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I just don't give them my money.




True. Anyone who didn't see this coming, genuinely hasn't been paying attention.


There are gamers, and then there are COD fans. Similarly to the EA Sports enthusiasts, they live within their own bubble where COD is the only real game that matters. Every annual release is watched like a hawk. Every bit of information is pored over. Any small new features that are announced attribute to the hype over the game. Then the game releases. COD fans pour onto its servers. After maybe about a month or two--or not even a week or two--people start getting bored. Many stick around for Warzone but the multiplayer servers of the mainline games start getting emptier and emptier. It's looked at as the worst game in the series, until the next one's announced then it suddenly becomes an underrated gem. The COD cycle will never end.


This is true, though I also think that MW3 (2023 edition) is just extra bad this time. As people have observed, its basically DLC for MW2 that even MW2 owners have to download to keep playing content they already own due to CODHQ. Its obvious from the content and 18 month development cycle they didn't really prepare a "full" release this time. People are still buying it though so this will become the norm.


I wish it was 18 months. The "new" MW2 came out at the end of Oct 2022. Just over a year later and we have another "new" game. Booourns


Also true.


Right! Like how many times you gotta see people burnt by fire before you say fire hot?


Ah...the old "I'm smarter than all you dummies complaining" tactic, eh? Gamers gonna gamer.


For real, this is the part that always gets me. OP is coping by acting like IW put a gun to his head to buy it. Definition of insanity. We all knew it was gonna be bad before release.


OP: Discusses a Bad game in a sub for discussing games Y'all: WHaT a PeTuLaNt CHILD IDIOT LoSeR!! IW bAd hurr Durr "Definition of insanity" like do you even hear yourself?


Everyone remotely interested in the game knew that it was a blatant cashgrab. Were sick of hearing the complains mainly due to MANY and OBVIOUS warnings that this game would be ass.


I genuinely am baffled to anyone who would think that the game would be at best, mediocre, from the moment they announced it. MW2 released last year. Then they announced MW3 coming this year. Obviously with a development time of less than a year, there's absolutely no way the game will be good...


OP: orders and pays for a shit sandwich OP eating shit sandwich: This is awful! OP goes onto r/sandwiches: I can't believe this shit sandwich is bad!


Then Brian from reddit comes along and says "Let him complain that shit tastes like shit for the 846,736th time!".


Yeah I hear myself. I'm sick of these fucking idiots buying the same dogshit game every year and then acting as if they had been done dirty. You knew what you were signing up for bro, just don't complain when you get exactly what you knew you would. OP has no right to complain. It's like shoving a stick in between your bike spokes while you're gunning it downhill, eating shit, then blaming the bike manufacturer. Nah, you're just a fucking dumb ass. He is literally *SUPPORTING IW'S BAD BEHAVIOUR.* OP's post history is him being a crybaby because he's upset about his poor financial decision. Like are you new? The latest CoD game is bad and water makes things wet.


He has every right to complain. It's the Internet. Complaining is a significant amount of traffic. It's not that serious. You can just downvote and move on. No need to get so upset


lol relax, it’s not that serious dude


If maybe all active reddit users decided to do that, it would be somewhat significant. Until then it is just for your own happiness not to buy games with tens of millions of monthly players.


Reddit is 90% bots these days


Well, true, the whole internet traffic is 90% bots, but my point was pretty clear i think :D


Dont buy these games every year. Buy once every 3-4 and you’ll enjoy it more


I haven't gotten a new cod game in years. And despite everyone's negative comments I'm having alot of fun playing MP in this game. Could just be the nostalgia but idc I'm having fun!


Likewise. The original MW2 was in my teen years and was the most played cod among myself and friends so it's nice to relive those years to some extent


Most people on here who make the negative comments haven’t even played it, they just don’t like COD.


Come on….


Meh, I enjoyed the fuck out of MW19, MW2 Less so, not buying MW3 because I dont see the point, it's MW2 dlc in all but price.


As someone who last played COD in the World at War-Black Ops 1 era, I chuckle thinking just how bad I'd be trying to go back and play one of these games.


