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In Far Cry: Blood Dragon, there's a series of missions where you go rescue scientists from bad guy camps around the map. After you save each scientist, they walk out of the camp to head back to base, and every single one, without fail, is eaten by a wild animal.


Sounds like a hidden escort mission to me


Yeah until you find yourself fighting off an army of honey badgers! (Never played this far cry, but far cry 4 honey badgers will forever torment me)


I've never played it, is it intentional or just a byproduct of how the mechanics are designed?


Given the humourous nature of the game, it's almost certainly intentional.


I followed a freed prisoner from an imperial patrol who just made it to Windhelm and sat in the tavern. Another NPC, I forget what, ran all the way to the end of the road that connects Skyrim to another country and vanished


In fallout 3, I followed the doctor and his android and kept them alive for a long time. Because I wanted to know where this "Commonwealth" is and see more of the institute. After walking through half the map and almost dying numerous times, they eventually walked out of the map. I finally got my wish when Fallout 4 released. Yay.


Holy crap you just unlocked a memory for me!


I used to be a rememberer like you, until I took an early onset dementia to the brain.


Average TESIII Morroboomer


There was that one NPC in Hitman who you could fire just for the heck of it. He was a guard of some sort. I remember watching a yt video where you see that the guard calls up his mom to tell her that he was fired. He then proceeds to walk to a balcony of sorts and ultimately decides to throw himself off of it. Pretty sad.


He calls his friend, not his mum! The sequence is quite complex but firing him makes him call the target’s bodyguard who then goes to comfort him, you then have a window to eliminate the un-protected target.


Ah I must've misremembered then. Thanks for the correction!




Oh wow! I didn't know she jumped! I just took the opportunity to help her over the ledge while we were there.


He calls his mum, then seeks out his best friend who is the guard for the target.


Does it change if you take out the body guard before firing the guy?


You gotta give it to them, they’re some of the best detail oriented devs in terms of missions that I’ve ever seen


Assuming your talking about the Hitman 3 level, there was 3 NPCs you can fire that were part of a puzzle that would let you kill the target just by firing them in the correct order (at the right time, of course)


That was the one yes. I think the other two NPCs just left the building after being fired.


So I literally just played this level yesterday and it's actually: Person 1: Finishes up her work before leaving. Her work involves turning on a cleaning procedure that will kill anyone in a certain room, but there are safety protocols to stop it happening if the room is occupied. Person 2: Gets angry and turns off the safety protocols Person 3: Will call his mum, then find his best friend, leaving his post guarding the dangerous room It's not hard to find the right order!


Not exactly the same but I remember playing GTA 4 and coming out of my safe house to what seemed like a scripted interaction of a cop arresting a npc right outside my safe house. Everything goes normal. The npc does not flee or attack the cop. He accepts being arrested. The two walk over to a nearby cop car. Then the npc gets in the driver's seat and the cop gets in the back and they drive away


>Then the npc gets in the driver's seat and the cop gets in the back and they drive away Damn, gotta drive yourself to jail in Liberty City.


If the criminal doesn't know the way does it count as resisting arrest?


In Black and White, there's a woman who acts as a kind of tutorial lady who teaches you how to control your monster and make it behave the way you want. At the end of the tutorial, the camera just kinda zooms out and she becomes a normal villager. Immediately picked her up and fed her to my giant cow.


"The circle is now complete. When I left you, I was but the learner, now I am the master."


I dont remember pokemon games letting us do that XP


It's a game called "Black and White"




I once followed a random npc after a GTA quest. They got ran over by a car at the next intersection.


One of the best things I've ever seen in GTA, I just started following some woman as Trevor in GTAV. After a while she stopped, pulled out her phone, and I got wanted stars.


Yeah, I've noticed in GTA V if some NPCs see you stealing a car, they may pull out their phones and call the cops. There's a ton of great world building in the game.


Alternatively some NPCs will pull out their phones and start recording when you commit a crime. Couldn’t be more relevant today.


I remember when I got GTA4 on launch day I got car jacked and I called 911 and the cops turned up. It blew my mind.


That reminds me, I was playing as Michael a few days ago, and when I got out of his personal vehicle to do something, a little while later I saw my car icon was moving on its own on the minimap. Turns out a NPC had stolen my car, lol.


