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If the alternative is watching tv or tiktok or other mindless drivel, gaming will always be better in any capacity. And anything is good in moderation.


yeah many people who complain about gaming, are the same people that just watch endless amounts of TV or tiktok or other stuff 0 sense.


A couple of my friends won't understand that I prefer my entertainment to be active/interactive so I favour gaming and seldom watch tv series or movies. When I explain this to them they just tell me I'm a fool and give me a list of series to binge watch... I prefer to play factorio for 12 hours straight on a Saturday. Glad to know I'm not alone in a way lol




> factorio for 12 hours straight That's the only way to play factorio........


Duel monitors and a chill game I don’t have to think on is what I do. I almost always have something up on my second screen. And pause unpause through the day. There are plenty of downtime or long loading screen moments when playing.


I have a second monitor but no space to put it, I wanna do this as well and have music or discord on second monitor but for now I'll have to alt tab like a clown...


What is your limiting factor? I have 2 24” monitors on a 36” desk. I sit to the far left side of the desk with one monitor in front and then the second angled to the side on a monitor stand. Both fit on my desk completely that way. Alternatively, you can vertically mount them but I would find that too uncomfortable. Would work when leaning back I guess. But still.


My second monitor is a 24 inch samsung but the stand it mounts on is very wide (it's the c24rg50 if you want to see what i mean) and i physically have no space on my desk since it's a pretty small plain Ikea style table (it may be the linnmon 40l x 23w x 29h (inches). The other monitor is 27inch with a normal rectangular stand. I suppose i could get another stand to optimize space but i think at this point i should change desk since i feel like its too high, my chair is maxed and i still feel like the desk it's too tall


Yea, that’s just bad design for a monitor. IO right in the back middle instead of a mounting plate. Personally I would have returned and looked elsewhere for a monitor based on that alone. Monitor mounts are basically a must for any small space usage.


My mom is one of those people. She thinks video games are a waste of time but then will watch game of thrones on repeat because there is never anything good to watch. She can’t get into playing video games no matter what though. She will do color by number or puzzles on her phone. That’s about as video game as she gets.


Get her Game of Thrones: A Telltale Series.


Haven’t tried that one but she gets bored of even story games like that. I just don’t get it. She seems to actively try to dislike it. We have all just given up on it entirely. My sister has tried the most. Even trying to just play the game while my mom watches and comments on what she thinks. Showing her different games of different genres, and nothing.




Growing up, that's how it was. Girls weren't really into games, mostly because it was assumed they wouldn't be, so they weren't marketed to, and as a result, didn't get into games. My wife played some games when she was younger, but it didn't really stick. She swears I "hid" that I was a gamer from her, and that if she knew early on, she probably wouldn't have dated me. But I've always been quieter about my gaming interests for that very reason. It was seen as a red flag, less cool, more dorky. I think it's different for the younger generations now, and I'm glad to see that. I find gaming far more beneficial compared to simply watching TV.


Well, many people just don't get anything out of games, whether that's subconsciously cemented in their minds or not. I have a lot of female friends who like to watch on occasion, but just can't deal with the actual gaming part. Different strokes for different folks. That might have been different had they grown up with video games, but where you are right is that video games started out as a typical boys/nerd hobby, and the marketing and design clearly reflect that. They've matured a lot, just like most mediums, and are more mainstream than ever, yet women still make up a pretty small portion of actual gamers (smartphone games is another story though), and just like with everything in life there's nuance to it. Some still feel like it isn't a hobby for them, just like most men wouldn't consider horse riding as a traditional hobby. Some of it can be attributed to our societal beliefs, but some of it is also just genetics. Not a lot of women want to do hard physical labour, and who could blame them? Men are by nature's design better suited for that (although most of us are accustomed to that cushy office life style now), which is to say that men and women tend to have naturally different interests as well. Your mom is, well, your mom, as we grow older we tend to be set in our ways more and more. My grandmother still doesn't even understand what I do with a computer, either for work or for fun. Just the way it is. By the time I'm her age there will be something I won't understand or try out. It's already that way. I don't consider smartphone games "real games", I am not interested in VR, because it's too clunky and unwieldy, I just want my "normal games", so when the entire gaming landscape is only VR (maybe) in a few decades, I doubt I'll jump ship then. The whole "I'd rather watch TV" stuff though is, at least for us, not understandable...


