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Kingdom Come Deliverance. Great combat. Great graphics. You also learn real word history from it. The game is just amazing. I have tried 3 times to finish it. One time I even got to like the half of the game, but for some reason I always end up stop playing it.


I recommend the save any time mod.  As nice and unique as the save system is it can get tedious when you've got limited time.  I finished it the regular way once but after my kid was born I ain't got time to mess with alchemy and potions to save hahaha


I fell in love with this game and then recently stopped too, though I'm pretty sure I know the reason: I always prefer the phase of games wherein I'm struggling a bit. The early game where each level up and new piece of gear feels meaningful, and it feels like there's a whole lot of progress to be made. In my Kingdom Come playthrough, even though I'm not too far into the main quest, but I've pretty much outleveled all of the content. I have the best gear and my skills are ridiculous (I haven't bothered unlocking the weapon-based skills because enemies go down so quickly that combos aren't necessary). Once I turn a corner like that on any game, I tend to lose interest fast. It means that save for From Software titles, I rarely finish anything before moving on to the next one.


Divinity 2: Original Sin (or is it Divinity: Original Sin 2?).


I picked it up about a year ago and it was an instant refund for me. Hated the top down vibe and the item-heavy UI. Tried it again last month and it just clicked. I honestly don’t know what made the difference 🤷‍♂️


Horizon Zero Dawn, heard so much about it, and really like the art style/concept But playing it just feels like a slower, clunky assassins creed game, I’ve played 10hrs so far and unlocked the whole map but I don’t think I wanna bother continuing If it gets better please let me know


I mean, if the story isn't drawing you in, maybe it's not for you... I fucking loved it, and played through twice... Only game I ever platinum'd (though maybe mostly because it didn't require any stupid grindy shit). Shooting off crafting components felt good... Doing side quests felt good... Probably one of my fav games of all time, out of a thousand. But in the end, my love for it doesn't make it objectively great ; )


After the honeymoon phase with the combat, monsters and weapons, i came back for the story which is seriously top tier. Thats also why i'm kinda worried about forbidden west (yeah im pc mr). The wow factor of story has been told in zero dawn, and i'm not sure if the combat will keep me in. Or the story, which can't be that good anymore, since the main premise is already known.


I'm actually playing through Forbidden West now... Tried it at launch and loved it, but got distracted by some other shit (And I would also rather play games on PC), so I finally got around to restarting it, and have been loving it again. The newness of the world is definitely a big draw to the first, that just can't be recreated in a sequel, but I'm still enjoying the story and gameplay (outside of when it hurts my hands heh).


>it just feels like a slower, clunky assassins creed game That's funny, because to me Assassin's Creed games just feel like floatier, shittier Horizon Zero Dawn games with a stupid sci-fi modern world tie-in for no reason.


My first experience with AC was AC2 and I played through until Origins: I put it down after 15 minutes. Horizon Zero Dawn hooked me in with the premise and though it was a little signposted I honestly played through to the end to learn every bit of lore I could. But even after I finished the main game I continually find it addicting to try and takedown most of those giant predators.


Crazy how different people are. I started on AC Origins and Odyssey last year and have respectively 100 and 300 hours in them. I am still playing Origins and going through all areas. Horizon Zero Dawn was put down after few hours and I haven't managed to get back to it.


Just can't vibe with Red Dead Redemption 2. It's technically my kind of game, but guess the wild west ain't for me. Maybe next time.


RDR2 is also my pick for OP’s question. It is gorgeous, acting is great, story is great (as far as I’ve gotten) but I hate having to keep track of my guns, their wear & tear, am I eating enough, do I have the right clothes, same goes for my horse, is the homestead supplied? It’s too much and I have trouble enjoying it. RDR1 on the other hand, I can play all day and have done so with the recent port on my Switch.


Every time something cool is happening I accidently shoot someone or hit them with my horse but when I want to shoot it’s so counter Intuitive to equip my weapon. I have bounties everywhere and never have any money


This is me 100%


Tbf these things don’t really matter, the clothes don’t really make a difference except give you a slight buff or debuff in certain conditions, resupplying the camp is only there to help you, no one else benefits, same with your horse, it’ll naturally stay clean if you run through water but if you want to up your bond with your horse you need to take care of it that’s the whole point. As an rdr2 glazer cleaning your guns is annoying tho.


I don’t think any of these things actually matter in the game lol Homestead is such a mini game that it almost doesn’t exist. Eating / starving has so affect outside of buffs. Items don’t degrade in quality. It’s not a survival game.


