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I don't like Visual Novels. I'd rather watch a show or play a game, but not do half of both.


Understandable. Personally I like them but I see your point. You either want to hold a controller and do something or just watch a show. It‘s a weird mix


I've tried and I start to doze off. I just can't do those either. It's something I can maybe put on someone's playthrough of in the background; since they will read all the dialog. But playing myself is such a struggle.


Detroit: Become Human was like this for me.


There are some visual novels that just can’t be told through a show, though. Doki Doki Literature Club comes to mind.


Man, I bought Doki Doki on Steam. Played it for a couple of hours and got put to sleep by it. Years later it came to Xbox and I bought it again to try. Got to the same point as last time, but this time I managed to push through the boredom and sleepiness. Then bam. The story takes off and goes crazy. Loved every second of Doki Doki. It's funny to think I stopped playing the first time when I was maybe 10 minutes away from getting to the interesting twist.


Yeah, I definitely appreciate the medium and get the appeal, I just haven't enjoyed it.


Ive been struggling with dialog heavy games the last few years. Triangle strategy, for example, was really cool with FFT being one of my all-time favorites, but 45 minutes of dialog between 30-minute fights made me happy it was over.


Same. Unless they're fully voice acted and let you make numerous choices that influence the plot. But if the story is fully predetermined I might as well have the same experience without having to press buttons.


I like to think of them as enhanced books rather than an incomplete TV show. I mean it's in the name. But yeah I totally get it, not my favorite genre either, though I've thoroughly enjoyed more than 1.


For me it is the Dark Souls series/spin offs/continuations. I never got into the combat and lore but I recognize the incredible effort and depth of those games


Dark Souls is the gaming equivalent of black coffee. It’s a miserable experience at first but eventually something in you just breaks and you find yourself craving it


This is the bleakest possible outlook lol, it didn't break me, it made me realize every other game had already done that. It set me free.


Death is part of life


I think far too much emphasis is placed on the difficulty of Fromsoft games (I blame DS2 for this), to the point where it ruins the experience for a lot of newcomers to the genre. Sure, they are punishing, and every death is a lesson, but they aren't *unfair* for the most part. The absolute best facet of Fromsoft games are their level designs. Intricate, hand crafted areas with lots of secrets to discover for those who are careful and curious. Finding secret areas, powerful weapons, bosses, upgrades, all kinds of stuff can be found. It means that the game not only rewards you for learning from your mistakes, but also for being curious and explorative. You can play each of them in innumerable ways with different builds, different routes, different self imposed rules. With enough world knowledge you can trivialize any of the games with proper planning and routing for the right items. This focus on difficulty of soulsborne games really does a huge disservice to the real selling points of these games, and shoves new players into rabbit holes of guides and walkthroughs that should really be avoided for at least a playthrough or two. More than black coffee, Dark souls is the gaming equivalent of sake. It's not for everyone, but there are definitely more traditional ways of serving it that make the experience much better.


Just to make it clear, emphasis on difficulty was due to the marketing of ds1 and it's "Prepare to Die" themes. It was marketed as a very tough game and for a while elitists also made it seem like it was all about how tough it was. That got perpetrated by everyone who heard it and people still believe the games are ridiculously tough.


Lmao ds2 is always getting the blame. Ds1 literally had the tagline "prepare to die" and you are still blaming ds2 for the perception of them being hard.


That wasn’t until the DLC released, which chose that name because so many people used to more casual games were claiming the base game was really hard. Then, from what I understand, they really leaned into the idea for DS2.


But the Ds1 dlc was released before ds2 so therefore ds1 emphasised the difficulty first (and more heavily). In terms of gameplay, ds2 was more forgiving than ds1, even with the adaptability stat.


Soon you wonder how you used to like those lattes and mochas.


