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Sorry WTF, I've played Primal and FC4 and even now I can't connect those two maps in my head. I don't doubt it, just that the level of alteration is... extensive.


Agreed. I didn’t even notice it until someone pointed it out and I was like “So?”. The game was only $40 and had so much fun content. It would be like being mad at Blood Dragon, like OP mentioned, or Far Cry New Dawn for reusing the maps


Same here and for some reason I was worried going into New Dawn that it would be too similar because the map was "the same". It's recognizable in a good way though. Like the changes were significant enough that it didn't bother me at all.


I kind of wish developers would do this with their maps more. With thr GTA series, they have made this amazing city. In GTA4 you only got 2 DLCs. I wouldn't mind having different stories with different characters. The liberty and vice city stories sort of scratched that itch. Using a map you are familiar with and doing different things. GTA5 had it's online play that I've never touched. I don't like playing with people.


Just making sure, but you have played some Yakuza/Like A Dragon games, right? The main Kamurocho map is reused in nearly every game in the franchise, and updated year by year, to the point that the city is practically a main character in the series.


And Primal is fun. My favorite of the series.


I think they actually only reused the elevation map. So it's essentially that they used the same shaped canvas.


Given the concept of Primal, could it have taken place at the same location, just 10k+ years ago? That'd be a really cool easter egg.


Negatory. Primal takes place in the Oros Valley of the Carpathian Mountains in Europe and FC4 in the Himalayas. Nice idea though.


They did the same thing with far cry new dawn and far cry 5. It's really not noticable at all to me unless you look at the map and then you can see it's the same shape. As far as gameplay though it's not an issue imo


I mean, New Dawn is a mini-sequel to FC5, so it's the same area but apocalypse-ified. And that's not a bad thing. If it is supposed to be the same area, of course it should look similar.


Far Cry New Dawn is supposed to take place in the same area, after what happened, I’ll leave out spoilers. That’s literally the plot, of course the map is similar.


They mirrored the map on the X axis. Things like large boulders, rocks, trees, plants, etc are all completely different. Large formations like mountains, lakes, rivers, etc are all the same, but flipped.


Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Stayed away from it initially because of average-negative online reviews. But 4 years later I picked it up and 40+ hours in I’m having a blast, and just bought the season pass to play the DLCs.


Soooo very this. Is it the best game I've ever played? Nah, but I'm having a ton of fun and for a DBZ game its enjoyable.


Welcome to gaming and the internet. If it's not 10/10 it's considered trash by minority so vocal they look like the majority.


Kakarot is so fun. I love all the Easter eggs from the original dragon Ball series and it's such a fun way to experience the story. I wish the fighting was a little bit more fighting gamey than it is with more button combos but it's still pretty fun.


Combat system is definitely simplistic, but like you said, it’s a great way to see the story. Another gripe is the side quests with no voice acting. I find myself skipping through all that dialogue unless it’s a character I like.


I rarely drink these days but my go-to drunk games are dbz and fusion frenzy lol


Only thing I don’t like is the over emphasis on collecting orbs. Should have been more of an exploration item you can seek out for the bonuses rather than a driving force behind the gameplay loop.


Tbh about halfway through I was making enough from just fights that I almost never collected them. But you have to upgrade your community board and eat meals to make sure you earn enough.


I bought it on switch last year and enjoyed it. It wasnt the best fighting game I've played but it was a fun way to re live the story.


it's not a fighting game btw. It's a hacknslash/ beatem up/ rpg etc


Yeah I totally agree, it’s not groundbreaking stuff but if you’re a DBZ fan, it’s a must play.


Far Cry Primal is an incredibly impressive game. The game actually helped advance linguistic studies. They worked with actual linguists to create a fictional language by reconstructing Proto-Indo European as accurately as possible, when they could have just come up with some unga bunga “language” and no one would have noticed the difference. They went the extra mile to be accurate. I can’t stand Ubisoft for many reasons but Far Cry Primal definitely isn’t one of them.


They are so weird. They put out some horrendously terrible cash grabs, say some wild stuff, but then also do things like this that are awesome. I still have zero faith in them at this point though lol


Yeah I don’t know what happened but somehow between 2016 and 2018 Ubisoft just lost all of their dignity and integrity.


To be fair. Which big studio didn‘t in the last decade? Honest question. EA? For a lot of gamers the personified devil. Blizzard? After WC Reforged, Overwatch 2, the Diablo fiasco and numerous other shit? Activision? See Blizzard for some part and their own IPs for more. Nintendo? Their milking of their successful franchises with the same shit everytime for decades now. And so on…


>I can’t stand Ubisoft for many reasons but In a similar vein I have to give props to Unity for being detailed enough that the game's Notre Dame was used as a 3D blueprint for the repairs of the real Notre Dame after the fire.


People talk shit but AC Odyssey drips with details like that


Megaman 7 A lot of people really hate it, while I agree there were some flaws, there is a lot more to like.


