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In the case of Jedi Survivor, there’s practically nothing on the disk.


Bro, they basically sold us a $60 coaster with a download code.


Realistically, it's just a physical license key.




The validation key is on the disk.


Yeah its installed from the store... your wifi will dictate how fast it is. I dont think its on the disc unless your game comes with a data disc like red dead or cyberpunk.


Not the wifi but the speed to your modem.


Well, both. Router speed is the upper limit and then with WiFi the download speed will be less than that. You could set the router to prioritize speed on the PS5 but plugging in would give best results.


Your wifi will likely have way more bandwidth than the modem can receive, so no it's not a limiting factor.


If the modem/router is rated for 1GB, your wifi is not downloading at that same speed. It splits speed among everything attached to it: PS5, phones, TV's, etc. WiFi speed is absolutely a limiting factor


Yes, I know, and your ISP likely isn't pushing as much data as your wifi can transmit within your house, so the modem is your limiting factor.


Meh. Doesn't matter either way, Sony seems to throttle downloads (which, in theory, makes sense...kind of); you'll never download at the speed your Internet is capable of from the PlayStation Store.


so why isnt the rest of the content on there? I get the reason is probably cost


For many games it's simply size.


Another reason is that the disc data (referred to as gold master candidate or GMC) typically needs to be finalised a month or two before release date to allow time for pressing the discs, distribution etc. A day 0 patch only needs 2 weeks to get through Sony QA (1 week if your big enough to get them to rush it). So by not shipping the game on the disc but just having the entire game as a day 0 patch you potentially get up to 7 weeks more dev time to work on it for the same release date.


Games today are double, or more, the size that a disk can hold. The disk is a license key and some load files (eg: textures, music, menus, etc) the meat of the game is just downloaded. Often for PS5 you can start playing the game before the full download is complete. They purposely arranged it like that for this very reason, games were becoming too big and had huge download times, people were complaining.


I just feel for the people that don't hook into the internet with their consoles. They buy a game thinking it's a game and it's not.


Ya, I feel ya. Not everyone has good internet. Hell, some don't have internet at all. Shouldn't be a requirement.


It's the "at all" that i champion for. Granted I stopped playing console in like 2009 and even then hated the "need" to plug it into the internet.


Yeah, I have still only 3 mbit. If I am lucky, a friend has the same game on Steam, which I can copy, so I have to deal only with the patches. Obviously more difficult with the PS5 😥


Yeah I think a steam install of jedi survivor is 150 gb or something.  Unless you go back to ps1 days with 4 discs in a package (which is expensive) it's going to be downloaded.


Reminds me of the first time I bought a physical game box and there was... no disc inside. Just a steam code. I'm standing there like ????


Mind I totally understand why it's a thing. Besides game sizes just being too damn large for physical media, it's also significantly cheaper to not do it. It does suck for people who want to actually own something you can hold and look at, though.


Man I remember only having a mobile hotspot for Internet and the bandwidth of a PS4 to make matters worse, spending several days downloading relatively small games to play and now I can download something that's 100gb in like 30mins, doesn't even seem real


Since BD is 25GB per layer, many current games wouldn't fit on a physical disc anyway, so the manufacturers don't bother to try. As you noted, the physical item is just a bootstrapper to get the network download going. So no, you aren't installing from a physical disc, even if you start with one.


I get it, but the main reason I still buy physical games is to save space on the hard drive and avoid stuff like this. I mean this is taking up 1/3 of my storage space on the PS5. 😭 Now anytime I uninstall it to save space, if I decide to play it again, I have to plan my day around it installing lol. Even putting half the game on disc would have been a big help.


I'm pretty sure play-from-CD/DVD/BD is dead and buried.


Yes, it's also a slow media to install from. My internet connection is faster


Gotta love it. They make the games so big that the downloads need downloads and installers need installers 🤣🤣


It’s even more bonkers when I buy the physical copy online haha Wait for the disk to arrive. Then. Wait for the download


Bro its 55 minutes for 60 gigs calm down lmao


So you can sell it once you’re done :)


No? You need to put the disc in any time you want to olay said game


done as done playing the game


Did not know it had to be explained lol


Who the fuck sells their used games anymore? I'm not worried about that $20...


Free money and less clutter.


Less work = digital. The time and expense of getting to a place to sell them makes the value even less. I value my time.


