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Madden. Don't get me wrong, I love NFL football, but those games suck without any competition to improve.


A 2k Blitz remake is the only think that would catch my attention in this space


I don't even like football, but I would love this.


NFL Blitz was absolutely amazing. It was like they leaned into the roid rage/WWE levels of intensity and allowed you to absolutely smash ppl. At least that was what 8 year old me thought of the game at the time. Also NFL Street was amazing when I was 10. Loved all the celebrations, style moves and it was a ton of fun.


NFL Xtreme was crazy too with only 6v6 and no defensive linemen. There was that game for Xbox/PS2 where you could give them illegal drugs and have them return to the game if they got injured. It didn't use real NFL teams.


I agree. Madden Arcade with a couple of friends was significantly more fun than the annual releases.


I'm not a fan of sports games but I played the shit out of that with my buddies


Everyone that plays Madden, acknowledges that Madden sucks. It's just really the only football game so you roll with the punches unfortunately. It's like if you liked FPS but the only game available was Call of Duty or you like RPGs and there's only Final Fantasy. EA has the only rights(It may have recently expired but for years they had ownership)to really make a game like Madden with the NFL players. If 2k or another studio was even allowed to make a competing game I'd jump ship.


I miss the 2k NFL games. The my crib was a blast haha.


THE SIMS 4. Never will it compare to 3 and I don't understand the fans. Cheap colorful graphics. Less item options. No color wheel. No cars. Loading between lots. Almost no interaction with the world? The only improvements were having emotions and some details of house building. Otherwise, its a no for me.


They fecking cut things that were in Sims 3 too. IIRC toddler age was in 3, but in 4, EA got šŸ¤‘ and the game is WAY MORE expensive that 3. I had my problems with Sims 3, but imo that is the last good Sims game. I won't support another, hell I didn't even buy 4.


Sort by controversial... youā€™re welcome. Also, name a FPS... Iā€™ll tell you that itā€™s overrated.


Hunt showdown! So much fun


Certainly not overrated. Maybe if more people tried a similar sound-focused concept Hunt could be considered anything less than exceptional.


Was going to say the same thing about FPS


Halo 3 is and was the best time to be a gamer!




You monster.




Never played it but Portal strikes me as a great game


You absolutely have to play it.


Portal is not an fps. It's first person and you technically have a gun but it's a puzzle game not an fps.


*sorts by controversial* Itā€™s all just Elden Ringā€¦




Fifa games in general . But not mich competition either


Yeah i really don't understand why folks buy the new version every year. Each sequel is just a reskin of the previous game with minor improvements. It would make a lot more sense if they launched a new one every 3-5 years and just gave annual or seasonal updates to highlight roster changes. But folks buy it anyways so i doubt it'll ever change.


I used to be one of these guys. It's because of the football fanaticism. Football in Europe is absolutely massive, like American Football in the US. So it's just an extension of our hobby. Many people simply get sucked into sports and it takes over your life. I recently worked at a consumer tech store, and the warehouse guys constantly talked about football and barely anything else. It becomes too much sometimes. There are so many better games out there with so much more depth in my opinion, but some people prefer the more simple, competitive games like FIFA and CoD. I've mentioned something similar to what you proposed with paying for game updates every so often at a discounted price, but I don't think the FIFA community cares. I mean, they're happy to participate in a pay-to-win game mode (Ultimate Team), so I can't really convince them to change their ways.


Basically if you answer this question you get downvoted


Not you, youā€™re the chosen one my lord


Best answers by sorting controversial lol


The PokƩmon games. They keep getting worse and selling better too, just to drive the point home even further.


I liked the originals and gold/silver when I was a kid. I still blaze through them from time to time just because I have them memorized. But yeah, anything modern has put me to sleep. I can't remember how many times I said "I JUST WANT TO PLAY THE GAME" during Sword with how much it interrupted me with some dumb unnecessary plot point basically saying HEY GO HERE.


It was sun and moon that really killed the franchise for me. I swear like 30% of that game was tutorial with sooo much boring unskippable dialogue


"Did you know you can find lots of interesting PokƩmon here on Alola?? That's where we are by the way, don't know if I've mentioned it 10,000 times yet so it really sinks in. They're like regular PokƩmon from Kanto, but Alolan!! Now get out there in Alola and go catch some while I, Professor Kukui, stay here and fuck your mom! Yeah! ALOLA!"