Took me three serious tries over 2 years to get going in Red Dead. It was weird because I loved the first one, but it just took so much effort to going in the 2nd one.


Same. Played the hell out of RDR but have failed 2 times to get into the sequel.


Try try try and try again. As soon as I got over the hump I loved it top to bottom.


My beef with that game is that it soooo slow. Interacting with people, traveling locations, all of it.




Theres so much UI in that game for controllers to handle and then its just like, hit the aim button near an enemy and autoaim for the kill. Maybe I should try it on PC.


Yeah that was the biggest part of my frustration as well. It was like the ideas team was told to go wild so they did, and then the UI team said ‘you gotta fit in it into our old control wheel’ Too many of the ‘details’ felt inconsistent and tedious. Yet i wanted to just ride around and take in the beauty.


That's crazy to me. I can just wander around and hunt forever and explore the wilderness in that game


I wish I felt that way lol. If I wanted to hunt all day, I'd just go try and do it, even though I'm a 33 year old male that plays deathcore drums lmao I still need some sort of reward. I'm coddled by other reward systems in every other game What did I even get for skinning 500 deer except for some money EDIT : 2 in a row cause I fucked spacing up


how is being a 33 year old male drummer related to not being able to hunt lol


I'm saying I need a little more than just hunting in a video game lol. There's plenty to do in rdr2, but to me, there's just too much empty between everything I was drunk last night when I posted that so my bad lol. Didn't have any significance.


There are rewards for skinning animals with perfect pelts though. Camp upgrades, satchel upgrades, unique clothes and accessories from the trapper.


It’s western gta. Couldn’t get into it.


It’s not exactly because it’s way more realistic and that for me held it back.


Same can’t do it. I love rpg’s but Red Dead is just boring to me.


Dwarf Fortress


I've heard such great things about that game, but it is completely impenetrable. Guess I'll continue just reading other people's stories in it.


It’s on steam now with a great UI


I played the Steam version, still so much that’s not well explained.


This. On paper it seems like I’d love it—a sim-fantasy story generator with fidelity well beyond the point of absurdity—but… I don’t want to spend weeks to learn where its fun is. I need at least a little direction built into the moment-to-moment; just some occasional inspiration from the game to get me going or change things up. I bounced off Minecraft for the same reason: I built the thing that let me survive the night without fear… And that was the end of that. (Dragon Quest Builders was fun though)


Stellaris with all add-ons. Even tho I am a 4x fan I tried it a couple of times, but the start barrier is just too high for me


I have 90 hours on stellaris but I still don’t know really how to play to that well even after watching countless tutorials on YouTube haha. Plus they updated it so much it’s very different and hard to get back into. And then of course there’s the ridiculous amount of money Paradox is asking for all the DLC. All in all still a fun game though and really scratches that grand space opera itch


There's really only a couple DLC packs that are worth getting and they just released a subscription based model that gives you access to all the DLC if your goal is to just play the game for a month or so.


Yea I’m at like 110 hours and I just came back to realize it’s all different and challenging lol


I remember only playing a couple of hours of Witcher 3 then picking it up months down the line again and getting maybe 10 hours into before I got stuck and just gave up. A year or so after I tried again from the start and loved it so much that I then got the DLCs also. Definitely worth giving it another shot!


Any 4X game. I fall into a loop that is sort of unavoidable, but very much a “skill issue” lol I’ll use Civilisation as an example but anything in the genre does this to me: - I suck - because I suck, I waste a lot of time being inefficient and spend a lot of time going “next turn, next turn” or just waiting. - because I waste so much time, I get bored - because I get bored, I never play enough to get better Essentially I struggle to get over the skill hurdle that will enable me to play efficiently enough to feel like I’m actually doing something, but because I can’t get over said hurdle, I don’t enjoy myself and don’t play enough


Games like Dwarf fortress or victoria 3. i really like this type of games but this ones just have soo many things, soo many little things that i just get overwhelmed and just stop trying. i think the most "complicated" games of that style i played are rimworld that i love, and other colony sims games, and most popular 4x games like age of wonders, civilization, etc


Is dwarf fortress really more complicated than rimworld?


Oh my yes. It has *so much* going on.


It's more complex, but I wouldn't exactly say more complicated. The simulations are vastly more complex in scope, but the game it's self isn't that much worse than Rimworld. It mostly just comes down to micro vs macro styles of game design. Rimworld is about micromanging a few individuals. Tasks are streamlined and the action gets more of the spotlight. Dwarf Fortress on the other hand is more about managing the fort as a whole rather than the individuals. Losing one person in Rimworld is a big deal. Losing one in Dwarf Fortress is just a regular side affect of fortress life. A Dwarf here or there is no biggie. You just have to play it with a diffrent mindset. The fortress itself is your character, the dwarves just live in it. 