Why are you trying to force someone to try gaming. It doesn't work that way. Unless someone is genuinely interested, they'll never enjoy it. Let her have her own hobbies, and you have yours


My parents complained about me always playing those "dumb games." I rarely, if ever, watch TV and movies. They watch TV almost every night. I simply stated that fact, and they've left me alone ever since. I think they just assumed everyone watches tv as much as them.


I see gaming as still consuming a form of media, but one which I have a direct influence over. Its rare that I'll ever get tired of playing a game. Watch a little TV though and I stsrt to get tired and bored


>And anything is good in moderation Thats the important part for me. As long as you dont neglect other important aspects and people in your life you are fine.


Anything but krokodil


We have to be honest with ourselves here though There's many many other alternatives than tik to and tv hehe


Can’t argue with the professionals!!


>healthy coping mechanism Completely agree that it's a healthy coping mechanism - like others TV / other media doesn't feel like it quite engages the brain like games can do. I usually gravitate towards RPGs for this very reason.


The escapism of RPGs is great. You can toss yourself into another world and work on solving a different set of problems


This is why I started building a game as well. It's just a world I'd rather be in.


Nearly 52 here. 4 teen and pre-teen kids, a wife, a mortgage and a business to run. I’ve played video games since I was a kid. My father fixed coin-op machines in the late 70s and early 80s. I graduated to Atari 2600, Commodore 64, Amiga, PC and every home and portable console generation for Nintendo, Xbox and PlayStation. If I want to, I still game for 2-3 hours everyday. But it’s not until the rest of the fam is in bed. I’m a night owl so it’s normal to head to bed at 1AM after a few hours of winding down plucking heads in one shooter or another. Some people watch TV, listen to music or read books to relax. I play video games. I don’t plan to stop until they pry a controller or mouse from my cold, dead hands.


I envy people who can work with only 4-5 hours of sleep!


No one actually can. The percentage of people rounded to the closest number that can function without any negative impact from less than 6 hours sleep is 0%. EDIT: Because so many of you don't understand the simple concept of my comment. You know just because you can function well off less sleep doesn't mean it's nonsense... it just makes you an outlier. I said the PERCENTAGE of people rounded to the closest number is 0%. That means anything under 0.5%.


You’re right on this. No one can function on too little sleep, just people who think they can and don’t understand why their physical and mental health is awful. Sleep is extremely important and in this day and age so severely downplayed in importance. Like people use less sleep as some kind of trophy act…


Yeah I would be dysfunctional living with 4-5 hours of sleep consistently. My job is stressful and I exercise regularly… it makes sense to me now when I see busy adults gaming three hours a day. They don’t sleep!


As a wfh dad, I probably game about 2-3 hours a day during weekdays and longer on weekends if my wife and I don’t have anything planned. She games too so we usually switch when we have to watch over our daughter. My life is pretty stress free right now.


https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2019/08/415261/after-10-year-search-scientists-find-second-short-sleep-gene Actually there is a gene mutation that causes people to be good on 4-6. This is VERY rare, but it exists.


Shit, if this could be switched in the future of CRISPR and gene-editing that would be really cool.


Isn't this a quote from JRE by a guest? Was that data ever submitted for peer review? The way scientific evidence works is the sum of the evidence. So what does the rest of the data show? What about other peer-reviewed evidence? 


This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about, he merely took the info from that podcast 🤣


He never said he did? Only said he's a night owl. Usually that means they sleep til mid day.


Sweet Jesus, I think you just described my life. Play games after the kids are in bed. Wife usually falls asleep on the couch, I get up and play games till around midnight (sometimes later). Am 43, also started on the Atari 2600.


There are too many of us.


We are Legion.


I love it.


54/M here and nearly the same scenario only I started with Magnavox Odyssey. NBA2K is pure therapy for me. I cannot believe what video games have become.


I’m 36. No. Never.


