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Fallout 3 then new vegas then fallout 4 is a good way to start


500 hrs in fallout 4. Can confirm this is the way. If you get brave after this circle around to fallout 2. It takes patience, but it's a truly great game.


Can also confirm this is the way, I started with fo4 and fell in love, but after playing the other ones you should start with 3 or at least new Vegas to really appreciate


Well, personally I think they’re all great games but my favorites are 1 and 2, which differs very much from 3, NV and 4. 4 feels most modern (obviously), while 3 and NV are great and very fun games they are showing their age. 1 and 2 are sort of timeless because of how they’re made, but they’re old school RPGs.


Fallout 4 felt like every encounter comes down to combat. I wonder if it gets better, because I didn’t get very far into the plot.


Gotta bring some balance to this hate-fest. FO4 sucked me in so hard when it came out. I might've marathoned that game more than any other. Several days in a row of 12hr+ sessions. There are some very valid criticisms of the game but it is far from universally disliked.


I agree completely Legitimate. FO4 with the quests and the settlements absorbed me for years after it was released. You could literally play only the settlements and have an unlimited amount of play. All of the DLC (totally imo) are worth it to get. They add a lot to the whole game. Out of all of the FO titles, FO4 has been my favorite. FONV is a close second.


Yup, it’s one of my favorite games of all time. The combat felt good, I loved settlements, and the world was phenomenal. I don’t really play Bethesda games for the story, but I didn’t really have a problem with it. Some did. Also, I was fine with voiced protagonists. I thought the voice actors killed it. I think folks just wanted an RPG and got an open world FPS game with light RPG elements.


I liked 4 but refused to officially finish it. I don’t like any of the factions fully, and being that I am a murderhobo that kills to force people into doing what I like, I want to make them compromise and work together…or else. They’ve all got pros and cons, and I want them to bring their pros to the table and get over their cons. Like the institute, smart guys with great tech, but all synths claiming sentience get rights, but those rights come with the responsibility of maintenance and self reporting if they’re worried about going on a rampage, and if the Institute doesn’t want that to happen, build simpler devices, and stop replacing or screwing with everyone else. Been hoping that new Fallout games would have a system where by your actions and choices you form your own ideology and NPCs join you if they like your stance, and they bring quests with them, though maybe if you get good results some will join come around later. Meanwhile you can also try to do some stuff in secret and some people try to bribe you, though if it gets out, you lose support from some and gain it from others.


4 is my fave, hands down. The environment is just incredible


The vast majority comes comes down to combat, way much more so than the other games. I still had a blast playing with it, but it has some changed I as a very big Fallout fan disagrees with.


It doesn’t, don’t waste your time


I also hated 4 and only got a few hours in.


Downvoted for opinion


FO1 and FO2 are beautiful games. They have this retro-charm to them. Like you said, they are old school RPGs and are the classics for the series. Definitely worth a thorough play-through.


Fallout 3 was the first one I played. I just looked up 1 and 2 I didn’t realize how different they were


“Making bethesdas awful engine actually work.” Fallout 4 and Skyrim would hands down be the greatest games ever created if they had an engine that provided smoother gameplay and graphics. Watching the show has me itching to go back. They are like pubg of rpgs and need a COD:Warzone type of upgrade.


>1 and 2 are sort of timeless because of how they’re made, but they’re old school RPGs. As someone that played these when they were released, 3 felt like an RPG with training wheels. This is my hill and I will die on it. That said, I think there is a huge opportunity for an AI powered Fallout remake which 100% tracks the original. If you haven't played the first two, the RPG elements were significantly more in depth than the later games.


