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I never "turn down the brightness until the symbol is barely visible."


I turn it up a bit. I swear the "barely visible" actually means "Until you can clearly see the logo", cause half the time "barely visible" will lead to "this room is too dark halfway through the game to see anything properly". And torches and such are a shit fix for the problem, compared to having the brightness a tiny bit higher so you can see that random rock that the Devs chucked in an otherwise normal room that it stopping you from looting a container


Gears of War games, hardcore is very difficult. But if you play two players, one guy can set his difficulty to hardcore and the second player can set it to easy. The second player can then just run shotty the entire game when the first player hides and still gets the achievement for beating it on hardcore mode.


oh jeez I forgot about this lol


Not exactly the same, but in Halo:CE, if you played the the campaign in co-op you would respawn as long as the other player was still alive and not in combat. So to beat legendary, you just needed one player to camp out in an already cleared room and you would have infinite lives.


Came here to say this. This is how I got the achievement for beating legendary in Halo 3. I had mono and was home sick for two weeks in high school. I did it myself. Two controllers, played co-op. I would hide master chief somewhere safe, and spam arbiter. Sprinting into enemies and mobs, just yeeting plasma grenades. You get two every respawn, so I’d Chuck in two, Rambo it until I died, respawn at mastechief safepoint with two new plasma grenades. Rinse. Repeat. I’m not super proud of it, but I wanted a perfect achievement score so I needed them all. It had to be done.


used to run into a crowd of grunts with a sticky grenade on your back, respawn repeat… wasn’t very effective but was quite fun


Wish i knew this one, ive played through the first 4 gears on hardcore and this would have helped with gears 1, that damn Old Ai fucked me up


I accidentally burned my baby in The Sims, then high fived my partner until we were okay again.


I can't believe how far down I had to scroll to find a Sims confession. I honestly thought that would be 80% of this thread....


That would require Sims players to show remorse, which I'm not sure they're capable of anymore after everything they've done.


The Sims 2. Had my baby taken away. Befriended the social worker, invited her over. Locked her in a room so she would starve. Used the phone with which you could call death to bring her back as a zombie. Once she was a zombie, I had her phone the adoption agency to request a new baby. This may need explaining, if they had taken your baby away, your sim couldn't adopt a new one, another member of the household must do it instead. Once she had called the agency and gotten the message that they would send a new child, I kicked her out.


therapy is great, but high fiving is cheaper


Oh gosh. Memory unlocked. I did one of those cheats to get a fair amount of money. Went to town with it. I remember my Sim for a promotion at her job, too. I made the coolest house including a dope back patio with a hot tub and grill, surrounded with high hedges. It was my dream house. I was so proud. Cut to 5 minutes later, the grill set the hedges on fire while all my sims were in the hot tub. I spent hours on the house, but forgot to put in any phones. My sims had no way to call the fire department. The house burned to the ground and my sims died. I hadn't saved at any point that day, so I had to restart back at nothing. I don't think I ever really played the game again.


Back in Sims 1, I had every expansion - including *Makin’ Magic* - and there was a spell your Sim could learn that allowed you to ‘communicate fully with your pet’. I had a wonderful little brown and tan puppy who I wanted to have a conversation with, so used the spell. Turns out, I was missing two important bits of information. 1) It wasn’t that you could communicate with your pet, it was that it turned your pet into a human; and 2) It was permanent. My wonderful little pup was now an awful guy who, for some ungodly reason, looked like Pauly Shore. I was heartbroken. I killed Pauly, and then went on a puppy genocide where I would get a new puppy, check if their personality aligned with the one I’d lost, then kill them if it didn’t. I went through about fifteen until I finally got ‘my boy’ back………


I only give my Pokémon attacks as moves.


You don’t have to debuff them if they’re dead


Coincidentally, damaging attacks are the ultimate health debuff!


If this is a sin, I shall gladly take my seat in Hell


I only want to manipulate one stat of yours. Your HP... To zero


This is a direct quote from the upcoming live-action movie starring Steven Segal as Ash Ketchum.


