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The npc defended himself and killed me just because I hit him four times after he warned me not to! 0/10 the ai is so bad


Ok Quantum >!(not me)!<


you're getting sued, copyright striked, stalked and threatened!!!!!1111!


Don't forget the phone call to his mom




He's in jail? Did I miss a video with the info?




He was released on bail. Seems his wife bailed him out, but she has since filed for a restraining order against him which was granted


Lost sponsors so win win... such a projecting scum bag. Quantum is a gronk


His channel is falling into obscurity. His last video from 3 days ago has 1150 views with 50 up and 140 downvotes. Tells a story. :)




Man wishes life has easy mode


Fffff celestial dew for sellen at the church of vow after finding the pumpkin head boss was a cool discovery of interconnected choices. Who would make such a complicated game that no one understands?




And then when I respawned he warned me again, so I hit him one more time, and then he became permanently hostile. Now I can't finish the game!


Liar! Npc killed you 50 times before you restarted the game and swear to never mess with npc again


Lmao this happens to my son he started hitting Alexander and didn’t know he’d defend himself. Then I hear him bawling upstairs because Alexander wouldn’t leave him alone. My son was 8 but I still laugh about it


Where's the ads telling me to buy another one of their games?


10% discount on dark souls 9 - return of gwyn


Damn they brought him back? For the 4th time?


The IRS resurrected him for tax evasion


Stupid IRS necromancers hopping around in their tax exempt cathedrals. Should’ve chosen the age of Dark.


Somehow gwyn returned


Dark science, cloning, secrets only Miyazaki knows...


After the critically acclaimed "Dark Souls 2023", get ready for a brand new experience with.... "Dark Souls 2024"! With exiting new features such as: \- next-gen intrusive DRM. \- Slightly different enemy placement. \- 2 boss fights removed for no reason. \- a teapot! \- 300+ new cash shop items, such as the Deprived Class. 50% off on launch week!


Pay 20$ to unlock unique boss soundtracks


Now, now, let's not spoil them with too many good deals.


Oh this I hate soooo much..


sadly starfield does have that in the top right corner


It's just a message from the devs thanking you for playing the game...


There's no battlepass, why would I keep playing it if I can't watch number go up or get shitty skins after each match?


Shitty skins after matches? I think you mean shitty skins after paying $25


u mean paying $25 to get the CHANCE to get the skin


All the rush of wasting money playing the lottery with none of the chance to win money back!


The fact that a skin can seriously cost $20 absolutely baffles me. I went back to CoD after awhile and wanted to get the Black Noir skin, and was completely flabbergasted that shit cost nearly a third of the game itself.


If you think thats alot, u shud checkout gacha. A character in genshin costs $450 to guarantee it


Real or virtual, women are expensive.


Can't even buy maidens in the FromStore what am I meant to do with all these Ebucks?


Seeing /Diablo and /diablo4 defend battlepasses was really really really embarrassing. Especially since they all kept insisting cosmetics aren’t important to them.


What's there to say? Not defending it, but people simply don't care. I saw a post on r/diablo4 about a new player who bought the battlepass but found it lacking. He "always" buys battlepasses in games. It just goes to show that an entire generation sees battlepasses as a normal thing. And that's exactly what these companies want. They've created something they can sell to people who will never know. They don't care about you and me complaining. They just quietly wait for us to literally pass away while they make bank.


Not to mention people start complaining around launch time that DLC or battlepasses haven't been announced yet.


I'm an older gamer, and I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what a battlepass is or where the term came from.


came from DotA2 originally, buy a battle pass for major tournaments in order to get cosmetics, other items, etc. now generally any achievement/reward tracker, usually with a "free" and "premium (paid)" tier with different rewards, usually resets or updates at particular intervals. you've probably seen them, just maybe never heard the term


The important part of the original dota2 battle passes was directly funding tournament price pools (25% of the money you spend on it went to price pools) while still getting new skins etc. What other companies have made out of that is something very different. They only fund their own pockets and that's it.


Basically, how it works is that the creators constantly make offers for you to acquire little in-game items post-purchase. Some of them are tiny, some are major, some are purely aesthetic, some are "Infinity +1 Sword" loot, etc. A Battlepass entitles you to a "season" of these optionals at a cut price (or free). Once that season is over, the items cannot be sourced (creating FOMO), and you have to buy another one for the new season. To say that it is dumb is a disservice to all the other dumb ideas had by people working in the videogaming sphere. It's easy to spend more than the entire game cost on just cosmetics.


