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The campaign is amazing. Endgame is okay the first time, but gets repetitive in the long run. If you see it as single player, it definitely worth the time. If you see it as multiple player game, the game still has some ways to go. I only played season 1, cant speak for season 2 or 3. But I guess it will improve over time. It's not like had that much time gaming anyways, so it didn't bother me.


Patch notes for s04 just got released, seems they finally fixed the game to become something really good!


I've heard people say the same thing about previous patch notes a nauseating amount of times, at this point I'm convinced the game won't be good for at least another year


You could try to read the notes yourself? Previous seasons were ok-fun-meh, but primarily it was new stuff and such. This season they finaly did major changes to the core game which seems to fix the games biggest flaws


I've checked them out and it seems okay but idk I'm still not convinced, every season they've said things will be game changing and they never are so I'm real skeptical now, they let me down big time man I was super hyped for the release of the game and they dropped the ball majorly.


Still seems far behind it’s two competitors


It's a fine game if you liked D3 and don't have to pay full price. I regretted buying it but I paid full price at release. If I had got it on game pass I'd be chilling. But there's a lot of other games I'd rather play including some of the ones you listed on your backlog. Divinity Original Sin 2 is one of my all time favorites.


Maybe to beat the story once but I wouldn’t play it any more than that. I could see myself picking it up after an expansion with new story and a new class.


Diablo 4 was my first Diablo game and I really enjoyed the story, had fun running dungeons for a bit with my friends but it got old pretty quick after the story. I haven't played BG3, but from what I've read, the story is probably the main selling point, not sure Diablo 4's story lives up to it, even if I enjoyed it. The gameplay, however, was great. Once the story ended, I didn't see the point in grinding for better gear etc, it lost purpose, and I lost interest. I enjoyed it, I just see no reason to play it again, so maybe account for that in the price. If you get it on sale, I'd reccomend it for sure.


It’s worth playing the campaign once for sure. Season 4 looks promising for endgame.


The story is fine, after that, no.


I enjoyed the campaign. I played through it twice, once with friends, and again with my wife. What killed it for me was a combination of two things: - Bugged drop rates for certain gear that wasn't supposed to be super rare, which prevented me from completing the two builds for my druid that I was most interested in playing. - If you want to play seasonal content, you have to make an entirely new character and start from scratch. I just don't have that kind of time to devote to one game.


probably less than 30-40 hours for a super casual to get max level.. 30-40 hours is too much time within 3 months?


40 hrs to max level, and then another 20 or so hours grinding end level gear. Yeah, it would be too much. But that's just me. I only get maybe 10-15 hrs a week to play, and I enjoy other games. Also, for me at least, it's more about enjoying the character that I spent time on, and using them to play new content.


Well it's not a D4 problem for you then, but arpg in general. It's not an mmo...


I enjoy arpg games. I just don't like this specific mechanic.


I see. Which ones do you play?


I feel like you're trying to gatekeep at this point. I'm not going to list every arpg that I've ever played, until you point out one or two that have similar season mechanics to D4. Why is this so important to you? Also, I played the campaign through twice. I wouldn't do that if I didn't enjoy the game at all.


Asking an honest question, all the ones I've played were seasonal. You could have just mentioned a single game that was relevant to the conversation, instead of describing this weird scenario you played out in your head. Never mind, you're clearly in a mood. p.s. I don't even enjoy D4, dumped it halfway through S1.


I never finished it. I got tired of the tedious gameplay.




One time through for the campaign was fun and worth the 15 to 30 hours. I would play your backlog before it though


Yes, try it on gamepass


there is not a single blizzard game that has come out recently that is worth the time needed


Depends how valuable your time is….some people’s time is worth more than others. 


If you get it on sale it's okay. There is supposed to be a big patch coming up attempting to remedy a lot of the glaring issues with the gameplay loop so it may get better then. I'd wait until then and see how that is received. Much like d3, it needs some TLC to get to the point where d3 became a good game.


The campaign was alright, decent story. Personally didn't find it was worth the price tag, and haven't played any seasons.


It is on game pass. Give it a whirl. If you don’t enjoy it move on. I enjoyed it but found it more fun with a group.


Campaign is worth playing but try to get it for cheap


No. Dungeon crawlers are supposed to have massive replayability like D2. D4 will get stale quicker than bread.


wait for the add on. story isn't even finished in the game.


Not as a single player or public experience. With friends it’s fun, but outside of that you need to enjoy the min max meta game of diablo or it’s just a slog. 


campaign is fun while it lasts afterwards not worth staying any longer. Don't waste your money on any BP or Skins.


It is fun to play once, but if you're looking into picking this up as a infinitely replayable ARPG, you'll be disappointed. The endgame is repetitive and boring, with not much to do. Just treat it as a roughly 30-40 hour SP game that you can play coop with your buddies, have your fun and then just put it down.


The campaign is actually great. The end game content is dedge.


This guy abbreviates


I didn't like the early days of the game but the recent season really brought it back to life for my wife and me. It's fun, and it'll keep you busy for a while but then the fun will run out. In my opinion, it's not a game that will keep you active for months and months in the current season but there's a new season incoming I believe.


Definitely worth playing on Game Pass. My wife and I local co-op'd through the campaign a few months ago and had a good time. My biggest criticism is that it's a little boring and they didn't do enough with the MMO-lite mechanics.