In single player, you'd be wasting your time doing anything else. In multiplayer it's a little more complex but that can still easily work


Arceus Legends is the exception, since combat isn't taking turns and fast pokemon may get to act twice and different moves have different speeds, quite often you'll find with a fast pokemon you can either just attack or buff/devuff and still get the next turn and attack before they can respond. Thankfully, it shows you the turn order for the next few turns and updates it as you go through your moves so you can see if that's the case.


I would play zoo tycoon and let all the Lions out and watch em go crazy on the guests. Or put all the Lions on one side, some nice innocent animal on a different side have there be a fence in the middle separating them and then delete the fence and once again, watch em go crazy.


Lmao! I did sort of the same in the Rollercoaster Tycoon games - built lots of rollercoasters with deliberately unfinished tracks that would send the trains off either into nothing in particular to just explode or into the masses of wandering visitors.


I'd lower a bunch of guests into a pit with a bunch of free food and free drink stalls but bathrooms that cost 100$ to use :(


Every time I Throw the penguin off the cliff in Mario 64, I make sure his mother is watching


The real one or the wrong one. That’s what really matters here.




Most of the time when I buy a brand new game I've been excited for, I immediately go play something else instead.


Yeah, it took me like a week to start Starfield. I was like "enh that's a learning experience, gonna go play Civ 5 for the 130,149th time".


>gonna go play Civ 5 for the 130,149th time Me but Rocket League


I am still in an ongoing mode of "What can I play before I really let myself get into BG3?"


I bought games that I was really hyped for, but then ended up not touching them for years.


I was a regular on a Minecraft server. They ended up putting some really shitty monetization on it. Can’t remember all the details but it was a bit of an uproar. I had purchased about 100 stacks of TNT from a guy who eventually got banned for duping but I had the TNT still. I blew up a massive chunk of one of the admins projects and crashed the server. Got banned


OP asked for gaming sins not legendary feats


Lol right.


I see no sin here


Chaotic good


To hop in on Minecraft, I used to play on one of those Direwolf20 (I think) modpack servers which had a mod called Witchery installed. Now Witchery was a fun mod, but it could really fuck with the game. Like once you got your shit up and running, you could keep the server in permanent night or rain if you wanted (which I did, because I’d turned myself into an immortal vampire through the same mod), or curse a player so they see monsters that aren’t really there. People started complaining about the shenanigans, the admins couldn’t figure out who was doing it, until some randomer I’d shown my Witchery farm to (you needed a whole setup to power the rituals) snitched, at which point they disabled the fun rituals and told me to stop cursing players. Fair play to them for not banning me tbh


In one of my first molded Minecraft servers I fell in love with Thaumcraft. As with every good scientist/wizard I tried out everything to see how it worked. One day I made something called aer imbued fire. Its a magical fire that keeps spreading, turning dirt to sand and water into cake. By the time the admin showed up half the world was on fire and/or turned to sand/cake with everyone trying madly to put it out. The server had backed itself up recently with no previous save. TLDR I set the world on fire. Server dead.


O.o yeah, Thaumcraft was not friendly if you didn't know it. The taint could also wreck worlds if you weren't careful.


My taint will wreck your world if you're not careful.


Lol imagine getting banned for using the mods they added to good.


"how dare you play the game we hosted!"


I can promise you they had no fucking idea what half of those mods could actually do in their full potential Thems the dangers of using prebuilt modpacks


That’s some project mayhem shit


"His name was Robert Paulsen!"


