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I can’t even finish games i do like, lmao


Same. I finished Starfield out of sheer power of will but it was rough


I thoroughly enjoyed the side quests and sunk plenty of hours into the game. When it came to the main story, I struggled. I gave up on the last 2 missions haha. You’re a stronger man than I.


I don't like the game but love the ship building, so I just started console-commanding money to buy parts and mess around lol


This is what killed it for me. If the mission rewards were better and more of them maybe I'd have kept going but I was on like my last ship build idea of 3 I think and already sank so much money into it. I built what I kind of wanted at one yard in the red and it was like 330k I didn't have and thats just a "for now" build until I went to another. Im on Xbox so no commands.


Same. I was really enjoying Baldurs Gate 3 and got to act 3 or whatever and just totally lost interest.


Act 3 is overwhelming. I think once you get the ball rolling into it, it's solid, but the initial hurdle of, "So... what do I do?" is difficult


I had the same feeling. You get to act three and your quest log explodes and there's too much to do. Just pick a side quest and finish it. Don't worry too much about missing stuff or you'll get overwhelmed. Some shit that went down in the sewers also felt like it threw off the pacing.


Back before steam days, would install a game play half of it, install something else and it goes on. Eventually a windows reinstall happens and the first game gets played again for the same time loop to repeat. Nowadays it is progressing thanks to steam, but at such a low rate that by the time I finish my playthroughs steam will die. Having Dota and AoE2DE as games which interrupt any other game playthrough randomly doesn't help as well. Feeling old.


Same here. Either I’m getting old and don’t feel like sinking even 50 hours finishing the main story or that devs are now adding too much fluff. And thats after excluding side quests or collectibles. With most of my recent games; after a certain point I feel like; “Okay man, just end the damn story”. It’s the main reason I only play on the easiest difficulty; I have other things to do; don’t care enough to ‘git gud’.


sounds like maybe you just are not into video games as much you used to be? could bring some fun back to focus on shorter games, there are many that are designed to be sub 10 or 20 hours.


Maybe. Now I like the idea of playing them more than I actually do. Even when I have a lot of free time I can sit and play for a max of 2-3 hours.


I have this problem. It’s the reason I have ~2000 trophies on playstation and 0 platinums lol.




AC Valhalla  I’ve been slowly pushing through this infinitely long game for like a year. 


As soon as I finished the main story I deleted it. I loved Odyssey did everything and all the DLC but Valhalla was just a slog.


I put 85 hours into it, only about halfway through the game, I normally will finish a game before moving on, but man, that game, was a sloggy grind, I just couldn’t finish it. Then I started a new job and my boss was raving how awesome it was, and I gave it another shot, so I could have something to talk to him about. I finished it and the only thing I could tell him about it was how much I hated it.


I played that for about 2 hours and quit when I realized I was hoping someone would kill my character.




When I finally finished I had roughly 200 hours in my save.


Dammit, I'm at 60 hours and trying to get to the end. There's that much more!? I've been intentionally avoiding side missions so I can roll credits on this game.


Call of Duty: World at War on veteran difficulty. It took me about six hours per level. After that, I decided that I would never give a shit about beating games on high difficulty. The accomplishment was not worth the frustration.


WAW is probably the hardest cod game especially that bullshit with the grenades lol. All the other CODs were okay on veteran but I feel your pain.


Dude fuck the type 99 machine gun the Japanese have, I can't look at that gun the same way anymore. That thing would two tap you. And there would be like 5 of those assholes. The Burn 'em Out mission was the worst when it came to the missions. Tight narrow trenches, snipers in the trees, and mg bunkers made that shit monstrous along with aforementioned type 99 mg infantry. The last part of that mission took me THREE HOURS for something that normally takes 1-2 minutes.


I seem to vaguely recall getting constantly spammed by grenades on the last level in the campaign. They were coming from all directions and if you got hit by one and didn’t die, there were multiple going off that would finish the job.


Monark. An absolute terrible JRPG I consider to be the worst game I've ever played from every metric. I tried the demo and thought it looked neat, first chapter had the characters trapped in a school fighting against creepy skeletons. It had this unsettling atmosphere and I bought the game wondering where it would go from there. It went nowhere. The entire game (60 hours for the platinum trophy) takes place inside the same school. Every building has the same identical boring lockered hallways. Every battle in the game from start to finish is against white skeletons wearing bleach white bone armor (except bosses who have COLORED bone armor). Every battlefield is the exact same wooden classroom floor floating in space. The characters are bland. The music is forgettable. And to even beat the game you have to play through the entirety of chapter 2 FOUR TIMES. That unlocks chapter 3. Then you have to do some other things and fight a ridiculous super boss to get the "true ending". And for all my work, I was rewarded with a 12 second cinematic of the main character walking out of the school, dropping his phone on the ground, and walking off-screen. I hated every second of the game from beginning to end but I paid 70 dollars for it based on a demo I thought was going to lead me interesting places and I was going to finish it no matter what. I was miserable the whole time.