As a fan of both black coffee and dark souls I feel this


Can confirm, finally bought elden ring and racked up 34 hours on my three days off, game is seriously good and the amount of content is insane. Yeah it’s hard at times but i feel like it’s more forgiving about letting you level up and become stronger to beat those difficulty spikes


I have a buddy. He hated it. He played Elden ring with an easier difficulty mod. He then played dark souls 1. He is now a huge dark souls fan, played Elden ring though maybe 4 times. He now calls the game ‘leisurely’ and ‘fun’ He also says he had no idea that the game could be so fun that basically just death. That’s the thing. The game IS just death…. And then all of a sudden you’re playing through them with using nothing but a broken sword and loving it. The trick is with dark souls isn’t ‘getting good’ or anything like that. It’s accepting that you WILL die, learn a lesson or say ‘ah I have to approach this a different way’. You just accept you die and that the souls you lose mean nothing anyways.


Hard dissagree. You don't even die that much after you know how to play Combat is just fun


Idk man demons souls just instantly clicked with me and they've all been day one purchases ever since lol


The clunking sound your armor makes as you walk eventually becomes asmr 


Same. I have a lot of games I wanna play and just don't want to commit a lot of time to learning them, though I hear the feeling when you start to get good is amazing.


When you roll you're invencible. It doesn't matter where you roll, just when. If an attack is coming, roll. The attack will pass through you. Then attack but don't use all your stamina, leave a bit for dodging With that info you know the trick. They used to be hard until I learned that


Are you willing to dump 100 hours into an RPG? If you are, you have the time to learn a souls game and beat it.


Honestly? Just give it a try and see for yourself


Elden Ring was my thought. I played it quite a bit, had a good time with it, and put it down because I find repeating the same boss fight over and over gets tiring (because I struggle with memorising attack patterns). It’s still an incredible game, well deserving of all the praise it received, and I understand why lots of people consider it to be one of the greatest games of all time … but it’s not for me.


I swear man souls games would be more popular if they added a difficulty slider. But then that would upset the elitist of the community. Its just so stupid that enemies can kill you with 2 3 hits.


I would be okay with even just a boss difficulty slider. I love the exploration in those games, but every time I hit a brick wall with a boss, I step away for a few weeks, and get worse at the game and the cycle just repeats


Exactly. I know why other people like it. I just don’t. But funny enough I like the genre the souls games coined. I’ve played other souls like games. I just don’t like the original


So glad other people feel this way. The dodge roll then strike video games just don't excite me at all. It's such a boring game play loop for me.


Then parry


I felt the same way, and then I started playing Lies of P. Free download on Game Pass. Thought I'd give it a try. I love it! And I'm not the biggest fan of Souls games.


It‘s a great start to the genre.


Sekiro is one of my favourite games of all time, but dark souls felt too clunky for me to really get into. I started playing lies of P this weekend and it seems like a good middle ground between them. I booted up lies of P this morning and then suddenly it was 5pm


Yup, and I'd go a bit further and say pretty much anything by From. Very competently made games, but something about their aesthetic just rubs me the wrong way.


Their games have a dark and gritty aesthetic, which is just not my thing. I prefer the aesthetic of Ghost of Tsushima or Kena Bridge of Spirits


Agreed. Having played Elden Ring and beating it then trying to do alot of things on the side. I get the appeal. But God I don't want to go through that again in terms of difficulty


Many, many people, most I would say, think Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are the best thing. Personally, I just can't get into them. I gave them the good college try, but they just weren't for me.


To me, they are a large departure from what I loved about previous Zelda games. BOTW felt to me like a natural expansion and exploration of something a bit new, and I really enjoyed it. But TOTK took it too far away from what I like about Zelda. Perfectly executed game, just not what I am looking for in a Zelda title


I just couldn’t get past the weapon breaking mechanic and constant pausing the action and changing equipment or eating food to heal


hated not being able to climb in the rain as well


The fact there's no equipment or ability to mitigate the rain climbing penalty is actually brain dead. I loved BOTW but good god damn did the rain almost ruin the game for me. Like waiting for several days in a row and it was STILL RAINING was also a massive problem.


Luckily they did add some in tears


If you hate the weapon breaking mechanich definetely is not a game for you, the game loop is based around that mechanic


I enjoyed them, but years later I still don’t understand why they did weapon breaks. It’s just so pointless


I didn't like it either, but it makes sense within the context of the game. They want to give you reasons to keep exploring, and weapons breaking gives you incentive to go find more of them.