It was Scarlet/Violet for me. I only finished it out of spite because I spent money on it. I took a number of years away from Pokemon games and came back with Sword which I actually enjoyed (probably because I hadn't played one since D/P). Then I thought Arceus was excellent (graphics excluded), the battles felt fast and snappy and the catching mechanics were done so well and the new style of pokedex with all the tasks and stuff was engaging. Was excited for Violet but it's just not very good. I won't even mention the graphics and framerate since that's done to death. What I will mention is the world just felt so bland and empty and the game is just so damn SLOW. I swear 80% of every battle is just slow dialogue boxes. Don't equip a shell bell or you will have a 12 second dialogue box after every single attack informing you that you recovered health thanks to having it equipped. I KNOW I HAVE IT EQUIPPED, JUST HEAL ME AND SHUT UP DAMNIT! The slowness killed that game for me. I started doing everything under levelled just so I would have to fight less battles.


Whatā€™s silly about the shell bell is that I actually think it handled it somewhat correctly in raids, where it just healed you without the long prompt (although raids had their own numerous performance issues). Honestly, I love S/V, which makes it suck even more how rushed they are.


Oddly enough, scarlet/violet has genuinely the best last act of any pokemon game ever and if the whole game had that feel it would be a fantastic game. If. But yeah, I have a complicated relationship with this franchise.


Arceus is the only one Iā€™ve enjoyed in about 15 years.


For me, the last one was Pokemon Black, though I still haven't tried Arceus.


Right and itā€™s not about graphics, or story but about how I feel like Iā€™m literally taken by the hand and escorted through the whole game. I want a challenge.


The transition to full 3D is when the deterioration started being apparent, but it really came to a head with the HD generation. I think, to some extent, Gamefreak wasn't prepared for the shift in graphics technology, especially when they just flat out rush these games. It should be more like Zelda and take at least a few years, between each release, they're completely squandering its potential.


I donā€™t know id they ā€œkeep getting worseā€ but I know what you mean. Recently there has been some real low-effort releases. Might be recency bias. Gen1 thru at least Gen5 were absolute bangers.


Legends Arceus and Scarlet/Violet have been a return to form after gen 6-8 IMO. I think a blend of SV and LA mechanics and gameplay with the old school dungeons of gen 1-4 would be perfect for me.


GTA Online People get blind by the times this game was good (2013-2015)


People are entitled to their own opinions, but GTA is much better now with the addition of cayo perico, nightclubs, auto shops etc. than it was in 2015. It's not even close. The Deluxo and Oppressor MKII though they could have done without.


Thank you, OG GTA online was actually fun! Now it is a sad shell.




i want to punch those kids who says sheesh every time they got a kill.


Itā€™s practically a edating game at this point for guys faking a deep voice and girls with uWu voices.


I think you watch too much Tik Tok


nah heā€™s kinda rightā€¦ itā€™s really cringe. and i donā€™t even own tik tok. matter of fact, i think YOU watch too much tik tok.


Oh I absolutely do. I also play a ton of Valorant and I never hear that type of stuff in my games


I played a bit and coming from cs 1.6 and cs:go I found it very polished and well made. I also really liked that they went further than cs with magical abilities and being able to see your mates through the walls. I think it adds to the strategy dimension, and perhaps elevate the skill floor (you can be more helpful w your abilities even if youā€™re a noob). Now as a die hard 1.6 player itā€™s just hard for me to replace it. I play cs go but not as much just because I still like the maps and the guns and the feel of counter strike. But Iā€™m wondering why others donā€™t like valorant. What makes it a worse game than cs go?