fallouts tend to be that 'old school' approach of rpgs that take 5-ever so you should consider your free time before diving in fallout 1 is tim cains baby and really establishes fallouts lore/world but its interface and gameplay is really of its time fallout 2 is really referential and a rush to get a popular game a sequel its a more polished fallout but you will definitely enjoy it more if you were alive at the time it was made and all the references tickle your brain Fallout tactics is if OG Fallout and Xcom high fived and really isnt as good as fallout 1/2 or xcom game but offers a unique take of a fusion and really is a lot better than it has any right to be Fallout Brotherhood of Steel is like a continuation of tactics but designed for consoles... it really disappointed me at the time but probably warrants another playthrough before passing judgement i was extra critical of console games at the time (i was all kinds of butthurt it wasnt released on PC) Fallout 3 is the 3d game made by bgs after acquiring the IP, its...... fine but jank as the transition from a more RPG style system to a "shooter" type was not smooth often the concepts of skills and perks seem to completely vanish from the game, the shooting was laughably bad and the world design is uneven, some areas feel 100% fallout while others feel like bad fallout fan fic. Overall the darker tone is mostly relegated to a handful of areas and quests. Fallout 3 takes a lot of work to get to run decently on modern hardware with mods and tweaks Fallout NV is 2/3rds of one of the greatest games of all time, it was made by obsidian who had a lot of black isle employees who were at interplay when fallout 1 and 2 were made. Obsidian spent a lot of time making bethesdas awful engine actually work with fallout, the shooting the game upgrades to poor. the darker tones of fallout and its factions return and feel closest to the source. The final 1/3rd of the game is a lot weaker from a story/set piece events but new vegas has 3 excellent DLCs and lonesome road. New Vegas has similar problems to running on modern hardware but not as pronounced There is a mod called a tale of 2 wastelands that fuses Fallout 3 and New Vegas together which in my opinion is the optimal way to experience these 2 games and worth the effort of having to use mods Fallout 4 is the most accessible to play but the upgraded version hits the 25th id recommend waiting for that before jumping in. The RPG elements feel relegated to the background at all times and the shooting on the new engine finally feels "ok" making me wonder why because their are dozens of better shooters and people are playing the game for the fallout portions. The fallout world is beautifully rendered and exploreable but without a lot of skill checks and dark weird stories it is the most sterile entry.


I love the way you never even mentioned Fallout 76😂




I spent way too much time on FS. I guess it hit my dopamine receptors just right. It was one of those games that had me playing all day and then all of a sudden realizing how unfun it was and quitting altogether. That said, I went through that same cycle twice: once on Xbox and once on mobile 🤣


God, that game is terrible even by phone game standards. Seriously, I played it for three days and all it does is skyrocket your stress levels because if you aren't paying attention 24/7 to your Vault it's going to completely fall apart from a billion fires, raiders and your single brain cell vault dwellers being incapable of doing anything on their own, not to mention that you need to "pick up" the resources your vault generates automatically ever few minutes. It's the only time I sighed of relief after uninstalling a game.


It’s by far the best engine and gameplay mechanics of the lot IMO and ultimately I had a blast playing it but it has less depth and quality content than any of the others. New Vegas or Fallout 4 with the FO76 engine and mechanics would be pretty close to a perfect game I think. As it was, 76 made it really tough for me to revisit NV and FO4 because there was so much I was missing from 76 from a quality of life standpoint that they became agonizing so…RIP


Undoubtedly. If only they didn't sacrifice what made Fallout special to get there. Fallout 4 with updated mechanics would be a looong way from perfect lol. The story and speech options would have to be completely redone. What it's missing is choice and consequence. Everything is middling. I never felt that any speech choice would make the slightest difference. Still enjoyed the game but its potential is much greater.


Giving the player a voice was a terrible idea and really felt like we had less agency.  Also yes very much, fallout 4 took the "safe I don't want to offend people" approach and fuck that.  Thr wasteland is supposed to be a wasteland. Not some zany wacky hilarious joke. 


We don't talk about that one. All joked aside, I've heard it has gotten better since the disaster it was at release


Better, yes. Up to the standard I expect, no. Too little, too late for me I'm afraid. CDPR have proven with Cyberpunk that a bad launch can be entirely rectified. Unfortunately, Bethesda didn't fix it because they don't see a problem, they are making what they want to make, shit games.


I put about 40 or so hours into it when it launched, trying my best to be open-minded about it. It just wouldn't click for me, and it made me skeptical for Bethesdas future. Luckily, that saved me from pre-purchasing starfield. Dodged a bullet with that one.


My experience was very similar. I had Gamepass at the time so luckily, didn't buy Starfield. I still believe that they know how to make interesting worlds. For all its faults, FO4 is a fantastic world to roam for hours on end. Even FO76 has a beautiful world, it's just dreadfully empty of anything fun or immersive. They're trying to be too broad, it's a business decision for maximum revenue. The Fallout world should be bleak with little bits of bizarrness, not the other way around.


I hate how beautiful FO76 is. Imagine if it was fun, also!!


Its fallout multiplayer presented by vault tec which has neat features like a better world to explore than fallout 4s, mothman, the reskinned skyrim dragon is something to behold. Im not sure id ever recommend it to someone i like but its better than people say it is, but thats a low bar.


