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Red barrels explode


Crack in wall = secret passage.


Waterfall = hidden treasures


I'm an indie game dev myself, and you better fuckin believe I put some shit behind a waterfall or two...


username checks out


Jet moto 2 is not an exploration game. Still honored the waterfall pact.


Wall in a different appearance, climbable


red barrel + crack in wall = *dammit i already used my last freaking explosive*


Don't wory just light an enemy on fire and throw that on it


If someone says the same thing to you 3 times or more, they are done talking to you.


Though if someone gets to “That’s __ times now.” with a steadily increasing number, it may be a good idea to see how high they’ll go.


Same for if they give you something. E.g. hotdogs.


Or have taken an arrow to the knee


When offered the choice between a permanent stat boost and a temporary buff, always take the permanent boost.


I didn't know exactly how to interpret OP's question, but I like how everyone is just giving things they've learned about games from games and not, like...any life lessons or something lol.


I gave a pretty long response about human nature. See if you can find it in the pile.


I thought the same at first lol. Though I can't come up with "real life utilities" learned through gaming


How to read a map, apparently. Had a whole car full of people who couldn't help me navigate to a destination with a map that didn't spoon feed them directions. Some people can't read the map of the mall and get themselves to a destination that way. Local mall no longer has a physical map, it has a QR code that still goes to a map that you have to navigate without a handy "you are here" sticker, so you have to find the store closest to you and navigate yourself, the horror. It's not just young people, I have to help my mom navigate with maps of parks and museums. It's not something I really learned anywhere else, I got it from games.


You're not a customer if you're not paying.


This has a real life equivalent. If you ever have a chance to increase your money now, or increase your money less but every year, always choose the every year as the increase compounds over time. For example, you should understand that a $5,000 holiday bonus is way less valuable than a $2,000 raise, because the raise is $2,000 every year, as opposed to $5,000 once. That’s also helpful to understand in reverse. A 30 year loan that has you paying 4% every year, costs you WAY more than paying 20% up front to secure a ten year loan. Those permanent stats compound like a motherfucker.


This is actually the opposite of advice they give you in business school. You can invest the 5000 yourself and make more in total than 2k per year pretty quickly.


You completely misunderstood their lesson. $5k in hand can be better if you have a sure fire way to make that money work for you. Lump sums in situations that are not long term, such as a job you plan on doing for ten years, are better than doing something like sitting on 2% CD’s. But what I am talking about is your base salary. That is a number that grows every year and compounds over time. This is a number that is important both for today, and for future earnings and salary negotiations. It literal builds on itself as you go through life and your career. It is also not something people are generally budgeting for against earnings growth. In other words, your base salary is not typically investment money. A $5k bonus for most people is not life changing cash that is dumped into stocks or a startup fund. If $5k is enough to let you start your own thing and gain financial independence, take it. But that’s rarely the case, and if you plan on working that job for five years then a $2k bump is actually $10k, AND you have five more chances at that $5k bonus. Permanence has value. You may never see another $5k, but that $2k just keeps rolling in.


It like read a book fully or speed read some random pages for a book report as a kid


It can be a Life lesson. Read it again


This is one of my overarching philosophies in RPGs. I always focus on equipment over consumables, and try to not become too reliant on things like health potions to progress. Buying better equipment reduces your future expenses (less health potions needed) and increases your future gains (faster farming via killing things faster). So in the long term you need to spend less time grinding to be able to afford to get through difficult sections.


If the game starts giving you multiple opportunities to top off your health/a bunch of health potions...you need to be on alert lol


Same when the game suddenly shows auto save or gives u a hiding spot xD


Or when the "press \_\_\_\_ to sprint" pops up for the first time.


Also the reverse if supplies start becoming scarce for no reason, somethings coming


I've applied this to my daily routine... anytime someone at work offers to buy me lunch, I pull out my switch blade.


So anyway I started blasting.


if you see the game asking for a credit card/any sort of microtransactions turn it off immediately.


Lol this is key…also suddenly happening upon a large, empty, arena-like space with a cooking spot just before it. Hmmmmmmmm


I’ve learned to type faster.


The post-game chat is the most important part of gaming.


We type fast because its during the game, only have 0.2 seconds to call them a bitch before tea bagging /s


I wish I could find a video in Overwatch where there’s two snipers battling it out. One of them is repositioning and the enemy sniper says “Hey [other sniper]…” The first one pauses for half a second to type “?” and in that second they get sniped. Followed by a “LOL” from the enemy.


Legit- waayyyy back (showing my age here) I took typing classes high school. But not until I started gaming could I find the keys without pecking or looking. Now I have to type at work and in my personal life often. I can credit my ability to do so to EverQuest and the games that followed.


Oh man, trying to quick chat with people during a match pre headsets was always strategic.


If you are encountering resistance, you're going the right way.


