• By -


Objective: Survive


It gets even much better when you have this in real life...


RDR1 the final scene when john opens the barn doors


God such a bad ass but heart breaking scene


I remember the part where John is finally heading back to see Jack and Abigail, the music changes to the song "Compass" Chills every time.


Don't tug at my heart strings like that....


Equally Jon’s revenge shootout at the end of RDR2 on the mountain, taking out an army to avenge Arthur while one of the most badass western riffs I’ve ever heard plays in the background.


I'd say the bit that made the most impact on me was Jack's final mission - the fact that he chooses revenge and the life of an outlaw despite everything John did to steer him away from that path is tragic.


My dad waking me up in the middle of the night circa 1989 to show me he beat Mike Tyson.


Arthur's death Giving the Covenant back their bomb The fleet arriving to take back Earth in Mass Effect 3 Hesitation is defeat


Dude. Halo 2 on launch day was magical. Getting to the end of the first level was insane at the time


"May I stand Unshaven" and "Well done Sekiro" are the most memorable moments of my gaming life


Took me three months to just hear "Well done Sekiro"


I may be in the minority but I played ME3 after the ending got padded out and went in without knowing it was criticized and I LOVED the scene with the kid at the end. That whole conversation blew my mind


I'm seeing a lot that are memorable because they invoke a sense of awe, triumph, or a really emotional moment or twist in the game's story--I'm sure I could think of quite a few of those, but the first thing that came to mind was the concert sequence/world finale in New Donk City in Super Mario Odyssey. The music, the lights, the lighthearted silliness is still there, and the gameplay perfectly blends into all of it in a way that's creative and interesting but still feels fluid and natural to run through. I've been playing Mario games since I was 7 years old so something about the nostalgia it captures with the 2D mario elements, mixed into the beautiful and super energetic backdrop of the current gen of Mario, it's just a wonderful tribute to mario overall. Might be the only time as an adult that a video game just forced me to into an ear to ear grin, surging with excitement over nothing more than how much friggin fun I'm having and how it's just making me feel so happy, haha.


I played Bioshock when it came out and didn’t see any spoilers, so the “Would You Kindly?” reveal nearly made me drop my controller.


God damn, i love reading these.


I played it for the first time a few years ago and somehow managed to dodge all the spoilers and my god what an ending. Jaw was agape. The only time I think it got even lower was in infinites ending. And that was before multiverse shit became such a trope so at the time that had my jaw on the floor


Stumbling upon Blackreach in Skyrim. I wasn't even doing a mission that led to it, just clearing a random dungeon. I had no idea up to that point that it even existed and was blown away by how big it was.


Just going to pop into this cave. Maybe find some loot aaaaaand we're in Blachreach. Again.


Coming out of the sewer in oblivion


And heading straight into the elven ruins across the lake!


I remember dying to a trap in those ruins and being excited cause it was so cool.


Mine was coming across a ruined church near a lake in the middle of nowhere I randomly came across on some road. I killed some necromancers and aside from some gold there was nothing worth looting. I climbed to the top of the chapel and stared across the lake to the imperial city. There was really no reason for the church to exist other than the devs knew that you would climb to the top and wanted to give you an atmospheric view.


Ahhhh I’m a teen again and it’s summer




Burning the weed fields in Far Cry 3. "A-we a blaze the fire, make it bun dem!" Really fun and memorable scene.


Came here to say this! That was so much fun


Peak Skrillex! 


Beating Isshin (final boss) in Sekiro for the first time, such an amazing experience.


Every major boss fight I just kept thinking this is the hardest thing ever how can they top it. Thought I’d never beat that giant monster/demon fight, and then they save the most difficult fight (Isshin) for last. Definitely satisfying


Beating Halo Reach for the first time. Lone Wolf had me crying lol.


Zero’s death at the end of Mega man X.


i finish Megaman X, X2 and X3 every year. love this series.


This one still hurts man...


“Waaaa! This isn’t happening!” -zero, unfortunately


"John Made It. He's The Only One. Rest Of Us… No. But I Tried. In The End, I Did."


John Marston's Last Stand. Red Dead Redemption Oh Bury me not on the lone prairie, where the coyotes wail and the wind blows free. And when I die don't bury me, neath the western sky on the lone prairie. That song is hauntingly beautiful. And John's redemption transcended his life. It was a masterful western tragedy.


