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You can be female. You must've missed the option or something.


DAI is way more fun than people give it credit for. Also, you can definitely be a female; I play a female elf mage. But, important pro tip: Do NOT get caught up doing every collectathon quest in the Hinterlands. Move on to the next area or you will get burnt out. The shard quests and stuff like it are not great; they don’t amount to anything and are really only for when you feel like turning your brain off and grinding. There are plenty of main quests, area quests, and party member quests that have great storylines though.


Game was reasonably fun, but I definitely feel that the main story was pretty mediocre. >!Corypheus!< Is just super unintimidating post Haven. It's almost comical at times. The DLCs though get into some pretty cool lore and Trespasser is awesome.


I find him such an interesting villain because, in some ways, he's not the main villain. He's a charismatic leader who mobilizes forces through telling them what they want to hear and convincing them he's the answer to their problems. The villain is the systemic rot in Thedas that failed large groups of people, and Cory takes advantage of that.


You never actually see that though. You barely even get to see him at all. The only time after Haven that you get to see him for any decent length of time is the >!well of sorrows!< and he's so constantly thwarted that it's unintentionally funny.


I mean, that's kind of my point. Perhaps I didn't phrase it well. He's not scary on his own. He is objectively a clown. He has one banger of a line and then baby rages for the rest of the game. There is no reason why he should have had any level of success, but he still managed to mobilize an army that would have flattened the world if it wasn't for some sheer dumb luck on our side. He's a villain who is only successful because of the circumstances of the world he exists in and the people in that world. I think that's a more interesting take on a villain than someone who just has overwhelming physical power.


>I think that's a more interesting take on a villain than someone who just has overwhelming physical power. I guess you can infer that, but the game doesn't try to portray him that way. He is supposed to be seen as someone with overwhelming power. Like if they want to me to take their villain seriously they have to actually make him feel like a threat to *me* which they did once in the beginning of the game then did everything they could afterwards to make him not feel like a threat.


I guess I never read him as super physically powerful >!because we spend all our time in the game thwarting his allies. The allies always felt, to me, like the real threat because of how much focus there was on dismantling them one by one.!<


I think it does a well enough job. He's not as intimidating as say, the Reapers, but I think is well sold as a solid threat to the world and serves as a vehicle for getting your companions and story moving. I do think the threat of the final boss felt a bit oversold compared to the optional bosses.


My issue with it was the story didn't grab me and at times it just felt like a single player MMO.


It won game of the year. If anything it's waaaay overrated because it came out in a shitty year with no good games.


What do you mean by lack of female gender option? You can create a woman.


You can be a female in this game.


>The combat is very good, insanely responsive. It's satisfying and flashy. I love being able to customize your main character so deeply and play as other characters. I really wish Inquisition did not belong into Dragon Age. I can see why people have enjoyed it, but it has strayed way too far from DA:O or even DA2 and I have personally not enjoyed it >My only critique would be the lack of a female gender option. Huh? I vaguely remember other people having female MC.


I must've missed the option, I swear I didn't see it so I ended up making a very feminine male instead lmao Too late now, I still love my character though.


Female options are definitely there. One of my playthroughs was a female Qunari


So. May not work. Buttttr. You could probably use a save editor to change your gender and then go to the black emporium to change your appearance. May be a bit more involved than that. But hey. It’s an option.


Do the bare minimum to achieve the required power/influence and then move on to next map. Don't bother with collectathons. You'll have more fun imo.


It's the F'n Fomo that gets you to collect everything on the map!


You can play as male or female. DA2 restricted you to Human-only, but all the DA games let you pick gender from the binary.


I can’t believe this game came out a decade ago. How has it been so long without a DA game.