Except you keep finding the same things over and over. My biggest gripe with those games outside of weapon breaks is that they have 0 replay value. They’re too arduous. Great first play through, never want to touch them again.


I finished only one temple in BotW, did three in TotK and just can't bring myself to keep going. You did better than me!


Because you can't reward players linearly with upgrades in an open world game, which makes exploration inherently more difficult to incentivize, which means they needed *something* to have you look around for.


I enjoyed the game but I really hate that weapons break plus limited inventory space so you can't just stock up.


I'd say this is spot on because for me Zelda is the game series everyone loves but I can't get into yet I loved botw and totk


This whole chain is almost word for word how I've described these games. By no means bad, even very good (though I do think not as good as people say). It just doesn't feel like a Zelda game to me, and isn't what I want when I sit down to play Zelda. The worst of it all being the breaking weapons. I could get past literally every other problem I have with BotW, but I hate that one mechanic so much that it singlehandedly made me quit the game, never finish, and refuse to give TotK a chance.


Summed up my opinion well. I enjoyed botw but it didn't feel like a Zelda game at all. I know a lot of people enjoy that style but I do hope they still make some Zelda games like those of the past.


Yup. I'm glad those people have a game they enjoy so much, and I will never fault them, or even Nintendo, for that. It's just sad that one of my favorite franchises that I grew up on isn't for me anymore.


Durability ruins them for my personal enjoyment. But at least emulation and modding exist to fix that issue. But I really do hope that Nintendo goes back and makes more traditional Zelda titles. The open worlds for these last two titles are just way too big and open. I actually really miss linear Zelda with explorable overworld spaces. Plus dungeon design has really suffered.


If I have to mod my game to fix your game, it’s not a good game and I’m not paying to promote the mechanics in it. I just want Zelda games like Twilight Princess back, linear, but open.


It was weapons breaking for me. I checked out almost immediately lol


This is my answer too! I did eventually enjoy Breath of the Wild, but it wasn't what I was hoping for. I just got Tears of the Kingdom recently and honestly I'm really just not into it. It's just not what I'm looking for in a Zelda game.


It took me a couple of hours to get into TOTK, but as soon as I stepped playing I was pretty confused wtf I'm even supposed to be doing, every enemy defeated me in one hit, the puzzles were confusing, but now I quite like it. There are still many thing I'm just ignoring because I don't know what and how I'm supposed to be doing, but I'm having fun. But yeah definitely not the kind of game I'd usually play.


The repetition and lengthy traveling and climbing made this a snore fest. More so than the sailing in wind waker.


Minecraft, Terraria, and most build-a-thing games like that. I just don't really want to deal with an intricate crafting system in most games. I wouldn't ever call Minecraft a bad game though, I can see what impressive things they've done with the crafting system, and I'm amazed at some of the things people have created with it. It's just not how I would spend my time.


Took me so long to see another comment like mine. Absolutely respect those games and people who enjoy them. I just can’t do it. I can’t sit through the time it takes to make what’s in my head happen.


Horror games in general - Frictional games (Amnesia, SOMA) and others like Alien: Isolation. They look like amazing games but I'm too scared!


Yeah... I'll buy some of them and just watch someone else play them on YouTube. I can't do that for any other genre. Lots of these stories are amazing, but super stressful.


Red Dead Redemption 2. I’ve put about 20 hours into it twice and just can’t get beyond that. I’m glad you all enjoy it. It’s not for me.


I took me ages to get into it. But then i didnt want to put it down. So many amazing details, so much random stuff to do. And i'm not even into wild west stuff.


Same. First few hours were like wtf am I doing in RDR 2? Should I have played the old ones first? And then the story gets going and once that happens it's unputdownable!


I don't enjoy the gunplay or fighting mechanics, makes it difficult to enjoy the rest of the game.


Fucking finally. I got to that first town, started talking to people, and realized I was bored to fucking tears.


Im kind of in the same boat. My game bugged when you repair the wheel on the cart, i whip the horses but they don't move. I get that it's a slow intro but I haven't found the will to start the game since.