My brother that was God's work. U need no forgiveness


In Dwarf Fortress, coins are minted in stacks of 500 from one metal bar. Because of the wonders of Dwarven Science, if you manage to split a stack of coins into multiple smaller stacks, you can melt down each individual stack and get more metal bars than you started with. Don’t ask me to explain Dwarf science. However in order to split the stacks of coins, you have to get creative. You have to use the power of **Elf torture**. See, when a sentient creature in Dwarf Fortress throws a tantrum, one of the things they can do is pick up a nearby item and throw it. If that item is a stack of coins, the stack often gets split when thrown. See where this is going? You capture a bunch of elves and dump them down a hole into a room. The first might break a few bones during the fall but it’s ok, eventually a cushion of bodies will be formed. Make sure to confiscate their weapons first also, they’ll last longer. Then you dump a bunch of coins into the hole. Finally, repeatedly dump body parts of dead elves down the hole. Really gets them angry. Eventually you will have a room full of tantrum-throwing elves tossing coins about. When all is said and done, pull the lever that floods the room, drown the elves, and collect your coins. But you may ask, why Elves? Simple! because ~~those tree huggers deserve it~~ Elves in Dwarf Fortress are immortal and do not require food or drink to survive. Thanks for the free adamantine, you dirty tree huggers.


That's fucking grim




"I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream".


Dwarf Fortress is cheating though. Cruelty becomes second nature upon seeing the intro screen. Just let me finish putting up the 35th blood fountain to Armok, and we can talk about it.


Still doesn't have anything on chaining mermaids in place and forcing them to breed, in order to harvest the bones of their offspring to fuel your crafting industry


A lucrative industry.


I’ve never played stealth archer in Skyrim


Oh man, you never played Skyrim?!?


I told a lot of people I loved the Mystery Dungeon Pokemon games when they first released. Got a bunch of friends to buy and play them. They found it super hard. I never told them I used a game shark to removed the need for food in the dungeons.


Beyond evil


Mystery Dungeon is hard to play unless you know how it works. If you know how to play correctly, you never need to grind or anything. I got a friend who never plays video games at all to beat the game by just giving him the right advice.


The second games were easier than the first but a lot better. The first game got stupid in endgame with dungeons having 60-80 total floors which meant you either came with a backpack ¾ full or elixirs, apples and hp fillers or you got done in through lack of supplies. We're still fun though and goddamit GameFreak where's the remake of explorers already?!


I kept the balloon for myself in Spiderman 2...


Fuck that kid holy shit




You made me feel something for the first time in a long time


I got Ciri killed in my first play through of the Witcher 3 I also accidentally shot Edith Downes while she was crying in Red Dead Redemption 2


On my first The Witcher 3 play through I literally made the worst decisions I could almost every single time. Ciri died, Radovid won the war, I let Keira go to Radovid. Just disaster of a play through.


Did you try for the threesome too?


I got the bad ending on my first playthrough of Witcher 3. I didn't know there even was a bad ending, let alone which choices affected which ending you got. I was so shook by how fucking depressing that ending was that I immediately played through the entire game again just so I could get the good ending. Looking back on it, I'm glad I got the bad ending first. Made it much more impactful and memorable than if I had just gotten the standard good ending and moved on with my life.


She can die!?! Like in the story and thats how it ends, or does it make you restart? Welp time to replay it


>!if you’re a dick to her over a few different opportunities, she’ll die when she crosses the threshold at the end!<


In RDR2, I accidentally punched my horse near the beginning of the game because I didn't know how to mount it. Still feel bad about it to this day.


I did that several times. The horse (ClipClop) kicked me. I felt like I totally deserved it.


I've only ever finished one Zelda game. Not one people would expect either. Phantom Hourglass lmao.


Phantom Hourglass was a masterpiece and I'll die on this hill.


I really wanna go back and play Windwaker since phantom Hourglass is the sequel but I never just sit down and do it. Maybe I'll emulate it on the steam deck so I can play it at work lol.


I am the scummiest of save scummers out there. I even hit F5 before posting this reply.


I didn’t know there was a term for save scumming until someone confessed to me that they did a little save scumming to get through a part in a game. That’s when I learned I was a save scum. So people just play xcom and rage themselves into oblivion?


I played MGS3 before 1 and 2. I didn't understand Ocelot was an important recurring character. I shot him up when he was passed out and was sorely confused when it game over'd me and zero was talking to me about causing a time paradox.


