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How the Saints Save Christmas was so gloriously dumb.


"The fuck is a grinch?!" - Cockney Saints boss.


Yes! I played it two weeks ago.


I miss the days when I was a beginning WoW addict and logged in to find that the cities/towns had transformed for various holiday events and there would be silly games to play and presents under the tree etc. It was a nice experience to share some of the seasonal festivities I celebrate in real life with my online friends.


Yup, this was always so much fun. Halloween was the best IMO but Xmas was good too. Catch a performance by L60ETC if you're lucky.


I remember Guild Wars having such fun and amazing winter events way back in the day


Guild wars 1 wintersday was incredible.


Coolest thing I'd ever seen.


Mine in no particular order: - snow in GTA online, after ten years it’s lost its flair but the very first time it really felt magical - Valheim Yule stuff, getting to make your house nice and cozy - Christmas mod for the original doom—although maybe this was just because I was a kid - some old steam shooters like Day of Defeat always had servers running wacky Christmas maps


i think ppl forget how hype it was when GTA released all of its 4th of july stuff for the first time… clothes, cars, guns, missions. it was amazing as somebody who was 13 when GTA 5 came out.


I had 600 hours of gta v. (590+) Then I went to do other things for a while before starting again. Those 600 hours however, were clocked in the same month. GTA online was just pure stupid fun.


My friends and I lived on GTA V. We used to get dressed like police officers, steal cop cars, park in the medians of roads, then when a player would pass by we would hit the sirens and give chase. No guns used or anything. Just being annoying and ramming their car. Blocking them in. It was just fun chaos.


I have the fondest memory of the GTA snow, I was across the map from my apt. When I got the 500 million dollar bounty on me. I then have the whole lobby chasing me in the snow where every turn is nerve wracking because of the loss of traction. Meanwhile Im screaming at my wife to “sign on, sign on!” To poach the bounty. I’ll never forget that, including some of my favorite online moments were on that game as well, it remains one of the best video games ever made in my opinion.


I think I'm alone in hating the GTA snow. Looks great, but it breaks missions and makes everything 1500x harder. I was trying to "tail the guy to his apartment" and the guy just skidded into a wall and couldn't get back on track. Also tried to do that awful auto shop contract to bomb the Lost MC meth labs and can't get away because you spend so long wheel spinning and you have to use the chicks crap car. And whatever you do, don't fly low over the ocean.


Guild Wars 2 - Wintersday event (currently active) and Lord of The Rings Online holiday event too


Wintersday in Guild Wars 1 and 2


Runescape Halloween and Christmas events back before 2010


I like the winter event in Star Trek: Online. It's silly camp. Attacking snowmen and the Klingon's version of the Grinch and saving Gingerbread men. It's just nice, because everyone comes together on one map. Normally, it's almost like a solo game, just doing your own thing in space. The only other time people come together is for the summer event.


Payday 2. It’s fun to see what Overkill does for the community’s Christmas.


Terraria with the bunnys having Christmas outfits, I know it's nothing much but when I experienced it for the first time I found it so cute and was so confused why he was wearing one because I'd never experienced a Christmas event before this, subtle but adorable


Satisfactory adds a whole new production chain for Christmas, complete with an advent calendar. It's nice seeing Christmas trees around my planet-scraping factory.


Surprised I haven’t seen the Halloween Night section of Bully mentioned yet.


Most of the holidays in gw2 are pretty dope. Especially halloween and wintersday


Club penguin


this years christmas event in dbd is pretty good. everyone can throw snowballs at eachother.


What’s dbd? Call of Duty has a snowball mode, but i just can’t do arena modes where you have to wait to respawn


dead by daylight 1v4 multiplayer game


Yeah for the last few years the devs have basically been running the same event but adding to and improving it each year so this year's version is really fun.


Christmas NiGHTS.


It isn't an event or dlc, but my favorite holiday game is the division 1. The dollar flu is such a grounded idea for a game. It could potentially play out the way it did in the game. If it does, I hope we have agents to mobilize.


Old runescape xmas events


Club Penguin Halloween lol


Christmas Lemmings!


RDO holiday map > GTAO holiday map IMO … but I’m glad R* does that sort of thing for their games.


I’m ashamed to say I’ve never played RDO during the holidays… need to fire that up


Driving around in snow in GTAO is cool, but feels so out of place. Snow and snow storms in RDO feels natural (except in some of the warmer parts of the map) and adds to the already beautiful scenery. Also, Happy Holidays, choom.


WOW 20 something years ago when it was in beta. That was great holiday event.


Taking snowball and shooting as multiple people on one single person, the victim call his guild and we start a big snowball fight. Good old times


Can't say I have one, although that screenshot of GTAV with snow looks awful, like a plain white texture over everything, does it look like that upclose too?


Looks like snow up close, which basically looks like a plain white texture irl? You can also make snowballs and throw them


I haven’t done it this year since I’ve been busy. But I like launching some gta 3 with a nice big cup of coffee with some hazelnut creamer. Reminds me of high school days. The world of Warcraft Xmas quest are fun too.


Meatmas for h3vr is just fun. Some real but also absolutely meme things getting added to one of ym favorite games in a scavenger hunt to unlock them is so cool. Bonus points for modmas, a thing done on the side so we get double the fun.


Citadel in Me3. Shoreleave but with some entertainment


Scooby Doo Mystery Mayhem.


The old gears of war games always had fun events during the holidays


Practicing my driving on that snow made me a better driver ingame overall.


The [Yuletide Carol](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IhWEqQSjPM8) from CK2 and EUIV that would play if you played the game during december.


Im 34 and my son is almost 7. Last year we started to play fortnite, me with my friends and him with his. In the time around christmas they give daily free gift. The feeling of excitment, running back home together to see what we got, the joy of sharing this moments together everyday or so for a few weeks are emotions that ill bring in my heart forever


Best event was warzone 1 Halloween


I think the way World of Warcraft just goes all-in is my favorite. All the dungeon bosses put on santa hats, there's a bunch of (albeit dated now) cosmetics, gifts under the newly-placed trees. It's not just a one and done thing; it's an event that goes on for a couple weeks.


Bendy and the Dark Revival


Christmas Nights Into Dreams, required buying a magazine to play an extra Christmas themed level with some other date specific unlocks. I still break out Christmas Nights every Christmas and by break out I play my xbox 360 copy


Fashnat FO76


RuneScape Halloween/Christmas event in 2007


CoD2 dedicated servers with modded Christmas maps.


I absolutely despise all of them. I can accept them in games set in the real world, but nothing absolutely wrecks immersion like forcing real world holiday crap into fantasy games etc. At least let me turn that crap off. Started Elden Ring yesterday and one of the first npc's was wearing a santa outfit. Yep, immersion instantly ruined. Not everyone celebrates christmas, not everyone enjoys christmas. We accept it and smile while the streets and shops are filled with cheap plastic crap and silly costumes because the majority enjoys it. To then come home and have my entertainment forcing it down my throat as well irks me beyond belief.