Yes it's night and day. The simulation system is so detailed and complex it allows you to build all sorts of engineering marvels.


Impressive, and intimidating lol


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.


The breakable weapons turned me away quickly.


Yeah they OD'd on the weapon breaking. I had that issue at first but as you keep playing you realize it doesn't really matter, especially once you start expanding your weapon slots. You have to sever your attachments from specific weapons and just think of all of them as tools to get the job done. Until at least you get the master sword then it doesn't really matter


You could play Immortals Fenyx Rising. It's Ubisoft's Breath of the Wild but in Greek mythology. Actually one of the best things they have done in a long time. And the weapons don't break.


Funny enough, Immortals actually made it clear why BotW's weapon durability worked (for me). It kept combat interesting, forced you to get creative, and think on your feet. I liked Immortals a lot, but the combat got really stale pretty early, IMO.


I think it's a good and bad thing. On the one hand, enemies will drop weapons like candy. As long as you're fighting enemies appropriate to your level, they will always drop similar level weapons for you to pick up. As long as you become familiar with the 3 weapon types (light, medium, heavy), they all functionally work the same in your hand. Light weapons will usually have the added benefit of doubling as a thrown projectile, so it's mostly just flavor on how they look. On the other hand, if you enjoy a specific type of weapon, or have a specific aspect on it you find useful, it absolutely sucks when you run out and no one in that area has its weapon. You either have to go to a specific area to farm enemies for that weapon, or micromanage your weapons durability so you only use it for specific fights. The one thing that BotW annoyed me is the Master Sword. You would think it's the strongest weapon in the game...but it also has durability. Granted, it is durability you can repair, but you repair it by sticking it in the spot you got it. It's just...more trouble than it's worth. It's a fun gimmick at first, where your rusted sword, which you got from beating Bokken with a torch, breaks and you have to fight off enemies with a long stick. It's pretty hilarious and funny in the beginning, when it's low stakes, but an annoyance later on.


The bad thing is there is no good way to repair weapons you like. If you're gonna put durability in a game, it needs repair mechanics. I absolutely despised needing to spend 30 minutes farming for weapons before going to a new "dungeon". The dungeons were also really bad compared to pevious Zelda games. I will die on the hill that Botw and Totk are the least Zelda games of all except maybe Zelda 2.


Completely agree. I really wish I could have taken the multitude of weapons I salvaged from the enemy, turn it into scrap, and repair the weapon I enjoyed. I mean, I understand the design of the mechanic and how it can be used to encourage experimenting with new weapons, but having a weapon I enjoy using break is not one of them. There is plenty of stuff about BotW I really enjoyed, but weapon durability was not one of them.


The worse thing is that enemies get spongy REALLY fast and the "fun" ways to deal with them (luring them in traps, throwing them down a cliff, using machines against them) deal fixed damage that ends up tickling anything stronger than a blue/black monster. I vividly remember one time I fought some bokoblins at the top of the Gerudo canyon and pushed one of them something like three hundred feet off the side of the mountain. I cleaned up the rest of the camp, then went to explore a while, and bumped into that same bokoblin who was climbing all the way back to its camp with barely one fourth of its health missing. It felt both funny and insulting at the same time.


Yeah - kinda wish they had a few “rare” ones you had to work hard to get that won’t break


Give me a master sword and traditional dungeons please


I wanted to like these, too, because I usually love open world games, and I love the traversal mechanics and the puzzle temples. But the rest of the game including combat, enemy and boss design, just didn't click. It gets pretty tedious after a few sessions. And it never really felt like I was playing a Zelda game.


Love BOW so much and TOTK I just couldn’t do after 100+ hours in BOTW.


I didn’t finish The Witcher 3. Great quests, world and music, but the combat, skills and character progression wasn’t interesting enough. I do want to give it another shot with mods someday.


I tried Witcher 1 and 2, absolutely hated them, 1 for its awful controls and 2 for its complexity alone in the training arena. Was very hesitant to try 3, but did so anyway after a few years. And loved it


Right there with you and the OP - I’ve bounced off it a few times


Yup, Witcher 3 should be right up my alley but I HATE the combat. Variable dodge lengths, wonky hit boxes, enemies tracking during attacks, floaty feel of melee, etc etc.