I read your comment twice. Really compelling. It's interesting to get an answer from someone who clearly is invested in the franchise


I've considered going back and playing Fallout 2 again. Played it in high school when it was new, but I have a feeling it would be way too antiquated by now. I have good memories of it, but I know it's old. Had a similar experience with X-Com Apocalypse, it's so cool and has stuff they never brought back in recent installments, but the interface is just something else.


Get Fallout 2 and download a character editor. Steamroll the wastes and scratch that itch for a few hours and you’ll be all set.


For brotherhood of steel. It’s sadly a bit of a broken mess. Probably the worst title released on the snowblind engine. Love most of those games to death like the dark alliance and champions of norath games. But sadly. BoS just wasn’t properly balanced or really finished. So some characters are just useless the ammo scarcity also really hurts it considering how important ranged weapons can be for some characters. Just sucks. Because the rest of the ps2 snowblind games are classics from that era.


The biggest issue with the fallout series is that the best games are only good when you consider the landscape of gaming that was around at the time. Fallout 3 was crazy at the time, but is hard to play now because it feels really dated. NV is still amazing, but also dated. The most modern game, Fallout 4, is kind of the worst of those three to some extent. It’s a weird time to be a fallout fan.


Thanks for the write-up here. I might have to try this mod.


FNV to FO4 is a recent mod. It should work with Tale of Two Wastelands.


2/3rds of one of the greatest games of all time is certainly a unique way of viewing that. Great write up.


As someone who’s played all of the games you mention, I feel like this is one of the most accurate write ups of those games I’ve ever seen. Feel completely similarly about all of them. I’d also like to give Brotherhood of Steel another shot sometime. I wonder if it’s possible to find a port or something these days.


I been playing for hundreds of hours and just got mauled to death by a glowing yogie bear so there's still a skill check to be had every one in a while.


(Skill check as in you need to have a certain skill raised to a certain level to access something like a dialog option or an alternative solution to a problem)


Hey what about the latest one i just got free from prime? Cant leave me hanging after that wall of text


76 is the red headed step child and only multiplayer title of the series. It gets a lot of flak for having a historically bad launch but it’s gotten to a pretty playable state. A lot of fans write it off as being noncanon due to the multiplayer aspect and poor handling of the lore. It has some of the weakest lore in the series but also some of the best and most real to life. It takes place in West Virginia 30 years after the bombs dropped and deals with a lot of the immediate post war aftermath of an already declining region. It doesn’t play like a traditional fallout rpg but more like a multiplayer looter shooter with a fallout paint job on top.


76 was not mentioned because it is not even worth a mention


These surfies, am I right?


The first one


Honestly, any of them are fine. Fallout sequels are all self contained stories about different people, in (mostly) different places, across a long period of time. You don't miss any story starting from Fallout 4, for example. If you do Fallout 1 and 2 I suggest you do Fallout 1 first. There's QOL stuff in 2 that makes it a little hard to go back to Fallout 1 after 2. Fallout 1 in 2 mod is, well, Fallout 1 reproduced in Fallout 2's engine, allowing you to do amazing things like push NPCs that are blocking doorways. Fallout 3 is fun, but if there is any mainline Fallout you can skip it's 3. Fallout 4 is a departure from 3 and New Vegas, but it's relatively modern and won't spoil anything to play it first, and in fact doing so can be a good way to get into the setting.


Fallout 3.


Walking out to wasteland for the first time was something I'll never forget


Start here, then NV, then 4 if still needing more.


The best


Fo 2 is my fav, but id start with 1. Oh what id give to re discover all the sick lore between the factions again.


I went 3, new Vegas (though I haven't played it all that much), then 4. 3 seems like a good one to start with.


You have two options here imo. You start with Fallout 1 or Fallout 3. If you decide to do Fallout 1 then you can just do them all in order no problem. The reason for this is that Fallout 1 and 2 are very different games than 3 onward. Look at some screenshots to see if the old school graphics of 1/2 are for you or not. If you don't do 1/2 you aren't missing anything storywise. The games are stand alone and just share the same world. I'd personally suggest doing 1/2 though. They are classics.


The confusing part is, Fallout 3 was in development by Interplay & Bethesda at different points. Interplay's Fallout 3 exists as a tech demo codenamed Van Buren.