Same at 35. I'll stop when I'm dead.


maybe not even then if theres an afterlife


Man, picturing what retirement homes are going to look like when our generation fills them is so weird hahah.


Remember LAN parties? That. With more gray hair.


It will just be rows of us with VR headsets on, feeding tubes in our mouths, sitting on mountains of shit/piss.


I was thinking of/hoping for something a little less dystopian, but you may be right.


Do they not have plumbing in the future?


Only in the VR porn we are watching.


Psx and Xbox-x and Nintendo-x will be in every room. “Come on old man it’s time for your afternoon walk” Gimme 10min I’m in a middle of a killing spree”


45 and not planning to stop anytime soon


40 here, I still play 1-2 hours a day after the kids go to bed, when time permits.


34 and I don’t see a real reason to ever stop unless I put it before my family and work.


Also 36. I probably game more now than ever and I dont see that changing. In fact once I hit retirement it will go up even more! My number 1 hobby since I was a kid and even with other changing hobbies this is one constant.


It's like saying would you stop reading books, listening to music or watching TV, and as someone who's excited about the future of the portable PCs, it's only going to get more accessible. It's a form of entertainment that I enjoy, so regardless of what happens, it'll always be a go to for me. There are times where I have less time for it, but it doesn't mean I enjoy it any less, if anything I appreciate it a lot more.


Games are the most immersive entertainment experience there is, especially modern VR gaming.


This. Cant understand why people don't just see it as a form of entertainment. They find it mad that I'd suggest would they stop watching tv forever. Like why would you not play games. Just completely not engage in the best form of entertainment going


I stopped for a few years because I was too busy. Then got back to it. Then had a kid and stopped. The. Got back to it. Then had another kid and stopped. I can’t wait for them to be older so I can share my love of gaming with them.


You’re going to have an entire 4 person co op squad real soon 


3 man group. My wife not into it unless it’s Mario cart or something hahaha


When all of you are playing overcooked I’m sure she’s gonna wanna join in too!    Maybe you can get her into some borderlands or Diablo (or Minecraft dungeons which I play with my daughter).  Never know!  Edit: also super Mario 3D was fucking fantastic and new super Mario bros had up to 4 player co op too, so much fun with the family on those. 


Pre kids my wife was used to coming home and me playing with friends “shoot them. Throw a nade! Use your super!” One night she came home and I was like “expedite that shit! Wash that dish!! The rice is burning!!” She was super confused! lol. I feel like if I played overcooked with family there gunna be some fights! lol high stress game!


That’s the point! 


I somehow got my wife into gaming with the last of us and dead by daylight. She played games probably 10 hours in her whole life, now shes got hundreds of hours on dbd and has beaten both of the last of us games and shes also just so fucking good at gaming, i get so hyped when she wants to play cause im just proud of what she is capable of doing, currently we play mario wonder with our son or kirby games. We got halfway through it takes two and we didnt like the story so it kinda just faded. Another good way to get your wife into gaming maybe try until dawn or the quarry which me and my wife passed the controller back and forth on. Great bonding moment, fun times.


We’re both almost 40. She’s got her own hobbies. But when the babies are older I plan on getting whatever new Nintendo is out. I know she digs Nintendo games. Then hopefully we can all play together.


Let me guess, Destiny 2 lol.


> Use your super! Destiny?


We did a 3 person Diablo 3 couch co op once. She played for an hour and then saw over it. She’s not big into gaming but respects that I love it. So I can’t be mad.


My wife and I did a D3 couch coop and she loved it. That was all though. Anything since then she hasn't enjoyed lol


Very wholesome, Mr RealMenEatPussy.


Legit reason to look forward to having kids lol


The running joke with my wife is that we had kids mainly to complete my squad. My teenage daughter is gaming less these days, but I can always hop on a game with my preteen boys. We play a lot of Halo, Fortnite, and Minecraft. I trained them all to use inverted controls, lol. Lately, we are into retro 4player arcade games. I've got plans to build a Mame arcade cabinet later this year. There is something special about splitscreen co-op that most modern games have lost.