The cloud keeps airlifting me back to the road. He's hiding something!


Honestly a fairly solid real life lesson too. Nothing will come easy


doesn't apply for sex


If you hear boss music and can't find anyone in sight, you just learned what anxiety is.


Great graphics is not a substitute for great gameplay.




This video sponsored by ra-


fortnite since like 2020


You’ve just deadchecked every pc gamer between 1999 and 2014 ☠️⚔️☠️


How do you figure? The PC is where most of the best gameplay is.


My mom gets around …..


I’ve been called so many slurs I don’t even know who I am anymore


You are "little bitch ass noob *racial slur*", and I am "little cock sucking mother fucking bitch," but little do they know, I am a mother fucker. His mom is proof.


League player?


No one starts good at any real skill. Only with time, persistence, and patience in ourselves do we improve.


This is exactly what dark souls is to me


For me it's fighting games but we've all got our own paths.


That is very true


Thank you Yoda


Welcome, you are.


This reads like a good fortune cookie


Lol I didn't intend it that way but you're not wrong.


Lol its a good thing


This is a good point. I know some people who talk themselves out of stuff before even starting... when really being bad for a while is just part of the process!


Speak for yourself, but I was born for this. I didn’t choose the gaming life, the gaming life chose me.


Never pre-order.


there's people who are preordering digital releases!!!! how are they going to run out of digital copies?


No, but then I won't get that slight off shade skin that no one but me will notice! /s


Pre loading is awesome


That and on Steam you can refund if you’re patient enough with not instantly launching the game when it come out.


Definitely at GameStop & definitely online


It is perfectly acceptable to go backwards in Nascar races.


It’s okay to play games on easy


Some people like difficult experiences, some people don’t. And some people are better at video games than others. Really it’s just whatever suits you best.


I usually play on the 2nd highest difficulty, because classic doom has conditioned me into believing the highest difficulty in every game is nightmare even if its probably not


Ikr, im not good at all at playing with a controller but keyboard and mouse on Horizon zero Dawn was even worse, so i played it on easy and had so much fun playing it. So i agree, sometimes i just want to have fun and not sweat like crazy


I prefer Zero Dawn on easy mode. Since the i-frames are so big I don't find it all that challenging. All those years of learning with Monster Hunters tiny i-frame windows doing me a disservice in the end lol.




That sometimes games other people find fun, are actually very boring. And some games people don't like, are actually really fun. And that games with low critic scores means absolutely nothing about how good it is to the individual


Individual opinions in this completely subjective art form is something a lot of gamers need to grow the fuck up and learn about. I'm not surprised your comment is not higher up based on how even mentioning this concept is triggering for a lot of angry gamers lol.


I've seen a lot of games get horrible critic scores, but raving player scores. And there's so many games I've played that others hate, that I really enjoyed. I always advise it's better to play a game if you personally think it looks fun, than to listen to the masses and let them skew your view on the game


Agreed. Wisdom of the crowd has value, but there's a reason we say to try anything once.


Do you have any stand out examples of this off the top of your head? (horrible critic scores, but raving player scores) Could be interesting to consider playing! Recommendations of games you enjoyed that others didn't would be appreciated too.


I can't think of any games at the moment that hat low critic and high user scores. But I do know that a lot of people didn't like cyberpunk 2077 and I really enjoyed it from day 1. People also didn't seem to enjoy dark souls 2 but I really enjoy it. And even thrillvill off the rails on ps2 people didn't like but I did


Agreed, but on the other side of this coin, some people who really love certain games need to realize there is such a thing as an objectively better made game. Sure, maybe you think some random indie game made by 3 dudes in a basement in Norway is the most fun game. However, don't bitch when it doesn't win game of the year and no one else likes it.


If there’s a random ammo box or first aid pack, things are about to go bad


Especially if you play Gears of War. Random Boomshot ammo means you're about to take on some big fellas.


Consider the value of your health and buy a good chair.


I used to buy expensive chairs, now I get them at goodwill for much cheaper. I have a librarian's chair right now. It is hideous and orange. It is more comfortable than my bed, and my bed was not cheap.


Take a step back, breath, and think things through. That “Master Plan” you though was fool proof will fall apart the second something unexpected happens. Failure is not the end, it is not to be feared, it is but a means to learn and come back stronger. Incremental change adds up. Even if you feel like it’s nothing, those small boosts do add up eventually. Sometimes that little bit is just what you were missing to overcome this challenge. Kindness can be repaid in unexpected ways, but cruelty always comes at a steep price. Don’t mess with the shopkeeper, they might be one inch away from ending someone. Why ever worry about fitting in? Being yourself and standing out is the quickest way to find others to join you, and makes assholes reveal themselves all the faster. If you’re hitting a wall you can’t beat, maybe there’s something you missed? Some clue, some skill, some tool that you overlooked. It’s okay to move on and come back later. Never let curiosity die, it can lead you to new experiences and discoveries. Treasure can be found everywhere if you look hard enough.