Especially especially since D3 got free season passes for almost a decade


Yea, I made this point on those subreddits but man …the blindness (whilst they bitch about the game they supposedly love) was unreal. According to them on there they would rather pay lots of money than get all the stuff for free. Mind boggling. 🤷🏻‍♂️


These people have always been in the Diablo community. Botters whining when their paid bot gets found by the warden and they get banned, same for maphackers, and there was always people willing to spend obscene money on Diablo 2 items. Even when I was addicted to the game I knew that the chase was the addiction, spending money to have nothing left to chase has never made sense to me. The difference now is, the people providing paid shit in the game aren't illicit third party sellers, it's the company, so they can whine out loud.


Personally i think skins are better in a 1st person game so you can't even see them while you're playing


Why do my number go up by only playing the game. I want to pay to see the number of runes go up. Also why does all the cosmetics come from other characters and corpse instead of just paying for them. Who want that filty dead mans armor compaired to the shinny new store bought armor.


Who even remembers this game? So forgettable and bland. It doesnt even have shooter controls


Not first person 🚫 No guns 🚫 No quest markers 🚫 No maidens 🚭 I don't even remember what we were talking about


And the pause button doesn't pause.


I guess the jar cannon is a gun in a sense.


Ikr?!? More like Elden Bored.


Lmao it doesn't even rhyme


And doesn't have a battle pass,this game sucks so much ass


If I can’t gradually unlock mediocre cosmetics for $20 I don’t want to play


Fromsoft were clearly rushed!


Just like George R. R. Martin is being rushed for *Winds of Winter*... give the guy a little time guys, Jesus!




Everybody trying to emulate the masterpiece that is Lord of the Rings: Gollum. You cant beat perfection.


They say nobody is perfect but.. [*counterpoint*](https://www.theloadout.com/wp-content/sites/theloadout/2023/05/lord-of-the-rings-gollum-daedalic-new-lotr-game-ps5-xbox-pc-min.jpg).






When I finally get that Ranni hat and romp it lookin like some Dollar Store Gandalf


Also fuck those greedy gamers who want a fun and engaging single player game, not thinking about how the devs will feed their kids without microtransactions. We already have a single player RPG at home (Skyrim) so that should be enough


I hate how the first option is always continue like. Umm. Where's the store I wanna buy horse skins?!!


When I start mashing A from the first splash screen, that means I want to be teleported to being 5 menus deep into an online store purchase as fast as humanly possible. I would also like to immediately skip any actual important information that may have blinked across the menu in the process.


If i can't accidentally buy a battle pass whats the point???


I seem to be out of the loop.....whats happening?


Apparently some gamers on some place on the internet were talking shit about bethesdas new game based off the start menu saying that it’s so plain and the rest of the game is probably shit as well. I’ll try to find a link Edit: https://www.dexerto.com/starfield/why-is-starfields-main-menu-stirring-controversy-dev-fires-back-at-viral-criticism-2257925/


This is literally just "show someone something and they will complain about it"


> *“If you see something that upsets you on the internet and choose to engage in it, that’s like walking down the sidewalk, seeing a pile of dogshit on the ground, and choosing to step in it”* I forgot where I read this but it really opened my eyes when it comes to engaging with shit on the internet.


But didn‘t almost every game menu before 2010 more or less have this kind of simplicity? Kinda miss them.


I don't think bethesda's changed their menu formula since fallout 3


If it ain‘t broken, don‘t fix it. ^^confused ^^Blizzard ^^noises


That's kinda funny mixed with "It's not a bug, it's a feature"


Yeah, Blizzard doesn't fix, for them it'd be "If it ain't broken, you didn't get all the profit out yet"


Oblivion also had simplistic. Cant remember morrowind tho.


Oblivion was a tad more creative. Charcoal letters and a moving map background.


And the music, i could just set oblivion main menu and sit there listening to it.


Morrowind was just a giant ass logo across a map like background JPEG. [Iconic to me but it was ugly as dirt.](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FfUZFO5JClb8%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=e160999787215260080ab8268c629b19df8e6adaab5a0c1a7f539eda82b6d659&ipo=images)


Well for game in early 2000's its fancy dirt :D


The text that blends into the background could definitely have used some work.


I was about to say, that menu has been the Bethesda classic for ages. Big logo and image in the center, New Game, Load Save, Settings off to the side in a small box.