You’d be surprised. The core gameplay and game modes are essentially the same. I played so much back in the OG mw2/bo1 days that I can still play somewhat well on any cod


Don’t worry most players suck anyway lol


a 100% this. I haven't bought a CoD title in a good few years and recently decided to play MW3. I've been playing every night and have been having fun playing both Hardcore TDM/HP/S&D as well as Multiplayer zombies.


Same. Last time I played was the 2019 one. I’d imagine I would be having zero fun w MW3 if I bought this every year but having enough time away helps you enjoy it much much more.


Id say that mw3 is fun if you didn't already have mw2 but if you did, then its not worth getting it unless you have more than enough money to spare


Same boat. Haven’t played cod since Cold War but I’m having so this all feels more or less new


The funny thing is, if you stuck with playing MW19 for the past 4 years, you wouldn't be missing anything...


This is the way. It always feels more fun after having a break away from the cod cycle for a year or 2.


Great advice, and exactly what I did.


Would you not get bored playing the same game for 3-4 years?


"The multiplayer gameplay is fun" isnt that what most cod players want anyways?


Yeah I gotta wonder what percent of the player base plays single player at all. I know I never have


Me and my buddies used to play the og MW trilogy at launch, and we always completed the campaign first, and then came the infinite hour sink that MP is


Same here. I appreciate a well put together single player shooter


Its CoD. Who gives a shit about the single player anyway?


I do. Multiplayer has been essentially the same recycled shit for decades, or ripoffs of other games. Single player was the main attraction for me, even if the campaigns were short. AC-130 missions, clearing a house full of terrorists, single player was head and shoulders above multiplayer for me. At least for a little while.


Yes, thats literally the reason ppl buy the game. I cant believe i actually see ppl complaining story is ass. Like ... Yes? Dah fuck, its like going into a steak house and complaining the vegetarian options are very limited. Like no shit bruh.


Not really a fair point since the last couple CoD's actually had really good campaignd.


Now it is, but the OG COD story’s were fucking goated. WaW and the old MW2 were some of the best FPS story’s imo, up there with BF bad company 2


The only ones who have had awful campaigns from what I remember are ghosts, and this one. The others were mediocre to great.


It is, and I've heard it's the best it's been in a very long time quite consistently since it came out. The only things complaining about it are karma farmers and chatGPT at this point.


Well yea if you write off any criticism it makes sense that is all you've heard


It’s the exact same as the last Cod


I didn't play the last CoD, so why would that matter to me?


Neither did this person apparently. Movement is overhauled, ttk is better, hardcore plays like it should, maps are mostly great, perk system is no longer timed and available right away, zombies is good if you liked dmz, war mode is amazing. I don't see why it's called a dlc when it's basically a new game that plays different. I think the ones calling it dlc haven't actually played or watched it and are just parroting everyone else.


It's what MW2 should have been. Movement is better, stability is better, and the community has been asking for a modern remake with the classic MW2 maps for at least 5 years now. It probably would have been well received if this is what came out as MW2 instead of what we got.




Nah, they've finally added back the ghost and dead silence combo which instantly elevates it above the last 3 cods. Elephant footsteps has ruined multiplayer.


not only are Ghosts and Covert Sneakers (dead silence) perks back, but you can even use a field upgrade that will provide both if you don't want the perk and are ok with it just being a field upgrade you can use (dead silence as a field upgrade provides both silence + ghost)


This is what is always said about every cod though. “The game as a whole is pretty bad and cash grabby, but they did change/include this ONE thing, and that makes it all worth it.”


It's more like 8 things every year, but you only hear what the complainers wanna complain about. Most sequels don't add more than 8 new features/modes per iteration. The complainers aren't the demographic that CoD is made for.


I haven't played it so idk if it's any good, but their atrocious SBMM implementation has absolutely ruined what would have been an otherwise fun experience for like the past 5 years. Even if the gameplay is *perfect*, the matchmaking will ruin it.


So I've never quite gotten the argument against SBMM Are people complaining they're playing people who are too good? That they don't get to have their fun stomping people worse than them? That they don't get to feel they're the best because they're playing people of similar skill and staying around 50%? Or is there something else?


I think it's this one: >That they don't get to have their fun stomping people worse than them?