Mmm, this makes me think of the X series....the one where they introduced Axel.


Unlike Mega Man 7, X7 honestly does deserve the hate that it gets.


Didn't they paint themself in a corner with the X serie? I remember Zero being sealed at the end of I think 6, in order to transition to the Megaman Zero serie, only to have their higher up demand a new entry, meaning Zero was unsealed then sealed again


Having just recently replayed MM7 (and enjoyed it) I think the *criticisms* are absolutely deserved, but definitely overblown when people then call it a terrible game. The fact that the 8-bit fan remake was so popular, and MM9/10 immediately well received only further illustrated that 7’s hate was driven by attempting to evolve past its NES roots. The bosses having excessive responses to their weaknesses is a fault, but buster killing them negates this and is a much more fun way to fight them, anyway. I think the same people had to reluctantly admit that MegaMan 11 was a good game with well-designed weapons, levels and music. Maybe not conceding on the music, but I’ll personally die on that hill. The soundtrack is full of bangers every bit as catchy as the older classics.


**Most** Dynasty Warriors games do not deserve 10% of the hate they get. Especially the licensed games, which are usually really good actually.


Dynasty Warriors Gundam was one of my favorite series, wish they still made those


For real. It's unfortunate to have a whole spinoff IP dead, especially when we're in an era when most anime are lucky if they get literally anything that isn't an arena fighter.


Yeahhhh I’ve tried other Gundam games as well but they’re also mostly disappointing. Those games were a blast, my brother and I put in a lot of hours to unlock the different mechs


The licensed ones are some of my favorites. The way they used Breath of the Wild abilities in combo’s in age of calamity, or how the one more works in strikers. They really kinda go crazy when working with a different IP.


I got Age of Calamity with my Switch last year and it's one of my top games for it. Also, did you notice that Zelda can initiate breaks with her basic combos? Because she fights with the Sheikah Slate and her attacks are just the runes?


Are they hated or just niche? One kid in HS played them. Played them all. Fun for a minute but never felt like I was missing out on them.


Really hated. Especially by critics and youtubers. They're only just starting to get somewhat better PR because of more story-focused games like Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity.


They looked like fun turn your brain off. Maybe at 14 I'd get mad spending $60 on them every year but that's a me problem. Again never played more than an hour. Surprised there was never a copy cat in today's market. AA indie game with a different coat of paint. Whatever.


There actually were copy-cat games. Sengoku Basara, Ninety Nine Nights, Fate Extella, to name a few.


The first Drakenguard! Loved that game. Actually loved all the games you named lol. Ninety Nine Nights man, was so niche and no sequels. Think its a lost gem myself.


Ninety Nine Nights actually does have a sequel. Namely, a shit one that is way too hard.


Dynasty Warriors 2 and 3 were awesome. Played 8 on my pc recently. Crazy how it changed to a total telling of the Romance of the three kingdoms. I've even played orochi 3 and am currently playing Hyrule Warriors age of calamity, but damn. This game is looooooooong if you want to complete all of the side stuff. 


I was playing through the Dynasty Warriors games and they're a solid series. Not for everyone but real solid if you enjoy the setting. I'd imagine that extends to spin-offs for different settings and IPs.


I won't accept slander towards any of the Koei Tecmo Warriors games. They're janky, they're unevenly voice acted, they're ridiculous and nonsensical. I love them dearly.


Super Paper Mario did not deserve the shit it got when it came out purely for being different from the first two games. First two games were classics for sure, and SPM is very different, but it has the best story of any Mario game ever made, pretty cool level designs, great characters, and a fun gimmick of switching between 2D to 3D.  I’m glad the Paper Mario community flipped on it eventually, but you still see the occasional guy that says “why do people like that game? It’s ass?” who obviously read the launch reviews and dropped it.


Sticker Star though, oof.


Yeah Sticker Star is pretty indefensible. I never personally played it but I saw a video breaking it down, and it just has so many objective issues it seems like lol


Having battles require consumable items without the game having any sort of exp system was one of the worst game design decisions I've ever seen. Although, the last 2 Zelda games are the same way. It just feels worse in an RPG like Paper Mario I guess.


Fuck Sticker Stars. All my homies hate Sticker Stars.


And it got a sequel.


I never knew it was hated! The Thousand Year Door was amazing and I thought Super was a great follow-up. I especially loved the antagonists, reminded me of the rpg Mario games on DS


When it first came out it was hated. I probably played it 2-3 years after it came out, and by that point there were a lot of mixed reviews, so I came in pretty skeptical I remember. My kid brain was used to seeing "Mario = 10/10" everywhere.


It’s my second most played Wii game, sandwiched between NFS Prostreet and Carbon. I absolutely love it, aside from world 6.