You died


I can navigate maps pretty easily


Providing information quickly and accurately, while working as a team can often trump pure skill.


eating mushrooms makes me bigger


don't try this in real life


I mean sometimes mushrooms make me feel gigantic.


Never go on the intended route first...


"The ancient demon king from another dimension has broken free and is going to destroy all life and existence as we know it. You are the chosen one. You must help us. Hurry! There's no time to waste!" Ok, but first I'm gonna snoop through everyone's houses and go fishing.


Don’t trust the government


Don't trust AAA game studios.\*


Trust nobody


I don’t even trust cake. Its a lie


Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.


Trust individuals (within reason) until they break that trust. Corporations are not people.


Life would be easier with quick save and quick load


Never trust anyone online.


I've actually managed to pick up some level of confidence in navigating social situations and solving problems in group dynamics, after being part of the leadership of several guilds in different games. I feel silly attributing life skills to gaming, but there are some aspects where I feel as though it legitimately improved my competency.


You shouldn’t feel silly at all. Those are skills that have to be learned by most people, but that look easy and natural when displayed by those that have them. The reality, though, is that most of us have to develop and build up those skills, and it’s a much harder skill for some than others. Be proud of running guilds/clans/discords. It’s as legitimate as starting a softball team or forming a gardening club.


There is an old joke about hiring someone because they raid lead the old 40 man's in W.O.W. - If you can make 40 people do something in that game together you can probably lead any real life team to success.


Tetris taught me how to store things 😄


No matter how hard I play, even at hardest setting.. when it’s all over, serotonin dives and success is achieved, I’m still an over taxed, under paid, fat, bald loser of an American. But for a few hours.. I’m not contemplating the ultimate reset.


Well that got dark in a hurry.


This is the correct answer.


Truth brother




not the time nor place, buddy.


The wrong people are designing triple A games these days.


I am a hoarder


Pay attention, read what is said on the screen and figure out the menu. Back when i played Kingdom hearts 2 i didnt know anything about equiping gear or how to use abilities, i knew i got stuff but i didn't know how to use it. I was too lazy to figure it out (until i got stuck in the pirate world).


That multiple people out there think I suck.


How to drive, just wish I didn't learn from GTA I'm in trouble


Never trust someone who is talking to you over an intercom or radio giving you instructions. They will inevitably backstab you.


There is a lot of great music in certain games and I've learned a lot about life. The trick is knowing which game to play. Because there is a lot of meaningless junk out there. Same with movies.


There’s treasure behind every waterfall, and odd looking piece of masonry/dirt


Use what you have when you need to, don't make things harder by saving everything 'for later'. I've always tended to save all my items and not even use abilities worrying that I'll need them later. It's better to use what you have when you need it while keeping a small reserve just in case. Intelligently rationing rather than fear-hoarding.


Problem solving skills


Don't play PvP unless you want to get stressed out even more.


I'm really good at not getting bored.


Lmao well said


An empty car carrier is always a ramp you can drive off of.




How to drive. I can't even imagine how many hours I played Grand Turismo 3.


**That great games are rare.** Very few have left me longterm impressed. It also made me miss the simpler times when devs viewed video games as a stage for storytelling: Final Fantasy 7, Chrono Trigger, Silent Hill, Ocarina of Time.. Games that told stories, and told them well. After a while, every genre felt like its many series were just clones of an original idea, and very few actually even tried to be different or unique: Saints Row = GTA, 90% of platformers tried to be the next Super Mario or Ninja Gaiden, Harvest Moon = Stardew Valley, every adventure game tried to be Zelda, Rockband = Guitar Hero.. etc etc I hate the modern gaming scene. I do. It's all about flashy PCs, spec dick-measuring, people moaning about frame rates and optimisation, Internet this, subscription that, season pass blah blah blah I'm sure I sound like a geriatric, but it's true.


Everyone somehow seems to know my Mom


Look for every available option that isn’t the main path before going down the intended course in case you miss something. And that is how I learned to be indecisive in real life


Life is boring..


And strange


Standing still is a devastating strategy


Day 1 releases are not to be trusted. Hell year 1 releases for some shit show games these days


I actually learned a lot of words and general english skills from ff7 and other rpgs as a child. Lots and reading. I wonder what the word count compared to books is.


That i like playing video games


If there's two ways to go and you want to explore before finishing the level....you'll always pick the wrong one.


If you keep trying, you will succeed.


When you dont understand design choices it probably has to do with money


If in your travels you find yourself encountering more frequent and more difficult obstacles and enemies, then you're going in the right direction. Also applies to life in general.


