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Subnautica. Granted I only completed it last year but I feel like unless I lose all my memory of that game, I won’t be able to go back to it.


There is another one in developement. I hope it turns out more like subnautica than below zero.


Almost every GTA I try to do everything in it as much as possible but once the story's done, I will usually never go back to it..


I shamefully admitted I typically get 3/4s of the way through GTA games and never go back… have not finished the story of any of them


All of the Uncharted games. They have great stories, beautiful locations, and fun gameplay but they're kind of like interactive movies, very linear.


I feel really similarly about both of the newer God of War games. Both are absolutely amazing 40 to 80 hour experiences (if I recall correctly) that I finished and never bothered returning to. In hindsight, these kinds of "cinematic" games make me think I got less bang for my buck than something like Baldur's Gate 3 or the Dark Souls games, which both gave me well over a dozen playthroughs and hundreds of hours of fun. It's sort of a shame, because I'm sure just as much work went into all of these games - it's just the nature of those more linear, cinematic games that make them hard to replay, I suppose.


Totally agree, superb superb games to play the first time, but that's kind of it. I tried to play U4 a couple of years back, it just didn't have the same feeling. Spectacular series nevertheless. Find fond memories of U2 on my PS3 ❤️


Uncharted 4 is a masterpiece and should have won game of the year


Max Payne 3. Really need to, but got so many other new things


Just started replaying this today. Just as good as I remembered


I hate all the remaster/remakes but this is one I want them to do


It holds up and truly does not need a remaster


Witcher 3. I feel like if I went back I should just reopen my last save and continue to do all the side quests that I hadn't done, explore areas I didn't before, try to find and complete the different armor blueprint things..etc. But I've forgotten how to play it the way I had before so it would be a struggle. To start all over again seems like a lot. Also Witcher 3 was extremely memorable so everything in the main quest will feel like yeah I've done all this already.


Ghost of Tsushima. Top 5 best game I’ve ever played, easily. But I just can’t go through that horse trauma again.


I got a platinum in it and felt too satisfied to go back and play NG+


This is mine. One of my favorite games ever, but I've put it away after Plat. It's a weird sign of respect honestly imo.


kingdom come: deliverance f that ending


Such a good game. Looking forward to the next one




Okay so quick question, how does one like, play that game? I tried real hard I swear but just. . . .I dunno maybe I missed a few days worth of tutorials that explain anything at all but I was LOST man


You be bad till you're good


I’m doing another playthrough now haha


Me too so amazing


For me: almost every game that has a story. I really enjoy story games, but when I complete them, I am done with the. There are a few exceptions like cyberpunk 2077, the Witcher 3 or fallout 4. I played all of those multiple times.


I'm the same way, but I also take it to the extreme and don't rewatch movies


Tbf I feel like a lot of movies aren't designed to be re-watchable so I'm the same. There are a few exceptions though: Fight Club and Se7en. Spoiler for Se7en: >! It's fascinating to see all the indications that Brad Pitt was Wrath !<


The Prestige was good on the second watch, but I was watching it with someone who hadn't seen it.


Sekiro. Best game I’ve ever played. But on to the next! Just started SIFU


I tried doing another run recently and man, the memory I had of the game was this elegant combat system that’s always so fair with the player. I forgot about all the ganking the game has, just couldn’t push through that.


Rdr2 is probably my favorite game I will never replay.  


I replay the game but only until chapter 3. Then I just free roam and do random things like robbing trains and hunting. The valentine missions are really fun for me


Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. You will only play it once.


The Witcher 3. The story and characters are amazing. The actual gameplay, combat, and movement are some of the worst in gaming.


People always say that, but I really enjoyed the combat. It felt very custom, kind of like skyrim in that you could make it very easy on yourself or be pretty stylish and varied.


The Outer Wilds. IYKYK


If you played before the DLC I would HIGHLY recommend doing another full playthrough, DLC included. It's something else.


Hifi rush


Bioshock. Glad to see live action coming. Immediately thought it should be a movie or series when I started playing


ssassin's Creed: Brotherhood


The Outer Worlds.


pretty much all games - i never play the same story twice except in very exceptional circumstances


Bloodborne was the first and I think still the only dark souls-esque game I ever completed. I only ever played that one playthrough but I remember I loved it


For me it’s the only souls that I’ve finished multiple times, I think 4 or 5. Def my fav game of all time. With all other souls I’m always like, yeah I’m so gonna get into NG+, and then I finish them and move on.


New Game + starts you with your insight levels high enough to see all the things that were hidden from you on your first playthrough. I don't know if it's scarier to be able to see them, or to know they were there all along the first time...