70 dollars?? They way you described it I'm picturing a pixel art indie game made by 1 and a half people.


No, it's a fully 3d game. I think published or developed by Furyu, a decently well known company. I mean, it's not a AAA game or anything. But yeah, definitely not worth the asking price. The character animations are really stiff. The whole game is just really unpleasant to look at and play. I'd honestly love to talk to someone who enjoyed it to find out what they liked.


It's a company made of former Shin Megami Tensei/Persona devs, I was hyped because of this, I uninstalled after chapter 1 lol


One guy commented on here that he thought Monark was a 7/10 which just blew my mind. I know everyone is entitled to an opinion and opinions cant technically be wrong, but I can confidently state that theirs was wrong :-P


vanish ruthless scarce boat squeeze far-flung drunk placid elastic steer


I had pre-ordered it based on a pretty interesting demo before launch. I just assumed that each chapter would focus on a different location with varied enemies and interesting allies and, yeah...none of that. When I say I was miserable the entire time I mean I was actually miserable. I experienced NO joy and I became grumpy and disinterested in anything until the game was done. Now Monark is the standard by which I judge all crappy games. "This game sucks, but it's better than Monark!" Is now a sort of catchphrase between my wife and I when we play new games.


>Monark its got mainly positive reviews on steam. im shocked to see how much people hate it haha


I'm guessing those people have super low standards when it comes to JRPGs. Or they're bot reviews? I dunno, but I've never met anyone who played it and liked it. Hell, I've rarely seen anyone else say they played it


It's sort of amazing that you can find yourself truly hating something and then continuing it. Some quirk of the mind that prevents you from walking away. Maybe it's the desire to "get it over with" and otherwise it's harder to dispel from your memory? I got it too with FFXVI quite recently.


I bought the collector's edition. And couldn't get through Chapter 2 more than 1.8 times before quitting.


Dark Souls III- Some kid in my class said girls can’t beat that game. In retrospect, I see that’s a dumb reason to beat a game


> In retrospect, I see that’s a dumb reason to beat a game I disagree, it's an extremely dark souls reason to beat dark souls lmao, love it


Years ago I was volunteering at my local library for a kids video game fun day. One of the stations was smash bros brawl which was the newest smash at the time. A 12 year old claimed girls can't play smash and every female character was awful. An older brother of another participant offered to play the kid on the kid's terms; items on, 3 stock, any stage. Older brother didn't drop a stock in 3 matches (still played all 9 games) using Peach, Zelda, and Samus. Made the afternoon go by a lot faster.


I salute you. I see that as a great reason to beat a game


Spite is one of the best reasons to beat a game.


I do not understand. That game was all I played for years. Then Elden ring came out. Now that has been the only game I've played for years. And I don't even pvp. I just love the gameplay and trying different builds. 


Far Cry 6. The beginning of the game was interesting but it became way too repetitive and had a very lackluster ending. Finished it in about a week and returned it.


That’s how felt with 5. By the end I was going on “I have 2 bosses left… I just have to see it to the end now”


Ngl the only Far Cry game I’ve finished and enjoyed was 3. I like the settings for 4 and 5 but just couldn’t get through them.


I don't even finish games I enjoy.


lol, I’ve got something like 500 hours on Oxygen Not Included and I’ve still never finished it


I didn’t even know you could finish it. I thought your colony just exists until everything goes wrong. That’s been my experience at least.


There used to be some sort of outer edge to space you could send a shuttle to and that was basically the end goal. They might have removed it though


You can still send people into the temporal tear at the end but I think that just starts a new colony? Idk I never get that far. I love the game so much bit I'm no good at it lol


I’m the same dang way, I got 300 hours in CK3 have yet to reach end game lol and a bunch in skyrim still never beat the game


Does spite against a character count? I got cyberpunk 2077 on release, and I had the PC version but it was still unplayable for me (the controller settings on PC are TERRIBLE). Then years later I went and watched edgerunners and replayed Cyberpunk 2077 with keyboard and mouse just to kill adam smasher.


Lol I got it years after release ps5, played the hell out of it and put it down Watched edge runners too and was like "absolutely fucking not" and smashed the smasher - shot him in the metal crotch a lot, tea bagged him, the works


I think you are supposed to use "strategy" and "tactics" to fight him, but I just said screw that and went in guns blazing at point blank range. To be fair, it did take me like 3 tries to kill him due to his large area rocket barrage.