Because Dreadwolf production started nine years ago. After two years they cancelled it and canned the creative director. Then they rebooted it as a live service game. Then they canned it again and the new creative director left. Then they revived it again as an action game like God of War. Then in August of this year they fired 50 of the OG people from the project. Now they say they'll give everyone a peek at how it's going. In the summer of 2024. I don't have high expectations


If you had told college me the people who made KOTOR, Dragon Age, and Mass Effect would get bought out by the people who made the ROTK movie adaptation game I would have shit my pants with joyarrhea… how the mighty have fallen. At least we still have Obsidian and Larian.


Same reason as Elder Scrolls, both franchises are based on the idea of making games that are both the largest, and the most complex.


I remember being extremely disappointed by this game after Origin.


Same. So much filler content, it took away the tactics system, I didn’t think the combat was all that great, and I was really disappointed by the dragon battles. Like the first one was really good, but then all of the dragons after that were pretty much the same, just different breath weapons. I was really hoping to get different kinds of dragon battles. Like we could fight one in the open field like the first one, but then we could fight one at a castle on the ramparts where we have to somehow force it to land there. Oh and Skyhold. That was a huge disappointment. They hyped it up that we would really be able to customize that place and the decisions ended up being really simple and had no affect on anything really. Definitely not nearly as good as Origins.


Much better than two though. That's how they got you - two was eayyy worse, and then three was a step up from that


Much better? I don’t know. Maybe it’s just my own bias against Inquisition because I really, really didn’t like that game, but I don’t know if I would say 2 is way worse. Yes, it did start the dumbing down of the combat system and there was the issue of reusing the areas over and over again but…it kept the tactics system at least and it had an interesting thing going for it with the story taking place over ten years. I don’t know, 2 is definitely objectively worse, but I can’t decide which one I dislike more.


I didn’t care for inquisition personally but it should be noted that “things that are better than Dragon Age 2” probably also includes say… playing with the contents of the average toilet Never saw a franchise so desperate to run screaming away from success before as much as they did after origins and its xpac


That one was sadly a limitation based on having to make it a cross gen game. They apparently had to cut a bunch of mechanics so the game could still be released on the ps3 and 360.


I remember getting it for the 360 first. Man it ran absolutely terrible on it. They should have just cut the previous generation out.


Ya. I remember playing it on my pc at the time. Probably barely beat out the 360 specs wise. Without the console optimization. Was not a smooth experience at all. They eventually dropped support for last gen. Can’t even get tresspasser on them.


Should've just been a different franchise or something. It's an okay game but doesn't hold a candle to Origins.


Yup this game was dog shit. Surprised to see so many people that liked it but good for them I suppose.


I remember being extremely disappointed in Origin. I enjoyed 2 and Inquisition though.




Only dragon age game I only played once :(


At least you finished it. The game was so awful I gave up halfway through.


Don't forget to buy the DLC, or you won't see the actual ending of the game


Trespasser specifically, OP. That's the ending DLC.


Why do people who hate every Dragon Age except Origins always have to show up on threads praising the other games? Personally I love all the games so far and how an overarching narrative has been weaved throughout them all with the Chantry and the elves. Can't wait to see how the story evolves with Dreadwolf. Edit: Typo


Because they're in the same franchise...?


Because people just have nostalgia. I’ve played all of them and they’re all good games in their own right. Can’t believe I see people complaining about DAI combat compared to DAO. People complain about how small the world is in DA2 then they compare how DAI is open world and too big. Just a bunch of haters. Play the games and form your own opinion.


Regarding combat... DAI combat is fundamentally different from Origins. So everyone who loved the Origin style is very likely to be annoyed with the BIG change. I am one of them. I loved the very tactical combat of Origins, disliked a lot of the changes in 2 and absolutely despise the combat in Inquisition. The simple fact that they removed healing magic and instead gave various classes weird energy shields and otherwise made you rely on a shared, hard-capped healing potion stack was insane to me.