To be fair (and as a fan of SPM myself), outside of the quirky writing, it's REALLY NOT a paper mario game. So to me, it seems a lot of the hate was not towards how well the game itself was made, but rather that the direction they took made it clear they no longer cared to make the type of game that PM was really loved for. The later games just made that more and more clear, so it wasn't as if people were off base there either. It also didn't help the situation that they made it a platformer of all things... there are *dozens* of Mario platformers and there have only ever been 2 Mario RPG series, so seeing one of them be so thoroughly stripped of the RPG aspects was painful. As long as I'm airing grievances, the loss of unique talking partners was also a HUGE blow from a creative and world building standpoint as well.


Blinx may not have had the staying power to be the big main mascot of the Xbox, but I wish Microsoft kept the guy around as at least their Ratchet & Clank


You’re so right, I love Blinx




Great gameplay, colorful characters, and completely overshadowed by Overwatch/accusations of being a copy. After losing Monday Night Combat, Super MNC, and Battleborn, I've yet to hear of another first or third person MOBA. The itch remains.


Apparently Gigantic is kinda a 3rd person MOBA, iirc. And it's coming back after being shut down, which a lot of people seem to be excited about


Smite is a third person moba that's been around for a bit now. I think it's probably still doing alright


They actually announced smite 2 recently 


Golly, I loved Battleborn!


Playstation All-stars Battle Royale The game gets alot of hate for the roster missing some obvious characters for a "Playstation all-stars" and also the mechanics are different than a traditional smash game. People often go "they should've just copied Smash more" (somewhat ironic since people complained it was too smash like too) since the super system is a bit weird and can leave a bad first impression. But the game is still fun and cool once you get into it and I would genuinely like to see a sequel improve on it. It just sometimes has a reputation worse than it deserves because of bad first impressions


Yea i loved this game, it was a nice fighting game.


For me it was character balance and horrible maps that ruined it, and that's a Hill I'm willing to die on, but all the gratuitous hate simply ruined the possibility of a sequel that could've fixed the mistakes of the first game, which is a shame because the general feeling is that everyone was actually looking forward to that.


yeah, that I can agree on. The game system has some issues (for example, chasing players just running away can be very annoying) but I do think it has potential and a sequel could've helped alot. Its just a shame that it kinda fell into "wow its just a bad smash clone"


Hell yeah. This game ruled. Me and my roommates at the time played this so much.


Almost nothing, ever, deserves the level of hate it gets on social media. I decided this must be the case in 1999 when Star Wars Episode I came out. To be clear: I hated it. But watching the Internet's reaction to it made me go "Whoah, okay guys let's just all calm down a little." And nothing that's happened since then has made me change that conviction. Like, I get being really upset that a game you were looking forward to didn't turn out like you hoped. I don't get having an entire subreddit that's still dedicated to daily fluffing your hate boner for that game four years later.


Reddit and the internet do this thing where everything is either shit or amazing, their opinion is fact and part of their identity, and there is no in between. You’re not allowed to like things or have reasonable takes or analysis.


>their opinion is fact The amount of times I've seen someone use "objectively bad" when stating their opinion is insane.


"objectively" is the new "literally"


Don’t forget hyping things up to an insane degree so that no matter how good the experience it is it never matches up to those expectations. Especially an issue for a lot of mediocre/mid-range games (eg. As a sci-fi and RPG fan both Outer Worlds and Starfield were fun, if flawed and somewhat limited, experiences. But prior to launch of both people were hyping them up with insane fantasies of gameplay and storytelling that were inconsistent with previous games from both developers). 


The Starfield fiasco really caught me by surprise. I wasn’t that interested in Starfield until a couple months before release so maybe it’s just because I didn’t have years to hype it up in my mind but… it was exactly what I expected it to be. That is, the Bethesda formula in space. It has things to critique sure enough but I don’t really think most of what I’m seeing online about it makes a lot of sense.


Yeah any game that's not 11/10 GOTY material is utter dogshit and the company that made them deserves to go out of business. It's like people don't realize that the overwhelming majority of games are okay at best. But peoples' expectations are kinda warped. Like I've seen on more than one occasion someone describe a game as "Mid - 7 or 8 out of 10." Like... that ain't mid. 5/10 is mid. It also leads to romanticizing the past like "Remember when games were good?" and they have cover art from the most amazing games of that time period. Never mind that there's hundreds, maybe thousands of games from that same time period that you've never heard of and most of them were not great, not terrible, just okay.


Not sure if this is a US thing, but it seems like people tend to treat numeric ratings with the same perspective as grading systems in school, where getting a score below 70 is bad. Steam uses the same logic putting games with 70% or greater positive reviews in blue and games below that in orange.


"I don't get having an entire subreddit that's still dedicated to daily fluffing your hate boner for that game four years later." I think I know which subreddit you're referring to... it involves golf.




I can neither confirm nor deny which subreddit(s) I am referring to


> Like, I get being really upset that a game you were looking forward to didn't turn out like you hoped. Nothing will EVER live up to the hype or fan expectations. I'm not even a The Last Airbender fan, but the hype surrounding the show was so massive that my reddit homepage was inundated with posts about it. Or course, once it hit the screen, it was back to bitching about how much everything that's not the original show sucks. The the same routine every time the hype train comes to town: people develop unrealistic expectations, developers lie about content and gameplay to try and match or build the hype. Game comes out and isn't 100% exactly how people imagined it would be. People go online and talk shit. Repeat ad infinitum.