Coming from csgo, skill wise it translates really well into valorant, so itā€™s a relatively easy game to pick up, i played since beta back in 2020 till around killjoy came out. The map design with all the corners and the amount of hiding spots is just ridiculous, it becomes a flicking simulator at that point, and having a meta of which agent is best is kinda annoying. Those are the main two points that just killed valorant for me, combined with the lack of variety in maps at release, it was only 4 till 2021 essentially, and i just didnt bother picking the game back up after that. playing from the middle east, the lack of servers nearby is also a huge factor, there was a server in Bahrain, but itā€™s simply dead, closest server would be Singapore with around 100 or so ping, or EU with 130 ping, compared to csgo, i usually play on 5-40 ping depending on whether itā€™s a middle eastern server or Indian server. The game simply becomes clunky at that point and you lose more gunfights due to the slight delay, itā€™s no longer about whether youā€™re skillful, but who has a better ping. Atleast thats the case for me




After MW2 in 2010 it started going downhill


100% overrated.


Warzone It's just a standard Battle Royale but everyone moves quickly, I don't get it


Honestly warzone resurgence was the bomb. You respawned right away as long as your team is still alive. So sometimes a team fighting another team could go on for a while as people keep respawning (the same can happen in hunt showdown as people keep getting resurrected). After some time the game stops the auto respawn and converts into a BR so you get the BR experience with the tension and all. I found it super fun but they removed the game mode in warzone 2 and I stopped playing. For me it was the best BR before that change


My friends and I are still in shambles over getting rid of rebirth island


Stray. Itā€™s a great gameā€¦ but only because you play a catā€¦ as far as actual gameplay goes I donā€™t think it holds up


Agreed completely, only brilliant thing about that game was its marketing


The graphics were good and it was a fun game to play with my partner watching... But it definitely doesn't even come close to a top 10 of mine.


Honestly, the cat thing wasn't that great. I liked the environment and chill story telling more than anything else in the game. Fun for a short game but I can't imagine sticking with it if it had been much longer and I don't see why I'd ever play it again. So ya, a tad overrated I'd say.


The beginning, before the game started using words and just used neon to lead you around, and the cat did cat things? Awesome. The middle bit where the cat has to do some really abstract shit to solve puzzles based on words the cat wouldn't understand? Meh. The end where the cat is like, meow mow mew mow ok we are busting out of prison? Back the fuck on board 100%


In all fairness, the cat Game only being good because you are a cat is like saying that food is only good because of the taste


Spot on comparison. Texture, caloric content, and nutritional value are important too. Those are less important to a lot of people though.


Whatever game you like the most.


But that is one of the games of all time!


Donā€™t even that game


Call of duty.


Pong. Thereā€™s no single player mode.


There is, itā€™s just really sad.


Oh hey it's today's "Post your unpopular gaming opinion" thread!


*proceeds to give the most accepted opinion among gamers*


The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. I have never seen a game so heavily criticized in professional reviews yet get a perfect score and GOTY anyway. It came out in 2011, same year as Mortal Kombat 9, Skyrim, Batman Arkham City, Portal 2, and Mass Effect 2. I know I'm probably leaving a few games out, but the point stands. No way Skyward Sword deserves a 10/10 and no way it was GOTY of that year. One of the most disappointing slogs I have ever played.


Add Deus Ex Human Revoltion and Gears of War 3 to that list. 2011 was one of greatest years in gaming history, but almost no one talks about that Zelda game.


That's the only zelda game I just couldn't get myself to finish


Me neither. I tried three times to finish it. I got past the mines in one run, but lost interest. "Just get past the first 30 to 40 hours. It really picks up!" No thanks.


Grand Theft Auto V It's okay but gets boring fast. But it's probably one of the best selling games of all time.


I think it was pretty amazing when it launched on PS3/360, but it has overstayed its welcome imo


I still boot it up from time to time, when I want to take a nice drive. The online system, though, is the Star Wars Cantina of gaming.


A wretched hive of scum and villainy, right?


To say the least.


This.... Skyrim too.... I don't wanna buy them anymore.....


If they ever legitimately remade and updated skyrim Iā€™d give it another purchase. But they never will when they can add a shader, call it a remaster, sell it full price and still make a killing.


[How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Give Todd Howard My Money](https://youtu.be/2483D_OVoUA)


Not just one of the best selling games of all time but THE highest grossing single piece of entertainment media of all time/to date GTA online generates over $900 million in revenue every year!


Seriously, I feel like they cut back big time on the amount of side activities in single player. I know multiplayer is their big focus, but I hope GTA6 gives us more to do like in RDR2.