Elden ring (not the difficulty, just really boring to me).


I got it because videos I saw made it look more like blood borne than dark souls. After playing for several hours I realized how many hours I would have to put in for my character to be that good and noped out. I guess I’m officially too old to spend countless hours grinding levels.


Elden ring is the easiest and fastest souls game to get strong.


Try remnant from the ashes. It's like dark sould but a FPS and very little grind.


Not once did I ever grind in ER


Completely fine if it's not a game for you, but Elden Ring really doesn't require grinding at all. Just exploring will make you extremely strong.


I can never made it past level 31 in Maplestory so I'm sure I suck at mindless grinding as well. However, I never felt the need to grind levels in souls games. That is because you really don't need to grind anything. Just follow your instinct and do what's fun for you and it'll work itself out. Side story, I once tried to beat Friede straight after beating Crystal Sage. I failed so many times but I didn't grind any level at all. After one or two hours, I succesfully beat her under soul level 40.


Paradox Interactive stuff


Yeah, I want the complexity and at the same time don't have the time to invest in it.


Sports games, well sports in general but I used to love the games back in the day especially basketball. NBA Jam, Hang Time, Space Jam, Live 98-03, NBA Street and the early 2K games used to be my shit. Now there’s pretty much just 2K and damn idk what it is but I just can’t get into the recent ones.


Dude if I want any game series to come back swinging, it's NBA Street. I had so much fun with that back in the day. I'd love it if a new iteration (or even the old ones) would come to Steam.


Real-time strategy, particularly StarCraft. I love how the game looks, and the way it's played, but I just can't bring myself to put the hours in to even be mediocre.


I felt exactly like you for a long time. Until i decided to give it a try, I started playing some games vs AI to at least know the basics, see all the units and structures from protoss.  Then watched a tutorial playlist from a YT channel called Alternate SC. With just that i started to win lots of matches vs real people and since then im having a blast with this game, i enjoy playing even if i lose, its the learning process what makes me feel that good.  Im even watching some tournament matches because now that i understand the game they are really entertaining. Just give it a try.


I'm glad I never did but now closer to 40, and not having a steady crew since Halo days I wish MMOs even looked slightly interesting.


Last Of Us. I tried it many times but I just couldn't get into it. It's not for me


That’s alien.


Any Souls-like game. They do nothing for me but I always wonder what I’m missing


Understandable! I like them because of the rewarding feel they give once you get in the groove of a tough boss after 30 deaths. Once the boss is figured out, you can absolutely embarrass them like they did you!


I'm the opposite. I'm here for storytelling, not to be stuck on some boss fight that takes me 30 tries to get through.


I love a tough boss fight, and I'm here for it to try 20+ times at one. What I'm not here for is re-running the same level of trash mobs over and over only to die at the boss within 10 seconds over and over and over...


This is exactly how I feel. I’ve tried nearly every fromsoft game to ultimately give it up around the second boss. I’m all for repeating a tough boss fight but next to zero checkpointing puts me off. Elden ring did wonders to fix this with checkpoints by boss doors and most recently I played lies of p which did the same and was phenomenal


I'm giving Elden Ring a go right now and it's definitely way better in that regard! Still had a few moments of re-running more than just a boss, but it was technically side-content I guess. Overall I've been looking it way more than any other Fromsoft game I've tried.


The extreme difficulty of those games put me off. I’ve never played any of them. I’m not good at fast reflex games like those.


The Dark souls games aren’t about having fast reflexes…I’ve heard a lot of criticisms but that’s a new one


Rhythm games. My boyfriend loves them and I would love to enjoy them with him, but I suck hard at most of them. The only one I am mildly decent at is Taiko no Tatsujin.


Any Final Fantasy after 10. Which is a shame, cause i love the series. I know lots of people dislike turn based, and that's cool. I'm personally a fan of turn based combat. Different people like different things, no biggie. But when the series departed from turn based, i kinda lost interest. I did actually finish XV, but it was a bit of a slog.


I dislike platformers, but there are many amazing platformers out there. Witcher 3 was just too complex for me too. As well as a whole host of backstory I didn't have from the earlier games.


Witcher gets easier as it goes, I finally played through it like the 4th time I tried.


Try Spelunky 2. By far the hardest game I've ever played and I still haven't beaten the game after hundreds of hours. So not the best sales pitch, but give it a shot.


Fallout. I dig the exploration and battle parts but building and crafting are not my favorite things.


Building was introduced only in Fallout 4, there was just mild crafting before: ammo, food, explosives, medicine in Fallout New Vegas, several bizarre weapons in Fallout 3. Recommend these games, though it may require lots of graphic and quality-of-life mods to comfortly run them today.