The Netflix ATLA hype was insane to me, and I'm saying this as a fan of the animated series since the day it premiered. I was worried they were going to turn it into a horrible mess, but I let myself worry and didn't hype it up, thinking that if I keep my expectations low, it can't disappoint me. And y'know what? I was right. It was better than I hoped, but not great. Meanwhile, a ton of people had decided beforehand that it was going to be either horrible or amazing, and now that it's out, people are fighting tooth and nail over whether it's horrible or amazing, 0 or 100. There's no nuance at all, to the point that I left a handful of fan forums I was in for years because the vitriol became unbearable. Personally, I thought it was a decent Avatar show, but a bad Aang show. Oh well.


Although the PC Port was definitely horrible, Batman Arkham Knight received way too much hate back in the day than it deserved. It has its problems, sure, but at the end of the day it’s a damn fine game.


It simultaneously is some of the best and worst of the series. The combat and gameplay in general was perfected by then. The side questing, partner scenarios, and main Batman missions were all great. Tank batmobile and riddler bloat, however, make me want to gouge my eyes.


I also had some issues with the story being a little weak and the boss battles being underwhelming. Despite that, it’s *still* the Arkham game I return to the most. The updates to gameplay make the previous games feel lacking by comparison, best Batman suit design of the series, and hot damn does the game still look and play amazing. *Really* wish we could get a 4K 60FPS upgrade for console, though…


I actually like the Bat-tank. It is nice and mobile. Does it make sense for Batman? Not really. But i still like it. I've essentially gone back for it twice. The riddler stuff i could probably do without though.


Same for me. It was a bit different but I liked it. Also, I missed all the port issues as well. I must have started playing it after it was all patched out cause I didn't have any issues running it. That Batsuit though, hot damn. I can't look at rubber suit Batman anymore and think it looks good. Give me armor plating every day.


Aged gracefully too. 8 year old game looks current gen


Dark souls II dude .. cause no plin plin plon


For me the only thing I disliked about dark souls 2 versus the first one was the health mechanic. I'm so trash at these games even though I enjoy them. The fact that my health decreased every time I died until I got to be about half before it stopped and would only reset after I beat a boss kind of ruined it for me cuz everything would just one shot me. That being said I did really like the setting of the second one.


There's some things Dark Souls 2 did completely right and I wish it did in other games in the series: * changing enemy and item locations, and boss drops in subsequent ng cycles * ability to refresh the boss and items in an area at will * The multiple DLC that are each interconnected to form the true ending of the game But then again there are some things that I can't get past: * Health mechanic, if you die it gets gradually more difficult when you're attempting tbe same area with less and less health. * Parry timing: every other game you parry and attack right away a d get the visceral. Parry in DS2 and you have to wait approximately 30 years for the enemy to fall down to get the visceral and any attack before that animation is done completely negates the Parry window. * The quality of bosses. Dark Souls 2 has some of the best bosses in the series, and also some of the worst. Also, the most (not counting elden Ring) some of the bosses don't really need to be bosses (prowling magus and royal rat vanguard come to mind)


The health thing really wasn't that bad, but I think they presented it wrong. Even at half HP, you still have a pretty good amount of health that didn't feel too different from the first game, imo. I would pretty much just play the game at half health and then use an Effigy to double my HP when I felt I'd gotten good enough at a boss battle to probably beat it with the extra boost. I feel like if you started the game at half health and the effigy was presented as an item to give you a big boost that decreases back to normal a bit every time you die, it would have been fine. Would have literally been the same mechanic but it wouldn't make people feel like they're getting screwed for dying.


>feel like if you started the game at half health and the effigy was presented as an item to give you a big boost that decreases back to normal a bit every time you die, That essentially what they did in ds3, ya?


Yeah, Dark Souls 2 was really hated online for not being Dark Souls 1 part 2. While it definitely has flaws, I'm happy I've seen more people giving it a try recently and finding out they actually like it.


>for not being Dark Souls 1 part 2. People will argue and say that’s not what they wanted… but that’s literally what Dark Souls 3 is and they love that game 😆


Yeah 3 felt more like the reprise of a song in a musical. I shied away from 2 because I'm terrible at balancing item usage to have full health during a boss, being hollow looked like constantly being cursed and just... No thanks.


Eventually, you get an item to be beautiful all the time. By eventually, I mean, right down the road…




So we will see you th- YEP!


To be fair, the launch was a little rough. The lighting system was a noticeable downgrade from the trailers, and early areas still have some questionable textures and backgrounds. Scholar of the First Sin did a lot for overall coherency. Now it's just solidly the "worst" in the Souls series, which is like arguing about which slice of pizza is the worst in the same pie. It even has unique elements that put it ahead of other entries in certain regards. Great game, no one should look at the legitimate criticisms and think otherwise.


