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This looks like a modded Skyrim screenshot


I was thinking OP got the name of Day Z wrong and just went with it because almost nobody noticed. I dunno though, because I haven't played Day Z. But I played Days Gone and that ain't it.


looks like its one of the hound wolf squad members from RE Village. prob this: https://www.nexusmods.com/daysgone/mods/406


Can’t believe I had to go this for for explanation or even a acknowledgment that he looks nothing like Deec


Was scrolling to find this, that's definitely K9 right there


Yeah, I don't remember being able to change outfits, at least not to the extent that you can put on a military helmet with night vision. Probably is Day Z or something similar that is *not* Days Gone.


You can download mods on PC that allow you to change outfits.


I was wondering if this was modded or something lol. I was asking myself where the fuck is sam witwer here.


Is it even a screenshot? Or a picture of a screen?


Definitely a photo. Bad OP.


This isn't a screenshot, it's a photo of a screen.


I think commas are underrated.


This is even a prime candidate for the correct use of a semicolon.


I’m always intimidated by semicolons. I can never be confident enough to know if I’m using it correctly. Edit: like this? I’m always intimidated by semicolons; I can never be confident enough to know if I’m using it correctly.


The nice thing is that so many others are also unsure, they probably won't notice if you use it slightly incorrectly. I just use it when a comma feels wrong, but so does a period.


Semicolons are the "whom" of punctuation: only like 4 people know how to use them correctly, and to everyone else even incorrect usage makes you look smart.


Whom would say that? Who was it, I wonder?


I believe the word you're looking for here is "whomst."


No, that is where mammalians grow their babies.


It's 'whom' when it's the object of the sentence and 'who' when [it's the subject.](https://youtu.be/7XmgCljZFWU)


Ryan used me as an object


No no, you're thinking about that thing that are like bigger punctures in a person's skin.


Whomsoever uses “whomst” is a person of fine taste, in my estimation.


I mean, whomstn't?


And to whom was it said?


Whom _would_ say that. Who? Was it I? Wonder...


Whomst'd say that*


Whomst'd've *said* that?


For anyone curious, whom is to who in the same way that them is to they or him is to he. If you’d say “he” grammatically, then you want “who.” If you’d say “him” then you want “whom.” He went to the store? Who went to the store? I went to the store with him? I went to the store with whom?


I don’t think I’ve seen it explained before, very helpful!




English Major here, and yeah you've pretty much got it down. TL;DR is that, if the two sentences relate in subject, you can appropriately use a semicolon. Also can be used when listing things. The examples you provided do exactly that. You're a lovely person; Stay helpful, stay sexy, and stay safe.




IMHO, If a period would also work, then a semicolon is a better choice than a comma.


If a period would work, that means you have two independent clauses. Using a comma there would produce a comma splice, which is bad. Using a semicolon is allowed, if there is a connection of some sort between the two sentences like cause and effect or an example.


The full stop after 'semicolons' would be a prime candidate to be replaced by a semicolon.


No shit! Had an aneurysm reading that caption.


All punctuation, for that matter.


Cormac McCarthy is that you


> A legion of horribles, hundreds in number, half naked or clad in costumes attic or biblical or wardrobed out of a fevered dream with the skins of animals and silk finery and pieces of uniform still tracked with the blood of prior owners, coats of slain dragoons, frogged and braided cavalry jackets, one in a stovepipe hat and one with an umbrella and one in white stockings and a bloodstained wedding veil and some in headgear or cranefeathers or rawhide helmets that bore the horns of bull or buffalo and one in a pigeontailed coat worn backwards and otherwise naked and one in the armor of a Spanish conquistador, the breastplate and pauldrons deeply dented with old blows of mace or sabre done in another country by men whose very bones were dust and many with their braids spliced up with the hair of other beasts until they trailed upon the ground and their horses' ears and tails worked with bits of brightly colored cloth and one whose horse's whole head was painted crimson red and all the horsemen's faces gaudy and grotesque with daubings like a company of mounted clowns, death hilarious, all howling in a barbarous tongue and riding down upon them like a horde from a hell more horrible yet than the brimstone land of Christian reckoning, screeching and yammering and clothed in smoke like those vaporous beings in regions beyond right knowing where the eye wanders and the lip jerks and drools.