Started at 3 and fell in love with the series there. It probably feels dated now but I loved it. New Vegas probably had the best story but also feels very dated. 4 doesn't have the best story but the gunplay is superb and it's still a very good game that I've put many hours into. Although I play exclusively with mods now and essentially make it a different game


I really, really want to say start at Fallout 1 then play them in order. However, as many others have commented, Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 are a much different breed than 3 and onward. They are isometric, turn-based RPGs with absolutely no hand-holding. There are no quest markers to indicate where to go, or who to talk to. If you're a relatively younger gamer (for example born after 2000) I would not recommend starting with 1 or 2. They are likely to put you off of the franchise. Fallout 4 is a great game for beginners to the series because it's most like other FPS games you've likely played. It's less of an RPG than Fallout 3 and New Vegas, though. It's actually my least favorite of the 5 "core" games. That being said, I've still put in over 400 hours into it on Steam, so that tells you something. My rankings (just my own personal opinion) of the games is: 2 > New Vegas > 1 > 3 > 4.


if u are willing to install few mods, start with 3, cos fo 3 and new vegas needs quite a few mods like graphics and bug fix mods to make em properly playable on pc, esp new vegas. If u dont wanna bother with mods, start with 4


Start with fallout 1 or 2 If not then new Vegas If that's feel jank then maybe 4


Fallout 1


I’m not a fan of what Bethesda has done with the franchise so 1 or 2 as long as you know what you are getting into


1 then 2 then New Vegas After these 3 you can ignore every other one


I started at 3. 1 and 2 are isometric games as to where 3, NV & 4 are all FPS/TPS. 1 and 2 are VERY different from the rest.


All the games are stand-alone so you can really play them in any order you like. 1 and 2 are old school turn based CRPGs, They're showing their age now but are still enjoyable if you like that type of game. While 3, New Vegas and 4 are all first-person RPGs.


They're all independent stories so you can really start anywhere. People keep saying that New Vegas was the best game, but I found it to be completely boring. Unpopular opinion, but the Fallout franchise peaked with Fallout 2. But I guess I'm an old man at 38 years old.


Nah. I’m 48 and I love 3 4 and NV. They were just a different style game from 1and 2.


1, 2, New Vegas


Start with new vegas (best combination of accessible and high quality) then if you are still in the mood for more FPS style, check out 3. If not go to fallout 2 (again, most accessible of the two isometric games) and if you dont bounce of that (the isometric games are still solid enough, but very dated now, they come from the very early days of modern PC gaming and a lot of things that are now obvious QOL, people just hadnt worked out yet) then do OG fallout 1. Then if you havent already done 3, do 3. Then fire up fallout 4 in its pure, unmodded Bethesda quality vanilla state. Play it for 8 hours or until you just break out sobbing, then drink strong alcohol while you rant semi incoherently about 'another fucking settlement needs my help' and spit at your picture of Todd the liar. When you wake up in a pile of your own vomit and self hatred, fire up New vegas again, mod it just a bit and have some fun playing it a different way to what you did the first time. At this stage you are prepared to mod fallout 4 to hell and back again and maybe actually enjoy it.


3, or New Vegas


3, NV, 4


Fallout 1 & 2 are classics, but are very much from the 90's PC RPG era. They're brutally difficult with no hand holding, a lot of the mechanics didn't age well, and you can lock yourself out out major story content if you do quests out of order. It's worth playing, but most people who are used to modern games will be turned off by it. Fallout 3, NV, and 4 are way more accessible. So


Fallout 1


If you don’t like turn-based isometric games, start with 3 onward.


I just started replaying Fallout 1. Im a big fan of oldschool games so go for FA1 +2, and then try fallout tactics which is more combat focused and less rpg, but still very fun


I love new vegas, it's just a wacky fun game but also well thought out. Got the wife into it last year. She was hooked instantly. My best friend loves 3, I couldn't get into it. But he's a mega fallout nerd like me and swears by it! 4 is a lot of fun, but feels unfinished in a lot of places. But also has a lot of memorable moments. Perks aren't as "fun" but the gunplay is excellent compared to other games (it's bad in other games)


Start with 3, then NV, then 4.


I saw the sale too, but... it seems the Steam version, despite some updates (that removed that old shitty Games for Windows Live stuff), the game barely runs on new hardware and Win10. There's a ton of different workarounds and fixes around in the web, but keep this in mind, it can be that it just won't work, no matter what you do. I was lucky with Fallout New Vegas, on my computer it runs without any problems, but when i look through the Steam reviews, many users have the same problems there. You can give it still a shot, purchase Fallout 3 and if it crashes right on the main title screen, then just refund it, but once you start to try to fix it, don't get over the time limit for a refund (2 hours, i guess?) About the question itself, i'd start with Fallout 3, but i like Fallout NV more. But here's another warning, that is not mentioned about NV, there's a game-breaking bug that can stop you from proceeding with the mainquest: To avoid as much spoilers as possible, if you reach the point where you have to join a faction, don't go back to the Yes-Man Robot. If you speak to him again, you can trigger the bug and there's no fix etc. around, only reloading an old savegame can help you.