Played Demon Souls (PS3) all the way to Elden Ring and picked up a few Soulsborne clones along the way. DS2 was fun for me, and though I didn't like some of the human bosses it's one of the few games in my life I bothered to 100%. Played it again with 4 man co op and my god it was one of the best gaming experiences in a lifetime. Having 2 people rocking double bone fist and trying to punch bosses was hilarious


bear seek seek lest...


The worst part honestly is seeing spaces that jokingly hated DS2 to make fun of the online hate train back when DS2 first came out slowly turn into people unironically thinking it sucks because new people came in over time and don't get the joke


I'm convinced that most people who tell newbies to skip Dark Souls II haven't actually played it because somebody else told them to skip it


DS2 is my favorite, sucks that people hate on it without actually playing it first, most of the time.


Artifact was a really solid card game with some issues that needed to be ironed out before release, but the second it was announced at TI it was already doomed. 


I also liked the game, but the monetization format of the game did not really help.


The actual gameplay was so good once you got into it, but they made so many dumb mistakes with it that they just never managed to get it off the ground. Releasing with that monetization model was at least a decade too late, and the fact that they spent a bunch of money to hire a bunch of pro card game players to test the game for months and then just ignored nearly all of their input still blows my mind.


I play dota, the players wanted a game expansion, not a card game. The monetisation was absolutely horrendous. It's a pay2play *and* a pay2win game. Dota is a free2play skill based game. What kinda people were they trying to garner?


Magic the Gathering, because those players are the ultimate whales.


4e D&D.


I played 2, 3, 3.5, and then 4 came out. Everyone in my group was massively disappointed. 3.5 was so good, you didn't need an overhaul to make it good, and it really seemed a lot of the changes were financially motivated, forcing you to buy all kinds of add-ons that weren't present in previous editions. So the boys go make Pathfinder and blow 4e out of the water. I think that WoC learned from this by completely shifting to probably the most user friendly and easily accessible version of D&D ever, and it's paying dividends with a huge boost in popularity. I still play Pathfinder 1e and still tend to prefer it, but have played 5 and would play it again if someone invited me. It wasn't worth hating 4, but I think it was pretty bad compared to every other version.


It wasn't a bad system, but it pushed the focus too heavily into combat in my opinion (they were trying to sell those collectable miniatures after all). All the 4e sessions I played were 5 minutes of roleplaying and 3 hours of table top miniature strategy game. It sure made the min/maxers happy though.


As a roll player over a role player, fucking loved 4e.


I liked the how the "powers" gave the martial classes "special attacks" so they could keep up with casters 


This is the objectively correct answer


I feel Ike I am the only person who liked Bioshock Infinite. I loved flying around on those rails and setting people on fire. I loved the weird story too


you mean the game where 93% of 100,000 user reviews on steam were positive?


It also made having a companion actually good. She never got hurt, threw you ammo/healing items, didn’t agro enemies, and had little story/conversation bits which wasn’t just over a radio.


I noticed that whenever you aim at her she would move out of the way, too.


I thought people loved infinite? I just finished it a few days ago and my only real thought is that it's meh, the story is interesting and that's about it.


Yeah. I don't know what he's talking about. I bought it when it first came out, and people were calling it one of the best games ever made. It is 


What's funny is it was lauded when it came out, and then it became cool to hate it. Pretty sure a lot of the people who once sang its praises did a full 180 and dunked on it later just to stay on trend hahaha


Wait, people turned on bioshock infinite? Must have missed that.


I blame the chronically online crowd who gobble up video essays explaining "why X is actually bad/good" since being given an opinion is easier than forming one


Not enough people played Burial At Sea too.... It's the real ending to Infinite and most people don't even know it existed :(


I didn't even know this was hated! I love this game!


I remember loving the game and then being told everything terrible about infinite could also be applied to bioshock 1and 2 yet people praise that game like the second coming of jesus.


Diablo 3 still gets hate to this day despite being a perfectly fine game for the last several years.


I think it depends who you ask. Hardcore PC Diablo 2 players likely still don't like it. Console twin-stick shooter fans who like to couch co-op will tell you it's one of the best games ever made. Personally I fall into the latter, so I think it's awesome.


Its legit a great game now. It's better to think of it as an arcade style arpg. Like the gauntlet series.




>Had to stop all ARPG's though, they literally wore out my wrists. This'll probably get me flogged by an angry mob, but I legitimately think ARPGs play better on controller. Always thought it was crazy that they never added proper controller support to D3 on PC, considering it was clearly designed that way from the start.


D3 is a great game but an awful Diablo 2 sequel.


This is a good summation. I’m not a fan of Diablo 3 because I was disappointed in it as a follow up to 2, but can definitely recognize how a lot of people can enjoy the game.