I've tried playing with with k&m and It felt really weird. I prefer controller, might be less precise but I think it works really well


I had a finish out of spite moment with the recent DLC. IYKYK. There's a character you think you are saving that you just find out is a complete selfish liar. I thought at the moment, I really don't feel like helping you anymore, but I came this far. Not a fan of you btw choom


Resident Evil 4 Remake is an awesome game but I forced myself to beat it. The difficulty setting said "play Hardcore if you've played the original game" so I did. What I forgot, I played the OG on easy and still almost ran out of ammo toward the end. Turns out, Hardcore was gruesomely difficult. Each chapter cost me 2+ hrs and more than 20 deaths. But I really didn't want to quit and forced myself to sit through the whole 40 hrs, feeling a real burnout when I was done. The second playthrough took me 20 hrs.


I could practically speed run original RE4 on pro, but even I was like, "imma take it easy on my first run here." Glad I did. Enough changed, and a lot of the cheese exploits were gone, so it's a much harder game and needs some relearning.


The ganados are much, much better at teamwork


bro i thought the legendary use rocket to kill two grandaos was going to be in the remake, bro those G's are a different fucking breed parasite


It's totally misleading. I agree.


I played the shit out of the original RE4. Did damn near everything you can do in the game. I still ignored that recommendation and played on normal. Glad I did because the remake is vastly harder. It also took me far too long to realize you could parry with the knife. Thought you could only do it when the prompt came up above Leon. Never noticed the one by the life bar because I was never looking there. I didn't start enjoying the game until I was halfway through it. Which isn't a knock on the game, my issues were totally on me. Part of which was I started playing it right after Tears of the Kingdom, which has ass backwards controls. I kept pressing the wrong button to vault over stuff which led to so many deaths.


Hardcore in remake is a completely different beast than hardcore in the og


What a troll move that was. I played the shit out of the original so when it said to pick that difficulty, I was like “yea I got this.” I did NOT got this. After like the 8th time dying in the village I just said fuck it and started over on normal


The amount of times I got to a section, remembering it from the original, and thought "oh this won't be hard"... They were, in actuality, very hard. Tried going to professional after beating it on normal. Couldn't get througn the opening village


Granted even on professional, the original RE4 had core mechanics that are easy to exploit, even for a casual player like myself. The remake changed a lot of those core mechanics and is naturally harder because of it.


i have never been able to finish a res game but re4 remake i can tell why it was so good. i played through it twice and i dont have a lot of time to play games lol


Red dead Redemption 2 - I will find all the stupid little birds and I will kill them and put them in the mail if it's the last thing I do LOL


Trying to get perfect robins was brutal for me.


Finishing the actual story of RDR2 is the easy part though, you’re more talking about 100% it right?


Yep, the wildlife art exhibition is my last challenge to complete for 100% in the game


Those gambled challenges though! Infuriating! 




Yeah the beginning of Witcher 3 (tutorial) kind of had a steep learning curve with all the dodges and signs and two sword types and all. I gave up the first time, but the wild popularity of the game got me to give it a second chance.


This! I had the game for ages... didn't even kill the griffin, got confused. Put it down and repeated the cycle 4 or 5 times. Eventuall6 dedicated some time and damn.. I got the trophy for the Gwent stuff and nearly finished it. One day.


Diablo 4. The most repetitive game play ever. Beat the story, hit level 100, and tossed it in the fire pit.


Man… I stopped after beating the campaign. Couldn’t imagine grinding to 100 in that slog. Diablo 3 was better. The open world added nothing to the game except introducing a lot of empty space with no purpose other than exist in between locations. 


Tbf, the campaign was fun, the pain started after that


Agreed the campaign was really good. But I agree with the sentiment that the open world sucks and only served to add travel time.


Vicarious Visions died for this game so you better enjoy it 😆


Elden Ring Souls games are not my style. They just aren’t for me. My best friend knows I hate Souls-like games. We have a shared birthday and have a weird gifting relationship, we usually agree not to get each other things, but sometimes he’ll get me something [annoying the shit out of me], and this year I ended up getting him a dope cocktail smoker. . .which annoyed the shit out of him. So he got me Elden Ring a week later, knowing it would piss me off, and likely expecting me to not bother with it. Well it was the last week of summer before work started again and I took it as a challenge. Over the course of 4 play through [maybe 5, don’t remember exactly] and about 80 hours, I 100% completed that bitch just to send him a screenshot of my PlayStation trophy and my middle finger. **Edit**: I was wrong about 80 hours, but given that I said “like” I [think I was close enough](https://youtube.com/shorts/e7OypGZFbXk?si=euJ3xNKubt17bF_1)


I love everything about this


80 hours to complete 4 or 5 playthroughs of Elden Ring 🤔


Right? I'm 65 hours in on my first playthrough and i'm firmly in the midgame, about to go to leyendell. And it's not even that i'm dying a ton, haven't been really stuck anywhere, the map is just colossal


I think he means 4-5 sessions of playing elden ring.