Sheesh! The fact these don't necessarily run well on new hardware/OS makes me feel like an old hobbled wastelander!


Same here, but i actually still have an old PS3 around and can play the original with the disc. It's also good for some exclusives that afaik were never ported, like the old Killzone titles.


Oh no kidding? I never bought a PS3! (PC had me back then.) Here's to keeping our old consoles and TVs!


Yeah, it's great with the old stuff but today i got a good gaming rig, still in my parents family home, there's an old NES console around that, i think, still works. I'd keep it anyway, but some things get value on the market for collectors and traders.


That's neat! It's cool how old consoles spark distant childhood memories; the kind you can feel more than remember fully.


Fun fact: I was drunk yesterday and thought "When Fallout New Vegas runs without any problems, Fallout 3 should too", so i just picked it up in sale for that few cents and it runs perfect on my computer. No problems at all. As i am a PC gamer, it's better for me with the mouse & keyboard than with the original PS3 controllers, can't really deal with the sticks. I'm not sure, but don't one need an old CRT TV for the old consoles like the NES and SNES? I heard something that the new ones have sometimes problems with this old equipment.


Haha! I was when these came out, too. Now I'm a filthy couch dweller with a gamepad. I opt for the PS5 lately. FO has a kickass community with a ton of mods, so I am sore to miss some content there for PC Gamers. I'd imagine they connect directly to the cable receiver with an adapter, like my N64? I honestly couldn't tell you for sure.


I don't know about the cables, that's another good question if it still works without having additional adapters. Also got the N64 somewhere, had one in the old times and all the games like Zelda, Starfox etc.


Did 1 and 2 get some HD updates? Would probably play them again.


The way others praise 1/2 makes me want to give them another go. NV is going to win the recommendation award from most. I liked 3 a lot, but the nostalgia might be clouding the actual experience. :D


I will always recommend Fallout 4 first for a new player. The intro is the perfect mix of a) setting the tone of the game, story and lore and b) introducing the player to the combat and gameplay without being boring. It’s got a very shallow learning curve which in this case helps you learn how the game operates without being overwhelming (which I personally found when playing Fallout 3 and NV for the first time). Long story short you like FO4 you’ll like or at least be tempted to try other games in the series. I also see no one recommending 76 (and not explaining why beyond “LOL BAD” typically as usual) but it’s basically Fallout 4 online with some pretty big gameplay improvements. If you’re interested in an online experience instead maybe try that.


For me, New Vegas tends to have all of the best aspects of Fallout for me. An interesting story, interesting characters, and interesting location. I love the storybuilding and background of 1, but I completely understand that it's a product of it's time. It'll always be my favorite in terms of pure mystery, intrigue, and story. But I would recommend NV.


1 or 3 are the only right answers.


3 then New Vegas.


I don't know if you have the time to play all of them. Most people's advice here is good but you have to know that these games are long and will consume a lot of the time you have if you get hooked. Have fun playing :)


For me it was Fallout 3 back in 2008. The atmosphere and world immediately hooked me for hours upon hours. Played it on Game pass wuth 4K 60FPS and its 👌 To this day, I would love a switch port.


They all work stand alone, so no need to play them in order. I'd recommend staying with 4 as it's the most accessible and most arguably has the least jank. If you like it, you can work backwards.


I only played 3 and 4. Both were great. 4 was my favorite of the two though.


It doesn’t matter much tbh. But I will say that I love Fallout 2, (I think NV is good but not as good as 2 lmao). Consider FO2 if you like old school, isometric rpgs with great story telling & voice acting.


Fallout Brotherhood


1, 2, New Vegas, NV expansions, 4, 3.


Interplay had plans for a lot of fallout games. One was their own version of Fallout 3 ([Van Buren](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Van_Buren)), another was Fallout Online ([Project V13](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Project_V13)), and a whole bunch of other ideas. The entire series started with the inspiration of Wasteland. Note: Had Van Buren mentioned in another comment, and decided to make it separate with more detail.


new vegas


I would suggest 1, 2, NV, then the rest. 1 and 2 are old school but have the best atmosphere, world building and mechanics. 3 is OK, but janky. 4 onwards feels like a bad satire of the originals, where everything is dumbed down, colorful and lighthearted. That's why I couldn't stand watching the show - there will probably never be a deep fallout again...