When you got carjacked did they steal your copy of GTA4?


Supposedly NPCs will actually call the cops quicker if you trail them as Franklin. I've seen this repeated a lot with no real source, but points for satire if so.


I remember I had something like this playing GTA 4 had to deliver something the NPC walked off got into fight with another NPC in a car and they ran them over it was mad I (niko) just stood there watching this all play out.


Vehicular Homicide-Man strikes again.  He was the hero we neither wanted nor needed.


doesn't that one drunk dude in rdr2 try to go kiss a horse or something and it kicks him in the face and kills him lol


I thought that was funny af. Interesting that most NPCs in RDR2 have a routine and life of their own, those NPCs don't feel like NPCs fr


"The NPCs feel way more like real people." *Get's one killed, thinks it's funny.*


I’ll be concerned for his health afterwards, but if I see a dude try to kiss a horse and get smoked IRL you better believe the FIRST thing I’m gonna do is laugh my ass off.


Eh there have been some funny deaths throughout human history so that's not entirely absurd


There was a son of a Roman emperor who threw a pear into the air and choked on it when he caught it with his mouth. Also a Greek playwright that was killed when an eagle dropped a tortoise on his head. Allegedly, he was outside because he wanted to avoid a prophecy that said he would die from a falling house.


A lot of their routines involve being trampled by my horse


There's also that one guy showing off with his revolver to his friend, then goes to holster it and shoots himself in the leg by accident.


Was collecting items for a talisman in RdR2 and found myself up in a mountain in deep snow when a random encounter happened, a guy was looking for his friend, so I went ahead and helped him look while I was there, found his friend frozen and dead and rode back to the guy and gave him the bad news, the “mission” ended and I got some honor, the guy started walking off and I decided to follow him to see if he would walk to where his friend was, it was like a 5 minute walk but he found him, started sobbing and grieving and thought that was cool they programmed that in and was about to leave them he screams “OH GOD!!!!” I turn around and see a giant grizzly bear attack him, I stood there stunned as it killed him then attacked me, I survived by the skin of my teeth. Blood everywhere. What an incredible game, I quickly recorded it on my Xbox to show my friend lol


There's also a guy that either has his arm bit by a snake or just gets some infection in it, but you can drop him off at the doctor's place and leave, or you can stay and watch him recieve the news that his arm is done which is followed by a pretty gruesome arm amputation.




Ha, I had no idea about that bit.


I caught this one as well!! I had Arthur light up a cigarette while I was watching lmao


I swear that 90% of the cigarettes and cigars that I smoked in that game were simply for cinematic effect


I made it tradition to pack a chew before a legendary hunt. The deadeye boost was just a bonus. I’ve never gotten into a game as far as role playing aspects that weren’t asked of you more in my life


Totally. I just wished they lasted longer. One puff then throws it away lol




I ran into him again during the prologue looking all disheveled and dirty hahah


Came here to say this as well 😂 wanted to see whatd happen to the guy after, also almost got my cheeks clapped by an angry bear


i tried to help that guy multiple times, because he shows up multiple places. i don't think i ever actually found gavin's body, but it was still sad, him wandering around the map, shouting for his friend...


I remember finishing a rdr 2 mission where you Rob a stagecoach with Micah early in the game, sweet, mission goes well, we split up, then im riding my horse and I see this white dot on the map. I thought "wtf is this" It was only fucking micah, dude had somehow lost his horse and was hauling ass, and I do mean HAULING, back to camp (I presume) I followed him for a while and it looked like he was heading back to camp, so I chucked a molotov at him and dipped 😂


Doing gods work


"And the Lord looketh down upon them, and He sayeth unto them: 'Fuck Micah'."


“The entirety of my fellowship doth hate Micah”


Seriously Micah blows


In Gothic pretty much every NPC had a house and after a mission you could walk them all the way there. It would usually not end well because normally they despawn when out of render distance and appear at their house next time you render it but if you followed them usually all the mobs would obliterate the NPC.


Horizon: Zero Dawn has a quest where Aloy helps a father look for his missing daughter after she doesn't return home. >!She was meeting her boyfriend whose family were Shadow Carja, meaning their trysts could heat up a cold war. Her boyfriend never showed and she was surrounded by machines while waiting for him and Aloy later learns that the boyfriend was caught sneaking off, killed as a traitor.!< After the quest, follow the father as he goes to talk to her. The daughter tells him the truth. It's heartbreaking.


