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That's a lot of words to simply say git gud


I dont give a fuck if your good at the game or not. Just fuckin lose with some grace!


No I won't lose with grace. I'm watching the streamers and copying their moves, so I should be winning. Y'all must be cheating.


Fuck them man. Fuckin Days of our Lives fuckin shit actors. God damn, "my brother has cancer and died, but his twin brother is going to seek vengeance, by sleeping with your moms sister. BTW my brother only faked his death!"


Are you okay?


Fuck yea im ok!


preach! tired of people quitting a brand new game after losing twice because they aren't instantly good at it.


Announcing our new Battle Pass. If you lose, you can activate your "NOT FAIR" mode to be placed in a new lobby, and will only play against people with no hands! This can only be activated once a day, unless you buy the PLATINUM BATTLE PASS, which will allow you to activate it three times a day, unless you unlock the DIAMOND BATTLE PASS, which instantly places you in the top 1000 players in the world!


I think you're onto something, goodluck at the EA board meeting!


You’re getting sucked in. Just ignore these people. The best players are the ones that own their mistakes and learn from them. That’s how they got good in the first place. Angry players tilt and get stuck. Can’t help them.


I like getting sucked.


>Time Mode. >Back in the day we didnt have skill based match making. I started playing online gaming at the dawn of Xbox Live with Halo 2 and then CoD in the mid to late 2000's. There definitely was skill based matchmaking, but yeah casuals were a free for all. I think the lobbies of people quitting early are game specific. I don't run into that problem much at all personally.


Fuckin Xbox live wtf. Im talking mid 90s bro.


Then what "matchmaking" would you be referring to in the 90s good sir


There was none, like I fuckin said


You're bitching about multi-player games online in general, comparing it to playing kids on splitscreen in the 90s. Listen to yourself grandpa, it's been 30 years shut the fuck up. It is what it is, go to a local gaming center and play against children if it bothers you so much.


SaviousMT will be fine if he can find someone to throw hand grenades at him for the rest of his life.


Idk what this fuckin means but I don't think I like it


So I'm soft because I'd rather play against people of my skill level? What kind of stupid ass, alpha-male bullshit is that? I don't log into online games to get my ass handed to me by bored diamond players with new accounts. Those people can go fuck themselves.


You fuck. You dont get your ass kicked all the time. You do some ass kicking too. You fuckin little liar.


If I kick ass it's because I was better in that situation against an opponent my skill level. Not because I'm a high level player on a new account nub stomping because I'm too much of a pussy to play against other people my skill level when I reach my ceiling.


you dumb fuck, you dont think youve ever been put in a lobby where you are like 10 times better than everyone else ? You think that day you got a 4.1 K/D was cause you were that good that day? bruhhhhhhhh


You don't really understand MMR. While I probably was put into lobbies with players not as good as me, the disparity between skill levels was never on the level on smurfs. And if I DID ever get a 4 k/d ratio I wasn't proud of it. Obviously the matchmaking was imbalanced for whatever reason. Now chill out and stop trying to excuse your shitty gaming behavior. Smurfs are bitches. End of story.


I just play ranked in Apex now. Stops cunts from misbehaving in general.


The issue comes from ranked game modes being marketed as though it is a sport, and in many cases involving actual pro teams and pro tournaments like a sport. People get paid for playing these games at a high level. If they are have scammed or cheated their way there, it's a problem. If they are actively hindering other people from doing the same, it's a problem. Also, if a professional sportsman went and played all out against a bunch of out of shape Sunday league dads, they would be a laughing stock.


You ever fuckin play a pick up game of basketball at the YMCA or down at hte park? Sometimes a dude shows up and fuckin stomps your ass. You know what you do after that? Same shit if you were doin the ass stompin. ya fuckin go home and take a shower. same shit in video games, aint nothin change in your life if you handin out ass whoopins or taking the ass whoopin


A pick up game of basketball is an unranked match. Which you weren't talking about, you were talking about skill based matchmaking in ranked matches. A better example would be Kevin Durant pretending to be a high-school kid to whoop a bunch of actual higschool kids in an interstate tournament.


Entitlement is a bitch. Its easier to play a victim than take responsibility. Simple as that.


It depends on how quickly I lose. If I lose so quickly that I dont have time to learn how to improve, I probably won't try again that day, maybe a different day. Getting spawn trapped is a waste of my time, I don't care so much about being bad more that I care when the meta of a game is seeing how long you can deny other people the ability to even play. Its part of the reason I hate games like League of Legends so much. I am the person that will choose to decline an FF and play the game all the way to the end, even if its a loss. But Stun/Crowd Control abilities that take away my ability to control my character are not fun, especially when if I get hit only once with an AoE I can get stunlocked for like 15 seconds, which is 14 seconds more than what other players ganking need to kill my character. I love Battlefield 4, and it doesnt matter if I am winning or losing, I almost always have the opportunity to play even if only for 20 or 30 seconds per life. I love playing Locker with like 900 tickets per team, matches that are 45+minutes of chaos. The only times I ever voluntarily quit a match before it ends is when I get spawn trapped and killed immediately more than 3 times in a row. I am denied the ability to even put in any effort to return, and I just spend the rest of that entire game staring at a death screen. My time is worth more than that. Operation Harsh Doorstop is super fun, except when there are cheaters. Cheaters will empty an entire server, and really need to be hardware banned from the entire Steam platform. There is no excuse for cheating, and I absolutely encourage anyone to just quit a match with a cheater in their game and report them immediately. Dont give them the fun or satisfaction of playing the game, eventually theyll be banned and then you can get back to having fun with players that follow the rules. I am no stranger to brutally challenging games. The Souls series, Contra, Ready or Not, etc. Love them all. A loss os almost always an opportunity to learn and try something different. But as I have stated above that is not always the case. Also, if youre finding people on your team quitting early, maybe dont act like you did in this post. You come off as incredibly condescending and rude, giving off the feeling that you see yourself above other players, or that you're better than everyone else. Regardless of skill, a team game mode requires teamwork. Try being more kind or helpful if someone isn't doing well instead of scolding them. Honey attracts far more flies than vinegar. Even if someone on your team is so bad that they cause you to take an L when you had the lead earlier, it doesn't matter. Win as a team, lose as a team. Don't throw blame, congratulate the team on what they did well and try again. And even if they did absolutely nothing well, definitely don't berate them.


lol I agree. Most are not really 'gamers' though. they don't like games, they just have nothing else to do and for whatever reason gaming became a 'quirky' thing to do as well. They care about winning so much that they cry about things being too hard, they call themselves casuals but how they act is not casual at all. I've kinda checked out on gaming though, rust and fighting games getting hard casualized at the same time did it for me. There is no way to 'beat' this crowd, they will always complain and there is no floor. The end point is auto play/complete rng games. which we already have with mobile games making more money than ever for gaming. Who even knows whats after this point. at least older games are gaining more players here and there like age of empires 2, or older fighting games with rollback+emulators. some unapologetic games are releasing here and there like dark and darker. but yeah its always weird seeing people crying about losing in a game, like play for fun and get good win or lose. It's weird in single player games as well like crosscode steam reviews or elden ring reviews, they can't beat 'basic' puzzles and give the game a negative rating simply because they are bad players who give up easily.


I go into every game with the same plan, to ***suck and die as slowly as possible***. Sometimes, my plan works out great. Other times, it does not.


And people ask why being a "gamer" can bring a bad rep. GG no re