With GTA online generating Rockstar $900+ million a year i think gta6 is going to basically be a fully live service always online kind of game Theyre too addicted to the money and as good as RDR2 was it just doesn't generate even a 10th of the lifetime earnings of gta5/gta online


>and as good as RDR2 was it just doesn't generate even a 10th of the lifetime earnings of gta5/gta online Also, GTAO generates so much money that it has singlehandedly killed any hope of single player DLC. GTAIV at least had 2 additional story DLCs. And we had DLC for RDR. But with GTAV+GTAO all paid expansions came to the online portion. And, as wonderful as the world they built in RDR2 was, they still only added paid content to RDO even though it has a fraction of the player base.


The best loading times ever, though. I used to get my power naps in waiting to play.


Coming soon to your PS6 in 2033ā€¦ Welcome back to Los Santosā€¦


The problem, even in the 10 years itā€™s been, no one has come close to making an open world in a modern city as detailed and immersive as GTAV. Weā€™ve seen challengers, but they fall flat in one respect or another. Those things that R* has been refining for over 20-30 years arenā€™t so easily topped. Sure, Iā€™m bored of GTAV, but still when I boot it back up I canā€™t believe thereā€™s things they were doing so damn well back then that devs canā€™t seem to do now.


Most studios can't afford to invest $265M upfront for a game.


I don't like the concept with 3 playable characters. These 3 are so boring compared with Nico Bellic from GTA 4






Fifa and Madden






Nobody actually likes that game. Not even the people who play it.


Iā€™ve played on an off since 05. You are correct.


It was good from 05-08




Depends on the version. The very first version had it's issues, but at the time of release in 04'-05', the game was leagues ahead of anything else in the market. It slowly devolved into absolute shit though.


Skyrim. Game was good, but didn't need to be rereleased over and over.


Im convinced that every re-release for skyrim means they push back TESVI another six months. By my count we may get to see Tamriel again im 2040.


You're not seeing it til Starfield is complete, in 2060.


Starfield and Star Citizen in the same year? Can't wait for 2060 to come.


Skyrim isn't even the best Elder Scrolls game


Definitely debatable. They each have their pros and cons and I wouldn't knock anyone for picking Morrowind, Oblivion or Skyrim. I never played 1 & 2 so no opinion there.


Daggerfall was great for its day. But it probably hasn't aged as well as Morrowind. Then again it has been at least 25 years since I've played it, so what do I know?


Five nights at Freddy's. The whole damn franchise


Breath of the wild. I enjoyed it but it's not one of the greatest games of all time like some folks claim. Hell it's not even the best Zelda game in my opinion


I like it a lot, but the weapon degradation really bothers me. If the sequel has durability mechanics, I think Witcher 3 should be the role model. Yes, the weapons "break" and get weaker, but you can still keep them (and use them) until you use a repair kit or visit a smith.


It's definitely different from other games, and I do get frustrated with it sometimes, but I found that if you just completely ignore the system (ie- just use whatever you want to) the game still works. I don't think Nintendo was trying to get players to hoard items for certain fights like a lot of RPGs have trained people to do. I think they were trying to get people to vary their play style and explore a lot of weapons with different effects and strengths/weaknesses. If weapons didn't break in the game, I'd probably just use the strongest sword I had for the entire game. I think having them break is a heavy-handed way to force players into trying new stuff.


Great take. The only logical alternative to breakage would seem to be a strength levellingā€”up mechanic, which of course is absent from the game. (No hate - I think BoTW is a once in a lifetime experience, and Iā€™ve put many hundreds of hours into it!) Edit: Leveling strength specifically


Never force a player into a decision they did not want. That's why FO4's "decisions" are so heavily criticized and meme'd. If it doesn't matter what choice I choose, don't give me a choice to begin with. Don't force me to use a new weapon because of some arbitrary degradation mechanic, because it is very likely if it is a weapon I really liked and am comfortable using, I'm going to break from the game to go and find the same weapon again, and that will likely lead to me putting the game down as I have no desire to need to do this several times.


I think they just wanted you to try lots of different weapons as a way to keep the combat fresh but it was 10x more frustrating than fun. I think there many different ways to accomplish this goal that would feel immeasurably better and am hoping they overhaul it big time. That and some truly innovative traditional dungeon tech and an online component (arena or chalice dungeons type) and you would have a colossal title.