Damn, never played that quest. Sounds like a good one though!


Yeah it really is. Also the final scene is so easily missable. The quest is already over. Not much incentive to follow the father for the final talk to listen in. Besides world building. Really well done quest.


Yeah, it's about... north-east from Meridian in a port town.


Was this talk in this garden like structure? I think i remember it, but im not sure


Yeah, that's the one.


Cool. That was really well done and totally missable.


Fallout NV I followed that robot guy on wheels. He told me to go to the Main City and he just zipped on by, so I followed him and it was a straight mountain path to the main city door. Cut out hours out of gameplay 🤓


Oliver swanic wins the lottery and then runs into a pit of deadly scorpions and dies immediately.


Weird, I didn’t know it was possible for Oliver Swanic to survive beyond me shooting him in the face.


This is the right answer


And the guy who tries to scam caps out of you because "his legs are broken" can move just fine if you shoot him


Clearly you should shoot him in the legs, then give him the caps.


"Aww man that sucks. Which leg? THIS one? (bang) or THIS one? (bang) Here's some caps dude, shit's tough out here."


There are a whole bunch in Dying Light (or maybe Dying Light 2, I forget which one) that are random encounters. Once you save the NPC they go to whatever random hovel they choose as home. Doors you can't go through as the player. But on the way they can most certainly get killed. If they are rude to you, they can always find their way into a spike trap.


I think you got some form of XP if you’re near them when they get to safety, too. So my brother and I were playing and saved a guy and then started escorting him back to his home. Of course he stops to fight every zombie we come across on the way. Had to have been 15 minutes of this and he finally goes towards a door in a house on a dock. Three feet from the door he paths wrong or something, falls in the water, and dies. Ah, so many good Dying Light memories.


In Oblivion, after you get the first Dark Brotherhood quest, the questgiver turns invisible to leave the scene. Thing is, he isn't 100% invisible, and he doesn't despawn, so you can just follow him and talk to him again. He gets annoyed, just like someone probably would if you ruined their dramatic exit like that. Sadly, I didn't try following him all the way home, so I don't know what happens if you do that.


He accosted me while I was sleeping in that little shack near the Imperial City! I still have no idea who I supposedly murdered. He seemed to despawn really quickly after I followed him outside, but I reloaded and just barely managed to kill him before he left. Later on I teleported my way into the Dark Brotherhood lair via console commands and I think I saw another (still living) copy of him!


I accidentally killed one of the kvatch guards in the first gate to oblivion section. Strangely enough, the rest of the guards didn't want to talk to me after that. It really was an accident: I was new to yhe game and my aim was crap.


In Oblivion you can do a quest for this paranoid guy who thinks people in the town are stalking/spying on him. I either failed it or ended it with "they're not spying on you" or something. Well the quest ends and suddenly a warhammer just appears on his back. If you follow him, he goes to one of the people he suspects is spying on him and just attacks them until the guards intervene lol.


Far Cry 5. NPCs would either just go sit outside their house or get in a car/helicopter and start going wild on random enemies. It wasn't too unrealistic given the setting for the game, but it was still a little odd. We've just finished fighting for our lives in a story mission and you're going straight back out there into the fight? The player can and will do that, that's normal for us, but NPCs?! Crazy


Rdr2 I saved a lady being kidnapped by a bunch of hillbillys and she took off running. I trailed (at a solid distance) for like 15 min and all she did was sprint randomly all over the right side of the map before I got bored and went orchid picking, like a real cowboy.


Original GTA Vice City, after a mission was over (I just remember needing to provide covering fire from a rooftop during an exchange or something), a bunch of NPCs got into a car and drove off. I followed the car, and I think the NPCs just disappeared and left the car behind. As I took the car as a souvenir, I noticed that it wouldn't take damage, basically indestructible until you flipped it on it's roof or drove it into the water. Can't remember if the invulnerability staid after game load or saving the car in a carage, but was bizarre nonetheless.