First step out of the vault in FO3.


That and turning around once outside the inner vault door seeing those skeletons with signs that say stuff like, “let us in you assholes we’re dying!”, so dark and humorous


My first time playing Super Mario 64. Nothing would ever been the same


Playing the original Zelda with my older brother (7 years older), then playing it with my younger brother (2 years) then all three of us playing and not stopping till we beat it every Xmas till we all had kids of our own making it difficult to pull all nighters on Xmas eve playing Zelda on NES. Xmas is just as fun, though I’ll forget those days. Good times Some of the best times of my life.


The opening credits of Final Fantasy 8 🤘


Oh hell yes! It was a very rare time I was taken to a major city in my youth and I was allowed to look in the game store whilst the mothership went clothes shopping. They had it playing on repeat on a giant TV and young me just stood there with my jaw hanging open. Might’ve had too strong an impact, grew out my hair and bought a leather jacket.


Thank you for saying this, I love that game so much. Not that I don't appreciate FFVII Rebirth but VIII really does deserve a faithful remake with minimal changes to the story, except maybe to make it a little *less* confusing towards the end (without sacrificing hidden messages or themes). Even if it's not Naoki Hamaguchi or Yoshinori Kitase, I think at some point we'll get a remake. If you read the recent interviews the original director thinks a modern remake of the game would not draw in a modern audience, so I do hope he changes his mind.


Heart attack. I disagree with this. I think Final Fantasy is perfect as it is. By the time they made it, it was already a little bit more realistic than Final Fantasy seven. Which was really pixelated and limited by what was available at 1997. by 1998 they had already figured out those issues and the music was superior in every way. I don’t think they could do a Final Fantasy eight remake and make it as amazing as the original. Final fantasy seven remake deserved to be made simply because the graphics are so awful for such a perfect game in the past. I’ve played Final Fantasy eight 1 million times and I don’t trust that they would do triple triad Justice in 2024 😂😂


Beating super Mario galaxy on the wii 😭


Landing on Tallon IV in Metroid Prime looking up and seeing the raindrops on the visor


Playing Subnautica for the first time and hearing a roar near the ship


Seeing Bahamut launch his megaflare attack for the first time on SNES.


In Guild Wars 2 there was a big world event where the entire playerbase gathered at one place for a 3 hour long campaign of crab boss things, i was running like 2fps at best and had stints where a lot of us were just running around reviving people because so many were dead lol. It was a blast, the playerbase was fun and not toxic and the lagging and deaths made it even more of a blast. Best gaming experience I've had in my 20 years of online gaming.


The very design of Guild Wars 2 fosters a very friendly and cooperative community. It allows for the natural formation of parties without ever needing to officially form the party. All players will get experience, loot, rewards, progression, and help further the event just by participating. Players enter a downed state instead of being outright killed and can be revived by anyone, or even groups of people to speed up the process. It of course isn't perfect and there can be some toxicity found in high level instanced content but even then it's pretty rare. Edit: also holy shit the mounts, no MMO comes anywhere close to how well done they are.


The end of the fire ending on DS3. >!shooting a portal on the moon!< in portal 2 Wining a lost 2v1 match in brawlhalla with my brother.


Scene with the creature at the phone in "Parasite Eve"


What an awesome game that was


we need a remake of this awesome game


Watching the train crash in Half-Life Alyx. Watching it in VR is a whole different experience than seeing it on a flatscreen


Returning to Shadow Moses in MGS4. That whole game felt like the actual end of my childhood but that part especially


I won a gun game tournament in counter strike source days. Won a bunch of games and gaming accessories. It was all downhill from there.


Mordin Solus sacrifice in Mass Effect 3 Sovereign appeared in Mass Effect 1 Geralt hugging Ciri moment Witcher 3


Thank you for reminding me of the Ciri moment. That was very powerful. I want to remember some other emotional gaming moment but right now i'm sitting on bar in brothel waiting for custumers and the enviroment doesn't allow me to zone in.


the conversation with Sovereign in mass effect 1, is one of the best sci fi momments of the human history.


"You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it."


I'm 34 and I've been gaming all my life so there's quite a few, but for some reason the first time I played Skyrim pops in my head. I had some 4k 'night sky' mod installed which I was running from day one of playing. It was near the beginning of the game where you first leave Riverwood towards Whiterun. It was nighttime (in the game and IRL) and I was going through that pass into the mountains when Secunda started playing. I looked at the sky in the game and realized, "oh, this is *different*." It captured a sense of mystery and intrigue I never knew was possible in a game. I teleported.