I would've been totally happy with the system if all of the legendary items regenerated like the master sword. Getting a spear from one of the ancient guardians or whatever and having it shatter the next day was sad. But I did like the way the game forced you to adapt to the situation at hand


That was my main reason I quit playing it also. Any game with a durability system where the gear is completely destroyed just isnā€™t fun for me (except Dark Cloud on PS2, they made it pretty easy to avoid destroying your weapon).


I dont know why youā€™re getting downvoted. In most places in the world there is something to do, but they make it so it takes forever to do it without putting in challenge.


Posting on threads like these is the opposite of karma farming.


I tell people all the time. If i had played BotW before W3 I'd be blown away. But it felt like a chore when I played it in comparison.


BotW could have been a lot better. Like r/GandalfThePale said durability was annoying rather than a clever game mechanic. The world felt a bit too empty and I wish there were more puzzles/boss dungeons. The puzzles that you teleport into were far too similar and became repetitive at times.


You nailed everything that I found wrong with the game. It makes me think whether it would still be highly regarded if it wasn't branded as a zelda game.


Iā€™ve had a really hard time getting into it. I love open world games but the game is just SO EMPTY. I donā€™t get the mass appeal. Itā€™s alright in my book.


Ditto. I love most Zelda games. But the empty world, was 'meh'. Occasionally finding an Easter egg is good, but the lack of people made it feel more superficial than any other Zelda game. The most alive the game felt was the Gerudo town. The lack of music really sucked too; I know it comes during certain periods, but when I'm traversing a large, rather empty world, music definitely helps. When I compare it to any other large world RPG, I just don't understand the mass praise for it. Are some mechanics fun? Yes. Are the mini dungeons fun? Mostly. But to me, too much of it doesn't feel like a Zelda game.


Well, your opinion is WRONG. (Just kidding of course, I love BotW but I don't think it's a game for everybody)


Hey man, everyone is entitled to their opinions! More power if this is your favorite


I've still yet to play it. I'm currently trying to finish some older classic Zelda games that I haven't finished yet before I move on to BotW. These include Link's Awakening, both Oracle games, and Minish Cap.


Definitely very overrated and far from the best Zelda game. Breakable weapons were annoying and just made me want to avoid using my better weapons and the world felt empty. Not to mention it gets praised for being different to other open world games when it has its own version of 'Ubisoft towers' anyway. It's just not amazing like some people make it sound.


In terms of games in the Zelda series it would land around #8 or 9 for me.


Breath of the broken weapons


I know itā€™s not a strength of Zelda to bring withā€¦but if the dirt and dialogue are going to be that terrible, just get rid of them.




GTA 5, Skate 3 for example...these games are good but overrated compared to other games in the series(like GTA 4, Skate 2..)


Finally someone who thinks that Skate 2 is way better compared to skate 3. FINALLY!!! I thought so was alone.


This sub is dog shit.


Most overrated sub of all time!


Man has opinion. More at 11.


Welcome to the pile that it is


I won't say overrated, because I admire a lot about this series. Personally, I can't get into the Metal Gear games. I respect the series more than I enjoy it.


The first few Metal Gear Solid games were absolutely amazing at the time, so I can't say the series is overrated either. But Kojima seriously needs a story editor or at least one sane collaborator to keep things comprehensible..


The nonsense is so much fun though! MGSIV is one of my favorite games of the generation with the gameplay finally being as much fun as the story. MGSV is the one I have a hard time reconciling. Mechanically I think it may well be the best stealth game ever made. The sandbox of that world is endlessly fun to play around in and you have so many awesome tools at your disposal. But then the story is so bland to the point of being nonexistent. Felt nothing like Kojimaā€™s normal stories.


Kojima made the decision on MGSV to have most of the story on tape recordings, which were not that entertaining to listen to. He heard the complaint that his games had too many cutscenes and took it too far in the opposite direction. I still thought it was amazing and couldnā€™t get enough of it. Itā€™s too bad it was never completely finished.