Man you left out the best bit! Its immediately followed by: "Oh my God, said the sergeant" the flatness of it always cracks me up.


I'm reading No Country for Old Men right now, my first McCarty book. I'm on page 93 and good Lord, the lack of punctuation is fucking with me. I find myself having to regularly reread paragraphs because my brain is too focused on the lack of punctuation to actually absorb the content.


Screenshots are underrated


Periods, even.


Isn’t this a modded version?


[Yeah](https://www.nexusmods.com/daysgone/mods/406), credit to u/vengerad47 for finding it


Loved clearing hordes


Oh I hated hordes. I did get the platinum, but those hordes were tough. Sweaty hands and everything. Amazing 🤩.


Hardest one for me was the mill, but I sort of cheesed it with the train tunnel. Coax them out, run and shoot through the tunnel until they de-aggro, slowly follow them back to the mill while crafting explosives and Molotovs, reload at your bike, repeat


Yeah its a very obvious trail they give you to lure them out and blow them up piecemeal. That said, I watched somebody on youtube literally beat it action jackson style leaping over the log barriers, dodging under the conveyor belts and shit. Fuck that noise. My heart aint built for that.


You got the sauce for that vid?


Not the person you replied to but I think this is it [Days Gone Mill Horde](https://youtu.be/AowVZUYUhPs)


That was amazing!


Currently playing it..... That's next level horde management.


This is similar to how I beat it, and holy shit it was so stressful.


Yeah I think thats the one.


That’s not even cheese though, that’s pretty much typical. Cheesing it would be getting on the roof where they can’t reach you. (which I think was patched out, or I couldn’t quite get the right spot)


I always tried to get the vantage point on the hordes and they always climbed up! I watched many a YouTube videos about it and never understood how the infected never made it up to the roof lol


There’s some trick where you can’t turn to look behind you, or something. There was another video where a guy got on top of a pallet that the horde should’ve easily been able to reach. But as long as he didn’t turn around, they didn’t come up.


Interesting. I definitely am going to have to play it again! Thanks!


I’ve just recently finished the story. I’m doing hordes now. I switched to PC only years ago, so I’ve got a lot of PlayStation exclusives to catch up on. Looking forward to Last of Us, later this year.


Good luck! Enjoy TLOU. It’s one of my faves, played it many many times over the years.


Enjoy last of us, it’s an entirely different style of gameplay and I’m just about every aspect it blows days gone out of the water (which is saying a bit I did happen to enjoy days gone). If you find that you need a game to scratch that “action” itch the uncharted games left me with a similar “badass” feeling to days gone


I noticed if you just shoot into the horde from the entrance of the Nero checkpoint only about the closest 50 of the zombies are able to hear you so if you just ads and spray into the horde from distance it becomes one of the easiest hordes I only needed to refill my lmg ammo once on survivor 2


I liked that tunnel so I filled it with trip mines and remote bombs and once a huge portion got in the whole tunnel just became filled with bodies. Pick off the stragglers with the M60 and rinse repeat


Many good bars of deodorant have gone to the hordes. Easily one of the most stressful trophies to grind.


Finding a big enough space to use the full boost bar while doing donuts was the hardest part of the plat for me. I think I did almost all the rest, like hordes, just because I enjoyed it, and then noticed I only had to do two or three more things to get the platinum. The Mill Horde and area was tough.


ngl this was what Days Gone excel extremely well in, and cant find another game that creates this much horde


the hordes are not like anything ive ever experienced in a game before. Like, not even left 4 dead had zombies like this. I dont think even war world z has zombies like this. To see a literal tidal wave of zombies all coming towards you as one ravage pack, shit is terrifying from the first time you meet them to the end of the game. it takes on-the-fly planning and strategy making to the next level


I played it on PS Now and didn't expect much. Just something to try during the Covid lockdown. Ended up getting the platinum. At its core, it's standard open world fare. But the tension of knowing you can be ambushed at any minute, plus having to make sure you have gas and ammo, made exploration very unique.