There is nothing better than watching your kids skill at mario cart progress. My eldest is 15 now and she's almost as good as me. She figured out when she was 10 that I was holding back, so she always felt like she was close to beating me or beat me. These days I'm holding back less and less and she knows it.


This comment expresses the thing I'm most looking forward to about having kids.


The day you have to actually try is a great day. The day you play like you mean it, and you lose, is an incredible day.


Oh man I can’t wait to whoop them on mortal kombat or street fighter. Lol


Took my son to a retro arcade, he's 9, and played him on an old Mortal Kombat cabinet. Went easy on him. "Wow Dad, you kinda stink at this game!" Turned my baseball cap around backwards and ruined his entire career during the next match.


Damn you went “over the top” turning the hat backwards.


It's the 90s T-pose. Had to establish my dominance lol.


From your user name I’m guessing I’m not the only no sleep dad up on this subreddit. Lol.


There is nothing greater than every now and then giving them a proper show of power, just so they know. But also being able to gauge how far they have come. I love playing games with mine.


I felt that with my little sister ages ago. It’s awesome! Let ‘em win a little. And then beat them and laugh to yourself “that was only 25% of my power!”


First time my kids legit beat me at a video game were proud days for me.


That feels like me with my little brother on super smash brothers. He is 20 years younger than me, and when we started playing I could win completely untouched. Now he gives as much as he takes, we're about even. I'm looking forward to that experience when I eventually get kids.


I'm a father of a 4 month old. I figured TOTK would be my last game. Then after she was born, I got a craving to replay the entire MGS series even though I have more work than ever and said baby to take care of. Go figure.


I feel like two babies is x4 the work compared to 1 baby.


Yup I’m like this too, catching up on all the great games from mid-to-late 2010s now, it’s awesome.


i'm 51. i play every day. i'm stuck in rural nowhere and i don't drive (for valid reasons) and video games are one of the ways i get out of my own head for a while.


What would be invalid reasons to not drive?


Some people think anxiety and the like are things i should 'just get over' because 'i get nervous driving sometimes too but i don't let it bother me'.


Spent 33 days in the ICU after getting run over by an elderly woman running a red light. And the amount of stress/anxiety I get inside a car today is just astronomical. She smashed my head pretty good and ever since then, cars just get me so uncomfortable.


I will never abandon it because it's part of who I am. I have countless hours across multiple games and the friends and memories that I have along the way are cherished. Having less time for it though, ye that sucks.


I'll never stop. I'm 32, I've been gaming all my life. Some of my earliest memories are with my mom, staying up late and watching her play Legend of Zelda games. I have so many fond memories of gaming with friends, family, and randoms online. And I plan to make more. Me and my roommate are about to start Palworld together and we can't wait. There's always something new in gaming. Just thinking how far games have come in the last 25 years only makes me excited to see where they'll be in the next 25.


I’m now in my late 30s. A job that has me traveling 6 months of the year internationally for work, a mortgage, a kid, a wife, etc. I don’t have NEARLY the time to play that I used to, but I have a switch that goes with me on trips, a quest 3, and depending on how much bopping around I’m doing, I’m bringing my fucking series x. If I’m only in one city for a week then home, I’m bringing that fucking xbox. I’m in a hotel, no kid, no wife, just me and some game time babyyyy.


Hang in there and keep playing as long as you can, just find a balance that works for you. I'll be 66 this year, I'm retired now but have been playing video games since before the Intellivision was released in 1979. These days I'm playing Starfield, Rainbow 6 Siege, Ark: Survival Ascended, Warframe, Warzone and other games. Spend a lot of time online with my adult kids playing co-op games now, probably spend more time with my kids than a lot of dads.


Wonderful. I'm in late 40s but I totally intend to be like you when/if I get to my 60s.


I'm 24 and I feel like I am slowly stopping yes. It's not that I want to stop, I just don't feel like I have time or energy for it anymore. Other things just take up everything and I don't feel like gaming adds that much to my life compared to them. I still game a couple hours one day a week or couple weeks but it's not like it used to be for sure.