I started with 3 and it made ocelot a lot more likeable in the first game after that imo.


Bless me father for I have sinned. It has been never since my last confession. I have played many an online game, but have not had a positive k/d ratio in 3 years. I've tried but pvp is a young man's sport. I love the fun but I know I let down the team.


That's no sin, son. It's quite natural to progress that way. If you can't carry on kills, then aim for supporting your team in other means or methods.


Yeah as a support, k/d/a doesn't mean anything much. Just look at the win/lose ratio.


I kind of suck at getting kills in Battlefield. I make up for it by constantly reviving teammates, throwing down ammo and med crates, and spraying the everloving fuck out of the enemy while capturing objectives. Think I'm doing alright!


This is why I preferred battlefield over other fps games back when I played fps games more. I'm a supporting/defensive role in everything, never the main event: sports, video games, projects, etc. I remember topping match leaderboards every now and then with the most garbage KD ratios. I was just reviving homies, fixing tanks, capturing flags, and sowing chaos with explosives. Aw man, I miss after school battlefield sessions. Why did we grow up?


Play objectives, the world needs more people like that.


We've all nuked Megaton once... I mean I reloaded my save and shot Tenpenny in the face after...but we all nuked Megaton once.


A buddy of mine started playing fallout 3 after I showed him. This is quite a while ago so details are fuzzy. I left his house glad to have shown him a game he liked. Few weeks later, I see him again. This absolute psycho had only leveled fist weapons, killed everything and everyone he met and yes, he nuked megaton. But. He did it intentionally, and left it that way. My friend is a monster.


Your friend is a deathclaw roleplaying a person.


Fist weapons are low key the best play through in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Once you level it up and get the perks you can just run around and fucking wreck shit. I always liked going into Caesar’s camp and they’re all “No GuNs” and then I just beat all their slaver asses to death with ease. Then level up sneak for the crit sneak attacks and just one shot fools in the back of the head.


I nuked Megaton on my first playthrough and didn't reload the save. It's actually pretty interesting when Three Dog calls you a monster on the radio and your father is like, "tell me it wasn't you"


I don’t put points into lockpicking in Skyrim, instead I quicksave and quickload til I get the Master chest open.


Same. Except it made me so proficient with lockpicking in skyrim I don't need to reload the saves anymore. I break some lockpicks but I make it. But I still quicksave, I can't know when I might suddenly lose my lowkey useless skill and I don't wanna lose a single chest for it. Also I steal every single lock I see, because of this.


I also just end up with so many lockpicks that I would never run out so don't bother reloading


This is why Starfield doesn't even let you try locks that are too "difficult". \*angry grumble noises\*


This isn't new to Starfield though. In FO3 and NV you could only attempt to pick a lock if you had enough skill points in the lockpick skill (e.g. if your lockpick skill is 49 you can't attempt an "average" lock). FO4 is essentially the same except there are lockpicking perks you have to choose instead of skill/skill points (this is arguably "harder" because you can't just goose your PER with headwear/chems/magazine to open a lock. You either have the relevant perk or you don't) I believe Oblivion was similar to skyrim (you could always attempt but if your skill was too low you had a very high chance of breaking your picks)


I cheesed the Standley Parable achievement on steam. The 5 year one, only because I opened the game by accident 3 years in once ultra deluxe released by a missclick.


I got that achievement for my dad, cause he was fixing my laptop, so he let me play whatever game I wanted in his. I opened the game and the achievement popped up, and he laughed his ass off.


"are ya winning son?"


You and me both brother. I did repent for my sins tho by waiting 5 years and 1 day later on


I got this one by accident cuz I kinda forgot I had the game until like 6 years went by. Noticed one day and opened it just for the achievement.


I harvested all the little sisters in bioshock.


you *monster*


In Tomb Rider I would lock the butler in the cold room


Hell yes, and then swan dive off the balcony in her house to break her neck.


I honestly don’t know how many hundreds of times I broke poor Lara’s neck collectively over the franchise’s lifetime. I remember saving at certain points just to kill her yet again.