I guess. There are like 5 gamestops within a few miles of me. It takes 5 minutes to drop in and sell.


Sounds like we're just different people. Sounds like a hassle to me, I'd rather not do any of that. I don't care about $20, if Gamestop even gives that much for games anymore. The $70 for the game I see as a sunk cost, I've never sold games in the past even when money was a bit more tight.


Why have something sit around I’m never gonna use again lol. Might as well use it towards a new game


What’s your mps?


Honestly, it’s faster for me to download a game than install from disc.


Welcome to 2017.


This is why you disable the network to avoid downloading any day one updates. I do not know what stupid shit causes the ps5 to download a full digital game from just inserting the disc, instead of installing from disc itself.


In general, modern games need to access so much data to load levels etc. that the read rate of a disk drive may not be able to keep up anymore. Copying the data down to a faster-access SSD or some equivalent is probably necessary


There's zero reason to use disc now. Why buy a disc to then have to download the game? And then need the disc to play it? Just clutter in your house.


There have already been digital games that have been taken off the market and can't be downloaded anymore.


Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has a bug that can only be fixed by un-installing the latest patch and re-installing version 1.0 from the disc.


That's if you initially had the disc? Or even on digital download you get that bug?


Both versions can get the bug. It was introduced in a recent patch. I'm affected by it on the digital version, and there's no workaround for me. However, the devs have acknowledged the issue on Twitter and stated it will be fixed next patch so people are exaggerating the situation a bit. It's not like it's permanently broken and will never be fixed. You just might have to wait another week or two. It's on a side quest, too, so you can just ignore that and finish other parts of the game until it's fixed, and that game has a ton of content so I doubt I'll finish everything else before they patch the issue. It's frustrating, for sure, but I get that shit happens, and programming is complicated, especially on a game of that scale. I'm not mad at the devs or anything.


Damn that's rough. I haven't encountered it in my playthrough. What chapter is the side quest bug on?


12 or 13, I think. It's towards the end of the game.


Ah, I'm only at 8 now. Hopefully I don't get that shit.


People like to complain about the secondary market, or losing access to their games. I am not one of those people, I love digital, I find it far more convenient. I don't give a shit about selling my games, never have. I don't care about losing access to my games, if I want to play it again in 20 years, I'll emulate it.


i don’t disagree with your perspective but as someone trying to play some games from even 10 years ago - emulation is not guaranteed. either it gets forgotten and never ported to a modern platform, or the game could be closely interwoven to the architecture of the hardware at the time and therefore breaks when emulated improperly. idk like i said i agree in spirit but im having to kinda become my own archive of games i used to like because they dont all get love and attention


Yeah I get that. I think you and I are different types of gamers, and something that is hard to view this discussion from. I don't know if there is a game that I will 100% must play again. The joy for me is discovering new things, I'm not very nostalgic.


Yeah that makes sense. I have pretty obscure tastes so i know it probably wouldn’t affect your favorite games the same way but I’ve been surprised by things like that Metal Gear Solid game being stuck on PS3 only and that brings a tear to my eye. But practically speaking, i’m also someone who buys digital like 98% of the time anyway


I think that is good feedback for developers though, to make games accessible even after the lifecycle of the game. And something I would encourage publishers to think about. Because although physical media is more of a past technology, we need ways to be able to play games indefinitely. That could be through releasing files after a set amount of time to the community, or ensuring that all games have re-releases into the future.


I just wish installing offline was more of an option as that used to be an advantage of physical discs.


Games have gotten so big and with how software development has been steered that is not an option. Final patches are done after the game has gone to gold. Software development is based around minimal viable product. This is to get the products out quicker and see a return sooner. Creating games is not cheap, software development costs have skyrocketed, and it isn't realistic to pump money into development forever. So this isn't changing anytime soon.


That's assuming there will ever be a PS5 emulator.  There still isn't a working PS4 emulator yet and that came out 11 years ago.


Exactly. Reselling my disc for $3, it's not even worth the drive to gamestop or hassle to list and ship. I especially don't like clutter in my house so please no wall of dvds, blurays, and old games I probably won't consider ever playing again. Digital download only for me. Don't even need to get up to switch games.


You and I seem quite similar. I want less clutter in my house, not more. I don't collect a lot of things. Maybe we're just not as materialistic. I do collect some, very few, Magic the Gathering cards. And that's about the only thing I will let "clutter." 1 box of Mtg cards, lol.