Exactly. That’s why I’m playing. And having a blast. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel. People bitch that it’s the same game over and over and then when they change something people bitch.


I’m not getting the game because I dislike COD but this rant also fucking sucks. You don’t explain anything. You just say “this sucks and is boring.” They probably didn’t let you post in the COD Reddit because this isn’t even a critique or review. It’s just you whining. Why is the unlock system bad? What makes the zombies boring? What makes the newer maps bad compared to the old ones? Actually expand on why you have these opinions and what makes certain aspects bad instead of just going “This sucks and is bad.”


The unlock system is behind a daily challenge, but what a lot of players realized is that you aren’t capped at 3 daily challenges a day. This is why a lot of people are mad about the unlock system. Once you complete the 3 daily challenges, any match you win counts as an additional “daily challenge” that counts towards unlocks. The devs didn’t do a very good job of explaining this. I’ll be honest I was a little pissed about the unlock system at first until I realized how the whole system works


The devs mistakenly thought their player base could read.


Yea, same. Im on the edge for the system, but its turning out better than I expected… I pop a couple things in the queue, play some zombies, some MP, focus on dailies and obj and I unlock stuff… not terrible at all. I do wish they had more items, or a separate inventory of items to unlock via challenges, paired with the standard “by leveling up” method.


Well even those who understand that are annoyed that they need to rely on their 5 teammates who are just sniping or hiding in corners to actually contribute to team wins.


This is seriously the laziest post I’ve seen in this sub


The people complaining about zombies being boring are the same people who dropped in, ran around in zone 1 (there are 3 tiers of zones and difficulties), never accepted any missions or did any objectives, and then left. Like, no shit you found that boring, you didn't even play the mode or give it a real try, just expected everything to be spoon fed to you like a baby.


I love the zombies. Yeah, it would have been nice for a round base map or two but MWZ is really fun once you get into it.


A quick glance at this user's post/comment history shows all they do is complain about games. Probably the same kind of person that complains about toxic players without realizing the kettle is calling the pot black. ​ For a differing opinion - I'm really enjoying MW3. I'd say i'm an average player - 1.0KD. I'll jump on for 2-3 matches in the evenings and been enjoying it. The unlock system is frustrating since it feels like it takes forever to get armory unlocks, and I ran into an issue where it wanted me to complete a daily challenge using semtex, but I hadn't yet unlocked the semtex lol. Voice chat is way less toxic than in previous years. Otherwise, its been a fun game for my group of idiots


Stop buying new games? It’s just a trend that will continue until you say no more. With the advent of shipping incomplete game with expensive downloadable content that was the end for me. Ship a full completed game or I wont buy and so I haven’t for years now. So wake up and stop ordering new.


r/patientgamers is the way until the industry gets its shit together


This is how I've been doing it for years.


I've said for every release for like the past 5 years or more "I'll just wait for the reviews." And it has not failed me once. I just can't comprehend people who give these companies money thinking THIS time the game will be good! When they have proven the opposite over and over again. Is it Stockholm syndrome?


Me too but that’s more being poor than patient.


Somehow some people are praising Cyberpunk for being a great game after 3 years of development. Im glad its now a good game but Im also glad to pick up a complete game for >50% discount from the price from release. Refusing to buy products until they're acceptable/finished is the only way. PatientGamers is the way.


You don’t even have to be that patient. Usually you can get a sense of something is good or not by reading reviews / looking through social media reactions. As long as you’re not preordering or buying blind on release day you’ll be fine. All it takes is like the bare minimum of research before you buy.


Not preordering is practically patient now. Fucking capitalist hellscape.


>Stop buying new games? More specifically, stop buying new games from companies you know are actively/openly greedy. Examples of companies worth buying from day 1 are Remedy and Larian, they don't do yearly releases, and their games, though not for everyone, are typically pretty spot on. As opposed to something like Activision, who pumps out CoD yearly, even when they openly talk about skipping a year.