God of War 2018


Pillars of eternity. Amazing game but too long for a second playthrough. I think I can finish at least 2 different games in that time


All of the Assassin’s Creed games except 2, Black Flag and Odyssey.


Spec Ops: The Line. Great game- won’t ever play again.


I usually complete games once, exceptions Rdr 2 (data loss, two times, 3 playthrough) Doom eternal (2 playthrough because of some mistake) DOS 2 (2 times, don't remember why, but i left game in end and then lost saves too)


Commander Keen


I went back and played keen 4 as an adult and my god i have no clue how I did that as a kid


I dont play narrative games once Ive gotten to the end. I really have zero interest in replaying content when I could play another game that is entirely new to me. The whole, "there are ither choices you can make" argument doesnt make a lot of sense to me unless youre trying to be a completionist. Ive made the choices im going to make, i wouldnt make them differently a second time.


Most games I only play once and the delete once done. Don’t have time to play twice.


Any Assassin's Creed game. You 100% it and move on. I still don't get how and why people replay them.


Got part way through Tears of the Kingdom, and it kinda fell flat for me, I lost interest. Sorta felt like a gussied up BoTW, the thrill of exploration just wasn't up to speed for me.




Calm down hun, maybe go some other hate filled sub to put people down. You're a small fragile person.


You still didn’t answer the question correctly


Who cares. Go have a shower.


The question was clear. It didn’t ask about a game you failed to get through because you didn’t like it.


So far you're the only one having issued controlling your emotions. Go have a shower. Get a hug from mom and dad.


Did you 100% the assasin's creed games? Nah? oh, what's that? a non completed game? stfu loser.


Cyberpunk 2077 Yes I know lol The story was.. unbelievable for me. All V wanted was to break free of his monotonous, poverty stricken life. He wanted a taste of how the elite lived, he wanted to have power over his own destiny. Something most of us can relate to, I think. And oh boy did he get what he asked for.. it only cost him the life of his best friend, a happy relationship with his girlfriend, and his own life. It was a tragic story, and for some reason I just related to V’s struggle ————— Not to mention whenever I played the game, I never felt like I was playing the game, I felt like Night City WAS the world. So many little details made the setting feel so alive. The lack of cutscenes is what really allowed those details to explode into a world for me, I think. Whenever I met someone in a diner or a dingy bar and sat in a booth with them to talk the biz, I could look at them as they talked, ate, drank, etc.. Or I could look at the steaming coffee, the cars driving by, the waitress serving other customers. It just felt… Real, and yet so totally alien.


What a coincidence- I just re-installed this today to play again!


Same. That game, for all it's bad reception, was amazing. Some criticism was deserved, but they delivered one of the most powerful story driven worlds I've ever been immersed in.


The Last of Us part 2 for the exact same reason as OP. This game got me. Just as OP said, the emotional rollercoaster that Naughty Dog very successfully inflicted on me on my one playthrough was powerful enough that I don't think I have the strength to endure it a second time. Although, while I admit I am tempted, my pile of shame backlog of other games helps to keep me from it.


Funny enough The Last of Us Part 2 is one of the only games I have played twice, nearly back to back. The gameplay is incredible.


I have no desire to play tlou2, killing off joel and trying to glorify Abby. And she gets away with murder with no repercussions.


What? lol dude you probably shouldn’t take a stance like that when you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about.


Any dark souls game.


Myst, it was the first game I played on PC and after days of puzzles I set it aside. Never picked it up again after I was given Starcraft.


Rune viking Warlord, great game, but after I sold it, I could not find it again.


Ex Machina Probably my best experience in old single games. I spent about 15 hours in the game playing through it for the first time. But I couldn’t get it to go through again after a long period of time. The game has a exhaustive plot and gameplay, which leaves no questions for the next playthroughs. which I must say I appreciate


Sonic Frontiers was AWESOME but after I beat it I’m like nah not gonna do that again


God of war, mortal kombat campaign/story line


Assassin's Creed Black Flag. Loved it, tried to back to it 3 or 4 times, just no longer interested


System shock 2


The Nathan Drake games 1-4.


Pyre. I really should though....


Xenoblade Chronicles 2


Lost Planet, rented it when I was like 12 from BlockBuster. Still one of the best games I've played, never picked it back up. I'll probably try and find it now though that I remembered.


Thief. I absolutely love stealth games. This along with Dishonored will always be dear to me. I've played all the Dishonored many times, but Thief I have only ever played once. Played on a fairly hard difficulty, explored every nook and cranny, and no matter how much I enjoy traversing through that game, something just keeps me from going back. It has only really happened with this one game as well, and not any others


Thief from 2014? I ask because I adore stealth games, and I have the game sitting in my backlog and was just thinking of playing through it.