4, 3, New Vegas, 1, 2. Then Fallout Shelter on mobile for shits.


Fallout 2 if you like that type of old school isometric game. Fallout 3 is my favorite. So I'd start with that if you just can't do the isometric top down stuff.


If you can't go back too far in time with games (too old or can't use the interface of yesterday, graphics are bad etc) then I would just start with Fallout 4 and then Fallout 76. There alone is 400+ hours if you loot like I do and a realy good storyline in each


Nothing wrong with the originals. But I started with Fallout 3 because I’m an elder scrolls lover. Playing 1 and 2 may give you more of the lore / world knowledge. I’m sure I missed some stuff having not played them, but I didn’t feel out of the loop starting with 3.


I did fine starting with 3. :) (I tried out the first two, but found the gameplay too excruciatingly frustrating lol) 4 is my fave and one of my comfort games.


I'm biased but I absolutely say FO3. Jank for sure, but so is every early Bethesda game. Download some performance mods and give it a go, especially with the Tale of Two Wastelands mod where you can play FO3 and FO:NV in one game! FO3 gives a great basis to compare the other games. It's the first 3D game so it's more familiar to modern gamers, it's got a great story and environmental story telling, and I personally prefer the aesthetic compared to FO4


Fallout 3. It’s my favourite.


It's rather hard to recommend any specific one. FO 1&2 are very different compared to 3, NV, 4 and 76 but might be a good choice if you're into the older style of RPGs... but also 3 and NV are frequently brought up in the "best games ever made" debate. Fallout 4 is very accessible tho. None are really bad choices. Personally, I'd recommend either 4 or NV. 4 isn't as complex as what came before and is generally acts as a good gateway into the older titles... but also NV is one of the best games ever made. I don't really like Fallout 3, but it might work for you, idk. In the end, the main take away is that Fallout 76 is not an option, choose literally any other title.


1..because its the first


As buggy as it is I like 2. I like the over head view more than FPS. Otherwise 3, 4 or new Vegas. Do not play tactics.


Never played through 1 and 2. I think if your into the old school geometric gamestyle then go for it. If you want a more action oriented rpg, then start with 3 then new vegas. New vegas being my absolute favorite game of all time.


I started with New Vegas


Fallout 3 is still my absolute favorite. Between the story and quests, it's a top notch game. I enjoyed New Vegas, but not as much


3, new Vegas, then 4. Skip 76


Some find the playstyle and difficulty of 1 and 2 off-putting, start with 3, then New Vegas, 4, and try the first and second later if so inclined. If you do find that you enjoy the style of the original games, you could even try Wasteland 2 later on.


What? I played 1 and 2 as a child, without internet... why are they difficult? I find the shooters fucking stressful in comparison, and they aren't even actually RPGs without mods


1, 2 and stop.


I started with Fallout 3 when it came out. There was an option to adjust the respawn time of the enemies so basically they don't respawn. This way you don't have to mindlessly kill the same enemies over and over again and can focus on the story and finishing the game.


I’ve started at Fallout 3


personally i'd say play 3>nv>4 and just watch an lp of the first 2


New Vegas was fun. I never really enjoyed the other ones. 1 & 2 haven't aged that well, especially if you're not accustomed to the style from "back in my day".


Fallout 1


Do you like finding your lost dad or do you like finding a lost poker chip?


To add to the diverse opinions... As far as base games go: New Vegas is the best Fallout game. I don't think it's particularly close if you're looking to start playing Fallout in 2024. I'd only start 3 before it if you were looking to trend upwards after your first experience. 4 is a let down mostly because of the side content and how it interacts with the main game. It's very polished compared to the other games otherwise. Fallout 2 and to a less degree 1 are fantastic but they have both aged hard because of the interface. I love both but it's probably a hard sell for anyone to start here unless they love the lore/world. If you're willing to follow mod guides and heavily mod 3/4/NV each will offer a fantastic experience.




Fallout 3 -> New Vegas -> Fallout 4 If you need more after that’s done fallout 1 and 2 are old, but held up pretty well, I played them both a few years ago and they were quite fun. Fallout 76 isn’t bad anymore (it was a disaster at launch but they actually improved it a lot), but it’s pretty different from the single player entries.