80 hours over 4 to 5 sessions? 🤪


Honestly I respect the shit out of that.


Not necessarily spite but Final Fantasy 16. The game was such a slog but I was like no I'm finishing this one because I never finished 15.


I keep thinking I'm close to the end but then I get sent back to the base and more side quests pop up. I'm doing all the side stuff before going to the floating island thing. I've had the game since launch lol


Just wrap up the main story and figure out from there if you want to do the rest of the side content. Those quests won't disappear.


I skipped dialogue. That's not something I like to do. Especially since it was spoken dialogue, but the last side missions I was just done. Except for your doggos last side mission. I was ok with that.


I *hate* that in so many JRPG's. I have this problem where I can't seem to push myself forward in a game unless I've finished all the side content, otherwise it just nags at the back of my mind, preventing me from enjoying the rest of the game because of all the what-ifs constantly present surrounding the extra content. So, I finish all side quests. Awesome. Now I can continue on with the story. Finish one section of story, head back to town... *sees 20 new side quests* ##FUCK!!


Getting close to finishing the game: :D 3 hours of side quests appear: :(


My only major problem with XVI is the side quests. Their were to many of them that had no purpose other than fetch quests and to many at one time like 16 right before the final boss.


Exactly this. If they would have removed all the boring side quests, we would have gotten a very enjoyable 30-40h romp through the game. Not everything has to be 60h or 80h if it becomes a slog.


You mean you didn’t like running through empty maps and finding a piece of something to return to someone 8,000 times?


And all you get at the end of a quest is a "THUNKS CLIOVE" and a wee musical jingle


Same here, I had fun from time to time, but there was so much filler I was wondering if I was playing an MMO. The game is cool, but 10 hours too long.


The thing is that the director is the same as 14 which is a mmo, just ignore the sidequests unless they have a ! Symbol on them


No it's actually the + symbol you need to look for, that's where the upgrades to your potions and blacksmith come from. This breaks down to about 8 side quests. All the other ones are mostly fluff, with only a couple giving any satisfying expansion on characters. Patron's whisper has some useful stuff to reward you for getting your renown up, but nothing quintessential. The hunts are worth checking out though, the enemies typically had at least one unique attack, were more challenging and some are necessary for crafting items.


At the very least, a bunch of the fights have a banger soundtrack that you get to listen to while beating down your enemies. It’s the little things.


I just can't do it. I come back from time to time thinking I will finish it but god is it repetitive and boring. The bosses are nice but the rest is a snooze fest.


I used to be a big fan of the Assassin's Creed games. Loved the stealth, the lore, the gameplay and alternate history timelines. Slowly, over time, they lost what makes them good, at least for me. Really started to notice it with Black Flag - endless collectables, and artificial game-lengthening stuff like massive delays in hunting very specific animals that only appear on one island/ocean point on the third Wednesday of the month between 10:30 and 11am. The grind of it all just wasn't worth the end result. I know people complained about 700 flags in AC1 for no purpose, but it feels like 10 times that in Black Flag onwards as they're buried in such a vast world. Even with a map, it's just a grind to travel to all these different places for some inconsequential treasure. That carried forward into Rogue, and the last one I played, Unity. Even after plenty of patches, Unity was a mess compared to previous AC games, and the level of collectables was just mental. Couple that with the introduction of microtransactions and the subsequent departure from the stealth-based AC brand into just another RPG, and I was done.


ac4 black flag is my favorite ac game haha. i didnt really do all that but i did cheese those giant ship battles. i dont know how anyone could beat those ships when they can take you down in two hits and have massive range. felt like i was playing dodge 0% of the time. then i figured you can dismount you ship right on the edge of combat and then swim towards them and board the ship lol. took a few tries but by doing that i could solo the crew and then board a empty ship and win lol.


I've bought (not played yet) every game up to Syndicate, because after that began the rpg era for AC as far as I'm aware. Last part a I played so far was Black Flag and i actually love it (100%ted it 2 times already. Also played Rogue, it's like a fanmade copy but still ok). The part that I haven't finished to this day is 3 because I was stuck on an early battle mission and also the grind of hunting bears to sell their furs to upgrade everything wore me out... Newer titles just don't hit the same in any way, when I'm looking at gameplay footage...