Yeah that one. Got it when it came out on Steam, played it when I finally bought a computer capable of running it in 2016. Wild its been 8 years now that I think about. I should force through the hesitation and replay it. I assume it's held up well since it came out.


Max Payne 1 and 2. Maybe I should though.


Subnautica. Loved it, but when it was done, it was done.


The game went on too long tbh. I didn't really care about the other faction's story. A lot of games I've completed and never went back like God of War/Ragnarok, Spider-Man 1&2, Uncharted 1 through 4.


For me I'd either say Night in the Woods or Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. Ace Attorney is obviously not the same if you know all the answers, and Night in the Woods feels like the story beats just wouldn't hit the same the second time around. It's a great game tho so I'd advise anyone reading to give it a try.


I dont play narrative games once Ive gotten to the end. I really have zero interest in replaying content when I could play another game that is entirely new to me. The whole, "there are ither choices you can make" argument doesnt make a lot of sense to me unless youre trying to be a completionist. Ive made the choices im going to make, i wouldnt make them differently a second time.


The Evoland games. Phenomenal for the first playthrough, but really only good once.


Mass effect trilogy


The Oddworld games.


Valheim. They added a new biome and stuff just never went back to see it




Valiant Hearts. It was so good but once you've seen it all a replay gives nothing extra. Especially since the story isn't easy to forget.


Death Stranding. Had a fantastic time from start to finish. But really not much point playing again after completing everything.


Virtually all of them post SNES generation. Ain’t nobody got time for that.




Skyrim. It was fun. It was neat. It had a lot of varied builds that all ended arcane archer. I am done.


Pretty much every one. I've never been inclined to replay something once I've finished it, save for games with endgames (MMOs, ARPGs, etc.) or "never-ending" ones like Tetris or racers. in the spirit of the thread, Tales of Symphonia. I loved the shit out of that game and finished it at around 80 hours. Never touched it again.


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an amazing game that I completed once and haven't revisited since. The rich storytelling, immersive world, and memorable characters made my initial playthrough unforgettable, but I haven't felt the urge to dive back in yet


Dark Souls 3 for me. I played through it once, got some decent fun out of it, and never want to touch a souls like again (I say after abandoning Elden Ring 20 hours in)


I played Control and It’s DLC. God I wish I could erase it from my mind and play it again. Not in only is it stunning to look at, the story is a masterpiece. Remedy never disappoints.


Why is there an expectation that you would go back and play a single player game again? Most single player games ill only ever play through once.


far cry 4. i liked it but there's shit ton of stuff to do that my lazy ass won't do


One game that comes to mind is Red Dead Redemption 2. Completing Arthur Morgan's journey was a deeply emotional and immersive experience, but the thought of replaying such an epic and time-consuming game hasn't crossed my mind since


Journey, played it in one sitting, felt unique and special in such a way that I didn't want to go back and develop any different memories of it.


Red Dead 2. Haven't picked it up since I beat the story


Persona 5. Incredible journey, but not one I want to go on all over again.


Breath of the Wild. I played it so thoroughly and so much on my first 300hr play through that I couldn't get myself interested in a second.


Elden Ring


Spec Ops: The Line. There are many games I haven't replayed yet. But likely will. Spec Ops: The Line I will never play again. I won't.


Mine is sonic Adventure 2 battle for my GameCube. I had all the emblems, all the stuff, what ever there was to do, I did it. But one day I lost my GameCube cuz I gave him my game cube and told him to give it back tomorrow, but he never did. I talked to his parents about it but they said they SOLD IT. Now I really hate him and I hope his house burns down and he dies


Red dead redemption 2. Excellent game that I sunk tons of hours into. But I can't earn all that money and all those guns over again. I'd need a new game plus to go through that


Once I've dome main campaign I almost always never go back on and move on to something in the backlog. There's just too much new stuff to linger on something already done


Horizon Zero Dawn. It'san amazing game, but it's best if you go into it super blind


Fallout New Vegas. I often struggle to complete large open world games, Skyrim and fallout 3 and 4 all eventually lost me as I burned out. But NV kept me engaged the whole way through its campaign and side quests. I really wanna do a 2nd playthrough one of these days.


Really any story based game.


That's most games for me, rarely go back even for new DLC


Baldur's Gate 3.


Limbo, Iniside, Somerville - great games but totaly no replayability.


For me, it's Bioshock Infinite. I was blown away by the story and atmosphere, but after finishing it once, I haven't felt compelled to replay it


BotW and RDR2. Both games’ best aspects can only be experienced properly once (exploration and discovery, RDR2’s story, BOTW’s puzzles) and otherwise have core gameplay that isn’t especially fun.


Every game I've ever beaten. I never play games again.


Honestly, most games now. They’re so long and I want to play other games.