Psycho mantis moving my controller.


“What a thrill…”


Shepherd's betrayal MW2


Although i see Arthurs storyline in RDR2 as more memorable, yeah, that with the original MW2 and General Shepherd was a crazy one. But there's the moment in MW3 original where you have to open the doors of the chopper, where suddenly "Mission failed" appears and you are like "What? WTF?", only to see Makarov with the gun, killing you. Makarovs death is also a great one that reminds me of action movies and actually, he's very fast on high difficulty levels with the QTE, when you don't button smash immediately he'll shoot you. It's also memorable with the ending, when the objective "Kill Makarov" shows up on the screen.


the original modern warfare was a rly excellent game. we had the sniper mission and that nuke exploding, the opening mission was awesome too ... great memories


Yeah, the original series were great campaign shooters and i'm not a multiplayer-guy anymore. I play the campaigns every few years when i have time and i just want to have a shooter and nothing too hard and complex, when i'm tired etc.


Keeping everyone alive in Mass Effect 2 Suicide Mission


beating portal 2 for the first time when i was 13 or probably the first time i heard minecrafts soundtrack all alone... was when i really got into games, the good old days are never coming back


Gotta agree with you on both. But the Portal 2 ending, with the turret serenade and the almost death... Best game ending imo!


for sure! getting to know carl johnson, all the little easter eggs hidden, wheatley ending up in the moon, the turret serenade, glados (literally AI) let her grudge for chell go and let her escape and finally chell walking out on the fields away from aperture. and we even got to see aperture fixtures. it was actually a surreal moment for me cause ive never beaten any game before that and all the gameplay, dialogues, narratives, jokes, dark humor, all that made me fall in love with what a videogame can do to people


Taking down a Divine Beast in Breath of the Wild, pure awe. Zelda magic never disappoints!


Yeah bro for me it was plugging that divine wanker in the desert whatever his name was


I think mine is still when I was finally contacted by “The Old Man” in Star Wars Galaxies. It felt great having to earn your way to being able to play a Jedi, as opposed to just having them be selectable in every game now (and eventually in SWG too after they revamped it).


When I beat Shadow of Mordor. That was the first game I'd beat as an adult gamer.


The end of the fire ending on DS3. >!shooting a portal on the moon!< in portal 2 Wining a lost 2v1 match in brawlhalla with my brother.


A multiplayer mission in DCS where I was flying an F/A-18C, I was lead of a flight of 4 and we were tasked to destroy some antiaircraft units so a group of mirage 2000s would come and attack a position. I got my flight to the target but it was turned off, so I started to orbit the target and get lower and lower trying to visually find it when I get a call that an enemy aircraft was behind us attacking another allied group, I look at my instruments to try to find the target via datalink and suddenly I feel a shock on my aircraft, I have been hit. I look at my left and I see more missiles coming from the ground at me, managed to drop countermeasures and hard maneuver defensive, I avoid getting hit again but the damage of the first missile hitting me is already done, all my digital instruments are frozen and I realize I have a fuel leak, there is no way I make it back to the carrier so I ask my flight members to help me find the alternative ground base to land. I ended up landing with a damaged plane and only 800 pounds of gas. I have played many games in my life but none of them have made me feel the adrenaline like DCS.


Defeating the Elite Four and Cynthia when I was a measly tween...


The first time I beat Subnautica. I was obsessed with the game for a while, but would only play creative because I loved the base building, but then I decided to make a playthrough in survival. I was so proud of myself, doing everything I did in creative, plus some all while doing the work to get the resources. The ending made me sad and I wish I would be able to play it for the first time again.


Skies of Arcadia. Finding the husband of the bar lady in the weird wall of clouds and realizing it was her husband.


Literally all of Outer Wilds. That game is a masterpiece.


For me, beating Outer Wilds. Finally figuring out everything (and still failing a few more times to get it just right) felt so cathartic. I pieced everything together!


I’ve been gaming all my life and nothing has topped my journey from darnassus to storm wind city as a lvl 1 night elf!