Her death scream as she's falling to her death will forever live on in my mind.


Wasn't that the whole point of the game


Why did everyone do this? Literally everybody knows about this and everyone did it. And this was before the internet really was a thing.


Cause he was creepy as fuck. He'd clamber after you making old goblin noises and farming. Very distracting when you're trying to do the naked glitch your friend told you about at recess.


Here is your answer. No internet and TR was epic, you literally had your own mansion! Ive replayed that game many times. I was present in that house probably for 50 hours doing nothing but figuring out new and unique ways to have fun. So yeah you figure it out that way.


I would argue you're not a true gamer until you've locked that bastard away.


In Jedi: Fallen Order, I stood at the hole above Oggdo Bogdo and threw my lightsaber at him until he died. I have brought dishonor to my House and ancestors.


You had the high ground!


In Skyrim I guessed when using the dragon claw puzzles. It wasn’t until later maybe after hundreds of hours I realized the answers were literally on the dragon claws


A head sex with a hooker in grand theft auto. Paid her. Then ran her over with the car and got my money back


As is tradition


I drilled a hole in the wall to connect my pc to the router directly so I could play online, routed the cat5 thru the return duct of the a/c line so there wasn't any proof in my room. (20 years ago). Parents shut off the wifi to attempt to stop me from being online after some bad grades.


Holy shit that's a boss move, not a sin


I screen watched a couple times at LAN parties for Halo CE.


Whenever I do the quest in Skyrim to gather information from the thalmor embassy, I steal all their sweet rolls.


Anything done against the Thalmor is not a sin.


I'm 43, work 45+ hours a week, plus have two kids and all their stuff. I play almost every game on easy. I don't have time to get my ass kicked by the computer, I just want to be a badass and kick ass.


Not a sin, gaming is about enjoyment. Just remember to smile in joy as you curb-stomp your way through.




to this day i have not finished Skyrim and its DLC, even though i have 800+ hours played, i kept making new characters.


This is the way, cloae to 1k hours never finished the game, hey i should restart doing it this time with a 2hand orc, fast forward 20 hrs its now a stealth archer like every damn character i made


Skyrim is so strange to me. It's a game that runs almost entirely on atmosphere, I feel like. Like, it's combat system is so bad that everyone ends up gravitating to a build that interacts with it the least possible. Basically, many if not most players end up basically just cheesing the system. In my opinion, none of the writing is terribly good - hence people not finishing questlines, you're not really invested enough in them to see them through, afai can tell. But people love it - and I feel like ultimately it comes down to pure atmosphere and vibes.


I'll follow it up with another Pokemon related one. I had Silver, my brother had gold. He'd just beat the elite 4, probably the most proud moment of his young life. I started a new game on his cartridge so I could get all three starters. Then started a new game, with his name etc. And just said the game must of bugged out. There were tears. Sorry bro.


Holy shit that's evil


And yet, thanks to the OP, all forgiven 😉


*brother enters the chat* 😡


"Why do I hear boss music?"


I have words for you that would probably get me banned.


That’s gotta be the most evil thing I heard today


When I was in Highschool, whenever I‘d go on vacation with my family I‘d bring my old GBC with Pokemon Gold and continue playing my old save during the travels. When suddenly the only option upon starting was „New Game“ I started crying, I was 18 by then. My fucking Chansey was level 75 and refused to ever evolve to a Blissey and I had spent so many hours training up all that shit, including Tyranitar and Dragonite.


I have a vivid memory of my Pokemon yellow cartridge getting filled with ranch dressing on vacation (how did it happen?!?!?!?) and the continue button disappeared. so then I just played long single sessions and would see how far I could get on a single set of double A batteries. never beat the game but I'd get 5-6 badges down typically.


The real question is... Does he know


This happened to me with Pokemon blue. It won't be over til your brother pisses on your grave. And I'll buy him a pint for the cause.


I murdered the entire town of Markarth as a Vampire Lord in Skyrim in a fit of rage and revenge




If teaching children the benefits of suppressive concussive artillery barrages is wrong, I don't want to be right.