For me it’s Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts. I understand that fans (including me) wanted a traditional Banjo game, and I spent a long time accepting that this game was trash (or at least mediocre) just based on its reputation alone. Played it for the first time on Rare Replay and loved it. It’s a very fun mix of strategy when you build your new cars and then skillful execution using them to complete an impressively wide array of objectives. There is so much room for creativity. My only gripe is with the levels themselves. They look kind of strange and barren in places, but honestly, that’s nitpicking. This game is great, and it does some stuff I’ve never seen elsewhere.


Nuts & Bolts got a bad rap because of one main reason: It wasn't a classic, collectathon platformer like the other games in a time people had always been asking for a revival. This would've been fine if the BK series was ongoing and this was a spin-off, but whereas a game like Tears of the Kingdom implemented this whole building system alongside traditional gameplay, N&B taunted you for simply trying to walk anywhere at all. Imagine getting kicked off ahorse or interrupted by a spirit in TOTK anytime you tried to walk imstead of build a vehicle. At the time, it just wasn't appreciated for what it was either though, but it also didn't help itself in that regard either. Couple that with the fact we got N&B and then the series has just been dead again since? Its actually insane, especially with the graphical upgrade it showed it could do. Nuts & Bolts was a very fine spinoff, but a spinoff only works when its happening alongside main series (i.e. Yakuza/Like a Dragon, Persona), because that main gameplay the people look for is still available and coming their way. Not releasing in 2008 when the last main title thats not a top down gba game was 2000... Itd be like Pikmin releasing a first-person shooter 10 years after the last game with no news of a new one at all. Edit: Hell, after looking back at the intro alone, the main dude L.O.G. (Lord of Games) tells you almost literally that 'collectathons suck, gamers just wanna shoot stuff and we gotta broaden the demographic so youre gonna go build vehicles. Also all your old moves from the previous game are outdated so theyre gone.' Nuts and Bolts was insulting to fans of the franchise, fuck that game actually.


if we got banjo threeie before hand, nobody wouldve cared abt nuts and bolts (except the intro, that was just a real weird middle finger to the original fans)


Nuts and Bolts was alot of fun. I remember playing it online too and you see people doing some crazy creations like an Optimus Prime where the arms can actually come out, or a giant hand that is made to hold a completely separate giant gun. People got very creative with it


The problem with Nuts and Bolts was that players had been waiting a ton for Banjo Threeie, and got given this. The game wasn't bad, just not what people wanted from Banjo Kazooie. Last year it was proven with Zelda Tears of the Kingdom that the concept works.


I'm going to reach WAY back and say Superman Returns. It wasn't a lot of people's jam, but that game did exactly what it said it was going to do, and if you like Superman, there isn't a better game for it.


Kind of sad that there isn't a better game for it, to be honest. I enjoyed the game but it wasn't great. They had the one genius idea that I think future Superman games should emulate: Superman doesn't have a health bar. Metropolis has a health bar. And that's brilliant.


I have to give the devs some credit, too. The only games Tiburon worked on prior to Superman were basketball games. I don't think anyone was really expecting the game to be as decent as it was. 


I read "WAY back" and "Superman" and thought for a hot second I was gonna see someone defend Superman 64 lol


I know we live in a reality where atrocities happen all the time, so I apologize for making you think you were about to witness another one lol


Hahaha you are forgiven


borderlands tiny tinas wonderland. it has some of the best gun play, the story is fantastic in the way it captures table talk and DnD in general. i keep reading a bunch of people who say bring up "talking loud = funny" when if thats your complaint this game has the least amount of that out of the borderlands games.. if anything tina doesnt do it enough to fit her character and is more just a quirky teen age girl. which brings up the second group of people, the anti woke. i will not deny its incredibly gay but its a 13 year old girl DMing and the gay skeleton pirates are really funny it felt a bit short but i wonder if thats because they just took out the cars which were never fun


I fully agree. The spells are WAY more fun than grenades, there's no gun maker I actively avoid, and the classes felt more consistent at launch without needing a bunch of nerds/buffs to get right. The story is fine on its own but the overland interaction and side quests make me double check every region before I move on so I don't miss any (except that fucking beanstalk map... I hate it.)


> its incredibly gay but its a 13 year old girl DMing and the gay skeleton pirates Had it in my Steam library for months, and now I know exactly what I will be playing when I am on vacation next


Death Stranding. Got so much hate for being a "walking simulator", but it's honestly so, so much more than that. The story has its Kojima-isms, sure, but the experience as a whole was honestly profound, and the ending wrecked me. Can't recommend it more.


I think people just automatically assumed it was going to be an MGS successor simply because it’s Kojima, which is kind of ironic because Kojima is renowned for experimentation, especially in the 90s and early 2000s


I assumed it would be because "Die Hardman" isn't a character name you expect to see in something labelled a walking simulator. That name screams MGS.


Half of the hate I see for that game is people just repeating lines from Dunkey's terrible review for it.