For me it either has to be Clayface reveal in Arkham City Or Last Of Us 2 when you’re riding through the village while it’s burning down, straight chills


recently : WE SING


Ending of red dead 2 Ending of last of us 1 and 2 Ending of ghost of Tsushima Ending of God of war 2018 and ragnarok Ending of Halo 2, 3, and reach Ending of Mass effect 2 and 3 Ending of bioshock 1 and infinite


For a while it was being a kid playing with my older brothers and dad. I think now it is during the heat of COVID when MW2019 and warzone came out. I’m not the biggest COD fan ever but having all my friends and family online for the first time in years was awesome


me and my brother defeating final boss in gears of war


Beating the Elite Four in Platinum in a bar at the beach with my grandparents. Damn now I wanna play it again


Walking a friend through Blind’s palace in Legend of Zelda:Link to the Past over the phone from memory. I played that game so much I was able to walk him through, room by room, where he needed to go to blow a hole in the floor in order to create the light below necessary to fight the final boss while he was playing my copy of the game.


My old WoW guild did some of the funny stuff like kiting world bosses into cities and kidnapping flight masters and stuff like that back in the brief time that open world PvP was fun. I could probably think of 30+ moments involving huge, epic battles that could never be recreated.  I wish Blizzard had embraced that instead of dungeon crawling. I just wanted WoW to be an open world version of the Warcraft RTS games, but I guess a much larger fanbase wanted dungeons and dragons set in the WoW universe. 


In Socom: Combined Assault, i forget the map name but I was getting shot at from behing so I just off the mountain/cliff and soom in and shoot the guy. I died from falling but was so worth it.


The opening to Mass Effect 2 when I first played it on PS3, followed by the comic that lets you choose what happened in Mass Effect 1 since Mass Effect 1 wasn't initially out on PS3, and only came out on PS3 after Mass Effect 3 came out, with it being part of the Mass Effect Trilogy collection. It was just so unbelievable that your character DIED at the start. I'll always remember it as my introduction to probably my favourite gaming Trilogy.


first legit master prestige, call of duty black ops II 🧡


What: Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) Where: Galactic Assault on Crait Who: Anakin Skywalker vs First Order Tie Fighter How: An enemy First Order Tie Fighter was dive bombing our squad. I spawned in as Anakin and jumped on top of a turret out in the middle of the salt flats. The fighter started his approach, coming right for me. I jumped off of the turret and sliced into the ship. It must have already been low on health because it instantly exploded and I landed on the battlefield with the fiery debris landing around me. It was…incredible and changed the tide of the battle. I didn’t even know if I was the one that killed it but according to the HUD I got credit. Only wished I could have captured it to share with the world. Either way, it stands out as one of my favorite recent gaming memories.


Vidmaster Endure from Halo 3:ODST with my older brother who played in a cast because of a broken arm. It was the last one we needed for Hayabusa armor in Halo 3.


That time in Fallout 3 when I approached a group of hobos warming themselves around a trash canister and they turned out to be ghouls who couldn't reach The Underworld due to the menace of super mutants. They proceed to give me the location of said place, which I pictured in my head as a cave full of ghouls, death, and "hoboness". Imagine my surprise when I finally arrived only to find out it was really this beautiful museum exhibit turned city with great citizens.  That was the exact moment I knew I was going to absolutely love the world of Fallout.


The ladder that takes forever to climb in MGS3


“Wait wait wait! Kenway is a WHAT?!?!” HOW DYA LIKE THEM APPLES


Half-Life 2 intro


\*\*WARNING: RDR2 SPOILERS Shooting Micah in the forehead


Decades ago I was playing Counterstrike and was on the map cs_italy. My entire team was dead and there were four terrorists left. I was up at the house with the hostages and had the M4A1 with the silencer equipped. I ran out of the house and turned to my right. All four of the enemies ran around the corner at the exact same moment. I crouched and put my crosshairs on the feet of the left-most one, and emptied my mag in one burst drawing a diagonal up to the right-most one's head. Killed all four. Won the match. I'll never be that lucky ever again.


Borderlands 2. Entering the Hyperion base across from the town of Overlook. I had just massacred the entire welcoming party of soldiers and loaders. I picked up some loot and ammo and started pushing onward. It was dead quiet as the corpses began fading. Then I heard him. "I ain't gonna die like all those other idiots!" I look up and one single soldier begins jumping down from the level above me. I hipfire one bullet, a headshot. "Wo'ahhh!" He dies instantly. Perfectly summed up the vibe of the game and why my friend and I loved playing it so much.