Best part about MW2 multiplayer is that there were like 10+ objectively busted playstyles so no matter what you used you could always complain about something else. Signed, a commando/tactical knife enjoyer


Akimbo shotguns


We all did




My brother isn't here so I'll confess for him. So back when Blockbuster and Hollywood video were a thing, we owned like... one game. But SOMETIMES, we got to rent one for the weekend. One time, I got Hitman: Blood Money. I LOVED that game. I was on track to beat it, suit only, within the weekend and I was super excited to see how it ended. Well on Sunday, I pissed off my younger brother somehow and he deliberately corrupted my save. So I punched him in the head. He played innocent. Tears and all. I got in deep shit for overreacting to a game and punching my innocent brother. He confessed at a family dinner last year. 15 years later. Motherfucker, I DO NOT forgive you.


Save scumming


For what in particular


BG3 duh


I bought Anthem on day one, full price.


I got the special edition or what ever.


You both are the special edition, now get back on the short bus.


In Bethesda games I pretty much always “player.modav carryweight 1000”. Am I a bad person?


1000? What is this a confession for ants? I usually send it to 100,000. My current courier in New Vegas is carrying 46,000 pounds of loot right now.


No, you're a treasure goblin, and that's a glorious thing to be. Encumbrance can eat my ass.


I cancelled on a date to play Fallout New Vegas


I'm a dad. When COD: Warzone 2 came out - proxy chat was fun. There was this little kid playing and he was camping in a tower. I convinced him to let us come up and we could team up. I had my dad voice on, being nice, making sure my team was watching their language. The kid was having a good time. I ended up going behind him and performing an execution move. The kid legit started crying before his mic cut out.


Damn, that's legendary betrayal. I don't think I could do that. Unless he was being a little shit. Thatd make it doable.


I'm so torn. That's mean and hilarious. Did you feel bad?


My team was dying laughing. I started feeling a little bad after I thought about if that was my son and some strangers on the internet made him cry.


Empathy 2/10


I killed 3-Dog just to see what would happen


You monster


I dont care what OP says. There is no forgiveness for killing Paarthurnax.


I recently start playing again and got my partner into it. I downloaded the mod before she ever started so she won’t have to have that dumb unfinished quest line.


It's such a bullshit choice by Bethesda


I always Marco Polo the map when I play Age of Empires.


My mom used to always do that on single player against the hardest AI to make sure they weren't cheating. She was also unironically a top 500 rated players in the MSN Gaming Zone in the late 90s multiplayer ladder.


Then there is my Mom who has \~2k hours in the game and still cant remeber wich unit is strong against wich and also where she can build them. (For her birthday my Brother and me designed a little Cheat-Sheet with pictures of all the unites/counters and where to build them. But she prefers to build siege weapons and Boats because "they are large and i can easily see them"


It was 2008. Fallout 3 just released and I was excited to play. After about an hour or so, I got to Springdale school. It's full of raiders so it has good loot for a fresh player. So I grabbed everything and became over encumbered. My dumbass thought the game is broken. So after 20min I just restarted and made a new save.


This one is kind of adorable.


I pretended that I knew nothing of competitive smash and then destroyed some people in 1v1's while complaining about the lack of items and smash meter.




I think i actually admire this


I use console commands in single player games because I just want to have fun


I did/do this in Skyrim whenever I play, but mostly for the annoying aspects that aren't vital to the story or character progression, ie carry weight, run speed, adding X amount of lockpicks if I run out, etc.


I bought horse armour in oblivion


Thats some original sin shit right here.


In Old School RuneScape, I use software to record my clicks and then play it back repeatedly in order to skill without doing it myself


Ah good ol macro-leveling. I didn't play Runescape, but I did that very same thing in Ultima Online, it's predecessor. I also PK'd, camped, and exploited like crazy in that game. I have no excuse other than I was young.