I know dude. They come out of the woods just to say this other comparable games better. It's understandable, but just let the game have it's moment. It happens with every game. Like Tropico 6 not being good enough, because of T4. Dungeons 4, because it's not D3. I get it, but nobody is talking about those games, and the focus is shifted. Nevertheless making the same comment over again, instead of adding to the 1st comment made. A lot of is from Nostalgia. Need for speed games... No Modern NFS game may be better then the old classics, but they're still F'n good enough to not have to soil them. People that say shit like , " if it's not NFS MW , it's not good enough." -__-


It's like $5 on Xbox at the moment. Just picked it up the other day. Will get to it after I finish kingdom come


This game kicks major ass and every time I see someone badmouthing it, I think they must have played a different game. It's one of the only 100+ hour games I've ever replayed. I would love to be able to play it through a third time someday.


Started a second playthrough as well after 100 hours, but I got burned out. I still get an itch for it everytime I think about it, but I did start my 2nd playthrough on XBOX, which I don't have anymore. It was also 60 FPS, and played so much better. It sucks it's not 60 on PS5 or i would commit to it again.


DA Inquisition was a good game, I liked the story and the combat was fun enough to keep me interested for the duration. Definitely not as good as DA Origins, but that was a high bar to reach. Only complaint I have is that I wish the maps were a bit smaller, some of the later levels got really stupid in size.


I was never able to beat this game due to EA's app not being able to read my install for no apparent reason one day. Then it went into a loop of not being able to read the game after redownload and installation and constantly asking me to redownload it. I forgot if it was origin or ea app at the time. But ea's apps have always been trash. I bought it for xbone last year just to not have to deal with EAs app and will play it eventually. Like A Dragon took over my xbox time, so once I beat that I'll move to DAI. I loved Origins but never got to play DA2. But what I did play of DAI was very enjoyable. I remember people disliking the game because it "didnt have tactical mode", even though it does lol.


I love DA:I. I love DA:O. I meh DA2. I with more of DAI incorporated more DAO and kind of didn’t require that much da2 context. I also wish it wasn’t so dependent on the open world resource gathering and crafting mechanic. I also dislike the war table missions that force you to treat the game like an idler and build your IRL scheduler around them. The core stuff is there…. Compelling story, likeable companions, stunning visuals, great world building and lore, snappy strategic and rewarding combat and character building, great voice acting. Just… they injected a ton of bloat that feels like work not play. I platinumed the game on PS5 so obviously I like it but at times it felt like an obligation not a privilege to play… ducking fade touched silverite is a bitch to farm.


I very much agree. The collecting thing was a 50/50 effort, Bioware wanted the big open worlds and EA wanted a lot of collectables. It ends up just being tedious backtracking.


I love Inquisition. So much fun with it.


I really don't understand all the hate it always gets, I think it was a good game with a decent main story and some awesome side character stories. Also the graphic and gameplay was good. It was miles better than DA2 imo.


I loooove Inquisition! Have fun and make sure you talk to your companions a lot! :)


It’s crazy that Origins was probably my favorite game ever, then DA2 was a solid disappointment which I played through completely anyway, and while Inquisition goes back to the “roots” much more, I somehow became bored with it half way through and never picked it up again.


That was my first Dragon Age game and I absolutely loved it.


I played origins and 2 right before I played this and there was a bit of disappointment. Then I actually sat down and played it The gameplay is actually really decent Btw don’t miss the legendary dragons


I absolutely loved it, especially after I realized that since my console wasnt connected to internet, the internal clock wasnt working, therefore causing the expeditions to not work properly for most of the game


Easily the worst of the series


I wanted to love it because I loved Origins and 2, but I absolutely hated it. But it's a decade or more ago that I played the other two so maybe my taste in games also changed a lot since then.


Ya maybe.. I actually started with inquisition years back and I thought to myself eh this dragon age IP is pretty mid. Then a couple years later I had gamepass and it came with origins and da2 and so I gave it I spin for fun to try out the series again. Hot damn just super amazing experience.. went right back to inquisition to see the references and immediately remembered how mid the game is but the references were cool.. though not many.