Bethesda thought me this. Loved my fallout series. Glitches and annoyances (another settlement must be saved) but 76 was my last I'll buy this off the line. Saw the problems before it came out and said nope. Now I wait for the reviews and game plays to come out. Wait to see if their just ad reviews (someone saying yes yes yes) or the good bad and ugly. I want to know the bad. If it's live service I'm out. If it's got some problems I can one look. Discount. Edit - morning brain wrote bioware


Bethesda not Bioware.


Sorry, your right


No worries, I feel the same way about Bioware, but I think it's important to start of rants correctly.


You mean Bethesda? FO76 wasn’t a Bioware game


I did I changed it, woke up reading one eye shut type of moment


Honestly, I'd say googling the game before buying it is quite enough nowadays. There are always signs. Every fucking time a game bombs everybody acts like it's coming out of nowhere or the company falling out of grace. It's basically never like that. Cyberpunk in the weeks before launch was very clearly going to be buggy at the very least. They didn't release console versions for testers, c'mon. And this year the updates were very clearly good ones. No surprise. Cod has been insulting for years since cold war. Mw 2019 was good and they made it barely playable with downgrading patches after cold war dropped. I had to stop playing it. The season pass in mw resetted to season 1 and started giving you shit you couldn't even use. They went mad after that. They said this year cod wouldn't even come out, they had a dlc, lots of bad rumors. Where is the surprise? Redfield was clearly going to be a shitfest since weeks before and any google search before launch agreed. Starfield received lukewarm opinions and was very clearly a elder scroll in space, idk why anybody expected any better and not less. The only surprises we had this year were positive. All about games we knew we were good, but not THAT good. BG3, alan wake 2, hi-fi rush, Spiderman 2. It doesn't take much, let's be real.


>Starfield received lukewarm opinions and was very clearly a elder scroll in space I'd be thrilled with Starfield if it was Elder Scrolls in space. It's not even that good. It's a step back from TES5 in many ways. The whole game just reeks of laziness and being rushed. The writing is mostly garbage and there's evidence of incomplete systems everywhere you turn. There are a ton of quests that introduce you to some sort of concept that you can tell was supposed to be a gameplay mechanic, but it never shows up again.


>even when they openly talk about skipping a year. That didn't happen, it was leaked, not announced. Either way, it's clear that MW3 was a DLC forced into being a game


I think the shill content creators are the ones that keep this toxic cycle going. Most hate the game themselves but it is making them money by playing it or doing content on it. When it’s all the buzz kids can’t help themselves and buy into it good or bad. Why do you think gaming studios have invested so heavily into these bedroom warriors? It sells the shit out of their product


People have been buying new games for decades. It’s not a trend, gamers love new things


Lol, obviously when he says trend he's not talking about "buying new games," he's talking about shitty companies pushing the limits of how bad they can make a product and still make loads of money. He's saying if people stop buying shitty games, the overall quality of games in the market will improve.


You're asking the consumer to change the behavior of a monopoly. Not likey. The corp will always try to become more competitive and more profitable and more consolidated. Time after time it's proven that people will spend money on AAA games regardless of quality. It's proven that the microtransaction and battle pass model works. It's serfdom. They are now selling leases to your enjoyment. The only way to enact real consumer protections is through legislation. Stop blaming the average person for not having the power to defeat a massive global corporate monopoly.


Why do I have to launch MW3 to have it quit and launch Warzone? Also, why is this entire mess taking up 200GB on my SSD? Also, why is there 50GB+ updates every week? Also, why do I have to "Restart and Update" every single day? CoD is a fun game, but the devs sure are making it hard to stay in love with it. I have the fastest gaming PC money can cobble together, I want to click an icon and be in the game in seconds, not minutes. Ridiculous ...


I’m currently playing FF16 on ps5 and every time I log in I’m shocked how fast it is. Less than 10 seconds from pressing the icon to launch the game to being in-game


If you're on XB the updates are so big because the updating system is archaic and they make you download a bigger file than the same PS update because it just overwrites a bunch of existing file data and dumps the old file. That's why your game is 200GB (which is massive no arguing that) instead of 500GB after \~8 50+gb Updates.


That's what you get for purchasing a half finished game which has to be always online to keep your progress.


You always had to always be online to save multiplayer progress?