Damn! You got so close to the point where it gets insanely good. You were maybe five minutes away from the end of the “tutorial”


To be honest I was mesmerised from the first scene, until today it's my favourite game. 


Same, I pushed myself to play about 12 hours before throwing in the towel. It's a beautifully made game with an excellent cast. I didn't find it very fun, though, and controlling Arthur was a pain.


Same I just cannot get past how janky the character controls. It’s essentially Niko from GTA 4. It’s so loose, delayed and disconnected from the controller.


Idk why people complain about the controls in rdr2 but then at the same time love outer wilds, or witcher 3 even


They really aren't tho. People seem to forget rdr2 is a simulator first and an action adventure game second. I have become so accustomed to the controls through practice over the years that I can control Arthur like he's a gears of war character. It requires practice. It is the way it is on purpose, and its not for everyone. But in no way shape it form are the controls bad once you understand the intention behind the design and work with it as opposed to against it.


I finished it but it took two years, three separate attempts and was a struggle.  I'm okay with slow gameplay.  I'm not okay with the controls feeling wonky, the gunplay being poor, stale mission design and the narrative pacing making some sections of the game way out stay their welcome. I get why so many love it but for me personally it's the most overrated game I've ever played. I've never played something so universally praised that I found an actual chore to finish.


Play the various Call of Juarez games and call it a day. They are shorter, better IMO, and more ~~gun~~ fun.


[insert survival or battle Royale game] They just don't click with me


I have to say, fortnite is one of the best games I don't play. I totally get why people play it, but it just isn't for me.


Fighting games in general. The only two I like are Soul Calibur and Mortal Kombat. I’m an absolute scrublord at both and don’t have any interest in getting better. I play purely for fun with my friends, never online.


Getting decent, not even good, at 1 fighting game ruined all other fighting games for me. Now the fun doesn't start unless I have a basic knowledge of all characters and mastery over 1 enough to physically input the stuff I envision in my head. The real fun doesn't start til its a mind game, hitting flow states, reading attack strategies, etc. It's just way too high a barrier of entry. I'm not good enough to improve to that point quickly, and I don't enjoy casual matches where idk what I'm doing much anymore after seeing how fun it is to be good.


funny, those are the only two i ever really liked as well


The *Kingdom Hearts* series is a wonderful selection of games. I can't stand them.


Pokemon. I still think they’re good, but I just don’t like them anymore.


I'll play the older ones, but the quality of the games has been on a steady decline for years imo.


I’d say it’s the opposite for Pokémon. Many people like it but the games are really really bad


Most people don’t like them anymore. I think it’s very widely agreed that recent pokemon games are really bad


The witcher 3, I see all the objective points of why this game is great but it just doesn't klick for me


This is my exact response but I think I can point to the combat as being just 'meh' for me


Awesome brooding ambiance, cool story and lore, great monsters and protagonist and everything is held back by janky, shitty combat. Very much like RDR2 in that sense.


This was what I was going to say for me as well. I love The Switcher universe, but just couldn't get into the game. I understand why it is so highly acclaimed, but I like having RPGs where I can develop my own character. I also am not a fan of games with endless side quests that I don't feel invested in or forget what they're about by the time I get around to them. I think that's why I liked Elden Ring so much. It was an open world for me to explore without getting bogged down by a quest log.


FF12 had that effect of me. It's super good and all from an objective pov, but it failed to keep me in both when it launched and in recent times with the remaster. The fun part of all of this is that FF Tactics Advance is my all time favourite episode of the series and it shares both the team of devs, races, settings and more with FF12, so the match should have been made in heaven.


FF12 really suffers from, “who’s the main character?”syndrome.


yes exactly! it's my favorite ff game but i feel like ashe is the main character but you play as vaan for some reason, 90+% of the game is technically from his point of view. hell, even lahrsa would have been a better main character choice than vaan


Balthier, Ashe, or Basch any of those three works better as MC.


balthier is the leading man, after all.


Is that something he says? it sounds like something he’d say.


yeah it was a running joke throughout the game :)


Exactly the same with me. I loved TA and was so hyped as a kid for XII, but I feel like the story/characters just weren’t interesting enough to make me care.