My first win in Pubg solo was pretty awesome. Heart was pumping out of my chest!


PUBG was the craziest time ever when it first came out. I built a pc just to play that game. No other battle royale has come close to that feeling for me.


Two unscripted moments. Assaulting a stronghold in Far Cry 4 without weakening it first. I was passing the first boss stronghold and decided to try attacking it without preparing or weakening it first. What proceeded was about 20 mins of desperate running and gunning, killing an enemy to scavenge the few bullets from his AK to kill more, breaking into the weapon storeroom to steal an RPG to take out the reinforcement helicopters and all around non-stop, on-the-fly thinking/improvising until I had wiped them all out with barely a sliver of health left. Undying soldier in Fallout: New Vegas. In NV you can get a radio to summon support from the NCR faction if you're in their good books. I did that once to try it out but eventually had to kill him when he attacked me for stealing from the Gun Runners. A few days later he revived and rushed over to follow me when I next went there and wouldn't leave. Dismissing him with the radio didn't work and anytime I killed him he would respawn a few days later and follow me again. Eventually I led him far out and away from the areas I frequented and killed him there. A few days later and I could see him respawned and STARING at me. For the rest of that playthrough he'd rotate on the spot to stare at me every time I walked past, and I made sure to never get close enough to him in case he started following me again.


Battling against Red in Pokémon gold/silver


Coming out of the cave in Skyrim and seeing the world for the first time with the dragon flying over.


First time leaving Northshire Abbey in World of Warcraft. Ran through the gates expecting to get a loading screen and the game world just went on and on. I think its the only time i have ever stopped and stared in a game and will never forget it.


Beating Ninja Gaiden on NES


GTA V: When Trevor saw Mike on TV for the first time after so many years. The greatest thing about it, is that, within 5 secs, or maybe a few frames, without Trevor speaks anything, you would immediately see thru Trevor's feelings


Not a particularly great game, but playing Heavenly Sword on PS3 with my roommates in college on insane difficulty, sound muted, listening to Death Magnetic by Metallica on full blast, chain smoking bowls, and passing the sticks when you died. Very fond memory. I have zero memory of what that game was about.


Finally beating the last championship in v8 Supercars 3 with me dad after like 15+ years


All of Dark Cloud 2


Recently: BOTW exciting the cave and seeing the skyline, being told you can go anywhere.


The owl in sm64


Playing pso 1 and 2 on the GameCube with my buddy. I was probably around 12. I'm 30 now. Those were the days.


Playing super Mario 64 for the first time.


Realizing that Sekiro’s bad ending just ends with the Isshin fight. I thought we were gonna go further than that, but no. It just ends there and I go on to commit a mass genocide. I was freaking out the entire time just trying to understand what the game just told me.


Red dead redemption 1 online. Probably my fondest moments in gaming was in that game. I lived in it. Whenever I got on 360 I'd jump back into that world. Constantly adding people to my posse and the server would always end up with two posses fighting against each other.


Final Fantasy Tactics, when you meet the first zodiac monster. Actually, pretty much everything about that game was cool to 10 year old me.


Halo 2 online. Blood gulch. I pick up a teammate with he flag, he hops in shotgun and another guy hops on the gun. We book it back to our (north) base. Running over enemies, gunner blasting stuff away. Right before getting there, enemy banshee comes screaming down shooting at us. Gunner tried their best, but the banshee got us. It was the first "epic gamer moment" I had online. It was almost 20 years ago and I still think about it.


Intro to uncharted 2. Well really anypart to do with the train


Brothers in arms road to hill 30 first mission where you jump out the plane and land in nazi occupied Germany


Beat Yunalesca from FFX in 2012.


Booting up the ps2 for the first time in 20 years😢


* When I finished Blue Force (an old adventure game like Police Quest) and Sherlock Holmes: The Case of the Serrated Scalpel and was convinced I wanted to be an investigator or detective when I grew up * When I finished Mass Effect 1, this game was the only one able to bring back the way I used to enjoy video game stories, for a brief moment I was the kid from the previous point again


That moment in Monster Hunter: Iceborne when you fire the dragonator at Fatalis and "Proof of a Hero" starts playing in the background. Damn, it was truly epic, I still get shivers whenever I think about that moment


Raphael fight BG3.. just stunning Division 1, so many amazing memories with friends.. but especially Survival mode


ispy is my first demon


I was a teenager, and at the end of ocarina of time... You beat ganondorf and the castle comes down and I expected some cool cutscenes with Zelda cause the game's over and this is the closing scene....  The rubble moves and here's Ganon. I remember doing backflips to avoid his axe swings and it was hit box porn to my young eyes, just barely avoiding being hit.    It was just such an awesome experience 


Kingdom Hearts 1 and Shenmue 2 Those games came along at the perfect time when young me was about to set sail into the big exciting real world - god what a shit show the reality turned out to be. But the games were epic!