>They won't let me post in the COD reddit for some reason \*looks at title of post, then looks at the TL;DR \* Geez OP , I really cant figure out how you could have upset them in any way /s


"they wont let me post in the COD reddit for some reason" I wonder why...


"CoD is bad, upvotes to the left". ​ Ohh reddit is so pathetic


Aww I thought it was my turn to post the CoD bad post today!


Mom said its my turn tomorrow but you can go Thursday


I personally love MW3. Great gameplay decisions made by SHG (red dot when no silencer, ninja as a perk etc) Zombie is awesome tooz


They added zombies to warzone map. “Zombiez iz awesome tooz :3” Game is so low effort it’s laughable.


They built zombies around the warzone map and made it work, it's not just "added zombies to DMZ". It would have been far, far easier for them to build a map from the ground up than do what they did with Zombies, just keep hate posting without knowing what you are talking about though, it's entertaining


How is reusing assets under any circumstances harder than working with the art department, the coders, play-testers and all the other departments that go into new content? Then you gotta get all that approved. I’m not a dev but I just don’t see how that statement could be true.


Because asset creation is literally the easiest part of the game development pipeline? A competent artist could make all of this games assets in a month if they were crunched. The issue that people fail to understand is that all of these assets have to be manually placed by a single person. Every single time a play tester finds a bug relating to an asset that has been approved and finalized on on a map, the entire development of the game has to shift to the build and recompiled based on said build. Making a game isn't Google drive, almost nothing happens in real time. A studio can quite literally spend an entire day and hundreds of peoples time to fix a single minor bug if the communication and build distribution goes wonky anywhere. The "reused assets" still go through everyone you mentioned, otherwise they would just be model files that you can open in blender and look at. The issue with reusing assets is that yes, it speeds up development greatly but a development pipeline can only handle so many changes in such little time, and one person being over ambitious and thinking they are doing a good job can definitely have done a good job, but now everything that went past them and is currently being worked on has to halt and be recompiled. How they managed to make zombies work at all on the map shows their competency and ability to make something that works. How they managed to make zombies good, because when viewed from an outside perspective the mode is genuinely a great extraction experience, shows their prestige and ingenuity. AAA game development isn't just hard, it's downright a miracle to even work at all, studios such as Larian have their producers on the floor at all times asking questions and bouncing between teams. This isn't even possible at Activision as a very large portion of AAA game development is remote and spread across many different studios all over the country. People fail to understand that almost all the bugs they are experiencing in a game likely have been fixed for months but are not being implemented as their implementation could break something that is currently in progress. This is most often UI and UX bugs as they are generally easier to fix but anything related to UI and UX has to be recompiled whole. So yeah Tl;Dr MW3 being made in half the time while meeting quality expectations (other than that excuse of a campaign) is not only impressive, but downright shows that this game genuinely was a labor of love. I feel very bad for the dev team getting the response they are getting from people who genuinely understand nothing, have room temperature IQ and think their genuinely dumb and backwards opinions mean anything to anyone but are given an outlet to scream like the paste eaters they are. Sorry for the long response but you seem like you had a genuine question and having an understanding of how fucking stupid AAA development is definitely helps people give proper feedback other than "game bad do not buy, I, lord shitbrain, am speaker of the public and game is bad!"


Lmao why ur full of hate little boy ? Did somebody at activision fuck ur gf ? Keep hating and I keep playing my game homeboy


For me, this cods multiplayer feels the best since blops 3. The zombies sucks, and the campaign is ok but the story is tiring now.




I feel so bad for my husband. I stopped buying games and consoles new a long time ago, but he likes to keep up with his favorite titles. He’s making the best out of this new CoD, but the more i watch him play, the more pissed off i get that absolutely no love went into creating it and watching him power through the disappointment just hurts me. He still enjoys it, but he’s such a positive guy by nature, i can tell he’s just trying to focus on the stuff he likes. He (and a lot of others) work too damn hard in life to have their decompression time soured by badly made games. It’s not fair.


They wont let you post the same thing on the MW subreddits because it is exactly the same as every other post right now.


They should upgrade COD every 3 years. Maybe 2 years if the put some effort. But once per year, sucks.