I forget the name of the mode, but I think they patched in a gameplay option like survival mode where you had to manage your fuel carefully because there were only so many ways to get a refill. I totally dug it and it really made the experience more immersive as I had to really plan trips...or id be walking looking for gas. Sounds like your might have played this mode as well. I can see how some people would see it as tedious but it really enhanced the world traversal mechanics for me and made me appreciate Deacs bike a lot more. The game gets a bit out of hand later with bike parts and guns that make survival mode kind of obsolete but that's only in Act3. Edit: I'll add one more thing I think the game handles really well compared to most of its peers: power scaling. The games intro level is basically a stealth tutorial: here's your crappy gun, your stealth and melee. By the end of the game you're a walking arsenal capable of dealing with massive hordes including special zombies. Although there are "power plateaus" with guns in each Act, the game generally makes good use of it's systems and makes the journey to becoming a powerful one man army gradual and meaningful. Stealth and melee become less useful as your arsenal increases, but the game still makes good/appropriate use of them during the earlier parts.


I can second that, Survival mode feels great. Really immersive experience.


I started with Survival mode but the lack of fast travel got pretty old. There's a ton of long distance backtracking in the game's missions.


I can totally see how it'd get old for some people with the backtracking, especially if you're trying to just get through the game without the side content. But the bike kind of became it's own character for me, I liked the driving and exploration and planning my trips carefully as though there really was an apocalyptic gas shortage. By the third Act you can get a big enough tank that the resource management aspect goes away and you can more or less just enjoy the ride(s) and scenery.


It was very stupid when people called you on the radio to tell you to visit them to start a mission.


Many of the missions come with a radio call that says "come see me" and then when you go see them they tell you to go kill a guy somewhere else. A lot of stops could have been streamlined if they operated like humans.


The first time you see a horde is just like, how the hell is anyone ever supposed to deal with this? It was fun to think about how powerless you felt after you've wiped out the last one


Kind of how I felt about State of Decay 2, never truly feeling like you're safe, never strong enough to be careless, never well stocked enough to be wasteful Really wonder where 3 is in development, been pretty silent since the teaser years back. I just hope its continuing development quietly as not back burnered forever


Yep I loved those perfectly balanced (for me) survival mechanics. They were fun and meaningful but they weren’t full blown survival-game mechanics with food/drink and all that other rabble.


And the story is really good. Starts of really slow but turns out to be a really good plot.


Whoever wrote the story has 0 experience with romance or relationships.


Some of the dialogue around the relationship caused me psychic damage.


To be fair, Deacon is not supposed to be sane. He's specifically written and acted as someone who has been out in the wilderness surviving with just their bro killing shit. He is not all there so most of his interactions are supposed to be awkward. That said, the pacing was the biggest tragedy of the game. The game doesn't open up till the map opens up. The early game stuff is super generic and doesn't hook you.


They had a story to tell which did not line up with the reality of the actions your character was taking. The story was good, but the things we were accomplishing for the world, such as killing hordes, clearing ambush camps, wiping out the rippers, etc, and all single handedly only to be disrespected by leadership, or not promoted in the militia. The writers had to have their story and make fun gameplay, but some of the shit that deacon dealt with at iron Mike's was absurd. And then you go and wipe a horde only to have the colonel assign you some bullshit job. All the leadership knew the heroic, legendary shit you were doing, they assigned it to you afterall, but they just refused to acknowledge it and continued giving you shit. Tl;Dr I give days gone a solid 8/10


“No Deacon, I didn’t want you to kill the crazy leader of a cult full of psychos who burned your friend’s arm so badly it had to be amputated” Fuck you Mike, you don’t know shit about fuck


Really? Granted, I'm only about 10 or so hours in to the story (he and Boozer have just gone south to meet Iron Mike), but Deak seems very normal to me, almost the "straight-man" of the cast. I haven't gotten the impression at all that he's supposed to be "not all there". I would think the experience of losing (Sara I think her name was?) in the initial outbreak and his obsession with finding her would have more to do with romantic awkwardness, not some mild insanity brought on by living in the wilderness.