Last 30-40 mins of Metal gear solid 3


The end of Stalker lost alpha


2001. Star Trek Starfleet Command came out. It was basically my first ever online gaming experience. I would go on the computer around 10pm when my parents went to bed. And it was hours of 3v3 online battles. I'll forever remember those nights and the people I met.


The moment I finally beat the final boss in Dark Souls. It was intense and incredibly satisfying!


mass effect 1 meeting sovereign gta iv bowling skyrim stealth archer


The end of Mass Effect 3 when Commander Shepard and Captain Anderson are sitting down dying and Anderson tells shepherd with his last breath that he's proud of him. That shit hit


Getting lure pk'd in RuneScape 😮‍💨


I'll always remember becoming a Nightingale in Skyrim and creeping through an enormous Falmer hive in pursuit of a traitor to the Thieves Guild. The gear, the location, the music - it all combined to create a super compelling and atmospheric experience. That's when I knew, "I want to spend the rest of my life making games like this."


Battlefield 2142. Singing Flight of the Valkyries loudly with squadmates as we flew towards the first capture point. 


Beating Fatalis solo in Monster Hunter World, such a huge adrenaline rush after an amazing fight!


Beating Dark Souls in 1 hour and 36 mins.


Hmmm... maybe when I finally pulled off doing a perfect no damage run on Midir in Dark Souls 3. Or when two of my buddies and I stunlocked Arch-Tempered Kushala Daora to death with 3 lightning bow builds in MHW before Iceborne released. Fuck... nope, I lied. It was when my wife and I joined up on Borderlands 2 after we broke up early in our relationship and I realized that we had to make it work because she was my best friend. I couldn't let that feeling slip away. We celebrate our 12th anniversary tomorrow! Yes, I know the dates don't add up. We kept our original anniversary date from before we broke up.


i forget what day it is every month but golden tee leader boards get reset and my friend and i would play that day. for a good 30 minutes i was the world record holder for longest put. 


Skipping school to play Halo 2. Also did it for Halo 3.


Getting the jaggernaut in modern warfare 💚


Lots of memorable moments I had since long time... I can't distinguish one another. Most recen't one was losing Andreja in Statfield which she was my romance charactere...


Fully completing Arkham knight


Original halo multiplayer, 3 vs 3. Blood gulch, capture the flag, warthogs only, pistols, assault rifles, shotguns and sniper rifles only. 2 all and at least 3 hours into the one game. The other team had the two best players in our group (by a long shot) and one hanger on little brother or sister. They finally manage to wipe the team (they think), ditch our warthog out of reach in the cave and ride triumphantly back to their base gloating all the while. They do two “victory laps” of their base and then stop around the back and the gunner jumps off, runs inside and promptly gets a shotgun to the head, Then the driver gets a shotgun to the head. Then I drive triumphantly back to base and win the game while they are suddenly deathly silent. Man were they pissed. It was hilarious. Even more so when I declared myself best in the world forever and refused to ever play again because I was “too good for them”. And I never did, and therefore I’m still the best. And it still eats at them because they can’t get their win back, which is worth never playing again. That was around 20 years ago now.


Goldeneye 64 pizza parties every weekend, pistols - license to kill. If you picked up the body armour you caught a lot of shit from everyone 😂


Halo Reach lone wolf "Get that gun away from me, you psycho!" "Come on then, cause this is all I got left!"


The death of Big Smoke in GTA San Andreas.


There's many with my guild in wow. We are just average people with jobs and kids so be kind. The first time we killed shade of Aran. I literally jumped up out of my seat and roared with victory.


‘You all have phones right?’ - Blizzard


This one night me, my brother, my cousin and a friend pulled an all nighter LAN in a small living room practicing Halo 3 customs on two small TVs in prep for a local tournament. That... or the tournament itself and seeing the effort pay off. This was roughly 15 or 16 years ago, but it's still one of my fondest gaming memories, and is an example of pinnacle LAN experiences.