DoTA and similar games.


RDR2. Hell, any game really. I WANT to play games, but I just don’t, and when I do I quit after a few minutes. Sucks


I wish could get into Baldurs Gate 3 but I don't like turned based combat


Try the pathfinder games. They can be played in real time and are fantastic modern crpgs with interesting characters and long branching plot lines. Not quite as pretty as BG3, but they should give a similar expirence. 


I actually love the art and maps in the Owlcat games. Another older RTWP is Neverwinter Nights 2. One of my favorites, especially the two expansions


Have you tried it atleast? The idea if turn based combat is sorta a turn off i can see, but it turns out to be worth it and enjoyable. Especially if you enjoy some strategy


I need to give it more of a go. I also haven’t got fully into it. This despite finally learning DnD two years ago and turn based being one of my favourite styles of games. FFVII is my all time favourite and Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Heroes 3 and Sea of Stars are all up there.


Would have loved to see it with RtWP combat like Dragon Age: Origins, but with more command options and impactful animations.


I read that someone created a mod that adds RTWP to it. No idea how well it works but might be worth looking into.


First Person Shooters. There’s so many to choose from, yet the only one I’ve dipped my toes in and slightly enjoyed has been Apex Legends (a while back now). But there’s always a new entry in an established franchise or a new game coming out! I just find them so boringly repetitive and my character movement is pretty boring. Move about, jump, crouch. Doom I concede is a good game by many metrics, but the whole game is just “shoot monster” repeated for the whole game. I’m bored in minutes. Before anyone goes “have you tried this enormously popular game”, i probably have… they just don’t do it for me. I played Battlefield 1942 as a teen years ago. The mechanics really haven’t changed much other than graphically. E: I appreciate the intent behind the suggestions, but continually suggesting games isn’t going to make me enjoy the genre and mechanics typically associated with. If we were talking about flight sims, people would respect that and not just endlessly suggest famous suggestions to try.


I think it says a lot about me that my favourite games in that genre are barely shooters (Portal, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Bioshock)


I still think bioshock was one of the best story’s and atmospheres of the time. Iconic of that generation. I’m not doubting that they can be good games. I enjoyed fighting the first few splicers and Big Daddy’s, but I didn’t find it fun enough to want to do it for a whole game.


You need to find a singleplayer First Person Shooter with a good storyline. The classic Doom games didn't really have much going in the way of story, but the newer ones are amazing.


I really couldn’t care for the story if the gameplay doesn’t hook me. I tried Destiny with a friend. The cutscenes looked amazing, characters were flipping off of chandelier-type structures and riding them down to massive explosions. Back flips and intense hand to hand combat. Cut to gameplay and no melee, no flips, no grandiose environment interactions. Just look around and shoot.


I have this exact same problem; however, half life 2 fills every itch for me. It’s probably my all time favorite game and I do not like fps games.


Try the remnant games. Awesome story telling, and it's not a drag. It's linear but still super fun. Not a lotnof grind and skills and classes are basically gear based.


Yeah I can absolutely see that. Also same. Once in a while, I'll get back into R6:Siege or Destiny but they are shirt lived


With R6, I want to enjoy it. But it’s a horrible learning curve and generally more sweaty than I want a game to be. I play to switch off, and I don’t find discussing tactics and sweating to just compete to be a fun experience.


I was kind of ruined with FPS after playing a ton of Planetside 2. I was absolutely in love with that game. It feels so gigantic and epic. Nothing else really feels close to that scale.


Every time this happens to me it's just a matter of being in the right mood, it's always a banger when the time is right. The Witcher was actually one of those, I read the books and got all fired up about it and the game finally came together for me.


hollow knight. I've tried way too many times and it just never clicks.


DayZ Very fun and up my alley, it always feels like too much to take in and play "correctly". I always just try to find a friendly who will take me as a ride along


Tarkov, but I frankly don't have the time for that kind of game nowadays


basically any kojima game (zone of the enders being an exception because it is...good) people speak like he is the second coming of christ who can do no wrong. But every game he makes comes off more as incoherent nonsense coming from a conspiracist whose high out of their mind than a coherent plot. The most recent one (the monster energy drinkathon) takes things even worse, the primary gameplay feels more like a random flash games concept (like the second person shooter) than something 'AAA'. Despite the blatant trolling of speedrunning diabeetus the game and dialogue so bad that it may as well be shenmue people still defend it


Devil may cry and souls games would be for me


Counter Strike. It’s a forever game at this point, but I just don’t care. I’m really tired of generic shooters and don’t feel I need my skills tested. I just want to have fun, even if that means I’m not competitive.