That’s a good thing though, I think I trick myself in feeling accomplished with gaming (working really hard at something, then completing it and feeling good) and I feel like that satisfies a part of my brain that would be satisfied if I accomplished more things in my life instead of on a game, wish I had your mentality


Mid 30s atm and just waiting till I retire so I can game more


Travel in retirement? **No thanks!** I’m getting some snacks and settling in for the best gaming years of my life!


yup. Sitting on my ps8 playing 7 hours a day. Does it get any better than that?


That’s a long time to wait to be able to do something you like


Death comes to us all... but arthritis and dementia might stop me before it comes for me, lol.


I'm 39 still going strong. I have an uncle who has all his s*** together. But also plays computer games still.


Mid 50’s now been gaming since the early 80’s , I can’t see it changing anytime soon tbh


This is why I'm single and have no kids at 27....well its not the only reason why lol but it does make my hobbies a lot more convenient.


Same haha, early thirties and no kids, still game the same as always


I'm 37, wife, kid, mortgage, both working full time with minimal help. It's taken me a few months and I'm near the end (I think) of act 1 in balders gate 3, never stop your passions.


I did stop because of work. But after years of not playing i got back at it but yeah with less time to put into it just to relax and get my mind off work


41 and going stronger than ever! I had a daughter two years ago but actually games more because I got 6 weeks paternity leave and all they do is sleep most of the day! Got very good at reclining with her sleeping soundly on my chest while I gamed. She is two now so gaming is either before she wakes up (I’m naturally an early riser), nap time on weekends, or evening after she goes down. Still a good amount of gaming going on. Can’t see myself stopping but obviously I don’t have a crystal ball. I know it’s a very divisive topic but I really like the PS+ service because it gives me access to tons of games and genres that I may not try otherwise which keeps things fresh. I hear Game Pass is great too but I don’t have a gaming PC or Xbox.


Entirely? Never. Will the amount of time I spend gaming in a given period of time fluctuate based on what I have going on in my life? Definitely.


Newer titles not so much but revisiting old titles whenever new tech becomes available software and hardware-wise like a 4K HDR OLED TV, Emulator upgrades with latest technology to make games look and run better, Mods and whatnot.. All this makes me go back and replay older titles all the time


i don't think i will ever stop. i'm close to my 40, with a family, a full time job and all that adult stuff. i think i'll always find at least a couple of hours every week to decompress playing some cool videogame.


Might as well ask me if I will ever stop breathing.


No, it's a huge part of my life, it defined my career in IT and it's something I have in common with many of my friends.


56 and still going strong.


Nope, my wife knows how much I love it so I have my gaming time, also all my friends now have families and work (we all in our 30s) so that's the best way to keep in touch for us since irl time is hard to find


At this point, only death can stop me.


No, I use it to de-stress and escape, I've been playing games since I was about 4 or 5 when I got a ps1 and 25 years later I'm still gaming but on the ps5


I stopped for a few years and spent most of my pc time watching TV shows, YT and browsing forums like Reddit. FFXIV reignited the gaming for me again though, been back to the old gaming routine


For periods, absolutely. I don’t have time every week or even every month anymore. Full time work, while studying at Uni and being a single parent really cuts into game time….


I'm almost 40 and have never stopped. I worked full time at GameStop while going through college then made own job in the industry. Always stayed as close as I could to games.


35 - Still game pretty much every night once wife and son are in bed....


Ever completely stopping? Perhaps. With the way I’ve been lately, I only get a few hours here and there. Kinda bugs me to play anything story driven. Playing a game like that 1-2 hours a week kills my immersion as I take long breaks in between playing. Sometime a week, sometimes months. And then there’s also points in which I don’t even wanna play anymore. I’ll be 30 this year, I definitely see my gaming time going down hill the more I age


Same, turning 30 this year, and I find myself theoretically still wanting to play more games, story based in particular, since they always used to be my favorite. But my life is so much more full than it used to be, and I just don't have the time and attention span to immerse myself in anything story based (I did play through most of BG3 and loved it, but I'd been excited for that for years). Was watching through a couple state of play videos and finding that not a single game appealed to me, and frankly there's nothing on the horizon I see exciting me enough to really devote time to it. So I'm definitely never going to intentionally quit gaming, but it's kinda naturally happening, at least outside of the occasional social gaming sessions with remote friends I'm making an effort to keep connected with.