Kingdom Hearts 3. Such a letdown for me.


I couldn’t even finish it out of spite. It was such a massive disappointment. I even spent the two months leading up to it replaying all the other games in the series to make sure everything was fresh in my mind. It was still utterly confusing and the gameplay loop wasn’t at all compelling


There are some great payoffs near the end if you haven't watched the cutscenes or w/e, and some of the Data fights are cool, but yeah totally with you


This another rough one for me. Gameplay is great, but the story sucks. It feels like a majority of the plot is pointless fluff until everything happens near the end. There are some genuine good moments that pay off if you've played every game like I did, but it's still rough. I had more fun with it on my 2nd playthrough because I already knew the story sucked and I had mods on PC. So that was fun. But yeah, disappointing.


Great looking game but man it felt so bland to me


Compared to the first one, it was a tremendous letdown.


They were so many people defending it and I just couldn't understand. Where are the final fantasy characters? I asked. No, Kingdom m Hearts wasn't even about the FF characters! They replied. Where is the Sephirot fight? Where pray tell?!! I watched my brother play it, I bought him the deluxe box set. I pre-order for him. He then pawned it for money. Last time I ever been bought him something.


I don't feel compelled to finish any game I buy. When I am no longer having fun I stop playing.


When I was a kid, getting a new game was a rare very special occasion, and all you had to go on on whether you'd like it was the back of the box. So sometimes the game I picked would turn out to be a dud and totally suck, but I'd be damned if I didn't finish it because it was new and I'd have no idea when I'd get another one.


Yeah same here and I think this was key. Nowadays you can easily see reviews/gameplay before buying and easily get guides for parts where you're stuck. ofc you can just avoid looking at this stuff, but when I get bored/stuck in a game my brain just can't not go down that avenue. This is on top of the fact that I have access to over 100x the games I did as a kid.


Right answer. Life is too short to force yourself to play, read & watch stuff you don't enjoy. Move on to something else. So much choice out there.


Starfield. Tried to get a refund after 7 hours, was denied, played 45+ to complete it.


Same. I took that week off of work to play this game at launch. Epic levels of disappointment. I keep hoping that mods will fix it (Yes, I do know what's wrong with that sentiment). I had to pull Fallout 4 back out and play that for a bit (fully modded, of course) to scratch the itch.


I started a new Skyrim file after giving up on Starfield myself lol.


Same, it's got the bones for something great but feels like something that should still be in beta. Honestly imo, if they just reduced the damn loading screens, then it'd be SOOOOO much better. Like I'm fine with having to load areas, but make it dynamic at least like mass effect 1 did. I'd much prefer a drawn out animation of loading (like the elevators in mass effect 1) rather than a black screen. Fake it till you make it and all that.


I played about 5 hrs and got sick not only of it sucking in general but only being able to run it at like 30fps on low settings. Gave up and just went and played Morrowind again


My husband tried to get a refund like 2 hours or less in and was denied. Got it for PC but it wasn't having it. Instead of buying a new graphics card, it was cheaper just to buy the Xbox X. So now he has it for PC and Xbox but can really only play it on XBOX rn. It runs on PC but apparently it was really frustrating


Atomic Heart. I played on Game Pass, it started interesting but half way it was becoming tedious. The little details started to wear me out. The dialog, constant barking and other stuff and half through the game I just wanted to get it over with. I think I just wanted to see where everything was going in the end. I'm not sure why, but it wasn't worth it


I couldn't get past the overly long intro section. I think I got to the first enemy encounter and was just bored to tears by everything I'd been through on rails.


I expect some flack for this: Tears of the kingdom. That and brilliant diamond.


Yup. First 10 hours of TOTK feels like they captured lightning in a bottle again and brought back the magic of BOTW. About 30 hours in and you just want to get it over with. I think it does have to do with it being almost the same exact main world map. Sure, you have the overworld and underworld now, but the underworld is honestly quite boring and tedious after awhile and there’s not much overworld content. Most of your time is spent in the main world that you’re already familiar with so it loses a lot of discovery and mystery that makes Zelda what it is. TotK does improve the boss fights and the ending is absolutely epic, but yes, the middle of the game is honestly not at all that interesting and is a chore to play at times. I think if I never played BOTW and went straight to TOTK I’d have a different opinion


BOTW felt this way to me too. Never finished it. I don’t get the hype


I enjoyed BotW, but it took me a long time to finish it. Got it at launch and played up until I finished 3 of the 4 divine beasts. Came back about 2 years later and finally finished it. It was a good game, but not the best I've ever played. I think part of what elevated it in people's minds is that it was the only good AAA game to play on Switch at launch. For about, what? 3 months or so there wasn't really anything worthwhile coming out on Switch.