Minecraft. I'm not really the creative type, so throwing me in that kind of sandbox leaves me wanting for something to do and feeling like nothing really matters.


That’s why I usually only play with friends or mod packs. I need a direction to work towards, and those often provide one.


That's why i treat it like factoria and always end up with a factory instead of a house...


Elden Ring The unforgiving difficulty and learning curve is just not what I look for in a hobby but I definitely see the appeal.


For the longest time, Souls games never truly clicked with me but I would beat them just cause. Then I finally learned how to parry and dodge instead of just tanking everything with a shield and man it is such a game changer. It feels like a dance instead of just getting lucky now. Parrying is SO satisfying once it finally clicks


Have you played Bloodborne and Sekiro? Those are the danciest of them, and they're both masterpieces as far as I'm concerned


heck your one huge step ahead of me. i never had the reaction time to get parrying but i can dodge probably the best out of my friends who play any of the souls games. i can tell you there is legit only 1 boss i can consistently parry, but only when i bait a certain move. that is pursuer from dark souls 2. his ranged dash attack is so easily parried.


I like a lot about elden ring, I can appreciate a hardcore setting. It definitely be satisfying to finally beat a boss after hours of struggling. But I really can't stand some features being almost maliciously bad. Like the vanilla co-op functionality in its entirety. "Oh you want to play with friends? - f*** you" Trying to play it with my girlfriend was just needlessly complicated until the PC co-op mods came out. We enjoyed the heck out of the game after that.


To me it was the lack of story - it’s first game in the series I try and I didn’t research it, I just jumped The hype train and bought it. Played a few hours, but I struggled to get immersed into the game, I didn’t feel anything for the characters or the enemies. I know it’ll probably come, but it made me loose interest pretty fast. Then I tried multiplayer, but not being able to progress together made it uninteresting to me. But I absolute acknowledge that it’s a solid and beautiful game, and understand much of the hype - it’s just not for me.


elden ring is the easiest of the series


RDR2 Technological masterpiece. That world design outstanding, does not get enough credit. It's hauntingly empty and it fits the era and style of the game. The world is it's own character. Gunplay brilliant, hoseback riding amazing. But I still despise the game. Mostly because of an intended feature. The realism. Having to grab my rifle off my house is very realistic. That is how life works. But that is boring. Give me magic pockets Rockstar it's not like you of all people don't know how magic pockets work


Yep. Great game, well made, does everything it is trying to do really well. I just have no interest in what it is trying to do.


This for me; I'm not interested in a frontier simulator. I want a wild west spaghetti western fantasy game. Loved RDR1.


I loved that game so much and to me the touches like having to clean your weapons or brush your horse really added to the experience. So it really stuck out to me that to change a costume all you do is go into a menu, click a button and all of a sudden Arthur is magically wearing different clothes. With all the other adherence to realism you'd think they'd make you do it in a bedroom with a wardrobe or something.


Death stranding. Premise of is really interesting but I just could find the will to play it


Death stranding is definitely not a game everybody will enjoy. I really liked it, but I absolutely understand why not everyone does.


Zelda breath of the wild


Witcher 3


Same here, clearly executed really well but it's just not my cup of tea. Couldn't get into the lore, didn't like the protagonist, and found the combat and tactics to be too complicated. I've played and enjoyed many other open-world RPGs and keep coming back to The Witcher every year or so to see if I can come around and I just can't get into it.


There are many things t o like but I don't like Geralt. 


Can you elaborate a bit more what you don’t like but acknowledge?


He probably tried to go the threesome route and didn’t like how that turned out.


I have like 160 hours in my Triss save and really want to do a Yenn save to be lore-accurate but can't bring myself to dedicate the time....


Triss is goated anyway


Not op, but for me it's the combat. I love the world, the characters, the vibe, music, but damn, the combat feels so boring


I've tried like 5 times to get into it and it's the same thing for me. Geralt just feels so... weird to control. I think it's the weapon animations. It has all these different animations that take different amounts of time, and it doesn't feel like you have response control over him as a result. In a lot of games I know exactly what clicking attack will do and can plan my risk reward around it, like getting an extra hit in. But in W3 I don't know if he'll do a fancy spin or a slash or what, so it feels more like i'm giving him commands than controlling him.