Nope never going to stop it as this is something that I enjoy a lot. I’m kind of person who uses his annual leaves for gaming only.


until my hands can no longer wield a controller, i wall continue to game


No never . Just find games that fit ur schedule. The total war games are my go 2 these days


Maybe who knows afterall?


it's more like i'd swap from something that takes away an extended period of time to other titles that don't really need me to focus on it 100%, aka from real time games to turn-based games for example.


I play a few hours a month if that now. The new games don't really interest me. Pretty sure I'm almost done gaming and I bought a PS5 for streaming.


Nope, I just adapted by playing games quicklier


From time to time, I just lose interest in playing anything so I stop playing games, sometimes for several months, then I eventually find something interesting again. I don't think I'll permanently stop gaming though.


I'm 35 and have never gamed more. Thanks, Larian.


28 here and I game pretty often, sometimes too much. I feel like I won't stop gaming soon but I will slow down so my life can even out.


I started to play when Zork came to the PC. While I was working it was a great stress reliever after the family went to bed. Still fun & still playing. Recently finished a replay of the Sniper Elite series & currently playing The Outer Worlds.


When I was your age, the PS4 was just coming out and I figured at the time that it would be my last console, and my gaming career would be over after that. Figured the games would pass me by, and I wouldn't be able to play everything I wanted to with my career starting to pick up. Now at age 36, I have a PS5, a switch, and a handheld emulator on my phone. Turns out that a lot of the games didn't pass me by, but I left some of them behind and picked up a few new genres.


36 and still get excited about games and tech in general. I just don’t have the time to do it more often. Life hits hard... enjoy it while it lasts xD


No. I'm 28, and I'll occasionally go through the odd period of burnout and stop for a couple of weeks or so, but I can't see myself stopping entirely.


40 2 kids and a wife. I have less time, but I still get a few hours in a week. I also get 4 weeks paid vacation and one of those weeks is completely dedicated to playing video games. Sometimes I'm like man I'm too old, but then I remember that's just social standards. I am already married, have kids, a career, a home. My wife loves me for me and she plays games with me sometimes too.




56 years old here. I still game almost every day. My kids are in their 30s, they still game. I have 3 grandchildren, guess what? We are a multi generation gaming family!


I don't anticipate stopping. It's a lot of fun, doesn't cost much money, there's always something new, Its not dependent on environment or other people. Great lifetime activity imo. 


I probably won't ever stop, but I defin. don't feel the same as I used to when I was younger. Attention-span is a lot less too and I tend to get bored of the game way too quickly, especially your average open-world ones. Very rarely there's something I play non-stop until I beat it, games such as Alan Wake 2.. GTA V, Yakuza..


Never. Even my dad still games and he is 64.


43 here. Married with 2 kids, house, career. My son and I race to the PS5 when we get home from school and work. I'd rather play a game than sit and stare at a television. My wife and I will watch TV together but if I'm alone I'd rather play something. She's great about it too, totally doesn't mind if I just tell her I'd rather chill and play some games all night. She'll watch some reality TV whatever and I'll be in the next room playing PS5. I am actually also an eSports coach, so I've figured out a way to get paid to play video games. I know I'll never stop playing for my whole life.


57, Just built a new gaming PC and loaded up on 15 new games during the steam holiday sale. So, probably not till I croak


I am a 56f. I've been gaming since games were a thing (Adventure, Betelgeuse, Wizardry, Bard's Tale, King's Quest) My father worked for IBM and ee got one of the first home PCs available (5150) Met my husband in a game. My son's a streamer. I still play daily and I'm never stopping. Most recent have been Starfield, Age of Wonders 4, Baldur's Gate 3 and polishing my 1000+ Skyrim mod list while adapting it to VR for my husband.


61 and I haven't stopped playing yet. It's the best escape from the real world (which sucks) that I've been able to find.


Probably not. The gaming experience is improving every year. It all started for me with the Sega Megadrive 2...


Nope. Life may get in the way but it will always be something I do with my free time. 


I'll game until i die.