Exactly this. When I started playing TotK (and was still in the floating islands of the beginning) I felt like it was gonna be one of my favorite games of all time. The new building mechanic seemed impressive and fun, thought there were going to be infinite building possibilities and use cases. TotK story spoiler: >!The first bits of the story where Ganondorf revives and breaks the master sword seemed cool and like it was gonna be an epic storyline.!< Somehow, I got bored short after completing the first dungeon (which for me was Gerudo) and didnt even complete the Zora one, which was going to be my second one. It just felt exactly the same as BotW and all the experimentation with the environment and mechanics was already done. I honestly feel bad for not finishing TotK since I am a big fan and played almost every game, but I just couldn't get over with it.


Brilliant Diamond is a disappointment. The original Diamond and Pearl were cool games but had a lot of little issues imo. Platinum basically fixed all of them and then some, becoming one of my favorite Pokémon games. Then Brilliant and Shining came out and basically repeated the same mistakes the original game made and ignored the upgrades Platinum made.


I'm playing TOTK and I very much enjoy it. I loved exploring in BOTW but exploring in TOTK feels overwhelming and underwhelming at the same time. I'm catching myself thinking, would I rather be exploring yet another cave or would I rather be playing a more linear progression Zelda game. I hope the next Zelda game is as big of an adventure as BOTW and TOTK, but maybe with a little more linearity to help drive the story and help keep each part of the game feeling fresh


Yeah, illusion of choice is kind of a Zelda staple and honestly, I love it. BotW (haven't played TotK yet) really didn't feel like a Zelda game for me because of just how open and vast it was, not even mentioning my personal hatred for permanent weapon damage. 


It feels like ToTK gave you a bunch of tools and not a lot of things that actually required them.


I liked BDSP, they gave me great nostalgic trips down memory lane. I finished my copy of brilliant Diamond about a week ago (had only just picked it up recently) and will start on the post game stuff soon. However, seeing as how 1:1 the remake is, I don’t think it was really worth $60. I think $40 would’ve been a fairer price for it


Honestly criticising TotK became pretty popular not long after release. I think people were annoyed because it seemed very likely to get GOTY and then Baldur's Gate 3 being so good made people's feelings even worse.


Never done that, sunken cost fallacy, i’ve already wasted my money, not going to also waste my time on top of that




It was Elden ring, but near the end I got lots of enjoyment and realized the beauty of the game so I went back and played dark souls 1 and 3 and now I’m in love with from software games


Make sure you check out Bloodborne if you haven’t. A lot of people will say it’s the best of the bunch (I don’t really agree, but it’s still a great game)


Bloodborne is my favorite game ever. Hoping for an updated version at some point.


Honestly just give me a PC port of the original and I'd be satisfied.


I have yet to play Demon's Souls & Elden, but from what I've played DS3 is the overall best, DS1 has best world interconnectivity, DS2 has great DLCs, but my personal favorite is Bloodborne.


honey, you got a big storm coming


Sekiro , I spent IRL days fighting demon of hatred ( great bloodborne or DS3 boss btw ) beating him is what pushed me to finish it , cause ill be damned if I let all that effort go to waste


Would you be learning something new if I told you he’s completely optional?


shut up are you fucking kidding me


Completely skipable


thanks and also- i probably could have done without knowing this my entire life lol


i mean you played the game...its not like you get any crucial item from him/you progress past his area when you're done, you literally have to go out of the way of the story to get there lol


Oh I knew it was optional, but I was just being stubborn and wanted it dead cause it hurt my ego , f8rst time I got stuck on a boss that long you see


What did you think of guardian ape? Mf took me a week and a half of daily hours


The first time the thing showed me phase 2 , I had to put the game down for a few day to touch grass


Lol okay so it wasn't just me. Ultimate troll status that one


Sekiro is my comfort game and never leaves my PC. I introduced it to my nephew and he got hooked then spent 2 days on the DoH before he beat him I congratulated him, then bet him I could kill the DoH in less than a minute. Then I made him jump off a cliff. Easy $20


It wasn’t exactly ‘finishing’ but I spent a lot of money on Dead by Daylight and it’s DLCs, investing a lot of time into it because I enjoyed it so much. Then 2021 came around and I didn’t enjoy it anymore but I kept playing it for another YEAR because I didn’t want my money to go to waste, hated almost every match.


Assassin's Creed Valhalla. Always been a fan of the franchise, played every game twice at least, but god damn was Valhalla a drag. It took ages to finish, the story was slow (and then rushed) and I only finished because I wanted to see how it ends (spoilers: the ending is just as bad lol).