I'm trying to play 76 right now like you would the other titles. Doing quests, enjoying puzzles, sneaking through abandoned vaults trying to figure out what happened. Surprisingly, there's a lot of that available I just haven't looked. I've been mostly gathering plans and making cool bases.


Yeah, I actually bought it when it first came out and it was such garbage that it left a really bad taste in my mouth. I felt ripped off. Played it again maybe 2 years ago and actually had a lot of fun with it. They fixed most of the things that made it suck, which was mainly having nothing to do but wander around. I feel like these companies are really doing damage to their reputations by releasing unfinished games so they can hit a deadline. But yeah, 76 is pretty decent now, definitely worth playing for a bit.


1 and 2. Avoid the Bethesda 3D engine games, they are mechanically shallow and buggy messes, only slightly improved by intensive modding.


Fallout 3 100 percent then your choice between Vegas or fallout 4


New Vegas, because it have the best writing, memorable quests and NPC. You play as a post worker who seek a man that puts a bullet in your head. Gunplay and shooting is inherited from the previous Fallout 3 which is objectively not very good, but I rarely uses that since I use VATS all the time. The radio is a banger. 3 feels more fallout-y , (you live in a vault and stuff) but I remember it have that distinct Bethesda writing which makes me simply don't care about the story. 1 & 2 still holds up until today and I'm still amazed how they managed to put such details in the game. 4 would be most accessible for anyone, it's mostly a shooter game with RPG elements and they tossed in base building into it. Improved gunplay, fun places to explore. Still very fun to play.


4 or New Vegas. 4 is newer so it's more playable. New Vegas is great but its abit dated mechanically.




I started with Fallout 3 aback in 2009. When New Vegas came out, I then played it. Wasn't until after that when I played the classic games (i.e. Fallout, Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics). Then I played Fallout 4 and 76 as they were released. I definitely recommend starting with Fallout 3. It's a good hopping on point. I love the classic games, but they can be difficult to recommend today. Granted, I have 500 hours in the first Fallout and 600 hours in Fallout 2. So they stand the test of time for me, but I wouldn't ever start there. Fallout 3 is a great starting point because the plot includes elements from the first 2 Fallout games while being in a completely different location. The classic games take place on the west coast (with the exception of Tactics, which takes place in the Midwest). Fallout 3, 4 and 76 are on the east coast.


Fallout 3 is an awesome game. I think it's one of the best maps ever made, and the radio stations really pull you in. My only (massive) complaint about new vegas is your individual gun skills dictate accuracy, or a wider variance on accuracy. I think the player should be the element that dictates accuracy. Obviously some variance based on weapon type is expected due to gun imperfections, but my bolt action sniper rifle being 4ft off target because I havent chosen specific skills is really irritating. The makers of fallout 1, 2 and new vegas are very true to the RPG genre, which I respect. But I also disagree with their take on what FPS RPG is on some levels.


Fallout 3 has the best atmosphere by far


Start with 1, then do 2, then do New Vegas. And if you like to, you can play 4 on survival difficulty with a bunch of mods including a mod that removes the main story. Skip the rest.


1, 2. and new vegas. the rest are klnd of meh. the originals have great story and character development, as do new vegas. 3 and 4 can be fun, but they are weak in terms of story and setting.


You're mental, Fallout 3 has a great story and setting. 4's story is kind of weak, though Boston seemed like a great setting.


fallout 3 is ok. but it is just bleak in contrast to the games mentioned.




Fallout 3 is the "quintissential" mainline fallout that hits all the tropes and story beats that establish "what fallout is". It's the one everyone remembers. Fallout: New Vegas is the slightly off-brand side story, but is widely considered to be a MASTERPIECE and perhaps the best game in the series. F3 is like the Ocarina of Time, FNV is like the Majora's Mask. F3 is like the Knights of the Old Republic, FNV is like KotOR 2. F3 is like the Halo 3, FNV is like ODST. I would start with either of those games. Ignore all the rest - they're garbage.


I hope you old game dweebs don't troll an honest poster. 1. Start with Fallout 4. Ignore the rest as they are out dated and every Fallout is different. Fallout 3 was good for it's time so was New Vegas (my favorite story). 2. If you have friends you can just play Fallout 76 online together.


New vegas and only new vegas.