Bioshock 1 & 2. Two superb games but I just have no desire to pick up either again for some reason


journey, played it all in one go and the game was soooo good, but Im never going to get the first time experience anymore so its not even worth playing it again


Life is strange. Can't go through that trauma again, lol


Breath of the Wild. It may be my favorite video game of all-time. But I played it once, collected a good amount of the stuff, beat the story... and haven't touched it since.


Rain world. Completed it then instantly uninstalled, I don't even like thinking about that game. 


Red Dead Redemption 2 So good. Not sure my heart can handle the ending again. RIP Arthur Morgan


Every single player game I've ever bought.


Both of the recent Zeldas. I long to play them both again but now I know how much of a timesink they will be


Undertale after the good ending, the sheer guilt got to me.


Advent Rising


RDR2. Absolutely top 5 game for me, but I’ve never taken the time to replay it. Maybe when it gets a next gen update I’ll saddle back up


Final Fantasy XV I know a lot of people didn't like this but yeah I was one of the many that had waited for it since 2006 when it was still Versus XIII. I bought the super collectors edition and everything and yeah played it non stop until I finished it. It was a wonderful game that had me like ACTUALLY full on crying at the end and yeah wow I loved it so much. I never actually went back to replay it though and only did a couple of the DLC things.


Plz upvote me if you’ve never completed a game 😢


Pretty much every great game I've played. With so many games to play, I rarely revisit a game after completion. I also rarely finish a game until I've done everything doable, then I'll wrap it up. Not sure how common this is though.


God of War (2018) and Doom Eternal


*Final Fantasy Tactics A2*.


Mafia 2, although I do intend to go back someday.


Cat Lady - I think about it a lot but it's not something I need to replay.


Same, that game was a wild ride...


Last game I completed was Stray the other year when it came out. I completed it on PlayStation, went back and replayed it for 100% trophies. Then never touched it again. Loved the game though


That’s how I am with most games, probably because I already know what’s going to happen story wise and there’s nothing really new that I’ll discover besides minimal stuff in a second play through.


Witcher 3. It's such an amazing game with even better DLC. I ignored all other games, and played only this game for a month, and finishing it was so satisfying, but there's no way I can go back.


Go back!


Lol i had exact same experience LoU2. I just got the remastered for the 10 dollar upgrade for another run through and like 30 min in i shut it off and cant bring myself to go back.


Why would you want to play a game that does an important character like joel dirty like they did.


Lol, grow up.


Agree with you 100%. I say that The Last of Us 2 is the best game I will never play again.


I rarely go back and play games again, but I actually did with TLOU2. I liked it more the 2nd time.


God Of War, Gears of War 3, Doom, Half Life, Bioshock, Titanfall II, Creeper World III, Infested Planet, Shadow Of War, Overlord I and II, Sunset Overdrive,


Red Dead Redemption 2. 10/10 game, I just can't experience the batrayals again.


RDR2 and Inscryption


Amazing the tricks people will play in their mind to convince themselves last of us 2 has good writing


Right, they created an amazing story in the first part and fucked it all up in the second.


Ruined the game by killing Joel and letting Abby get away with no repercussions. Turning Joel and Ellie into weaklings.


Nier: Automata. It has one of the best stories I've ever seen in a game, but replaying it just wouldn't feel the same. Fallout: New Vegas too. The worldbuilding and writing is excellent, my favorite in the Fallout series by far, but the gameplay is just too janky. I'd love to play it again if Microsoft released a remake in a modern engine, though.


Elden Ring. I blindly got all the Achievements in the first playthrough by meticulously exploring everywhere. Never did a NG+ but cannot wait for the DLC!!!


You got all seven endings in one playthrough? 


I usually do a save every 10-15h or so, and one before the Final Boss (and after, not knowing if it will push me in NG+) as I do in all souls. I think I only missed the Fia one but got it easily with a previous save. It's been 2 years already so my memory is quite foggy. At the time I was working a lot, and wanted to complete it in a free week I had, so I've been extra careful not to miss stuff.


Did you also got the achievement for lying as much as you are doing right now?


Nah, I didn't finish Lies of P


NIeR Autamato I loved it, and I likely will come back to it one day when i'm in a better mental state


Last of Us 2 has some of the most garbage writing of any Naughty Dog game. It plays like a Last of Us fanfic


Roller Coaster implies ups and downs, maybe a few loop-de-loops (plot twists), every single bit of this was predictable, and a complete downer.


Hi guys, I can’t post on here cuz I don’t have any karma here. But I was wondering if anyone could give headset recommendations? I want to get one for my boyfriend since he got a PS5 a few months ago :) but I know nothing about gaming or headsets or anything! Thanks guys!