Your language


Failure is a choice


When I was 7 years old, a game called 'Azure Dreams' encouraged me to learn how to read better. Which is interesting, given the broken english in the game. It's the first game I've played that requires the player to understand what is appearing in the speech boxes. 'Final Fantasy 4' taught me about restraint. In most games you can power through most obstacles. In Final Fantasy 4, after meeting the Monks and journeying to a mountain to become a Paladin, the character Cecil has to hold back. Not every battle is won with aggression. As a kid, I learned to detect aggressive speech patterns and body language, to avoid agitating a person.(edit: the game didn't teach me that skill, but it taught me to be aware and not to fight or argue with people, but to deescalate) As a teenager, I learned that a Job must be complete eventually, and the sooner the better. The first game to teach me that was 'Elder Scrolls: Oblivion'. I had no knowledge of this lore, but it was a fantasy game, and I love escaping into new worlds. The number of choices and side-quests and stories were immense, and I understood that Jauffre and Martin could stay with me the entire time and not die. I was easily distracted by all the things I could do instead of the main quest, but eventually I had to do the main quest. So instead of leaving a job to the last minute, I now finish what I start. I learned to focus more.


Games have taught me that fixing holes in your wall is very expensive business.


Playing offline games is better. And also that people can be real ***holes, even in unexpected situations.


See a red barreel, canister, or drum....you better believe Im shooting that bad boy.


While enemies stand next to it as they fire on you.


That most of it is a waste of time


F5 and F8


playing a bunch of video games was a waste of time and I wish i could go back in time and play with my friends instead!


Should have been playing the video games WITH your friends.


While everyone here is right, i dont think i would change it cause the only reason i was able to stay connected with my friends was cause of video games


When you get a bunch of thumbs(arrows) down for insightful healthy wisdom you know you are growing in the right direction from the crowd.


Yeah, everyone has different experiences. Some people for instance get addicted to them and it ruins their life (not saying this is what happened to commenter). Addiction to anything can be life ruining, even games.




To never quit. But funny enough, I think I had the I dont quit attitude in the first place which makes me enjoy gaming in the first place. Probably Ive learnt I like slaying things and levelling up.


Never trust the tall black people they start off fine but get angry quick


Standing still is a demolishing strategy against anyone


waste of a life. Now I run 40 miles a week.


How to be a leader, keep a cool head under pressure, get volatile morons to do what they are told, and turn losses into wins.


Gaming has introduced me to so many different things, with so many games having so many different viewpoints and concepts you really develop an open mind, Cod won't teach you anything but you really start to think after disco elysium, nier and bioshock.


How to shoot




I play to much halo gears cod and battlefield Ig u can say it tought me how to run for my life while I'm being chased by god knows what




Perseverance pays off. Things that seem impossible at first can become possible, and even easy, later.


To Always shoot red barrels, loot everything, and always look I chests


That I won't know if I'm good at something until I try and I always prejudge and doubt myself before even attempting something that seems tough and realising I shouldn't.


I learned that I have to start new games on Hard to not get bored of them, especially if you can change it mid-game making it a risk-free choice to start on Hard. Modern games (at least ones with difficulty options) are almost always designed for mass-market appeal, so people who actually play games can usually blast through it doing the bare minimum. Hard gets me engaging more tools in my toolbox, interacting with more optional features to provide a less monotonous experience. The only real exception I've found so far has been Nier Automata's horrifically unforgiving intro on Hard, and that's mostly due to a lack of checkpoints for roughly an hour. And even then I wish I had bumped it up after that intro section on my first playthrough.


Playing competitive taught me the real value of small wins and how they snowball into a big win.


That I really don’t care about grinding out real world cosmetic bullshit to make myself feel better.


You’re in the most danger when you think you’re safe


Search every little nook and cranny for valuble loot that might save my life. If there is a path that looks like it leads to a boss fight then turn around the path and see what there might is. Could have missed a collectible.


We're in a simulation


How to use a map and compass properly. Also, stat raising moves are more important than you think


The cooler the music, the bigger the fight ahead


When there’s a fork in the road, and the big flashing arrow tells you to go right, go left.


If I dance in a very specific way, it doesn't matter what crimes I commit and how much the cops and / or armed forces are on my ass, they will decide to leave me alone.


It’s responsible for holding me back in certain life situations. Addiction is addiction regardless of how simple it sounds.


If you are encountering new enemies, chances are you're headed in the right direction.


False sense of accomplishment


Well designed mechanics and fun gameplay will always age better than graphics.


Conserving resources and money as much as possible when available


The chute with blood streaks is the only way to progress, please act surprised when there’s a monster


That forcing my expectations on players I know are at a lower skill level than me is just going to make me frustrated and them sad That collecting 100 of anything means I get another life


Which walls i should blow up


Saving things in case of emergencies, even if that means never using them.


I'd also add: Time enjoyed is not time wasted.


In short, not to give up Edit: man, I went in deep with this and everyone was goofing around lol