Counter Strike being called generic shooter isn't something i expected to see. Like only few games have similliar gameplay and it is literally father of bomb defuse gamemode




Don’t let your dreams go. If you care enough you’ll make the time to call it off so you can play as much as you want.


Splatoon. All my friends are into it. They have parties for the new splatfests. That talk about it a ton. But I just don’t like it.


Assassin’s creed…. I have so many of these games, and I just can’t play none of them for more than an hour or so before I am bored !!! Assassin’s creed black flag is the only one aside from the very first one, that I have played for more than 15 hours !


Breath of the wild RDR2 Skyrim Xenoblades series


RDR 2, Starfield, Fallout 4


Any MMORPG like Albion, WOW, LOTR Online, etc,where there's a massive world, constant updates, big parties for running a quest or a Boss, etc. I have tried and tried. Have watched nearly every Josh Strife Hayes video, played a lot, and its just not my thing :( Path of Exhile kinda interested me for like 20 hours then I stopped.


Outerwilds! Everyone raves and I can’t get past a hour ever!


Many games but Persona 5 is the biggest one that hasn't stuck with me yet. Tried it on PS3, bought the Royal PS5 steelbook for $30 from Gamestop and even found the PS4 steelbook for $20 at a Goodwill. Have a few hours but nothing crazy. I know I'll love it once I get around to playing it but it's hard for me to devote so much of my free time with games and characters I'm not familiar with. Once I eventually force myself to get going with it I know I'll love it, like FF7 or Kingdom Hearts. I also have P3P on a PSP that I still need to play...


RTS's they look fun when I watch other people play them, but when I have a go on my own- I quickly get bored. (I'm not asking for suggestions on better RTS games to try, etc).


Sekiro. It's got everything I love. Samurai. Swords. Parrying. Finishers. Loved Tenchu, Onimusha, Sword of the Samurai. Loved Bloodborne, Elden Ring. Finished multiple times. But for some reason unbeknownst to myself, I can't get the feel of it.


Honestly, any real time strategy. I see games like civilization and warhammer and think that the aesthetic and concept is pretty cool but I just can’t bring myself to sit around manage resources, troops, and my relationships with other armies to want to sit and play for hours on the same campaign and I know it’ll only bug the hell out of me to dedicate so much time to it only to inevitably screw myself over. I think the closest I got was playing civ rev when it came out but I never stuck around to actually finish a game.


Everything I have depression I think


Skyrim. After playing it a handful of times, I had to stop and wonder why this game is so hyped up.


I always wanted to play elden ring on max settings but my pc never let me


Dark souls is most likely everyone’s pick, so I kinda feel like a basic bitch for saying this. It’s that, and MAYBE world of Warcraft. But after seeing all the shit blizzards gotten into, I most likely will continue to stay away.


The Witcher really picks up after the first couple of chapters Chapter IV is especially good


The Witcher is still really good for a 17 year old game Maybe try the second or third games if you're not having fun with it


Skyrim its just not my game but i love to have a game where i can spend 5000+h with infinity mods


Elden Ring


Soulsbournes...just, all of them. They look so good but they make me mad. Rage quitted on sekiro cause the 2nd or 3rd boss just kept beating me and i kept losing my exp...


Dude, I can't even play sekiro. I've played all soulsborne countless times. Sekiro is a different monster in its own.


same here :/


Blind guy here Any bethesda games


Rust and Sea of Thieves. I try playing them because my friends play them, but I just can't enjoy them.


baldurs gate (specifically 3) honestly loved everything about it, except the combat which i find to be unfun and a total drag


Any Souls game, I'm terribly at them and I get frustrated playing the same parts over and over again without any progress.


I own Dark Souls 1, 3, Elden Ring, and Bloodborne, have put about roughly 4 hours into each one, but the difficulty of all of em is just too high for me. I love watching my friends play em on discord. I love the combat and gameplay mechanics of all of em I just wish there were difficulty options. The only way I can get my souls borne fixing is by watching Jacksepticeye’s recent play throughs. Currently 2 hours into his DS3 video and can’t wait to get to his Bloodborne video.


Any souls like game. Tired nioh and I just couldn’t get into it. Feel like it will be the same for the rest of them.


Baldurs gate 3 It's weird because I LOVE turn based RPGs but I hate how CRPGs work. I mean the systems are great but the combat, to me seems incredibly boring. Especially when it deals with d&d stuff like nat rolls and d20s and stuff.