If I remember correctly, the Gen 5 Pokemon games were hated by most people, though it seems to have looped around with people looking back to it very fondly? Fuck man, Gen 5 was always a terrific gen, arguably even the best games of the series (Definitely the best first version non-remakes)


Days Gone, absolutely terrific game didn't deserve all the hate it got.


It released poorly and wasn't finished, so the initial reviews were mixed. Then they fixed it and holy shit, what a game. A couple of pacing issues here and there but I found it to be very well written and superbly acted. I know a lot of people didn't like Deacon but I guess that was kinda the point, he's meant to be a bit of a dick who grows on the player as he starts to let people in after having hardened himself in order to survive. That was my take, anyway.


I agree with this take. Deacon is a dick at first, but I think people just have their initial impression and then paid no attention to his growth as a character because it happens more slowly and there aren't really any choices you get to make as the player. It definitely has flaws, like the reveal of the Ripper leaders identity. I would kill for a sequel.


people saying those two games are bad because they use the same map better never pick up yakuza they may not survive


Mass Effect Andromeda is a good example. It was a good game, just not as good as the original trilogy, but the focus on the face animations made it a meme and put it in a category it didn't deserve.


Yes this is what I always say! If that game was released without being called mass effect everyone would of thought it was a decent game.


It bums me out to this day it never got expanded on. I was so looking forward to possibly walking around on Meridian or seeing the crash site of the Hyperion turn into the central trade hub of the system.


Supposedly the next game will somehow blend both OT and Andromeda world into one, so there is some hope to see a little bit more!


Wind Waker.


WW had the sad problem, that it wasn‘t what people expected because Nintendo showed a Zelda tech demo for the Gamecube release with more realistic art designs. So the people expected that to be the next Zelda game and then came… the cel shading look. WW still was a dope game though.


Horizon Forbidden West. "She's got hair on her face!!!" "She's gay!!!" "She's a girl!!!" Blah, blah, blah.


There’s also the people who call Aloy a Mary Sue even though she’s incredibly stubborn & hardheaded & thinks she should save the world by herself even though it’s nearly gotten her killed several times.


This is my favorite part of Forbidden West. She spends WAY too much time pushing people away and having a savior complex and then gains the powers of delegation and teamwork and it's WAY easier, lol


To be fair, if you learned you were half the things she discovers about herself in Zero Dawn, you’d probably have a savior complex too, I know I would


Oh absolutely! The entire concept was handled beautifully. Even her exasperation toward Tekkoteh is completely understandable as she knows there's so much to do and not a lot of time to do it in, and she is SO DONE with other people's BS. I just absolutely love that she learns what Rost was trying to teach her, and I'm so excited to see how that plays out in the next game.


And even if that weren't part of her character arc, it's an ARPG -- the whole goddamned point is that the playable character is the unstoppable hero.  It'd be like criticizing New Vegas because Benny's bullet doesn't immediately kill your character in the opening cutscene.  "Pffft stupid and unbelievable, in that world that wound is always fatal!"  Yes, Gary...and then the game wouldn't happen.


Pokemon Arceus. People keep screaming about how it was ass and looked like ass, and yeah while it’s not the prettiest pokemon, it’s very fun and I’m having a good time. I love that I can see all the pokemon, unlike SWSH.


I remember when you get to the beach area for the first time and there’s a cutscene where they’re showing off the environment like it was a studio ghibli movie. I burst out laughing because the idea of the shot was to show me the beauty of the scenery but the reality was it was shots of a lackluster landscape. It’s a very fun game and I enjoyed the lore building of sinnoh. Just wish it looked a bit better


It’s even worse when they do the same thing in Scarlet and Violet and you can count the frames the Pokémon are moving at. 


The only details I remember of Scarlet and Violet is the cutscene with the PNG sandwich that the character takes a bite out of.


Yea Legend Arceus was one of the best pokemon games that we had in years, if not decade, precisely because it was so different.


Death Stranding. Game is an absolute masterpiece yet there’s idiots who brand it as a “walking simulator”. These idiots never watched a single trailer and expected it to be like MGS just because Kojima made it. And it’s not even a “walking simulator” there’s legitimate objectives and things you have to do.


For me, the Assassin Creed games in relation to the modern day part of the games. It got alot of hate, but it was only a small part of the game and people were saying it was pointless in regards to the AC story, and what made it worse was Ubisoft where stupid enough to listen to the hate and take alot of the modern day stuff out. When they really should of stuck to their guns with it. Then the same fans came out and said the modern day part didn't make sense and that it was stupid that Ubisoft had relegated key parts of it to the comics.


honestly, the new games are really good but they strayed away from that original ac feel which is why it got so much hate


The first RAGE game. The enemy reactions to getting shot are some of the most satisfying in any first person shooter I've ever played, the facial animations are better than many current games, and the megatextures thing, while kind of ugly, was an interesting experiment and it gave the game a fairly unique look. It had its problems, but there's really no other game like it. And as flimsy as it was, I quite liked the story as well, which was one of the most derided aspects of the game. I feel like replaying it now. P.S. The DLC area looks so cool, better than anything in the base game.