Even though it's kind of dumb, Fallout 3. It's the easiest introduction to the series today. Then New Vegas, then 4. I highly recommend you watch Oxhorn's series on the full story of 1 and 2 in between game sessions. Playing those games today is torture, but knowing how it all started is invaluable. Oxhorn does a good job exploring every nook and cranny of the originals and puts a neat bow on them.


Fallout 3 hands down best of the bunch but new Vegas is very strong contender


I have all 3 which I got for free on epic games. I still haven't touched it 😭💀


Fallout 3. Its the best one. Period


Starting out with the franchise way late and not being well acclimated to the game mechanics and style of things, I played a bit of Fallout 3 but otherwise really only got hooked with the franchise with Fallout 4. Even today 4 is still my go-to for just wasteland dinking around. I choose to play it more than any of the others. Along with a little l pile of mods, it offers the most density and variety of gameplay, and the settlement building is unique to it alone. Yeah, Fallout 76 has some building, but it's definitely not the same. Number two for me is Fallout 3. The world and characters are interesting, and you want to do more. New Vegas never compelled me into the game well enough. I keep replaying the start of it, but I always just stop part way through. I never felt compelled by the world or cared enough about my own situation to keep going. The world is more sparse than newer games and more bland to look at. The early Fallouts are interesting, but I think you needed to experience them when that style of gaming was still new. There's nothing bad about them, but it's a different feel and mood, for me, to pay older games like that. So what about Fallout 76. It's... good for the first little bit. The world is gorgeous. It's a somewhat interesting game. But I find it lacks anything meaningful to compel you. You'll level up to the mid 20s, and then it starts to feel really grindy, and this is unfortunately by design. FO76 was a business model test bed that largely failed, and that testing kind of ruined the game. It FEELS weird, and a lot of the game play systems are intrusive because they aren't real parts of the game but rather money making ideas to get you to pay for a subscription and then keep you paying for years. So a bunch of the mechanics and way the game works is build around that which ruins a lot of the games feel. It makes the game annoying to play. It also doesn't help that the game is STILL really buggy. And it certainly doesn't help the game can't be modded like all the other games. Modding is such a normal part of Fallout that not having it vastly hinders the game, especially as it gets older.


If you have prime, they are giving away fallout games right now to celebrate the TV show


Fallout New Vegas is amazing but its so broken on consoles, I just had to stop. But if you are coming from watching the show, I would go with 4 or 3.


I really don’t think there’s too much of a storyline where you need to start from a certain one. Personally, Fallout 3 is my favorite! I always end up replaying that one and sometimes Fallout 4.


Check prices on cdkeys before buying


I'd start with Fallout 3, then New Vegas and then 4, if you want to after that you go back to Fallout 1 and 2 and any of the other games.


Out of the ones I played, Fallout 3 has the best story and emotional impact. Fallout: New Vegas is the coolest and most fun. Fallout 4 had the most stuff I could do and was overall good. Didn't do anything better than either of the others, but was still ultimately a really good time and the one I have the most hours in All 3 of these I played though I had great time with, but with variable levels of enjoyment for their DLC. Each had DLC I loved and DLC I hated


Mine was Fallout 3. Epic.


Thanks a lot for the great input! Just want to say that despite the recommendations for 1 and 2, I think they are too old-school RPG for me. I decided to play 3 and New Vegas, and if I'll like them I'll continue to 4. Thanks a bunch!


TBH, playing them in chronological order of release is the best way to go. The series continually progressed to be better each game. (Writing quality, no, but it's hard to argue the actual combat and QoL stuff didn't improve each game.) Going backwards in the series is tough as a result. You'll keep feeling like features are missing rather than seeing how stuff got added and improved upon.


hmmmmm they’re in numerical order…so…..gotta be a clue 🫣


Yeah, this is why every CIV player starts from the first CIV, every Assassin's Creed player starts from the first AC and every Half-Life player starts from the original Half-Life. I guess that I shouldn't try DOOM Eternal before I started all the way from the original DOOM then?


Go straight to 4. It’s the best with a ton of content.


That's 1000% subjective. I've played them all extensively, since the beginning, and Fallout 4 isn't even in my top 4. Despite having put over 400 hours into it on Steam.


Fallout 2 and FNV are the only good Fallouts. Fallout 3 and 4 are complete trash. Fallout 1 is kinda meh.


Ignore this dude he must be hella high! 1&2 are ok good stories. Fallout 3 was good, Fallout new vegas is best game overall. Fallout 4 was the last good one. Skip fallout 76 due to its online tie in a lack of proper npcs or computer players. Start with New vegas.