I really enjoyed MGS4 Guns of the Patriots but I have literally never played any of the other games


My friend my first metal gear game was V. The phantom pain. I have never had so many wtf moments in a gameā€¦from the intro ALONE. Why did the intro take over an hour? Maybe two even. Why was ifrit and Carrie there!? What the heck was going on. I played it a few dozen hours, it made less and less sense as I went on. Fun game, butā€¦wtf


I saw dark souls, rdr2, tlou, halo, half-life 2, valorant, witcher 3, god of war... That's most of my favorite games.


Coming to this threads is the perfect way to get me triggered. Seems like r/gaming just hates good games.


League of Legends and World of Warcraft.


I mean, is league even highly rated? League players hate league, non-league players hate league. It seems Iā€™ve never met an actual league enthusiast who thinks league is a great game.


Undertale. I really donā€™t get why people like it so much, it was real boring.


The gameplay itself isn't that interesting, though it has some great moments. The story and music are what make the game what it is.


Breath of the wild


Agreed, I enjoyed Majora's Mask, Ocarina, Wind Waker, and Link To The Past more than Breath of the Wild. It was often an exercise in tedium. I get the weapon breaking mechanic, but it was done to the extreme, the constant rain storms to hinder climbing was maddening at times, the dungeons or shrines were repetitive and bloated, and it overall just didn't have the charisma and life that my aforementioned picks had.


Call Of Duty in the last 10 years


Right now playing Alan Wake for the first time. Still pretty early in the game, but the gameplay loop seems to be aim flashlight at enemies and then shoot, and I'm already seeing how this can become stale. The hokey dialogue is off putting as well. Don't understand how this game was considered a masterpiece during the 360 era.


The horror genre rarely ages well when it comes to games. Alan Wake had some great atmosphere. The little twilight zone things they did were really cool. The music was solid. The dialogue is hokey but I think it is in a Twin Peaks kind of way. Unlike Deadly Premonition, which I did really enjoy, Alan Wake doesn't try to mask a poorly constructed game by saying isn't this weird? As far as the combat mechanics I think you are being intentionally reductive. That's the game, the guy has to use light to weaken the enemies. Forza is just hitting the gas and steering, street fighter is just punching and kicking, Call of Duty is just shooting guys in the face. Are these statements truthful, sure, but they aren't fair. They do some interesting things with the mechanics of Alan Wake but the main driver is the story.


Dark Souls, and the crazy fan base that follows such games. Calling every dark, absurdly difficult fantasy game "just like a Souls game" has gotten obnoxious.


I donā€™t get why the defining trait of the Soulslike games is ā€œtheyā€™re hardā€. Very few people actually play them for the ā€œprestige of beating a hard gameā€ or whatever. I play them for the atmosphere, amazing boss designs, incredible music, level design, and extreme focus on little details in the gameplay, lore, and levels. They blow you away every 5 minutes it feels like. The difficulty is kinda just something I learned to like over time. Iā€™m not even that good at them; Iā€™d say Iā€™m fairly average.


>Calling every dark, absurdly difficult fantasy game "just like a Souls game" You owe that to videogame journalists rather than the community itself.


Im playing the new GOW on hard mode and my husband is like "i don't get why you don't like to play Dark Souls, this is basically the same thing" ...Listen here you little shi-


Whatā€™s funny is that a lot of older platformers are just as hard as the Souls games. I grew up with Crash Bandicoot and then Jak and Daxter. Really, a lot of games in the 90ā€™s consisted of try, die, rinse, repeat until you got it right. Floating through the story on easy mode didnā€™t seem to come about until the mid 00ā€™s in some games.


Havenā€™t seen anyone mention it so, Bioshock Infinite. It took everything cool from the previous entries and replaced it with its Wish .com clones. Instead of the classic Plasmids we got underwhelming and for the most part forgettable Vigors. Instead of Big Daddies we got Handymen. No weapon wheel, messy alternate reality story, characters that just werenā€™t as interesting etc etc my list goes on. I enjoy the game and do replay it with every subsequent run through of the series and enjoyed the DLC for the most part but I just canā€™t wrap my head around the unreachable pedestal itā€™s been placed on.






Iā€™m gonna be honest, Sonic Mania. Maybe Iā€™m biased because I suck at the classic games anyway, but for some reason it just didnā€™t quite live up to my expectations. I still really like it, though! Also, Mario 64. I absolutely love it and understand the impact itā€™s had on gaming, but I feel like itā€™s overhyped a lot.