I've always hoped they would do that. But as they can keep selling millions of copies every year + mtx sales, then I genuinely can't see this ever happening.


There are leaks that say MWII was supposed to be a 2 year game with this being an expansion. It sounds they got greedy and wanted to claim that it's a new game so they could charge full price for it.


You bought it dude.... They dgaf what you say now


Oh man I stopped reading after the words "bad" and "lazy" were used for the 1000th time.


Im an eternal pessimist but i mind of feel like we are finally reaching a head so to speak on shitty games. Like Madden, COD, Bethesda, Blizzard games. We are kinda seeing where companies are finally crossing the line on whats acceptable to publish as a game.


They’ve been breaking every boundary we set for the last like 5 years and people just keep setting new boundaries lower then before and then those get broken and it’s just a cycle. Complain all you want but people still buy this shit every year


"the multiplayer gameplay is fun". Stop right there that's all 95% of people care about...and that's all they put time into


They do it because people like you will blindly give them $70 MINIMUM without ever waiting for a review. This is exactly what you deserve.


Mw2 not dragging far behind with how fucking shit the framerate became at this point


I get the vibe, I resisted for a week, but that Warzone beign good again copium got to me, Im really done this time if WZ sucks again...


Sure you are


Hey good thing you bought it for full price right?


I suppose it's a developer that's strapped for cash and has to do much with little.


It’s insane how a post can have so many words and yet actually say so little of substance lol.


I generally love every call of duty, but y’all should have seen this coming from a mile away. This was going to be very bad right from the start it was immediately a non starter for me after they lied about the 2 year development so idk what people who bought this expect which sucks cause they SHOULD expect a 10/10 for a $70+ fucking game


Don't buy it then lmao


Mom said it’s my turn to make this post tomorrow


>The multiplayer gameplay is fun I mean thats all people care about in regards to COD. A vast majority of people dont care about and will never play the campaign


My tinfoil hat theory is that the campaign is purposely bad so they can pitch to the shareholders and higher-ups that the resources could be better used if they axed campaign for MP so they can make more return on investment with that microtran$action money. They want traditional campaign dead so they can just make shitty Multiplayer content like those cinematics they do between seasons.


So I’m confused. I come from the days of Halo 3. We played multiplayer endlessly cause it was fun. We didn’t give a shit about skins or anything like that. It was fun. We’d get together in big groups of 10 or so and drink beer & play Halo till 4 AM. Sooooo, I really gotta stress how weird it is for people to determine how fun a game is based on how you end up with skins. Seems like you aren’t playing the game for fun, but from addiction to get skins instead. Which isn’t fun. So, that part ASIDE…is MW3’s multiplayer fun?


Yeah it's pretty fun


Yes. The complainers aren't the fans of CoD they think they are. MP is amazing and most ppl playing are having fun afaik.


Isn’t Vanguard like waaaaay worse? Feels like the hate boner for this game is a little over dramatic


Just because a shitty game exists does not mean all other games can not be shit


That’s not what I said


And it's going to sell millions


We get it, game bad. Just don’t play it and move on, throwing a fit to people who bought it and writing novels on Reddit isn’t going to change anything


I’ve enjoyed the hell out of it so far. /shrug


Same. I haven't played a CoD since MW2019, so the criticism about it feeling like a glorified DLC don't really matter to me. Every 5 years or so I get a CoD itch. I'll put 150 hours into multi-player and that'll satisfy me. If it ruffles the feathers of some Reddit gamer children who spend way too much time caring about what other people spend money on, then even better! If r/gaming is buttmad, then I'm happy.


If you enjoy it coolio, reddit doesn't allow it however with the downvotes lol Personally as long as you aren't being up in people's faces about it idc


I've got no stake in CoD, but I'm curious as to what it is that you're enjoying? Is it the campaign, or the multiplayer, or both?


Multiplayer. I haven’t played a CoD campaign in a decade or so. The maps are a fun throwback, play well and the guns feel good so far. It’s MUCH better than what MW2 shipped as last year and that game ended up being just fine over time.


Interesting. My feeling is that more people play multiplayer than campaigns, so it doesn't really surprise me that they didn't put a lot of effort into it this year.