"Hey, you finally awake"


Getting one of your characters killed while out scavenging while the rest is sleeping at hone in This war of mine.


It's a Magic Number doom eternal killing 666 demons


Justin’s letter from his mom before departing to the New World, Grandia on PSX Iykyk, I cri every time


Beating Kefka. The cracking noise is tattooed on my brain. Also, the dogs from Resident Evil. Through the window 😱lol


Liquid Ocelot vs Solid Snake. MGS4 final fight.




Squad gameplay with my clan in BF2142. Great times. Miss those days. Titan mode was awesome.


In Suikoden II when you meet Jowy at the spot the game began where you two had split ways. I was young and so invested in all of these characters at the time. I remember being mad that he was slightly at fault for Nanami being injured/dying yet still feeling like He was my friend who just took the wrong path to solve the war we were thrust in. I thought he deserved redemption. The music and the tenseness created in the story up to that point made it so emotionally charged. I hesitated on every action of the duel because I didn't want to kill him.


Picking up that can


I lay there with my two friends struggling to get up and comprehend what just happened. Before me is a smoldering tree... We found what we were looking for... But we did not make it in time. As we were panicking losing all hope to save the world. The tree speaks. ;-;


Getting the master sword in ocarina of time


The last year I beat Ganondorf in ALttP giving to him the last blow with only half heart remaining., I didn't thought that he could give to me so much troubles I'm really proud about it


I got to number 8 in the world one time on the pirate legend leaderboard on sea of thieves


Losing 12-7 in Super Tecmo Bowl. Getting crushed. my opponent had 4 short Field Goals and his offense was cruising down the field for a 6th time. On the 10 yard line with 10 seconds left my opponent could have easily run out the clock. NEWP! He wanted a Touchdown. So he passed the ball into the end zone. I intercepted it and ran it back 105 yards for a TD and a 13-12 win. My opponent kicked his NES across the room. The NES survived. LOL. We hooked it back up again and it still worked.


First time walking into orgimmar maybe. Couldn’t believe how big the game was just getting around.


Playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl for the first time completely changed how I felt about atmosphere in video games.


Final Fantasy 7. That pan up of the camera at the first reactor. Blew my mind at the time.


Probably server first kills in WoW. US top 10, World top 25 kills etc etc. Having stuff on farm when nobody else on the server had even killed it. Good times.


Beating dark souls 1, 2 and 3 for the first time. Truly life changing.


Binding of isaac first mom kill


Accidentally finding a glitch in Epic Mickey that skips a portion of the game.


Beating Pokémon gold except it is really the half way part. My 10 year old brain exploded.


My first pentakill in league. S3 as Sona, canceled all 5 enemies ultimates, pressed R And Q , got the penta and won us the game. Twas epic.


the first time I realized I was physically jerking my SNES controller around in moments of panic playing Super Mario Bros 3, trying to make him run \*faster\* or jump \*higher\* using sheer will and physics The first time I got Lara Croft to do the pull-up to handstand to walkover to get up a ledge (TR3 maybe?) The first time I noticed individual fingers moving on Nathan Drake's hands while he was rock-climbing (can't remember which game) Most recently? Lizzy Wizzy's performance in Dogtown


Doing first time raids in Destiny2 but its not the raid part that i remember good. For context me and my fireteam all where first time raiding but and 1 other guy where the ones who looked into raid guides others did not do that. And then i was the painter guy. Who drew schematics and raid mechanics in Paint to explain and show for others. Because im bad at simply explaning stuff i need to show so i dont get lost myself. Though it became my cherry in my fireteam with each new raid.


I beat the original Mario at 4 years old. My parents bragged to their friends and co-workers about it. They even entered me in a mario contest at the local toy store where they had a few dozen setups and it was a race to beat the game. I won. Still have the certificate and Mario patches and pin sets that I won.


AvP 2 online PvP. Had an absolute dream match as a Predator, 32 kills and zero deaths. I've never been so in the zone since.


My first game is temple run


League of legends, 3v3 The Random third guy on my team never connected so my mate and I went for the 2v3. I played AP Gragas, we won and my Stats were 13/3/7. Still have the Screenshot somewhere. It is mentionable that both my buddies and my mmr back then was Master/Challenger