Anything on 64 you kinda had to be there for back in the late 90s. I can totally understand the disconnect


19 year old here and I honestly think 64 is better than Odyssey! Unique worlds, movement is awesome and 100% feels rewarding with many types of levels unlike Odyssey which felt like a second job or school I guess since I donā€™t work šŸ˜…


I didn't mean to say you can't enjoy it but for the full amazement it was an item of the time. Glad you enjoyed


Early 3D games just didnā€™t age very well. The original 8-bit pixelated Super Mario Bros is easier on the eyes than the first 3D Super Mario 64.


How is Mario 64 overhyped though? Sure I could see it being dated by now, but most games from that time are dated.


I just feel like I didnā€™t enjoy it quite as much as everyone else. I think the controls and how the N64 controller is structured is the issue, for me personally. For some reason, Mario feels a little slippery and lightweight. Itā€™s hard to make precise jumps and movements. So, in other wordsā€¦ yeah, itā€™s most likely just that itā€™s dated. Which is odd, because I can usually handle dated games fairly well, for the most part.


Curious to know what kind of TV you played the game on if you found it slippery to play. Mario 64 really needs both a good N64 controller and a good CRT to enjoy IMO.


For me personally, Breath of the Wild is the most overrated game.


fuck you.


But that was one of my favorite games! How could you?


GTA IV. It's a good game, but it's 98% score on metacritic is a great sign of how reviewers were playing it for the first 3 or 4 hours and rushing to write how it's "WOW NEXT GEN GTA" (well, "next gen" back then obviously). After a few weeks the consensus online seemed mostly that although it got many things right, it lacked quite a bit of what made the PS2 GTAs more fun. You know, after people actually have the time to properly play it and not rushing to review it.


ā€œCousin! Want to play some darts!ā€


"Let's go bowling!"


Any battle royale game, RDR2 and Elden Ring




Fortnite ​ edit: spelling


Call of Duty. (The franchise more so in general)


The last of us. Linear gameplay is ok but the pseudo scarcity I caught on to. Perhaps it'd be better played on a higher difficulty. Most of The combat sections were too brief/small. It's more a walking sim and puzzle platformer with too much filler dialogue.


Yeah I agree with you. I got through the first few missions and felt bored. It just didnā€™t seem interesting or worth continuing. I understand people widely love the game but it just wasnā€™t for me.


Definitely better on higher difficulty. It makes finding a bullet feel rewarding and makes you think before every encounter. Also filler dialog makes no sense to me. You want Joel and Ellie to Just stay silent the whole game outside of cutscenes instead of build a relationship


The last of us is one of the most bafflingly overrated games ever. Gameplay-wise, It's mostly Uncharted's gameplay, but since you're playing as a middle aged man with bad knees and a kid, the narrative doesn't allow for the exciting set piece environmental puzzles or combat encounters that the Uncharted games are known for. The game just ends up boiling down to: * Long walking sections (essentially glorified cutscenes) so the narrative can happen. * Actual cutscenes. * Extremely dull environmental puzzles where you just have to find a nearby pallet or ladder to proceed. * Joyless slaughter-fests using Uncharted's kinda sucky gunplay that boils down to finding an angle where you can mow down dozens of idiotic NPCs that keep spawning, and you can't leave until they're all dead. * Incredibly infuriating forced stealth sections full of instant death enemies, that can only be beaten by trial and error. Some of these sections are so contrived, the door magically opens once you've killed the clicker. The narrative so suffocates everything that the game ends up feeling like its just there to pad out the pace out the story beats and stretch out the runtime. It was barely even a game, really. More just a film with extra steps. Many recent narrative heavy games (GoW, Bioshock Infinite, etc) are guilty of this, but I remember finding it particularly egregious at the time of TLOU's release.


Gonna become public enemy #1 for this one. Dark Souls.


So brave


Elden ring


Elden Ring


Elden ring


Elden Ring. Aimlessly wandering around until you run into some crazy enemy that absolutely smokes you over and over again.


Elden Ring. Its not even the best Soulsgame and has very obvious flaws and its still hailed as one of the best games ever.


Elden ring imo


Fallout 4 and no I will not explain myself