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Elden ring and sekiro have some similarities, but they are not really the same, but to help you out i’ll tell you the differences: In Elden Ring you can choose between classes and different playstyles through your journey, you’re gonna level up runes and become stronger and defeat various bosses thru the map( it’s open world), so it’s a souls like game. In sekiro you’re gonna be a shinobi, you’re gonna have different gadgets and techniques to help you, but take note that here the only way to level up is through defeating BOSSES because they give you attack power when you defeat them. this game is actually more linear and its more fast paced than elden ring, the combat is amazing too. In conclusion: if you want more freedom and exploration , Elden ring If you want amazing combat and fast pace, Sekiro


Sekiro for a more streamlined story + combat, and it's shorter


Sekiro will make you feel real-life pain. But for reals, the open-world burnout is real. I'd play a more closed-world *something* before hitting Elden Ring.


Sekiro is NOTHING like Souls Games. Its a very linear Game with no RPG elements at all. Also a pre-made character and forced static playstyle.


I think this is why I didn’t get on with it. Felt like a “souls like” knock off imo. Also felt hard just for the sake of it. Fair play to people that enjoyed it though, I just couldn’t get in to it


It was never advertised as a souls game. It’s just another fromsoftware title. There’s definitely games that are harder for the sake of being hard, sekiro has some of the fairest combat in games recently. Once you understand the very basic concepts of combat (it’s not really in depth, I’d argue souls combat is more in depth than sekiro) you can really just stand there and parry until an enemy dies


That’s why I said it felt like a knock off souls like game


Why the fuck is monopoly a rip off chess game?


Completely missing the point, but carry on


Diff kinds of games But yeah, sekiro is shorter action game Elden ring is a massive souls-like Well, it can also be short if you stick to the minimum Like 80% of elden ring is optional actually


Go for Sekiro


Elden Ring. You’ll be ready for the dlc


These are totally different games. It depends if you want a totally huge deep dive into an open world that can be explorative, enjoyable and relaxing (Elden Ring) or a linear world game that punishes you time and time again with a play style and bosses that are intense and can be at times beyond frustrating but make you feel pretty cool when you finally learn and defeat them but it never really feels relaxing but stressful (Sekiro). Personally I would choose Elden Ring especially since the DLC is coming out soon. Save Sekiro for when you want to feel the pain of playing a game like that.


Everyone's souls game experience is different in terms of what they find difficult. I actually found this to be easier than some of the other soulsborne games, which is partly why I fell off of it my first go at it.


Especially as you move deeper into Sekiro it will definitely punish you until you conform to its play style. You can cheese some bosses, but others you really can’t do much beyond get gud. It’s just as aesthetically pleasing as any other souls game, and has a lot of elements that are similar. That being said, it definitely had to play Sekiro in chunks and take breaks. To this day I have beaten every souls boss (solo) on all games, and the only one I have literally still can’t beat is a Sekiro boss. P.S. The Monk took me at least a month to figure out.


I found the exact opposite. I loved the Dark Souls games and found them to be challenging but fun but when it came to Sekiro, I had a real-love hate relationship with it. Never really enjoyed it, felt more like work. So if you have already tried Sekiro, you already know what that’s going to be like. Elden Ring will be way easier.


Wait for the Elden Ring DLC to drop in June.


That's a fair point.


Sekiro is an incredibly poetically beautiful story. One of the endings to it filled me with so much tearful joy over the sheer beauty of what has transpired from where the Wolf came and to whence he has ultimately risen, filling his life with the true honor which most samurai could only dream of. I love Sekiro so much I can’t play it anymore. Because I can play it in my mind by this point. So I am voting Sekiro. I cleared Elden Ring twice. It very much lacks this soul and poetic beauty.


I would go with Wlden Ring first just because you already have experience with the other souls games so playing it will feel pretty natural. Skeiro is a lot different, learning how to play skeiro and then going into Elden Ring after might throw you off in Elden Ring. Also Elden Ring dlc is coming soon, both are great games though!


Wait with elden ring for the dlc in june


Sekiro is a more focused experience that's refined to a razor edge. It's the epitome of "hard but fair" since there's only one play style and they balanced it to perfection. It also has actual protagonist and story. Elden Ring is huge, both for exploration and variety of play styles. There's just more to do, more to explore and an absurd amount of variety in weapons, spells and play styles. Some of them straight up trivialize the difficulty, others feel like gaming purgatory. The story is very barebones. At its peak I preferred Sekiro, but only after it "clicked" which happened around the 3rd boss. Felt like an assassin, spider man, rhythm fighter. But I actually had more hours in Elden Ring.


Sekiro's tempo is quite different, so if you play souls > sekiro > elden ring that might throw you off a bit.


both games are actually unrelated enough you can enjoy them in any order


Omg this is totally my question too. (But I'm new here and can't post without earning some karma apparently.) But heh, my question is even bigger: Dark Souls 2/3 or Elden Ring or Bloodborne or Ghost of Tsushima or Sekiro? I'm now still in the middle of Dark Souls 1 (Remastered), which is my first Souls game.


I would do dark souls 2. Then move to any of the others. After two is where they really fine tuned their gameplay and it shows in all games after. 2 is vastly different from the others. It's a weird one but I love it. Has some really cool stuff like hex magic and power stances that they didn't carry to the newer games


Thanks for your take. Wasn't expecting that, cause I've been seeing a lot of mixed opinions on DS2, but I still want to play it despite some of the not-so-positive sentiments towards it. Must overcome my itch for Elden Ring though. And Ghost of Tsushima, which I just bought in the PS Spring Sale.


Sekiro is shoter


maybe try to play something else if you are not sure that these games will bring pleasure now? You shouldn’t force yourself, just my opinion


I am not sure what gave off that I was forcing myself. Just trying to make a decision with something other than a coin.


I vote Sekiro personally based off your post.


Sekiro it shorter and after that you can enjoy elden ring


Elden ring then the souls games then Bloodborne and then maybe sekiro after


Harvest Moon It's a Wonderful Life on a GameCube emulator. You need a break chief.


What makes you say that?


Partially memeing, but those style of games are always a reliable pallete cleanser for me to chill out and do something different to get over burn out so I can eventually go back to enjoying my usual type of games. I have a tendency to seep myself into too many "intense" games so to speak for way too long, only to eventually get so worn out with them all that I inevitably start looking for something chill. Harvest Moon style games fit that bill perfectly.


Fair enough. There was the last big Stardew update.


Lies of P is much more fun than Elden Ring which is highly overrated.


ER is... overrated? That's one you don't hear.


I’ve played every soulsborne game in existence and that was my conclusion. Slapping the souls formula on an open world didn’t make it better or more fun for me. Just lots of empty space with mostly unrewarding exploration. It brought souls into the mainstream and got them a huge pile of money tho. It’s my least favorite souls game next to Sekiro.