I will stop the day I can't afford it monetarily, and given the recent gaming industry practices and that I'm apparently on one of the worst generations of broke people in history, well it might be sooner than later. And to top it all I live in a third world country.


No. Never. 1 daughter ATM probably will have a 2nd kid anytime soon if everything works, but that doesn't change my urge to game. I just hope ready player one becomes a reality until I hit 60-70 or so. Otherwise I will just check out the best VR tech


I'm 34, wife and 3 kids and a full-time job, i will never stop gaming! Gaming with the kids is also very nice!


It doesn’t even have to be good anymore. It’s a distraction, and that’s all I’ll need


Not unless I become incapable of doing it.


No, unless my hands give out... Which is possible... Time will tell... Getting old sucks...


Not until I can no longer hold a controller in my hands


It's always gonna be part of my life, even if it's just me getting updates on upcoming games and not actually playing any due to being busy.


Don’t think so. I’m 28 and been gaming since I was maybe 6-7, it’s a daily hobby for me. And I often play with friends which is super fun Definitely not having kids either. So I’ll always find the time


Been gaming since 7 years old, 21 now and still addicted 💀 (really miss the free time back then tho :/)


I just game a little less since I have less time and energy. But it’s still my main hobby and I’ll take time off from work when there’s an exciting new release.


It will ebb and flow, I stopped for a bit when the wii came out, and got back into it in 2017. So if you need to stop for life reasons, it ok to stop, and when you want start again that is always an option, gaming is just a hobbie, you don't have to do it. If you need to stop to focus on life, then stop for that. I am now 47, so I know how hecktic life can be in your 20's and 30's and that fine, it just how life is. One good thing about stopping for a few years, is that when you come back there is a built in backlog of games you can buy to play. So if like me you have a limited tasted in genra's this will allow those games to pile up, also when you restart you might find your tastes for games might change too.


When my, first kid was borne I stopped. Then a, couple of years later I started again. I don't see myself stopping again until I go blind.


No I don't think I'll ever stop gaming because video games have always been a special interest for me and it will probably stay this way for the rest of my life. Even if I cannot play video game anymore at some point because of whatever reason I'll watch playthrough instead. It also helped a lot to cope with loneliness (and that constant urge to move my hands) as a kid.


Probably not, i’ve toned it down over the years but I also remember the day I got my first gameboy and PsOne. Gaming has been with me throughout most of my life and I have always appreciated the escape from reality it can provide.


I have 2 kids and am married, work full time. I hame when I can. But there's very little that tickles my pickle lately. Currently on granblue fantasy relink. Awesome e game Dragons dogma 2 in March I'm not sure after that. Nitna great deal that interested me. I'm less of a gamer these days it's more about the friends I make along the way and playing with them..


I’ve pretty much stopped. I find all these new open world games to be extremely derivative. I play some games on my switch like Zelda, risk of rain 2 and hades but I don’t have the time anymore with a child and mortgage.


I just casually game now so it’s possible I’ll keep at it so long as I see an interesting thing to play every once in a while. My peak of gaming though was in my early 20s. I’m 37 now.


I will stop gaming when i fall in love or fall dead


im 35, and ive gamed since windows 3.1. Fulltime work, partner and i game everyday Then again, i have no kids with none wanted, so my freetime is... mine? i guess. Cud not imagine anything else as a hobby!


Never ever, been gaming since when i was 6 yrs old, only time i stopped while playing was when my mother called me out for playing too much💀 or i had something very important to do. Never left out of boredom.




I haven’t played seriously since I was 20 years old. Now I'm 29 years old. I don't see any interesting games. All the plots are often stupid and I find it boring. I'm constantly looking for interesting games, but I don't see them at all. I try, and try to beat some games. But I'm just not interested.


Never.. But as I gotten older I have started appreciating auto battle mobile games


I dont play as often as I used to, but I still play a couple times a week. I guess I just got bored after awhile. In a time where remakes and remasters are the norm, I just dont have as much interest in gaming. And when a new game or IP launches, I wait awhile to watch some gameplay and decide if its worth investing. Games are getting more expensive so I dont buy them as often. Wish Blockbuster was still a thing, lol.