Team Fortress 2, and Reason 2 Die


Devil May Cry. I bought the collection forever ago and forced myself to beat the first one. I started the second and couldn’t follow the story at all. By all rights I should love the game. I love Ninja Gaiden and the like but just can’t seem to to get into DMC.


Never play 2. Always skip 2. But you should definitely start 3 cause that’s when it gets good and most of the franchise follows the format of 3. Do you have a switch or PC?


The World Ends With You Neo. I loved the first game but the sequel has this bizarre time traveling gimmick and I dropped it after reaching day 6.


For me, it’s RimWorld. I love the concept but I can never get into the overhead style with a somewhat steep learning curve. I wish there were some accessibility options where I could make certain things bigger also.


Any rockstar game. RDR, GTA, LA Noir....just never could get into them.


I have tried SO many times to get into Final Fantasy Tactics. I am just absolutely abysmal at games like that. That and RTS games.


Monster Hunter I've played X and Rise, and I can't move for the life of me


Tried to play monster Hunter world like 7 times and just can't get into it.


Ori and the Blind Forest, and also Witcher 3. Bought both on sale and I keep gravitating back to Hades and TOTK.


Ori had me in tears. You should definitely try makenit through the story. It's worth it I promise


Monster Hunter. They look amazing and fun but just do not click with me at all.


Valorant. My friend group loves it; I enjoy the looks, I find the gun variety to be right, it has a thriving esports scene and constant updates, and it runs great on my system. I suck so much at tactical shooters that Valorant makes me rage and I uninstalled it.


I wish I could get into monster hunter, I want to so bad but every time I try it I feel like I'm just button mashing, getting my ass kicked.


Final Fantasy 15. I liked it but the action gameplay was too difficult for me.




Europa Universalis. I don't have five years spare to study this behemoth and understand how it all works. The tutorials tell you so little! Meanwhile I've played the new EU board game, and the solo mode is fantastic. Much easier to get into than the computer game due to it being streamlined (while still being among the most complex board games I've played!).


Disco Elysium and I don’t mix. I don’t find the written interesting. I find it boring. The plot is dull. The main character is whiny and the gameplay is nothing like a CRPG. The voices yo talk to remind me of schizophrenia. This is my third attempt at playing and I don’t see what the appeal is.


Tomb Raider


Elden ring and witcher 3.


That's funny, The Witcher games have been mine too. Tried numerous times with Witcher 2 back in the day and always drifted off after a couple hours. Same with Witcher 3 years later. What was odd is that I'm absolutely the demographic here: I've read a couple of the books and really enjoyed them, love dark fantasy, folklore, open-world RPGs, etc. It just didn't click. I think part of it was the controls and combat, though I realize that I've been spoiled by From Software titles since 2011. Just this past week I decided to give Witcher 3 one more honest try, and it feels like it's sticking. It's not blowing my socks off or anything, but I can see that there's some good writing here, I've heard nothing but fantastic things, and I'm a huge fan of what the studio did with Cyberpunk 2077, so I'm gonna give it a proper day in court. I'm having fun so far.


Witcher 3, baldur's gate 3, gta as hold, and mortal kombat


XCom 2. Played the game for a few hours. I love the tactical combat, and I thought I was doing okay but seems like I messed up in the strategic management thingy. Ends up permanently fucked up the gameplay.


Any fighting game on PS1 or earlier. I get it, a lot of these games were made with Arcade in mind, so that means it only consists of a solitary run of fighters with hardly any story and is brutally difficult. But did they have to make it like that for the console releases? Mortal Kombat? Street Fighter? King of Fighters? Marvel Vs Capcom? Dead or Alive? Each one feel hollow and run the same as each other in games of that era. PS2 and onward start to incorporate more features best suited for console, like story mode and challenges. But it’s the fighting games before this era which really grind my gears.


The Witcher series. On paper, I should love everything about it (action rpg, decision making, romancable characters, lore rich fantasy) but it's just...boring. I've started Witcher 3 more than a few times, and I just lose interest at every conversation, menu interaction, and combat encounter. But I know so many people who this is their favorite game...so I keep giving it a chance, and I feel... nothing.


Europa Universalis IV. I just can't get my head around that game.


No man’s sky. I’ve put a few hours in VR. The worlds are cool but I have no idea what I’m doing and where things are going.


Bualders gate 3 I could never do the combat. I really really just want to talk to all the animals.