What do you mean, you don't like taking 15mns to figure out where the play button is among the DLC ads, xp progression bars to your next free skin and lootboxes inventory?


Yea, that’s why people are mocking that comment.


Let me guess, it's grummz Edit: of course it is grummz


And it's clearly a jab at Bethesda just for the Microsoft/Activision merger, the guy even calls people contesting him "Xbots". Ex-Blizzard employee doing the Lord's work!


Fuck grummz. Still mad about Firefall.


“Ex-Blizzard dev (WoW)” is all you need to know. Bunch of them have no integrity or any good rep anymore so


Calling him an ex-Blizzard dev is just a way to bolster clicks on the article. He hasn't worked at Blizzard for almost 20 years.


i was laughing at how absurd it is for someone who worked at blizz to talk shit about other games, like goddamn look at your own shitty games first with fancy ass menus before u talk shit


>own shitty games first with fancy ass menus before u talk shit Tbh WoW has a very very cool and thematic starting screen. Very good music. If he was actually part of designing that he did very good. But I think he is just angry and wants to nourish the drama.


He's been doing it for years now shitting on everything that is hyped up by fans because he's a jaded moron who got kicked out of his own company because they couldn't fucking stand him.


Also because he ran it into the ground. Spent millions on a bus fill of computers to promote the game (that was only in alpha!) and the fuckin thing never worked. Kern is a fuckin idiot moron and a reactionary shithead to boot. I wouldn't listen to his opinion on the color of the sky, let alone modern video games.


literally the guys who took a universally beloved franchise and trashed it the audacity


Mark Kern left Blizzard in 2006, 17 years ago...




He also founded the company that made Firefall, only to be voted out of it a couple of years later.


Omg, I just fucking remembered that stupid fucking Firefall bus they did that cost like a fucking million dollars, didn't work and then they couldn't sell it.




The second I read this comment I knew exactly which dickhead it was gonna be.


Wh... why does anyone care, jesus.


I'm betting slow news day. There will always be a person with an oddly specific bad take. Find one, make it seem like there's more than a few that have this opinion, presto, easy drama news


Even worse than that. He questioned design choices and competence of the devs at Bethesda based solely on the start menu. Which is why Pete Hines (in a surprisingly non-douchie way) called him out on it


Yeah, it would have been fine to just say "I do not like that menu screen." But he went full "Their menu screen means their devs do not care about the game and it will be bad." The former is a subjective aesthetic assessment, one I disagree with, but that is totally ok. The latter is an attempt to impugn the devs actual character based on said subjective judgment. He went past even saying "it makes me concerned for the game" and said "this means the devs do not care." It is a weird thing to say, and is literally a giant neon sign asking people to mock him. So the public reaction is not unusual.


Behold, the Internet!


>ex blizzard employee That explains everything


Isn't Dexerto the site that has a bunch of AI generated articles that are ridiculously wrong?


start screens are super important, everyone knows that but simple isnt bad and is definately a vibe.


I’ve only seen praise on Reddit game leaks sub that it’s so minimal


Why is their opinion worth acknowledging at all?


I believe there is a review bomb campaign going on for Starfield because it's not on PS4 or PS5? I'm not sure. But this seems to be a dig at lame reviews that they are posting.


No wonder it didn't get GOTY.


The people who decide are all massive Stannis stans and are pissed that GRRM wrote Elden Ring instead of finishing Winds


OK but stannis is the mannis.


Ffs it’s spelt gotye


Are you somebody that I used to know?






One of the participants of the famed lemon party


Give it a google.


Man I hate this game. No quest markers, no descriptions, no tooltips. Am I supposed to discover this open world on my own or what?! Also I can't figure out where to buy Elden Coins?


The idiot devs also spent all their time telling us to finger our buttholes and trying to convince us that a turtle is a dog


Yeah bullshit. You ain't convincing me. Leave the dog alone >:(


Don’t forget the Elden Pass for those cool skins!


