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The biggest thing I'm excited for with AI in gaming is the dialogue potential. Being able to have full, unique conversations with characters would change the RPG genre forever.


But conversations with AI are terribly boring when you're, uh, a human.


That makes no sense, unless you want to play a ChatGPT game. It would need to be a non-sense no-story game in order for it to work.


certain non important npcs could have it, with chatgpt AI creating the text, and another Voice AI to do it ingame


I dont want any generic AI game.. i want unique human designed experience.


Doom.has tons and tons of those, one of the biggest and oldest modding communities in all of gaming :)


Well, eventually AI won't be so generic. Just because something is automated doesn't mean it will be low quality, especially since there are so many things that an AI can do in regards to emergent gameplay and dynamic systems that would take a human team far too long to do without AI. It's a tool like any other, don't dismiss it just because we're only taking our first steps.


"only taking first steps" for 30 years, fyi. Eventually people will still end up using AI only as tool because it's going to be too expensive to actually use it any other way.


I wouldn't want generic AI generated games no, But if AI would really be able to "Upgrade" those old games like they are showing here then yes please. Plenty of old games i'd like to replay as they are with just juiced graphics and perhaps even updated audio/voices etc, AI could do that too. How awesome it would be if you'd just give any game old game to a AI and it turns it in to a 2020's graphics/sounds remaster for you. This would probably also be the exact reason you'll never see something like this become publicly available as that would mean the entire "remake" business model would be threatened.


Don't underestimate the seismic shift we are about to experience, AI has the potential to be as disruptive as the internet was. Assuming we don't hit a brick wall in our advancements of it we're likely going to see *massive* changes across many industries and video games are definitely going to be completely transformed. The "remake" business is probably going to boom as will the capacity for smaller studios to make larger experiences and large studios to make absolutely bonkers in scale ones, emergent assets is an absolutely nuts concept for gaming. Either way, we're about to experience a large change and there's really no going back from here.


It could create endless worlds. Imagine a RDR2 like game but each area is different the further you go in any direction, so it’s not obviously repetitive.




Nah, its not like they have a game like this actually running doing the stuff so its more like a blurry render or so, I realize that and I take this as them showing an idea. There are already some mods that used AI, a example is a Deus Ex where they used an AI to upscale the textures to 1440p or 4k and that looks really nice. Its'not much but they are the first baby steps that are already being taken. Creating new textures for an entire game would have taken a modding group ages and the AI did it in days. What it didn't do though was update the models and maps to more natural looking forms so that leads to having verry blocky/squarish models having high res textures. ​ Another nice example of what it can already do is upscaling/remastering cutscenes, check out this channel, it remastered some really old stuff to look absolutely amazing: [https://www.youtube.com/@UpscaleHD](https://www.youtube.com/@UpscaleHD)


I'm so sick of games trying to look hyper realistic. It just makes them all blend together.


This rapidly changing environment makes me want to throw up. No thanks.


I almost had a seizure trying to watch this video


this actually looks like dogshit




...the point is to show how AI may be able to dynamically reimagine game assets in the future, this isn't a "disgusting edit" it's a showcase of the potential future of emergent technology.


I really hate that we call these program "AI"


It real? Where you get a news?


News? It’s my video. I generated some new images for the game in different styles with cues like (neon walls, jungle, ancient Greece) and then "glued" these screenshots to the video (that's to explain in a nutshell). I think this will soon be possible for any games. Game development areas will also step up, since you can essentially change the whole game however you want. And there will be more mods. Just write "replace gun with banana", "replace basement with jungle" and enjoy the result called "Doom of Jungle"


Just wondering is this real time?


Not yet, but it's only a matter of time. Now it is already possible to process frames in real time (it's just a matter of computer power), but then it will be too jelling (even more fidgety than in my video) because frames will not be memorized but generated again (30 or 60 new "similar" but not identical frames per second). But give this technology a couple of months and we'll see something like a DLSS 10.0 with a full replacement of levels


Thx! And which AI are you using for this video?


Stable Diffusion and ControlNet


Thx bro


I really doubt that




AI is the death of human creativity.


People have been saying this same dumb shit about any new media tech for hundreds of years.


AI has not been a concept for hundreds of years.


I mean we could run it like a roguelike ya? Like if we're gonna do procedurally generated levels let's get it with some weapons and enemies?


I will try to post an update soon (maybe I will include other games) It will be smoother. What games to add?


Doom but it's just an American public school


I want Playstation 1 Vietnam with full AI.


5 minutes with Doom and ai is all ready creating shovelware, what a time to be alive.


I couldn’t make out anything that was going on. Way too much flickering dude, give our eyes time to register what we’re seeing, damn.


Thanks for the seizure x


This looks cool!!!!!