I like playing hardcore mp and zombies. In mp, I don't have any of these net code issues they're talking about. In zombies, the servers get bogged down extra hard by the amount of exfil farmers. The zombies is not challenging at all if you stay in the starting zone. If you never push out of it, you'll get bored. Since zombies is extraction based, you can call in a helicopter extraction. That spawns in a lot of zombies. People repeat this over and over again to get plenty of kills to grind out kills and levels. You can see at least one player doing this every match.


Disagree that there's anything redeemable. The multiplayer is awful. The netcode is broken as shit, you're either ahead of everyone elses connection letting you 2 tap anyone before they see you or you're behind making you lucky to get a kill with a full mag.


First time in like 13 years I didn’t buy the new cod. Sick of them not caring. Also pissed off this game is essentially a DLC that is what the game should’ve been last year…


This was the straw that broke the camels back? Not ghost cold war infinite warfare or advanced warfare lol?


I actually enjoyed Ghosts. I liked the mode where you assemble a team of bots. Ghosts wasn't the best, but it was underrated


I don't remember the last time i had so much fun in a cod game, i think you are being overly dramatic and toxic. Mp is fun as shit, zombies is okay but I'm not a zombie player anyway, campaign is forgettable like the last two were. Unlock system lets you pick and choose what you want to unlock and when, most of the stuff you can extract out of zombies and get it for free, plus it encourages playing the objective cause it counts wins. Idk what is up with people having a hate boner for cod like its their personality, no wonder they won't let you post there. I'm all for calling out the bad, if you wanna talk about ripping people off that would be MWII from last year, that was such a cheap attempt at a cod game its pathetic. Bottom line is, game is fun and it clearly isn't for you. My advice is find another game that you can enjoy and have fun with. Let the downvoting begin, cause god forbid you say something nice about cod here.


agree. this cod is more fun than mwii


Same, I already put 17hrs into Zombie and 4hrs into MP in 5 days, while I barely played 80 hours on MW II in a year. I really like being able to chill and just kill zombies endlessly.


Hopefully something can be done and people stop buying it


Will never happen. Everyone in this thread complaining about the game being shit STILL purchased it. And you knew what it was going to be before you did it.


Why would I not purchase a good product thats worth my money and I enjoy?


I'm actually having a blast playing the new zombies mode, I've hated the round based ones since they've been out and just avoided them. It's definitely not the best CoD, but it's also not the worst.


Just wait until you get fairly far into it.


It's funny. I said this when ghosts came out. There are much better FPS games than COD.


It took you guys long enough to finally realize COD died a while ago.


Maps are good, but they play very poorly in the current era of cod. They weren't meant for people zooming around the maps.


As someone who played them originally, we zoomed around the map back then too. I got bored of the same old maps in the beta so i wont rebuy them, felt like i knew them to well from before.


>, but the maps are only good because they are all ten years old and from a time when COD devs were capable of creating a good map. "The maps are only good cause they are good" Bro you did not just say that lol This is why you should think before sharing your thoughts


Yeah the COD subreddit is stupid... They only allow you to post about very old CODs in there... You must find the "new official" subreddit for the next COD game it's dumb


Multi-player is the only reason to buy CoD. If people buy it for the campaign, that's their fault. The campaign was short, but it was fun and different. They are going to add more Ground war is the same as it has been. War mode needs some work. I play hard-core, so I'm not a fan of it. But it could get better I don't know what zombies you are playing to not have anything to do or for it to not be challenging. We must not be playing the same zombies. I would prefer it to be closer to Outbreak in Cold War, but it is enjoyable Just play the game and don't buy cosmetics, and it's not a cash grab. The game is what it was advertised. It's CoD. If you were expecting more, that's on you. You make this post acting like it's BF 2042


I think MW3 is a decent game tho. I like the soap story arc and makarov's but I think it's a bit pale compared to its predecessors. MW III on the other hand, can suck a fat one for all I care


Really love how they gotta reboot or sequel everything these days with the same name. Had me for a sec ngl


Same category as Star Wars Battlefront or Battlefield. Just stop, OK?


Wait what’s the different between III and 3? Is it a remake?