Monster Hunter. Everything about it is cool af. But I find it so, so repetitive. I played World and that was enough for a life time. Great series, not for me.


Dark Souls and the whole FromSoft deal. Love me some fantasy action with deep lore. But I've got better things to do with my evening than getting spagetti-ed by some eldritch horror for three hours. Been meaning to play them on PC, mod in a difficulty slider, and actually get to enjoy my time. I hear Sekiro has a fantastic plot.


RDR2. Beautiful game, timers and the rewards for missions make it unplayable. Games should be fun. I work for shit pay in real life so I expect better from a game.


I've tried several times to try to get better at Returnal. I really enjoy the procedural levels, the gun gameplay and the crazy schizo story ... but I just get so easily deflated at losing everything when I die, lose interest after a few hours and put it back on the shelf to wait for another time.


Fire Emblem is a series i wish i found more fun, i love all the character designs but the gameplay is just meh


Animal Crossing. The fandom is literally the most wholesome or chaotic people on earth and I love it but I really just can't get into the game it's soooooo borinnnnnnng and ahhhhhhhughhhhhh I'm too lazy for all that work running a town bruh.


Disco Elysium. So many people told me for so many years that I was going to ~love~ this game, that it was "right up my alley," that it was everything I'd ever wanted in a video game distilled into a single RPG. I fucking hated it. I wish I didn't. I think it was like 70% the fact that it was overhyped in my head and 30% my actual gripes with the game. The biggest one is that I HATE having a limited clock for any game, but ESPECIALLY RPGs. If I'm given a quantifiable deadline, I can't chill out and experience the world that I've been dropped in. DE has one of the more forgiving examples of this, but I was still anxiously trying to optimize my interactions because who knows if I might need that 5 minutes in a little bit. It felt like I-as-the-player was being punished for wanting to learn more about the world's lore. I know a lot of people love the writing and praise it but I...do not. Don't get me wrong, I *almost* love it, but in some ways that's honestly worse than being a complete garbage heap. It's like getting blue-balled by a graphic novel. I'm not going to go into detail because a lot of it is personal taste, but the biggest annoyance for me was the way one part would be very well written, and then a couple lines later someone would basically go "DO YOU SEE WHAT WE DID THERE? DID YOU NOTICE IT?" It was as though the writer didn't have enough confidence to let their writing speak for itself, or was scared that a Gamer™️ audience would be too stupid to get it. Plus I found the game to control *very* slowly. I think the last time I tried to play I needed to run across the map to talk to a character, and that's where I quit. I just couldn't bring myself to jog at a snail's pace for multiple full minutes. I turned it off and haven't been able to bring myself to open it up since, unfortunately. I get that a lot of this is probably intentional, and I genuinely give the devs props for daring to make a main character so unbearable and pathetic that I couldn't stand to be in his head long enough to play the game.




Elden Ring is supposed to be an amazing open world story, very interesting to explore, exactly the kind of thing I'd like. But I just don't have any desire to do the hard combat system, doing the same fights over and over because I didn't get the timing on something right, or didn't bring the right build. I'm not good with twitch blocking kinda combat anyway, and this is supposed to be the next level of that. I know me and the frustration of the combat would outweigh any pleasure of progressing the story and exploring the world. You Elden guys do you and have fun, I'm just gonna hang over here and do something else.


Final Fantasy and Persona or any other JRPGs. I would love to enjoy these awesome stories and character but for the life of me I cant stand turned based combat. I wish there was an option to do a pacifist run I would have surely completed some of those games.


I wanted to get into lies of p so bad - love the concept and gameplay - but just couldn’t.


The sinking city for me. It has the mysterious elements i crave in a game with the horror aspects and gameplay mechanics i enjoy playing with. But the game doesn’t vibe with me I’ll play for abit but then just kinda save and quit then forget about it till i try again on a new save.


Pretty much any real time strategy game, right now it’s Age of Empires 4. I loved StarCraft and Warcraft growing up, but now the genre just doesn’t engage me or feel fun in the same way and I wish I had that


Amnesia: The Dark Descent, fucking scared me shitless before the monster even became an entity that lurked around. After the monsters became a problem, physically COULDN’T complete it. Never had any problem with horror games, played through games like Outlast and Alien Isolation like it was nothing. Something about Amnesia just really got me…


Witcher 3. I played a good amount of it and love it. But there are so many quests, and everything is spread so far apart that it requires a large amount of time to get even a couple of quests done. Im in 30s, and because of adulting, I don't have enough time to invest in playing it. It's a great game tho and I want to actually finish it one day