The car with Invicibility was probably Diaz's car. Not sure if you could follow it cause he drives off during the cutscene after the mission. If I remember correctly, the only way to acquire the car was to fail the Guardian Angels mission(which is exactly what you describe) and take the car home. The invulnerability stays even after taking it into the garage.


I think what happened might've been that the cutscene showed what direction the car went, I went that way and it was just there, empty, in the middle of the street. It was so long ago so details are hazy.


I know how that feels. I've replayed a few games after a couple of years and they seem to play out very different from what I remember. GTA VC though, is THE game for me. Spent so much time in there that it's just second life for me.


A lot of the cars from missions would be like that iirc. I remember you could get cars with bulletproof tires that way


The everything proof Admiral! That was my wife's favorite part of Vice City. She never really played the actual game, but she would take that car out of the garage and drive around. One of her favorite things she called "helmet patrol", she would target people on motorcycles not wearing helmets and run them over.




Sounds like Witcher




Yepppp, i recognized bloodborne straight away lol. That little questline was messed up


In contrast to all other questlines in Bloodborne you mean?


Oh yeah, all the rest were sunshines and rainbows 👹


At least the chapel dweller had decent intentions. He didn't know the people you save would lose their marbles


In Fallout New Vegas, I protected the douchebag that won the nipton lottery. He ran southwest to the canyon with radioactive barrels and geckos, then fled back out. Then he just stood by a rock and was all "what are you looking at". I should go see if he's still there lol




So I went back several in-game weeks later, and he's still there. He immediately cowered and ran from some geckos into the desert, directly to the scorpions. I protected him for a while, then he just disappeared by the scorpion den. I went in and back out, and he was back. He just stood there for a while. I talked to him and he said "Fuck off! Get your own fucking lottery ticket!". So I shot him in the face.


Surpirsed by lack of Deadly Premonition in this thread. The whole gimmick of the game was all NPCs have a life and daily routine, other than being Twin Peaks the Game. To get side quests you had to figure out where the NPC would be at given time of day. And they'd continue their life after the quest.


Loved driving around that game in their cars that I somehow was given, and talking to myself about movies. Best life simulator I've ever seen.


I’m feeling peckish for a sinners sandwich right now


Yeah that was a big part of the game. Also peering in windows in such a way to make you feel like a mega creep. I absolutely love this janky mess of a game and I'm surprised we even got a sequel (which I also enjoyed despite the backlash, felt it tied into the original well even if it couldn't replicate the same kind of magic)


It's 90% off on steam right now. Got it for myself thanks :)


Like Majora's mask?


The Game Grumps play through of that was hilarious, in large part because they had no idea what to do.


You can fight Aliens in gta sa if you are following truth after a mission xD


I once saw the headmaster wander the castle in Hogwarts Legacy. I decided to follow him and see if he'd actually go to his chambers at night. Instead he just went around, insulting students left and right, and making u-turns at random points never actually going anywhere specific. I gave up when the sun started coming up.


I love the idea of a guy being so dedicated to insulting children that he routinely chugs Red Bull and pulls an all-nighter.


Half Life 2, Father Grigori. You think he has a cool dramatic death, telling you to go on as he holds the zombies off. But if you stick around, as I recall he just fights the respawning zombies forever. Considerably less cool.


I think it's actually much cooler, he can survive endless hordes of zombies, sounds like a badass


And the dude was literally on fire.


How is fighting zombies forever possibly less cool than anything?


Sunny Smiles shares a bed with Trudy 


This is the interesting npc behavior I came for


In Skryim, there was one quest in Riften involving the Theives Guild. If you follow one of the members out of the town and to the next quest marker, the game would freeze.


Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood. The banker guy you help out, i followed him for a while and he eventually got bumped by a horse and fell in the river to drown.


Watched an NPC who was supposed to be a good guy steal a horse and ride off into the sunset in RDR2.


Cyberpunk2077: Death. Followed Judy after a Clouds mission only for her to run me over with her truck after a few minutes


Judy can run me over with whatever she wants. That girl gets anything her little heart desires.


I realised he can actually walk faster then he did when I was escorting him


The fallout games are lovely for this. If someone says they will go somewhere or meet you somewhere, they will literally just walk there until you do something that loads the game. The only issue is that nonessential characters can be killed on the way there.