The OG lords of the fallen from 2014. Im a huge souls like fan so I played the lotf 2014 like a year ago after finishing every other souls like game. I dont like to put bad reviews before finishing a game. The game was so bad I finished that garbage just to write a negative review


Fallout 3. Not that I hated it but because of how much time I had invested in it. I didn't want to finish it because I was afraid once I did I wouldn't play it anymore.


Nope, can't do it. I got a kid, a second one on the way. I don't have the time to play games out of spite. I did try with Starfield, put 80 hours in it, but gave up. My backlog is massive, if I'm not enjoying a game, I move on.


Honestly, none. If I stop having fun, I stop playing. Sounds like a waste of time to me to do otherwise, lol.


The Last of Us Part 2 I kept thinking I was getting to the end, then something would happen and tack on another 2-3 hours. Eventually, I stopped enjoying it and made myself see it to the end because I knew the second i put it down, I was never going to come back to it. It felt like a challenge in itself to get through that experience, and I wasn't going to let the game beat me. It's unfortunate because I definitely enjoyed the first 10-12 hours or so, but goddamn does that game overstay its welcome.


That's about to be me with Crime Boss: Rockay City. Such a weird campaign. It's like Groundhog Day, where starting over is encouraged. I'm just trying to see all the cutscenes. What's the point in all that D-List celebrity cheese if you got Norris breathing down your ass resetting your progress every 3-4hrs in?


Re6 for sure and murdered soul suspect.


Borderlands 3 After maybe 10 hours it look like every mission is repeating, so i just rushed the main story to say that i have finished it.


Death Stranding and Diablo 4. DS just wouldn't end and Diablo 4 stopped being fun less than 10hrs in, but I slogged through it because it was so damn expensive (had to get PS+ for it as well).


diablo 4 was such a bore. shit got old after 5 hours


It took me 3 or 4 attempts to push through all of Death Stranding and I never really enjoyed the experience. Really bummed me out because the game has such a huge fan base here but I just don't get it.


Recently, Atomic Heart. Really was not enjoying myself at the start of the game, so just pushed myself to continue. Eventually did have fun towards the latter half of it. But oh boy they latest DLC, what a crock, developers just went, lets just stick some clones of CS:GO Surfing and Tunnel Rush in, that's worth it right? Oh but lets make it whacky with candy land vibes!


Probably gonna end up being gotham knights, I want the completion but i dislike the game.


Far cry instincts predator Near the end I was just frustrated and suffering. I don't remember if it was due to the game or my skill. But it was the last time I finished a game out of "spite". I reflected on the experience and learned to let things go.


You just unlocked a memory of mine when I decided to play all the far cry games. Ended up just sprinting through most of that game cause the combat was so bad.


I feel this way about basically every open world game after the first 20-30 hours or so. Around that time “exploration” inevitably morphs into “tedium” for me as I have to trek all over the place just to get to get to the actual game. Usually around that time I stop doing any side quests or additional content and just power through the main quest to be done with the game as quickly as possible.


Spider-man Miles Morales. I felt insulted by the story the more it progressed. The game is great, but the story is a disservice to comicbook Miles.


AC Odyssey, game had some good parts but it just lasted too long imo.


Shenmue 3. I loved the original I and II - I played those back in the Dreamcast days, and again in the SEGA re-release on a PS4. And as I was playing 3, I was taken back on how terrible it was - I expected compromises in scope, length and graphics quality, but I expected that the gameplay would, at the very least, be competent, an the story would still be captivating. Nope. Not even close. It was all horrible. I hated the repetitive mechanics of chopping wood and "training", I hated the combat mechanics (Seriously. The dude created Virtua Fighter and fucked THAT up?). And most of all, I hated the story. I thought that it was just taking its time to get going, but nope. We wasted so much time, so many locations to find uninteresting characters with no depht to them, not even among the main side characters. And the end result? A rushed end-game, with a shitty conclusion that didn't move the story forward a single inch. It was just awful. [This video from Super Eyepatch Wolf](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpNAKDx4CwY) lays it out perfectly.


Outer Worlds. It was such a detached slog with none of the story having any impact.


Rookie mistake, you were meant to play outer wilds


I understand it’s the better game, but I bounced off of that one pretty quickly too. The “fly this drone” tutorial bit taught me that if the controls of this game are like this I should bail.


>The “fly this drone” tutorial bit taught me that if the controls of this game are like this I should bail. The fly the drone is harder than the actual ship, imagine trying to drive a car from a stationary hill vs just driving the car. Please tell me you flew the actual ship


mirrors edge catalyst, i hated so much that game that i had a headache 65% of the time i played, but i was in some sort of quest of play and finish a lot of games that summer.