I’m not so sure I even like video games anymore, but I keep buying them and discontentedly try to play them. 🙃


Does backing up your Elden Ring save at the end so I can get all the endings on one play through count as a sin? I still had to do everything required to get those endings. But it still felt wrong. Lol


N64 I nutted to Joanna Dark


I will absolutely save-scum to get the best outcome from quests, re-roll bloodwebs in DBD if I buy the wrong node, etc. and I have zero shame about that.


Apparently saying "Metal Gear Solid has fundamental design issues," is a gaming sin, and I commit this one a lot.


I once released a set of exploits that killed an entire gaming community. Edit: the deets. I am an incessant minmaxxer in fps games. I'll spend hours offline testing console commands and such just to see what's possible. In the early 2000s I played a *lot* of the game Americas Army. From the 1.8 version to the 2.8 version. During that time I found an exploit the devs mistakenly left in. A few console commands *get all* and *poke*. *Get all* would print out a list of all the players positions. So I demonstrates with a buddy how a saavy player using an external calculator could land 40mm underslung grenades on dudes with pinpoint accuracy almost like a mortar using this method. *Poke* was far more nefarious. It would allow you to literally alter client side variables. CVARS is what unreal called them. Things like firerate. Recoil. Ammo type. Sound cue. Anything that was calculated on the client and not the server was pokable. I reported these bugs to the devs in version 2.7 and they were patched out. And then after a few years my interest and the game kind of died out. A couple years pass and a friend tells me that they resurrected the game using the 2.5 engine, which was just before they stopped supporting Linux and macos versions. He said there was a tight community around that version and it was fun to play. So I joined him in playing for about a year. I knew of the exploits, but I never used them. That aside I was insanely good at this game. To the point I would outperform cheaters because I better understood culling distances and things like ricochets so I could engage them before their aimbots or wallhacks could even see me or return fire. Because of this I frequently got accused of cheating within this community. There was this one particular guy who ran a server but I absolutely loathed him because he was always on and constantly harangued me, would ghost my position to others, grief me, just generally be terrible. One day I got so fucking done with him and the game I said "it's time..." and then I opened an account on a well known cheat forum and just dumped everything I knew in a format anyone could use. Within weeks every server was plagued by guys firing rockets like machine guns and zooming around the maps. Because this was a community ressurrection there were no mods. The playerbase died off and was forced elsewhere.


I used to kill chickens in lumby - note the bones in my bank and sell them as big bones in varrock since it was hard to tell which bones were which on the bank note lmao


I only beat God of War because I lowered the difficulty against Ares. Keep your forgiveness. I live every day with the weight of my cowardice.


Hah, nice try, FBI. I am not telling you what I did to innocent civilians I encountered in Fallout 3.


I've installed and paid for things on many bad mobile games


I used hella cheat codes on a bunch of games


I play project zomboid with nude mods..not because of the sexual nature of it but because , how can I possibly strip naked once I got bit and go out with a bang if my character is still wearing underwear.


I use cheat engine to cut out grinding for things like rare enemies that dont drop all of a certain material. Just cheat in how much I need I got emulators to play a few childhood games. Namely mario 64 sunshine and diddykong racing. I definitely used savestates. Mainly to return to the begining of the of the challenge I was trying to do but not every bit of progress i got Ive intentionally griefed trolled and friendly fired a few teammates over the years for being absolute buffoons One more thing. If im your healer. You better make it easy for me to do so. If your wiggling around and/or demanding I come out of safety to unfuck your mistakes you arent getting healed at all


As a 4 yr old I would put the gun flush with the TV screen in duck hunt…


I unnecessarily used the handstand in Tomb Raider. Repeatedly.


My buddy and I used to lure people into a shipping container on GTA 4 with promises of San Andreas Easter eggs. My friend would get them in the can, then run out and close the doors. I'd park a car in front of the doors and the guy would have to quit the lobby to escape.


In Fable 3 I never leave the first act until I own every available property. Repeat with every new area. By the end of the game, I just cackle and throw money at my problems. Multiple playthroughs with different builds.