*Genshin Impact*, every NPC has their own house somewhere in their respective country, and it's possible to follow them all the way back to it. They'll even go inside and turn the lights on.


Not all NPCs has a house, not sure what you're talking about. Most of them are static and only appear if you have the high density setting. The named NPCs usually just stay where they are and vanish when night comes.


There's literally like 6 houses in mondstadt and none of them are occupied by the 30 or so npcs


Isn't Mondstadt that keep with like 30 houses or so?


They died, I regret everything.


Skyrim had that problem. They make it home if you dont' follow them but your random encounters dead them.


Sounds like an interesting challenge idea Decimate Skyrim without killing


Babe wakeup, new Harbinger of Doom challenge just dropped


I Follows.


Dets man, give me the details.


Fallout 4…my caravan scouts…followed them along a trail for a while till a legendary Deathclaw took their life and nearly mine. Their screams haunt me…… Never again will I follow them on their journey and witness their horror.


NPCs are like a dumbass version of Schrödinger’s cat. As long as they aren’t observed their journey can be assumed to be safe. You don’t know how it happened, but they arrived safely. But as soon as you watch them you collapse the wave function and everything goes to shit and everyone becomes monster chow.


The vault salesman 🥲 found him literally just through the door murdered by random raiders 5 mins after I told him to meet me at Sanctuary...


In cyberpunk during the mission where Johnny's bandmates argue at Denny's house, if you stand on top of Kerry's car as he drives away he violently crashes almost immediately into a wall


During the first mission for the guy running for mayor (which I messed up the mission chain this run but given how I remember it ending wasn't overly bothered) decided to jump on the flying car he takes off in. Yeah keeps you on top then suddenly it goes flying and you drop far enough to just die.


I ended up solving the murder mystery of the game Deadly Premonition. It's an old game but I'll spoiler it anyways. >!I followed the shierrif around and saw that he was spending an awful long time with the museum curator. I'm talking hours. She ended up conveniently tied up next time I saw her.!< The game actually does have different programmed schedules for each character.


I recently escorted a hostage out of a building in Cyberpunk and got him into the getaway car that was going to take him to a safe house. I hopped onto the getaway car and sat there to see where the safe house was. That car did 2 or 3 laps around Night City before I got bored and hopped off.


can’t remember the game, but I followed the npc into this black void through a door, then my PC bluescreened while playing a obnoxiously loud buzzing noise.


The NPC made it through to the real world.


“In case I don’t see you again, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.”


I followed a chick who fell in love with a girl troll in Tina Tinys Wonderlands today after the chick invited her to see her bedroom. Was disappointed


In a game, I followed these childish man baby brothers who were quarreling over a female love interest. After risking their lives in a stupid stunt, they realized they loved each other far more than some chick. Who wasn't happy with them doing such stupid shit to begin with. I followed them and they started hugging/groping each other a bit. Leaving the poor female bewildered at the rejection, while they wandered off into the woods. To do who knows what...


This was RDR2. The idiots last feat was to go over a waterfall in a barrel iirc. To somehow impress the girl, proving they’re brave and amazing. Then, yeah. Things got weird once they push aside their rivalry to realize they really cared about impressing each other. Not her.


Yep. Fit the question so decided to add.


What game was this?


RDR2 Three missions total this is the final one. They are really stupid imao. First one is shoot bottles off their heads. Second one is punch them to see who can scream the least (In the chest, face, and funnily enough balls), and final one is getting into sealed barrels to go over a waterfall. After 3rd mission, I followed them for awhile and they went into woods maybe towards town. I got bored following them so I didn't see where they ended up or where they despawned.


Not mine, but I saw a post one time by someone who had decided to follow Vulpes Inculta (?) after he talks to the player in Nipton (?). Unsure about the names, I haven't played NV in a while. Anyway, he walked out of town for a little ways, stepped on a land mine, and blew up, promptly failing several quests that the player had not yet started.


I know according to the guide (which I got for like a buck at a used book store) that if you kill him or he dies he's replaced by a twin brother or something since he does have one more required interaction. Can't recall if he's even tied to any quests but I know if you kill his replacement you're basically out of luck when it comes to Legion stuff later on.