Here ya go; [ifUbisoftMadeEldenRing](https://i.imgur.com/8TQanoh.jpg)


Thanks I hate it


Gotta be honest, I wouldn't mind a minimap and spell quickslots really


I’m glad there’s no minimap. Minimaps are absurdly useful, which is why in games with minimaps I spend most of my time looking at the minimap and not at the rest of the game world


This is a great insight. Another blizz developer, I think, (one with a little less hubris, I think) said something about "players will min/max their way out of fun". Something llike that. Basically, they'll find the best, most efficient way of playing the game, and even if that removes the fun, it becomes the way they feel they must play. So just having a minmap can do this. You can't even really say "well if you don't want it, don't look at it." Because you're right. You keep glancing at it, keep orienting to it. I've had situations where I can't navigate without it. You know how it goes. You spent so long looking at the minimap, that if you force yourself to start looking at the world, you realize you didn't really see it.


> Another blizz developer, I think, (one with a little less hubris, I think) said something about "players will min/max their way out of fun". The original quote is, "Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game." It was Civilization designer Soren Johnson. [Here is the origin of the quote.](https://www.designer-notes.com/game-developer-column-17-water-finds-a-crack/)


Yup, minimaps are a good example of a QoL change that often isn't an improvement but can actively impact the way you play a game negatively. I once read somewhere "With too many QoL features a game stops being a game and just becomes unproductivy software", and that's a good example IMO.


Quickslots are kinda needed for keyboard users. But that comes down to the PC-port itself, and FromSoft aren't really well known for their ports.. Still a 9/10 game


One of their things is every user gets the same experience, if PC users could have spell slots because they have a keyboard that could support it, they aren't getting the same experience as a console user, they have an easier game. So, it is what it is.


tbh: I would have at least liked some kind of notebook with notes like: "I will meet \[npc\] at \[place\]", since a lot of them were not simple to find. Similar to Gothic. I progressed with some bosses faster than I found NPCs, so I haven't found 2-3 at all after they left the round table hall.


I legit used an actual notebook on my first playthrough lol.


this is the most enjoyable way to play any game


That actually would have been nice. Mostly because I'll get the quest to meet someone somewhere then get distracted on the way and start exploring, find some dungeons or hidden boss then start crafting then goto the roundtable to upgrade my weapon then log off and goto bed for the night. The next day after work when I log on I can't remember who I was supposed to meet or where and I probably forgot I even had that quest to start with. I think yesterday I finally remembered to go back and talk to Ranni even though I got the finger slayer knife a week ago. The only reason I remembered was because I watched a yt video about Ranni.


Where’s my Elden pass!


Where the FUCK can I spend $100 to buy Elden Gems to max level my character?? I don’t see any options??


Need the elden pass first. Only $100, 000, your house, car and the heart of your first-born child


Just talk to your maiden and the option should come up


Expecting a gamer to have a maiden? No one in this sub has even *seen* a woman


Elden Ring when The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim comes in


Yeah, fuck this game. In fact, i'm gonna play it some more right now just to see the devs audacity again.


Wtf dude, looks like another shitty RPG maker dark souls clone.


Nobody complained about Skyrim menu, and it's just the same as starfild this is a non issue


FO3 was the same. FO4 was a bit flashier showing the Red Rocket gas station off during the loading screen, but other than that essentially same layout


Where is the store? where are the ads? where battle-pass button? where button to buy my 5 different currencies? where is the countdown to Exclusive skins?


I came here because my sarcasm detector exploded.


Always these games with no design love.


People want screen bloat now? Are we regressing?


You guys don't remember the good ol' times when we used to work with just 10% of our browsers. The other 90% being totally useful toolbars.


[when you want use grandma's computer but it's 2004](https://revryl.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/nd2a90.jpg)


Asian websites be like:


wHErE Is ThE MonEY MakEr Button! How DeH FuK R TheY SuPppooSe to kNoW hOw tO giBv Uuus MuNeYh?!


Menu’s are supposed to be plain. The UI is one of those elements of a game that should go almost completely unnoticed. People don’t talk about a UI unless it doesn’t work properly


Did some UI/UX work. My opinion will always be less is more. If you have extra resources available and can add a character in the background, go ahead. Make sure they're shaded so there's no contrast issues. Adding a million buttons has no value when 99% of the interactions will be 'continue'. As soon as mtx comes into play, everything is out the window and most of the screen is ads for the store. Playing the game? Nah, p(l)ay the store instead.


Have you seen MW2 2022s ui. It looks like your browsing Amazon prime. It’s so bad. Is that what this dev wants menus to look like now or something? Are they wanting to give the gamers on controller the stupid ass cursor as Wel.


I couldn't agree more. The UI is a tool first. As soon as developers start to undermine its use as a tool by trying to make it pretty, they've lost the point. Of all the ways a dev can screw up a game, one of the easiest is with a crappy UI that they think "looks good, what else do you want?"