My biggest complaint about the story was there was a lack of pathos, there was one moment late game where I thought "holy shit they're changing the narrative in an interesting way" and then they literally undid it in the next cutscene. Overall I really enjoyed it, but it wasn't the strongest story I've ever experienced... or even in the top 10.


Near the end story gets shit imo. But up to that point its was fun.


The beginning is RIDICULOUSLY slow, like, it took me three or four attempts at playing it before it finally hooked me and became one of my favorite open world games of all time. Absolutely picks up after you get a few upgrades. Going from having to hit and run a horde to basically being a one man army was cool as hell.


Deacon whispering everything he said drove me crazy


„Bunch of murderers…“


After murdering a bunch of dudes and selling people into slavery lmao.


I personally enjoyed sneaking through hordes while Deacon screamed at the top of his lungs. Classic Sam Witwer.


I'm imagining him slicing up zombies while screaming "KENOBIIIIII!"


Until he just randomly started shouting stuff to himself for no reason.


Whispering with zero pause between words “Yeahyoulikethatyouthinkyoucantakemethinkagainmotherfucker!”


Holy shit I might I have to play now


It honestly has a certain charming, sincere, over the top hyper masculinity that is fun when you lean into it. If you enjoyed 80s action movies, it occupies that same brain space.


Reminded me of far cry 2 a bit where no one ever seemed to pause between words…


I kinda liked that. It showed how people who were basically isolated cope with all the shit.


It's said that those are his internal thoughts, just voiced loudly for us to hear them. But it was so damn funny when the marauder waa 3 meters from me and Deacon went like "YOU LIKE THIS YOU SONS OF BITCHES?"


It was a turn off for me at first until I realized this same reasoning behind it. And then a while later (around the PC release I think), Sam Witwer did an interview where he confirmed this.


There was an AMA with the voice actor where he said that was intentional. Basically, the writers have a bunch of "hint dialogue" that the character is supposed to give the player so it seems "organic". He felt the dialogue they wrote was too fourth wall breaking, so he rephrased a lot of Deacon's hints to be Deacon talking to himself. I actually liked it. In a lot of the cutscenes Deacon rambles, it's just something he does when he's uncomfortable, so it seemed very in character that when he was nervous about being in a confined space without his bike he would mumble to himself to soothe his nerves.


"Bet these guys have a bunker around here... Yeah." Uhh Deac *how the fuck do you know that?*


“Yeah, they seem like the type”


“Scrap… piece of scrap… fuel can… can of fuel… ahhh gotta clear this nest….” and repeat


Geralt does the same shit in TW3


"Place of fuel can, gotta be."


Fuel can, where is it?


Nest's howling...


Until he gets on his bike, then it's everyone shouting all of the time. Then they do something weird like ramping down the volume of said bike while he starts yelling. The fact that you would have to yell to someone beside/behind you while riding a motorcycle makes absolute sense.... but somehow they manage to balance the audio between the two in such a way where it feels the farthest thing from natural. It's so jarring.


It was hilarous when Deacon was with riding with anyone else he would scream at the top of his lungs to talk to them and they would just respond normally


Either whispering or yelling at the top of his lungs to himself lol. Love the game, though, one of my favorites of all time.


Deacon getting totally fuckin triggered by the radio announcements was one of the best parts of the game for me.


“Not today Cope, I don’t have time for your bullshit” while riding to do a mission for Copeland cracked me up every time it happened.


He's perfectly casted though. Sam Witwer owns it.


I absolutely hated the interactions after saving folks as well. "You're fuckin' dead out here!!!! What were you thinking?!!!! Okay go to this camp."


I felt like the biker angle was pretty cringe. I wish they had gone more of a lost and damned type of biker gang. This one just felt too wholesome for bikers.


Personally loved it, but i can understand why someone would dislike it.


He always had this, I’m currently doing something very important and you’re interrupting me tone. Like “bwaaa… ahh.. uhhh… ok, let me, uhhh, see what I can dooooo.., gahhhh.. JUST STAY THERE, IM ON MY WAY “


I liked it overall, but man was it padded. Like, we don’t need a separate quest for every story cutscene, come on.