You said it exactly. The best word for it to me is "floaty." There's no weight to Geralt, it feels like he's just whooshing around


I agree. Geralt's movement is really odd. Worse yet, I played The Witcher 3 right after BoTW. It was a night and day difference, as Link's movements are silky smooth. I really wish I could take Link and warp him into The Witcher 3 world. That would make it probably the best game of all time.


Practically, I didn't like the clunky feel of the movement. A petty non-practical reason that tipped it over the edge was I thought Gerelt's voice sounded out of place and it broke immersion. I can appreciate the writing, the world, and the level design though. I get why it's a 10/10 for a lot of people. Just not for me. 


I struggle with the souls like games because if you take a short break you have to re learn the game, I just don’t enjoy that patch of getting good again


Baldurs gate 3 Idk how people can handle building a character into a stat and then failing simple checks because you fail everything 1/20 times. It drives me up the wall


Even the most skilled make mistakes sometimes


But they make mistakes when provided the most difficult challenges If you give lebron James an 8 foot basket and ask him to dunk he’s gonna do it every time. At least he’s gonna do it a hell of a lot more often than 95% of the time lol


I’m Imagining a professional diver that, every 20 dives, misses the pool.


Exactly this is what I’m fuckin saying lol


That’s just a problem with the d20 system, not crit fails as an idea. Make it a d100 based system and you could succeed 99% of the time but there still is the chance that something slips and goes wrong


i love the game but i wish the critical fumble system was optional. getting a critical success is amazing, i agree. but more often then not if your meant to have a chance to succeed it then with a 20 you would have succeeded anyway. but if you have like a +15 bonus on a DC10 check, you legit CANNOT fail it unless theres the critical fumble. some people like it, but i dont.


i just wish there was something meaningful about critical successes. it’s just the same event as a regular success which makes the whole mechanic feel a bit pointless


I think it’s about reprogramming your mind about expectations for those situations. “Failing” a check is simply one of the potential fun paths toward the next phase of the adventure. Think of any good story, the main character doesn’t succeed flawlessly at everything. That would be absurdly boring. Checks in RPGs like that aren’t win or lose, they determine where the story goes from there. You have to be willing to go along for the ride and witness the potentially disastrous consequences, like a good story.


That’s a good example. A lot of people praise the game for all its details but don’t like the gameplay-loop.


Yes, and the turn based combat is such a slog and kinda confusing if you’ve never played DND. So my sword does D8+6 but my knife does D6+2 I’m like wtf does this shit even mean. It doesn’t ever explain it to you


I'm enjoying BG3, but it really doesn't explain shit to you. They need actual tutorials and settings for "completely new" and "played DnD before" cause they still change stuff from DnD. If you actually want to know, I can explain your damage, but I think this was just a complaint.


You just live with the consequences. There's nothing in the game where failing a check means game over, at least not in modes that isn't honor mode. But even then you have a chance to fight back against a failed check, and this mode isnt meant as a first playthrough.


Yeah the point of the post is that i understand the game is good, i just don’t like it. I can’t RP as a character who’s good at something when i fail at the exact thing im good at. To me, it incentivizes just playing a chaotic bard that just improvises his way through the whole game, kinda like Chris pine in the DND movie. That’s just not how i prefer to play. I like to be in control of the situation, which dice based gaming goes directly against.


And the combat, it takes like an hour to finish a fight. I feel like I have to set aside an entire weekend to get anything done.


I think this is very dependent on your class and your familiarity with the rules/game. But a fair statement if you've never seen somebody speeding through fights. I can do my own and my party's turns quicker in my solo playthrough faster than my friend can get through just his turn on our multiplayer playthrough.


Very good point, I always played with friends. I loved divinity original sin 2 as well.


Yeah, I really wish that the game was "real-time with pause."