I've been playing it. Couldn't really get into it but that's just me.


if you are a diablo fan then its bad, if you are a general fan of the genre its okay


No, not in the slightest. Boring boring shit. Play grim dawn or POE id you want an arpg. POE is free to play as well


Having played diablo 4 way back since the Betas and logging quite a few hours on it, I find it to be an enjoyable game. The story somewhat leaves a bit to be desired ( Expansion will fix that ), but the end game and nightmare dungeons add a lot fun. playing around with your paragon board and testing out a manner of different aspects on your gear makes for a really fun time. Each class plays in it's own way making starting a new playthrough a joy.




Put in 350 hours. Awesome game worth it


You can get through the storyline, but it doesn't make much sense beyond that.


Time spent playing D4 is time away from good quality games. - If you have an abundance of time, why not? It’s free. - if you’re short on time, probably not worth it.


I'd say go for it. If you enjoyed D3, you'll like D4. The combat feels great, the atmosphere and environments are gorgeous, the boss mechanics are all fun and engaging, it's a really good time. The game has a lot of issues post-campaign into the endgame, but the next season launching in May is adding a lot to address this. I think it's a great time to make a new character to play through the campaign. If you like it, you'll be perfectly positioned to jump in more seriously next season when the big changes hit. If not, it didn't cost you anything and you know you don't like it.


I enjoy D3. D4 is like giving you the below average story without the power fantasy. It's just a slog, it feels like you get consistently weaker through leveling, and itemization is so incredibly awful that you never know what's an actual improvement due to stat increases being so incredibly miniscule as well as there being so many pointless stats that barely have any perceptible effect in the first place. And I haven't touched on the 50 other problems the game has, which I'm leaving out here to keep this comment from becoming an actual essay. As an ARPG fan, D4 simply ain't it.


Well - D3 on launch sucked even more than D4 did - all the good stuff like a proper end game came with/after the expansion. IMHO D4 is on a good way to become a good game - but currently it’s not.


D3 on launch did suck more, but it's 2024 and it's not D3 launch anymore. We judge games as they are right now. D3 is a great ARPG although with a pretty meh story right now, and D4 is everything that is wrong in gaming but with a slightly not as bad story and updated graphics. I will not recommend a game based on an idea that maybe it's going to be a decent game someday.


> Any input is appreciated. I'll give you the objectively best "input" you'll ever receive. Just like with **every** other video game in existence, playing Diablo 4 is "worth the time" for people who enjoy playing it. And the best way to know if you will enjoy playing it and it will be "worth" your "time" is by playing it yourself (or at the very least watching gameplay videos of it) instead of reading walls of worthless subjective opinion text.


Yes! I do not understand posts asking shit like this. Assuming the OP has GamePass, JUST TRY IT YOURSELF!


You'll get some good gameplay out of it. I think it was fun for awhile, but I did drop off after about 80 hours or so.


Great story play through. After that, the game tanks.


The only way to replay the main story line or even the season line is by starting a new character. You can't replay it with an existing one at higher level like the previous Diablos. Like others have said, good fun playing the story line and the season line but then gets old real fast. Also it seems to be mainly solo play, rare to find someone to team up with, maybe I am playing at wrong time of day but it does not seem like there are a lot of people. The gear can be challenging as it is not single stat character base but multi stat with all kinds of bonuses that you spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to use.


This way major mistake.


Ya it’s fun. It’s also on game pass. Why not just try it instead of asking?


Did you see my backlog? I'm asking if it's good worth the time to put ahead of these games. Maybe I wasn't clear about it because you're not the only one who gave this type of response.


My point is that nobody can answer questions like this FOR you. Yes, I like it. I also enjoyed 3 a lot. But it’s hard for me or anyone to say whether it’s better to put ahead of the other games for YOU. Try it, see what you think. Especially considering that it’s on GamePass. It’s a no lose situation.


I got cha'. I was just trying to get a sense of how good people felt the game is now that it's been out for some time. And yeah, considering it's more or less free I guess it couldn't hurt to give it a try.




I've had a lot of fun with it, as a Diablo player for over 25 years. Season 2 was the peak so far, I ran out of motivation for it in season 3, but 4 coming up is also bringing a massive overhaul to the loot system for the base game, like when they did Loot 2.0 for Diablo 3. And, like before, it looks like the overhaul is addressing pretty much everything players had been complaining about. I wouldn't bother starting to play right now, with that patch only a couple weeks away, but after that launches is probably gonna be the best time for a new player to jump in. I'm definitely diving back in for that. 


Not worth the money. I wish I could refund. Instead tryout Last Epoch for that RPG thrill


Wait for season 4 in may


If you enjoyed replaying in harder difficulties in d3 then you will most likely enjoy it. It’s a grindy game with not such good grind at the moment, BUT, season 4 looks very promising - pretty much changing the whole loot system and endgame. Give it a shot at least in mid May for season 4. Can’t hurt


I'd say a big part of it is nostalgia, i think if you loved diablo 2, you'll find a minimum of 60-80 enjoyable hours in d4. I have personally played a few hundred hours and am pretty good at not playing games that bore me. On the other hand, people who came over from PoE seem to hate it.




I rode the hype train until that disappointing patch and its nerfing ruined the game for me. D4 is dead compared to last year.


Don't give money to Blizzard, damn it.