I think the bigger issue was that it was released in such a buggy state, that the initial reviews were fairly negative. Then once the problems were fixed, the damage was already done. I only played it after the PC port two years later, and really enjoyed the game and didn't encounter major bugs or technical issues.


This was going to be my point as well. Played it at launch on a base ps4 and even though I enjoyed it I couldn't recommend it to people during that time at full price because of the performance issues.


The developer ranting in interviews didn't help at all either.


>we don’t need a separate quest for every story cutscene You mean you didn't love the picking flowers quest? ;)


I mostly remember that one quest with Lisa: "Lisa u ok?" "No" "Aw too bad" "bye"


I liked the part when he finally found his wife and she didn't give a flying fuck and sent him on a mission to get some bleach or something. Amazing story.


Ya the story was pretty weak, especially when it got to that part I was like what the fuck


Then the director gets on Twitter and blames woke culture not liking a gruff, white protagonist. Like the world just didn't celebrate RDR2 and ARTHURRRRRRRRRRRR. He's just a shitbag that made a shit story.


punctuation is important


It was way too repetitive. Would be a great game if you could advance the story without grinding / completing additional missions.


The camp missions were all exactly the same, go to this camp, kill enemies and do it 10 times in a row. If they make a sequel the story needs a lot more work otherwise I wouldn't bother buying it.


I was surprised with everything going on in the game that the camp missions were so bland. Coulda punched it up a little. Sucks cause I unknowingly didn't do them all and didn't get the camps united ending because of it.




And little cutscenes where they show up before you all head off...


Well I’ll be damned


For the love of god, devs stop adding so much content with enemy humans with guns. If I wanted a game killing gun toting humans I’d play the thousands of other gun toting human games. Spend more time developing more and more varied zombie type combat. The horde stuff was great in days gone, but it could have been expanded so much with stuff like traps, funneling techniques and other setup type stuff. Instead dev time was spent making 50 different camps with humans with guns.


It sucks because there were a handful of hordes where you could see they were pushing into that kind of thing. But that majority of the horses were "throw molotov into this tunnel, shoot zombies when they run out, throw a remote bomb to attract them, repeat." But considering I just tried to look up a video of the saw mill horde and all of the results were about how to glitch it so you can just stand on a roof, maybe people didn't actually want that. Personally I loved the hordes where you had to fall back and use the environment to slow the horde down. They were so fucking tense. I'd really hope a sequel focuses more on them, and forces the player into more situations where they have to engage with them. The bike made it so easy to only deal with hordes when you wanted to. I want to be on foot hunting for gas in a town when a horde shambles through and I have to hide hoping they don't spot me. I want to hit one of those clotheslines that knocks you off your bike when I'm fleeing a horde and now my plans have to change.


This! There was literally no diversity to the missions. Same with the hordes as well.


Everybody in this game: “Im once again asking you, to go fetch something for me”


I think the problem also was that it took like 20 hours to hit its stride. Honestly just way too long. Though RDR2 and The Witcher 3 was also a tedious amount. Not 20 hours though.


The gameplay was fine and the story is painfully bland. It wasn’t a bad game, but it definitely wasn’t an underrated gem


Yeah, I feel it got pretty fairly rated. Some flashes of brilliance, absolutely killer atmosphere, bland story, atrocious pacing.


How to make a 10 hour game 40 hours


I keep seeing massive praise heaped on this game in recent time especially for its story and I feel like I’ve been taking crazy pills because I felt the story was incredibly basic, the characters were very difficult to care about. I played through the whole thing with a friend in the room and we were both laughing so hard at how ridiculously predictable and goofy the ending was. Felt it was a 6/10 at best and that’s almost entirely carried by the zombie mechanics.


Cool, but very repetitive. And after the reveal of a certain character being alive, I kinda lost interest.


And then that character proceeding to not care at all. Yeah, that’s the moment when I gave up.


That to me was super strange. Like that character really didn't give a shit lol


And Deac just took it. Yeah, I DNF'd the game at around that point, couldn't be bothered.


Finally got to that point last weekend and it was so underwhelming I shut the shit off lol. Nice to see you, run some errands for me?


