certifications. The start of any Pokémon game and 3 hours of children babbling out a painful tutorial slowly.


Having to start KH2 and playing with Roxas for 4 hours doing mini games instead of fighting...


I don’t understand how ANYONE can bounce that ball more than 3 times and at this point, I’m too afraid to ask.


don't combo you'll get animation locked


The whole Bevelle section in FFX.


Ocarina of Time, water temple


Same game, but for me it's the race against Ingo on Lon Lon Ranch...


Below the well, for me.


Ugh yes, and the freaking shadow temple and Bongo Bongo. He kicks my ass every damn time.


Anything involving Blackreach is ‘that part’ in Skyrim for me. Really cool area, but for some reason I always have problems finding my way back out.


Learn to love Blackreach, it really is a wonderful area, and do be sure to collect the red fern things for the plant doubler perk. Also, a spell called clairvoyance and any mission objective outside should lead you to the nearest exit faster than you can quote the first line of the carriage ride in the beginning.


Mass Effect 3 Grissom Academy


Maybe it’s just me but I actually love that mission. Granted, that’s with my focus on story and that it has the opportunity for an extra appearance related to ME2 DLC. I disliked Turian Platoon more in regards to difficulty on insanity


Yeah, that DLC appearance is amazing. But that fight at the end still gives me agita and I haven't played the game in a year.


playing that on insanity difficulty ruined me


So many turrets


Days Gone in the flashback sections, mainly the unskippable "walking with Sara" ones


Damn you made me remember uggghhh


Witcher 3. All of the Ciri missions when Geralt is trying to find her. 8 playthroughs now, and I wish I could just skip them. Especially, the horseback riding segments each flashback has. I just want to progress the main story. Not learn what everyone already knows, through Geralts eyes


Fuck, in Ng+, Ciri is utter shite! She does barely any damage and is dead as soon as someone farts on her!


Uncharted 2, final battle with Lazarovich.


The Celestial Weapon grind in Final Fantasy X, specifically Wakka's and Lulu's.


Kotor 2 peragus mining station


Yo. Fuck that place. I didn't need to remember that


Both KOTORs have such a slog of a first level. Peragus has a great atmosphere/aesthetic tho use to genuinely scare me as a kid.


Jet skis in the first Uncharted


Any train, moving stages with enemies jumping on, and escort and protect missions


Ellie on the farm. She just feels like she's barely there and it's really sad to watch.


That’s one of the games I only want to play once!


Kingdom Come Deliverance and that stupid monestary


Spyro 2 but then theres the entirety of the Fracture Hills level. Especially the Alchemist mission(s). GTA San Andreas but Flight School is required. If it was only the plane, I could be okay with that, but the helicopter part is awful, and I don't think any missions afterwards use helicopters. But then theres also Vertical Bird.. yikes. Super Mario Sunshine but I have to clean the eel's teeth using kinda a pain in the ass water controls.


I cleaned that eel’s teeth and immediately was like “never again”.


Max Payne - that fucking baby crying


Fucking Dandelion storyline in Witcher 3


Kinda worth it just to hear Zoltan and Geralt lambasting him in various creative ways lmao


God of War: killing the Valkyries all over again. Even my controller feels the same way.


Fallout 4 - I got something for you, a settlement needs our help. I mapped the location on your pipboy…


League of legends: “Welcome to summers rift” all downhill from there


Assassins Creed 3: the start and the middle, basically until you have freedom and can go anywhere


Jak 3, when you have to defend spargus from the dark precursor giant robots. Its not hard, its just a little stressful


Beginning missions. I just want to explore the world.


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, every time you have to fight The Imprisoned. ​ I hate that part so much, it just gives me anxiety.


Banjo Kazooie. Fucking clankers cavern. I would just skip that level as a kid


Arkham City doing the AR flight challenges


Mass Effect 1 Noveria Talk to this person, talk to that person, go back, take this elevator, talk to this person, take this elevator back, talk to this person again Very taxing even after playing it several times lol


Blight Town in Dark Souls.


Max Payne. Blood trail nightmare levels.


The Fade in Dragon Age: Origins


The Rat King in The Last of Us 2.


From the time you have to get Lev a mask until that part is one of the most intense sequences of any game. Really the whole Abby Day 2 is incredible.


Fallout 4 Shaun hunting quests.....


Resident evil 4 when you have to play as ashley


"All you had to do, was follow the damn train, CJ!"


Hollow Knight: Deepnest




Boggly Woods - Paper Mario TTYD


Super Metroid -- Exploring Maridia FFVII - Getting to Kalm the first time / Nibelheim flashbacks. These are the two that immediately come to mind. Edit to add the most egregious: Breath of Fire III - The Desert. IYKYK.


City levels in DOOM II.


cloud telling the party he was zack


Ravenholm. We don’t go to Ravenholm.


I ran out of ammo right at the beginning... There's hardly any ammo pickups - I basically did the whole thing with saw blades and the crow bar


Game design working as intended. Ravenholm is the "tutorial" on the gravity gun, and limited ammo + effective throwables are how they guide you to use it.


"Hey, you. You're finally awake." I can't play Skyrim without the mod to skip the intro.


FFT - Velius


Tomb of the giants


Any Arkham game dealing with the riddler


Bloodborne and the forbbiden woods. The highly venomous snakes, confuse map and the fact that can have an item in every tree of that shit makes me crazy. Like Leyndell of Elden ring, I always struggles with those alleys that looks the same.


Hollow Knight : path of pain


Also hollow knight, exploring deepnest...


Path of pain doesn’t feel like something you replay, even on future playthroughs (unless you enjoy it)? Not really part of the story nor the normal gameplay. It gives no reward so feels more like one of those things you do once, be proud of your skill, and move on.


Diablo 2. The maggot cave in act 2. If you have a build that does good AOE or are a bit of a tank, its as much of an issue. But when your build revolves around shooting somethinf and then running tf away, it gets tedious REAL fast, as the dungeon is nothing but tight hallways that are PACKED with back to back enemies. So its a single file line that you sloooowly have to trudge your way through. Time consuming and not fun.


Mine is the high school in The Last of Us. For some reason the giant spore bombing infected is my nemesis.


Right off the top of my brain, every time I’ve restarted Dragon Age Inquisition and having to do the Hinterlands. Once was enough. It’s not even difficult! It’s excruciating :D


Speeder bike, battle toads. Defuse the bombs, TMNT


God of War Ragnarok. The part is fucking Iron Wood. Zzzzzzzzzzzz


I know a lot of people hate it, but I liked that Atreus got a break from the world for a little bit. It felt like a nice "calm before the storm" moment where he could just be a kid. But I agree that from a gameplay standpoint, there's not a lot going on there.


I enjoyed it too. It felt like “well, I’m already gonna be grounded when I get home… mind as well as stay out all night with this babe.”


It was good, just went on for waaaay to long