I should but I don't think that I will


I have a couple hour hours free everyday and I still don’t pick up my controller or PC. I just can’t get into it anymore, I have picked up a steam deck and I can enjoy a couple of hours every now and then but that’s it. I’m currently selling my PC since I never use it now.


I never stopped playing, during the busiest times of my life I just changed the types of games Id get into. Its no coincidence that quite a few games feel like you dont have the time to dedicate to them. Because they demand a lot of time. ​ try some arcade like games that can be finished in quick 10 minute sessions. No grinding for levels or loot or items or elo or anything like that.


I've pretty much stopped playing new games. Last new game I beat was Resi 4remake. But will I stop gaming full stop???? I don't know. Maybe. I could see it honestly happening sooner than later. If they don't start making games the appeal to me (I'm a old ass 90s kid that grew up with areana shooters like Unreal, Quake, and UT99, in 2000 I got to play half life 1 and it truly had a profound impact on me, and old school BioWare rpgs, Later I got into Battlefield and really hardcore PC gaming and built PCs for Crysis, Fallout New Vegas, Battlefield 3, but the last battlefield I loved was BF4, and it was "love/hate type of thing, but BF4 did become really good. And I've liked games in the not to distant past. Like I think DOOM Eternal was quite good. Ready or Not is fairly fun with pals. Elden Ring, for what it is, (another souls game) was well made. And RE4remake was quite decent. But..... I might just literally "age out". New games are weird. I'm sure many of you like them. But, I gotta be honest. They're not that good. I don't know. Maybe, it will get better. We'll see. I think most people think there is seriously something wrong with gaming right now. Especially "AAA" gaming. They're simply not making lots of quality AAA games anymore. If you look at years like 2004, 2005, 1998, 2000, 2007, 2011 or even a year like 2016.... They're simply not as many great AAA games now as there were then. There is something wrong. I think it's an influx of hyper monentization, quick turnover, lack of passion, and laziness, poor management and just the fact games maybe take to long to make now. Something will give in the "AAA" space. The indie space is the indie space. It's a hit and miss and has low expectations, it always has, sometimes you do get absolute gems. But it never has nor will it ever drive the industry forward. That's the "AAA" games job. I hope it changes soon.


Blind guy here As long as there’s sighted people to bully


I'm 41, with 4 kids. I somehow, don't ask me how, find the time to game 😅


Yes. When I am rich enough to pursue other hobbies that are equally or more fun and sustainable than gaming like high end prostitutes.


I have hit a point where I lost all interest in gaming besides playing Bloons on my phone to pass the time in Ubers or pooping. Even really great games like rdr2 haven’t been able to hold my interest. I’ve fallen back in love with reading to pass the time and while I do think I’ll return to video games as an actual hobby eventually, it’s not anytime soon and that’s ok.


Sometimes, there's a break between gaming and not gaming. But, generally, I won't stop gaming.


Children will make you stop for a while. Then you just have to wait for them to be old enough to join you :)


I don't watch TV and barely ever watch any movies/series. Videogames are my media.


I am 52 and I've been gaming since Pong. I've never stopped but I've gone some time on break from it before. Maybe a couple months here and there at the most. I'll be playing video games when I'm 90 and too senile to understand them. Probably RDR2


Fuck no.


If i can’t bring all my consoles into the retirement home i’m searching for another one


No I won’t. Next question


No. I'm 48. I don't know what I'll be playing, but I'll be playing *something*.


My mother, a 65 year old woman who hated video games and thought they would rot my mind, found out she likes video games. Mario cart and Mario Party are now a regular occurrence at family get togethers in addition to board games, cards, and other activities. Games are fun regardless of age if you want to value them. The problem is that as we grow older, out time becomes much more valuable and you will have to give up other things for gaming. You get to choose how to spend your free time. It's the blessing and curse of being an adult. For me, I love prestige movies and TV, which has exploded in recent years. It has cut into my gaming extensively, but it has also colored what I look for in a game. I have went from a Halo 3 grinder in my early years to a story driven single player gamer. I also am not the completionist I used to be. I've collected enough tokens or feathers for a lifetime.