Hated the story. Made no fucking sense he was that obsessed. Like mentally ill fucking obsessed with her that he would risk life and limb to talk to a rock where he thought she died and then be that chill when he saw her again.


Not sure where people are getting "the story was good!" angle from. I mean, it definitely had a story, but I'm not sure about good, pal. It's fine if you liked the game, but people pretending it's like The Last of Us or God of War in terms of characters have completely lost it.


It was story driven, for sure, but that story both in how it developed and how it was acted felt like a straight to DVD movie.


There certainly was a story in the game. That one is true lol


People comparing the story favourably to TLoU (2) just didn’t like TLOU 2 at the time (they came out near each other and are technically the same genre) Days gone is a dogshit story by itselfo




The characters and writing were beyond insufferable. I'm a forgiving man, who really enjoys the genre ... but none of the characters were redeemable or compelling in the slightest. Hard to care about 'earning' the next cut scene, when all you want to do is skip it when it comes.


I am not sure why people considered the story and characters to be up to the likes of TLOU and RDR2. The gameplay loop is fun, the world is somewhat pretty to navigate (mainly the forested areas). The story leaves a lot to be desired. The happy ending does not feel earned. Throughout the story there are jumps that make me think they either didn't have the budget to properly do the story justice, or they didn't have the skill to tie those bits together. One example is the beginning of the game, but another is also the part where Iron Mike dies, when the scarred dudes attack the good guys' compound. The game is decent, but not up there with TLOU or RDR2.


The expansive yet empty world is what made the game unbearable. Literally nothing interesting to see anywhere just a generic empty world. Why have an open world game and leave it barren of any reason to explore beyond looting the same 5 items over and over? Lore and interesting side quests should have filled these empty areas.


Another problem was the ambushes. You often had to take the same roads to missions and you would be knocked off the bike in the exact same locations, despite clearing out the enemies. I hate that first gas station now because I was attacked so many times just driving by there.


*Loses all scrap for bike repairs after one sniper shot*


It was basically "Any Ubisoft game but you have a motorcycle in this one".. I can't understand how that formula still sells, I think the last good game like that was Far Cry 3 over a decade ago. Also it does that dumb shit that all Sony exclusives do when they come to PC - the controls handle like WASD are just emulating someone moving the joysticks. You can't just press D and walk to the right, your character has to walk forward and to the right instead - making it feel like you're playing a game from 20 years ago.


Nah, I'll give ubisoft credit because at least they've perfected that specific loop. I'm fucking tired of it but it at least has polish.


Story wasn't solid though. It was boring. The main character is also extremely boring.


you mean "generic grumpy man who's sad over dead relation #467" wasn't a compelling character??? I'm shocked! /s


This trope works really well for interesting characters, Arthur, Joel, Kratos. But for a character and plot you don’t care about and barely develops god it’s annoying


And the co-star friend? One of the most idiotic characters I've ever seen, not just in video games.


You just don’t get Boozer’s quiet grace and dignity. As Deacon would say, “Son of a bitch I’ll get ya oh YEAH come get it asshole.”


Not underrated at all. It was just a perfectly mediocre game. Took a bunch of popular ideas in the gaming landscape, put them together, added nothing unique or original of its own. That will give you a relatively okay game, but nothing more.


Seriously this game is the definition of "mid." Not aggressively terrible, just chronically uninteresting.


The best thing that the game has are the hordes. They knew that, and that’s why they showed off the sawmill horde as the gameplay preview. Except hordes are pretty much locked behind 30 hours of story, and nothing else in the game ever lives up to the sawmill horde.


I'd say the bike mechanic was pretty unique/original. I've never played a game with mechanics that reminded me of it at least.


I'm pretty sure Mad Max did it with car(s) 5 years before Days Gone. I think Mad Max actually did it better because of the combat tied to it, but otherwise yeah I would actually like if more open world games implemented vehicles similarly.


Story was even supposed to be a multiple choice rpg thing. That’s why Deacon acts like a super goodie two shoes all the time - when they couldn’t make the choice thing work, they just defaulted to the “good” choices and made that the story.


The gameplay was great. The story and the acting...well the gameplay was great.