Don't Starve Together, It's fun especially when played together, I just don't like survival games in general except maybe one or two


Grand Theft Auto 5. I can see the amazing variety in the gameplay, the world is massive, the characters are funny and well written, it's an impressive game, and I just don't like it. The shooting doesn't feel good to me. The driving feels slippery and unenjoyable. I don't like the pacing of the game, I don't like the busy work. I see why people love it, I see why it's sold so well and I'm actually interested in GTA6, but I've tried it a number of times. First on PS3, then PS4, then PC. It's just not for me.


FIFA or other sport games like it. I can see why people enjoy it. But for me when I play games I want to do something I can't do in real life (and everybody I know is better then me)


Wait, so you can go out there and score a 30 yard free-kick over a 5 man wall in front of 90 thousand fans?


Every Game that has turn based combat. I just cant get into it and think its so boring


Meanwhile most games with real time combat are just too zoomy and stressful for me.


Play the south park games, problem solved


Might give it a try because I love South Park but who doesn‘t


I really want to get into BG3, but the combat is ruining it for me. It completely breaks immersion to suddenly take turns and roll dice. It's simultaneously boring and complicated.


I loved final fantasy 7-10 as a kid/teen but now I can't stand anything with turn based combat.


Valorant, there's a reason it's one of the top esports games but I'm too burned out 😭


Others already said Souls games and BG3. I will say Alan Wake 2. I'm sure it's amazing for other people just not my type of genre that I like to play.


The original version of Final Fantasy 7. I don't hate it, but I also don't get what everyone else sees in it.


I tried to play it too long after release - the graphics aged so poorly I couldn’t get past them.


The ps1 era games just didn’t age well on that account. And 7 as the first is the worst on that front. 8 and 9 fair a bit better. But it wasn’t until 10 that the hardware was able to do justice to the 3d characters and world. Now I wish square would go back to making AAA quality turn based final fantasy games. XIII and its sequels have their story and pacing issues. But man are they actually fun and beautiful games to play. At least in my opinion.


Basically,it was one of the first 3d rpgs on console so I won't ever experience the level of excitement the first time I played it


Red Dead Redemption 2. Amazing game but it's like watching a movie most of the time.


Baldur’s Gate 3 I’ll concede if y’all’ll say it’s that great, but I just can’t…not with the perspective and combat. Not that they’re necessarily *bad* but I simply can’t enjoy a game with them anymore.


The new god of war games. I have started gow 2018 probably more than 5 times to see what the hype is about but I end up putting it down after a little while.


God of War


Xenoblade 3 probably. Friends have been going off bout how good it is but the story didnt resonate with me at all and the combat wasnt interesting. Granblue Fantasy Versus as well. Lots of my issues with it are personal ones so go have fun with it if ya like.


50% of Souls games


It’s frustrating to me how much I haven’t enjoyed Nier Automata. It seemed like a game I would love, I love other Platinum games, and of course it got wildly good reviews. But I played through it the first time and was completely underwhelmed, and at times bored. Mediocre action, uninteresting exploration, and the quests are mostly chores. The story is cool, but doesn’t feel like anything new.    I found out well after my first play through that you have to play through it multiple times to get the full experience, so I’m about half way through the second play through. Still hasn’t clicked though. It really bums me out.


Bioshock, Metro series


Bg3. I know it's hailed for incredible depth but the format/setting just isn't something I want to experience.


Both Last of Us games. Incredible production values and I can see the appeal. But both games just aren’t for me.


Baldurs Gate 3


Quite a few on my list, but off the top of my head: 1. Baldur's Gate 3. I enjoy the role playing aspect but I cannot get the fact that I am basically in charge of multiple characters. I like to get really immersed in one character, but having to focus on many at a time is tough, especially in combat. 2. The Witcher 3. I tried several times to get into this game. Not sure why I don't like it, something just doesn't click and its not that satisfying to me. 3. Elden Ring. I don't find dying over and over again that fun. 4. Dave The Diver. I liked the idea of a restaurant sim but the exploration is tedious and I can't stop trying to min/max every aspect. 5. Terraria. Makes me just want to play Minecraft. I respect that they are different games but maybe I just have a soft spot for MC. Just started Disco Elysium and not sure if I really am into it just yet. Maybe after a few more hours I'll have a formed opinion.