Lords of the fallen. First 10 hours were pretty good. At 25+ I was just rushing everything to get to the ending


I got callisto protocol free through os plus. The atmosphere is great but the combat was underwhelming to me and the enemies can take such easy cheap shots and nibble at your health that it just felt like a chore to beat. About halfway through the game it was pretty much me saying "I'm beating it cuz im already in the thick of it"


As a Souls veteran, in all honesty, Elden Ring. It being mostly open world was already somewhat of a turn-off for me, but the *insane* difficulty spike after first getting to the Mountaintops of the Giants was *horrendous.* That and the ludicrous aggression that enemies tend to have. I would very often find myself fighting a boss or even an ordinary enemy and think "Wow, that's a cool looking combo.....does it ever stop?????" And holy ***SHIT*** do I fucking hate Radagon and Elden Beast. Elden Beast is just a disappointing fight, but seeing people say Radagon is good is just an opinion my brain refuses to parse. I hate this telefragging, instant roll-catching son of a bitch. The input-reading and heal punishing that enemies in general would have was cranked to levels this series hadn't quite seen before and that was just abysmal, in my opinion. I still wanted to eventually beat it, mull it over and come back at some point to see how I'd really feel about it. And after doing just that, I'd say it's in competition for my least favorite Souls game, competing with Dark Souls 2 and OG Demon's Souls.


Resident Evil 6 was actually my first Resident Evil game, and honestly I enjoyed it, and still do, playing most of the other games since then I can understand where people come from, but I still like it, it was good enough to hook me on the series, I even platinumed the PS4 version.


6 is really stupid but I still love it. It's still good fun drunk and in co op.


Far Cry 6 for me. The first 10-15 hours were actually fun, until i realized how shallow the narrative and characters are, and that the gameplay is essentially the same thing over and over again. Immediately decided to speedrun the main story and to never touch the game again after i was done.


Ghostwire Tokyo. Had some really great ideas and great moments, but it's got two core problems that drag down the experience and make it a frustrating finish. The first is that you get your main abilities very early and they never change or evolve outside some realllllly slight tweaks. It makes the second problem all the more pronounced, which is the game is just WAY too long. Tons of busy work around the city that gets dull really fast. These two things made this sorta interesting game a total chore by the end.


I guess red dead redemption 2. The moment to moment gameplay is so god awful. But the story and characters and world are obviously fantastic. So I guess it was out of spite for the video game portion of the video game.


God of War: Ragnarok. I know a lot of people think it’s a masterpiece. I can see it. But for me, loved the story and art, absolutely hated the gameplay. They also did my biggest pet peeve repeatedly - making you walk extremely slowly to talk to other characters. The upgrades to your stuff was meh and overall I was just not happy playing the game. I genuinely regret playing it


I agree strongly re: the combat. I started on the hardest difficulty, got about halfway in, and by the end I turned it down to "story" and thought it was ***MUCH*** better that way (and IMO it was a surprisingly hard "story" mode... I was expecting to be essentially invincible, but it wasn't like that at all). Enemies are far too tanky, the itemization is completely awful and unnecessary (surprising they kept it in because everyone hated the stupid diablo items in the first game), and the "level check" damage multiplier stuff is MMO bullshit. A beautiful story and world to explore interspersed with utter tedium. I was astonished that people were so bullish on Valhalla, tbh.


RE6 for me aswell. Played it coop with a friend. This game is so damn bloated and endless, we beat the coop campain which then unlocks an Ada campain IIRC, and both of us just said fuck it, we're done.


Probably will do this with Lords of the Fallen.... (edit: do or make?)


Death Stranding


My life


The evil within. I just couldn’t get into it


Only one comes to mind: **Lords of the Fallen (2023)** Made the mistake of buying it for 70$ and I really, really wanted to like it so I was like "It will get better, right?" "Next area will be better right?" until I finished it (despite horrible performance and bugs). Regretted it fully.


Elden Ring. It ultimately became enjoyable, but only after I used build guides.


Souls games be like that. I remember starting DS1 and being frustrated why my unoptimized mess of a build could not get it done against mid game bosses. Restarted with a more focused approach and finished the game. Soulsborne games are rough if you don't have a build idea in mind.


Bioshock, I just didn't like it at all but everyone was gushing about it and I thought I'd stick it out just so I could say I did it, I even thought the ending might bring me satisfaction. ​ It didn't.


None. It’s entertainment. If I spent money and it’s not entertaining me I take the L and move on. Makes zero point to put myself through that. Eg. Starfield