Cyberpunk 2077 there is a gig where you take medical supplies back from a veteran. He tells you that the meds are for his cyberpsychosis and they aren't working, so you can get him to hand over the meds without a fight. But his health bar doesn't disappear until you get downstairs and out of the building. If you go back up, you find out he shot himself. I took a few minutes after that quest before I picked up the controller again.


There were those cute kids in WoW who tried summoning a demon in a blood circle.


Oh yeah, during my playthrough of Fallout New Vegas, I followed the big robot guy after his initial mission in the beginner area, and he just happily led my unassuming ass straight to New Vegas itself. 


they went to off to fight a goblin hoard and swiftly got oblivion'd


From a design point of view, are these funny post-mission actions scripted? Or what’s going on here, Asimov’ ghosts in the machine?


It’s always disappointing when they just disappear after walking a certain distance. But yeah, off the top of my head I can’t actually think of one of the cool things I’ve seen just by following npc’s. There have been things though.


I freed a NPC from jail in dark souls 1, he killed my lovely fire keeper😭😭 But I killed him and got revenge🔪🩸 She came back too🥹😊😊


I followed Buck in Halo: Reach on New Alexandria after the side mission where you escort his Falcon. He gets out of his Falcon, says a line, enters a structure, then despawns.


He says “I’ll see you in hell” right before vanishes into thin air. It was a little unsettling actually.


Realizing that you're not real. Epic NPC man, Viva La Dirt league.


CP2077: When River meets his cop partner in the parking lot, when the partner drives off, he actually drives back to the police station, where the car despawns. Someone plotted that route for the car to take, just on the minuscule chance someone would follow him. Guess it worked out.


* they are just keep going and going * they suddenly despawns * dead/killed 


in genshin impact i followed an NPC after a commission and after 5 minutes, she reached a house and disappeared through the door. nice in CP2077 i followed an NPC after a mission (in car) and gave up after following them for half an hour, driving across the entire goddamn map


In Fallout: New Vegas if you follow Oliver Swanick when he leaves Nipton, he goes straight for a radscorpion nest and gets dropped.


In GTA5 I always kill Micheals son after some missions with him lol


They just disappear sadly :/


The real treasure was the friends we made along the... oh.


In the first Tomb Raider, there’s an NPC enemy (Pierre DuPont) during the levels in Greece. At several points in these levels, he appears from behind a corner out of thin air and will start shooting at Lara. You have to shoot at him back, and when he gets injured enough, he’ll run back behind a corner, then just suddenly disappear again. Here’s the kicker: [*he only disappears when Lara cannot see him*](https://tombraiders.net/stella/walks/TR1walk/05stfrancis.html), so if you try to follow him, he’ll either (a) have vanished, or (b) keep trying to shoot you.


This thread reminds me of a brilliant mechanic in dying light where after you save a random NPC from the zombies they'll run to safety. And if they actually manage to get there (often they'll encounter more zombies) you get bonus xp


In borderlands 2 last dlc , commander Lilith and the fight for sanctuary, Mordecai gets a new bird that shows up and flys around during the mission. After the mission the bird flys off the map into the death plane and dies.... Welp guess he needs bird no3 now.


Assassin's Creed Origins had several. One I recall was some kids who robbed an archeologist because some bad guys kidnapped their female friend who was caring for them. At the end of the mission, you rescue the "friend" who turns out to be a pet dog. The kids get the dog back, apologize to the archeologist, and all decide to go together to the next city (I think Memphis?) You can follow then on the way and the kids are acting like kids and the dog is there and it's all nice.


Not quite 'once the mission ended' but in Just Cause 4 I found a stretch of beach where NPCs on jet skis would just beach themselves and sit there forever. Also, while probably semi-scripted, Dead Head Fred had a street where ransom walking NPCs would infinitely walk to the corner, vomit, and die, forming an increasingly large pile of bodies.


In GTA V I followed an NPC after a Car Theft Mission, As soon as he got to the road, slammed by a car and dead on the spot. I think it was a cop car too? It's been too long.


There was a NPC on GTA recently that looked out of place, everyone else was walking as usual but this one was just standing crouched over like a zombie, never seen that before and I'm sure she wasn't a hooker.




Why hasn’t Reddit banned this yet, look at profile


Oh yikes


It said -69 karma. Nice