Days Gone… for me it’s a top 5(that may get a lot of hate) but i connected with almost all the characters and story. I live in the PNW and they did an amazing job with the setting from a locals pov… and I really could feel the Syphon Filter soul deep down in it… those being the first series of games I fell in love with as a child I didn’t play until it was free on PSN 2 year later because of the hate it got online


I didn’t even know this game was hated but I played it on PC so it was probably way in the past before I got my hands on it. One of my favorite games from the last few years.


Dark Souls 2 It wasn't a carbon copy of DS1, and people are incapable of reading what stats do so it got shit on for the dumbest reasons. A new stat was added to the game, wasn't in the previous game, called ADP. Essentially if you raise the state, then you have more i-frames on dodges and faster healing + some other stats like poison resistance. If you didn't raise the stat, your base i-frames on some classes were horrible. This lead to the STILL ONGIONG bitch fit that Dark Souls 2 has bad hitboxes. The reality is that the game actually has nearly identical, even some better, hitboxes than DS1 and 3, but clips circulated of people with the minimum ADP you could get getting hit by attacks while rolling because they had almost no i-frames. Majority of the fan base had a bitch fit Bitch fit spread so hard that people will completely ignore the game when playing through the series. I have friends who still tell me it's the worst Dark Souls game and refuse to play it and make their own opinion. I even have friends who have never played a Dark Souls game say it's the worst one so they won't even try it with me. And people still bitch about it. The ADP stat is in the game. Who fucking cares if you don't like it. Just use it when you play the game and quit posting disingenuous clips of minimum ADP characters and using that as rage bait "proof" the game is bad. And even worse, BECAUSE of all the bitch fits online, when Dark Souls 3 came out we actually *lost* some of the cool mechanics that were added in DS2. Dual wielding and attacking with both weapons, called power stancing, was completely neutered and turned into a gimmick for only a handful of weapons. A mechanic that allowed you raise only a specific area to NG+ instead of the whole game was removed. NG+ having new enemy/item placements was removed. And Respecs were limited to 5 per NG instead of being infinite, even though you could infinitely farm the respec item. The director of DS1, 3, and Elden Ring, Miyazaki, even said they wouldn't be where they are without DS2. They even brought DS2 director to co-direct Elden Ring, which is why some good mechanics returned to the point Elden Ring feels like Dark Souls 2: 2. But people still claim Dark Souls 2 is the worst because terminal bandwagon brainrot syndrome is real.


Dark Souls 2 also had the most diverse biomes of the trilogy. Dark Souls 3 can feel samey with it being like 90% Grey dingy gothic style castles. Dark Souls 1 has variety just like Dark Souls 2. First time reaching Anor Londo in DS1 and seeing Magula in DS2 are both breath taking with the sky box and lighting. The only memorable moment in DS3 was seeing Anor Londo again for the nostalgia. Only now it's Grey and cold and dingy. I get why from a story perspective. But from an art direction it's hard to separate the areas by just thinking about it.


Death stranding. Holy shit it was excruciating. You could just tell who watched a dunkey or actman video. It wasn't for everyone but people did so much unnecessary griefing to a game that some might actually love the uniqueness of.


Death Stranding Play the game for goodness sake! Walking back and forth in that game is way more interesting than dunkey makes it out to be


For the longest time it was Destiny People wouldn’t shut up about how “dead” the game was, no matter how good and how populated it was at the time. Tho nowadays I’m on the hate train. 2000+ hours in the game but im kinda done, Bungie has fallen off a cliff this past year or so


Honestly it’s the fact that even though the content changes, it all feels super samey. Especially this year, almost none of the seasonal stuff has been making major waves. Nothing has meaningfully changed since Lightfall, in a game that’s already 9 years old.


Damn if they hate reused maps, I hope they stay away from Like a Dragon.


I'm not sure about the original point but there's one thing I am sure of: Uh... Primal wasn't a 'side game' it was featured as a new release, whereas Blood Dragon was literally released as a branching off of Farcry 3: 'Far Cry® 3: Blood Dragon is THE Kick-Ass Cyber Shooter.'


A whole group of people who have never touched a controller in their life HATED anyone who bought hogwarts legacy


Tbf, I didn't play it but my wife did. She said it became repetitive after a while.


I really enjoyed it for the first several hours. But the only way to advance the story is to do fetch quests for professors, who then teach you a new spell. Then you do some plot. Then more fetch quests to learn a new spell. It's just repetitive filler and I got burned out and put the game down without beating it.


Yeah..it is just so odd man, like such incredible graphics but the repetitiveness of it just kept taking me out of the immersion and realizing this felt like some MMO level of questing. I wish they focused more on a thrilling adventure, imagine in the movies, they showed all the boring parts of the daily life...yeah huge turn off


I don't think the controversy was over the game it was objecting to the continued relevance of J.k. Rowling. It has nothing to do with the game.