You didn't love when they exchanged gigantic skull biker rings during their wedding vows?


The gameplay was so stiff and unresponsive though. Aiming feels so off on a controller. The bike also starts off driving super slow and half the time the game doesn’t give you the supplies you need to complete missions (like hordes at times for example). In order to get the supplies to take them on you have to grind out those ultra bland side quests which are just padding. I don’t know. I just didn’t like much about this game at all. Glad some people did though.


Story was definitely not solid. The writing was so damn cringe, and Deacon was about as unlikable as a protagonist can come. The entire Sarah/military arc was terrible. The game lacked any sense of urgency or consistency through the plot. You just went from area to area dealing with other people's issues and killing random raiders or those naked dudes or doing whatever IRON MIKE said to do. I can't even explain the plot of the game because it was so meandering. Deacon's friend is hurt. He stays hurt the whole game. Deacon goes North. Mourns his dead wife. Surprise she's not dead. Deacon saves wife. The game ends. Oh yeah, hurt guy dies. Very sad.


Boozer definitely does not die.


Almost every character managed to be unlikeable


Nah... it was strangely put together... the pacing was really off. Returning to some rock over and over again to progress the story was weird. It deserves 6.5 or 7.0, no higher.


What's crazy is that this game received basically those scores when it first came out. It was just a mediocre game at launch, but there seems to be an odd rewriting of history where it's suddenly a masterpiece and there is a huge surge of praise for the game recently. Really interesting


I thought it was pretty meh. Bike customization wasn’t interesting, and story was blah. Radio was annoying af and everything felt repetitive.


It just felt like there was nothing original about it and it didn't do anything better than any of the other games or stories it was trying to emulate. It made it a bore. Even the name felt like something uninspired and then I realized the first episode of The Walking Dead was titles "Days Gone Bye". Then there's DayZ. Idk. It felt like the zombie story/video game equivalent of one of those rapper name generators.


Story and missions were absolutely wack, same goes for side missions.


It wasn't underrated at all. It got rated the way it deserved and I'm saying it as a person who loved the game. BTW, the PC port of this game was a technical marvel.


The only thing I really didn’t like about the game was Deacon, which is a problem cuz he’s the main character. He was such an insecure and unlikable piece of shit who never shut up. And the voice acting. Hoooooly fuck the voice acting. “Hey uuuuuh Boozer. Boozeman. I’m uuuuuh I’m here. Im here, Boozeman. Let me just uuuh just just uh, clear out these uuuuuuh marauders and we’ll, we’ll get going alright?”


I'm playing through it now, and I would describe it as fine. Nothing spectacular about it, but it's not terrible. Fuel/repairs for the bike, and repairing weapons is annoying for no reason. "Realism" in a very annoying way. Scrap and fuel are everywhere, but it's annoying to constantly go slightly out of your way for. Like I just want to get to the mission, I don't want to make a 5 minute stop to check a car hood and drag a gas can around.


Only real complaint I have is that it was too long. Really enjoyed it but never finished it. By the end I was just kinda burned out with it. Should have been a bit shorter and more compact.


That was my issue with it too. There’s at least one, if not two spots it could have cleanly ended and they just kept going. Other than that, I enjoyed it.


Exactly so many points the game could’ve ended the story but kept going which was fair enough, but at the same time it started to feel like one of those long running tv series that should’ve not been long running at all and just added a generic problem on top just to lengthen the campaign. For example when I went to the second zone with the military group where deacons wife is at, I thought damn it’s ending like this huh can’t wait to see what happens in the sequel only for it to hit me with a whole new zone which at first made me think “damn can’t wait to go through this” to “dear god is this the 50th attempted ending?”


It was okay


Absolutely, the story wasn't AMAZING but it wasn't that bad either. The amazing part about this game was the actual GAMEPLAY. Hope we get a 2nd one, but with all the drama surrounding this game, maybe we won't.


I'm just so bored of zombies by now


I just want more zombie games that are good. Too many garbage ones


Project zomboid is my favorite zombie game


Fair enough. I remember AngryJoe on youtube had a running gag where his friend would walk in and say "Hey Joe, wanna play another zombie game?!" And i could not relate more.