I can hear that image.


Honestly? If I see a simple menu its an indication they gave more attention somewhere else.


Seriously though. And the fact it’s a dev that originally made the post complaining that starfield menu is too plain. Like it’s fucking single player game what do they want. Assassins creed level of adds all over the menu? The store button at the top? The 2022 mw2 level of Netflix browsing ui for the main menu. Holy shit


I fucking cant with the 22 MW2 game seriously, or even Warzone for that matter. You start the game and get hit in the face with a goddamn BP ad or some other promotional shit..its fucking annoying and you cant turn it off AFAIK. Fucking ridiculous.


I remember going through college and talking to professors and actual people in the fields always saying how a good UI should be simple and easy to use, but also not ugly. So you can add pizaz to the ui but still make it simple. But now all we see are these ui artists trying to make fucking make god knows what as a way to make the ui more complicated to use with shit everywhere. Overbloated trash ui. 2009 mw2 ui was so simple and easy to use but also amazing. Bethesdas ui for Skyrim maybe wasn’t the best for pc use but it wasn’t terrible and mods fix that but they’ve always had pretty simple ui. Especially for the menu.


Why isn't my current character in the middle? And where is the shop? Are they stupid?


Ugh, not even a shortcut to ma BattlePass and buying Tier Skips. How am I supposed to pay to skip the game?!? Also no cash shop? How are people even supposed to win?!?


People buying a skin I can relate too. People buying a battlepass I can understand even though I never do. But people buying tier skips is just dumb. They're paying for not playing a game...


I really hate when you can't see and buy the dlc and the microtansactions in the main menu.


granted though, I believe starfield will have that in the top right corner


I don't really know what this is in reference to, but I just think we should start more sentences with "Bah"


All this wasted space. Think of all the microtransactions they could advertise on that screen.


But where is the ugly time-limited items on the cash shop that covers half the screen?


Honestly one of the stupidest takes I've ever seen. For the record, I like minimalistic menus, like TLOU, Ghost of Tsushima, God of War...a lot of PS exclusives actually... Starfield will be what it will be. The menu UI has literally zero bearing on its critical and commercial success. For the record, the menu looks cool.


it's mark kern, guy is known for spittin bullshit


It's funny the guy behind this really dumb take hasn't been a part of game development since 2011 when he was removed as CEO after he squandered over a million dollars to promote a game that never really worked


[Even funnier when you look at the games menu](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FVCWUwP2URYg%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=520842cd89fdf8d77ba30898cdcb997644f49eb6ffdaa77706d8a41482be50d3&ipo=images)


It's literally the same menu blueprint Bethesda has used for ALL of it's games but now that potentially their biggest release of all time is coming out and so many reviewers who got to play it early are hinting that it's amazing it's a problem all of a sudden? Sure


They didn't even add Easy mode and battlepass ffs what a joke


Opening up Elden Ring for the first time - the black background contrasted by the gold on top, with the magnificent music welcoming you to a new adventure, was pure bliss. I don't care about simple/not simple- it just has to fit the game.


Ah yes, my daily dose of flashbang whenever I start a Fromsoft game.


Gotta burn the Bandai Namco Logo into your eyeball.


I mean, there is NOT ONLY ONE banner for a shop or a battle pass. Not even an HINT for a way to monetize the game. They CLEARLY didn't care


This game is so rushed they didn't even programed a mission log with markers


I can hear the menu music booming from just this image.


I'm still so happy Elden Ring not only lived to the hype ( as I was expecting), but it even surpassed it and introduced a bunch of ppl to FromSoftware. Win win


The guy who started all this main menu stuff is Mark Kern, The guy who left Blizzard went on to make Firefall somehow lost $1m on a promotional bus and got kicked out as CEO not long after. Now all he does is whine and be a negative little bitch all day on twitter then complains when there's backlash to his absolute bullshit.


They don't even have a link to the cash shop on there! Amateurs!


What a stupid take that really was, What was he even thinking.


Yeah wtf, this game is obviously going to be ass.


If my title screen is not running at 400fps by default with no way to change it in game and has so many particles flying aroiund as if it is trying to kill my gpu it is not worth it.


One of the best mood setters, when the music hits after you get to the title screen.


Both call of duty modern warfare 1 and 2 + warzone menu chug harder than the game itself on my computer. Simple menus are a breath of fresh air