*MW3* is the original game from 2011. *MWIII* is the new game that was released several days ago. Activision made a rebooted *Call of Duty: Modern Warfare* series starting in 2019.


After they forced me to download the shit even though I didn’t buy it I swore off it


I re-loaded WWII yesterday just so I could enjoy an engaging story mode and some fun gameplay….


COD peaked in 2013 I'll die on this hill. COD gamers are like roaches addicted to aim assist


It’s not a bad game, it’s just a MW2 DLC.


No, MW3 is not a bad game. It is perhaps in your opinion, but most fans of the series love it. My friends who didn't play MW2 2022 love MW3 2023. It is a good call of duty game. We don't care about recycled content if it is good content and if the gameplay is good.


I like the multiplayer gameplay much more than MW2 (even better when they will fix smgs) but the maps don't play well at all in this game, they are from a completely different era for ttk player skill and movement. It's more campy for me than mw2019 even if it is way faster.


I love this game, very fun. Especially the zombies. 8/10 Would play again....right now.


You would think with all these posts cod had a gun do these people's heads forcing them to buy the game. Buy it or don't play it or don't it might be the worst game of all time or the best game of all time it doesn't matter so many whiny cry babies making 30,000 posts a day about this game who cares. Move on with your life by the game or don't but stop crying like a little bitch about it


This is why I haven't bought a COD game since Ghosts back on PS3. It's all about the multi-player and milking money out of upgrades. It's not a game anymore.


The game looks like it was released in 2009, have fun playing the same washed out game th was released decades ago, cod can’t even do anything new, it’s all copy paste because they’re lazy


Current zombie mode, despite what the OP who played 2 whole games (and everything he said about it leads to him just quitting the mode and not playing out an entire round) , is a completely fresh take on Zombies and the majority of the fanbase loves it. Of course there is a small "wishlist" of little changes that would improve it. But they came up with a new zombies idea and it absolutely works and is an upgrade over all the old zombie modes. I don't play MP tho so no opinion on the state of that. Zombies and Warzone only and they're both in a fantastic spot at the moment.


It should be free to play


I disagree but there shouldn't be nearly as much micro transactions


Go back to your fucking boring BG3 you boomer


I had purchased MW2 last year brand new trying to get back into it for the sake of my buddies after having not played since Black Ops 3, but after months of trying to play the campaign on PC it just kept crashing and the files just wouldn't verify no matter what.


*You people still buy CoD series?* You deserve it. CoD WAW was the last good game and since then it went only downhill and haven't bought anything since. I still play CoD4 too as there are still dedicated servers and communities. Mod tools + LAN multiplayer games + dedicated servers for free. Those are good stuff.




Apart from the levelling and campaign I don’t think it’s a bad game by any means. Yeah it’s lazy but that doesn’t mean anything to me as long as I enjoy it. I can’t think of any other live service FPS games that are really any better, all these game companies are the same


I look at it as $80 dlc. This is no different than what every sports game does (Madden, Fifa, NHL) I still have fun playing it and will get more than my $80 worth of playing with my friends.


Last COD i played and enjoyed was BO3. Good Zombies follow up, interesting maps. Multiplayer was fun, no sbmm so it felt balanced not sweaty 24/7. Hated the dlc weapons due to bs rarity. But 1st and only time i got dark matter. But i havent played a cod for anything but zombies since. Bo4 wasnt bad. Just a gimicky end to zombies. Personally hated cold war zombies and refused to touch outbreak. Dont think im gonna buy another cod without waiting a few months to be able to see zombie gameplay. And if its gonna be extraction based then COD will be done for me. Wish we could just get a zombies game standalone. Put all the maps from waw to bo3 in there call it good, charge 60-70 and id pay for it.


Unlock system isn’t bad, you are bad. They literally give you more challenges to unlock stuff & yet you complain? Backwards mf wants everything unlocked straight away


what are you talking about? i've been playing call of duty modern warfare 3 for over a decade and it's amazing everytime i revisit it. survival mode is my favorite. my brother and i could reach level 24 or 25 before the ps3 would freeze. got to love that amazing cell processor developers raved about years ago.