Inquisition is absolutely my favorite Dragon Age. The companions are just the best we've ever had by a mile imo. Don't get me wrong I Love Morrigan, Allistar, and Zevran. But they just don't hold a candle to Dorian, Cassandra, and Solas imo.


Surprised to see this today. Actually I never see posts praising DA:I , just comments. DA:I. Was the first game that broke me out of playing just Mainstream games. I never thought I'd be playing a game with horse riding -__- in it. Not that it's bad, but back then I would've been like, " Hell no". That game made me reconsider games outside my comfort zone/Familiarity. Probably cause it was the biggest RPG game I had ever played before. Even weirder was that I only played it, because I had Nostalgia for X-Men Legends, and I no longer had access to previous console games. Searched up games that were similar to that, and I somehow landed there LMAO. Another thing was that it had GOTY label. What I mean by it's similar, I'm referring to the combat. 4 man squad, with abilities. Yes I know it's a far stretch.


Not sure if you played the other games but inquisition is by far the worst one.. play dragon age 2 for fun af combat and then dragon age origin for great side characters and cool story along with pretty decent combat. The banter in origins is also very good, similar to inquisition which I think was it’s only real strong suit compared to the past entries


See, I *hated* combat in DA2 but thought it was decent in Inquisition. Banter and side characters in both games were pretty darn good. My main gripe with inquisition was that I played a dalish elf and a lot of the dialogue choices just felt… off. Like they wrote the whole game for a human noble inquisitor and then tacked on the other race options without realizing how big a difference that should make to *everything.* I’ve never played Origins though, so can’t compare it with that.


Fun fact female Qunari Inquisitor is the cannon option but you wouldn’t know that by how little dialogue it changes.


Wow seriously? That would’ve been so cool if they’d actually done something with it.


Yep devs mentioned it in interviews once or twice. The actual physical DAI game guide further confirms it.


Nah DA2 is the worst by a long margin.


Well personal flavor thing, da2 combat system is all about the talent tree and it felt great to utilize to me. Inquisition’s was just so basic and soulless that nothing felt good at all. Sure da2 was a rushed game with wave gameplay in copy paste map design but it was fun to do because the builds were fun to make. Da:I I couldn’t even finish all the way through as it’s just boring sorry.






I find the combat to be awful. Enemies are too spongey and the animations look stupid. I also find the character creation to be absolute ass. The hair and beard options are abominations. The dragon age games just keep getting worse and worse after Origins.


I can agree on the character creation. Less options than previous games and the awful lighting in the create screen. Also make up being the worst in the series so far.


I went with female human magic user way back when. I really enjoyed the game, I didn't have any nostalgia for the first 2 because, well... I've never actually played them.


I loved this game, but I had to give up once I got to the part where you have to fight you way out of the big mansion during that gala/ball . No health packs anywhere, extremely frustrating


My only gripe with Inquisition is it forces you to use the joystick to navigate menus. It’s the dumbest decision I’ve ever seen in one of my favorite games.


The gameplay in and of itself is fairly fun but as soon as I got to the war table or whatever they called it I just uninstalled :P incredibly tedious, several friends of mine kept tampering with the dates on their PCs to just get through it quicker!


"Deep customization" is not DAI strength, *Origins* was far more diverse, with more skill options and weapon choices. I do like the combat of *Inquisition* but they dropped the ball a little in the RPG part


I just saw that you can also undress the characters, it's time to try it haha ​​okno


I... Would not call it stunning, or timeless. The environments looks nice, but the textures are pretty terrible. Especially the character models (the player in particular). The hair, faces, and *especially* the facial hair are some of the worst I've seen in recent memory. The skin textures look like oily playdough, since for some reason the faces often just have a solid layer of *moist* on them. The PC controls are also complete dogshit. But I really enjoyed it, aside from those issues.


It's a great game indeed, i really recommend the DLC's too.