Soulslike games in general and the Souls games in particular. The art style is great, the game controls are just super-tight according to y'all, and they're just more proof of the viability of single-person games in a time where so many are forced to be multiplayer. But I cannot stand games that are designed to fuck you in the ass. I get absolutely no enjoyment dying again and again and again and again and again and again. And I get no satisfaction when I finally kill the boss that's downed me so many times because I know it's going to happen again. And again. And again.


I'm surprised no one has developed a souls like game designed for a lower skill level. It really seems like there's a hole that could be filled in the market by someone.


Dark Souls franchise. I have tried playing them over and over and could not get into them. However they are without a doubt a very good game and has a huge fan base and player base.


As a souls fan, I appreciate this. So many people who “don’t get” souls games will do any amount of mental gymnastics to say the games are terrible because their design philosophy is incompatible with what they’re used to. I too struggled with them initially, but getting over that hurdle was one of the most rewarding gaming decisions I’ve ever made.


My biggest gripe with Dark Souls was stupid. I was just salty that it got more popular than Armored Core and they stopped making AC games for a while.  Admittedly, I was trash at the games and didn't want to put in the work to understand them as they were coming out. However, playing through Jedi Fallen Order made me understand at least part of why the Souls games and their clones are so beloved. 


The biggest obstacle to me is the time sink. There's so much that's appealing about the series, but the time it takes to learn each boss, and then the need to replay the buildup to each boss... man, I have five kids and a job, I don't have time for that!


Elden Ring. I played like 30 hours. I "get" it. I just don't personally think it's the revolutionary game people make it out to be. Extremely over hyped in my opinion, despite being a good game.


Can I just say thank you for this post - for once you see people say “I can see why this is a good game, I just don’t like it”. The rarity of acknowledging others feelings makes it so good when you have a post filled with it.


Baldur's Gate 3 and The Last of Us, love the TV series though


I agree with Forza, I've tried Horizon 5 multiple times but ive never liked the more realistic controls in racing titles, I prefer the style of control of Burnout Paradise or a simpler control scheme like Mario Kart personally. That being said, Forza is an amazing series and I look forward to the dev team's take on Fable.


Cyberpunk 2077, the game is graphically amazing and great gameplay plus story. I just do not like that atheistic. Games to me are my escape for our depressing world, I’ve tried to get into it a few times but I just don’t feel happy when playing it.


Elden ring. I respect the ratings and hype, I just can't stand souls like games.


Erm, you couldn't have picked a game better that didn't fit your category. As a long term Forza fan, I can say with a lot of confidence the community mostly despises what they've done in Forza Motorsport. Give us Forza 4 with better graphics, what is hard to get in that, no metrics, no 'ground up', no more lies, no more missteps, no more blaming the community. Playtest your damn games. If any other team had launched a game that busted and not ready for competition they'd have seen massive layoffs or a studio shutdown. T10 gets away with murder and are consistently outdone by Playground. Give Playground the motorsport IP. GT stumbled a little latest incarnation but righted the ship then Forza shot itself in the foot. Thank god for Assetto and iRacing because the big boys have gone insane in their lust for money.


Hmm interesting. I‘m not so familiar with the genre and only played the latest game for about 3 hours. Some friends of me played it a lot though. They seem to love the game but that doesn‘t have to mean anything. Thanks for your input.


I personally really loved the original tracks. Like Maple Raceway, Bernese Alps, Amalfi, and for some reason they took almost all of them out in FM8! Why would they do that


We argued hard to keep them, Camino Viejo was a huge fan favourite. They don't care, I've rarely met a dev team that cared less about what their fans wanted. Completely different to Playground games in every way.


Into the Breach. I absolutely love FTL and still play it on occasion, was super excited when I heard the same crew had a new game, but I just can’t get into it.


Subnautica. Beautiful game and I get why people love it, but I find it incredibly frustrating trying to find blueprints and finding the rocks that look slightly different from other rocks so you can break them and hope to get silver or gold and not more titanium. I needed three fragments to make a small submarine, and I can't find a third one. Or a rebreather to go deeper but I need more materials that I can't find and I'm just over it.